Miniature Wargames 493-202405

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With the latest news items.


’ve recently been reading a lot about virtual reality goggles for
augmented reality, backed by hilariously awful AI FOURPENCE
systems that can’t work out who fought for the The Silver Bayonet goes distinctly historical:
Nazis in WWII. It reminds me that – when it Napoleonic skirmish roleplaying from Mr Kinch.
comes to research – there is no substitute for
the immutable written word and – when we 13 PAINTING PANZERS
think of gaming – I want toy soldiers not trick Getting the best from the Wargames Atlantic
goggles... So: for Cape Wars, Painting Panzer plastic Panzer Lehr (or any other WWII German
Grenadiers (the right colour), Wars of the Roses, figures, really!)
How to Best Balance a Scenario, Historical
Silver Bayonet, Siege System Ideas, Scratch- COVER 17 THE WARS OF
building, Tips on Photographing your Models FEATURE THE ROSES
plus news and reviews, I present issue Dave Tuck tries out some rule ideas for this
number 493 of Miniature Wargames. As exciting period.
Jason Kay sings: “Now there is no sound
if we all live underground, and now it’s 23 DEFENCE IN DEPTH
virtual insanity: forget your virtual With the latest figure and rules reviews.
reality...” See you at Salute: for real!
It’s Command Decision and Jon Sutherland
reckons that - if the odds are right - you’ll fight!

Get in touch Chris Swan presents the concluding part about
the Wars with the Xhosa or Africa’s 100 Years
John Treadaway
War. This time there are three scenarios.
Editor MiniatureWG
MiniatureWargames How to video your wargames and produce epic
miniature_wargames_magazine cinematic blockbusters!


MINIATURE WARGAMES A siege simulator using a board game you might
EDITORIAL PUBLISHED BY have lying around indoors that’s too good for kids.
EDITOR John Treadaway PUBLISHER Claire Ingram 51 A TALE OF TWO SHOWS
Warners Group Publications PLC The Maltings, West Street, A photo report of the Cavalier show.
DESIGN Mike Carr
Bourne, Lincolnshire PE10 9PH | 01778 391000

COVER: Wars of the Roses by Dave Tuck NEWSTRADE DISTRIBUTION

Warners Group Publications Plc 01778 391150 Another feast of reading material to fill a
ADVERTISING AND PRODUCTION wargamer’s heaving shelves.
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PRODUCTION MANAGER Kay Cotterill The Skirmish Wargames collective.
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MARKETING The views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the
publishers. Every care is taken to ensure that the content of this magazine Build a pig pen. Just look at the muck...
MARKETING MANAGER Sophie Thornton is accurate, but we assume no responsibility for any effect from errors or
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May 2024 Miniature Wargames 3

News, previews and community submissions from the wargaming world

Saxons often used smaller round shields
so there’s small bucklers included (36)
28mm unarmoured warriors but also the same number of larger round
from Victrix
shields – both flat and slightly domed
The very latest plastic release from Victrix – so the modellers can take their pict...
is Early Saxon Unarmoured Warriors. £36 These are modelled in the usual Victrix Latest Age of Empires in 28mm
buys a bag of six identical sprues with style of proportional and yet paintable plastic
a total of 36 models which represent the with lots of animation and some great This latest release from Wargames
Early Saxons, Jutes, Angles and Danes ‘shouting’ faces! Go to Atlantic includes a box of 12 models
(all grouped together under the generic for more info. depicting cavalry typical of the
title of ‘Saxon’) that invaded Britain North-West Frontier during conflicts
during the 4th to 6th centuries. There’s a with the British from the 1830s-1920s.
huge mix of head types (90 in total) from Depending on weapon choices they
bare headed to caps and various helmet would not be inappropriate from 1700
styles. Fur cloaks (with separate optional up to the present time. The set comes
‘paws’!) can be stuck on adding variety, with a new horse sprue with bespoke
along with hair extensions and crests, furniture and poses but – again – with
plus weapon options including swords, ‘swappable’ body halves and four
spears, javelins (also held as spares in different heads. The human component
multiples), hand axes and some Angons comes with two torso options and lots
with the metal socketed spearheads. Early of different heads/hats plus weapons
can be selected from a range (swords –
Desert Fortress walls in the same scale. both in use and sheathed – and rifles or
Going up a size they have also added jezails). Models are proportionate and
some 15mm Adventurers with four well detailed and a set will cost £25 but
packs of six different figures: a mix of there’s a reduction for buying in bulk.
humans and aliens in various attire. Go to
These are great for Stargrave, Traveller
and 5 Parsecs from Home for the smaller
scaled adventure/skirmish or RPG
systems. These are £3.50 per pack of
AGRI BUILDINGS & six different and Brigade are aiming

for some vehicles to suit as well. Go to
6mm Terrain and 15mm figures
for Sci-Fi
Brigade have some new releases for
Salute. Firstly they have some additional
Sci-Fi platform structures for their
Agri-Colony Building range: priced
at £2.50 to £3.50 there’s a Homestead,
Warehouses and a Chapel (complete with
as steeple). They also have some new

4 Miniature Wargames May 2024

Adding to Sci-Fi clutter for 28mm Stargrave PARTIZAN
and similar, Crooked Dice have some Sunday 19th May
Octagonal Crates in a resin set which come as a Cedric Ford Pavilion,
single, a pair and a foursome for £7. And – if Newark Showground, NG242NY
your crew has some downtime – what about
an Arcade Machine to keep them occupied
(again in resin for £4). However – in a different BROADSIDE
vein – there are also two new sets of Skeleton Saturday 8th June
Archers: in metal and £4 each or £15 for a pack Medway Park Sports Hall, Mill Road,
Gillingham, Kent, ME7 1HF
of four with eight different poses available. For
more info go to

Sunday 14th July
Sheffield Hallam University, Howard Street,
Sheffield, S1 1WB

Saturday 3rd August
Edinburgh College, Granton Campus.
Edinburgh EH5 1QE


All-period wargaming, all PUEBLA
by yourself 5 MAY 1862
Caliver Books are about The Battle took place near
to release a new title called Puebla de los Ángeles,
Wargaming World Solo: during the Second French
Ancient to Modern Solo intervention in Mexico.
Wargaming. It’s a set of French troops repeatedly
guidelines and mechanics failed to storm the forts
designed to allow the gamer of Loreto and Guadalupe
who lacks regular opponents situated on top of the hills
play games in “any scale of which are used for mapping overlooking the city of
of figures or period, with examples with arrows applied Puebla, and eventually
examples from 1066-1975.” to show concepts, the well retreated to Orizaba in order
The A4, 80 page book uses a chart based illustrated book is divided into three main to await reinforcements.
system to generate an “Opponent” in a sections of Overview (and general concepts), Lorencez was dismissed
realistic but still unpredictable way. Effectively Preparation, Play and required Tools. from his command, but more
this is a paper “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) The Play section – with many charts (and French would eventually take
and to set this in context he references other utilising a deck of standard playing cards the city, however the Mexican
systems that use similar ideas such as Chain for the most part) – takes one through: Force victory against a better
of Command, The Men Who Would Be Kings Deployment; Game Turn Sequence; Unit Activation; equipped European force
(well known for the very popular Mr Babbage Commands; Random Events; Flank and Reserve provided patriotic inspiration
system), One Hour Wargames, NUTS! Man to Units; Movement; “Virtual You” Reactions; to the Mexicans. Slowed
Man Combat, and BOHICA (‘Nam). Shooting; Hand to Hand Combat; and Morale. by their loss at Puebla, the
The author – Gregory Ward – stresses that Overall it’s an interesting read even if – as French forces regrouped
AI wasn’t really how he wanted to describe might be expected – a little chart heavy. If you and with additional troops
the system and instead settled on the term the need an opponent across the table to push were eventually victorious,
“Virtual You” or VY. toys around and haven’t got one you can get winning the Second Battle of
Illustrated with a large number of a virtual antagonist and it’s only going to cost Puebla on 17 May 1863 and
photographs (from multiple periods) many you £17.50 from pushing on to Mexico City.

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 5

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*T&Cs apply. Price applies when you subscribe to Miniature Wargames via a Direct Debit 12 Month Subscription between February 1st and April 30th at 11.59pm. See website for details

A historical Napoleonic scenario for The Silver Bayonet Words and pictures by Conrad Kinch

MISSION STATEMENT Treadaway has an Emu War article lined Brotherhood of the Wolf, The Brothers
This is Miniature Wargames, the up for next month’s issue (my money Grimm and Jonathan Strange & Mr
magazine for all wargamers, and I like is on Arthur Harman, but I could be Norrell. Players will typically field forces
to think that there’s something to that. wrong), but I like to think that we’re a of 6-8 men lead by one officer figure.
Our esteemed Editor Young Master broad church. Combat is fairly deadly with most
Treadaway makes it his business to My pal Peter is no fan of “Swamp figures being able to take two to three
ensure that there is something for Wizards” as he calls all non-strictly hits before being rendered hors de combat,
everyone in these pages. You’ll find historical wargaming, but it was during though it’s less chaotic than Stargrave,
science fiction, fantasy and horror a conversation with him that I realised as it uses 2d10 rather than a single d20:
represented. Every shade and period that one could use Joseph McCullough’s something which the author addressed
of historical wargaming has found a 19th century gothic horror game as a recently in a post on his Patreon (patreon.
home here. I’m struggling to think of straight historical wargame. com/GamesfromtheGrave973):
a conflict that I haven’t seen covered in So please find below, a “straight”
MW at some point. Possibly the Emu solo scenario set in the aftermath of a
War of 1932, though I’m not saying Napoleonic battle. The Silver Bayonet
ABOVE: Redcoats searching for Lt Molloy and
that wargame is not on the cards... is set during a fantastic version of French stragglers skirmish.
It’s perfectly possible that Master the Napoleonic wars. Similar to

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 7

face is grey with grief and lack of sleep,

He rises to speak, but retakes his seat
when an aide touches his elbow and
guides him back to his chair.

“The general is busy with planning for

tomorrow’s affair. However, there is a personal
matter with which we would appreciate your
assistance. The general’s son Peter was leading
his squadron during today’s affair when he was
unhorsed and killed by some enemy lancers. At
least that is our best intelligence and we have
confirmed that he has not returned. You are
requested to retrieve his body so that he may be
buried decently.”

Note: I have written this scenario from

the perspective of a British player, which
is how I play tested it, but it is intended

ABOVE: Here is a potential setup. I’ve already set up

the cards and casualty markers, though I wouldn’t
personally put cards on the board because I find it

“Despite what they may have thought, I

didn’t have an epiphany that the bell curve
of rolling 2d10 is better than the swinginess
of the d20. Instead, I made a decision
based on how I wanted that game to play. I
wanted The Silver Bayonet slightly more
predictable than those other games, partly
because of its semi-historical nature and
partly due to the players having less figures
in their unit.”

ABOVE: “Are you quite alright old chap?” Lt

As someone who has enjoyed all of McCullough questions a wounded Frenchman.
McCullough’s games that I’ve played,
I’ve found the Patreon value for money.
That said, you can play this scenario NARRATIVE to be generic. Simply use whichever unit
with any set of skirmish Napoleonic or The cannonade has ceased. No more do you prefer. The names shouldn’t present
black powder rules which use one figure the rumbling hooves shake the ground. any major issues as the Irish military
to represent one man. Flintloque from Musketry no longer rents the clear air, diaspora spread widely. Field Marshal
Alternative Armies or Ganesha Games for the darkness has stolen in. The chill Laval Nugent von Westmeath fought for
Song of Drums & Shakos would be a of night is now encroaching and while the Austrian Hapsburgs, while Marshal
good fit. there is still gun fire, it is furtive and of France Henri Clarke was Bonaparte’s
melancholic. A grieving hussar pistolling Minister for War.
SCENARIO: A CLAMOUR a wounded horse or a plunderer
OF CONFUSED WRONG finishing off one of the wounded who SET-UP
“Moon cold or moon hot. The road winds in will not go quietly. The gently falling This scenario should be played on a 3’
Listlessness of ancient war, rain smothers the cries of the wounded, by 3’ table. For the sake of simplicity, the
Langour of broken steel, but at least they can slake their thirst table is divided into nine sections, each
Clamour of confused wrong, apt while they await their fate. The battle is twelves inches square. There is a clue
In silence. Memory is strong done for the day, but may renew on the marker in the centre of each square.
Beyond the bone. Pride snapped,” morrow, for the enemy was beaten, but The table represents a battlefield after
Excerpt from Rannoch, by Glencoe, not routed. You are summoned to the the battle, strewn with bodies and the
T.S. Eliot tent of General Molloy. The old soldier’s detritus of war. The table is made up

8 Miniature Wargames May 2024

ABOVE: Father Thomas & Sister Maria do the best
they can to aid the afflicted.

a series of dips and hollows, broken Take six Black Cards (Club Ace through
up with a few rocks, scrubby trees, six), shuffle them and place three of those
broken fences and brush. Dips and cards in squares A,B and C. Discard any
hollows are hard to represent on a flat unused cards. Take the Diamonds (Jack,
tabletop, but I would suggest laying a Queen and King), shuffle them and draw
dozen paperback books on your table one card without looking at it. Place
and then throwing a cloth over it. it face down and take the Hearts (Ace
This should break up the lines of sight through Ten), shuffle them and draw two
enough that a figure should be able to cards, place them with the Diamond.
see from one side of the table to the Shuffle those three cards (two Hearts, one
other. The table should be littered with Diamond) together and place them in
casualties, broken wagons, dead horses squares G, H and I. Take the remainder of
and suchlike. the Hearts and place them in the squares
The clue markers are laid out before D, E and F.
the game. You can, if you like, place the
cards on the table, but I would find that ◗ Do not use the Unexpected
visually distracting, so I marked out a Encounters or Unexpected Events
grid to one side of my table and placed rules for this scenario.
the cards there. I labelled each square A ◗ Any figure reduced to zero Health
through I. should be placed on its side rather
than removed from the table.
A (PLAYER B C ◗ Clue tokens may be revealed by
friendly figures contacting them or by
unfriendly/non-player character figures
moving within three inches of them.
ABOVE: While in the game you would turn over cards The player deploys his unit at the ◗ Play for fifteen turns or until all
as you would encounter them, I’ve flipped these to
give an idea of one potential board layout. table edge in one square of his choice, friendly figures have left the board or
either A, B or C. are out of action.

