A.sahaya Pratheesh Fero 1
A.sahaya Pratheesh Fero 1
A.sahaya Pratheesh Fero 1
Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).
Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.
Part 1: Background
* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be
Learner number: 00587998 Learner name: Sahaya Pratheesh Antony Pillai Page 1 of 29
You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.
Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.
I started looking on to ILO conventions(C 167) and recommendations (R 175) related to construction activities and I also used the Indian cons
and acts like BOCW Act 1996,Factories act 1948 to ensure that all the legal requirements are met.
At the work place I carried out this risk assessment by referring the internal sources that are available with In the organizations such as past 6
records, medical records, inspection records to identify the gaps in the health and safety management system
Outline how the risk
assessment was carried
out this should include: I used different hazard identification methods like Task analysis, referring the User manual and MSDS provided by the manufacturer to ident
• sources of risks associated with the machineries and hazardous substances used in the workplace.
• who you spoke to;
I went to the workplace directly and had a consultation with the workers and their supervisors which helped me to collect information on the
from their work and to identify measures to reduce or eliminate those risks. Consultation with the workers also helped me to assess their ski
• how you identified:
related to health and safety for e.g. I asked them how to use power tools safely their answers are not satisfactory..
- the hazards;
- what is already
being done;
and I started inspecting the workplace to identify the hazards and risk present in the workplace
- any additional
that may be When assessing the control measures to reduce the risk I referred the website www.cpwd.gov.in and read the handbook published by
Indian government safety department and also I applied the hierarchy of control for each and every activity by referring the UK website
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0of%20access%20to,may%20arise%20from%20such%20site. (ILO website)
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Part 2: Risk Assessment
Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further Timescales
category and how? controls/actions are for further Responsible
hazard required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
1.Work at Workers, Scaffolders, Visitors 1.Scaffold was inspected by 1.when they are not 1 month 1 month
height using scaffold for inspection competent person before use. applicable measures should
purpose be taken to reduce the
Fall of men and 2.Tag is available on the scaffold.
material from Fall of men from scaffold can
the scaffold result in severe head injuries for 2.Scaffold and the safety 10 days Safety officer
used in the the workers and falling 3.Barricade and sign board is harness must be provided
workplace for materials can hit the workers installed around the scaffold to when the workers working in
civil works and result in severe injuries and prevent unauthorized entry a high level.
4.Additional risk posed by the use 3. Proper inspection must be 5 days Project
,installation or removal of the work arranged to check the
equipment standard of the scaffold and supervisor
the other materials used in
the high level.
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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further Timescales
category and how? controls/actions are for further Responsible
hazard required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
4. provide the guard rails and 1 month Safety officer
toe boards so that the 2 or
more workers could engage
together in a work
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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further Timescales
category and how? controls/actions are for further Responsible
hazard required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
2.Slip and trip All workers,customers,visitors to 1.Using the designated walk ways 1.Removing the wrinkled 3 days Work shop
the site for the workers to walk so they may carpets and giving the best
not harmed by the stacked one so that the workers will
(spillage of oils, materials get a enough grip when they
obstructed The harm which is likely to be walk on the floor
walkways, Cut and bleeds ,strain/sprains
trailing cables) slipped in the wet surface due to .2.Designated storage area to stack
the spillage of oils, fracture of the goods 2.Provide the sufficient light
bones in the working area so that
the workers will get a good 2days Store manager
4.securing(tacking ,taping
,etc.)mats,rugs and carpets that do 4.Removing the sharp edges
not lay flat in the steps will prevent the 1month Civil supervisor
fall of the workers.
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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further Timescales
category and how? controls/actions are for further Responsible
hazard required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further Timescales
category and how? controls/actions are for further Responsible
hazard required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
3. Generator speed is reduced to
reduce the sound in the company
4.By using the proper 10 days Maintenance
lubrication in the rotating
machines noise can be
4.used the rubber mounts to
isolate vibrating noise source to
separate it from the surface it’s
5.Replacing the old machines 2 months Finance
with new machines
4.Electrical All workers who were working 1.inspecting wire equipment before 1.Provide a good standard of 1 month Line supervisor
with the electrical extension the use electrical resistance hand
chord glove,safety workers who
handle directly with the
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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further Timescales
category and how? controls/actions are for further Responsible
hazard required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
(electrical Damage to the nerve
shocks system,skin burn,stop breathing
2.Limited the use of the extension 2.Must provide a competent 1 month HR manager
even death may also occurs
from extension chord supervisor to monitor and to
chord) control electrical activity.
