Depreciable Property and Eligible Capital Property: Solutions To Chapter 5 Assignment Problems
Depreciable Property and Eligible Capital Property: Solutions To Chapter 5 Assignment Problems
Depreciable Property and Eligible Capital Property: Solutions To Chapter 5 Assignment Problems
Depreciable Property and Eligible Capital Property
Type 1 Problems
Add back:
Amortization is added back
Recapture is added back
Book loss on the sale of any asset is added back
TCG added back
CCA is deducted
Book gain on the sale of any asset is deducted
112 Introduction to Federal Income Taxation in Canada
During the year it had the following transactions:
1. It sold the building and moved into rented space. It received proceeds of $250,000 for the building which
had an original cost of $275,000 and a net book value of $180,000.
a. Add recapture of $25,000.
b. Deduct book gain of $70,000 ($250,000 - $180,000)
c. There must have been land sold as well so there is missing information.
d. Ask what would happen if there is another smaller building in this class at another location with an
original cost of $75,000? – Same recapture. Further recapture when remaining building is sold.
2. It sold a class 8 asset for $3,000 which had an original cost of $6,500 and a net book value of $3,600.
a. Credit $3,000 to the pool and continue to claim CCA.
b. Add back the book loss of $600.
3. It bought a class 10 asset for $6,000. It also sold a class 10 asset for $8,000 which had an original cost of
$7,000 and a net book value of $5,500.
a. $6,000 is added to the pool
b. $7,000 (LOCP) is deducted leaving a balance of $19,000 before CCA. The half-year rule does not
apply, since there was not a net addition to the class.
c. There is also a capital gain on the sale of $1,000 but the students haven’t taken that topic yet.
d. Deduct the book gain of $2,500.
4. It sold the class 10.1 asset for $15,000 which had an original cost of $45,000 and a net book value of
a. There is no recapture [13(2)] or terminal loss [20(16.1)] on class 10.1. CCA can be claimed on the
opening balance for the year at ½ of the normal 30% rate in the year of disposition [1100(2.5)].
b. Add back the book loss of $20,000.
Missing Information
Details on the sale of land
Solutions to Chapter 5 Assignment Problems 113
Solution 2: Leasehold Improvements
Leasehold improvements – $250,000 – Class 13
The ideal term would have been an initial term plus the renewal period totaling five, e.g., 1+4, 2+3, 3+2,
Then the deduction would have been $25,000 in the first year and $50,000 in the remaining years. From a
time value of money this has value. If Acme wanted more security, they could have a term of 2+3+10,
giving them 15 years of comfort.
What is included?
New walls, electrical, plumbing or other structural changes to make the space accommodate them.
114 Introduction to Federal Income Taxation in Canada
Solution 3: Luxury Automobile
Seaforth Consulting
No terminal loss [20(16)] or recapture [13(2)] in year of disposal of Class 10.1 asset.
Instead, calculate 50% of the normal CCA for the year [1100(2.5)] then close the class.
HST ITC on $30,000 not $50,000 –> 13% x $20,000 = $2,600 lost.
For accounting purposes there is a book loss of $2,000 ($25,000 - $27,000) on the disposal of the 2011 car which
should be added back on Seaforth’s Schedule 1.
T4 for Judy
2015 – Judy’s T4 will have standby charge on the value of the new car of $50,000 + HST = $56,500.
20,004/20,004 x $56,500 x 2% x 12 months = $13,560. [Could be reduced if she drives > 50% for
Students may get confused by the fact that the corporate year end is August 31 st but they are reporting the taxable
benefit for the 2015 calendar year.
Proceeds of $30,000
116 Introduction to Federal Income Taxation in Canada
Business income to report of $9,565
Solutions to Chapter 5 Assignment Problems 117
Solution 5: Short Fiscal Year
Half-Year Rule [1100(2)]
A) A proprietorship is simply a name for an individual carrying on business by him or herself. The
individual is the taxable entity. As a proprietor her fiscal year is the full calendar year regardless of when she
started in business, since she was in existence throughout the year. Therefore, the short fiscal year rule does
not apply.
B) The incorporation took place on May 1 so, with a December 31 year end, it was only in existence for
245 days. As a result, it must prorate the CCA to reflect this short fiscal period.
Although the equipment was received in 2015, it was not “available for use” until 2016. As a result there is no
CCA available in 2014 for this machine.
In 2016, the machine would be added to Class 29 (50%) with the half year rule applying.
