4 (A) Declaration (In Case of Assignment)

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Annex - III

(Assignment/Re-assignment Details (if Loan taken from organization other than India Post):
Application for Assignment or Re-assignment (Tick whichever is applicable)

1 Policy Details (particular of policy against which the loan is taken):

i Policy No. : ii Name of Insurant :

Date of Acceptance :
iii Sum Assured : iv

Date of Maturity:
v vi Amount of Loan required :

vii Purpose for which Loan is required Or was taken :

2 Details of Bank/Financial Institution etc. (from which loan is being taken Or was taken):
Name of Bank/Financial Institution etc.: Industry Type : Bank/Financial Institution/Capital Market
i ii

Official Address of Bank/Financial Institution etc:

iii Regulated By: IRDA/RBI/SEBI/Other iv

v Contact No.: vi e-Mail ID :

vi Loan Amount : xv Loan Sanction letter No. (Copy attached):

Loan Sanction Letter No. & date (copy attached in case of assignment of the policy) :
3 Or
Loan Repayment letter No. & date (copy attached in case of Re-assignment of the policy) :

Terms & Conditions (in case of Assignment)

 All future premiums shall be paid by the Assignor (Insurant) of the Insurance policy.
 The assignor (Insurant) shall not exercise or hold any rights pertaining to services of the insurance policy including partial
withdrawal/surrender without specific consent of the assignee (Bank/financial institution etc).
 The Assignor (Insurant) with suitable concurrence from the Assignee (Bank/financial institution etc) shall intimate India Post about
its loan closure for suitable reassignment of the insurance policy to the Assignor (Insurant).
4(A) Declaration (in case of assignment)
This is to put on record that Shri/Smt./Ms ………………………………………….. (Name of insurant) is taking loan of
Rs…..………………………………from …………………………………..…………………. (Bank/Financial Institution etc name)
for ………………………………………….. (purpose) in terms of the Loan agreement dated …………………..
I/We hereby declare that receipt of benefits arising under the policy by the Assignee (Bank/financial institution etc), shall be
valid for sufficient discharge of the said loan. Policy servicing requests, as applied to the Policy prior to this Assignment, would
continue unless specific instructions are provided to the Bank/Financial Institution etc by both the Assignor and the Assignee. I had
by recognized the assignee (Bank/Financial Institution etc) as the only person entitled to the benefit under the policy until the policy
is re-assigned.
I/We do hereby declare that I/we have read and understood the Terms & Conditions mentioned herein above and agree to abide
by the same.
Signature of Assignor (Insurant) Signature of Assignee with stamp
4 (B) Declaration (in case of re-assignment)
This is to put on record that Shri/Smt./Ms ………………………………………….. (Name of insurant) to whom
…………………………………………. (Bank/Financial Institution etc name) had been granted a Loan of
Rs.…………………………………… for …………………………………………..(purpose) in terms of the Loan agreement dated
………………… and has/have since repaid the same in full with all dues and that no amount is now due from him/her towards or in
respect of the said loan.
In view of the above ……………………………………….. (Bank/Financial Institution etc name) has no claim right, title or
interest in respect of PLI/RPLI Policy.
I/We do hereby declare that I/we have read and understood the Terms & Conditions mentioned herein above and agree to abide
by the same.
Place: Signature of Assignor with stamp Signature of Assignee (Insurant)

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