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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further Timescales
category and how? controls/actions are for further Responsible
hazard required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
5.Lone workers Workers who is working alone in 1.Provided first aid kit to lone 1.Inspection about the work 1month HSE manager
a particular area may be workers place should be held
separated from 2.Better communication like radio 2.Risk assessment and the
1 month Safety officer
their colleagues Animal threat,thieves,health are provided to the workers controlmeasures should be
problem and mental disorder detailed to the worker in the
can affect the lone workers company
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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further Timescales
category and how? controls/actions are for further Responsible
hazard required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
5.CCTV and the monitoring
system should be installed in
15 days Store manager
the work place
6.health welfar Workers, visitors in the Provision for pure and cool 1. the heat sources present 2 weeks Site supervisor
/work workplace drinking water is available in the in the workplace to control
environment workplace radiant heat and prevent
contact burns
Exposure to hot environment
Exposure to hot can result in Heat stress, Adequate rest breaks and job
environment Dehydration, dizziness, Muscle rotation were provided for the 2.Provide cool refugees 3 weeks supervisor,
and extreme cramps, Heat exhaustion, workers in the workplace where worker can escape the
temperature in Heatstroke, Skin burns or cancer heat Project manager.
the workplace from exposure to sunlight or
contact with hot surface
Site supervisor,
Adequate ventilation is provided in
the workplace 3.Provide isotonic drinks. 1 week .Project manager
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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further Timescales
category and how? controls/actions are for further Responsible
hazard required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
4. Provide appropriate 10 days Store manager,
clothing for the workers to
finance manage
use in the hot work
7.. Hazardous Carpenters involved in wood Adequate rest breaks are provided 1.Provide enclosed area for 2 months Site supervisor,
substance cutting activity, workers working for the workers carrying out wood cutting
Project manager.
nearby wood cutting activity, activities in the workplace so
Visitors crossing the wood that dust can be contained
Exposure to cutting activities. within the enclosed area
wood dust in
the wood
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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further Timescales
category and how? controls/actions are for further Responsible
hazard required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
cutting and Exposure to wood dust can 2. Fix LEV local exhaust
wood polishing cause dermatitis, allergic ventilation near the
2 months Site supervisor,
activities respiratory effects, mucosal and contaminated area to collect
no allergic respiratory effects and filter the dust generated project manager.
and long term exposure can in the workplace
cause lung cancer.
4. Implement a health
surveillance program for 2 week Site Medical
workers exposed to wood
dust practitioner
5. Provide shower
facilities,eye wash station for
1 month Store manager, site
the workers to clean
themselves after the work supervisor, project
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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further Timescales
category and how? controls/actions are for further Responsible
hazard required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
8.Fire Workers working in the welding 1.Adequate light for the worker to 1.Conduct detailed risk 1 month HSE officer
area,co-workers and the visitors work in the welding area are assessment about the fire
who visit the company will have provided safety in the company
(Workers doing a high chance of getting affected
the welding and
cutting process 2.Fire alarm system have been 2.Must provide better
in the company Most of the people will die in installed in the company training to the staff and the 1 month Trainer
the workplace area skin burn workers who were working
will occur and inhalation of the on that area.
smoke results lung problem 3.Adequate mean of escape space
andbreathing troubel are provided in the company for
the safe escape of the people 3.Inspections must be carried
out in the fire controlling 1 month Safety officer
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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further Timescales
category and how? controls/actions are for further Responsible
hazard required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
4.Provided better hand glove for 4.Provide a good stand 15 days Store manager
the workers who working in resistance hand glove,face
working in weding area shield to the interiors
1 month Finance
5.Use the flame retardant
material in the interiors director
9.Manual Workers and the co-workers 1.Provided the frequent break to 1.Clear inspection about the 1 month HSE officer
handling who were carrying the large the workers to reduce the exposure PPE must be checked in the
amount of weight from the one of work to large weight. given interval of time.
to the another place will be
2.Organization have clearly 2.Conduct a detailed risk
mentioned about the hazard assessment about the manual 1 month Safety officer
Back injuries ,WRULD(work procedure to the workers handling
fromthe store
related upper limb
house to the
disorder),muscle injuries,hand
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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further Timescales
category and how? controls/actions are for further Responsible
hazard required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
construction pain,injuries and cuts when the
area weight fall on the foot of the w
3.Personal protective equipment 3.Provide the competent 1 month HR manager
(PPE) are provided to workers to carry a high load
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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further Timescales
category and how? controls/actions are for further Responsible
hazard required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further Timescales
category and how? controls/actions are for further Responsible
hazard required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
a minimum otherwise it will cause a cuts
and bleed
10 days Safety officer
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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further Timescales
category and how? controls/actions are for further Responsible
hazard required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
11.load handing Workers moving near the lifting Barriers and sign boards are Arrange third party inspection Lifting super
equipment area, Lifting crew, Visitors. In the available for lifting activities for all the crane and lifting indent,Financemanager.
