Temple of The Dragonknights

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The adventurers discover that kobolds have been raiding the nearby town and farmstead, murdering families. They track the kobolds back to their lair in an ancient temple.

Joel Andersmith, a farmer, says that the kobolds raided his farm and murdered his family. The only survivor was his daughter, Clementine.

Venomfang was attempting to create a soul gem, which are used to turn creatures into liches. Her ultimate goal may have been to revive a dracolich.

Temple of the Dragonknights

A Simple Adventure Module

Introduction: Venomfang, a young green dragon, has recently perched

herself in the burial ground of an ancient group of dragon slayers
known as “The Dragonknights.” As she hunts in the nearby forest, her
kobold minions gather to raid the nearby town of Fallcrest to bring
riches to themselves and their master, but it seems Venomfang and
her minions may have a darker, more sinister purpose…

A four-hour adventure for two 1st-2nd level



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Part I: Innocents Lost
In this part of the adventure, the players will Market Square
encounter their first kobolds, investigate a small
farmstead, and locate the source of the attacks… The market square contains multiple small,
specialized stalls.

A. Northcrest Additional Information

The town of Northcrest contains multiple key  Valerie Renn: Female, Human, mid-twenties, produce
locations such as The Flowing Mug Inn, a blacksmith,  John Goodard: Male, Human, late-twenties, freshly hunted
and a market square. meats

The Flowing Mug Inn  Abraham Calhoun: Male, Human, mid-fifties, freshly
caught fish
The adventurers begin in The Flowing Mug. How  Venona Glowsky: Female, Half-Elven, early-twenties,
they got there and how they met is up to the players freshly hunted pelts
and the DM. The Flowing Mug is your typical tavern
 Talia Pinsinger: Female, Human, late-forties, jeweler
as well as Inn. It is known by the local townsfolk as a
trustworthy, “stand-up” Inn. ...and others.

Additional Information
Later on in the adventure, the adventurers may
 Richard Brown: Male, Human, mid-sixties, barkeep recover stolen supplies from the kobolds. They
 Lauraine Brown: Female, Human, early-sixties, innkeep would return these barrels to the market square.
Item Cost
Mug of Ale 4 cp B. Kobolds vs. Guards
Room (Per day) 5 sp After hearing noises from outside The Flowing Mug
Meals (per day) 3 sp Inn, the adventurers investigate outside to find 4
Common Wine 2 sp guards rushing to action against 6 invading kobolds,
who appear to have green skin. Resolving this
When it seems appropriate, perhaps after ordering a encounter yields 100 XP divided amongst the party.
few drinks and introducing themselves, the players
here the sounds of yelling & grunting outside. – SEE
Saving Joel Andersmith
“KOBOLDS VS GUARDS” Joel Andersmith, a farmer from North of town, will
be found lying against the wall of The Flowing Mug
The Blacksmith after the fight. If asked, he will provide the following
The blacksmith shop is a good place to have the information
adventurers go if they need to resupply on weapons,
armor, or ammunintion. Additional Information
 The kobolds have raided his farm and murdered his family.
Additional Information  He believes that the kobolds may be more kobolds in the
Anything the blacksmith doesn’t have on hand can be forest to the North
requested to create for 1.5x its value in The Player’s
Handbook. After this information is given, Joel will burst into
tears over the loss of his family. The town guards
 Dorn Stoutheart: Male, Human, late-thirties, blacksmith will escort him to the Inn and pay for his stay as long
 James Turin: Male, Human, late-teens, blacksmith’s as he needs. The guards will also insist that they
apprentice must stay in town to protect it from potentially
Item Cost worse threats.
Arrows (20) 1 gp Capturing a Kobold
Hide Armor 10 gp
If the players manage to capture and interrogate a
Chain Shirt 50 gp
Kobold, a DC 15 Persuasion or DC 12 Intimidation
Ring Mail 30 gp
check will conclude with the captured enemy
Shield 10 gp revealing information.
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Additional Information A DC 10 Survival check will reveal tracks that lead to
the back side of the barn,
 The location of Poisontip Cavern: North past the farmstead
and through the brush.
 The location of Fallcrest’s missing supplies: Poisontip D. The Trail
Cavern The players will eventually follow tracks that reveal
 The fate of Joel’s family: His wife and son are dead, but an unnatural looking thicket. This can be cut through
they needed his daughter. or, with a DC 11 Investigation check, a vine
 Information regarding Venomfang and her intentions will connecting to a mechanism can be found that pulls
not be revealed. the brush up. The following trail is 5 ft. wide and
must be traveled single-file.
A passive perception of 12 will find a small lock of
C. Andersmith Farm hair along the trail. An intelligence check DC 15 will
discern that it’s human.
About a mile North of town, bordering the forest, lies
what’s left of Andersmith Farm. Smoke rises all The Creek
along the crops and slaughtered animals lie
scattered across the ground. A house overlooks the Following the trail through the woods for a mile
farmland on a small hill to the East, and a barn lies in leads to an opening to a small creek. Small, slippery
semi-ruin to the North, bordering the forest. stones create a path across the creek. Crossing safely
takes a successful DC 12 Acrobatics or Athletics
The Barn check. A failure results in falling into the creek,
where two quippers sense fresh meat. Crossing the
Upon closer inspection of the barn, the entire
creek awards 20 XP to each character.
Eastern half is caved in, with piles of broken wood
After crossing the creek spears topped with human
lying scattered across the ground.
skulls begin to dot the trail.
Blood tracks lead outside the barn but eventually
fade. A DC 7 Survival check will reveal the tracks’ Cave Entrance
destination; the brush behind the barn.
There are also the remnants of ransacked barrels After a curve in the trail, a DC 12 Passive perception
and supplies. check will signify movement around the corner.
Turning the corner reveals two kobolds currently
The Farmhouse roasting a pig on a spit. They are currently eating so
any attempt at stealth is successful. This encounter
Walking in the front door of the farmhouse (which
yields 50 XP divided amongst the party.
hangs off of one of its hinges) reveals the interior; a

