5000-Texto Del Artículo-19664-1-10-20230508
5000-Texto Del Artículo-19664-1-10-20230508
5000-Texto Del Artículo-19664-1-10-20230508
AGROPECUARIA Facultad de Ciencias
Scientia Agropecuaria Agropecuarias
Universidad Nacional de
Web page: http://revistas.unitru.edu.pe/index.php/scientiaagrop Trujillo
Effect of liming and fertilizers on the growth and nutrition of 12-month old Teak
(Tectona grandis L.) grown on acidic soil of Peru
C. O. Arévalo-Hernández1, 2 * ; E. Arévalo-Gardini1, 2 ; J. A. Correa V.2 ; G. Vasquez2 ;
M. H. Zhang D.3
Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Alto Amazonas (UNAAA), Prolongación Libertad 1220, 1228, Yurimaguas,
Alto Amazonas, Loreto, Perú.
Instituto de Cultivos Tropicales, Av. Cerro Escalera Mz “C” Lote1, Urb. Las Praderas, Tarapoto, San Martín, Perú.
Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, U.S. Department of Agriculture/Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville, MD 20705, USA.
Peru has a great potential for forestry plantations, nevertheless, importations of this type of products are getting very expensive. Soils under
forest are acidic and infertile to support sustainable economically valuable forest tree species such as teak. Information is lacking on proper
fertility management in forest plantations such as teak. Therefore, the objective of this study was to explore the effect of lime, and organic and
inorganic fertilizers on the early growth and nutrient composition of 12-month old teak grown on acidic soil of Peru. The soil under field study
was acidic with a pH of 4.99, low in fertility. A factorial design of 2x3: Lime (No Lime and Liming) and fertilizer (organic, inorganic and mixture),
with 9 repetitions was adopted. Tree biometric parameters (height, diameter, biomass) and N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn foliar concentrations
were determined during early the growth of teak. Treatments with addition of dolomite lime favored higher biometric parameters, and use of
organic fertilizers promoted more growth than inorganic fertilizers. In the case of nutrients, no major differences were observed between limed
and unlimed treatments while organic fertilizer promoted Ca, K and S nutrition. The results show that the application of lime and organic
fertilizers is essential for the successful management and establishment of teak plants in acidic soils of Peru.
Keywords: organic fertilizers; forestry nutrition; forest plantations; ultisols; soil fertility.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17268/sci.agropecu.2023.016
significant differences (Shukla & Viswanath, 2023) biochar and humic acids could have promoted the
which could mean in the future a faster harvest age. growth and development of early teak plantations
Management of soil fertility and adequate tree in terms of nutrition and efficiency (Sandro et al.,
nutrition are key factors for productivity and success 2016; Smitha et al., 2016). Furthermore, the effect of
in forest plantations. In Peru, forest plantations are the rhizosphere soil in terms of C/N, N and K has a
mainly established in the humid tropics and, in major effect on nutrition of C, N and P in teak
general, present high soil constraints such as high (Zhang et al., 2023). In general, teak is a high nutri-
acidity, low P availability, high aluminum content ent demanding plant species so fertilizers programs
and low base saturation. In general, many teak are important to obtain high yields, however, in
plantations have suffered the problems of acidity in Peru, most growers don’t implement fertilizer pro-
early establishment with high death rates associated grams, not even in the early stages of the planta-
with poor soil management. The management of tions, therefore yield and growth is compromised.
tropical acid soils consists of the correction of the Considering the importance of fertilization and lim-
acidity, elevation of pH, use of acidity tolerant ing we aimed to explore the effect of lime, organic
clones and the application of fertilizers that improve and inorganic fertilizers in the early growth and
the soil fertility (Arévalo-Hernández et al., 2022; nutrient composition of teak growing in acid soils in
Bolan et al., 2003). However, despite the common Peru.
