Human Abuse and Treatment

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Q1 Discuss five reasons that explain the increase of child sexual abuse by their care-
givers even during this era when child protection laws are in the constitution.

Child protection is the protection of children from violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect,
while child protection systems are a set of usually government run services designed to
protect children and young people who are underage and to encourage family stability.
UNICEF defines child protection system as the set laws, policies, regulations and services
needed all across all social sectors especially social welfare, education, health, security and
justice to support , prevention and response to protection related risks. These system are part
of social protection, their aim includes supporting and strengthening families to reduce social
exclusion, and to lower the risk of separation violence and exploitation.

(i) Special needs

Children with disabilities are three times more likely than children without them to be victims
of sexual abuse, and the likelihood is even for children with certain types of disabilities such
as intellectual or mental health disabilities. However, sexual abuse of children with
disabilities has not garnered the attention of policy makers. These children are also less likely
to receive victim’s services and support that are most likely to be available to other victims
because of a variety of factors including barriers to reporting and lack of responses tailored to
meet their unique needs.

(ii) Media exposure

The media has played a key role in the construction of child abuse as a major social problem.
New media are often viewed as portable platforms such as cell phones and MP3 devices; as
such there is opportunity for increased exposure as well as private exposure. The amount of
sexual content in the programs viewed at a baseline predicted teens advancing sexual
behaviors. Exposure to pornographic materials through a variety of media was subsequently
more likely to report permissive sexual attitudes. The television viewing remains the most
common medium and platform and it makes up the largest chunk of adolescents.
(iii) Lack of healthy sexual behavior information.
Child abuse and neglect is a social and health public health problem. As well as a children’s
right issue. Abuse and neglect can lead to a wide range of adverse consequences for children
and young people. Children lack guidance on how to take care of their bodies especially the
sexual zones such as the vagina, breasts, penis and they end up being abused because they are
not taught to say NO to pre-marital sex. Insecure attachments alter the normal developmental
processes for children which can severely affect a child’s ability to communicate, interact
with others and form healthy relationships.

(iv) Negligence and bribery in the police force.

Many children who are sexually abused lack the voice to speak out since they are supposed to
report these cases to, is the place where their sexual rights are either violated or the accused
pay bribes to disregard their allegations and since most of these parents are vulnerable, the
children continue suffering in silence. Many children continue to be sexually abused due to
the threats either receive from the police or their abusers and even if the action is taken the
accused are set free within no time and continue with their ill motives and behavior’s since
they are sure nothing can be done to them.

(v) Loneliness/absent parents/neglect.

Neglect is the failure of parents or caretaker to provide the basic necessities of a child. It
includes not giving enough food, not obtaining medical help, leaving the children alone or at
dark or cold place for a long time. In extreme cases, children starved to death because the
parents don’t feed them. Thus whoever gives birth to a child has a full care and responsibility
of the child. Parents should make sure they leave their children with the right company to
reduce the rate of sexual abuse among children.

