Atributos Químicos e Físicos Manga
Atributos Químicos e Físicos Manga
Atributos Químicos e Físicos Manga
Leane Rodrigues dos Santos1, Augusto Miguel Nascimento Lima1*, Marcos Sales Rodrigues1,
Jailson Cavalcante Cunha1, Laura Paula Araújo dos Santos1, Emanuelle Mercês Barros Soares2,
Adriano Victor Lopes da Silva1, Isadora Mororó de Souza1
Federal University of the São Francisco Valley, Petrolina, Brazil
Federal University of Viçosa, Viçosa, Brazil
*Corresponding author, e-mail:
The replacement of native vegetation by crops may result in changes in the chemical and
physical attributes of the soil, preventing the sustainability of the agricultural production.
Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate, in two consecutive years (2014 and 2015), the
effect of irrigated mango cultivation in some physical and chemical attributes of the soil in
relation to Caatinga in Petrolina-PE, Brazil. In areas under irrigated mango (under the canopy
region and the row spacing) and Caatinga (taken as reference), soil samples were collected
at the 0-10 and 10-20 cm depths. The chemical and physical analyzes were performed, and
were calculated bases sum (BS), cations exchangeable capacity (CEC) and base saturation
(V, %). The irrigate mango cultivation (canopy region) increased the macronutrients content
(P, K, Ca and Mg), BS and V (%) for both evaluated years at the 0-10 and 10-20 cm depths.
In soil under irrigated mango cultivation (under the canopy region and in the row spacing),
the macronutrient contents presented a stochastic pattern in the years of 2014 and 2015. The
change of land use, from Caatinga to irrigated mango cultivation, does not induce a negative
impact in the soil chemical attributes under the adopted management conditions.
Santos et al. (2019) / Does the irrigated mango cultivation ...
2013; Silva et al., 2013) and this way reduce soil’s relation to Caatinga in Petrolina-PE.
degradation keeping its sustainability.
Additionally, it is known that soil’s Materials and methods
properties, principally the chemical ones, are The study was performed in an
dynamic and may vary over time (Chaudhuri et area located on the farm: Desenvolvimento
al., 2015) and that changes are related mainly Agricola do Nordeste - DAN situated in the
to variations in the land use and management irrigated perimeter Nilo Coelho, Petrolina city,
practices adopted (Jiang et al., 2008). Pernambuco state.
Although economic importance of The region is characterized as Caatinga
mango market in Brazil, especially in the region biome and situated under the geographical
of the Submedium San Francisco Valley, little is coordinates latitude 9°23’11,83’’ S and longitude
known about the consequences of the Caatinga 40°41’24,55’’ W, with a medium elevation of 411
vegetation’s replacement for the irrigated m. The climate of the region is Bsh’ (semiarid),
mango cultivation may cause on soil’s attributes according to the climate classification of
over time. This study aimed to evaluate, in Köppen, with a low rainfall during all year (400 to
two consecutive years (2014 e 2015), the 800 mm). The rainfall at times of soil sampling is
consequences of irrigated mango cultivation in shown in table 4.
some physical and chemical soil’s attributes in
Rainfall (mm)
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total
- - - - - 6,8 13,6 4,6 0,4 0 25,6 155 206
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total
28,6 37,5 56,7 179,8 1,6 1,3 26,3 2,4 7,2 0 0 47,9 389,3
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total
12,0 34,6 27,1 78,2 0,8 2,4 - - - - - - 155,1
Source: Agrometeorological station of Petrolina- INMET – Nacional institute of meteorology – Petrolina city,
Pernambuco state.
The soil is classified as Psamment cycle. The crop (cv. Kent) was planted in 8,0 x
presenting textural sandy class, with medium 6,0 m spacing where was added goat manure
contents of 934,0, 14,0 and 52,0 g kg-1 of sand, silt (20 L planting hole-1) and planting fertilization
and clay, respectively. (P, K, S), with medium values of 500 g plant-1 of
The soil’s samples were collected in two simple superphosphate, 80 g plant -1 of potassium
consecutive years, (January, 2014 and 2015), in chloride (KCl), and 18 kg ha-1 of Sulphur. Annually,
two areas from the Desenvolvimento Agrícola were performed side dressing fertilization 120 kg
do Nordeste farm, one of them with an eight ha-1 of urea e 150 kg ha-1 of KCl and micronutrients
years old irrigated mango orchard (under the (B, Zn), with medium doses of 2g pant-1 of boron
canopy region and in the row spacing) and and 5 g plant -1
of zinc, to attend the nutritional
another one with native vegetation (Caatinga demand of the crop.