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 9


Ace A wounded fusilier trying to crawl to the rear. He will move 1’ per activation unless helped. If helped by one Drop a die from a height of six inches
figure he will be able to move at half the helping figures move. If helped by two figures they will be able to over each square of the board. Place a
move normally. If he is helped off the board edge any helping figures gets +2 experience.
Two A wounded and kicking horse. Its plaintive screams cause any figure within six inches to operate at casualty marker there. I used casualty
-2 Courage. It can be put out of its misery by a Melee attack or automatically by a shot from a ranged figures that I had, but you can easily
weapon. It has three health remaining. It’s Melee is +1 representing the chance that it will kick a figure.
substitute something else, a discrete
Three Place three enemy fusiliers (stats as Infantryman p33) who have just stripped the packs from some
dead soldiers six inches away. They will immediately fire and then run away from the player figures. One bead, a die or something else. These
(alternate between figures) will attempt to reload each turn and open fire as they fall back towards Square
I and attempt to move off the table. They have loot worth 10 recruitment points. represent casualties, men who are
Four A wounded officer of hussars (stats as Junior Officer p34, but mounted). This friendly officer is bleeding definitely dead, but whose bodies may
profusely from a head wound and is half mad. He will attempt to order up to two figures within three be looted by unscrupulous players.
inches to accompany him on an insane errand. Make a Melee attack on the figure, using Courage rather
than Melee. If beaten, the player figures must accompany the officer as he gallops randomly around the Take the unused Spades (Ace through
board. They may make a second Courage attack on each activation to attempt to talk him around, in which
case they must choose to lead him off the board or let him ride off. He will attack any enemy figures, but is King) and when a character spends an
worth +2 experience if led off the board. activation next to the Casualty Marker,
Five A dead grenadier. Within six inches in a random direction there is a smouldering cartridge box which draw a card from the deck.
has just caught fire. This will create a fire 1’ in diameter. This can be stamped out by a successful melee
attack against a Melee +0. This fire will grow by one inch every turn and add one to its Melee, until it is 6’ in
diameter. This also blocks line of sight.
Six A maddened and wounded friendly soldier (stats as Marine p35). He will move randomly and attack any
figures that comes within three inches. He must be beaten in melee by at least +2 to overpower him Ace A dead cavalryman with a breastplate and a
without injuring him. He can then be brought off the field if accompanied by a friendly figure. If killed, all hand weapon. His fine saddle and tack can be
friendly figures within LOS must make a Terror Check -1. taken and will reduce the Recruitment cost of
one mounted soldier by five for three games.
Two A dead woman, a civilian? How did she get
here? She has nothing to steal but her frock
CLUE TABLE: DIAMONDS and you slink away, leaving to her what little
dignity she has in death.
Jack Young Molloy’s body is found crushed beneath his horse. He can be carried off the table by two figure at
normal movement rates or by one mounted figure. +4 Experience if he is brought off the table. Three A purse of gold. This can be traded for a one
game bonus of 20 recruitment points in a
Queen Young Molloy is found badly wounded but alive! He can be carried off the table by two figures at normal future game.
movement rates or by one mounted figure. If he can be brought off the table edge edge that the player
figures entered by within six turns, he will survive (+6 experience), but failing that he will expire +4 Four A dead infantryman with a leg of mutton in
Experience if he is brought off the table. A figure with the Medic attribute may add one turn to the numbers his knapsack. The finder is very hungry and
of turns Molloy stays alive. will eat it immediately, but may share it with
two figures within six inches. +2 Courage for
the rest of the game.
King Young Molloy’s body has been destroyed by artillery fire. He can be identified by the tack on his horse
and some personal effects. His remains, such as they are, can be brought off the table by one figure. +4 Five A dead infantryman with nothing but his musket.
Experience if he is brought off the table.
Six A dead man with a musket and bayonet with
some money hidden in his knapsack. +2
CLUE TABLE: HEARTS Seven A poor nameless soul without a penny to his
Ace A search party of five enemy infantry (stats as Infantryman P33) looking for their wounded officer. They name, known only to God.
will move to Square A, spend one turn there and then move off the board as quickly as possible. They will Eight A dead man with a Fencing Weapon and some
not fire unless fired upon or they come within ten inches of a friendly figures. money hidden in his knapsack. +2 Experience.
Two Place an unarmed and lightly wounded enemy soldier (stats as Infantryman, health -4) within six inches. Nine A dead vivandiere with a cask of spirits.
He moves randomly across the board and will move towards the nearest friendly figure and will plead to The finder must make a Courage roll (TN12)
be taken prisoner. He must be brought off the board (+1 experience) or he will follow the nearest friendly or consume the spirits immediately. -2
figure, pestering them and getting in the way. That figure may only make one action per activation. Any Accuracy and +2 Courage and may not Sprint
figure so base as to kill will be at -2 for their next game because of bad luck. for the rest of the game. If the spirits are not
Three A party of civilian looters. Three women (stats as Ruffian) will move to the nearest Casualty marker and consumed immediately they can be shared
spend one activation there. They will then move towards any figured on his side and strip him. Figures who with up to three other figures (-1 Accuracy,
have been visited by these looters suffer a -3 on their Injury Roll. +2 Courage for three figures).
Four Place three wolves on the table six inches away from the clue maker. These wolves will flee from armed Ten A dead man with a heavy weapon and some
soldiers, but will attack any single figure (figures with no friendly figure within three inches) on the table, money hidden in his knapsack. +2 Experience.
prioritising the figure with the lowest health. Jack A poor soul who has been horribly cut
Five Four enemy cavalry men (stats as Heavy Cavalrymen p32) appear at the nearest table edge to the figure up by shrapnel. He has some money (+2
activating the clue marker. They will attack the nearest friendly figure and will continue to do so until two experience), but pawing through his remains
of their number have been killed. If a Ten of Hearts has already been drawn, they will move across the exposes the soldier to dangerous disease.
board in a straight line and exit, only attacking figures that are within three inches of them. Make a Health roll (TN14) or suffer -2 health
for the next three games.
Six A search party of five enemy infantry (stats as Infantryman P33) looking for their wounded officer. They
will move to Square C, spend one turn there and then move off the board as quickly as possible. They will Queen As you start to rifle through the dead man’s
not fire unless fired upon or they come within ten inches of a friendly figures. pockets, he gives a sudden groan and grips
you tightly. “Please,” he begs. “Tell Mother that
Sevin A party of friendly soldiers (stats as Infantrymen) who are looters. They will move to the nearest casualty I am sorry.” He starts to babble and rave. The
marker and after reaching that will make for the nearest friendly figure turned on its side. They will kill figure must make a Melee roll (TN12) to break
that figure and take his stuff and then leave. They may not be fired upon until they have done so. They can way, but will suffer -1 Courage for the rest of
be ordered off the field by making a Courage (TN14) roll within three inches of them. the game if he succeeds. If the figure stays
to listen, the dead man will release him at the
Eight A party of civilian looters. Three men (stats as Infantryman) will move to the nearest Casualty marker and end of his next activation and expire.
spend one activation there. They will then move towards any figured on his side and strip him. Figures who
have been visited by these looters suffer a -3 on their Injury Roll. King A headless hussar in a richly embroidered
and frogged uniform. He has one item from
Nine Father Thomas and Sister Maria (stats as Doctors). They will move to the nearest casualty marker unless the Armoury or Special Armoury of your
there is a figure turned on its side within twelve inches, if so they will move to him and attempt to carry choice on him.
him off a friendly table edge. They will not fight and will flee if attacked. Any figure who is so base as to
attack these people will suffer a -2 penalty for their next game.
Ten Four enemy cavalry men (stats as Heavy Cavalrymen p32) appear at the nearest table edge to the figure
activating the clue marker. They will attack the nearest friendly figure and will continue to do so until two CONCLUSION
of their number have been killed. If a Five of Hearts has already been drawn, they will move across the
board in a straight line and exit, only attacking figures that are within three inches of them. This is a sombre sort of a game as it
concentrates on the grisly aftermath of a

10 Miniature Wargames May 2024

point and got chased off the table. Also
you may be tempted to march in a
straight line across the board, attempting
to activate as few Clue Tokens as
possible: please remember that they
can be activated by non-player figures
moving within three inches of them as
well. This is an adjustment to the usual
rules as I found myself doing exactly
that during playtest!
This is a solo game and – while I
have tried to give the other characters
reasonable behaviour and motivations –
you are playing a solo game, so the only
TOP: “I think he’s trying to surrender Sir?” Lt McCullough and Ensign Treadaway do their best to understand a shell
shocked bandsman, while Sgt Egan contemplates the contents of a fallen Frenchman’s knapsack. There may not person you’re playing against is yourself.
be a Marshall’s baton. But there may be some booze. If you think a particular move by a non-
player figure makes no sense, feel free to
ABOVE LEFT: French cavalry thunder out of the darkness, surprising scouts searching for Lt Molloy’s body.
modify it. I have another solo historical
Silver Bayonet scenario which has seen
Napoleonic battle. I drew heavily on the can be high, though the aftermath of some play, but which I haven’t written up
Waterloo section of John Keegan’s The battle can still be quite dangerous. yet. It’s more of a straight up fight/rescue
Face of Battle for inspiration as well as During a playtest game, I found myself mission. If that’s something that would
period memoirs. That said the rewards facing eight French cuirassiers at one appeal to you let me know. ■

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 11


Generating Grenadiers Words and Photos by Paul Mackay

Paul recently showed us some of his ECW Panzer Lehr many of my comments will search for Panzer Lehr uniforms was far
and horse painting. Now for something hopefully prove useful for painting any more useful and enabled me to produce
completely different! Ed. mid to late war German grenadiers. a result that I was happy with.


Back in the October 2022 issue we Firstly do not let anyone tell you the The first figure I have chosen carries
were provided with a free sprue from field grey that you have chosen or have an MG 42 and I have deliberately
Wargames Atlantic of their then new available is the ‘wrong’ colour. If you illustrated this part of my guide with
Panzer Lehr. I will not go over any look at surviving period uniforms many photographs showing a rear view. Often
uniform or history information about have very different interpretations of photographs/paintings for all periods
this famous unit (as it was covered in what field grey should be. I simply produce great images you can work
that issue) other than to mention they used the paints I had available at home from but then leave you in the dark for
are equipped with the M1940 field and did not buy any paints specifically painting the back of your miniatures.
grey uniform issued to all Panzer Lehr for this article. Try to match what The miniatures were undercoated
soldiers not entitled to wear the black you have and I always in my guides with a white rattle can spray paint and
Panzer uniform. Other hints and tips to would never for example specify I used Army Painter Field Grey for the
make these authentic to this Division what manufacturer’s black or white is jacket and trousers. The webbing, top
will be covered in my guide. Although ‘correct’. Although I have a few German of the canteen ammo box and MG42
my article is obviously aimed at the WWII books at home a quick Google were all painted with Scale 75 Petroleum

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 13

would be viewed if you were applying

a zenithal spray from above. The wash
should be below creases in the cloth not
sit above them. Again, with a varnish
and base completed this will result in a
nice table top mini. The original colours
are then used to produce a cleaner result
and the Agrax is only left in the shadow
areas of the uniform.

Grey (just use black if you have not got with shading a miniature make sure you
this or a similar colour). The bread bag are not just highlighting raised areas
and gaiters were then done with Zandri but where the light would actually hit
Dust from Citadel. I also saw several the figure. The machine gun, top of the
images of the gaiters being more of an canteen and webbing are highlighted
olive drab colour rather than the ‘khaki’ with Scale 75 Rainy Grey (although any
I have used. The boots and wooden grey will do) after previously being
parts of the weapons were painted washed with a diluted black ink (take
GW Throndia Brown. With the flesh care here not to flood other areas of the
also painted that’s all the main colours uniform).
blocked out and if you wished you The model is varnished (I like to
could just stop here. brush varnish using Vallejo Matt) and
The water bottles, boots and laces are based. Metallics (I used GW Leadbelcher)
highlighted with Leather Brown from the are applied after the varnish to the belt
Army Painter. The highest creases of the buckle and buttons etc on the bread bag.
jacket and trousers are painted with an The varnish obviously will protect the
equal mix of the Field Grey and Uniform model on the table top but it will give the
Grey also from the Army Painter. As miniature a more uniform appearance
as the wash is quite shiny and the Army
Painter are more satin in appearance to
the Scale 75 paints matt finish.

The helmets appear to all have
camouflage covers moulded on them
and – for a bit of variety – I painted one
of the jackets and one of the trousers
with the same pattern. I again used
images I found online and did not worry
about the end result being completely
historically accurate.
The figure was then washed (not The helmet and uniform is base coated
the flesh or weapons) with two coats with GW Zandri Dust. Irregular patterns
of undiluted Agrax Earthshade from are then made with Mournfang Brown
Citadel. The second was a far more from GW. I just copied images I found
controlled application and make sure online.
you do not allow it to pool where it I used a mix of equal parts of Citadel
should not be. If you are not sure about Death World Forest and Vallejo Deep
this hold the model from where it Green for the next part of the camouflage

14 Miniature Wargames May 2024

effect. Here the green is applied more
sparingly in terms of area covered and
appears both inside and on occasion
alongside the brown areas.
Ushbati Bone from Citadel is used
as an extreme highlight as has a light
green and brown on those areas of the
camouflage pattern with that colour.
details on caps, wood grain, scratches on
OTHER & NOTES the ammo box etc were then picked out.
The figure’s shirts have been painted Below is a size comparison between
with Field Grey and washed with Agrax Wargames Atlantic’s and Warlord
before being highlighted with a light grey Games’ German Infantry.
mix. You may just want to ignore this and
paint yours with the main jacket uniform CONCLUSION
colour. Rhinox Hide is used to outline I have deliberately written this piece so
areas of the miniature chiefly where the that you can pick and choose the end
hands and face meet areas of cloth. The result that suits your chosen style of
shoulder boards and trim on the officer’s painting whatever stage you are at in your
cap were painted a dark green and this hobby journey and will result in either a
was then trimmed with a light green. I basic tabletop or higher end finish. Next
then used a green and yellow mix. Fine time I’ll be painting Napoleon! ■
This is the model washed with Agrax
the result is immediately more pleasing
to the eye.
With the base colours reapplied this
results in a far cleaner appearance.

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 15
Rules to fight for a Kingdom Words and Photos by Dave Tuck

INTRODUCTION The other two sets are card driven, with the Test ABOVE
Our group has had a longstanding interest in the Wars of Resolve system being the more sophisticated, as The armies
of The Roses. Several of us have walked the battlefield it allows one side or the other to carry out a string of
at Towton, and I have visited Tewkesbury, St Albans, consecutive actions, depending upon the card order.
and Bosworth. The pick of these, for me anyway, is However, there is very little control in these systems,
Towton, as I watched a re-enactment there on the which – granted – many may argue is accurate for the
anniversary of the battle as well as meeting the late, period. We set out to try and find a happy medium,
great Robert Hardy who was an expert bowyer and without the use of cards and using only D6. I will leave
one of a few people who could produce an authentic you, the reader, to decide whether we have succeeded!
RULES IS RULES I played a World War Two set called Combat HQ
The recent introduction of some new rulesets for which involved dice stacks and I set out to develop
the period, namely Test of Resolve, Never Mind the this for our period, as it gives a good balance between
Billhooks, and the newest version of Hail Caesar, only friction and overall control of your force. Armies in
piqued our interest further. Unfortunately – and not this period were divided into Battles, the Vanguard,
unusually for our group – we didn’t really take to any of Centre and Rearguard and I made these my building
them, largely due to the command and control systems blocks. In our games these usually consist of between
used in them. Hail Caesar – as with all the Warlord nine and twelve units in each. These are a mix of
big battle set – relies on the roll of two D6 to determine billmen, archers, men at arms, artillery, and sometimes
whether no orders or up to three orders are available. more exotic troops, such as Irish Kerns, hand gunners

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 17

◗ The Lancastrian is not so lucky! He rolls

1,1,1,2,3,4,5,5 and 6. So more 1’s than 6’s and he hands
the three ‘1 result’ dice over to his opponent. The
Yorkist rolls three 4’s with those so he has generated
another order block. The Yorkist wins the initiative
and spends his 5’s allowing two units of archers to
fire. The Lancastrian spends his 2 allowing one of his
units to return fire. The Yorkist then spends his 4’s
moving 3 units towards the enemy etc until all dice
are spent, or (if it is a 6) retained for future use.

An initiative roll is now made to determine which
side starts play. The winner can choose whether to go
first or second. Player one then spends a dice stack, as
described above. For each dice in the stack they can:

◗ Shoot
◗ Melee
◗ Move
◗ Reload an artillery piece
◗ Change an artillery target
◗ Wheel a unit up to forty-five degrees and make a half
move (or vice versa)
◗ Turn a unit about, (turn 180 degrees).

