Master Emaco P 5000 AP

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MasterEmaco® P 5000AP

Single component, cement based, multi-use, bonding and active protective primer

DESCRIPTION  Does not affect the pull out strength of

MasterEmaco P 5000AP active primer, not only reinforcement steel
reinstates a high pH environment it also contains  Perfect compatibility with steel rebars and
active corrosion inhibiting additives for the concrete or repair mortars
protection of reinforcement steel. It can also be  Simply mixed with water
used as an adhesive bonding slurry for
subsequent repair mortars. Multi-use: can also be used as a bonding slurry to
improve bond and application
MasterEmaco P 5000AP is a ready-to-use
material that contains portland cement, well  thicknesses of MasterEmaco repair mortars
graded fine fillers, re-dispersible powder and on prepared concrete surfaces
special additives.  Light grey/off white colour for easy site control
When mixed with water, it forms a slurry that can of reinforcement coverage
be applied by brush to the clean exposed  Supplied in re-usable air-tight containers
reinforcement, or directly on the dampened,  Low chromate (Cr[VI] < 2 ppm )
prepared concrete substrate when used as a
bonding coat. PACKAGING
MasterEmaco P 5000AP is available in 5kg units.
MasterEmaco P 5000AP is used for the COVERAGE
protection of reinforcement steel: Approx. 1.5 kg of dry powder per m2 and mm layer
 When steel is visible and the available depth of This consumption is theoretical and depends on
cover is less than 10 mm the roughness of the substrate. It should be
 When concrete is contaminated with chlorides verified on each particular job by means of “in situ”
 In critical environments when extra protection tests.
is specified
 When the timing at the jobsite does not allow HANDLING AND TRANSPORT
for the repair mortars to be applied immediately
Usual preventive measures for the handling of
after cleaning the steel
chemical products should be observed when
MasterEmaco P 5000AP can also be used to aid manipulating this product, for example do not eat,
bond and application properties of hand applied smoke or drink while working and wash your
repair mortars in extreme thicknesses and hands when taking a break or when the job is
conditions. completed. Specific safety information in the
handling and transport of this product can be
BENEFITS found in the Material Safety Data Sheet.
Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged contact
 Meets all major national and international
with skin. In case of contact with eyes,
norms for steel priming in concrete repair
immediately flush with plenty of water for at least
15 minutes. Call a physician. In case of contact
 Excellent rust inhibiting properties as it
with skin, wash skin thoroughly.
reinstates a high pH environment.
The disposal of the product and its container
 Contains active corrosion inhibitors to further should be carried out according to local legislation
protect the steel in force. Responsibility for this lies with the final
 Polymer modified for additional adhesive bond owner of the product.
to the steel
MasterEmaco® P 5000AP


Property Standard Unit Values

Appearance - - Light Grey Powder
Layer Thickness - - 2 mm in two layers
Density g/cm3 Approx. 1.8
Mixing water l/kg Approx. 0.22 – 0.26
Approx. 60 minutes (cold climate)
Working time minutes
Approx. 20 minutes (hot climate)
Temperature for application
°C Between +5 and +35
(support and material)
Pull out strength of coated Comparison
% > 80
rebar vs. uncoated
ZTV-Sib90 Compliance testing
 total halogen content < 0.05
 corrosion stimulation < 10
 corrosion resistance < 1 (migration of rust underneath the
Weight %
TL BE-PCC coating starting from uncoated edge)
 accelerated weathering mm
10 cycles DIN 50017
10 cycles DIN 50018 No corrosion/No delamination/
120 hours DIN 50021 Max. crack width < 0.1 mm
Hardening times are measured at 21°C + 2°C and 60% + 10% relative humidity. Higher temperatures will reduce
these times and lower temperatures will extend them. Technical data shown are statistical results and do not
correspond to guaranteed minima. Tolerances are those described in appropriate performance standards.


In a suitable container, mix
SURFACE PREPARATION: STEEL MasterEmaco P 5000AP with a paddle mounted
REINFORCEMENT on a slow-speed drill, or by hand, until a smooth,
All corrosion and its by-products must be removed. thick consistency is achieved. Use only clean,
The preparation should meet the requirements of uncontaminated water.
ISO 8501-1 / ISO 12944-4 class SA 2 for the full
360° circumference of the steel reinforcement to MIXING WATER NEEDED
be coated. 0.22 to 0.26 litres per kg of powder, depending
upon consistency required.
When used as a bond coat on concrete, the Leave to stand for approx. 5 minutes and re-mix
surface must be completely clean and structurally briefly before use, adjusting the consistency when
sound. Remove deteriorated or contaminated required, without exceeding the maximum water
concrete or mortar, e.g. by grit or high pressure demand.
water blasting. Saturate the concrete surface with
water but remove excess before application.
MasterEmaco® P 5000AP


Substrate temperatures must be a minimum of Store in cool and dry warehouse conditions. Shelf
+5ºC and a maximum of +35ºC. The minimum life in these conditions is 12 months in unopened
temperatures must be maintained during original sacks.
application and for at least 24 hours thereafter for
optimum curing of the product. WATCH POINTS
 Do not apply at temperatures below +5ºC nor
Apply the mixed material in an even layer at least  Do not add cement, sand or other substances
1mm thick (approx. 1.5kg/m²) to the full that could affect the properties of the material
circumference of the prepared reinforcement  Never add water or fresh mortar to a mortar
using a soft paint brush. When the first coat has mix which has already begun to set
hardened sufficiently, (approx. 30-90minutes)  Contact Technical Department of your local
apply a second coat also 1mm thick. BASF Construction Chemicals office regarding
any information required not mentioned here
It is important that this second layer has
sufficiently hardened before the repair mortar is NOTE
applied. When applying the repair mortar by hand
this can be done after approximately 2 hours. Field service, where provided, does not constitute
However, when spraying a repair mortar the supervisory responsibility. For additional
priming coat must be left to dry completely (min. 8 information contact your local BASF
hours @ 20°C). representative.
BASF reserves the right to have the true cause of
As a bonding slurry: Work the mixed material well any difficulty determined by accepted test
into the prepared and pre-soaked, damp surface methods.
by using a brush.
Typical application rates are 2-3kg per m². All products originating from BASF’s Dubai, UAE
Apply the repair mortar wet in wet. Never allow facility are manufactured under a management
the slurry bond coat to dry out! system independently certified to conform to the
requirements of the quality, environmental and
CLEANING OF TOOLS occupational health & safety standards ISO 9001,
While still wet clean with water. Once dry/cured ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.
the material can only be removed mechanically. * Properties listed are based on laboratory controlled tests.

® = Registered trademark of the BASF-Group in many countries.

Curing times are dependent on the environmental
conditions. Protect from rainfall until finally set.
The technical information and application advice given in this BASF publication are based on the present state of
STATEMENT OF our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no assumption can be
RESPONSIBILITY made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or
completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user is responsible for
checking the suitability of products for their intended use.

Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by BASF either
NOTE orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since they, and not
BASF, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application.

BASF Construction Chemicals UAE LLC Disclaimer: the LRQA mark relates
P.O. Box 37127, Dubai, UAE to certified management system and
Tel: +971 4 8090800, Fax: +971 4 not to the product mentioned on this
8851002 datasheet

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