use of lime for ameliorating soil acidity, in Peru,
because of its use in the production of illegal 2. Materials and methods
narcotics, its acquisition for forest farming is limited. Location
Dolomite lime is mainly used not only for its high The experimental field was located experimental
availability in the market but also to improve the station “Juan Bernito” of the Instituto de Cultivos
magnesium status of acid soils. Tropicales, in the district of La Banda del Shilcayo in
According to Da Favare et al. (2012), teak nutrient San Martin Region, Peru at 06° 30’ 28” S 76° 00’ 18”
requirements in shoots are related as follows: W, at an altitude of 333 m.a.s.l. At the site, the
N>Ca>K>Mg>P>S>Fe>Mn>B>Zn>Cu, while in average annual rate of precipitation is 1150 mm with
roots Behling et al. (2014), indicates that require- a mean annual temperature of 26°C and is in the
ments in roots are in the order of K > Ca > N > Mg Pre-Mountain Tropical Dry Forest (BSPmT).
> P > S, in both cases Ca is the second most de- The total experimental area was previously used for
manded nutrient, showing that teak is Ca sensitive fishery purposes and had a perimeter of 260 meters
species, and, liming is a key step on its establish- and 3000 m2. The experimental area determined for
ment and growth, especially in acid soils which lack the experiment was divided into three subplots
sufficient Ca. Despite liming importance, other (blocks) of different sizes (32x20 m; 35x15 m and
nutrients are required for optimal productivity since 35x20 m) and with a separation in distance of 50 m,
this species could respond positively to the each area was cleaned by mechanical means and
application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, plants surrounding the effective area were pruned.
promoting growth and trunk diameter (Abod & A general soil sample was taken from each subplot
Siddiqui, 2001; Siddiqui et al., 2009; Zhou et al., to calculate the requirement for lime and fertilizer
2012). Also, even though less studied, organic ferti- application. The results for the samples taken are
lizers such as compost, manures, sewage sludge, presented in Table 1.
Table 1
Main physical and chemical characteristics of the soils in each block after soil preparation
Properties block 1 block 2 block 3 Mean±sd (Anderson & Ingram, 1993;
EMBRAPA, 2009)
pH in wáter 5.22 5.02 4.99 5.07±0.12 Potenciometer (1:2.5)
C. E (dS/m) 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06±0.01 Conductimeter (1:2.5)
CaCO3 (%) <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 Volumetric Gas
O.M. (%) 1.51 1.38 1.61 1.50±0.12 Walkley y Black
P (ppm) 15.06 12.06 13.95 13.69±1.52 0.5 M NaHCO3
Texture Class Arc Arc Arc Arc Bouyucos Method
CEC (cmol/kg) 8.16 7.69 7.61 7.82±0.30 1 N NH4CH3CO2
Ca2+ 2.38 2.09 2.08 2.18±0.17 1 N NH4CH3CO2
Mg2+ 0.90 0.53 0.68 0.70±0.19 1 N NH4CH3CO2
K+ 0.20 0.14 0.13 0.16±0.04 1 N NH4CH3CO2
Na+ 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.09±0.01 1 N NH4CH3CO2
Al+3 0.05 0.15 0.18 0.13±0.07 1 N KCl
Base Saturation, % 44% 37% 39% 40.00±3.61 Calculation
Scientia Agropecuaria 14(2): 179-187 (2023) Arévalo-Hernández et al.
Table 2
Chemical analysis of amendments used in the experiment
Organic Amendments
Chicken Manure 3.0 3.96 3.33 41.11
Seabirds guano 10.14 10.01 2.30 25.33
Inorganic Amendments
Dolomite - - - -
Urea 44.00 - - -
Triple Superphosphate - 45.40 - -
Potassium Chloride - - 58.30 -
Potassium Sulfate - - 49.10 -
Lime, Organic and inorganic fertilizers For the application of lime, the base saturation
In the case of lime, dolomite lime was the source approach was used (Gonçalves et al., 2020),
used. For inorganic fertilizers, urea, triple super- considering a saturation base of 80% in the field as
phosphate and potassium sulfate were used. For described in the following equation.