(1) The customer lists purchased for $4,000, which are expected to be usable indefinitely, are eligible capital
(2) She should elect [Reg. 1101(5p)] to include the photocopier in a separate Class 8 from the office
(3) The maximum cost for Class 10.1 is $30,000 (for 2014) plus HST [Reg. 7307(1)(b)]. HST would be
refundable. There is no recapture or terminal loss on the disposition of a Class 10.1 vehicle [subsections 13(2)
and 20(16.1)].
(4) The $30,000 licence to manufacture, based on patented information, “Tax is a Microcosm of Life on
DVD” expiring February 28, 2017 can be treated as:
(a) a Class 44 asset with CCA claimed on a declining-balance basis at the rate of 25%, or
(b) a Class 14 asset with CCA claimed on a straight-line basis over the remaining 1,095-day (3-year) life of
the licence, since Regulation 1103(2h) allows a taxpayer to elect that the property not be included in
Class 44.
Because Class 14 treatment allows for a faster write-off of the cost of the licence, she should elect that the
property not be included in Class 44. Class 14 CCA for 2014 is $30,000 306/1095 days = $8,384. Class 14
CCA for 2015 is $30,000 365/1095 = $10,000.
(5) Some Class 12 items, such as the tools, in this case, are not affected by the half-year rule.
(6) Lesser of: (a) 1/5 capital cost ($9,000) = $1,800
Solutions to Chapter 5 Assignment Problems 121
capital cost $9,000
(b) $1,500
remaining lease term plus first renewal option 33
The CCA for 2014 is $1,500 1/2 306/365 = $629.
The CCA for 2015 is $1,500.
(7) Cl. 10.1: $26,227 .30 1/2 CCA = $3,934 in year of disposition [Reg. 1100(2.5)].
122 Introduction to Federal Income Taxation in Canada
Solution 9: CCA on Change of Use
2013 Acquisition of depreciable capital property on January 20, 2013:
Lesser of [par. 13(7)(b)]:
(i) FMV of the property at January 20, 2013................................................................................ $ 320,000
(ii) the total of:
(A) original cost at the time of change in use..................................................... $ 280,000
(B) FMV of the property at January 20, 2013.............................. $ 320,000
Less the original cost at the time of change in use................ 280,000
Excess, if any....................................................................... $ 40,000
½ of the above excess, if any..................................................................... 20,000 $ 300,000
Lesser amount = UCC at January 20, 2013................................................................................... $ 300,000
CCA claimed (½ $300,000 .04) [no short-year proration]...................................................... (6,000)
UCC at January 1, 2014................................................................................................................ $ 294,000
2014 CCA claimed ($294,000 .04)..................................................................................................... $ (11,760)
UCC at January 1, 2015................................................................................................................ $ 282,240
2015 Disposition of depreciable capital property on June 1, 2015:
Lesser of:
• FMV of the property at June 1, 2015 [par. 13(7)(a)].................................... $ 305,000
• capital cost................................................................................................... $ 300,000
lesser amount.......................................................................................................................... (300,000)
Recapture included in income....................................................................................................... $ (17,760)
(1) The purpose of this problem is to illustrate the application of the change-in-use rules on the calculation
of capital cost allowance. It does not address the treatment of deductions for capital cost allowance in respect of
rental property, nor does it address the principal residence exemption.
(2) The impact of the change-in-use rules on the calculation of a capital gain or loss is as follows:
January 20, 2013 disposition:
Proceeds of disposition.................................................................................................................
$ 320,000
Adjusted cost base........................................................................................................................
Capital gain...................................................................................................................................
$ 40,000
June 1, 2015 disposition:
Proceeds of disposition.................................................................................................................
$ 305,000
Adjusted cost base (January 20, 2013 proceeds)...........................................................................
Decline in value (not deductible)..................................................................................................
$ 15,000
Adjusted cost base subsequent to the change in use......................................................................
$ 305,000
Solutions to Chapter 5 Assignment Problems 123
Solution 10: Eligible Capital Property Transactions
CEC a/c
January 1, 2011 ..................................................................................................................................
