Algorithms and Flowcharts Are Two Different Ways of Presenting The Process

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Algorithm and flowchart

Algorithms and flowcharts are two different ways of presenting the process

of solving a problem. Algorithms consist of steps for solving a particular

problem, while in flowcharts, those steps are usually displayed in shapes and

process boxes with arrows. So flowcharts can be used for presenting


Algorithm in C Language:

Algorithm is a step-by-step procedure, which defines a set of instructions to

be executed in a certain order to get the desired output. Algorithms are

generally created independent of underlying languages, i.e. an algorithm can

be implemented in more than one programming language.

From the data structure point of view, following are some important categories

of algorithms

Search − Algorithm to search an item in a data structure.

Sort − Algorithm to sort items in a certain order.

Insert − Algorithm to insert item in a data structure.

Update − Algorithm to update an existing item in a data structure.

Delete − Algorithm to delete an existing item from a data structure.

Characteristics of an Algorithm:

Not all procedures can be called an algorithm. An algorithm should have the

following characteristics

Unambiguous − Algorithm should be clear and unambiguous. Each of its

steps (or phases), and their inputs/outputs should be clear and must lead to

only one meaning.

Input − An algorithm should have 0 or more well-defined inputs.

Output − An algorithm should have 1 or more well-defined outputs, and

should match the desired output.

Finiteness − Algorithms must terminate after a finite number of steps.

Feasibility − Should be feasible with the available resources.

Independent − An algorithm should have step-by-step directions, which

should be independent of any programming code.

Rules of Drawing Flowcharts for Algorithms:

Flowcharts usually consist of basic symbols and shapes that have a specific

representation. The symbols make the chart more meaningful and easy to


Some of the most standard symbols include shapes like a rectangle

representing an operation, a parallelogram showing input and output of data,

a cylinder indicating the start/end, while a diamond represents a decision.

However, knowing these symbols well and using them in a flowchart involves

critical thinking. Here are some basic rules that need to be considered while

drawing a flowchart.

1. All the boxes and shapes in a flowchart should be connected with

arrows to indicate a logical order and make it easy to follow.

2. Make sure the flow direction is consistent and not ambiguous. The flow

charts always flow from either left to right or top to bottom.

3. Every chart will begin with a Start box and end with a Terminal box,

with the latter only having one flow line associated with it.

4. All the shapes, symbols, and lines should be consistent. You can also

add a symbol key to make it easier to follow the chart.

Flow chat symbols:

Algorithm and Flowchart Examples:

Example 1: Determine and Output Whether Number N is Even or Odd

 Step 1: Read number N.

 Step 2: Set remainder as N modulo 2.

 Step 3: If the remainder is equal to 0 then number N is even, else

number N is odd.

 Step 4: Print output.

Example 2: Calculate the Interest of a Bank Deposit

 Step 1: Read amount.

 Step 2: Read years.

 Step 3: Read rate.

 Step 4: Calculate the interest with the formula


 Step 5: Print interest.

Example 3: Determine Whether a Temperature is Below or Above the

Freezing Point

 Step 1: Input temperature.

 Step 2: If it is less than 32, then print "below freezing point", otherwise

print "above freezing point".

Example 4: Determine Whether A Student secured first class or Not in

the Exam.

 Step 1: Input grades of 4 courses M1, M2, M3 and M4.

 Step 2: Calculate the average grade with the formula


 Step 3: If the average grade is less than 60, print "FAIL", else print


Example 5: Find the Sum of Two Numbers Entered

 Step 1: Read the Integer A.

 Step 2: Read Integer B.

 Step 3: Perform the addition by using the formula: C= A + B.

 Step 4: Print the Integer C.

Example 6: Determining the Largest Number Among All the Entered


 Step 1: Read the Integer A.

 Step 2: Read Integer B.

 Step 3: If B is greater than A, then print B, else A.

Example 7: Work Out All the Roots of a Quadratic Equation ax² +bx+c=0

 Step 1: Enter the variables a, b, c, D, x1, x2, rp, and ip.

 Step 2: Evaluate the discriminant by using the formula: D= b²- 4ac

 Step 3: Print rp and ip.

Example 8: Find the Fibonacci series till term ≤1000

 Step 1: Declare the variables i, a, b, show.

 Step 2: Enter the values for the variables, a=0, b=1, show=0

 Step 3: Enter the terms of the Fibonacci series to be printed, i.e=, 1000.

 Step 4: Print the first two terms of the series.

