Instrumentation and Sensor Technologies
Instrumentation and Sensor Technologies
Instrumentation and Sensor Technologies
Measurement is the process of associating numbers with physical quantities
and phenomena. Measurement is fundamental to the sciences; to engineering,
building, and other technical matters; and to everyday activity. ... In a measurement-
and-control system (part of) the target object is identical to the measurement object.
the word “measurement” comes from the Greek word “metron,” which means “limited
proportion.” Measuring is the act of determining a target's size, length, amount
volume, weight, capacity, or other aspect with an instrument marked in
standard units.
Measurement begins with a definition of the quantity that is to be measured, and it
always involves a comparison with some known quantity of the same kind. If the
object or quantity to be measured is not accessible for direct comparison, it is
converted or “transduced” into an analogous measurement signal. Since
measurement always involves some interaction between the object and the observer
or observing instrument, there is always an exchange of energy, which, although in
everyday applications is negligible, can become considerable in some types of
measurement and thereby limit accuracy.
In general, measuring systems comprise a number of functional elements. One
element is required to discriminate the object and sense its dimensions or frequency.
This information is then transmitted throughout the system by physical signals. If
the object is itself active, such as water flow, it may power the signal; if passive, it
must trigger the signal by interaction either with an energetic probe, such as a light
source or X-ray tube, or with a carrier signal. Eventually the physical signal is
compared with a reference signal of known quantity that has been subdivided or
multiplied to suit the range of measurement required. The reference signal is derived
from objects of known quantity by a process called calibration. The comparison may
be an analog process in which signals in a continuous dimension are brought to
equality. An alternative comparison process is quantization by counting, i.e., dividing
the signal into parts of equal and known size and adding up the number of parts.
Other functions of measurement systems facilitate the basic process described above.
Amplification ensures that the physical signal is strong enough to complete the
measurement. In order to reduce degradation of the measurement as it progresses
through the system, the signal may be converted to coded or digital form.
Magnification, enlarging the measurement signal without increasing its power, is
often necessary to match the output of one element of the system with the input of
another, such as matching the size of the readout meter with the discerning power of
the human eye.
Measuring systems may also include devices for transmitting signals over great
distances (see telemetry). All measuring systems, even highly automated ones,
include some method of displaying the signal to an observer. Visual display systems
may comprise a calibrated chart and a pointer, an integrated display on a cathode-
ray tube, or a digital readout. Measurement systems often include elements for
recording. A common type utilizes a writing stylus that records measurements on a
moving chart. Electrical recorders may include feedback reading devices for greater
Instruments are also used to measure physical properties of a substance, such as its
turbidity, or amount of particulate matter in a solution. Water purification and
petroleum-refining processes are monitored by a turbidimeter, which measures how
much light of one particular wavelength is absorbed by a solution. The density of a
liquid substance is determined by a hydrometer, which measures the buoyancy of an
object of known volume immersed in the fluid to be measured. The flow rate of a
substance is measured by a turbine flowmeter, in which the revolutions of a freely
spinning turbine immersed in a fluid are measured, while the viscosity of a fluid is
measured by a number of techniques, including how much it dampens the
oscillations of a steel blade.
Instruments used in medicine and biomedical research are just as varied as those in
industry. Relatively simple medical instruments measure temperature, blood
pressure (sphygmomanometer), or lung capacity (spirometer). More complex
instruments include the familiar X-ray machines and electroencephalographs and
electrocardiographs, which detect electrical signals generated by the brain and heart,
Physical variables
sensors target a large number of physical variations (e.g., force, mass, strain,
pressure, velocity, weight, and acceleration)
These physical sensors may work on relative variation in their electrical parameters
such as capacitance, resistance, magnetic field and piezoelectricity. Depending
on the types of active sensing elements, the sensors may be classified as solid state
sensors or liquid state sensors.
What is MEMS?
In other words, MEMS are microscopic integrated devices that are a combination of
electronics, electrical and mechanical elements, all working together for a single
functional requirement using a technology called Microsystems Technology (MST).
The electronic system, which consists of the signal processing circuits like Amplifier,
ADC, Filters etc. is designed using IC Fabrication Process while the mechanical
system, which consists of Gears, Cranks, Bearings etc. is designed using
Micromachining Process.
Sensors are one of the important components of today’s digital World. Since all the
computation and processing is done on digital signals, there should be a medium
between the analog world and the digital electronics. Sensors bridge this gap as they
are used to observe the temporal effects of analog physical parameters and produce
a meaningful information (to the computer).
MEMS Sensors are already being used in a variety of applications like controlling
and handling equipment, managing robots, cars, grippers, etc. You can find these
sensors in modern ink jet printers, Colour Projectors, Display Systems, Clocks and
Scanning equipment.
Chemical and Pharmaceutical
Industrial Automation and Manufacturing
Defense, Space and Aeronautical
Environmental and Health Sciences
Computing and Communications
Consumer Products
1. Range - Min and maximum ranges of the variable sensor is measuring. For
example a Temperature sensors can measure between -40 to +125 Degree
Celsius. A CO2 sensor can measure from 240 ppm to 5000 ppm.
2. Resolution - Smallest different between two readings of the variable. For
example if a Temperature sensor can measure 10.01 and 10.02 or 10.001 and
10.002 Degree Celsius?
3. Accuracy - The accuracy of the sensor is the maximum difference that will
exist between the actual value (which must be measured by a primary or good
secondary standard) and the indicated value at the output of the sensor. It can
either expressed in % of full scale or in absolute terms. For example a
temperature sensor accuracy can be +/- 0.3 Degree Celsius.
4. Repeatability - Means for how much time the sensor will give the same O/P
considering the environment is same. Generally it is taken as a average of few
5. Electrical specifications - Power consumption, current consumption,
performance in different environmental conditions.
6. Timing Specifications - i.e. how much time a sensor take to response to a
specific command (in case if sensor is digital ) or how much time a sensor will
take to provide a O/P ( in case of analog sensor ).