hypoxerophytic, referential area), located For fructification fertilization with expected
approximately 10 m from each other and under production of 40 t ha-1, were applied 500 g plant-1
the same class of soil. Previously, the area with of simple superphosphate and 2,0 kg plant-1 of
irrigated mango was occupied with Caatinga, KCl. Annually is added 20 L plant-1 of goat manure
until 2006. After its removal, the soil was prepared in the canopy region ( crown projection). The
(plowing and harrowing) for mango planting. irrigation system used is located (micro sprinkler),
Then, soil’s pH was corrected with dolomitic with a medium water flow of the splinker of 50 L
limestone (Effective calcium carbonate h -1, looking to attend the plant’s hydric demand.
equivalent = 80%), to elevate pH to 5.5-6.0. using The irrigation management was performed
the method of bases saturation (Ribeiro, 1999). based on the crop’s evapotranspiration (ETc
The pH’s soil correction when necessary, was mm), determined by the multiplication of the
also performed annually, after every production reference evapotranspiration (ETo, mm) and
the crop coefficient (kc), according to Soares method (Al3+)]. All the chemical analyzes were
et al. (2006). The mango flowering induction is performed according to the methodology
always done with calcium nitrate and potassium proposed by Donagema et al. (2011). Posteriorly
nitrate applying. The canopy region and the were calculated the sum of bases (SB), cations
row spacing were always kept without weed by exchange capacity (CEC) and bases saturation
the manual and mechanical weeding. After the percentage (V).
harvest, annually is performed a pruning keeping The data normality hypotheses were
the organic residues on the canopy region. verified by the Shapiro-Wilk test. The obtained
This work is composed of three treatments data were analyzed by the t teste (α= 5%
(irrigated mango canopy region and irrigated probability) for independent samples which were
mango row spacing), disposed of split-blocks made comparisons between Caatinga and
desing, with ten repetitions (10 georeferenced irrigated mango canopy region and Caatinga
points). In areas under irrigated mango (canopy and irrigated mango row spacing, to each
region and row spacing) and in the Caatinga depth and evaluated year. It was performed
area were collected soil samples at the layers of a hierarchic grouping analyze in standardized
0-20 and 10-20 cm depth. Emphasizing that in the data from averages from each kind of soil use
irrigated mango area were collected 10 samples in each collect period evaluated using the
of soil on canopy region (crown projection area) completed link method with euclidian distance.
and row spacing (4,0 m from the tree trunk). The link distance was expressed as (Dlink/Dmax)
In the area under Caatinga was collected a x 100, which represents the standardized quotient
subsample in the middle of the georeferenced between the link distances to a particular case
point and another two within a radius of 1 m from divided by the maximum link distance. In the
the georeferenced point. By that, were collected definition of group numbers in the dendrograms
three simple samples from each depth to obtain was drown the fenon line (Cutting line) in
a composite sample. the Euclidian distance average standardized
After collected, the soil’s samples were corresponding to the highest leap found in the
transported to the soil’s chemistry and physics grouping steps.
laboratory of the Federal University of the San
Francisco Valley where they were open air dried, Results and discussion
had the clods broken up, homogenized and Soil Physical attributes
sieved (2,0 mm) to obtain fine earth air dried The year of 2014
(FEAD). Also were collected soil’s undisturbed The irrigated mango cultivation (canopy
samples (using a 98,17 cm³ cylinder) on the region) did not cause any significant difference
mentioned layers and all the treatments. in the soil bulk density values (BD), flocculation
For the physical analysis were determined degree (FD) and clay dispersed in water (CDW)
soil texture (pipette method) soil bulk density when compared to Caatinga at the layers of 0-10
(Bd), clay dispersed in water (CDW), flocculation and 10-0 cm depth. (Figures 1A, 1B, 1E, 1G, 1H). In
degree (FD) and total soil porosity, according to contrast, for the total porosity variable (TP), in the
the methodology proposed by Donagema et al. year of 2014, was verified a significant difference
(2011). only at the layer of 0-10 cm depth, with greater
From the disturbed samples were value to the irrigated mango (canopy region)
determined the pH values (H2O), potential acidity (42,32%) in relation to Caatinga (39,61%) (Figure
(H+Al), electrical conductivity in the saturation 1C).