The reporting by health professional or suspected child abuse and neglect is mandated by law
in various countries including Argentina, Finland, Israel, Korea, Rwanda and many more.
Even so, relatively few countries have mandatory reporting laws for child abuse and neglect.
A recent worldwide survey found that 58 countries responded, 33 had mandatory reporting
laws in place and 20 had voluntary reporting laws.
Q2 Married men have become victims of abuse by their spouses in modern society.
Most men are victims of abuse by their wives most especially during this period when we are
in a crisis of corona virus and most of us are working from home. Men are abused for lack of
provision of basic needs to their families since a good number of men who used to work have
lost their jobs and remain at home helpless thus giving their wives the opportunity to bully
them. Abusive relationships will always involve an imbalance of power and control. Abusers
use intimidating hurtful words and behaviours to control their partner. It might not be easy to
recognize domestic violence against men. Early in the relationship your partner might seem
attentive, generous and protective in ways that later turn out to be controlling. Initially the
abuse might appear as isolated incidents. Your partner might apologize and promise not to
abuse you again. A man will know that his rights are being violated when his wife calls him
names, insults him or puts him down, prevents you from going to work, or school, stops you
from seeing family , friends, controls how you spend your money, where you go or what you
wear, acts jealously or possessive or constantly abuses you of being unfaithful, gets angry
when drinking alcohol and tries to control whether you can see a health care provider ,
threatens you with violence or a weapon, hits, kicks, shoves, slaps, chokes or otherwise hurt
you with your children or pets, forces you to have sex or engage in sexual acts against your
will, blames you for her violent behavior or tells you that you deserve it, threatens to tell
friends, family, colleagues, or community members your sexual orientation or gender
We have had cases from different societies where men are even cut off their sexual organs in
the name of lack of provision and involvement in alcoholism thus poor performance in bed
Domestic violence amongst men can leave them depressed and anxious and can risk them in
engaging in alcohol or drug addiction problems. Men are traditionally known to be physically
stronger than women so they might less likely to report domestic violence due to
embarrassment and might also worry that people will minimize the importance of abuse
because you are a man.
Due to the abuse that men go through it is always important to them to speak out. You can
trust a friend, relative, co-worker, or religious or spiritual advisor for support, better still a
man can call the national domestic violence hotline number which provides crisis
intervention and referrals for interventions and resources.
Doctors and nurses can also treat your injuries and can refer you to other local resources,
counseling and support group for persons in abusive relationships which are available in most
communities, and finally a local court can help you obtain a restraining order that legally
mandates the abuser to stay away from you or face arrest. Local advocates may be available
to help guide you through the process.
Domestic violence against men can have devastating effects. Although you may not be able
to stop your partner abusive behavior, you can seek help and remember no one deserves to be
abused no matter what.

Q3 Discuss intervention measures that need to be put in place by government in

relationship to law enforcement abuse by the security forces in the name of protecting
the law.
The Kenyan Government especially during this pandemic of Corona Virus needs to enforce
the law since citizens have suffered either death or have been brutalized in the name of
enforcing the law. The current array of legal interventions to address family violence includes
service interventions, procedural and jurisprudential reforms and efforts to build and
expertise in legal and social institutions to invoke legal sanctions whether threatened or
actual. Legal interventions which include both civil and criminal justice systems , have
several goals, identifying cases to bring abusers and their victims under the control and
protection of legal and social institutions , addressing procedural and evidentiary problems in
criminal prosecution, expanding the array of civil interventions to protect victims of abuse ,
reducing further violence by offenders and increasing the range of social and legal controls
affecting individuals, families and communities.
Unlike patient centered or client centered health and social service, interventions, the criminal
justice system must also represent society’s interest.
Legal intervention for the treatment and prevention of family violence often focus on
procedural changes such as arrest policies and practices, civil orders of protection and count
of standards for the admissibility of evidence rather than provision of direct services to
clients. Legal interventions must take into account the issues if due process and concern for
the rights of victims as well as those accused of wrong doing, seeking a balance among
interventions to enhance victim protection, facilitate the prosecution of offenders and
preserve states interest in fair procedures. The evaluation of such procedural reforms is made
difficult by the variations in the state and county jurisdictions that influence the local law
enforcement policies and practices in evaluating this inter-relation. This emphasis on a single
hard to achieve measure may diminish attention to changes in other important domains such
as public and individual health, child, adult and family functions e.g. public safety, equity and
fairness, social support and the use of community services and costs.
In general however, evaluations of the effectiveness of legal interventions suffer from
problems similar to those ion areas of social services and healthcare. Small study samples,
ethical and legal problems in implementing experimental designs and in reporting discovered
abuse, the constraints of confidentiality statutes, in advent effects caused by research project
and the complexity of independent valuable in multiple and overlapping intervention.


1. Ney, PG. Transgenerational child abuse. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev 1988; 18(3): 151
-1 68.
2. Ney, PG. Child abuse: 3 study of the child's perspective. Child Abuse Negligence
1986; 10: 511-518.
3. Ney, PG. Child neglect and aggression. Paper given to Canadian Academy of Child
Psychiatry, Western Branch, Vancouver, BC, March 1992.

4. Internet.

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