Pakistan Paints PVT LTD
Pakistan Paints PVT LTD
Pakistan Paints PVT LTD
Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely
claiming that the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy
for further information).
Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning
Partners’ while completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be
downloaded from the relevant resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.
Part 1: Background
This paint industry is located in Rawalpindi near Comettie Chowq, Block F New Katarian
Satellite Town, Rawalpindi, Punjab 46000.
It is established in 1987, Pakistan Paint Pvt Ltd. has grown into pakistan largest and most
progressive manufacturer of decorative, automotive, industrial, protective and marine
General description of the organisation
coatings. This organization produce automobile coatings, Industrials coating, and
engineering coatings. The concept of continuously working to solve the customers'
coatings related problems represents the very foundation of Burger Paints, and through
the efforts of supervisor, and Workers.
During my visit I observed. On-site, workers entering pits for underground work, cold
cutting work, defensive driver training, worker excavation, spading and de-spading,
Description of the area to be included in the
toolbox talk, , working at height, crane lifting work, vehicle. We observed a variety of
risk assessment
normal and unusual activities, such as vehicle entry and exit from paint boxes, manual
handling and crane operation.
Hazard Who might be What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales
category and harmed and how? doing? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Environment Workers of Rest breaks and job rotation 1.Provide fume resistant masks or 2 hrs. Maintenance
hazard maintenance is respirators to workers Manager
workshop provided. (2)
Unsatisfactory 2. Install induced/forced draft fans
ventilation Work in poor ventilation Toolbox talks are to lower the concentration of 1 week Workshop
arrangements can lead to risk of conducted. airborne Supervisor
were found in inhaling contaminations (1-4)
maintenance hazardous airborne Pedestal fans are provided.
workshop contamination 3.Conduct surveys to check and 1 week
where different generating ensure that ventilation
maintenance during the work which requirements are fulfil at different
or hot work can section of plant Forman
activities like cause the disease Action (3)
welding, known 4. Install local exhaust ventilation
cutting and as blue metal fever and (LEV) to 7 days
grinding were other respiratory issues achieve good level of ventilation
carrying out. to
workers such as
Load Workers, driver, Tool Box Talk is 1. Maintain the forklifted trucks 4 days Maintenance
handling loaders and by passers provided before the before use. I.e., tyre Staff Action
equipment work. pressure, brakes and fuel (1)
The heavy materials system. 1 day
It was noted were transported to 2. Provision of vehicle work
the forklifted warehouse with poorly permit to worker. 5 weeks
Hazardous Process Engineers, Emergency laundry 1. Force draft ventilation 4 weeks Process
substance workers, by passers facilities are provided. system should be provided. Area
and visitors. 2. Provision of breathing 1 week manager
Long term apparatus and respirators. (1,2,3,4)
exposure of Paints and varnishes Material Safety Data 3. Coverall and aprons should 2 weeks
lead base were manufactured sheets are also be made accessible to Health
paints and and employees were provided. workers. 3 days Safety
varnishes working without 4. Enable the designated the Environment
during respirators. Very high Protection Signs are individual to do so only in HSE
manufacturing. lead exposure can put in process that section. 1 day Specialist (5)
cause death. The result section. 5. Medical Check-up should
may be leads to be provided on daily basis. Finance
increase risk of high Manager (3)
blood pressure, stroke,
heart diseases,
Fire Process engineer, Lab Fire watcher is 1. Smoking area should be 3 weeks Process
Technicians and provided at the site. provided away from process Area Manger
Engineering operators. region. Action
coating Third party fire 2. Material Safety Data Sheets 3 days (1,2,4)
materials were There are some extinguishers are should be provided
highly flammable coating provided at the site. 3. Implement No Smoking 2 days
flammable and materials used during Policy during shift.
are being used processing and Ventilation system is 4. No smoking signs should be Finance
without safety workers were smoking installed in the placed in the process zone. 1 day Manager
measures. nearby which leads to section. Action (3)
direct burning of
worker, materials
burning, equipment fire
and large explosion
because of
combustible material at
Working at Workers involved in Train the workers to 1. Emergency Response 5 days Site
height working, by passers perform job safely at Team should be provided. supervisor
height. 2. Isolation with overhead live 2 days Action (1)
Weather Unstable and damaged wires.
resistant scaffold may fall the
coatings were worker or materials. 2 weeks
Manual Labours involved in Job rotation is 1. Conveyer belt systems 1 week HSE
Handling manual handling. provided to minimize should be provided to Specialist
the work load. worker. 4 days (1,2)
I observed that There was no and Rest breaks are 2. Workers should be trained
some workers hand-aided tools and provided to workers. for safe manual handling. 2 Months
were manually trolley for repetitive 3. Health Surveillance should
transporting movement and be provided.
the heavy transportation of heavy 1 week Finance
paint cans. equipment and stuff 4. Provision of counterbalance manager
which lead to worker’s forklift truck to eliminate Action
neck and shoulder manual handling. 3 weeks (3,4,5)
pain, muscle stretch,
backbone problems 5. Hand aided tools like rope
and vertebral column bag gin wheel system
injuries. should be provided.