organic fertilizers, seabird guano and chicken (𝑉2 − 𝑉1) ∗ 𝑑
𝑁𝐿 = 𝐶𝐸𝐶 ∗
manure were selected. The chemical analysis (N, 𝑅𝑁𝑃𝐿
P2O5, K2O and organic matter) for each amendment NL: Lime necessity t ha-1; V2: Base saturation (%) goal;
was performed following the procedures described CEC: Cation exchange Capacity of soil in cmol+ kg-1;
elsewhere by EMBRAPA (2009). The results of V1: Soil actual Base saturation (%); RNPL: Relative
chemical analysis are presented in Table 2. Neutralization Power of Lime; d: Depth in m.
Scientia Agropecuaria 14(2): 179-187 (2023) Arévalo-Hernández et al.
Table 3
Comparison of means by Scott-Knott test at 0.05 for Soil attributes (pH, OM-Organic matter, P, CEC, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ and Al+3) measurements
in teak plants of 12 months with application of lime and different fertilizers (Organic, inorganic, I/O and control) in experimental field in
Scientia Agropecuaria 14(2): 179-187 (2023) Arévalo-Hernández et al.
Addition of organic amendments tend to improve in teak growth and how even fertilizer with acidic
overall soil fertility conditions because organic effects could affect teak establishment (Zhou et al.,
matter in soil is related to soil fertility, aggregation, 2012).
nutrient retention capacity and productivity (Eden However, is important to express that even though
et al., 2017). Also, organic amendments, in general soil pH was not modified by dolomite lime in
tend to increase pH, available P and K in the soil (Lin relation to control, the absorption of Ca and Mg
et al., 2022; Machado et al., 2022; Yi et al., 2022), may have contributed to the high growth observed
such an increase is beneficial for teak establishment in the biometric parameters. Combatt et al. (2016),
since literature reports that this species has more working with different doses of Lime and Boron in
preference for soils that tend to be alkaline Colombia, observed that during the establishment
(Fernández-Moya et al., 2014). of teak the application of calcium hydroxide showed
positive effects on growth parameters. Also, Wehr
Biometric measurements
et al. (2017), working with the physiology of teak
Biometric measurements for teak showed different
under acidic conditions showed that even though
responses to treatments, mean values per
teak is an acidic-sensitive species some clones may
treatment are presented in Table 4. In general, no
have a high tolerance to acidic conditions. Soil
significative interaction (p > 0.05) between the type
acidity has great effects on plant growth due to its
of fertilizer (organic, inorganic, or 50% organic +
effects on the protoplasm of plant root cells,
50% inorganic) and lime (lime and unlimed) was
dissolution of toxic elements such as aluminum
observed, indicating that these factors for this
(Rengel, 2003). Aluminum generally exists in the
experiment acted separately. Nevertheless, for all
form of Al(OH)3, which is insoluble in soils, however,
variables, a highly significant difference (p<0.01) of
it passes to Al+3 under acidic conditions (pH < 4.5)
fertilizer and lime levels was observed.
and represents the most toxic form of Al for plants,
Taking into consideration the results of ANOVA,
which could affect teak establishment in acidic soil.
each effect was analyzed separately and the
Fertilizer effects have different results, but the
comparison of means by Scott-Knott test at 0.05 are
organic fertilizer treatment was superior for
presented in Table 4. For lime effects are possible
improving all biometric parameters (height, leaf
to observe that the plants that were amended with
area, diameter and dry weight), in comparison to all
dolomite lime showed a higher height, leaf area,
treatments. Surprisingly, the inorganic fertilizer had
diameter and dry weight, in comparison to plants
less effect for height, and root dry weight and was
that were not amended with lime. In general, the
similar in leaf dry weight to the control. In
selection of plants for forestry production is carried
comparison to the best treatment (organic fertilizer
with the use of the diameter and, in the present
only), the control had 69.6% of the diameter, being
experiment, the treatment without lime represented
the organic fertilizer responsible for more than 30%
47% of the mean diameter of the treatment with
of the diameter. These results indicate the impor-
lime. These results highlight the importance of
tance of the use of organic fertilizer under acidic
liming in teak production and may explain why
conditions since in similar nutrient requirements
many teak plantations under acidic soils without
inorganic fertilizer had less effect on diameter and
lime may have failed in the past in this region. There
biometric parameters and the results were similar to
are some studies that highlight the importance of
the control.
