PP - MDK373 Exxonmobil Exxtral

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EXXTRALD 1 hema Engineered Polypropylene MDK373 Mineral-filled Injection Molding Resin Homopolymer, Natural : Description ‘A 40% mineral‘ed resin or appliance applications It iss long-term heat aging grade Resin Properties Matt Flow Rate (280°G72 16 5g) Dansiy ‘Mechanical Propertoe ‘Tensile Stenaih @ Yels D636 33kpel Zura {2iintrin, 50 meminin) Flowural Modulus, 1% Secant D7G0A 330 Kost 2275 MPa (0.05 iin 4.2 min) _ taod impact Strength D286 10 fbn 33 sin Notched, @ 29°C (73°F) Method € Thermal Properties Heat Deflection Temperature Deis @ 66 psi, 455K Peed ure } “Typical Processing Terperaure 20-4655" 2S "Values van are pica an sou nt be ieraied a epestcaon FDA Status For applications raqunng FDA certicaten, please contact your ExxonMobil representative for compliance information| UL iQ for Plastics Yellow Card (QMFZ2 Component - Plastics EXXONMOBIL CHEMICAL CO £3501 KATY PUY HOUSTON TX 77079 Friday, October 24, 2003 Material Designation: MDK-373(bb)(h)(1) Product Description: Polypropylene (PP), designated "EXXTRAL" furnisned as pellets color Min. Thiek. (mm) Nc 1s cm TEC CTI: - Dietectrie strength (kvm): - 150 Tensile Strength (NP): - 150 Tensile Impact (O/m?): ~ >) Flame HWI HAI RTI RTI RID Class Elec Imp Str WB 6s 6S gs: HVTR: - pags: - Volume Resistivity (10%um-in):- 350 Flexural Strength (Sa) 150 Tzod Impact (X/m?): ~ Page 1 of 1 £31790 Tec wir EC GWET TEC Ball Pressure (°C) Dimensional Stability(%): - 1180 Heat Deflection (°C): ~ 150 Charpy mpact (en): - Hay be supplied as two components, identified as MDX373A and PP1052, to be blended In 267/33 ratio by the molder prior to use Subjected to detergents, bleach and solutions typically used in fluid containing parts of laundry equloment. o ‘Subjected to simulated environmental abrasion tests per UL 560. Report Date: 7/8/1988 Underwriters Laboratories Inc ULS¢ small-sale test data does not pertain to building materials, furnishings and related contents. UL 94 small-scale test data is tended soley for devermining the fammabilty 0 plastic materials used In eomponents and Ports of end-product devices and ‘applances, where the ecceptabilty of the combination i determined by UIT [nttp:/data ul com/ULiQ_MyLink/eard asp?[card}-2307268[AskF ile}-E31790&[AskCompany]=exxon 10/7/2005

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