Part II: Poisontip

main room previously used as a living room & dining
room, and two hallways that branch to the left and

The Left Hall

Down the left hall there is a bedroom on each side.
The bedroom on the left is Joel’s son’s room. He lies In this part of the adventure, the players will eXPlore
on the ground with his gut split open, and a simple and fight their way through Poisontip Cavern. The
shortsword at his side. cavern is extremely dark and those who don’t have
Across the hall is Joel’s daughter’s room, which is darkvision will be completely blind. The 2nd floor is 15
empty save for the ruined furniture and a ft. above the 1st…
bloodstained teddy bear lying in the bed.

The Right Hall Area 1

Down the right hall there is a washroom to the left This section of the cavern is relatively straight-
and another bedroom. In the bedroom, a middle- forward. The players will immediately be attacked
aged woman lies leaning against a large bed with a by a single winged kobold upon entering. This
slit throat. encounter yields 50 XP divided amongst the party.

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Puzzle Clue
The parchment reads in Common: “Legends are
born through blood and fire,” and contains the
emblem of the Dragonknights. On the back it reads
in scribbled Draconic: “We brought the girl to the
robed ones. Not sure why they wanted her, but
whatever it takes to please the master.”

Additional Information
 The emblem of the Dragonknights appears as a snake-like
creature wrapped around a sword.

Area 3
This area involves crossing a rickety bridge over a
lake full of stalagmites, and a trap.

Crossing the Bridge

After this encounter, the players may notice the cliff The skill used to cross safely is Acrobatics. The base
drop below them, into a small underground lake. DC is 0 for 80 lbs or lower at one time. The DC
Depending on their ability to see, they may stumble increases the more weight there is.
into it. See AREA 3 for details. A small passage on the Weight (lbs) DC
right of the lake requires a DC 8 Acrobatics check to x < 80 0
cross. 80 < x < 130 5
130 < x < 180 10
Area 2 180 < x < 230
x > 230
After finding the passage way and taking the stairs If any player falls in, roll a percentage. If the
up to area 2, The players encounter 3 kobolds percentage is under 15% the player takes 1d6
sleeping in corresponding tents (unless the winged piercing damage from a stalagmite, otherwise they
encounter was very very loud). This encounter take no damage. There are 4 hungry quippers
yields 75 XP. The following items are found in tents. waiting in the water below the bridge. Crossing the
bridge yields 75 XP divided amongst the party.
Additional Information
 In the Northernmost tent is 25 gp and a piece of Triggering the Trap
parchment that appears to be torn out of a book. See Following the bridge, immediately after is a pressure
triggered trap that is triggered by anyone over 120
 In the tent to the Southeast there are two Potions of lbs. If triggered, anyone in that 5x5 ft. square is
Healing. pelted with rocks, suffering 1d6 bludgeoning
 The secret door on the Eastern wall takes a DC 10 damage. Disarming the trap yields 10 XP to the one
Perception check to notice, and a DC 14 Athletics check to who disarmed it.
budge open.
 Inside the secret door are all the town’s missing supplies,
which the players may inform the townspeople of, or Area 4
return them themselves (100 gp & 20 XP each if they do it Area 4 contains a single piercer hanging above a
themselves). single chest. The ceiling is 20 ft. high. Within the
chest is 25 gp. As soon as someone opens the chest,
the piercer will drop on its target. Completing this
encounter yields 100 XP divided amongst the party.

