Advanced CAD/CAM Differential Geometry: Curves and Surfaces: Kwanghee Ko
Advanced CAD/CAM Differential Geometry: Curves and Surfaces: Kwanghee Ko
Advanced CAD/CAM Differential Geometry: Curves and Surfaces: Kwanghee Ko
Kwanghee Ko
Part of the materials in this lecture note was permitted for use in class by Professor N. M. Patrikalakis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA
Bibliography 33
Chapter 1
Suppose that we have an implicit curve f (x, y) = 0. The properties are summarized
as follows:
Figure 1.1: (a) Descartes, (b) Hyperbola
Example: If a circle is √
represented by an explicit equation, it must
√ be divided into two
segments, with y = + r2 − x2 for the upper half and y = − r2 − x2 for the lower
half, see Figure 1.2. This kind of segmentation creates cases which are inconvenient in
geometric modeling.
y = + r 2 − x2
o x
y = − r2 − x2
Note: The derivative of y = x at the origin x = 0 is infinite, see Figure 1.3.
Figure 1.3: Vertical slopes for explicit curves involve non-polynomial functions.
• Parametric curve: A curve can be defined using a parameter. For example, we have (x, y),
each component of which is defined by x = x(t), y = y(t), t1 ≤ t ≤ t2 . 2D coordinates
(x, y) can be expressed as functions of a parameter t. An example of a parametric curve
is x = a cos(t), y = a sin(t), 0 ≤ t < 2π. The properties of the parametric curve
representation are as follows:
Given x(t) = x0 we solve for t, which is given to y(t) = y0 . We need to solve a nonlinear
equation to check if a point lies on the curve. Explicit curve y = x can be expressed as
x = t2 , y = t (t ≥ 0).
(2t, 1)
r = (t2 , t), ṙ = (2t, 1), t= √ , t = 0, t = (0, 1)
4t2 + 1
1.1.2 Space curves
• Implicit curves
In 3D, a single equation generally represents a surface. For example x2 + y 2 + z 2 = a2 is
a sphere. Thus, the curve appears as the intersection of two surfaces.
F (x, y, z) = 0 ∩ G(x, y, z) = 0
Using v = tan 2t
t 1 − cos t 1 − cos t
v = tan = ⇒ v2 =
2 1 + cos t 1 + cos t
1 − v2 2v
⇒ cos t = 2
⇒ sin t =
1+v 1 + v2
Therefore the following parametrization will give the same circular helix.
1 − v2 2av
r= a , , 2b tan−1 v , 0≤v<∞
1 + v2 1 + v2
>> a= 2;
>> b = 3;
>> u = [0 : 6 * pi / 100 : 6 * pi];
>> plot3(a * cos(u), a * sin(u), b * u)
>> xlabel(’X’);
>> ylabel(’Y’);
>> zlabel(’Z’);
>> print(’’)
1 2
0 1
Y −2 −2
1.2 Arc length
Figure 1.5: A segment ∆r connecting two point p and q on a parametric curve r(t).
Consider a curve in 3D space with two points p and q as shown in Figure 1.5. First, let us
express the vector ∆r connecting two points p and q on an arc at parametric locations t and
t + ∆t, respectively, as
∆r = p − q = r(t + ∆t) − r(t).
As p and q become infinitesimally close, the length of the segment connecting the two points
approaches the arc length between the two points along the curve, r(t) and r(t + ∆t). Or using
Taylor’s expansion on the norm (length) of the segment ∆r and letting ∆t → 0, we can express
the differential arc length as
dr dr
∆s ' |∆r| = |r(t + ∆t) − r(t)| = | ∆t + O(∆t2 )| ' | |∆t.
dt dt
Thus as ∆t → 0
ds = | |dt = |ṙ|dt.
≡ ˙
≡ 0
Hence the rate of change dt of the arc length s with respect to the parameter t is
ds q 2
= ẋ (t) + ẏ 2 (t) + ż 2 (t) (1.1)
dt is called the parametric speed. It is, by definition, non-negative (s being measured always
in the sense of increasing t).
If the parametric speed does not vary significantly, parameter values t0 , t1 , · · · , tN corre-
sponding to a uniform increment ∆t = tk − tk−1 , will be evenly distributed along the curve, as
illustrated in Figure 1.6.
ds y
dt t5
t2 t3 t4
Parameter Space t1
t x
t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5
Figure 1.6: When parametric speed does not vary, parameter values are uniformly spaced along
a parametric curve.