 Step 5: Loop the following steps:

o Show = a + b
o a= b

o b = show

o Add 1 to the value of i each time.

o Print Show

Example 9: Calculate the Sum of The First 50 Numbers

 Step 1: Declare number N= 0 and sum= 0

 Step 2: Determine N by N= N+1

 Step 3: Calculate the sum by the formula: Sum= N + Sum.

 Step 4: Add a loop between steps 2 and 3 until N= 50.

 Step 5: Print Sum.

Example 10: Find the largest price among 100 given values and reduce

it by 10%

 Step 1: Read the 100 prices.

 Step 2: Compare the first price with the next and let the greater of the

two be ‘max’ in the ‘max index.’

 Step 3: Loop it until the largest price has been found.

 Step 4: Reduce the ‘max’ value by 10% using the formula: prices [max

index] = prices [max index] x 0.9.

 Step 5: Print.
Example 11: Arrange the numbers X, Y, Z in descending order

 Step 1: Input the value for variables X, Y, Z.

 Step 2: Read the integers X, Y, Z.

 Step 3: Check if x>y, x>z, y>z

 Step 4: Print the possible order.

Example 12: Determine the Highest Common Factor (HCF) of two


 Step 1: Read the variables a and b.

 Step 2: If a = b, go to step 4.

 Step 3: If a > b, then: a = a - b. Return to step 2.

 Step 4: Print a or b.
Pseudo code in C

The pseudo code in C consists of words and phrases that make pseudo code

looks similar to the program but not a program. Pseudo codes are written with

respect to a programming language, but programming language syntax or

grammar is not strictly followed.

The pseudo-code is neither an algorithm nor a program. pseudo-code is a

semi-formal description of the steps to be carried out by the computer,

including Steps that are to be repeated and decisions that are to be made but

it constructs/models and maybe even look like programming code.

Pseudocode is made up of two words, ‘pseudo’ and ‘code’. Pseudo means

imitation and code refer to instructions, written in a programming language.

Pseudocode is also known as Program Design Language (PDL) or Structured

has the following characteristics:

 A free syntax of natural language that describes a processing feature.

 A subprogram definition and calling techniques.

 Fixed syntax of keywords that provide for all structured constructs,

data declarations and modularity characteristics.

 A data declaration facility.

Pseudocode is a set of sequential written human language instructions,

usually numbered, that is used to describe the actions a program will take

when it is coded in a programming language.

Pseudocode Examples

1. Factorial of a positive integer n is product of all values from n to 1.

For example, the factorial of 3 is (3 * 2 * 1 = 6).


Algorithm of this program is very easy


Step 1 → Take integer variable A

Step 2 → Assign value to the variable

Step 3 → From value A upto 1 multiply each digit and store

Step 4 → the final stored value is factorial of A



We can draft a pseudocode of the above algorithm as follows −

procedure find_factorial(number)

FOR value = 1 to number

factorial = factorial * value


DISPLAY factorial

end procedure


If student's grade is greater than or equal to 60

Print "passed"


Print "failed"



Set total to zero

Set grade counter to one

While grade counter is less than or equal to ten

Input the next grade

Add the grade into the total


Set the class average to the total divided by ten

Print the class average.


Initialize total to zero

Initialize counter to zero

Input the first grade

while the user has not as yet entered the sentinel

add this grade into the running total

add one to the grade counter

input the next grade (possibly the sentinel)


if the counter is not equal to zero

set the average to the total divided by the counter

print the average


print 'no grades were entered'



initialize passes to zero

initialize failures to zero

initialize student to one

while student counter is less than or equal to ten

input the next exam result

if the student passed

add one to passes


add one to failures

add one to student counter



print the number of passes

print the number of failures

if eight or more students passed

print "raise tuition"



Larger example:


Print out appropriate heading and make it pretty

While not EOF do:

Scan over blanks and white space until a char is found

(get first character on the line)

set can't-be-ascending-flag to 0

set consec cntr to 1

set ascending cntr to 1

putchar first char of string to screen

set read character to hold character

While next character read != blanks and white space

putchar out on screen

if new char = hold char + 1

add 1 to consec cntr

set hold char = new char



if new char >= hold char

if consec cntr < 3

set consec cntr to 1


set hold char = new char



if new char < hold char

if consec cntr < 3

set consec cntr to 1


set hold char = new char

set can't be ascending flag to 1



end while

if consec cntr >= 3

printf (Appropriate message 1 and skip a line)

add 1 to consec total


if can't be ascending flag = 0

printf (Appropriate message 2 and skip a line)

add 1 to ascending total


printf (Sorry message and skip a line)

add 1 to sorry total


end While

Print out totals: Number of consecs, ascendings, and sorries.


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