extract (SE) P, K and Na contents [extracted with This behavior might be associated,
Mehlich-1 and determined in spectrophotometer eventually, to the management adopted in
(P) and fire photometer (k , +
and NA )]; Ca ,
+ 2+ the crop implantation (soil preparing), the
Mg2+ and Al3+ [ extracted with KCL 1,0 mol L maintenance of the pruning residues and, or,
and determined in spectrophotometer of atomic greater soil exploration by the mango roots
absorption (Ca2+ and Mg2+ ) and by the titration resulting in greater soil aggregation and,
Figure 1. Soil bulk density (A;B), total porosity (C;D), flocculation degree (E;F)
and clay dispersed in water (G;H) at the 0-10 and 10-20 cm layers of soils under
irrigated mango cultivation (canopy region and row spacing) and Caatiga for
the years of 2014 and 2015. Columns followed by the same lower case between
the uses and capital letter between years do not differentiate by student’s t test
(P>0,05). The bars represent the average’s standard deviation .
consequently, greater soil porosity. This effect is 1B), indicating that macroporosity is greater than
more evidenced in the top soil what is expected 10%, while the average value for the crop (row
since there is no incorporation of organic residues spacing) is above the limit density (Figure 1A e
on surfaces in areas of fruit production. 1B), indicating that the water drainage and soil’s
The soil limit bulk density is that one oxygenation might not be adequated to the
referred to the value witch the soil macroporosity plant.
is equal to 10%, may vary according to the soil’s The Tp average was above 35%, what
texture. characterize the management practices
As suggested by Stolf et al. (2011), the adopted in the study areas as practices that
value of the soil’s limit bulk density (SLD) might be do not compromise the physical structure of
estimated using the sand content ( SLD = 1.275 the soil. The comparisons between soils from
+ 0,456 sand in kg kg-1). Therefore, to the soil of native vegetation and cultivated areas, in the
the present study (Sand = 0,93 kg kg ) the SLD is
majority of cases, it can be observed significant
of 1,70 g cm-3. This way, to the year of 2014 the decrease of Tp in the managed soils, mainly in
average values of BD in the mango cultivation relation to that ones with dense forest, as verified
(canopy region) and Caatinga are under the by Vasconcelos et al. (2014) and Oliveira et al.
critic value in both studied layers (Figure 1A and (2015 a). In Caatinga areas, can be observed
maintenance or improvement of the soil physical cultivation (canopy region) resulted in lower
quality when there is the replacement of the values of BD when compared to Caatinga at the
native vegetation by determined agricultural layers of 0-10 and 10-20 cm depth, respectively.
use, as indicate the obtain data in this research Similar to the previous year, in the year of 2015
(figure 1) and by Correa et al. (2010). the average values of the soil bulk density were
Comparing the soil collected in the greater than the critical value (BD= 1,70 g cm-
row spacing of irrigated mango with soil under 3
), only in the irrigated mango cultivation (row
Caatinga, it can be observed that there was spacing) in both studied layers (Figure 1A and
not difference in FD and CDW values at the 1B). The Tp showed greater in the crop canopy
layer of 0-10 cm depth, and in the BD and Tp reagion in relation to caatinga in both studied
values at the layer of 10-20 cm depth (figures layers. (Figure 1E and 1F).
1B, 1D, 1E, 1G). In the soil top soil under irrigated
mango (row spacing), the BD (1,72 g cm-3) was Uses comparisons between the years of 2014 and
greater than the BD of the area under Caatinga. 2015 for the soil’s physical attributes
As a consequence, the Tp values were lower In general, was noticed just a few
than those found for Caatinga soil in the same differences on the physical attributes values
sampled layer. comparing the studied years. A hypothesis is
The FD was greater in Caatinga area related to the short period of evaluation so it can
in relation to the crop row spacing at the layer be noticed significant modifications in the soil’s
of 10-20 cm depth (figure 1F), consequently the physical attributes.
