BASF - MasterEmaco N 5200CI - TDS
BASF - MasterEmaco N 5200CI - TDS
BASF - MasterEmaco N 5200CI - TDS
Universal, fast-setting, polymer modified, fibre reinforced, light weight repair mortar with active
corrosion inhibition
MasterEmaco N 5200CI is a universal, single
Appearance Grey powder
component, polymer modified, fast setting, repair,
re-profiling and levelling mortar containing active Layer thickness Min. 3mm (fairing coating)
corrosion inhibition. MasterEmaco N 5200CI Max. 100mm (vertical &
contains special cements, graded sands, selected horizontal), 80mm
polymers and fibres to reduce shrinkage and (overhead)
improve physical and application properties. Density Approx. 1.8 g/cm3
When mixed with water, it forms a mortar with an
Working time 30 – 45 minutes
exceptionally wide range of applications.
MasterEmaco N 5200CI can easily be hand or Setting time - initial 45 – 75 minutes
trowel applied in thicknesses from 3mm to 100mm. - final 60 – 120 minutes
RECOMMENDED USES Temperature for Between +5°C and +35°C
application (substrate and
MasterEmaco N 5200CI is used for the non- material)
structural repair of concrete elements like
balconies edges, building facades, parapet Compressive strength
walls, precast panels, beam edges and stair
- after 1 day ≥12 MPa
MasterEmaco N 5200CI can be applied as a - after 28 days ≥ 40 MPa
smoothing or levelling coat at 3mm thickness AS 1478.2 Appendix A
on large vertical and overhead areas to achieve (Restrained)
a more aesthetic finish e.g. prior to painting. Adhesion (28 days) EN 1542 ≥ 0.8 MPa
MasterEmaco N 5200CI can be applied in Cracking tendency (I) No cracking after
environments where active corrosion inhibition 180 days
Coutinho type ring
is necessary.
Chloride Ion diffusion (NORD test) 5.29E-12m2/sec
Resistivity 4000 Ω.cm
Shrinkage compensation systems and fibre
reinforcement - minimise crack tendency Permeability risk for Chlorides and High
sulphates FM5-578
Smooth, creamy, non-slump mortar - easy to
create profiles and corners without formwork E modulus 16 GPa
Excellent high build capacity - can be applied Shrinkage AS 1012-13 56 days 470 microstrain
80 - 100 mm in vertical applications or 70 – 80
mm overhead in one layer Capillary absorption EN 13057 ≤ 0.5 kg/m2h0.5
Multi-use - fairing coat and patch repair mortar Electrical resistance 28 days 3900 Ω.cm
in one with active corrosion inhibition 56 days 6280 Ω.cm
Fast setting - can be over-coated in only 4
AS/NZS 4020 Suitable for
hours contact with
Good strength development - exceeding potable water
requirement of Class R2 of EN1504 part 3
VOC Content 8g/L
Low modulus of elasticity - copes with
thermal movement of structures SCAQMD Test method 304-91
Low chromate (Cr[VI] < 2 ppm ) - low risk of Hardening times are measured at 21ºC ± 2°C and 60% ± 10%
skin irritation relative humidity. Higher temperatures will reduce these times
and lower temperatures will extend them. Technical data
Chloride-free - does not add to chloride load of shown are statistical results and do not correspond to
structure guaranteed minima. Tolerances are those described in
appropriate performance standards
MasterEmaco® N 5200CI
APPLICATION MasterEmaco N 5200CI can be hand or trowel
applied. Apply mixed product directly to the
Surface preparation - Concrete must be fully prepared damp substrate, or wet on wet onto the
cured, clean and sound to ensure good adhesion. primed surface. A thin scratch coat or contact
All traces of loose concrete or mortar, dust, grease layer (a slurry coat of the MasterEmaco N 5200CI)
oil, etc. must be removed. Damaged or before building up to the required thickness, wet
contaminated concrete should be removed to on wet, will improve the wet adhesion and
obtain a keyed surface. Non-impact/ vibrating cohesion of the mortar. Apply to the desired layer
cleaning methods, e.g. grit or high water pressure thickness of 3 to max. 100 mm. Smoothing with a
blasting are recommended. Aggregate should be trowel and finishing by float or sponge can be done
clearly visible on the surface of the concrete as soon as the mortar has begun to stiffen,
structure after surface preparation. A CSP 5 or typically after approximately 45 - 60 minutes at
greater profile is recommended. Cut the edges of 20°C. In these environmental conditions,
the repair vertically to a minimum depth of 3 mm. If MasterEmaco N 5200CI can be over-coated, after
reinforcing steel is visible, clean to a minimum approximately 4 hours, with MasterProtect anti-
grade of SA 2 according to ISO 8501-1 / ISO carbonation coatings as required. NB: At lower
12944-4. For extra protection, or when the steel is temperatures and/or higher humidity these times
left exposed before repair work is completed, apply will be extended
MasterEmaco P 5000AP active protection cement
based primer. ESTIMATING DATA
Mixing - Only full bags are mixed. Damaged or One 20kg bag mixed with 3.8L of water will yield
opened sacks should not be used. Mix approximately 13 litres of mortar.
MasterEmaco N 5200CI with a helical paddle MasterEmaco N 5200CI
attached to a slow speed (300-600 rpm) mixer or
in a forced action pan mixer for 3 minutes until a L Thickness m3 bags m2/mm
lump free, plastic consistency is achieved. Only in mm /m2 /m3 thickness
use clean water. Mixing water needed: 3.5 to 4.0 13 13mm (0.013) 77 13 m2
litres per 20kg bag depending upon consistency
required. Allow the mortar to rest for 2 - 3 minutes PACKAGING
and then remix briefly, adjusting the consistency MasterEmaco N 5200CI is available in 20kg bags.
as required. NB: Never exceed the maximum
water demand. SHELF LIFE
Priming - The prepared substrate should be pre- Store in cool and dry warehouse conditions. Shelf
soaked, preferably for 24 hours, but at least 2 life in these conditions is 12 months in unopened
hours before applying MasterEmaco N 5200CI. original bags.
The surface must be saturated surface dry, but PRECAUTIONS
without standing water.
For the full health and safety hazard information
For improved build thicknesses or when working and how to safely handle and use this product,
on large areas, apply bond or contact layer of the please make sure that you obtain a copy of the
MasterEmaco N 5200CI mortar. Alternatively a BASF Safety Data Sheet (SDS) from BASF office
bonding coat of MasterEmaco P 5000AP can be or website.
Mortar application - The minimum temperatures
must be maintained during application and for at
least 12 hours thereafter for optimum curing of the
MasterEmaco® N 5200CI
The technical information and application advice given in this BASF publication are based on the present state of
STATEMENT OF our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no assumption can be
RESPONSIBILITY made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or
completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user is responsible for
checking the suitability of products for their intended use.
Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by BASF either
NOTE orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since they, and not
BASF, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application.
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