$ 11,492
2011 Purchase of licence (3/4 $5,000).............................................................................. 3,750
December 31, 2011 CEC balance............................................................................................................. $ 15,242
CECA @ 7%............................................................................................................. (1,067)
January 1, 2012 CEC balance............................................................................................................. $ 14,175
2012 Sale of licence (3/4 $6,000)..................................................................................... (4,500)
December 31, 2012 CEC balance............................................................................................................. $ 9,675
CECA @ 7%.............................................................................................................(677)
January 1, 2013 CEC balance............................................................................................................. $ 8,998
2013 No transactions......................................................................................................... —
December 31, 2013 CEC balance............................................................................................................. $ 8,998
CECA @ 7%.............................................................................................................(630)
December 31, 2014 CEC balance............................................................................................................. $ 8,368
CECA @ 7%.............................................................................................................(586)
January 1, 2015 CEC balance............................................................................................................. $ 7,782
2015 Sale of band name (3/4 $20,000)............................................................................. (15,000)
December 31, 2015 CEC balance............................................................................................................. $ (7,218)
Business income1..........................................................................................................................
Non-taxable balance 1/3 of “gain” [1/3 ($7,218 – 3,939)]............................................................. 1,093 7,218
January 1, 2016 CEC balance....................................................................................................... Nil
Business income for 2015 is the total of:
a) the lesser of:
i) $7,218 and
ii) $979 + 1,067 + 677 + 630 + 586 = $3,939.................................................................. 3,939
b) 2/3 ($7,218 – 3,939).......................................................................................................... 2,186 2
Proceeds ($6,000 + $20,000)..................................................................................................... $ 26,000
Cost ($500 + $16,128 + $5,000).................................................................................................
Gain............................................................................................................................................ $ 4,372
/2................................................................................................................................................ $ 2,186
124 Introduction to Federal Income Taxation in Canada
Solution 11: Eligible Capital Property Transactions
CEC balance at January 1, 2008 $ 20,865
2008 Purchase of goodwill (3/4 $68,000).............................................................................................. 51,000
Purchase of liquor licence of second restaurant (3/4 $21,133)...................................................... 15,850
Subtotal $ 87,715
CECA balance @ 7%..................................................................................................................... (6,140)
CEC balance at January 1, 2009..................................................................................................... $ 81,575
2009 CECA balance @ 7%..................................................................................................................... (5,710)
CEC balance at January 1, 2010..................................................................................................... $ 75,865
Purchase of franchise (3/4 $103,000)............................................................................................ 77,250
Subtotal $ 153,115
2010 CECA balance @ 7%..................................................................................................................... (10,718)
CEC balance at January 1, 2011..................................................................................................... $ 142,397
20112 CECA balance @ 7%..................................................................................................................... (9,968)
CEC balance at January 1, 2012..................................................................................................... $ 132,429
2012 Disposal of franchise (3/4 $110,000)............................................................................................. (82,500)
Subtotal $ 49,929
CECA balance @ 7%..................................................................................................................... (3,495)
CEC balance at January 1, 2013..................................................................................................... $ 46,434
2013 CECA balance @ 7%..................................................................................................................... (3,250)
CEC balance at January 1, 2014..................................................................................................... $ 43,184
2014 Disposals: Goodwill (3/4 $80,000)................................................................................................ (60,000)
Liquor licence (3/4 $60,000)......................................................................................................... (45,000)
Subtotal ($ 61,816)
Business income inclusion(1)........................................................................................................... 58,099
Non-taxed 1/2 of “gain” [1/3 (i.e., 1/2 2/3) ($61,816 – $50,666)]................................................... 3,717
CEC balance at January 1, 2015..................................................................................................... $ Nil
2015 Disposal of goodwill (3/4 $250,000)............................................................................................. (187,500)
Subtotal (187,500)
Business income inclusion(2)........................................................................................................... 125,000
Non-taxed 1/2 of “gain” [1/3 (i.e., 1/2 2/3) ($187,500 – $0)].......................................................... 62,500
CEC balance at January 1, 2016..................................................................................................... $ Nil
(1) The business income in 2014 is calculated as:
The total of:
(a) the lesser of:
(i) the negative amount............................................................................... $ 61,816
(ii) the total of:
all cumulative eligible capital deductions ............................................. $ 50,666
less: all recaptured deductions in prior years ......................................... (0)
$ 50,666
The lesser is................................................................................................... 50,666
(b) /3 of negative amount less recaptured deductions above [2/3 ($61,816 –
$50,666)]....................................................................................................... 7,433*
Business income........................................................................................................... $ 58,099
(2) The business income in 2015 is calculated as:
The total of:
(a) the lesser of:
(i) the negative amount............................................................................... $ 187,500
(ii) the total of:
all cumulative eligible capital deductions.............................................. $ 50,666
less: all recaptured deductions in prior years.......................................... (50,666)
$ Nil
The lesser is................................................................................................... $ Nil
Solutions to Chapter 5 Assignment Problems 125
(b) /3 of negative amount less recaptured deductions above
[2/3 ($187,500 – $0)]................................................................................... 125,000*
Business income........................................................................................................... $ 125,000
This income number can be reconciled using the concept of a taxable capital gain as follows:
Proceeds ($110,000 + $80,000 + $60,000 + $250,000) $ 500,000
Cost ($43,000 + $68,000 + $21,133 + $103,000) (235,133)
Gain $ 264,867
/2 $ 132,434
Initial “gain” recognized $ 7,433
Second “gain” recognized 125,000
Total $ 132,433
The costs incurred in 2013 with respect to the presentation to the liquor licensing board would be considered
costs of representation and, therefore, fully deductible [par. 20(1)(cc)].