CDW showed lower values in Caatinga (figure 1 However, was possible to verify that
H). the soil bulk density decreasing in the crop
This way, techniques that enable BD canopy region from 2014 to 2015. The temporal
decrease and, consequently, the porosity comparative analyses of the crop use in the
and aggregates stability increase, must be sampled period (2014 and 2015) allow to
continuously used in the row spacing. Some determinate alterations in BD. In the crop canopy
areas under different use systems evaluated by reagion there was a decrease from 1,50 and 1,67
Silva et al. (2015) showed that BD is decreased g cm-3 in 2014 to 1,32 and 1,54 g cm-3 in 2015, at the
when the organic cultivation or in conversion layers of 0-10 and 10-20 cm depth, respectively
to organic is implemented, being indicative, (Figures 1A and 1B). These alterations are justified
possibly, of the greatest contribution of soil’s as a function of the addition, in each production
organic matter, increasing microbial activity and cycle, of liquid biofertilizer by fertigation and
improving the particles aggregation. Therefore, maintenance of the residues on the soil surface
it is appropriated to suggest the adopted in the crop canopy region. As time went by, the
practices in the canopy region (as maintenance soil bulk density under systems that do not modify
of the pruning residues from the crop) must be the soil tends to decrease because, in part, to the
expanded to the row spacing of irrigated mango increase of organic matter on the surface layer,
cultivation, just like occurred in alley cropping that performs improving the soil aggregation.
systems. (Meirelles & Souza, 2015). (Tommea et al., 1998).
independent of the type of use (Figure 2A). between samples collected under crop (CCR-
2015 and CCR-2014) and between samples
Whereas the surface layer, it was possible under native vegetation (C-2015 and C-2014)
to observe that there was greater similarity (Figure 2B).
Figure 2. Dendograms resulted from grouping analysis of the soil’s physical variables at the 0-10 (A) and
10-20 cm (B) deepths. *C-2015 (Caatinga 2015); C-2014 (Caatinga 2014); CRS-2015 (Crop row spacing
2015); CRS-2014 (Crop row spacing 2014); CCR-2015 (Crop canopy reagion 2015); CCR-2014 (Crop
canopy reagion 2014).
This differentiation of grouping between were classified as high at the layers of 0-10 and
the soil’s layers evaluated suggests that there 10-20 cm depth, being above the critical level
is and influence of the management in soil’s estabilished for the crop (40 mg dm-3) for the
physical properties from one year to another, Pernambuco state (Silva et al., 2004).
specially on the surface layer, where, particularly, The K+ contents in soil under irrigated
there is maintenance of the crop prunning mango are classified as low (Silva et al., 2004)
residues and, or, greater soi’l exploration by at the layers of 0-10 and 10-20 cm depth. The
the crop roots, what helps to increase soil’s greater contents of K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ in soil
aggregation and porosity. under irrigated mango are justified by the
accomplishment of pH corrections and soil
Soil chemical attributes fertilization, replacing exported nutrients by
The year of 2014 crop and, or, loss by leaching. In Caatinga, the
The soil under irrigated mango (Canopy low contents are explained, in part, due to the
reagion) showed greater contents of phosphor greater proportion of the nutrient is located in
(P), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg²+), and vegetation, from the natural low fertility of the
potassium (K ) in relation to soil under Caatinga
quartz sandy neosol and from the low nutrients
at the layers of 0-10 and 10-20 cm depth (Figure cycling offered by the semiarid region climate.
3A and 3H). The potential acidity values (H+Al) varied
There was a similar behavior noticed between the different types of use, with greater
in P and Mg2+ when irrigated mango (Canopy values observed in the crop at the layer of 0-10
region) was compared to Caatinga. The soil cm depth (Figure 4A). Opposite result was
under irrigated mango (Canopy region) also noticed at the layer of 10-20 cm depth.
showed greater K+ content in relation to soil under There was no difference in the
Caatinga at the layer of 0-10 cm depth, just like exchangeable acidity (Al ) and pH between
Mg2+ in both evaluated layers. The available P soils under different types of use evaluated at
contents observed in soil under Caatinga at the the layers of 0-10 and 10-20 cm depth (Figure
layers of 0-10 and 10-20 cm depth (Figure 3A and 4C to 4F). Some differences were observed to the
1B). electrical conductivity (EC) comparing Caatinga
Observing the nutrient levels tables to to irrigated mango (Canopy region or row
recommend fertilization for the irrigated mango spacing) In both evaluated layers, however, the
cultivation in the submedium San Francisco absolute values are low, staying between 0,48
area, the available P contents observed in soil and 0,65 dS m-1 . Considering that the submedium
San Francisco valley region is in a semiarid (Canopy region) showed greater values of the
climate area, where the evapotranspiration rates sum of bases (SB) and bases saturation (V) in
exceed the precipitation ones, the EC plays an relation to soil under Caatinga, to the layers of
important role in the salinity monitoring during 0-10 and 10-20 cm depth (Figure 5). The soil under
and in between the crop production cycle. irrigated mango (row spacing) also showed
The pH results are near to the optimum greater values of SB and V in relation to soil under
range to the crop development (Embrapa, Caatinga at the layers of 0-10 and 10-20 cm
2015). Corrêa et al., (2009), studying sandy soils depth (Figure 5).
