Introduction To Linked List

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We have already learned about array and its limitations. In this we will learn about the linear and dynamic
data structure called linked list. There are three types of linked list available which are singly linked list,
doubly linked list and circular linked list.


Linked list is a linear dynamic data structure. It is a collection of
some nodes containing homogeneous elements. Each node consists of a
data part and one or more address part depending upon the types of the
linked list. There three different types of linked list available which are singly
linked list, doubly linked list and circular linked list.


Singly linked list is a linked list which is a linear list of some nodes
containing homogeneous elements .Each node in a singly linked list consists
of two parts, one is data part and another is address part. The data part
contains the data or information and except the last node, the address part
contains the address of the next node in the list. The address part of the last
node in the list contains NULL. Here one pointer is used to point the first
node in the list. Now in the following sections, we are going to discussed
three basic operations on singly linked list which are insertion of a new
node, deletion of a node and traversing the linked list.

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