WFRP Knights of The Grail Career Conversion
WFRP Knights of The Grail Career Conversion
WFRP Knights of The Grail Career Conversion
Human (Bretonnian)
Career Path
Knight Errant – Silver 2
Skills: Lore (Heraldry), Melee (Calvary), Ride (Horse), Athletics, Charm Animal, Outdoor Survival, Heal,
Trappings: Mail Shirt, Riding Horse with Saddle and Tack, Shield, Mail Coif,, Leather Jack, Helmet, Hand
Weapon, Shield
Talents: Virtue of Knighthood (Any), Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, Shieldsman
Trappings: Bretonnian Charger with Saddle and Tack, Melee Weapon (Any), Plate Armour, Tunic with
Heraldry, icon of the Lady of the Lake, Household Position with a Bretonnian Noble or Bretonnian Fief
Trappings: Plate Armour, Shield, Icon of the Lady of the Lake, Bretonnian Charger with Saddle and Harness
Talents: Grail Virtue (the one that matches the character’s Virtue of Knighthood), Inspiring, Frightening, Iron
Trappings: Plate Armour, Shield, Icon of the Lady of the Lake, Bretonnian Charter with Saddle and Harness,
Sip from the Grail
Virtues of Knighthood
Virtue of Chivalry
Description: You may call upon the Lady of the Lake and gain her blessings, as described in The Gifts of the
Lady on page @@. Only Bretonnian knights may take this talent, which is only useful to characters with
Fortune Points.
Before going into combat, the knight takes a few moments (at least 12 combat rounds) to pray to the Lady,
asking for a boon. He then spends a Fortune Point and chooses the blessing he wants. Sometimes, the lady
grants a different blessing if it would benefit the knight. Thus if the knight is facing-nonmagical opponents with
poisoned weapons, she might grant protection from poison even though the knight asked for protection from
● Grail Draught: The knight gains +20% bonus to all tests to resist poison.
● Lady’s Mantle: The knight gains +1 Armour Point on all locations. This adds to the value of any
armour actually worn, to a maximum of 6 Aps per location.
● Might of Purity: On a successful hit, add the result of the units of die to the attack role to any
Damage caused.
● Stout Heart: The knight gains +20% bonus to all tests to resist fear, whether mundane or magical.
● Ward of Light: The knight seems slightly brighter than his surroundings and gains a +10% bonus to
all tests to resist harmful magic.
Virtue of Audacity
Agilgar of Parravon was a master of turning a foe’s strength back on him.
Description: If an opponent’s Strength Bonus is higher than yours, use its value in place of your own for the
purpose of dealing damage
Virtue of Confidence
Carleond of Couronne would challenge any foe to single combat, such was his confidence in his prowess.
Description: Whilst engaged in combat, you may take a Full Action to issue a Challenge to a single opponent.
Most targets of the Challenge are not obligated to accept the Challenge (though many do); Knights with the
Virtue of Chivalry Talent must accept. For the duration of the combat, you gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls in
melee combat. Whilst engaged in a Challenge, you may not Challenge a new opponent in that combat until the
first is defeated or has fled the battle.
Virtue of Discipline
Marcus of Bordeleaux took the field against any odds-, ever undaunted
Description: It is no easier to attack when you are outnumbered. With this Talent, you negate any bonuses to
your opponents’ Weapon Skill that are gained as a result of superior numbers. This Talent does not negate any
other circumstantial bonuses.
Virtue of Duty
Thierulf of Lyonesse was the most loyal of the Companions, always fighting at the side of his liege
Description: You may pledge your loyalty to up to three other characters. When you fight alongside those
characters, they each gain a +5% bonus to their Weapon Skill characters. If any of them are not present in a
battle, you take a -10% penalty to your Weapon Skill characteristic.
Virtue of Empathy
Martrud of Montford always championed the peasants and was loved by them in return.
Description: When you succeed a Fellowship Test when dealing with Bretonnian peasants, you succeed it by
number of levels equal to your Fellowship Bonus. Other knights do not think less of you for talking with your
social inferiors. (They may think less of you for choosing this path in the first place, however).
Description: You may make another attack in exchange for a Fortune Point.
Description: If you successfully wound an opponent at the end of a Charge Attack, you may immediately take
another free attack against the same opponent. This attack costs no action but is otherwise the same as a
Standard Attack. You are not required to make this attack (for example, if your opponent is already dead). The
+10% bonus to Weapon Skill bonus from the Charge does not apply to this additional attack.
Description: You may not use magic items or ride steeds other than a horse. Any weapon you wield counts as
magical and the Critical Value of any Critical Hit made against you is reduced by one. A Critical Hit with a
value of 0 has no effect.
Virtue of Purity
Rademund of Quenelles was the most virtuous champion of the Lady, upholding her honour in every battle.
Description: You may invoke the Gifts of the Lady without taking time to pray. In addition, you gain one
bonus Fortune point every day.
Virtue of Stoicism
Lambard of Carcassonne stood firm in the face of fear, and his bravery steeled those around him.
Description: You may re-roll any failed Fear or Terror Test, or any failed Test to resist Intimidation. If the
re-roll succeeds, ignore the first failure. You may have a party member be granted a re-roll on this test as well
Description: You take a -50% penalty to your Weapon Skill characteristic if you use a lance. Questing Knights
renounce the use of that weapon, and those with the Virtue of the Quest find it hard to break that pledge.
You receive visions that direct your quest. The visions lead you to the place where you should be, which
normally means that they lead you into danger.
At any time, you may call upon your strength of purpose to give you succour. As a half action, you may spend a
Fortune Point to heal 1d10 of your wounds. This cannot be taken above your normal maximum.
time, you choose not to make a melee attack while so engaged. After the bonus is expended, you cannot use the
Grail Virtue of Audacity for the duration of the encounter.
Description: In your hands, all lances count as magic weapons and do an additional +2 Damage. They also
lose the Tiring quality. If you wield a magical lance, its damage is increased by +1, and it loses the Tiring quality
if it has it.