126 Introduction to Federal Income Taxation in Canada
Solution 12: Five Independent Issues
(a) Janice has a terminal loss of $300 on selling her car, but she cannot claim this as subsection 20(16) does
not apply to employees.
(b) The building is a Class 1 asset and the CCA rate is 4%. Applying the half-year rule, Ramesh’s
maximum CCA is 4% of $37,500, or $1,500. As rent is property income and not business income, there is no
proration for number of days, because the taxation year for the owner who is an individual is the full calendar
(c) As each building cost in excess of $50,000, each is a separate class. Consequently, William will have a
recapture on one but will be allowed CCA on the other:
Class 1 Bldg. 1 Bldg. 2
UCC $45,000 $45,000
Disposition — (60,000) (lesser of cost/proceeds)
CCA/Recapture (1,800) 15,000
UCC $43,200 NIL
(d) Land is not a depreciable property. Colin is not allowed any CCA.
(e) The building’s gross proceeds were $75,000 but Randi also paid legal fees of $2,000 on the sale of the
property. The legal fees should be allocated between the land and building based on the selling price ratio. The
building’s proceeds are $73,500 ($75,000 less $1,500 legal fees).
Solutions to Chapter 5 Assignment Problems 127
Solution 13: CCA Schedule
Cl. 1-MB: Cl. 1: Cl. 6: Cl. 8: Cl. 10:
10% 4% 10% 20% 30%
UCC, Jan. 1/15.......................................... $153,000 $ 39,000 $ 170,000
Building............................................ $1,300,000
Steel fence......................................... $ 65,000
Office equipment.............................. 47,000
Radio equipment............................... 60,000
Office equipment.............................. (1,950)
Building............................................ (390,000)(1)
UCC, Dec. 31/15 before adjustment......... $1,300,000 $ (237,000) $ 65,000 $ 144,050 $ 170,000
½ net amount............................................ (650,000) — (32,500) (52,525)(2) (Nil)
UCC before CCA ..................................... $650,000 $(237,000) $ 32,500 $ 91,525 $ 170,000
CCA or recapture for 2015........................ (65,000) 237,000(1) (3,250) (18,305) (51,000)
½ net amount............................................ 650,000 — 32,500 52,525(2) Nil
UCC for Jan. 1/2016................................. $1,235,000 Nil $ 61,750 $ 125,745 $ 119,000
Cl. 13: Cl. 14: Cl. 17: Cl. 29:
SL SL 8% 50% SL
UCC, Jan. 1/15................................................................. $ 165,000 $ 87,393
Parking lot................................................................ $97,000
Leasehold improvement........................................... 51,000
Manufacturing equipment......................................... $ 255,000
Licence..................................................................... 240,000
UCC, Dec. 31/15 before adjustment................................. $ 216,000 $ 327,393 $97,000 $ 255,000
½ net amount.................................................................... — N/A (48,500) (127,500)
UCC before CCA ............................................................ $ 216,000 $ 327,393 $48,500 $ 127,500
CCA for 2015................................................................... (28,700)(3) (62,341)(4) (3,880) (63,750)
½ net amount.................................................................... — N/A 48,500 127,500
UCC for Jan. 1/2016......................................................... $ 187,300 $ 265,052 $ 93,120 $ 191,250
CEC a/c
Opening balance....................................... —
/4 ECE (legal fees)(5).............................. $ 25,875
Balance..................................................... $ 25,875
CECA @ 7%............................................. (1,811)
Balance..................................................... $ 24,064
(1) Capital gain on building of $178,000 (i.e., $568,000 - $390,000); recapture of $237,000.