Until the battle moves to within 12” (close longbow
range) the whole battle, or parts of it can all move on
and crossbowmen. The number of units is totalled ABOVE one order dice, providing they are moving in the same
and the commander either improves this or reduces it Bills and Bows direction and are within 6” of another moving unit in
depending upon their quality. the battle. Once the troops are within 12” the order dice
can only be applied to one unit. More than one order
TROOP TYPES dice in a stack can be used on a single unit but it may
We have four grades: Treacherous, Cautious, Adventurous, only fire and melee once during each stack.
and Rash. The final number is multiplied by 1.5 and the
result is the number of order dice available to that battle 666: THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST...
in the turn, this usually results in around 12 to 15 dice Those harvested result of a 6’s allow the following
being rolled. These are then sorted into dice stacks, all special actions:
the 1’s, all the 2’s etc. The 1’s are removed and if there
are more 1’s rolled than 6’s they are also passed over to ◗ The dice can be converted to any other number to
your opponent to re-roll for that turn (for these re-rolls increase an existing order stack.
the more 1’s than 6’s rule is ignored). ◗ Or it can be added to any other order to allow a unit
to perform the complex manoeuvre of reforming in
An example may be useful! the same formation but turned to 90 degrees of its
◗ The Yorkist battle commander – who is Bold – has 5 original facing.
units in his battle, so he gets to roll 9 dice. (One for ◗ Or to ”loose a salvo of arrows” to allow an archer
each unit plus 1 for being bold x 1.5). 5+1x1.5=9 unit to add 2 to its firing roll this turn.
◗ His opposing Lancastrian is Cautious and has more ◗ Or to “unleash the dogs of war” to allow a melee
men with a total of 7 units. However, because he is unit to add 2 to its combat roll this turn.
cautious, he loses a dice, also rolling 6x 1.5 dice for a (The above two must be declared prior to the roll of the dice.)
9 dice total. 7-1x1.5=9 ◗ Or to remove a fatigue or casualty marker from a
◗ The Yorkist rolls 1,2,2,2,3,3,5,5 and 6. He makes three unit provided it has not fought in a melee, fired, or
order blocks: three 2’s, two 3’s and two 5’s. He puts been fired on in this or the previous turn.
the 6 to one side to see how the turn develops. The 1 ◗ Or it can be used to fire a shot (at under ½ range) out
is equalled by the number of 6’s so is put to one side of sequence when a unit has been charged, prior to
as well. contact.

18 Miniature Wargames May 2024

◗ Or if unused the 6 can be carried over to another There are some deductions for terrain. There are no BELOW
turn. In that case the player rolls one less order dice charge bonuses but to move into contact the force must A mixed line of
archers and
for each 6 carried over. have enough orders left in the order chain to spend one bills support
on fighting the first round of melee. If they do not, they each other.
We have found this system creates all sorts of may not make contact but stop 3” short of the target
dilemmas for the players: there are just never enough unit.
6’s! Do you use them to reform a unit and remove a
casualty from a unit? Or perhaps you can extend a FIRE!
string so a unit has sufficient orders to contact and We also wanted firing and combat to be both quick
fight an enemy? Or unleash the dogs of war to try and and simple. Firing is an opposed D6 roll, with a win
win that vital melee! There are lots of decision points signifying a hit. There are a few factors to amend for in
and both players remain engaged only waiting for 5 or firing:
6 actions to be carried out before the baton is passed
back to them. ◗ Minus 1 if firing on artillery crew, or Kerns, or troops
behind cover, or Javelins firing on fully armoured
HERE’S ONE FOR YOU... men at arms, (either on foot or on horseback.)
The passing over of 1’s to the enemy causes plenty of ◗ Plus 2 if archers firing a salvo of arrows (and
laughs (unless it’s you who are giving them away!) spending one of those precious 6’s)
and changes the dynamics for a turn, without ruining
the game. We honestly think this system can and will Ranges are straightforward
be used by our group for many more periods. It has ◗ Longbows and crossbows 24”
added a whole new set of challenges to what could ◗ Handguns 12”
have been a fairly boring period. ◗ Javelins/Darts 8”.


We have some special rules for certain troop types or The number of hits each unit takes before it is removed
historical battles. Irish Kern can for instance, fight a are as follows:
round of melee, then spend another order with a 50%
chance of breaking off the melee and moving back 8” ◗ Mounted Men at Arms 4
facing the enemy, and we have special weather rules ◗ Pikemen and Billmen 4
for the snowstorm at Towton, and the fog at Barnet. ◗ Foot Men at Arms 5
◗ Longbowmen, other mounted troops and
HOW FAR & FAST crossbowmen 3
Movement is very straightforward: ◗ Hand gunners 2
◗ Artillery crew 1.
◗ 6” for Infantry
◗ 8” for Kerns
◗ 12” for cavalry

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 19

ABOVE THIS IS EXHAUSTING... type has three factors: when attacking, when defending
The front We also introduced fatigue into our rules, this reflects from a flank attack and when fighting in special
unit has one
casualty and tiredness and – in the case of longbowmen – their circumstances such as difficult terrain, or attacking
four fatigue ammunition supply. Men at arms on foot and pikemen over an obstacle or defence work. This is the system
points. have a limit of 8; all mounted 6 and all other troops used in Armati rules and is both quick and effective.
7. Each time a longbow unit shoots, 1 is added to its To this are added any relevant factors from the
fatigue total and whenever any troops fight a round of list plus the roll of a D6. The winner inflicts a single
melee, another 1 is added to their total. A unit attacked casualty on the loser unless the winner’s adjusted
in front and flank adds 2 each time it fights both of its score is double that of its opponent. In that case two
opponents. casualties are inflicted.
This counts as an advantage in combat when This again makes for a decision point. Do you spend
measured against how tired the opposing unit is. a precious 6 to “unleash the dogs of war” to make your
Troops add 1 to its melee factor for every 2 levels of chance of a double easier, or even make your enemies
fatigue advantage it has over its opponents This means chances harder?
that a double attack from front and flank will soon see
off an enemy unit in that unfortunate position! Secure WEAPONS & FACTORS
flanks are vitally important in these battles. We also Factors range from zero to six, depending upon
give a bonus for units that have more flank or rear weapon types and circumstances. Factors to add and
supports than its opponents, up to a maximum of plus are as follows:
one for each flank and one for rear support. ◗ Plus 1 for a terrain advantage, and for every two
fatigue point advantage or for every extra flank or
FIGHT! rear support over your opponent.
Melee is – again – very straightforward. Each troop ◗ Plus 2 if you “unleash the dogs of war” and spend a 6.

20 Miniature Wargames May 2024

There is no unit morale per se: once a unit reaches
its casualty limit it is removed. There is however a
morale test on the whole Battle. This is calculated as
the sum of the number of units in the battle, plus the
Battle Commanders rating, plus the difference on two
Average dice, divided by 2. One is deducted from this
total every time a unit – or the Battle Commander – is
lost. Once this reaches zero the unit dices each turn
using aD6. On a 1-3, they must retire from the battle,
fighting their way off if opposed.

As the subject of Battle Commanders has arisen, let us
look at these worthy or not so worthy Gentlemen in
more detail.
If you are doing a refight these can be allocated by
the scenario writer. For pick up games we use the
following chart

ABOVE A wounded commander is replaced, and the new

A hazard to commander arrives on the battlefield during the next
cross. All Flags
turn. He rolls for his command status in the usual way
are Free at
Wargaming at but applying a -1 to the result.
the Outpost Gy
facebook page.
We have played several battles using these rules,
including historical refights such as Barnet, Edgcote,
Northampton and the Second battle of St Albans. These
are big battles with 30 to 40 units in play on each side,
divided between the battles. As each battle faces off
it is easy to split it down into three separate action
groups, with each player controlling one battle and
opposing sides can go at their own pace. They can only
influence the other actions once their direct opponent is
destroyed or hits its battle morale limit when it leaves
the field. We find this makes the game proceed at a
pace and makes a multiplayer Wars of the Roses battle
easy to manage.
There is little, if any, information on how Wars of
1 2 3 4 5 6
the Roses troops fought. We have the weapons they
Treacherous Cautious Cautious Adventurous Adventurous Rash
used, mainly Bow and Bill, but no real information of
how they were marshalled for battle. Did the troops
of one Lord all fight together no matter how armed or
Roll a D6 giving the overall commander a plus 1. If were they separated off into troop type? At Edgcote
a commander is Rash, he adds 2 to the combat factor the Kings archers marched separately. Was this usual?
of any unit he attaches himself to. If that unit loses a How did that affect cohesion and morale fighting with
round of melee and hence a casualty, he is at risk. Rash people you didn’t know?
commanders roll on the at-risk table on rolling a 1-2. There are more answers than questions here. I prefer to
All others except Treacherous roll on it on an initial 1. see the units sorted by troop type but other rule writers
have a different approach. It is not difficult to generate
THE AT-RISK TABLE factors for mixed units in this very flexible rule set.
1-2 Killed in Battle -1 on battle Morale I always prefer to see a set of rules as a toolkit rather
3-4 Wounded (note 1) See note 1 than Holy Writ, if you don’t like part of these rules feel
5-6 Blade deflected by the Grace Light a votive candle! free to amend them. At the very least why not give
of God
them a try? ■

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 21

Wargames Fantasy and

◗ and some the single sided ‘Falcata’ type:
◗ £40 or Xyphos and Kopis) plus six identical
hoplons. To strap to the side of the
There are very few finer looking models there are eight sheathed swords
wargames units than ranks and ranks (again, both types) and – if the sword
of hoplites in linen armour and bearing is being employed by the model – it’s
their bronze faced shields. Building up a quick scalpel job to take off the hilt
a big unit in 28mm can be expensive to show it empty. Finally there’s some
and hard work when it comes to spears alternative arms for holding shields or –
(steel or bendy white metal?) Plastics are fun times – a severed head!
probably a good way to go and Victrix The models when assembled are
has made a great set to help with that. about 32mm to the top of a putative
Forty quid buys eight identical head (again: all wearing helmets so it’s
multipart sprues, each of which will a judgement call) and are what I would
build you six models with a host of say are on the ever so slightly well built
options. So – for the mathematically – size of proportionate: so, an excellent
challenged that’s less than 84p a figure... compromise for paintability, fitting
The sprues have five complete torsos in with other manufacturers’ (metal)
in advancing/standing poses plus one figures, and robustness of weaponry.
spilt at the waist. This latter Highly Recommended (but buy a sheet
one doesn’t have any other of the shield decals!)
halves to mate with but does
allow some flexibility at the
joint area to offer some slightly
different poses by twisting at the
midriff. One of these bodies is wearing
a moulded cuirass (bronze I assume)
and one is in scale but the rest are in
linothorax. To add to those bodies,
there are a fair number of head
options: there are a dozen different
(all helmeted) with optional crests to
stick on, plus three that are
already fitted with crests,
and all of these are
As for equipment
there are 16 different
spear arms, seven sword
arms (some straight-
bladed ‘Lakonia’ type

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 23

◗ £3.60-£12

Ground Zero Games have been a

little lacking in recent months for new
releases but I’m pleased to say that they
finally have some new material out.
Broadly this amounts updates in three
areas: spaceships for Full Thrust; 15mm
SF figures; and Game Tokens.
The Full Thrust ships are all smaller
vessels for three different forces: UNSC
Gunboats; NAC Gunboats; NAC Missile
Boats; NSL Gunboats; and NSL Missile
Boats. All of these are three quid a pack
of three models, and each comes with a
ELFKING and other doodads) but they make up
LATEST into neat little bundles of joy. Throw
◗ another Crustie on the barbie! Oh – and
◗ £11 - £18 in this scale – they have also released
some small hover drones that are well
We have covered the supplements for worth investigating.
the Elfking RPG system by Lucid Eye, Finally, I mentioned in a Last Word
although the company also makes some recently about a set of rules Jon Tuffley
cracking miniatures for the system of GZG was working on that I tested
(sculpted by Steve Saleh). The latest out (one using just measuring sticks and
printed material is a Book of Further dice and almost no paperwork) which
Encounters and an Adventure Module. generated a fair amount of interest.
The A4 Encounters book is suitable black plastic hex base and a with nifty Well – to go with that (and as they
for solo gaming. As with all, of these one-piece, three-way, clear plastic flight use the same colour/dice system as
add-on’s you’ll need to own the Core stands to mount them on in a ‘Y’ shaped other rules GZG produces) GZG have
Rulebook to fully utilise the contents. formation. The models themselves all some new coloured tokens out. Clearly
There are ten encounter scenarios have a winged, ‘Star-Warsie’ feel about printed on impressively thick MDF these
including a solo orientated one with a them and each ship is pretty small – would make any ‘Tuffleyverse’ game go
wide variety of settings and opponents. generally 10mm or so wide and a wee smoother and – for £12 – are well worth
This is £18 in printed format (from bit longer. They also come moulded on a getting a hold of some. Recommended.
Amazon, for one) although it’s also sprue that means they can be painted en
available from Wargames Vault and as masse and then snapped off afterwards
a PDF. and added to the base which is clever.
Alternatively – and for £11 in A5 – one The 15mm releases are mostly more
could purchase the Adventure Module. from their ‘Crusties’ range. These look
This contains three sub adventures: an awful lot like the ‘Prawns’ from the
Outside The Sleeping Tower; inside... well film District 9 and – as such – make for
the same tower; and The Saga Of Ulthrane believable bipedal crustaceans for any
And The Skeglings. There are maps to game system. Latest releases include
help with all of this and weapon tables Heavy Weapons teams with Arc Cannons;
and so forth with Mortars; Heavy Weapons teams with
All print copies purchased are Auto Grenade Launchers; with Plasma
entitled to a free PDF of the book: Cannons; with Multi Rocket Launchers;
drop Lucid Eye an email at contact@ and with AA/AT Missile Launchers., with your Each pack comprises two teams of
Amazon receipt and they’ll sort it. (whichever) weapons and crew and are
These are nicely illustrated using both £3.60 a pack. Some assembly is required
original hand drawn and AI assistance, for the heavy weapons themselves
intriguingly enough, and they are useful (typically a tripod base and, for
RPG products. Recommended. example, elements like separate missiles

24 Miniature Wargames May 2024

◗ £3 - £8.50

Brigade have been adding to a force on

their 15mm SF range. Baffin’s Legion (a
Hammer’s Slammers: The Crucible based
unit) have now been fully represented
vehicle wise. Baffin’s Legion makes an
appearance in the second part of the 10MM SF
story ‘The Warrior’, as the Hindi and ◗
Han forces clash over the paddy fields of ◗ £1.95 - £6.75
the town of Morobad. While the Han are
supported by the Slammers, the Hindis A couple of months ago we mentioned 15mm figures and certainly less than
are reinforced by Colonel Baffin and in Forward Observer that Pendraken most 6mm models.
his force of tank destroyers, armoured had released a new range of Sci-Fi- in Pendraken have certainly hit the
infantry and heavy artillery. 10mm (as usual!) At Hammerhead we ground running and the range is
finally got our hands on some samples already pretty broad with AFVs in most
and very nice they are to. With the categories – APCs, Tanks, AA vehicles,
release of models adjacent to this sort of artillery (heavy and medium), MLRS
scale from both Mantic and GW (well launchers, Mortars, Tank Destroyers
– a re-release in the latter case) maybe – and Drones. They also have infantry
what with Dropzone Commander – it in packs – again in various types:
really is the time for 10mm to shine. Grenadiers, Armoured, Unarmoured,
All of the Pendraken releases are Heavy Weapons, Anti-Air, Anti-Armour,
in metal and it does make for an Snipers and some nice Command packs
interesting ‘feel’. The forces are split (complete with a table and a computer!)
over four army types, all Human: and all are very well sculpted and
Corporate (hover-vehicle types); Empirical – as we said before – really pretty
(with a bit of a WWI-meets-‘Death proportionate. They’d do very well
Corps of Krieg’ feel with Rhomboid with a drybrush/speedpaint fast
tanks); Theological (with very high- finish and they are an excellent price:
tech grav-vehicles); and The Collective individual vehicles (sometimes – in
(tracked and the figures have an almost the case of artillery – with a handful of
To go with the with the M12 Tank Neo-Sov look about them). crew) are between £3.50 and £4 even at
Destroyer and the Twin-Hull APC (the I like the mix of styles their most expensive and a starter pack
latter of which I have recently covered in and they might well appeal will cost £36. Highly recommended.
this column) they have released an APC, to anyone who fancies EDIT: latest news is that Pendraken are
a Calliope; a Missile Vehicle; a Command a 40k style game without releasing even more by the time this
Vehicle; 21cm Hog Artillery piece (with falling into the Warhammer goes to press!
a fixed boxy superstructure), a Hover money-pit: they are an interesting mix
Jeep and (to tow behind it) a wheeled of both hard and fantastical SF. Detail
Calliope. The latter item has a twin 3cm on the AFVs is excellent if slightly
calliope for air defence mounted on a GW cartoonish but the figures
four wheeled gun carriage similar to themselves are very neat. If anything
many AA systems. Price for these varies they are less caricatured than many
from, £3 for the small resin Jeep to £8.50
for the artillery hog and all have a hard
moulded on plenum skirt (as befits a
‘blower’) plus white metal accessories:
rear ramps, hatches, turrets and big
howitzer gun barrels etc. Although the
force is designed for the ‘Slammerverse’,
they can, of course, be used for any
SF environment and the manufacturer
recommends using their Polish figures
for infantry. Recommended.