The arc length of a segment of the curve between points r(to ) and r(t) can be obtained as
Z tq Z t√
s(t) = ẋ2 (t) + ẏ 2 (t) + ż 2 (t)dt = ṙ · ṙdt (1.2)
to to
Derivatives of arc length s w.r.t. parameter t and vice versa :
ds √
ṡ = = |ṙ| = ṙ · ṙ (1.3)
dṡ ṙ · r̈
s̈ = =√ (1.4)
dt ṙ · ṙ
··· ds̈ (ṙ · ṙ)(ṙ· r +r̈ · r̈) − (ṙ · r̈)2
s = = 3 (1.5)
dt (ṙ · ṙ) 2
dt 1 1
t0 = = =√ (1.6)
ds |ṙ| ṙ · ṙ
dt 0 ṙ · r̈
t00 = =− (1.7)
ds (ṙ · ṙ)2
000 dt00 (r̈ · r̈ + ṙ· r)(ṙ · ṙ) − 4(ṙ · r̈)2
t = =− 7 (1.8)
ds (ṙ · ṙ) 2
Unit tangent vector
ṙ dr
t= = dt
= ≡ r0 (1.10)
|ṙ| dt
Definition : A parametric curve is said to be regular if |ṙ(t)| =
6 0 for all t ∈ I. The points
where |ṙ(t)| = 0 are called irregular (singular) points.
Note that at irregular points the parametric speed is zero.
Example: semi-cubical parabola r(t) = (t2 , t3 ), see Figure 1.7
ṙ(t) = (2t, 3t2 )
p q
|ṙ(t)| = 4t2 + 9t4 = t2 (4 + 9t2 )
when t = 0, |ṙ(t)| = 0
Figure 1.7: A singular point occurs on a semi-cubical parabola in the form of a cusp.
Here are some useful formulae for computing the unit tangent vector:
• 3D Parametric curve r(t)
dr dr dt ṙ (ẋ, ẏ, ż)
t = r0 = = = =p 2
ds dt ds |ṙ| ẋ + ẏ 2 + ż 2
Example: For a circular helix r(t) = (a cos t, a sin t, bt)
• Parametric speed
ds q
= |ṙ(t)| = ẋ2 (t) + ẏ 2 (t) + ż 2 (t)
ṙ(t) = (−a sin t, a cos t, b)
p The curve is regular and has
|ṙ(t)| = a2 + b2 = c = const ⇒
good parametrization.
r’(s) r’(s+∆s)
r’(s) r’(s+∆s)−r’(s)=∆θ
n ∆θ
center of
Let us consider the second derivative r00 (s), see Figure 1.8.
r0 (s + ∆s) − r0 (s)
r00 (s) = lim (1.17)
∆s→0 ∆s
As ∆s → 0 r0 (s + ∆s) − r0 (s) becomes perpendicular to the tangent vector i.e. normal
∆θ ρ 1
|r00 (s)| = lim = lim = ≡κ (1.18)
∆s→0 ∆s ∆s→0 ∆θ ρ
κ is called the curvature. It follows that
ez κ<0
y n
inflection t
(−ẏ, ẋ)
n = ez × t = p 2 , ez = (0, 0, 1) (1.23)
ẋ + ẏ 2
ẋÿ − ẏẍ
κ = 3 (1.24)
(ẋ2 + ẏ 2 ) 2
• 2D implicit curve f (x, y) = 0
(fx , fy ) ∇f
n = ez × t = q = (1.25)
fx2 + fy2 |∇f |
(−ẏ, 1)
n = ez × t = p (1.27)
1 + ẏ 2
κ = 3 (1.28)
(1 + ẏ 2 ) 2
t n t : osculating plane
b n : normal plane
y b t : rectifying plane
Figure 1.10: The tangent, normal, and binormal vectors define an orthogonal coordinate system
along a space curve.
b=t×n (1.29)
We have
The osculating plane can be defined as the plane passing through three consecutive points
on the curve. The rate of change of the osculating plane is expressed by the vector
d dt dn
b0 = (t × n) = ×n+t× = t × n0 (1.30)
ds ds ds
where we used the fact that dt
ds = r00 = κn.