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Area 5
This area contains an offering bowl, a large stone
double door, and two lit torches in sconces on each
side of the door. The door has the Dragonknight
emblem on it, and the offering bowl is full of gold (20

Additional Information
 To solve the puzzle, the players must poor a portion of
their blood into the offering bowl, and light the blood on
fire using one of the magical torches on the wall.
 Emptying the bowl of gold and making a DC 10
Investigation check will reveal dried blood on either the
gold or on the bowl.
Opening the door yields 50 XP divided amongst the
party and reveals a pathway and staircase going up.

Part III: Temple of

Additional Information
the Dragonknights  Sera is a famous wizard’s apprentice and was sent to
investigate the strange arcane energy originating here,
In this chapter, the party will rescue a potential ally, how she is played and any additional backstory are up to
determine the fate of Joel’s daughter, and potentially the DM, or perhaps a third player. She is a level 1 Wizard
face off with a dragon…  A DC 10 Investigation check of the weapon racks reveals a
Spear of the Dragonknights (+1 spear). The DM may

Area 1 change the weapon type to fit one of the players if he/she
This area contains four coffins of four long dead  Sera has 2 Potions of Healing on her.
Dragonknights. If the players step on the emblem on
the center of the floor, four zombies (nerfed to 11 hp
and 1d4 dmg) will burst out of their tombs. This
encounter yields 100 XP divided amongst the party.
Area 3
This room contains a single brazier, and a massive
Additional Information stone carved frieze depicting an epic tale of dragon-
slaying. A DC 18 Investigation check will reveal a
At this point, the party should be level 2. At this point it is
hidden groove in the stone that contains a single
recommended that you do not continue until you level your
characters. The DM should determine when a good stopping platinum ring (250 gp) inside.
point is based on your party and their situation. After looking over the beautiful artwork on the wall,
have a character notice a fourth shadow. This
shadow will initiate combat. This encounter yields
Area 2 100 XP divided amongst the party.
This room is drapped in torn and burnt banners of
the Dragonknights, but within the circular outskirts
of this room lie an armory. In the armory, a kobold
Area 4
In this room, there are 4 tables with benches, a
cultist (cultist stats) is torturing a young Elf wizard
ritualistic rune in the ground, and a podium in the
named Sera Gelanadel. This encounter yields 25 XP
southernmost portion of the room.
divided amongst the party.
The players walk into 5 cultists in the middle of
performing a ritual on Joel’s daughter. She is
currently hanging suspended by magic beaming

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Part IV: Loose Ends
from the cultists’ hands. This encounter yields 125
XP divided amongst the party.

Additional Information The party has saved Joel’s daughter, faught a dragon
 Joel’s daughter can be roleplayed as the DM sees fit, but and her minions, and potentially saved the town of
after the ritual is interrupted, she falls unconscious. Her Fallcrest. What’s next?
name is Clementine Andersmith
 A DC 12 Investigation check will reveal 2 Potions of Healing
in a hidden compartment in the podium.
A. Returning Home
On the opposite side of the entrance, is an exit with a
 A book on top of the podium lies open. A DC 15 Arcana path down the mountain. To any party members
check will discern the ritual’s nature.
who were paying attention, it shouldn’t be hard for
 A DC 14 History check will inform the player that soul gems them to find their way back. The exit is on the
are used to turn creatures into liches. Southern side of the mountain near the entrance to
Poisontip Cavern.
The Ritual
Venomfang’s goal with this ritual is up to the DM. In
my game Venomfang wants to revive a Dracolich, so B. Hope Restored
her goal here was to create one of the gemstones Joel can be found upstairs in The Flowing Mug Inn,
required to store the Dracoliches soul, but again, this reading a book in his room. Returning Clementine to
ritual’s purpose is up to the DM. him lights a fire in his heart that can only be
described as renewed hope for his life.

Area 5
Nothing terribly significant here. Two sleeping C. Supplies Returned
chambers for previous members of the Returning the supplies to the market garners some
Dragonknights now being occupied by the cultists. A benefits (100 gp & 20 XP each and the townsfolks
DC 10 Investigation check will reveal a Potion of approval.)
Healing in a nightstand in the Northernmost room.

D. Venomfang
Area 6 Venomfang returns to her lair to find it in ruin, and
Upon exiting up the stairs to this open area, the one of her children is missing. This allows for the DM
players find themselves in a clearing atop a to do whatever he/she wants with this villain, who
mountain with a surprisingly peaceful forest. During certainly wants revenge.
this time, a green dragon wyrmling will be stalking

E. Sera and the Temple

the party.

Additional Information Sera returns to her home city of Waterdeep to report

 The green dragon wyrmling will attempt to stealth and to Archmage Vysellon on the strange goings-on in
stalk the party until they reach the marble platform in the the Dragonknight Temple.
southern portion of the area.
 On the marble platform, there is a toppled statue of the
dragonknights, and 4 dragon eggs.
 As one of the players notice one is opened, the wyrmling
will attack (unless the players noticed it previously.)
 Clementine will hide in area 5.
This encounter yields 450 XP divided amongst the

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