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 25


The odds are you’ll fight Words and pictures by Jon Sutherland

Command Decision investigates a touchy subject this ABOVE AND

month and we look at points costs, odds and more. Ed. RIGHT
At Rorke’s Drift,
a concentrated

s gamers, we like a fair fight. We want an battlefield,
element of risk, to be wary of the counter- some careful
punch, have a determination to take the positions and
objectives (but not at any cost). We’re a lot of guts
always wondering whether to take the initiative saw less than
150 men beat
and be proactive, or to sit back and see how things upwards of
develop. To keep things fair, we will invariably work 4,000. Photo of
to a points system. Point systems aren’t arbitrary, each John Lavender’s
game at
characteristic of unit is assigned a value, command Hammerhead
points are often added in too. 2024 by the
We all know that the majority of battles were never
fair. Just what convinced an historical commander to

26 Miniature Wargames May 2024

take the initiative and attack? Back in the mid-1980s THE PRACTICE
the U.S. Army Concepts Analysis Agency (no, I hadn’t Firepower and its offensive and defensive use is one
heard of them either) published a survey of land of the key determining factors. If we think of the
battles in the period 1600-1973. The results blew a Colonial period, we often have the situation where a
hole in the much quoted 3:1 attacker v defender odds much smaller European force (with faster firing, longer
advantage. Across the 600 battles – regardless of the ranged weapons) takes on much larger Native forces
odds – the attackers won over 60% of the time. Even (plenty of guts, but no real offensive firepower). The
when the attackers were outnumbered 3:1 they still European forces invariably have the initiative and force
had a 60% chance of winning. Obviously when the the Native army to counterattack them.
odds were better than 3:1 in the attacker’s favour the A hundred years before, on the battlefields of Europe
win rate was nearly 74%. and in India during the Seven Years War, the firepower
was more equal and there were far more bloody
draws. Once we add in supporting artillery fire or air
support the odds theory just doesn’t work. Carefully
orchestrated combined arms attacks such as those
mounted by the Germans in the first couple of years of
World War Two showed that combined arms firepower
was far more important than sheer numbers.

Most of us are aware of the fact that in the C19th the
Prussians came up with a gaming system to help
teach battlefield tactics to their officers. It is said they
successfully wargamed their actions against the French

In the American
Civil War
and leading
from the front
often saw
smaller forces
overcome much
larger enemy
casualties were
fairly high!

In Colonial
times, such
as during the
Indian Mutiny,
men with power
and money
consistently Conventional wisdom tells us that an attacking in the 1870s and again in 1914. It is widely assumed
dithered against force has to be large to cope with the potentially high that the 3:1 ratio comes from these Prussian training
the British and
the put upon
casualties when they attack a prepared position. and research games. The ratio could well hold for
Sepoy paid the Sometimes, the defender will also have chosen the this period of warfare, but by the time the Germans
price. terrain, have dug defence works, be closer to their own launched their offensives in 1940 the whole way that
supply lines, have reinforcements close at hand and wars were fought had changed. Small German forces
perhaps they might have a “home” advantage in terms would pin much larger enemy forces (who lacked air
of morale (defending their own families etc.) support or the ability to mount offensive actions) and

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 27


Those of you that have read anything I’ve done for
this magazine before will know that I’m a big fan of
asymmetrical wargaming. It is a lot more fun to try and
replicate a miniature version of the armies engaged in
particular battles. It’s also very hard to achieve this.
I played out several games trying to replicate
the ancient battles of Leuctra, Gaugamela (Arbela)
and others. Giving players a free non-historical
deployment simply didn’t work. Neither did
starting them historically either. It quickly became
apparent that taken in isolation, wargame rules
cannot easily replicate what actually happened. At
Leuctra (about 3:2) and at Gaugamela (3 or 4:1) the
winners were outnumbered. In both cases the winners
concentrate the cutting edge of their forces on a specific ABOVE
point. The tank breakthroughs were protected by close Outnumbered
and outgunned,
aircraft interdiction. the Jacobites
What we can say about the Kriegsspel approach and gave a good
the 3:1 doctrine is that it was a model that worked account of
at the time. Consistently, the Prussians outperformed on more than
their enemies on the battlefield. They were seen to be one occasion
effective even if the odds were not in their favour, their against
forces were durable and their military organisation was forces.
something that would be emulated by others.
battlefield, the
Smaller forces with mobility and commanders willing drill, precision,
to take the initiative make nonsense of the 3:1 rule. The firepower and
leadership were
campaigns across North Africa in World War Two saw the determining outmanoeuvred the enemy and made a concerted
very small British and Commonwealth forces taking on factors. effort to capture or kill the opposing general.
bigger and largely immobile Italian forces. In Vietnam At Leuctra, the weaker Theban allies pinned most
the US used helicopters to gain temporary local of the Spartan allies along the battle-line. The Thebans
superiority. Napoleon gathered some brilliant aides- concentrated on the Spartan right where they knew
de-camps around him to directly relay his wishes, the cream of the Spartans would be deployed – led
precisely, to the commanders in the field. His quick by their general – and they crushed the Spartan block
wits and use of a trusted cohort of staff did away with and won the battle. At Gaugamela, Alexander faced a
the normal lag in a chain of command. Manoeuvres wall of (supposedly) indifferent troops. He lured the
could then be executed immediately and exactly as cavalry covering the Persian King to their left, and then
Napoleon intended even if he was several miles away. at the head of his companions he rode hell-for-leather
through the gap. The Persian King panicked and the
IT’S ALL ABOUT THE TERRAIN battle was won.
In open ground, given comparable firepower,
most defenders are going to struggle if they are THE STIMULATION ITSELF
outnumbered 3:1. Invariably, one side or the other has We all like to think we can come up with a master-plan
a slight advantage which can tip the balance. that is even more cunning and decisive than the one
Take two events that took place on the same day in used by Alexander, Napoleon, Rommel or Fieldhouse
January 1879. At Rorke’s Drift the tiny garrison was and Moore in 1982. Just how to set things up to allow
outnumbered by 30-40:1.Okay, the Zulus were armed that depends on the context of the game we’re playing.
with stabbing spears... not so. The married Zulu If it is part of a campaign then the game-timeline
regiments in particular had firearms, so in firepower has probably already deviated some way from the
terms the British were out-gunned 20:1. At Isandlwana historical sequence of events. There’s no reason why
earlier the same day upwards of 1900 British troops we can’t replicate that deviation in a one-off battle.
faced around 25,000 Zulus. This was largely in the We don’t have to restrict ourselves to setting up
open on undulating terrain over a relatively huge historically, but we might want to retain some of the
battlefield compared to Rorke’s Drift. It was a massacre: features of the historical events. Let’s randomise the
some 66% of all British and allied troops were killed. circumstances:

28 Miniature Wargames May 2024

Player/Dice Roll Player A Player B
1 Attacker 3:1 Defender
2 Attacker 2:1 Defender
3 Attacker 1.5:1 Defender
4 Defender Attacker 1.5:1
5 Defender Attacker 2:1
6 Defender Attacker 3:1

Example: a 5 is thrown. Player A is the defender and he is

outnumbered by the attacker 2:1. Example: a 5 is thrown. Player A throws a 4, he now
knows to expect his reinforcements to arrive at the historical
HISTORICAL/FREE DEPLOYMENT (EACH PLAYER ROLLS) time and from the historical direction. All of his starting
Player/Dice Roll Player A/B Explanation troops may be deployed as he sees fit.
1 Rigid Historical All troops must begin in historical
positions. Reinforcements arrive
2 Infantry Historical Only infantry units must be Player/Dice Roll Defender Attacker
placed in historical positions 1 No defensive positions, Cavalry/armour may not
(including any infantry but up to 25% of force move until turn 2
reinforcements). may be in cover
3 Cavalry/Armour Only mounted units must be 2 Artillery may be in cover Artillery may not fire until
Historical placed in historical positions turn 2
(including any reinforcements).
3 Artillery or 25% of Infantry needs until turn 2 to
4 Reinforcements Free deployment for troops infantry may be in cover get underway
Historical on the table at the start of the
battle, all reinforcements arrive 4 Artillery and half of No restrictions on readiness
historically. infantry may be in cover
5 Free Deployment No restrictions over deployment, 5 Artillery and all infantry Artillery may fire once
but defender deploys first. may be in cover before game begins
6 Free Deployment No restrictions over deployment, 6 All units may be in cover Cavalry or armour may move
but attacker deploys first once before game begins

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 29

Example: Player B is the attacker. He throws a 5. It is Example: Player B is the defender. He throws a 2 for
with some glee that he gets a free artillery bombardment on manoeuvrability which means all of his troops must remain
the enemy defensive lines before the game actually starts! in position until turn 2. This suits him. He then throws a 5
for his commander. This means he will be leading from the
DEPLOYING TROOPS (DEFENDING PLAYER ROLLS) front. Player B is convinced he won’t survive the battle!
Player/Dice Roll Defender Explanation
1 Deploy all The defender has to deploy their whole force AND FINALLY
troops first before the attacker.
A combination of all of these factors should give you
2 Deploy half The defender deploys half of their force, and
of army first then the attacker deploys half followed by the countless permutations. Don’t get too fixated about the
balance of the defender’s force. The attacker odds; the likelihood is that the other tables will turn
then deploys the rest of his army.
something up in your favour to compensate. ■
3 Deploy Defender must deploy his infantry first, and
infantry then the attacker deploys their infantry. The
first defender then deploys the rest of their force
followed by the attacker.
4 Deploy Attacker must deploy his infantry first, and
infantry then the defender deploys their infantry. The
second attacker then deploys the rest of their force
followed by the defender.
5 Deploy half The attacker deploys half of their force, and
of army then the defender deploys half followed
second by the balance of the attacker’s force. The
defender then deploys the rest of his army.
6 Deploy The attacker has to deploy all of their troops
all troops before the defender.

Example: Player B is the defender. He throws a 5. This

forces the attacker to deploy half of their force first. Player B
then places half of his army onto the table. The attacker then
puts the rest of his army onto the battlefield.


Player/Dice Roll Defender Defender Attacker Attacker
Manoeuvrability Commander Manoeuvrability Commander
1 All forces static until turn 3 No confidence, must deploy on Only tanks/cavalry may move until Leaves it to his subordinates. Will
table edge turn 3 not stray into enemy charge range
2 All forces static until turn 2 Lacking in experience, may only All forces free to move Paper pusher, must note down
influence units within 1 normal overall attack plan at the start of
move the game and not deviate from it
3 All forces free to move Reluctant, will not move into firing All forces free to move Control freak, once an objective
distance of enemy infantry or is taken, one turn is lost as new
cavalry orders are sought
4 Half artillery may have free Run of the mill, but organised. Can All artillery may move at the Maniac, must be attached to a
redeployment after turn 6 move around at charge rate for limbered rate without needing to frontline unit at all times at the
five turns unlimber to fire main point of attack
5 Infantry may have 1 bonus move Heroic, must lead at least two Infantry may have 2 bonus moves Superior tactician, can choose two
after turn 5 charges into combat during the after turn 5 occasions in the game where he
game can decide whether to go first or
second in a game turn
6 Tanks or cavalry may have 1 bonus Uncontrollable, must be attached Tanks or cavalry may have 2 Genius, may give one flank or the
move after turn 5 to a frontline unit at all times bonus moves after turn 5 centre of his army two moves in
one game turn

30 Miniature Wargames May 2024

The Wars with the Xhosa or Africa’s 100 Years War: Part 2
Words by Chris Swan. Photos by The Editor & Ian Colwill
BELOW Century/Black Powder period. I have given details
The patrol of of the forces used in each scenario in general terms so
Rifles near that players an can adapt them to whatever rule set
Last month Chris gave us some background to the conflict. to the Xhosa they prefer but, of course, they can use the information
This month we have three scenarios! Ed. Village. for Black Powder given in the previous article and for
Rebels and Patriots (there is a download of guidance
The following three engagements are purely on the magazine’s web site).
representative of the types of engagement fought All three scenarios can be played using the same
during the 6th, 7th and 8th War. They can be played scenery with minor adjustments for each one. They are
out with any “small unit” rules for the mid 19th all played on a 4’ by 4’ table divided into three Zones.