From n · n = 1 → differentiate w.r.t. s → 2n0 · n = 0 → n0 ⊥ n
Thus n0 is parallel to the rectifying plane (b, t), and n0 can be expressed as a linear com-
bination of b and t.
n0 = µt + τ b (1.31)
b0 = t × (µt + τ b) = τ t × b = −τ b × t = −τ n (1.32)
(abc) = a · (b × c) = (a × b) · c (1.34)
b ax ay az
a a (bxc)= bx by bz
c cx cy cz
t0 = κn (1.36)
b = −τ n (1.37)
How about n0 ?
Thus, the curve is completely determined by its curvature and torsion as a function of
parameter s. The equations κ = κ(s), τ = τ (s) are called intrinsic equations. The for-
mulae 1.39 are known as the Serret-Frenet Formulae and describe the motion of moving a
trihedron (t, n, b) along the curve.
Intuitively, we can form a curve in R3 by bending and twisting a straight line. Here,
’bending’ creates a curvature and ’twisting’ a torsion. This way of construction of a curve leads
us to understand that the curvature and the torsion describe completely the local behavior of
the curve in R3 . Then we have the following fundamental theorem of the local theory of curves
Theorem 1.6.1 Given differentiable functions κ(s) > 0 and τ (s), s ∈ I, there exists a regular
parametrized curve α : I → R3 such that s is the arc length, κ(s) is the curvature, and τ (s) is
the torsion of α. Moreover, any other curve ᾱ satisfying the same conditions, differs from α by
a rigid motion; that is, there exists an orthogonal linear map ρ of R3 , with positive determinant,
and a vector c such that ᾱ = ρ · α + c.
Example: Determining the shape of a curve from curvature information and boundary
conditions only.
κ= = const
We find
dt n
= (1.40)
ds R
dn t
=− (1.41)
ds R
If we differentiate Equation 1.40 with respect to s,
d2 t 1 dn
= . (1.42)
ds R ds
Now, substitute Equation 1.42 into Equation 1.41
d2 t t
+ 2 = 0. (1.43)
ds R
Recognizing that t = ds , we can change variables from t to r, transforming Equation 1.43
d3 r 1 dr
+ R2 ds
! or ! !
d3 x(s) 1 d x(s) 0
+ R2 ds
= (1.44)
y(s) y(s) 0
The solution to Equation 1.44 is
! !
s s
x(s) = C1 + C2 cos + C3 sin (1.45)
! !
s s
y(s) = C10 + C20 cos + C30 sin (1.46)
Assume we are given suitable initial conditions or boundary conditions. For this example,
we will use:
x(0) = R x0 (0) = 0 x00 (0) = − (1.47)
y(0) = 0 y 0 (0) = 1 y 00 (0) = 0 (1.48)
C1 = C3 = 0 C2 = R (1.49)
C10 = C20 =0 C30 =R (1.50)
a s a s b
r0 (s) = (− sin , cos , )
c c c c c
a s a s
r00 (s) = (− cos , − 2 sin , 0)
c2 c c c
a s a s
r000 (s) = ( 3
sin , − 3 cos , 0)
c c c c
a2 2 s 2 s a2
κ2 = r00 · r00 = (cos + sin ) = = constant
c4 c c c4
(r0 r00 r000 ) (r0 r00 r000 )
τ = =
r00 · r00 κ2
− a sin s a
cos sc b
c c c c
c a
= − 2 cos sc − ca2 sin sc 0
a2 c
3 sin s − ca3 cos sc
c c 0
c4 b a2 s s
= ( (cos2 + sin2 ))
a2 c c5 c c
= = constant
Note: when b > 0, it is a right-handed helix;
when b < 0, it is a left-handed helix.
1.7 Selected Topics of Global Properties of Plane Curves
• A differentiable function on a closed interval [a, b] is the restriction of a differentiable
function defined on an open interval containing [a, b].
• A closed plane curve is a regular parametrized curve α : [a, b] → R2 such that α and all
its derivatives agree at a and b; that is,
α(a) = α(b), α0 (a) = α0 (b), α00 (a) = α00 (b), · · · . (1.53)
• The curve α is simple if it has no further self-intersections; that is, if t1 , t2 ∈ [a, b), t1 6= t2 ,
then α(t1 ) 6= α(t2 ).
