3 Kythorn

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BLOOD 3 Kythorn, 1491

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PUBLISHERS, they also seek
to bring harm with their
flagrant DISREGARD of the

When will the Open Lord

finally exile these devil-spawn

FAMILY for the good of the citizens of

the City of Splendours? How
TERRORISED many more blasts will shake our
fair city before ACTION is
A deadly altercation at the taken? Pray, good citizens, to
Gralhund Villa in the North your gods, that these EVIL
Ward that left 19 Gralhund fiends will meet their righteous
employees dead. Four more justice.
suspects have alleged to have
escaped arrest.

Captain Carrot of the City

Watch assures citizens that there
is no need for panic,
commenting, “The Watch is
ever vigilant and will defend the
At Seven
Inspector Barnabus Blastwind Horns Tavern
of the Watchful Order also
A blast has been reported at
declined to comment. “We do
the newly opened Seven Horns
not comment on ongoing
Tavern at Trollskull Alley,
killing 12 people.
A witness who declined to be
In the early morning of 2
named alleges that in the dark of
Kythorn, a blast destroyed the
night, men in black infiltrated
tiefling-run tavern, killing
the home, scaling the walls.
neighbours and friends alike.
There was the sound of fighting
Emmek Frewn, of the nearby
from within, not unusual with
the Gralhund’s guards training rays of death at them. There was Investigation by this reporter Frewn’s Brews, states, “No one
then a blast of fire above a house has uncovered that the likes those tieflings, someone
in the barracks. An hour later,
in Suldown Street. Blasts of miscreants who so blatantly decided to show it. A lot of good
the witness noted four other
flame and thunder were heard attacked an innocent family’s non-demonic were killed. The
figures steal into the house
through the front gate. The emanating from the chase, home are none other than four priests should come and put
before a wingless dragon was HORNED, INFERNAL them out of their misery and
sounds of fighting escalated.
seen taking off into the sky. TIEFLINGS. Not only will ours.”
These figures and a massive Unfortunately, the Griffon these demi-humans terrorise
Despite common consensus
beast were then seen taking off Calvary were unable to good journalists, such as yours
to the contrary, the Watch
along the rooftops, pursued by apprehend these dangerous truly, at the behest of FAKE
continues to investigate.
over a dozen gazers who fired miscreants. NEWS RIVAL

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