32 Miniature Wargames May 2024

ZONE 1 This Zone is 4 ft wide by 12 inches deep
The Zone is relatively clear but has a River set 6 inches in from the table edge. The
river runs across the table from one side to the other. The Xhosa or Units in Open
Order or Mounted Units may cross it at any point moving at ½ speed but in the middle
is a “Drift” or ford which must be used to get any cattle or artillery across and the
Xhosa or any unit crossing at this point may do so at full speed.
In addition there are two areas of bad going: each terrain piece should cover an
area of no more than 6” x 6”represented by trees or scrub and should be placed by SCENARIO 1: THE RAID
the European player in scenario 1 before the Xhosa deploy and by the Xhosa player in The Xhosa have crossed the Fish River into Cape
scenarios 2 and 3 before the Europeans deploy – they may not be placed to block the
crossing point. Colony on a wide front to steal cattle and to see what
The Xhosa in scenario 1 and Crown Forces in scenarios 2 and 3 deploy within 4”
of the table edge on the far side of the river from Zone 2 and can be set up in any other loot they can gather. One group has split off to
formation desired by the player. attack Treadaway’s Trading Post, where unbeknown
ZONE 2 This Zone is 4 ‘wide by 2’ deep to the raiders the local defenders have been boosted by
The Zone is relatively clear but contains 4 areas of bad going: In scenario 1 and 3 one
of these represents cultivated fields which may have a hut adjacent to it: The second the arrival of a small force of British regulars.
is an area of pasture with a low wall or fence in which the cattle are grazing.
The other two are represented by scrub, trees or broken ground: each terrain piece
should cover an area of no more than 6” x 6”.
In Scenario 2 all four areas of bad going are represented by scrub, trees or broken THE FORCES
ground The Xhosa have five groups of warriors (a group may
The four areas should be placed by the Crown Forces player in scenario 1 before the
Xhosa deploy and by the Xhosa in Scenarios 2 and 3 before the Crown Forces deploy be split down into two smaller groups if desired) and
ZONE 3 This Zone is 4 ‘wide by 1’ deep one leader.
In Scenario 1 this contains the trading post which should be represented by one
medium sized suitable building with a couple of out buildings. There are no walls but The Crown forces and their allies have a unit of
the Crown Forces player may erect two barricades each no more than 6” long. This is regular infantry, a unit of Rifles which may be split into
the Crown Forces deployment zone. However, they may place up to 2 small sized units
in the area of cultivation and/or to protect the cattle in zone 2 if they chose to do so. two small units, two small units of citizens classed as
In Scenario 2 this contains two areas of bad going: each terrain piece should cover
an area of no more than 6” x 6”represented by trees or scrub and should be placed by Cape Town or Fingoe Militia and one leader.
the Xhosa player – the table edge is the Xhosa exit point for the scenario.
In Scenario 3 this contains a raised area on which sits a Xhosa village which should
have 4 or more suitable dwellings/huts with scattered village debris. There are no
walls. This is the Xhosa deployment zone.

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 33
If the herd are left unguarded in the open i.e. not
behind a wall or fence, or forced to move faster than 8”
ABOVE roll 1D6
A Xhosa
leader orders
forward. 1 The Crown Forces player chooses the direction of the
herd’s stampede and it moves 12” in that direction for this
British infantry 2 or 3 The herd stampedes back the way it came on its last move
prepare for the and moves 12” in that direction for this turn
Xhosa attack. 4 or 5 The herd stampedes directly away from the nearest
combat and it moves 12” in that direction for this turn
6 The Xhosa player chooses the direction of the herd’s
stampede and it moves 12” in that direction for this turn

LEADERSHIP Roll for each turn that the herd is out of control by
◗ Each force has an overall leader: If using Black a unit or group – this means that the herd may move
Powder they have a Command Value of 8 randomly around the table.
◗ Each group of warriors should be allocated a leader. If a Xhosa group or Crown or allied unit moves into
◗ The Regulars, Rifleman and Militia should each be contact with the herd and then passes its command roll
allocated a leader. then it will gain control of it and the herd will be able
◗ If using the Black Powder rules all of the individual to move with the group/unit on its next turn
warrior and unit leaders have a Command Value of 8 If the herd exits the table whilst stampeding it is lost
to both sides as it scatters across Cape Colony.
OBJECTIVES Note: Any group or small group of Xhosa warriors or any
The Xhosa want to seize the cattle and the trading post Crown or allied unit or small unit which is used to guard
so they can loot it whilst minimising casualties. the herd can defend itself by shooting or if attacked in Hand
The Crown forces and their allies want to drive off to Hand combat but cannot charge without losing control of
the Xhosa whilst causing the maximum number of the herd.
casualties to them.
Looting the Trading Post
SPECIAL RULES A group or small group of Xhosa warriors must first
Herding Cattle advance into contact with the building which they
The herd can only travel up to 8” per move or they will must capture by driving off any defenders and then
stampede spend 1 full uninterrupted turn looting it. If they

34 Miniature Wargames May 2024

succeed then that group’s normal move is slowed to in Zone 3 whilst minimising their own casualties but
6 inches per move due to the objects it is carrying off. inflicting as many casualties on their pursuers as possible.
The group can defend itself by shooting or if attacked The Crown Forces and their allies want to recover
in Hand to Hand combat but cannot charge due to the the stolen cattle/loot if any was taken and inflict the
loot it is carrying. maximum number of casualties on the Xhosa.


Following the raid the Crown forces and their allies Random Xhosa Deployment
have organised a pursuit of the Xhosa raiders and As this area is claimed by a neutral clan the Xhosa were
has followed them into the lands of neutral clans not expecting any pursuit and are therefore deployed
(traditionally the Xhosa believed that any conflict randomly initially facing the table edge they must exit by.
should stop when they entered the lands of neutral A group of Xhosa warriors is placed 12 inches in
clans and were upset when they found that their from the river bank so they are 6 inches into Zone
European opponents did not play by the same rules.) 2. This group should have the cattle if they were
The Crown forces have been joined by a group of successful in stealing them.
mounted Boers who not only want to punish the Xhosa BELOW Then Roll 1D6 for each of the other groups to
but are also seeking revenge for the deaths of loved one The British determine their location relative to the first group.
during the recent raid. infantry await
a Xhosa attack
If the Xhosa succeeded in stealing the Cattle and/ with resolve. SCORE THE GROUP’S INITIAL LOCATION
or looting the trading post then the Xhosa player must 1 Place the group 6 inches plus 1D6 inches directly behind
BOTTOM the first group
designate which units are herding the cattle and/or
A Brave 2 Place the group 6 inches directly behind the first group
carrying the loot – they may split a warrior group in rifleman meets
3 Place the group 6 inches plus 1D6 inches to the left of the
two smaller groups to carry out these actions. his fate. first group
4 Place the group 6 inches plus 1D6 inches to the right of the
first group
5 Place the group with the first group
6 Place the group 6 inches directly ahead of the first group

The Rules for herding Cattle and carrying loot are as

set out for Scenario 1.


The Crown forces and their allies have been authorised
to launch a punitive raid deep into Xhosa territory
and destroy a Xhosa village, seize their cattle and
burn their crops in retaliation for the raid. They have

The Xhosa have five groups of warriors (a group may
be split down into two smaller groups if desired) and
one leader.
The Crown Forces and their allies have a unit of
regular infantry, a unit of Rifles which may be split into
two small units, a unit of Boer Commando, two small
units of Militia or Fingoes and one leader.

◗ Each force has an overall leader: If using Black
Powder they have a Command Value of 8
◗ Each group of warriors should be allocated a leader.
◗ The Regulars, Rifleman and Militia or Fingoes
should each be allocated a leader.
◗ If using the Black Powder rules all of the individual
warrior and unit leaders have a Command Value of 8

The Xhosa want to escape by exiting the table edge

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 35
The Crown forces and their allies want to burn the
Xhosa crops, confiscate their cattle and destroy at least
half of the buildings in the village whilst inflicting the
maximum number of casualties on the Xhosa as possible

Xhosa Ambush
Although the bulk of the Xhosa forces must be
deployed in Zone 3 to defend the village, the Xhosa
may secretly place up to groups of warriors (each of
which may be split into two smaller groups if desired)
been allocated a battery of artillery to aid them in the in the area of cultivation and/or to protect the cattle
destruction of the village. and/or in of the any areas of bad going in Zone 2
if they chose to do so. The Xhosa player must write
THE FORCES down where these groups are located before the battle
The Xhosa have five groups of warriors (each of which commences and will only disclose them when they are
may be split into two smaller groups if desired – see activated or fire or attack a Crown or allied unit or they
the Special Rules) and one leader. are located by the Crown forces and their allies.
The Crown forces and their allies have a unit of To locate a hidden Xhosa group or small group
regular infantry, a unit of Rifles which may be split into which has not been activated or has fired, a Crown or
two small units, a unit of Boer Commando or Cape allied unit or small unit must be within 8 inches of it
Mounted Rifles, one artillery piece, two small units of and then roll 1D6.
Militia or Fingoes and one leader.

◗ Each force has an overall leader: If using Black
Powder they have a Command Value of 8
◗ Each group of warriors should be allocated a leader.
◗ The Regulars, Rifleman and Militia or Fingoes
should each be allocated a leader.
◗ If using the Black Powder rules all of the individual TOP LEFT
warrior and unit leaders have a Command Value of 8 Massing the
tribes (models
from Steve
The Xhosa want to defeat the Crown forces and
their allies or at least inflict the maximum number of The Rifles
casualties on them as possible. defend the
trading post.

The village
(models from
Steve McGuire).

36 Miniature Wargames May 2024

◗ A Crown unit will locate the hidden Xhosa on a 5+ ABOVE GAME TURN LIMIT
◗ A Boer Commando, Cape Mounted Rifles, Militia or Don't let them These games should have a Game Turn limit at which
past the wall,
Fingoes unit will locate the hidden Xhosa on a 4+ men! Battle is point the Europeans have defeated the Xhosa or vice
joined. versa. This is variable so neither side can predict
Burning the Field exactly when it will be. Thus after 6 turns roll 1D6: if a
A Crown or allied unit or small unit must first 1 is rolled the game stops at that point. If this does not
advance into contact with the field and then spend a happen, then on the next turn roll again with the game
full uninterrupted turn setting fire to it. Once on fire stopping on a 1 or 2. On subsequent turns increase the
smoke will cover the field obscuring visibility so that score needed to end the game by 1 and so on until the
any unit or group in it or on the other side of it from game automatically stops after turn 11.
any observers counts as if it were in soft cover for
both spotting and shooting purposes but not for any ALTERNATIVE SETTINGS
adjustment to the unit or group’s saving throw. As the engagements involve soldiers and militia
The Rules for Herding Cattle and carrying loot are against “Hostiles” they could be played in other
as set out for Scenario 1. settings such as:

Destroying the Village Buildings ◗ French and Indian Wars with both regulars and
A Crown or allied unit or small unit must first advance militia fighting Woodland Indian raiders
into contact with the buildings and then spend 1 full ◗ In India where soldiers of the East India Company and
uninterrupted turn setting fire to it. Once on fire their allies are fighting the forces of a local Indian Ruler
smoke will cover that part of the village obscuring ◗ French Algeria in the 1840s with French soldiers and
visibility so that any unit or group in it or on the other their local levies fighting Algerian/Berber raiders
side of it from any observer’s counts as if it were in soft ◗ The Plains Wars with US Cavalry and poorly trained
cover for both spotting and shooting purposes but not infantry fighting the plains Indians
for any adjustment to the unit or group’s saving throw. ◗ In Darkest Africa where Colonial forces and local
Alternatively 2 hits from the artillery piece will allies are fighting a tribal kingdom.
destroy a Xhosa building. In such settings the herd of cattle can be replaced

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 37
where necessary by other suitable animals such as ABOVE used for Xhosa or Fingoes for the 8th and 9th Wars.
horses, sheep or goats. The cavalry Iron Duke Miniatures are about to launch a new
chase away
their opposition. range of figures called The Orange River Range which
GATHERING YOUR FORCES will cover conflicts in South Africa and the Orange
With only a few groups/units per side these River Sovereignty and will include British/Crown
engagements will only require a few figures to play. forces in campaign dress as well as allies and enemies
For example, if using Rebels and Patriots you will including mounted Basotho Warriors who were
need a combination of 6 mounted and dismounted another foe but that is a different tale.
figures for the Boers or Cape Mounted Rifles and units Players could, of course, substitute Darkest Africa
of 12 or 6 figures for the regulars and for the Militia tribesmen from Wargames Foundry for the Xhosa or
against say 30 to 60 figures for the Xhosa. Similar even Zulu figures and pitch them against suitably
numbers will suffice if playing Black Powder, although attired British soldiers.
we use 6 to 8 figures per unit or group.
As I primarily game this type of engagement in FURTHER READING
28mm I will restrict my comment to manufacturers of The best source of information about these conflicts
this scale of figures. comes from the excellent books by Colonel Mike
Perry Miniatures make the most comprehensive Snook. Produced in two volumes called Cape Warriors
set of figures in the Cape Wars Range having all of the I and II they contain a wealth of information and
necessary figures for both sides. They are run a close details including some firsthand accounts and can
second by 1st Corps who have an extensive Cape Wars be found on the Perry website or from a well known
range including Xhosa wearing the Crane Feather on-line retailer. These are backed up by two Osprey
Headdress and Xhosa wearing European clothes. books, The British Army on Campaign 1816 – 1902
Unfortunately the two manufactures’ figures do not volume 1 – 1816 to 1853 and Queen Victoria’s Enemies:
mix well as the 1st Corps figures are smaller than those Southern Africa with the prints giving inspiration for
from Perry. painting your soldiers and warriors. As ever more
British infantry and European militia can also information can be found via the internet.
be taken from the Maori Wars range manufactures So will the Crown forces and their allies
by Empress Miniatures. An Australian figures succeed in “chastising” the Xhosa or
manufacturer, Cannon Fodder Miniatures, used to will the Xhosa succeed in their cattle
make six different Xhosa figures and these were sold raid and go on to successfully DOWNLOAD
by a company called Blaze Away, but I am not sure defend their homes? Only you and
whether these are still in production. In addition, the Gods of the Dice will decide!
North Star’s Matabele warriors with muskets can be Happy Gaming. ■ information/downloads

38 Miniature Wargames May 2024

omewhere back in the mists of time there were To a young gamer wanting to take a few nice

a couple of clever articles about photographing Camera Two diorama shots of his fledgling armies and minis
filming from the
miniatures. They were published in a magazine side. these two articles by Dever seemed an impossible
now inextricably associated with a certain mountain to climb. Back then a decent SLR camera
gaming imperium, but back in the day its pages was a very expensive item mostly associated with
teemed with varied tabletop gaming content to tickle professional photographers. That’s before all the
all fancies. other things that presaged the reader either having
The author, the late great Joe Dever, had taken it access to, or be willing to fit out their spare room as, a
upon himself to explain to readers the fine art of taking photographic studio. Not forgetting in this pre-digital
decent pictures of their painted metal miniatures. The age of photography there was no instant result as the
article which was part of his regular ‘Tabletop Heroes’ film – an extra expense – had to be taken to your local
thread, outlined the kit, props and techniques needed chemist to be developed over the course of a few days.
to get professional or at least near decent results. Needless to say while I read through the articles, I
cut corners and skimped by using the cheap instamatic
TIME BANDIT camera I had. The results? Well, all that came back from
Back then I poured over the descriptions, photos and the local chemist were twenty four blurry prints of my
instructions with something approaching confused flocked dioramas with varying degrees of shadow that
eagerness. Because... here’s the thing: back then in more resembled Jackson Pollock than a fierce 28mm
the mid-80s the list of recommended equipment was warband. At least the chemist took pity on my skills as
prohibitively expensive. It mentioned such exotic a photographer and didn’t charge me. Bless him, but I
items as an SLR camera, lenses, and extension tube never tried things out again.
set (?!), film – yes actual film – plus other mystical
paraphernalia like a cable shutter release and BACK TO THE FUTURE
conversion filters. How times have changed. Not only can the casual
photographer take high quality photos of their
miniatures, dioramas or wargames with a smartphone
whipped out their back pocket (which often costs as
much as a DSLR, mind you... Ed), things have gone a
major step further.

40 Miniature Wargames May 2024

How to film a
Words snd photos by Tom Holden

distended and bloated. A wargame is a prime LEFT

example. How do you cover the rules, the Bluetooth
and wired
movement, different units in different locations, microphones.
the players thoughts plus the dice throws all
within a video presentation? It’s a heady mix that
can inevitably lead to a confusing quagmire.