1 month
site. accessories available in the
overturn Lifting activities are restricted with
(or)crane Workers working near the load PTW system.
toppling over Lifting supervisor
can be hit by the load and may Load chart and lifting plan 2 days
causes severe injury and even must be prepared and
sometimes fatality may occurs SWL is visibly marked on all the available prior to work
crane available In the workplace
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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further Timescales
category and how? controls/actions are for further Responsible
hazard required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
case of adverse weather crane operator
Implement internal
2 weeks Plant maintenance
inspection program for
inspecting crane and lifting team supervisor
accessories present in the
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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further Timescales
category and how? controls/actions are for further Responsible
hazard required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
12.Chemical Workers involved in mixing Proper training has been given to Premixed concrete should be 1 month Civil
operations while preparing the workers about the hazards used, so that the exposure
Agents Cement contractor
mortar or concrete for related to the harmful effects that time of the worker to
bricklaying and concrete cement could cause if the worker concrete is less.
pouring is in contact with cement for long
Alkali-resistant gloves should Store
Exposure to cement causes be provided to all the
dermatitis on skin contact, workers who does works that 3 weeks manager
corrosive burns to the skin on involves touching cement
prolonged contact and irritation
or corrosive buns to eyes
Coveralls with long sleeves Store
and full-length trousers
should be provided for 3 weeks manager
workers who work in
concrete pouring activities
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Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further Timescales
category and how? controls/actions are for further Responsible
hazard required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
workers are standing in fresh
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Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words
the occupational safety and health recommenddation 1981 (R164) supplements C155 and provides
moredetailed guidance on hot to comply with policies of C155. in particular ,it identifies obligations that
might be placed on employers and employees in order to achieve the basic goal of a safe and healthy plac of
in C155 and R164 there is a general rec ognition that most of the responsibility for ensuring good standards
of health and safety at eork lies with the employes since they proveied the work the workplac the tools
systems and methods used etc.
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A breach of health and safety legislation is usually a criminal offence wherever you are in the world .
*formal enforcement action: an enforcement agency might force an employer either to make an
improvement within the workplace within a given time period, or to stop carrying out high risk actvites
altogether until improvements are made . failure to comply with formal enforcement action is usually
considered to be offence in itself.
*prosecution of the organisation in the criminal courts:successful prosecution might result in punishment in
the form of a fine .
*prosecution of individuals, such sa directors ,managers and works:successful prosecution might result in
punishment in the form of a find and/or imprisonment
When an accident occurs there will be direct and indirect costs associated with that event some of these
losses can be insured against, but many cannot,
Accidents and ill health can significantly affect the profitability of an organisation and in some cases can put
an organisation out of business. By implementing above actions an employer can avoid various direct and
indirect costs such as: Direct cost- the measurable costs arising directly from the accident such as
Fines In the criminal court, Treatment cost, Worker sick pay, Repairs or replacement of damaged equipment
and buildings, Lost or damaged product, Overtime to make up for lost time,etc
Indirect Cost- those which arise indirectly as a consequence of the event, indirect costs are often difficult to
quantify. Investigation cost and cost of remedial actions following an investigation, Damage to public image
and business reputation which may results in loss of
present and future contracts, Loss of goodwill of customers following delays in production and fulfilling
orders, Cost of recruiting and training new employees, etc.
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Action Provision of Flashback arrestor at each side of gas cutting set and Hazard Category: FIRE
2. sufficient and suitable storage shall be provided for flammable liqide ,solids and gases.
service Act 1985 it is a legal duty of an employer to fire safety precautions are implemented in the
Consideration of likelihood AND severity likelihood of fire is very high unsafe storage of flammable gases in the workplace and performing gas cutting
without flash back arrester can result in fire or explosion in the workplace because in case of any contact
with the heat source flammable gas can catch fire or explode which is very difficult to control.
* minor: injury requiring first aid and/or slight damage caused to plant /equipment/buildings
The severity of injury could be fairly between serious and catastrophic it is very difficult to control hence it
can also affect the nearby residents. Injuries ranges from minor skin burns to serious burns which can even
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leads to fatality. Carbon monoxide produced by fire smoke can leads to asphyxiation and people can
asphyxiate in minutes.
