RTP 102 Polypropylene (PP) Glass Fiber: Product Data Sheet & General Processing Conditions
RTP 102 Polypropylene (PP) Glass Fiber: Product Data Sheet & General Processing Conditions
RTP 102 Polypropylene (PP) Glass Fiber: Product Data Sheet & General Processing Conditions
RTP 102
Polypropylene (PP)
Glass Fiber
Primary Additive 15 % 15 %
Specific Gravity 1.00 1.00 D 792
Melt Flow Rate
@ 230 °C, / 2.16 kg 3.50 g/10 min 3.50 g/10 min D 1238
Molding Shrinkage
1/8 in (3.2 mm) section 0.0030 - 0.0070 in/in 0.30 - 0.70 % D 955
Deflection Temperature
@ 264 psi (1820 kPa) 225 °F 107 °C D 648
@ 66 psi (455 kPa) 295 °F 146 °C D 648
Ignition Resistance*
Flammability** HB @ 1/16 in HB @ 1.5 mm D 635
This inf ormation is intended to be used only as a guideline f or designers and processors of modif ied thermoplastics. Because design and processing is
complex, a set solution will not solv e all problems. Observ ation on a “trial and error” basis may be required to achiev e desired results.
Data are obtained f rom specimens molded under caref ully controlled conditions f rom representativ e samples of the compound described herein.
Properties may be materially af f ected by molding techniques applied and by the size and shape of the item molded. No assurance can be implied that all
molded articles will hav e the same properties as those listed.
No inf ormation supplied by RTP Company constitutes a warranty regarding product perf ormance or use. Any inf ormation regarding perf ormance or use is