The solution is right in front of us in a manner of
speaking. If there’s something that resembles a
wargame being played out it’s a sports game. If you
consider a football game or rugby match has certain
overlaps with moving miniatures around a table, then
We now live in an age with entire YouTube channels filming a wargame is easier to understand. Think
dedicated to the miniature wargaming hobby. about it, you’ve got a wide space with two ‘teams’ at
Something that seemed unthinkable back when the either end, when the game starts these teams move
above articles came out. Yet, here we are. Living at around and come into contact with one another.
a time when you don’t need to a professional film Also to flip things on its head somewhat, imagine if
maker to produce content that can be shared with the a Premier League clash or Rugby Union match were
entire planet. However, this great democratisation of to be filmed like many of the YouTube wargames
video making has produced something that was best video out there. If this was the case you’d either have
described by Monty Python alumni Terry Gilliam one static camera covering the entire field or a lone
some years ago: “There are now more ways, for more roving camera operator scrambling around the pitch
people, to show how bad they are making films”. A bit trying to film every piece of action. Or perhaps the
caustic perhaps, and something that was aimed at television screen would be split into separate parts
actors attending a film festival, but a certain truth rings simultaneously showing the commentators, ball being
from Gilliam’s words. kicked and player reactions. Any one of these would
Many times I’ve started watching a battle report have the viewer wondering what potent hallucinogen
or a rules demonstration on YouTube only to be left the TV crew had just ingested.
with boredom or severe motion sickness causing me to So why do the same for a wargame? Well, it’s only
switch off after a few moments. The films in question natural to use a video camera just like our eyes. We
usually suffer from one of two things. Either it’s a three often try to impose our visual grammar onto video
hour long video of two people at opposite ends of content creation. In other words when we play a
wargames table in which the shot doesn’t change. Or wargame our eyes and thoughts are flitting all around
the video maker picks up the camera or smartphone the table as we scan the terrain, units or look for
and constantly moves in and out of the various units potential break out manoeuvres. Doing this with a
and areas of the table as the game progresses like a camera is a mistake as this technique translates very
buzzing fly. The former is boring while the latter can badly to video, yet it’s the trap many fall into as they
induce motion sickness! attempt to hoover up every detail of the game in front
Also some gamers out there feel the need to show of them. As mentioned above the net result can be a
everything happening at once, resulting in a screen confusing blur of unfocused movement giving the
with panels showing the wargame table, dice tray viewer sea sickness.
and gamers narrating every step. Hmmm: that is the Then at the opposite end is the aforementioned
tragedy; fellow miniature wargaming enthusiasts single static shot of the entire wargame table. Not
spending all that time and effort putting something only can this be dull, but many details could be lost
together that doesn’t show their game in the best way depending on the set-up. Plus, disembodied hands
and has viewers tuning out. may reach in every so often while a mumbled voice
It’s easy get confused when filming something. The says something inaudible. Taking this concept further
prospect of attempting to show all the pertinent things some choose to take photos after each turn and edit
you need to cover can twist your video into something these together as a video, while it does give a clear

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 41
LEFT idea of how the game progressed it’s essentially just a ACT ONE
Supermarket sequence of still pictures with perhaps some narration This first step – and indeed the rest of your video
smartphone added. Remember, as a maxim: “Would you watch your – requires a few bits of kit for best results. In no
tripod and light. favourite sporting match televised in such a way?” particular order you need a camera or smartphone
(obviously), a tripod or some kind of stand to steady
PLAN 9 (FROM OUTER SPACE) your shot, decent lighting so everything can be seen
So, how to you plan to film a wargame? First things and ideally some kind of microphone system. This
first. What video camera should you use? The answer last point cannot be overstated, a microphone is a vital
is simple, whatever you have at hand. Nowadays a piece of equipment for any video presentation and
smartphone can outperform a camcorder or even hold should be used when possible if someone is speaking.
its own against consumer level Digital Single Lens It’s one of the sadly often overlooked aspects of video
Reflex (or DSLR) systems currently on the market. So if making. Without it, your audio quality can be very
that’s all you have, great. You can start filming straight poor. While smartphones, DSLRs and video cameras
away. If you’ve got something more sophisticated, then have in-built microphone systems they are not great
that’s great too. Your next consideration is how will you (or rather they operate best if they are in very close
film the action on the table? proximity to the person talking). For a shot where you
have your camera or smartphone a few feet away from
SET THE SCENE the wargame table plus the presenter/gamer so as to
Making a video is like any other form of get everything in picture, this isn’t an option.
communication, if you can get your concept across Instead of listing a catalogue of model numbers
simply then your audience will easily understand and makes, it’s best to keep things simple. There are
things. Don’t overthink it. So establish what’s going on: dozens, if not hundreds, of affordable bluetooth and
this can be a simple shot of the wargame table set up in wired microphones available aimed at the influencer/
all its glory viewed across the long axis with perhaps vlogger market sold from high street electronics
the gamer saying who they are and what’s about to retailers, online or even discount stores. If this seems
happen either by appearing in shot or as a voice over. a bit much too much faffing about then there are other
Such a simple device as an introduction immediately ways. You can either film everything first then dub
forges a kind of bond with your viewers by the simple on the narration after although this could possibly
act of letting them in on what you are going to show. complicate your edit – more in this later.
It may sound simple and trivial, but it isn’t. If you Unfortunately consider not all smartphones and
just jump into things without any preamble you are video cameras are compatible with these external
cold shouldering people somewhat by leaving them microphones. In which case you will have to dub on
wondering the whys and wherefores of it all. Consider your narration after. Either that or go with the not so
a news report: the presenter always introduces who great quality of the built in mic. It’s up to you and how
they are and that it’s the news, night after night. much effort you want to put in.

42 Miniature Wargames May 2024

So what next? Once the scene is set and the A video that covers the game in real time
introduction delivered, your wargame should start can be overlong in terms of expecting someone to sit
moving as one side begins manoeuvring its forces and down and watch it all. This can be a painful point for
the other side does the same during their turn. The many a wargamer documenting the entirety of their
simple act of moving your camera closer to focus in battles and campaigns in video form. Rather than
on a crucial dice roll, a unit or area of the battlefield capturing every shot of a three hour wargame many
immediately ups the interest level and pulls the people would often prefer something cut down into a
viewer deeper into the game. Avoid the temptation, digestible easy to watch duration: perhaps half an hour
however, to leave the camera in one place and zoom to an hour or so depending on how things are filmed
in and out like some gun emplacement looking for and edited together.
targets. Not only can this disorientate the viewer, but It’s easy to chop down your game’s running time.
– depending on what smartphone or camera you are There are two basic things you can do, either you just
using – a couple of functions may kick-in according film every third move for example with perhaps a bit
on how far you zoom in and how poorly lit the place of an announcement highlighting what happened in
is. These are the gain and shutter speed which in such the previous turns. Or you film the whole game and
circumstances can conspire to make your image grainy cut things in the edit.
and appear as if things are happening in a weird blurry In terms of keeping your sanity and preventing your
slow motion. Plus when zoomed in the shake of your computer from withering under the assault of many
image will increase meaning a bump on the table or BELOW gigabytes of video files, it’s simpler to only film part
even someone walking across the room looks like an Camera One of the wargame timeline. Sure, it may mean you could
earthquake. wide shot. miss a unique and exciting event, but you can at least
If things are dark when you move the camera closer BOTTOM fill the viewers in on what’s just happened with a
for a close up shot maybe use a small portable light Camera One. quick voice over or caption.
to boost the brightness levels. Just remember to take
it away afterwards for the wide shot as having a
formation of French line infantry clamber over an Ikea
lamp is rather anachronistic.
You can quite easily, and simply, repeat this wide
shot-close up-wide shot sequencing for the entirety of
your wargame. By doing so the viewer can hopefully
see the bigger picture of the battle evolving over the
course of the game while at the same time showing
the detailed action and nuanced plays during the
encounter. It does though impact the game’s continuity
and delay proceedings as you reposition the camera
and deliver your updates and thoughts on things so
far. And this raises an important point – how long is
your video going to be?

Now, those are the basics. What about moving up a
gear and making things that tad more sophisticated?
A simple move is to use another camera, or cameras,
and have them filming simultaneously. This gives
you the advantage of not having to reposition your
lone camera every time you want to change the shot
as you can leave it set up covering another aspect of
the wargame. However, cutting between two shots
that don’t change can be a bit dull visually. Better is to
use this other camera as a means of changing angle,
getting closer and possibly occasionally showing to
the dice throws or opponent’s face as they react to
the game play. Basically it gives you the opportunity
to cover more and cover it easier: Ridley Scott’s
Napoleon used no less than eleven cameras filming

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 43

simultaneously to capture the battle scenes in his somewhere on the wargame table, or suspended from BELOW
recent film. the ceiling somehow, so it picks up speech. Just bear in Camera Two
This multi-camera set-up all adds to the visual mind if you do leave it on the table it will pick up the
interest and keeps things moving depending on how clatter of dice rolls, moving figures, tapping the table
its cut together during the editing phase. Remember, and all sorts of other noise that could compromise
when you watch something on television or at the what is being said.
cinema the shot is changing after every few seconds. Okay, two (or more) cameras, great! But how do
While such a tempo may be too fast for a wargame, you coordinate them? The simplest way is to use the
having the opportunity to cut back and forth regularly clapper board technique. This old bit of film making
will hold people’s attention. technology still works a treat and involves having all
Managing two cameras and playing a game can be your cameras recording, position them so they can see
a drawn slow process. So it’s important to manage the clapper board, then clap the clapper board. If you
those expectations and prepare for some delays and don’t have one of these a simple hand clap will suffice.
frustrations, especially if you intend on actually What this very analogue technique achieves is to
playing a competitive game instead of a demo. synchronize your two video devices when it gets to the
Needless to say turning up at your regular club game edit. Basically it stamps a time event on all your video
night unannounced with a load of lights, cameras and material to ensure you edit them in coordination with
microphone gear may take people a tad by surprise. one another. So for example imagine a situation where
you have a camera covering the whole wargame table
CLAPPERBOARD and another looking at close ups of the units. In this
Thus far the onus has been on just one gamer doing all instance if your Camera 1 has the wide shot showing
the talking by acting as a kind of presenter or off screen the entirety of the table including a long bow unit, and
voice over. Even better is to have all gamers mic’d up then at 4 minutes 34 seconds after the clap you move
so what they are saying can be heard, picked up by the this unit, you can then cut to your Camera 2 long bow
cameras and included in the edit. Things will be more close up shot at 4 minutes 34 seconds after the clap.
entertaining this way plus it’s a more effective way of This way the continuity is guaranteed and avoids
letting the viewer know what’s going on. However, an awkward jump cut as the same piece of action is
this requires having more than one mic, ideally each happening from different angles – one far away and
of which is clipped on to the gamers’ lapels. Although one close up. While these jumps are not a total disaster
it is possible to just have one and leave it secreted for a wargames video, having two shots dovetail

44 Miniature Wargames May 2024

smoothly does enhance the overall presentation. DIRECTOR’S CUT
Although considering this is about wargame video So what edit options are out there. The answer is: lots.
making maybe rolling a couple big noisy dice will You’ve got Adobe Premiere, DaVince Resolve, Final
suffice instead of a clap. Cut, iMovie, Premiere Rush and so on. The list is long,
confusing and can be a rabbit hole to fall into. Some
CAMERA OBSCURA are sophisticated professional systems that offer lots of
All these cameras, microphones and other gizmos are flexibility and options for editing while others are basic
great but there will come a time when you inevitably aimed at casual users and can be limited regards their
need to make sense of your material and bring features. Much like the advice regarding cameras, it’s
things into the edit. The editing process is something perhaps best to start off with ‘whatever you have to
misunderstood by the wider public and is an art form hand’. Most laptops will have some kind of proprietary
all to itself. At its simplest it is the straight forward editing application while many editing apps for
ordering of material according to a pre-formed plan. smartphones can be obtained for free. However, for
At the other end of the spectrum it’s the corruption of those with little or no experience of video editing, it
time into a dazzling array of events that enhances the can be a frustrating and confusing experience at first;
basic story. keeping track of your video files, cutting them and
Some wargame videos may just be a simple assembling them can put your head in a spin. This will
progression of the turns with things either cut out or be further compounded if you are editing a prolonged
left in, while others may start backwards with a teaser film on a smartphone as keeping track of everything
shot of a player’s reaction at the end of the game – on a small screen can become a descent into madness.
perhaps weeping in the corner after their expensive I’ll leave these decisions to you.
and lovingly painted army is wiped out – before
cutting back to the intro. The choice is up to you, FINAL EDIT
just remember an earlier point: if you can get your So what else can you do in your edit? You can fill in
concept across simply then your audience will easily many of the blanks you either forgot to film or were
understand things. Don’t overthink it! unable to. For example a key dice role can be shown
Editing applications can offer a dizzying array of by simple text in the corner of the screen or a turn not
add-ons, graphic options and basically all sorts of visual covered by camera can be summarized by another
goodies to sprinkle into a film. Don’t let them confuse caption. Also you can add some voice overs to cover
you, stay focused on what you need to do and only use other points or even add music and sound effects.
things sparingly. Remember people are watching your Plus you could show an important rule paragraph by
video to see a wargame, not your skills with animated having it appear in close up or as a photograph.
graphics or spinning titles. An edit application’s prime Consider that editing is also a time when the film
purpose is to stick bits of video together! maker can attempt to correct mistakes. The options
and possibilities available
while editing are LEFT
near endless however Editing.
remember these words
from George Lucas
regards the film making
process: “A film is never
finished, only abandoned”.
Consider this wisdom
and take it to heart,
otherwise you may spend
days or weeks in a small
dark room cobbling
together your skirmish
wargame video as you
become obsessed with the
editing process. It does
happen. (remember, Greedo
shot first... Ed.)

So how to the big boys
do it? A recent view of

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 45

OnTableTop playing Silver Bayonet’s solo mode is a ABOVE back other way, it can disorientate the viewer. Also
text book example of how a well-resourced gaming Two simple desk where possible try and use the manual settings on
video content operation works. They used a four static your video camera or smartphone’s video app. This
camera set-up; one for the master shot showing the way you can have better control over things like focus
table and the two players, another overhead camera meaning your shots will stay sharp if you move it
gives a bird’s eye view of the table, the third focusing about.
in on the dice tray while the forth is over the shoulder White balance is worth thinking about, it’s the way
of one of the players showing their point of view. This your camera establishes whether its filming in natural
gives, even a long demo game, enough variety to keep or artificial light. If left on automatic or set incorrectly
the viewer interested (at least I was) over the forty your images can either have a washed out blue tinge
four minutes duration. Their studio quality lighting or a dirty orange hue. However, that being said, don’t
enabling the images to be well lit and sharp plus both worry too much about these points. Modern cameras
presenters were wearing microphones ensuring good and smartphones are quite capable beasts and often
audio quality... it all added up. Also of the gamers their in-built automatic systems can handle a wide
maintained a fun entertaining, yet easy going, banter array of situations.
throughout informing the viewer what was happening For those using two or more cameras it’s possible
and how the rules worked. Finally – and this is no the image quality between them may vary. Especially
small point – they were playing a room filled with if they are different makes and models. So when it
wargaming stuff on the shelves behind them. While comes to the edit you may discover the video from
this may simply be because it’s their store room and the different devices are of different resolution or size.
the only space big enough to fit everything in, having However, this can be corrected at the post production
all manner of wargame terrain in shot effectively act stage.
like props enhancing and reinforcing the nature of the Finally, headphones. This relates to microphones.
content. If the video had been filmed in someone’s While it’s all very well to wear one, how do you tell if
kitchen with dirty dishes and half eaten food your microphone’s audio quality is good? The simple
lying around it may have detracted from the game act of plugging headphones into your video camera or
somewhat. smartphone – if you can – is the best way to check your
The downside is that – with four cameras running mics are working and sending quality audio. It’s worth
for at least forty minutes plus – it means at least three taking a few moments before you start filming to check
hours’ worth of video to wrangle and edit together. this point. If not you risk filming for an hour or so only
That’s a big job. to discovery your video material is mute. Ooops!