• For a simple closed plane curve we have the isoperimetric inequality property as follows:
Theorem 1.7.1 Let C be a simple closed plane curve with length l, and let A be the area
of the region bounded by C. Then
l2 − 4πA ≤ 0, (1.54)
and equality holds if and only if C is a circle.
• A vertex of a regular plane curve α : [a, b] → R2 is a point t ∈ [a, b] where κ0 = 0. Then
we have the four-vertex theorem.
Theorem 1.7.2 A simple closed convex curve has at least four vertices.
• Theorem 1.7.3 Let C be a regular plane curve with length l. The measure of the set of
straight lines (counted with multiplicities) which meet C is equal to 2l.
This theorem can be used to estimate lengths of curves. Consider a family of parallel
straight lines such that two consecutive lines are at a distance r. Rotate this family by
angles of π4 , 2π 3π
4 , 4 in order to obtain four families of straight lines. Let n be the number
of intersection points of a curve C with all these lines. Then the length of C can be
approximated by
1 π
length(C) = nr . (1.55)
2 4
Example [1]
Figure 1.12: Example figure
Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction
Differential geometry is concerned with those properties of surfaces which depend on their
behavior in a neighborhood of a point [1]. For this purpose, we need a mathematical definition
of a surface which is presented in the following section.
Definition 2.2.1 A subset S ⊂ R3 is a regular surface if, for each p ∈ S, there exists a
neighborhood V in R3 and a map x : U → V ∩ S of an open set U ⊂ R2 onto V ∩ S ⊂ R3
such that
1. x is differentiable.
2. x is a homeomorphism.
• Explicit surfaces
If the implicit equation F (x, y, z) = 0 can be solved for one of the variables as a function
of the other two, we obtain an explicit surface, as shown in Figure 2.2. Example: z =
1 2 2
2 (αx + βy )
Figure 2.1: Ellipsoid.
Figure 2.2: Explicit quadratic surfaces z = 12 (αx2 + βy 2 ). (a) Left: Hyperbolic paraboloid
(α = −3, β = 1). (b) Right: Elliptic paraboloid (α = 1, β = 3).
• Parametric surfaces x = x(u, v), y = y(u, v), z = z(u, v)
Here functions x(u, v), y(u, v), z(u, v) have continuous partial derivatives of the rth order,
and the parameters u and v are restricted to some intervals (i.e., u1 ≤ u ≤ u2 , v1 ≤ v ≤ v2 )
leading to parametric surface patches. This rectangular domain D of u, v is called
parametric space and it is frequently the unit square, see Figure 2.3.
The rigorous mathematical definition of a parametrized surface is given as follows:
If derivatives of the surface are continuous up to the rth order, the surface is said to be
of class r, denoted C r .
In vector notation:
r = r(u, v)
where r = (x, y, z), r(u, v) = (x(u, v), y(u, v), z(u, v))
r = (u + v, u − v, u2 + v 2 )
x=u+v 1
y =u−v ⇒ eliminate u, v ⇒ z = (x2 + y 2 ) paraboloid
z = u2 + v 2
v z
u y
Parametric Space D 3D Space
Figure 2.3: The mapping of a curve in 2D parametric space onto a 3D bi-parametric surface
β̇(t) = (u̇(t), v̇(t)) A tangent vector of a curve on a surface is given by:
dr(u(t), v(t))
By using the chain rule:
dr(u(t), v(t)) ∂r du ∂r dv
= + = ru u̇(t) + rv v̇(t) (2.2)
dt ∂u dt ∂v dt
= Edu2 + 2F dudv + Gdv 2 (2.3)
E = ru · ru , F = ru · rv , G = rv · rv (2.4)
The first fundamental form is defined as
I = dr · dr = (ru du + rv dv) · (ru du + rv dv)
= Edu2 + 2F dudv + Gdv 2 (2.5)
E, F , G are called first fundamental form coefficients Note that E = ru · ru > 0 and G =
rv · rv > 0 if ru 6= 0 and rv 6= 0. The first fundamental form I is positive definite. That is I ≥ 0
and I = 0 if and only if du = 0 and dv = 0 since
1 EG − F 2 2
I= (E du + F dv)2 + dv and EG − F 2 = |ru × rv |2 > 0.
I depends only on the surface and not on the parametrization.
