Personal Finance Application: Date
Personal Finance Application: Date
Personal Finance Application: Date
Date: To The Consumer Lending Unit, Mega Bank Nepal Limited .................. Branch Nepal. Dear Sir/Madam, I/We hereby apply for a/an (New/Additional) Loan of NPR ................................................................................ (Nepalese Rupees ............................................................................. Only) under the Personal Finance Scheme of your Bank for the purpose of: Purchase of Consumer Goods Educational Others Purchase of Professional Equipments Social Events
Local Address & Contact Person (if any) : Ownership of Residence : Own: Co. provided: Mailing Address/ Work Address Grand Father's Name Father's Name Spouse's Name : : : : Children: Work: Others: 1/4 Others: Mobile: Father/Mother's name: Others: Rented:
Your Occupation Name of Employer Post/Designation Terms of Service Contract Expiry/ Retirement date Previous Employer (If any) Post/Designation
: :
Years in service:
: : Children: Others:
No. of Dependents (for individual): Father's Name Grand Father's Name Spouse's Name Date of Birth Citizenship No. Mailing Address Present Residence Work Address Tel No. Net Worth Details: Land NPR: Liabilities (if any) Loans NPR: Annual Income: Declaration: Building NPR: : : : : : : : : : Home:
I hereby certify that the information provided above is true and correct.
FOR Bank's Use
Saving/Current a/c at Mega Accounts with other banks/ Finance companies Land/building: Location: Owner's name: Vehicles/motorcycle: Other assets: (If any)
FOR Bank's Use
NET WORTH = NPR MONTHLY INCOME Salary Spouse's Salary Rental Income Business Income Other income (If any)
FOR Bank'sUse
MONTHLY EXPENSES Any loan repayments/ including Credit Card exp. Rental obligations Insurance Premium payments Living Expenses Education/Medical/Food/Etc. Other Expenses (If any)
FOR Bank's Use
I/We hereby declare that the information giving above in this format is true and correct. If proven otherwise, I/We agree to bear all the legal consequences. I/We agree to accept all the term & condition/s of the Bank that are in force including amendment thereto unilaterally by the Bank from time to time or any condition stipulated by the Regulatory Authorities. I/We confirm that there are no insolvency proceedings against me/us nor have I/We ever been declared insolvent. I/We understand and agree that the interest rate shall be revised annually and re-fixed by the Bank unilaterally. I/We hereby authorize the Bank to debit my/our account or to set-off any deposits to pay the charge , interest, principal or any other dues related to this loan. I/We further agree to pay charges (if any), as per the Bank's policy, with the withdrawn of the proposal after submission of this Loan Application. I/We agree that the Bank may refer my/our name to a recognized credit or referencing agency/ies and make such references as the Bank may consider it necessary. I/We hereby authorize the Bank to disclose such information relating to my/our credit facility to such parities as deemed necessary at the sole discretion of the Bank. Further, I/We acknowledge and agree that a request and demand for any information to any authority under the statutory law will be compiled by the Bank.
Following are the details of credit facilities with other banks/financial Institutions:
Names of other Total banks/Fls from where Limits/Outstanding credit facilities availed Date*: *(Should not be older than last quarter-end; last month-end preferred)
Limits Outstanding
1. ................... Bank/FI * Working Capital Loans * Term Loans * Other Loans * Non Funded facilities Total 2. ................... Bank/FI * Working Capital Loans * Term Loans * Other Loans * Non Funded facilities Total 3. ................... Bank/FI
Grand Total
Please attach additional sheets in case of insufficient space or for additional details of security and other remarks, if any. (a) Please mention as appropriate: Current Assets, Land & Building, Personal guarantees, FDs, Bonds, Cash, Others, etc. (b) Location/Plot #/ Amount/Names of guarantors, etc.
I/We confirm that the information provided above is correct. In case of mis-representation and/or the information provided is proved to be incorrect I/we assume full responsibility for any consequences thereof and agree that the Bank may prosecute me/us as per prevailing law. I/We hereby declare that my/our total credit exposure in banks and financial institutions is not more than Rs. 10 million as of date. I/We will inform you within 15 days if the exposure crosses Rs. 10 million.
Signature of the Applicant(s) Name: Date: KINDLY ENCLOSE THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS
1. Photograph of applicant (2 copies) / Photographs of co-applicant (2 copies) 2. Photocopy of Office ID card (with the original to be sighted) 3. Photocopy of Citizenship / Passport / Driving License [ (with the original to be sighted) for applicant & co-applicant.] 4. Salary Certificate with designation, terms, tenure, contract expiry/retirement date etc. 5. Copy of Land ownership Certificate. 6. Bank a/c statement for 3-6 months.