in semiarid, it was observed greater pH values The nutrients contribution through the
in irrigated mango cultivation area in relation to production fertilization favour the greater values
the area of Caatinga. The pH values of 5,5-6,0 of SB and V (%) in soil under irrigated mango in
contribute to macro e micronutrients disponibility, relation to soil under Caatinga. According to
and collaborate to the Al3+ transformation to Corrêa et al. (2009), the corvertion from native
other complex forms (Spera et al., 2014), not toxic vegetation to crop favour greater values of
to plants. SB and V values due to liming and fertilization
The soil under irrigated mango cultivation performed. The CEC values were greater in soils
Figure 5. Sum of bases (A;B), potential cations exchange capacity-CEC (C;D), bases saturation (E;F) and effective CEC (G;H) at
the layers of 0-10 and 10-20 cm depth under irrigated mango cultivation (Canopy region and row spacing) and Caatinga to
the years of 2014 and 2015. Columns followed by the same lower case between uses and capital between years do not differ
by the student’s T test (P>0,05). The bars present the average standard deviation.
Figure 6. Iron (A;B), manganese (C;D) and zinc (E;F) contents at the
layers of 0-10 and 10-20 cm depth in soils under irrigated mango
cultivation (Canopy region and row spacing) and Caatinga for
the years of 2014 and 2015. Columns followed by the same lower
case between uses and capital between years do not differ by the
student’s T test (P>0,05). The bars represent the average standard
under irrigated mango on surface layer than in soil under Caatinga are justified, in part, by the
the other treatments. Opposite behavior was Psamment natural low fertility.
observed at the layer of 10-20 cm depth (Figure
5D). The year of 2015
Whereas the effective CEC (t), In the year of 2015, the soil under irrigated
exeception of similaty of crop canopy region mango (Canopy region and row spacing)
and Caatinga, the soil under irrigated mango showed P, Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+ greater than those
showed greater t value. found for soil under Caatinga at the layers of 0-10
Such as macronutrients, was verified and 10-20 cm depth (Figure 3).
that in a general way the micronutrients contents In figure 4 is possible to observe that the
were greater in crop areas, especially those in different uses evaluation considering the values
the canopy region. The manganese (Mn2+) and of H+Al, Al3+, pH and EC followed the same
zinc (Zn ) contents were greater at the layers of
behaviour from the previous year, as exception
0-10 and 10-20 cm depth under irrigated mango of the values of H+Al at the layer of 0-10 cm
in relation to soil under Caatinga (Figure 6C to depth and Al3+ at the layer of 10-20 cm depth,
6F). The Fe2+ contents were classified as low to witch contents were greater in Caatinga.
medium, according to Ribeiro et al. (1999).. The SB, T, V (%) and t values showed
Higher values of micronutrients in soil significant differences between the irrigated
under irrigated mango are justified by the mango cultivation area and Caatinga (Figure 5A
technological level adopted, with micronutrients to 5F). The soil under irrigated mango (Canopy
fertilization, replacing the exported contents by region and row spacing) showed SB, V and t
the crop. The Mn and Zn contents observed at
2+ 2+
values greater than those found in Caatinga
the layer of 0-10 cm depth under irrigated mango at the layers of 0-10 and 10-20 cm depth. On
were classified as high (Mn 2+
> 12 mg dm and
the other hand, the soil under irrigated mango
Zn2+ > 2,2 mg dm-3), according to Ribeiro et al. (Canopy region and row spacing) showed T
(1999). The reduced contents of micronutrients in values lower than those found for Caatinga at
the 10 cm initial depth (Figure 5C). exchangeable form. Thus, chemical fertilizations
For micronutrients, the soil under irrigated must be performed in a fragmented way to
mango (Canopy region and row spacing) reduce the nutrients loss by leaching, or, still,
showed Fe2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+ contents greater than make use of low liberation fertilizers or less soluble
the values in the soil under Caatinga in both soil ones (Duarte et al., 2013; Frazão et al., 2014). The
evaluated layers, expected for Fe 2+
content at low T values observed are justified by the low clay
the layer of 0-10 cm depth (Figure 6). amount (5,2%) in quartzsandy neosol. In addition
to the greatest amount of the coarse fractions
Comparisons of uses between the years of 2014 of the soil, that deduct less density of negative
and 2015 for the soil chemical attributes charges (CEC), is possible that a good part of the
A few alterations in the nutrients contents CEC must be originated from minerals of variable
were observed in the area of Caatinga from the charges, as indicate Cunha et al. (2014) studying
year of 2014 to 2015. These results are expected the origin of negative charges in soils of reference
since in natural and stabilized environments the from the Pernambuco state.