The area of the surface can be derived as follows:
r(u0 , v0 + δv) − r(u0 , v0 ) ' δv
r(u0 + δu, v0 ) − r(u0 , v0 ) ' δu
r(u0,v0+δv) r(u0+δu,v0)
r(u0,v0+δv)−r(u0,v0) r(u0+δu,v0)−r(u0,v0)
p Z Z p
δA = EG − F 2 δuδv, A= EG − F 2 dudv (2.8)
Example: For the hyperbolic paraboloid r(u, v) = (u, v, u2 −v 2 ), let us derive an expression
for the area of a region of its surface corresponding to a the circle u2 + v 2 ≤ 1 in the parametric
domain D.
We begin by forming expressions for the derivatives of the position vector r and the first
fundamental form coefficients.
ru = (1, 0, 2u)
rv = (0, 1, −2v)
E = ru · ru = 1 + 4u2
F = ru · rv = −4uv
G = rv · rv = 1 + 4v 2
To compute the area, we need to evaluate the double integral over the unit disk u2 + v 2 ≤ 1
in the parametric domain D;
Z Z p
A= 1 + 4u2 + 4v 2 du dv.
u2 +v 2 ≤1
Z Z p
A = 1 + 4r2 r dr dθ
Z 2π Z 1 p
= 1 + 4r2 r dr dθ
0 0
π √
= (5 5 − 1)
The tangent plane also allows us to speak of the angle of two intersecting surfaces at a point
of intersection [1]. Namely, the angle of two intersecting surfaces at an intersection point is the
angle of their tangent planes (or their normal lines) at the point.
Tp ru
α u
usinαsinv y
x usinαcosv
The differential dNp of N at p ∈ S is a linear map from Tp (S) to TN (p) (S2 ). Since Tp (S) and
TN (p) (S2 ) are parallel planes, dNp can be looked upon as a linear map on Tp (S). dNp measures
how N pulls away from N(q) in a neighborhood of p. In the case of curves, this measure is
given by a number, the curvature. In the case of surfaces, this measure is characterized by a
linear map.
2.8 Second fundamental form II (curvature)
We start with two definitions as follows:
Definition 2.8.1 The quadratic form II, defined in Tp (S) by IIp (v) = − < dNp (v), v >,
v ∈ Tp (S), is called the second fundamental form of S at p.
kg k
As shown in Figure 2.8, the curvatures of a surface S can be quantified in the following
way: We consider a curve C on S which passes through point P as shown in Figure 2.8. t is
the unit tangent vector and n is the unit normal vector of the curve C at point P .
= κn = kn + kg (2.13)
kn = κn N (2.14)
where kn is the normal curvature vector normal to the surface, kg is the geodesic curvature
vector tangent to the surface, and k = κn is the curvature vector of the curve C at point P.
κn is called the normal curvature of the surface at P in the direction t.
From the definition, we have
The second fundamental form IIp can be interpreted in the following way: Consider a
regular curve C ⊂ S parametrized by α(s), where s is the arc length of C, and with α(0) = p.
We denote the restriction of the normal vector N to the curve α(s) by N(s). Then we have
< N(s), α00 (s) >= − < N0 (s), α0 (s) > . (2.17)
Namely, the value of the second fundamental form IIp for a unit vector v ∈ Tp (S) is equal to
the normal curvature of a regular curve passing through p and tangent to v.
Meusnier’s Theorem : All curves lying on a surface S passing through a given point
p ∈ S with the same tangent line have the same normal curvature at this point.
Since N · t = 0, differentiate w.r.t. s
(N · t) = N0 · t + N · t0
dt dN dr dN
· N = −t · =− · (2.18)
ds ds ds ds
Recognizing that ds · ds = dx2 + dy 2 + dz 2 = dr · dr, we can rewrite Equation 2.18 as:
dt dr · dN
·N = =−
ds dr · dr
while · N = κn · N ≡ κn
center of curvature N
center of curvature
(a) (b)
II L + 2M λ + N λ2
κn = = (2.19)
I E + 2F λ + Gλ2
where λ = du .
Suppose P is a point on a surface and Q is a point in the neighborhood of P , as in
Figure 2.10. Taylor’s expansion gives
r(u + du, v + dv) = r(u, v) + ru du + rv dv + (ruu du2 + 2ruv dudv + rvv dv 2 ) + H.O.T. (2.20)
N r=r(u,v)
PQ = r(u + du, v + dv) − r(u, v) = ru du + rv dv + (ruu du2 + 2ruv dudv + rvv dv 2 ) + H.O.T.