So what final pointers are there? To wind things down, this rough guide is a very basic
If you are unhappy with hard edits, most editing apps run through and summary of the steps you need to
have transitions called cross fades, dissolves, wipes etc. think about if you want to make videos of your game
These can smooth over the cracks so to speak and feel sessions. It’s not intended as a comprehensive course
free to use them. in Gaming Content Production 101, instead more of
Should you need to reposition your lone camera, an inspiration on how to approach things and what
try and keep filming in the same general direction to think about. Just like painting minis to a decent
otherwise it can confuse the viewer. To explain, if you standard, making good videos takes a while and no
have the camera filming from one side of the table and small amount of practice.
then position it on the opposite side so it’s facing the Hang on in there and have fun. ■

46 Miniature Wargames May 2024

Words by Peter Merritt. Photos by The Editor.

the players had next to no knowledge of the formalised

steps for conducting said operations and were also a
tad impatient. However, that should never keep a good
developer down!

So, why the focus on fortresses – just go round, right?
Well, for many operations these were critical supply
depots or logistic hubs for the armies in the field. They
could thus provide bases for local operations in a
region, or a safe refuge if things went a bit pear-shaped
in battle. They also tended to be sited on major road
Last stand of
junctions, so simply ‘going around’ wasn’t an option,
Some considerable time ago now I was looking at the George Thomas as the garrison could then sally out at a time of their
problem of a systemic game process for conducting by the Boondock choosing and beat up the opposing logistic trains. Let
siege operations in the ‘classic’ period of such Sayntes. me give some examples...
operations – say, 1600-1871. The reasons for a system- ABOVE I think it is safe to say that many Renaissance sieges
driven approach was that I wanted to give players the Colonial were actually decided less by direct assault than
key decisions and make ‘progress’ visible to all as a Peterborough ‘starving out’. There are key exceptions of course – the
fortress was reduced. As with many games, however, Turks at Constantinople in 1453 used giant cannons

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 47

which happened the same week in the East. This is

because it not only controlled all North-South traffic on
the Mississippi (vital to Union logistics), but it was also
the key East-West nexus for much need food supplies
coming from all the Confederate states in the West. The
loss of this materiel contributed greatly to the fall of the
I deliberately stopped our quick survey at 1870 (siege
of Paris in the FPW), although sieges as such still go
on in the ‘modern’ era – Port Arthur in 1905, Tsingtao
during WW1, Sebastopol (again) in 1942 and 1944.
I don’t include ‘operational’ encirclements where a
normal town area is simply isolated by field actions,
as they lack the formal defences which need to be

ABOVE for the first time to overwhelm the massive (but sadly
Last stand of outdated) Byzantine walls. But I think you need to
George Thomas get into the mid-17thC to really see ‘classic’ siege
by the Boondock
Sayntes at operations in action, with the genius French engineer
Hammerhead Vauban both building new fortresses for Louis XIV,
2022. and designing ways to attack others like them!
OPPOSITE Certainly the Duke of Marlborough was stymied in
RIGHT & RIGHT his field operations by the ‘wall’ of French forts along
A Descent on the the border in Flanders, and several campaigns were
french coast
by Graham triggered by either the threat towards one or more of
Hilditch at these behemoths and/or the need to relieve them.
Partizan 2021. Coming forward a little, the Duke of Wellington
had to clear the French from two major Spanish
fortress-towns (Badahoz and Cuidad Rodrigo) which
effectively blocked any advance from Portugal into
Spain. Indeed, the taking of these fortresses did not
always go well, with premature assaults following
partially prepared siege lines leading to initially
bloody repulses at one, and a relief operation curtailing
Of course, some classic sieges did not quite follow
the manual. During the Indian Mutiny, the key city
of Delhi was the scene of an unusual operation…
Problem was, the ancient walls were about seven miles DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS
in circumference, with the initial British forces not OK, so fortresses are important. So how do we, as
only being totally unable to seal-off the city but in fact wargamers, get to model these operations? There are
almost being besieged in their own camp some of the several key aspects to any design therefore:
time! However, once the British forces were reinforced
there were some interesting aspects to the assault – but Real-time speed:
that’s another article! After all, the whole of Gettysburg took three days,
Virtually the whole Crimean War revolved around whereas the sieges of Magdeburg or Lille went on for
the siege of Sebastopol (the key fortress/port in the weeks if not months. Assuming the siege(s) are part
Black Sea). One reason the siege dragged on so long – of a club campaign of some sort (rather than a special
apart from gross incompetence among the Allies – was game in its own right), you may want to devote –
that it was never entirely sealed-off, and so continued at best – only a single meeting to resolve the issue.
to receive supplies. Or, on the other hand, if part of a map campaign,
Finally, there is a strong argument that the fall of the controlling umpire needs something small and
Vicksburg in July 1863 was actually more important to compact to track events while the rest of the world
the outcome of the ACW than the Battle of Gettysburg (relieving forces etc) moves on. So simplicity is vital.

48 Miniature Wargames May 2024

Keeping to the gunpowder period, major sieges went
through quite formalised stages. After the initial
envelopment (which may decide the size of garrison,
amount of supply etc), the attackers establish an outer
ring of trenches and heavy gun bastions (to bombard the
walls). Assault trenches are pushed forward, hindered
or not by occasional forays by the defence and/or
weather etc. Every now and again the main baseline/
gun positions are also moved forward, for greater effect at
creating breaches. The number, size and level of effective
defence of said breaches will decide the outcome, as well
as whether some/all besiegers have to leave to reinforce a
covering army and fend-off a relief expedition.

A possible solution…
However, it was while languishing in the bath one Notes:
day that I began to jot-down notes on the options – On the board mock up there are snakes (slide down)
and how the nature of stop-go, three-steps-forward, and ladders (climb up) plus some notes and a series of
one-step-back were the primary feature of such ops. numbers in red balls:
It was a short leap from there to the ‘Snakes & Ladders’
board… Let me illustrate: (1) Represents something like a final breakthrough,
as when a key bastion is taken before a final assault. So
where are the reserves?

(2 and 6) Are a major success for the attackers –

either tactical (outside), or even a defender problem
(magazine blows up, their food supplies are spoiled

(3,4 and 5) Are reverses for the attacker – perhaps

a counter-bombardment. Certainly (5) represents
something very bad – perhaps bad weather floods the
attackers trenches etc?

(7) Represents damaged areas of the defence, after

a bombardment. These may be repaired but represent
weak spots for possible assaults.

(8) Is the current progress position. You can see that

there is one clear row now below that, so there is now
an option to advance the trench line which allows the
siege guns to get closer…

The yellow, shaded area at the ‘bottom’ of the

diagram/board represents how close the besiegers
‘baseline’ of approach trenches has advanced (see the
Rules, next), which is where siege guns may be sited.


There are not many of those, really, but I use the

1. The defender places numbered markers for their

‘snakes’ which represent everything from counter-
fire through bad weather or simply dumb luck
– perhaps that shipment of new engineering tools

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 49
6. Once the besieger thinks they are in a good enough
position, they may offer terms before declaring
an assault. This can be played out with another
sub-game. Perhaps you can model street fighting
beyond the walls (which can be really confusing),
plus the resultant control issues of any revolting
(and possibly starving) citizens will be an issue. If
you don’t want to game this point out it could be
computed via some simple process based on the
state of the defenders, the distance from the baseline
to the breaches in the wall, and the number of
ABOVE & was defective. Only the defender may know the attackers etc.
RIGHT ‘shape’ and length of the snake i.e. how serious an 7. At the conclusion of the siege, the attacker/
A Descent on the
French Coast
encounter might be. umpire also needs to sort out not just casualties
by Graham but also what state the survivors are in – much of
Hilditch at 2. The attacker (or umpire) does likewise with said Wellington’s army was pretty drunk for over three
Partizan 2021.
‘ladders’ or advantages – again these could be some days after one of their successful assaults!
sort of unexpected progress like, perhaps, a bastion
blowing-up, food supplies dwindling, fending-off a
foray etc.

3. Siege guns – which do the real damage – can only be

placed on the besieger’s ‘baseline’ (these are marked
as ‘GUNS’ on the chart). This is a clear row behind
the moving progress marker. This is shown on the
will move up the board as the siege progresses - and
the closer they are to the defender’s position, the
more destructive they are!

4. Movement Options: Each turn the besieger may

• Advance the general progress as per the usual CONCLUSION
game of Snakes & Ladders – normally a d6, but And that’s it, really; it sounds silly at first, but I
you could use a variation for a special engineer have found it to be (in solo play) a really good
(like Vauban). Stages may be enhanced to taste representation of some key sieges in the 17th and 18th
with other triggers, bonuses, losses etc. centuries. The rules you apply (for advances, moving
• Advance the ‘baseline’ (i.e. Current Forward the sap-line etc) are really based on the period and
Trenches) by a single clear row behind where circumstances, but many aspects are quite common
the general progress marker has reached. This across the whole period. Indeed, the ‘Snakes &
is critical, as the baseline marks not only the Ladders’ approach reminds me of many (rather too
siege gun line, but also the furthest back that any many) projects back in the real world, from house
‘slide’ may now end up (because the baseline is building to NASA’s attempts at space flight – so bear it
normally bristling with troops, guns etc). in mind next time you need a simple game mechanism.
• If you wanted to be mean, you could also make it I’m now off for another look in the cupboard…
a special move to re-site the siege guns as well, as
this was not a simple process! USEFUL READING MATERIAL
Siege Warfare: The Fortress in the Early Modern World
5. While all this is going-on, it may be that the 1494-1660 by Christopher Duffy. Make no mistake, this
defender(s) could try to call for help from external is the volume to have on the early period, and can now
sources – say, N weeks to assemble, then an be found at quite reasonable prices on the second hand
approach march or two. The attacker must then market.
decide (assuming they have some recce info!) what Fire & Stone: The Science of Fortress Warfare 1660-
to do about it: assault now before the relief arrives, 1860 by Christopher Duffy published by Helion Books.
send a blocking force to intercept, suspend the siege This is a shorter book which carries on from the first,
and use the majority of troops in a quick battle (I’m seminal work. In many ways the later period is more
thinking ‘Napoleon at Milan, 1796’), or – what? fascinating as both defender and attacker evolved. ■

50 Miniature Wargames May 2024

The Editor goes to the Cavalier 2024 show Words and photos by The Editor

ABOVE was a nice cafe indoors and a good spread of games

Hold until and traders.

Death on the I’ll be brief but highlights for me were an excellent
Savannah by
Deal Wargames. Death on the Savannah by Deal Wargames. This was
game of animal combat (which was a replacement for
BELOW the award winning Palestine based, pre-WWII game
Small scale
Napoleonics. that they had planned to run but...); there was an LRDG
game (with burning Messerschmidts) by the Tonbridge
Club using DAK Attack; Hoth by the Cheshunt club

I took two trips on consecutive weekends to a pair of

shows so this month we’ll start with...

The show – hosted by the Tunbridge Wells Wargames
Society at the Angel Centre, Tonbridge, was a bit of an
improvement over last years event, I think. The 2023
show had been the first one in three years (Covid)
but this year the organisers were back in their stride.
Numbers through the door seemed up but they were
down a couple of traders (not the only show to have
reported this issue...).
The venue was much as per previous years: parking
was easy (but a fight with local shoppers) and there

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 51

The Summer of
77 by Maidstone piece on) and lots more: two Song of Ice and Fire
WC. games; a nice D&D skirmish outing; Napoleonics in
three different scales; Naval action; Ancients; plus the
Naval excellent Cold War game by the Milton Hundred chaps.
Wargaming All in all a great selection and rather better than last
by Real Time years, I have to say: not a dud amongst them!

Song of Ice and There were 17 games and 21 traders and the show also
Fire by the SL
Warlords. raised £285 for Combat Stress, which the hosting club
made up to £350. The atmosphere was comfy and I’m
BELOW RIGHT looking forward to next year. Next issue: Hammerhead! ■
DAK Attack by
Tonnbridge. with lots of ATATs; a lovely Hold until Relieved WWII
game by the Retired Wargamers Reloaded (wall to wall
BELOW 3d printed buildings); Fall of the Reich by the Friday
Cold War by the
Milton Hundreds. Night Firefight Club (with SU100s and some ‘Last one
at the Reichstag’ action); A WWII invasion game by the
Maidstone WS incongruously called The Summer of
’77 (based on a game in a Boys Comic from that year
which I’m hoping they’ll write me an explanatory

52 Miniature Wargames May 2024

◗ Thomas Anderson ◗ Murray Dahm
◗ Osprey (2024) ◗ Amberley Publishing (2024)
◗ £35 ◗ £22.99
◗ 272 pages (hardback) ◗ 287 pages (hardback)
◗ ISBN:9781472857361 ◗ ISBN:9781398118270
◗ ◗

One of the major bonuses of this series The impact of the exit of formal
on the German armoured forces of Roman Army units from Britain in
WWII is the quality of the photographs the early 5th Century AD has been a
– excellent black-and-white images, source of speculation by historians.
largely from the author’s own Did civilisation collapse in the face of
collection. ‘Saxon’ invaders and/or local warlords
In this particular volume, there are jockeying for kingship, or did sufficient
also tables of the armour penetration homegrown forces hold the line?
values of each significant anti-tank gun I am no expert on ancient archives
(albeit it is not clear whether these are at and archaeology, but the author seems
90 degrees to the armour plate or not), to achieve a compelling, honest and
by type of ammunition. All books in this credible analysis of the evidence,
series contain combat accounts drawn starting with the troubles in the 3rd
from War Diaries and the like: the Century and progressing through to
salient points for jagdpanzer units were, the 5th/6th Centuries. Military detail
firstly, the need to allow for a limited is sparse (albeit with good details from
gun traverse (as constant moving of the Notitia Dignitatum), reflecting our
the vehicle strained the transmission lack of knowledge on battle sites, army
system), and secondly, the need to sizes, etc, but this is a very readable and
avoid ‘penny-packeting’ by deploying plausible interpretation of political and
individual vehicles. As with the author’s military events over the period.
volumes on individual tank types, what This book would form a good basis
stands out is the high proportion of for a high-level zonal map-based
losses that occurred in retreats, as even wargame, with periodic invasions or
lightly damaged vehicles had to be civil wars providing a background
abandoned - perhaps as many as two- to battlefield actions with relatively
thirds of total losses? Do our wargames small armies, and in a multi-player
allow sufficiently for this, and hence or solo setting (with you playing the
the need to retain possession of the British against randomised events).
battlefield? Recommended
Chris Jarvis Chris Jarvis