Action Provision of guard rails and toe boards on the scaffold Hazard Category: WORK AT HEIGHT
Specific legal arguments As per ILO C155, R167 all scaffoldsand ladders shallbe constructed and used in accordance with national
laws and regulations.
scaffolds shall be inspected by a competent person in such cases and at such times as shall be prescribed by
national laws or regulations.
legal duty of an employer to provide adequate work at height precautions in the workplace
Consideration of likelihood AND severity lilulihood of fell of men d meteirl is high Working on unsafe scaffold can leads to fall of men and material
this can leads to more accidents in the workplace because for most of the activities construction team is
using scaffold to reach the work area hence using unsafe scaffold increase the likelihood of occurrence of
fall of men and material in the workplace.
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Severity of injury depends upon the vertical distance between the scaffolding platform and the ground level
and the position of the worker while falling from height. Most common injuries from fall from height were
fractures of the thoracic and lumbar spine, fracture of the lower limbs and severe head injuries
How effective the action is likely to be in
Protecting edges of the scaffold with top rail, mid rail and toe board at proper height can prevent or reduce
controlling the risk. This should include:
the fall of men and material from the scaffold by preventing the workers from getting too close to the falling
• the intended impact of the action; edge. Scaffolding materials are available in the workplace hence with proper co-ordination scaffolding
• justification for the timescale that you supervisor can arrange edge protection for the scaffold within 2 or 3 days hence i have given a timescale of
indicated in your risk assessment; 1 week to complete it. this pvecaution willseduee the sisk this completely control the risk It has to be in
and conjunctivitis with other precautars risk assessment significantly but will not comletely control the risk
• whether you think the action will fully
control the risk.
Action Provision of enclosed area with LEV for wood cutting activities Hazard Category :HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES
1.employers shall make an assessment of the risks arising from the use of chemicals at work and shall
protect workers against such risks by appropriate means ,such as;
It is a legal duty of an employer to store and use hazardous substances safely in the workplace
Consideration of likelihood AND severity lilulihood of worker exposed to wood dust is hegh .Performing wood cutting activity In the open area
increase the chance of workers and visitors inhaling the wood dust,.
he of workers getting asthma and immediate eye irritation is quite high because there is no protection to
control the airborne contaminants. Short term exposure to wood dust can cause asthma and repeated
exposure can results in lung cancer disease
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How effective the action is likely to be in
Providing an enclosed area with LEV for wood cutting activities can have a significant effect in controlling
controlling the risk. This should include:
the wood dust in the workplace because dusts can be contained within the enclosed area and can be
• the intended impact of the action; absorbed and filtered by the LEV system Provided in the enclosed area only purified and acceptable level of
• justification for the timescale that you wood dust will be discharged in to the atmosphere through the discharge point. I have given a timescale of
indicated in your risk assessment; two months to complete the process because it requires identification of proper area, plan, design of LEV
and and budget for the action also has to be agreed by the managing director.. this pvecaution willseduee the
• whether you think the action will fully sisk this completely control the risk It has to be in conjunctivitis with other precautars risk assessment
control the risk. significantly but will not comletely control the risk
Part 4: Review, communicate and check
Suggested word counts for each section:
• Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
• How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
• Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.
Planned review date/period with As per company policy I have set the review date for 12 months’ time mean while during this time there
reasoning may be structural changes In the workplace can happen In the workplace hence I preferred 12 months’ time
for reviewing the risk assessment and therefore I set 08/03/2021
shared through e-mail to all the managers and supervisors who are responsible for implementing the
actions mentioned in the risk assessment. A copy of risk assessment will be posted in the notice board so
that all the people can have a glance at it and be aware of the
hazards and risks present in the workplace and actions to be taken. The findings of the risk assessment will
be shared to the workers through the toolbox talk, will also advise them to participate and co-operate with
the management in implementing the actions
How you will follow up on the risk I will set reminder in my mobile phone for roughly one week before the action is due to be completed .Will
assessment to check that the actions have verbal and written communication with the responsible person about the actions to be implemented
have been carried out and the progress against each action. I will visit the
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workplace and check the progress and identify the reasons for delay in the progress and will discuss with
concerned person to plan for corrective actions that needs to be taken to implement the actions before the
target date. If any action look like they are not going to be
completed on time I will discuss with the project manager to involve and take necessary corrective actions
to implement the specified actions on time.
Actions that are very overdue will be referred to the managing director via project manager
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