Thus, the projection of PQ onto N
d = PQ · N = (ru du + rv dv) · N + II
and since ru · N = rv · N = 0, we get
1 1
d = II = (Ldu2 + 2M dudv + N dv 2 )
2 2
We want to observe in which situation d is positive and negative. When d = 0
Ldu2 + 2M dudv + N dv 2 = 0
Solve for du
p √
−M ± (M dv)2 − LN dv 2 −M ± M 2 − LN
du = = dv (2.21)
P Tp
Tp P P
Figure 2.11: (a) Elliptic point; (b) Parabolic point; (c) Hyperbolic point.
• If M 2 −LN < 0, there is no real root. That means there is no intersection between the surface
and its tangent plane except at point P . P is called elliptic point (Figure 2.11(a)).
• If M 2 − LN = 0, there is a double root. The surface intersects its tangent plane with one line
du = − M
L dv, which passes through point P . P is called parabolic point (Figure 2.11(b)).
• If M 2 − LN > 0, there
√ are two roots. The surface intersects its tangent plane with two
−M ± M 2 −LN
lines du = L dv, which intersect at point P . P is called hyperbolic point
(Figure 2.11(c)).
2.9 Principal curvatures
For each p ∈ S, there exists an orthonormal basis {e1 , e2 } of Tp (S) such that dNp (e1 ) = −κ1 e1 ,
dNp (e2 ) = −κ2 e2 . Moreover, κ1 and κ2 (κ1 ≥ κ2 ) are the maximum and minimum of the second
fundamental form IIp restricted to the unit circle of Tp (S). That is, they are the extreme values
of the normal curvature at p.
Definition 2.9.1 The maximum normal curvature κ1 and the minimum normal curvature κ2
are called the principal curvatures at p; the corresponding directions, that is, the directions
given by the eigenvectors e1 , e2 , are called principal directions at p.
From this we have the following definition.
Definition 2.9.2 If a regular connected curve C on S is such that for all p ∈ C the tangent
line of C is a principal direction at p, then C is said to be a line of curvature of S.
The extreme values of κn can be obtained by evaluating dλ = 0 of Equation 2.19, which
(E + 2F λ + Gλ2 )(N λ + M ) − (L + 2M λ + N λ2 )(Gλ + F ) = 0 (2.22)
E + 2F λ + Gλ2 = (E + F λ) + λ(F + Gλ),
L + 2M λ + N λ2 = (L + M λ) + λ(M + N λ)
equation (2.22) can be reduced to
(E + F λ)(M + N λ) = (L + M λ)(F + Gλ) (2.23)
L + 2M λ + N λ2 M + Nλ L + Mλ
κn = 2
= = (2.24)
E + 2F λ + Gλ F + Gλ E + Fλ
Therefore κn satisfies the two simultaneous equations
(L − κn E)du + (M − κn F )dv = 0
(M − κn F )du + (N − κn G)dv = 0 (2.25)
These equations can be simultaneously satisfied if and only if
L−κ E M − κn F
=0 (2.26)
M − κn F N − κn G
Definition 2.9.3 Let p ∈ S and let dNp : Tp (S) → Tp (S) be the differential of the Gauss
map. The determinant of dNp is the Gaussian curvature K of S at p. The negative of half of
the trace of dNp is called the mean curvature H of S at p.
D = H2 − K
(EN + GL − 2F M )2 − 4(EG − F 2 )(LN − M 2 )
4(EG − F 2 )2
The denominator is always positive, so we only need to investigate the numerator. The numer-
ator can be written as:
Thus, D ≥ 0.
Upon solving Equation (2.29) for the extreme values of curvature, we have:
κmax = H + H2 − K (2.30)
κmin = H − H2 −K (2.31)
From this definition, we can conclude that if all points of a connected surface S are umbilical
points, then S is either contained in a sphere or in a plane.
Figure 2.12: Curvature map of a torus showing elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic regions.
[1] P. M. do Carmo. Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Engle-
wood Cliffs, NJ, 1976.
[3] M. M. Lipschutz. Theory and Problems of Differential Geometry. Schaum’s Outline Series:
McGraw-Hill, 1969.