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 53

in British military histories, than to battles

such as Plassey, for which there are many
sources in English.
The next six chapters cover Military
Organisation and Establishments;
Lifestyles of the Troops at Home and
Overseas; Asiatic Soldiers; European
Cavalry, Foreign Units, Volunteers,
Engineers and Gunners; Portable
ARMIES AND WARS OF Weapons, Accoutrements and Ordnance;
THE FRENCH EAST INDIA and Uniforms of the Company troops. The
COMPANIES 1664-1770 final chapter, Militias, describes those in
◗ Rene Chartrand the Ile de France (now Mauritius), Ile de
◗ Helion & Company (2024) Bourbon (now the overseas department of
◗ £35.00 La Reunion) and Louisiana. A three-page
◗ 354 pages (softback) Select Annotated Bibliography concludes
◗ ISBN:9781804513408 the book; there is no index.
◗ Full page colour plates by Patrice
EDWARD LONGSHANKS’ Courcelle depict twelve figures of different
FORGOTTEN CONFLICT Many wargamers will soldiers of the Company, such as a fusilier
◗ David Pilling be aware of the British of the garrisons of Lorient, Louisiana
◗ Amberley Publishing (2024) campaigns in eighteenth and nineteenth and Senegal, 1720s - early 1730s; a sepoy
◗ £22.99 century India because the victories of fusilier, coastal India, late 1740s; a fusilier
◗ 256 pages (hardback) Robert Clive, Eyre Coote, Lord Lake, of the European Companies, coastal India,
◗ ISBN:9781398113510 Arthur Wellesley, Hugh Gough and c.1750-1751; a sepoy fusilier, Nellore
◗ Charles Napier expanded the power of District, c.1750-1755; and an artilleryman,
the Honourable East India Company until African Caffre fusilier, and grenadier a
Edward I’s campaigns in Gascony and British dominance in the subcontinent led cheval of Bussy’s Deccan Army, 1750s.
Flanders, in the Anglo-French War of to Queen Victoria becoming Empress of Five pages of commentaries on these
1294-1303, read like a real-life version India. Less familiar is the HEIC’s rival, the plates appear at the end of the text.
of the boardgame Diplomacy, with French Compagnie des Indes (Company Eighteen pages of colour illustrations
treaties made and – subtly or openly – of the Indies) which was formed in 1719 contain reproductions of contemporary
broken. Both monarchies spent heavily by uniting the various French companies, Indian paintings, uniform plates by
not only on their own troops, castles holding overseas trade monopolies and Eugene Leliepvre, Michel Petard, Lucien
and supplies but also on subsidies to privileges, that had maintained their own Rousselot and Robert Marrion, and
allies. The end result was more or less a private armies and navies, independent of some illustrations of regimental colours,
return to pre-war status, including the royal forces. with commentaries on the same pages.
legal quagmire for Edward of being the Number 124 in Helion’s From Reason The book also contains 189 black and
King of England and Gascony and yet to Revolution 1721-1815 series is subtitled white illustrations, including modern
a vassal of the King of France – a major ‘European, Asian and African Soldiers in and contemporary maps, plans of forts,
casus belli of the Hundred Years War a India, Africa, the Far East and Louisiana’. photographs of surviving artefacts and
generation later. The author states that it is “the first book illustrations of uniforms.
This is an intriguing account, well- length study published concerning the military For wargamers, the eighteenth-century
researched and in a very readable forces maintained by the French East India struggle in India between the English
style. Military detail is scarce, in part companies, be it in the English or French and French companies has much to
because of lack of archival material but languages.” offer: regular European troops from their
also the rarity of major battles: this was Following a seven-page Chronology of existing Austrian Succession or Seven
primarily a war of raids and sieges. Main Events and Engagement from Vasco Years’ War miniature armies; Indian
More detail on the impact of Edward’s da Gama reaching Calicut in 1498 to the sepoys, raised and given training in
concurrent Welsh and Scottish ventures closing of the Company of the Indies in European tactics by the rival companies;
might have helped, as well as more 1770, and an Introduction describing the and colourful, irregular armies of Indian
detail on national finances, but overall origins and development of the Mughal warriors commanded by maharajahs
this seems a balanced account of the Empire in India, the first fourteen chapters and princes upon elephants. This book
myriad influences and factors at play contain a narrative of events involving provides all of the information necessary
across Western Europe in this period. the French. The author has given more to portray the forces of the Company of
Nicely done attention to the battles that were not the Indies on the tabletop.
Chris Jarvis against the British which are not covered Arthur Harman

54 Miniature Wargames May 2024



Interview by John Treadaway with members of ‘The Collective’

How did the club first get started? regularly and we don’t have TOP LEFT converted 54mm figures with
A long time ago, in a city far, a hall or location where we The Skirmish Wargames appropriately scaled scenery.
Collective at shows
far away (Bristol in the ‘60s) play games on a regular basis. tend to use larger scale
three wargaming friends came Although some of us are lucky figures. Like... If you don’t have a regular meet,
together with an idea: Ian enough to be able to meet up how do you... err... meet?
Colwill, Mike Blake and the late for the occasional game at a ...Napoleonic forces...
Apart from our occasional meet
Steve Curtis simply wanted to members home, we mainly come up at wargame shows, there
recreate the Gunfight at the OK together to stage demonstration ABOVE RIGHT is a tradition of Rendezvoos.
...or Colonial British.
Corral using 54mm Swoppit and or participation games at Initially these were organised
Timpo cowboy figures, so they various wargame shows. We by Mike Blake at his home in
wrote what are now seen as the currently have over 40 members the Peak District. More recently
first set of one on one skirmish worldwide. We are a diverse two of our members, Beth and
rules in the form of the original bunch but we all share one thing, Pete Reynolds, have taken to
Western Gunfight Skirmish rules, a love of fun skirmish games, organising a weekend get-
which in 1974 were expanded usually played in 54mm. together of gaming at Twyford in
to become the Old West Rules. Berkshire called TWYFEST. We
They even formed a limited What games do you play? have a newsletter: Reports from
company to sell their rules and We also play games in everything the Skirmish Lines. It contains
trademarked/patented the term from 15mm to 120mm. The a range of articles from game
Skirmish Wargames. latter was a Necromunda style reports to reviews of magazines
game converted toy figures. and books as well interesting
What have you done since then? We use a mix of rules for our snippets from members’ visits to
They went on to write more games – mostly those written museums and battlefields etc…
rule sets collaborating with Don by ourselves – but we also use
Featherstone before stopping commercial sets for some of our Conclusion – and how can
selling rules commercially. By big battles such as Hail Caesar, someone join?
then they had run a number of Tales of Derring Do and Black Anyone interested in seeing what
demonstration and participation Powder. Our games range from we get up to can find copies
games at wargames shows across one-on-one skirmishes to larger Facebook Tales of Derring Do
and had attracted a number battles and our most recent show page. The link is:
of gamers and so the Skirmish games include the Old West groups/112418362701474 So come
Wargames collective was born. Plains Wars, Pirates, The French to see what we are doing at shows
If you’d like your club
Indian Wars, Greek mythology, this year and feel free to chat.
featured in Miniature
How are you organised? the Mexican and Russian Wargames, get in We’re always happy to discuss
We use the term ‘collective’ as we revolutions and the Boxer contact at miniature our games, ideas and to find new
are not a traditional wargames Uprising. The latter three games wargames@ like-minded people who enjoy
club or society. We don’t meet were played using well over 150 playing with toy soldiers.

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 55


Bringing home the bacon on the cheap

Words and images by Tony Harwood

his particular tutorial was first published layer of DAS was added to the apex. This apex MATERIALS USED

T back in 2013 in my self-published, limited

edition guide Dampfpanzerwagon Guide
No. 1: Building Wargame Terrain. The book
is now out-of-print but I have reproduced it here
in a slightly condensed form as the original text
was modelled with upturned ends, as featured
in the original pigsty illustration.
Painting started with the thatch which was
built-up over Snakebite Leather and highlighted
with various yellows which were drybrushed
◗ Corrugated cardboard
◗ Card
◗ Plastic card and rod
◗ DAS modelling clay
◗ Resin barrels
◗ Metal wagon wheel
and images filled twelve pages! over the textured DAS. At the same time I ◗ Sieved stones and sand
The core structure was constructed from simple painted the wooden areas with a similar, but
profiles cut from scrap corrugated cardboard and browner (or aged) wood colour. The white-
then glued together with my hot glue gun. The washed wall were built up from a blue/grey
simple core was further strengthened by cladding base and highlighted with Titanium White
it with more card. The main door areas were cut tube acrylic paint. Detailed painting of the
out with a large snap-off bladed knife and the metal work and clutter items followed before
walls covered with DAS modelling clay which the groundwork was painted with a Snakebite
was applied over PVA glue. Leather or Barbarian Leather colour. This base
The base was cut from scrap 3mm thick plastic was highlighted with a lighter drybrush before
card and the main building was glued in place individual stones were picked out in grey,
with the hot glue gun. The smaller pig pen walls highlighted white.
were modelled from more corrugated cardboard Prior to varnishing with Galleria Matt
and again covered in DAS while the exposed Varnish, I used some subtle washes to ‘tie-in’
brickwork was carved into the dried DAS with a the groundwork with the lower wall area. The
scalpel and the point of a large needle base was then treated to some dyed sawdust
The thatch was modelled from DAS and built and static grass tufts which were added over
up over a couple of sessions as I wanted the PVA glue and superglue.
lower layer to fully dry before starting on the This was a real fun build, using an
next. The sides of the building were easy as this illustration in an old book to produce a unique
was just plain layers of DAS, but the front, with piece of terrain for my Flintloque themed
the arched extensions over the taller main doors gaming board. Similar buildings could be used
was a little more involved. Finally a capping in a wide variety of different gaming genres.

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 57


The model first appeared The thatched roof was built up in
in my self-published book stages using DAS modelling clay
Dampfpanzerwagon Guide and textured with both a scalpel
No. 1 Building Wargame blade and a cocktail stick.
I was looking for a rough almost
The inspiration came from an reed thatch effect with the final
illustration in a book about upper layer having upturned
French regional architecture ends – as featured in the original
that I picked up in a local pig pen illustration.
charity store.
The DAS layers were built up over
I sketched a simple plan and dilute PVA glue while ensuring that
cut corrugated cardboard each earlier layer of thatch was
profiles which were later fully dry before proceeding with
glued together with my hot the next.
glue gun.


The corrugated core was further
strengthened with thin card
With the thatch finished, it was
and then ‘plastered’ with DAS on to detailing. I added a trough
modelling clay. built from plastic card, a metal
wagon wheel, two resin barrels
Later the model was glued to and individual wooden stakes
a 3mm thick plastic card base for the pig pen entrances. In
which had the edges chamfered addition small stones were tied
and the smaller exterior or pig to string and glued to the roof.
pen walls were added from more This feature is common on rural
corrugated cardboard and DAS. buildings and is used to hold
down the thatch in heavy winds.
At this stage the plastering is
quite rough... The groundwork was textured
with sieved stones and sand
glued in place with PVA glue.


ACCOMMODATION The thatched roof was painted
over a Snakebite Leather base and
The walls were further
refined with more DAS while drybrushed with a Snakebite and
the woodwork areas were Yellow mix which highlighted all the
constructed from more 3mm sculpted detail while the exposed
thick plastic card. woodwork was built up over a
Barbarian Brown base and once
I then used a wire brush to again drybrushed with a lighter
add further texture. The doors colour.
were modelled from some
3mm thick plastic card. In this image you can see the metal
wagon wheel which was trimmed to
These doors were further fit and blended in to the groundwork
detailed with plastic card hinges with DAS.
and locks as well as plastic rod
rivets. Exposed stonework was
carved in to the DAS with a
scalpel and large needle.

58 Miniature Wargames May 2024

The white-washed walls were
painted over a Blue/White base
and once again over painted with

For this I used pure Titanium White

tube paint for the final layer as
white washed walls can appear
very white and stark.

The small stones used to tie down

the thatch have been painted Grey.

With the groundwork painted in
my usual Snakebite Leather brown
(mixed up as a tester pot at my
local DIY store), I drybrushed the
exposed soil with a Snakebite and
white mix and picked out individual
stones in grey, highlighted white
before varnishing with Galleria
Matt Varnish.

I used a watered-down brown

wash along the lower edges of
the white washed walls to ‘tie in’
the groundwork colour with the
lower walls.

The base was further decorated
with dyed sawdust, ground
foam and static grass tufts
before I took this image on my
gaming board.

The figure is from my Flintloque

miniatures collection and
mounted on to a 2p coin.

The Messy Little Pigsty is based

on a plastic card base – 140mm
wide x 150mm deep. The
pigsty was inspired by a prior
illustration I’d found and was
great fun to both build and

May 2024 Miniature Wargames 59

9am til 4.30pm
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Gravesend Models And Wargames
65 High Street, Gravesend, Kent, DA11 0BB
Tel: 01474 328 360
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A game designer’s hobby journey

I met up with Benjamin at warfare. Beyond the gaming
Hammerhead and was very table, my interests include RPGs
impressed by his company (the and board games and it is within
models especially) and wanted to these hobbies that I discovered
bring it to everyone’s attention. the gateway to my own creative events and has been a true pleasure, each
I asked him how he started in the sanctum – a realm where history, interaction adding layers to
world of gaming. Ed. art, and boundless imagination shows, the rich tapestry of my creative
converge. hearing pursuits. I consider myself
t the tender age of 10, I embarked on the journey of their own fortunate to have met such

A I dipped my toes into

the mesmerising world
of gaming. Little did I
know that this childhood pastime
would evolve into a lifelong
crafting my own fantasy world:
Mortals’ Reckoning. It’s a Greco-
Roman odyssey filled with gods
and monsters: a world where
my imagination roamed freely.
tales of
and passion,
passionate souls who share a
collective vision of bringing
fantastical worlds to life.
The true joy lies in sharing these
meticulously crafted worlds with
passion, shaping not only my The turning point came during a is an others. Meeting fans at gaming
leisure hours but also carving out casual evening conversation with experience events and shows, hearing their
a niche in the ever-expanding my wife. As I mused about the that fills own tales of adventure and
realm of fantasy creation. Now, prospect of turning my passion passion, is an experience that fills
at the age of 43, I find myself at into a business, her simple yet me with an me with an indescribable buzz.
the helm of a venture born from profound question, “Well, why indescri- The connection forged through
the synergy of gaming, creativity, don’t you?” set ablaze a fervent shared stories and mutual love for
determination within me. What
bable buzz...”
and an unwavering love for the fantastical is a reminder of the
storytelling. followed was a relentless pursuit profound impact gaming can have
My journey began in the of knowledge and a deep dive on individuals and communities.
company of my grandfather who into the intricacies of the gaming As I stand at this juncture,
initiated me into the world of industry, leading to the birth of filled with gratitude for the
Warhammer 40k. Those early days Cerberus Studios. journey so far, I am eager to share
were marked by battles waged Four years have elapsed since more with the ever-growing
across miniature landscapes, and that pivotal moment, and I am community that surrounds
my heart was claimed by the elated to witness my brainchild, Cerberus Studios. The untold
whimsical and warlike Orks. This Mortals’ Reckoning, grace stories, unexplored realms,
love set the stage for a lifelong gaming tables worldwide. What and boundless creativity yet
fascination with tabletop gaming, started as a personal endeavour to be unveiled are all part of a
as I transitioned seamlessly has blossomed into a tangible narrative that transcends the
into the intricate tapestry of contribution to the vibrant hobby gaming table. Join me in this
Warhammer Fantasy: the allure of market. But my storytelling ongoing adventure, and together,
commanding armies, strategising journey didn’t end there; it let’s explore the limitless
victories, and immersing myself merely took another captivating possibilities that fantasy and
in alternate worlds became an turn with the inception of imagination have to offer.
enduring flame that never waned Celestial Affinity, my medieval The best is yet to come, and I
and I can trace the roots of my fantasy creation. cannot wait to share it all with
passion to those initial moments The journey through the gamers!
of dice-rolling and miniature gaming industry has introduced

62 Miniature Wargames May 2024


FOOT KNIGHTS (1150-1320)




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