(2) ($47,000 + $60,000 – $1,950) ½
(3) 2013: lesser of (a)
$81,600 ...........................................................................$13,600
5 1
2014: lesser of (a)
$100,000 ...........................................................................$10,000
128 Introduction to Federal Income Taxation in Canada
2015: lesser of (a)
$51,000 ½ in first year........................................... $5,100
3 1
Total CCA ...................................................................................................................................... $ 28,700
(4) Licences..................... 365 days .................................................................. $ 22,100
5 365 * *
Licence...................... 306 * * * ...................................................................... 40,241
5 365
Total....................................................................................................................................................... $ 62,341
** Remaining days from April 22, 2013 (excluding leap year effects) of five-year licences.
*** Class 14 is not affected by the half-net-amount rule [Regulation 1100(2)(a)].
(5) Legal fees pertaining to the capital structure of the firm would be treated like incorporation costs as
eligible capital expenditures.
Solutions to Chapter 5 Assignment Problems 129
Appliances &
fixtures(3) Class
8: 20%
UCC January 1, 2014.................................................................................................................. $ 7,250
2014 Less: disposal (proceeds not in excess of cost)........................................................................... 2,600
UCC December 31, 2014............................................................................................................ $ 4,650
Terminal loss.............................................................................................................................. (4,650)
UCC January 1, 2015.................................................................................................................. Nil
2015 Add: capital cost of new appliances and fixtures........................................................................ $ 46,400
UCC December 31, 2015............................................................................................................ $ 46,400
CCA claimed for 2015 @ 20% of [$46,400 – (1/2 $46,400)].................................................... (4,640)
UCC January 1, 2016.................................................................................................................. $ 41,760
(1) IT-259R4, paragraph 3 appears to require that even if a replacement property is purchased in the
subsequent taxation year before the tax return is due for the year of disposition (i.e., before April 30, 2014 in this
case), the recapture must be reported for the year of disposition. Then an amended return can be filed to
implement subsection 13(4) when the replacement is purchased within the allowable time limit.
(2) Note how the rules [ssec. 13(4)] allow for a replacement with an asset of another class, i.e., a separate
class for a rental property costing more than $50,000, in this case.
Solutions to Chapter 5 Assignment Problems 131
(3) Even if the equipment had been considered part of the involuntary disposition there would not have been
any recapture to defer.
132 Introduction to Federal Income Taxation in Canada
Type 2 Problems
* Note to instructors: Subsection 13(21.1) will not apply because there is no capital gain on the land.
Schedule 1: Class 13
2013 Improvements:
Lesser of: (a) /5 capital cost: = $9,000
capital cost $45,000
(b) = $5,000
remaining lease term plus first renewal option 45
Solutions to Chapter 5 Assignment Problems 133
The lesser amount is $5,000.
134 Introduction to Federal Income Taxation in Canada
2015 Improvements:
Lesser of: (a) /5 capital cost: = $5,600
capital cost $28,000
(b) = $4,000
remaining lease term plus first renewal option 25
The lesser amount is $4,000.
The CCA for 2015 is $4,000 1/2 = $2,000
The total CCA for the 2013 and 2015 improvements is $5,000 + $2,000 = $7,000.
Schedule 2: Class 44
The $20,000 licence to use patented information which expires June 30, 2025 can be treated as a Class 44 or
Class 14 asset on an elective basis. The 2015 CCA in class 44 is $20,000 25% 1/2 = $2,500.
Class 44 treatment allows for a faster write-off and is automatic. Class 14 treatment, which is possible if a
taxpayer elects [Reg. 1103(2h)] not to have Class 44 apply, allows for CCA claim computed on a straight-line
basis over the 3,650-day life of the licences.
The 2015 Class 14 claim would only be $20,000 184/3,650 = $1,008. The Class 44 CCA is, therefore,
Class 44 treatment is therefore recommended.
Items not Adjusted for in the Reconciliation:
— $9,000 loss from a theft by warehouse employee is deductible according to Income Tax folio S3-F9-C1
par. 1.35 and Cassidy’s Limited v. M.N.R., 89 DTC 686 (T.C.C.).
— $62,000 paid to employees on May 31, 2015 is paid before the 179-day deadline (1) in subsection 78(4)
and is deductible providing there is a legal obligation to pay it.
— A $15,000 year-end party for all employees is exempted from the 50% rule [par. 67.1(2)(e)].
— $18,000 of interest on bonds issued to buy shares in another company is deductible [par. 20(1)(c)].
— $50,000 of interest on the mortgage on the new plant is deductible [par. 20(1)(c)].
(1) IT-109R2 paragraph 10 permits payment to be made on the 180th day without invoking subsection 78(4).
Solutions to Chapter 5 Assignment Problems 135
Type 3 Problems