Movement of Loaders, pedestrians, Environmental control 1. Nominate the traffic warden 2 weeks Site
people and drivers and workers. conditions as at the place. Manager
vehicles in illumination, visibility, 2. Install a convex mirror at 5 day Action
workplace Drivers were driving surfaces are the site. (1,2,3)
very fast and there provided.
Large size were no precautions 3. Speed limit signs should be 1 day
vehicles were because vehicles were Drivers had driving placed to alert the drivers.
entering with fully loaded with licence. 3 days
Action Maintain the forklifted trucks before use. I.e., tire pressure, brakes and fuel system (Hazard
Category “Load Handling Equipment”).
Specific legal arguments According to “ILO Confined Spaces Regulations 1997” organization should make
arrangements to provide safe confined space working environment for the workers before
the initiation of the task and even after the work has started organization should be
prepared to deal with un fortunate accident in most effective way. Failure to compliance will
result in termination of work permit.
Consideration of likelihood AND
Heavy load and materials were transported by using forklifted truck without maintenance of
vehicles. Likelihood of harm was high because there were no assign routes for vehicles
entry and exit.
When considering severity I set 4 categories;
1. Minimal; no injury or damaged occurred
2. Minor; first aid injury and/or little damage plant/ equipment
3. Major; hospital treatment , serious damaged to plant/equipment/buildings
4. Catastrophic; death and/or completely damaged plant/equipment/buildings.
Specific legal arguments ILO Management of alcohol- and drug-related issues in the workplace, International Labour
Office, 1996” states that employer should make sure drugs and alcohol is not being
consumed within the premises and immediate rules and action should be implemented to
prevent the substance abuse. Failure to comply may result in hefty fines and even severe
action of plant shutdown.
Consideration of likelihood AND The probability of human or object of dropping is high because the scaffold tower was
severity fragile and shaky. In this case the likelihood is high because worker was installing
weather resistant coatings on walls at height above 6 ft. At any occurrence the scaffold
tower may slip and worker may fall. Also, without safety airbags or safety nets the
substance used at height may be fall on person passing beneath.
When considering severity I set 4 categories;
How effective the action is likely to be I discussed with the head of activity during finding the risk that a person may be fall due to
in controlling the risk. This should unstable or damaged scaffold tower. So, as a control action I suggested to maintain or
include: replace the scaffold tower to reduce the likelihood of risk. If there was a problem related
the intended impact of the action; maintenance then replace it with third party certified scaffold tower. Work Practice controls
justification for the timescale that and personal protective equipment (PPE) are commonly used in conjunction with
you indicated in your risk administrative and some engineering controls. Environmental conditions must be
assessment; and controlled. I have given him a timescale of 1 weeks in which maintenance staff will act
whether you think the action will upon my approval. Moreover, provision of fall arrestor system and safety nets also reduce
fully control the risk. the severity of risk.
Action Force draft ventilation system should be provided. (Hazard Category “Hazardous
Specific legal arguments ILO Convention No. 190 and Recommendation No. 206” recognizes the right of everyone
to a world of work free from violence so employers must do everything within its capacity to
resolve the issues of violence with negotiations and talk. Organization should try to solve
these problems with an easy approach first but if these problems still reside and workers do
not intend to calm down and stop violence then enforcement authorities should be hired to
stop the violence immediately. This includes any act of non-consensual physical violence
done to a person at work
Planned review date/period with Pakistan Paint Pvt Ltd have the policy of Reviewing Risk Assessment after 1 year therefore
reasoning I set the Review date according to company policy which is 7 Aug 2022.
How the risk assessment findings will I can arrange meetings with area managers, supervisors, and management staff to
be communicated AND who you communicate my findings and discuss the findings from the risk assessment report. At this
need to tell meeting, I will discuss each survey result in detail through the presentations and handouts I
have created, and provide an overview of the risk assessment to the area manager of
Pakistan Paint Pvt Ltd. I will make sure that training to employees is provided and
awareness meetings are arranged and workers are briefed so that they also realize the
significance of risk mitigation and how it is beneficial to not only them but also to the