nutrients cycling is found in balance, because In this conditions the low CEC values,
there is not crop exportation. decrease cations retention, which induces the
The soil under irrigated mango cultivation necessity of using management practices that
showed significant differeces between both can enable the plant’s incremental nutrients
years. Similar to the one found by Oliveira et availability and decreasing loss by leaching, as
al. (2015b) that studied the heavy metal and indicate Mendel et al. (2015).
micronutrients variation in an area of vine under The irrigated mango cultivation (row
three irrigation strategies in Petrolina-PE, witch spacing) resulted in an increase of 56% in the
the nutrients contents in irrigated mango canopy Ca2+ content at the layer of 0-10 cm depth
reagion and row spacing showed sthocastic and, 33,3 and 150% in the K+ contents at the
standard between the studied years (Figures 3 layers of 0-10 and 10-20 cm depth, respectively.
and 4). Similar behavior was observed to Al3+ in both soils
It can be observed that the irrigated evaluated layers, and for the SB and V (%) in the
mango cultivation (canopy region) resulted in a first 10 cm depth.
decrease of 34,0 and 43,2% in the Ca2+ contents The irrigated mango cultivation (row
at the layers of 0-10 and 10-20 cm depth, spacing) resulted in a decrease of 27,3 and 16,7%
respectively. A similar behavior was noticed for in the Mg2+ contents at the layers of 0-10 and 10-
the K contents and V(%) values at the layer of
20 cm depth, respectively. In this same collect
0-10 cm depth. The irrigated mango cultivation area there was a decrease of 54,1 and 78,8%;
(canopy region) also resulted in a decrease in 11,3 and 14,53% in the H+Al and EC at the layers
the SB values at the layers of 0-10 and 10-20 cm of 0-10 and 10-20 cm depth, respectively.
depth. On the other hand, for the Mg contents, 2+
Differently, of what was observed in
it can be observed that the irrigated mango mango canopy region, the plant necessary
cultivation (canopy region) increased 41,7% nutrients in greater amount did not decrease in
at the layer of 0-10 cm depth and 100% at the row spacing region, because, even though the
layer of 10-20 cm depth. The irrigated mango root system reaches the row spacing region and
cultivation (canopy region) also resulted in an nutrients absorbed in this region, this absorption
increase of 100% in Al 3+
contents at the layers of is considered smaller in comparison to canopy
0-10 and 10-20 cm depth (figgure 4C and 4D) region.
and 23,70% in the T values at the layer of 0-10 cm For the micronutrients contents,
depth (Figure 5D). compared to the years of 2014 and 2015, it can
According to Ribeiro et al. (1999), the be observed that the irrigated mango cultivation
T values observed in this study are classified as (canopy region) resulted in a decrease in the Fe2+
low (1,61-4,30 cmolc dm ), indicating that the
contents and increase in the Zn2+ contents at the
soil has a little capacity to retain cations in an layers of 0-10 and 10-20 cm depth, respectively.
Figure 7. Dendrograms resulted from grouping analysis of the soil chemical variables at the layers of 0-10 (A) and
10-20 (B) cm depth. *C-2015 (Caatinga 2015); C-2014 (Caatinga 2014); MRS (Mango row spacing 2015); MRS-
2014 (Mango row spacing 2014); MCR (Mango canopy region 2015); MCR-2014 (Mango canopy region 2014).
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