liming in teak plantations and the importance of Ca
Table 4
Comparison of means by Scott-Knott test at 0.05 for biometric measurements in teak plants of 12 months with application of lime and
different fertilizers (Organic, inorganic, I/O and control) in experimental field in Peru
Leaf Dry Stem Dry Root Dry
Factors Height Leaf Area Diameter
Weight Weight Weight
cm cm2 cm g g g
Lime effect
Lime 261.6±64.6a 1845.6±1252a 23.1±8.1a 1328.9±105.0a 602.91±48.2a 619.9±37.3a
No Lime 85.9±21.3b 636.0±698b 10.9±6.0b 119.2±15.7b 63.08±10.1b 146.7±12.7b
Pvalue ** ** ** ** ** **
Fertilizer effect
Control 197.02±38.6c 838.5±761.0c 14.7±7.1c 36.2±53.5c 13.9±18.9c 23.8±15.4c
Inorganic 171.53±62.2c 945.6±1127.5c 15.6±9.2c 36.9±54.7c 14.0±18.8c 20.7±24.9c
Organic 306.31±59.1ª 1948.8±1236.7ª 21.1±10.1ª 100.4±116.9ª 48.9±62.0ª 53.2±40.3ª
I/O 261.29±63.7b 1248.8±1297.6b 17.4±10.5b 67.7±118.3b 34.2±46.5b 30.0±45.1b
P-value ** ** ** ** ** **
ns= not significant, *=significant at 0.05, **=significant at 0.01. Different lowercase letters represent significant differences at p < 0.05.
Scientia Agropecuaria 14(2): 179-187 (2023) Arévalo-Hernández et al.
The results on inorganic fertilizer may be due to the differences (P > 0.05) for lime treatment except for
use of Urea which has an acidic reaction in the soil Fe, however, higher concentration values of P, K, Ca
and may have contributed to the stress in teak were observed in limed plants. The results of the
plants in the early stages. Also, is important to concentration of nutrients indicate that similar
mention that as observed by Zhang et al., (2023), values of elements were observed in both limed
organic matter in the soil promoted growth in teak and unlimed treatments. Fe was observed in lower
and these species tend to improve general OM in values (40% less) in limed plants in comparison to
the soil since the rate of decomposition of teak litter non-limed plants. In general, liming applications
in tropical soils is slow because of the higher tend to diminish micronutrient availability such as
content of insoluble lignin (Cavalcante et al., 2021). Fe, Cu and Mn while also reducing soil
In general, organic matter in the soil has great exchangeable Al (Bolan et al., 2003; Børja & Nilsen,
importance in teak growth, since the volume of 2009). In general, high concentrations of Fe (>500
production is directly linked to this variable (Neto et mg kg-1) can affect overall plant metabolism,
al., 2020) and this phenomenon has also been causing internal damage, mainly related to the
observed in Eucalyptus trees (Barry et al., 2015). formation of ROS (Reactive oxygen species)
Other trees species increase their productivity as (Marschner, 2011). Also, Fe can alter morphological,
well, using organic fertilizers for nutrients in metabolic and physiological characteristics of plants
comparison to inorganic fertilizers such as yellow and generate oxidative stress (Lapaz et al., 2022).
poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera Lin.) (Han et al., 2016), Concentration and uptake of nutrients (N, P, K, Ca,
Eucalyptus (Abreu-Junior et al., 2017; Barry et al., Mg, S, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) with the different
2015; Laclau et al., 2010) and Pine trees (Palviainen amendments (No Fertilizer-Control, Inorganic,
et al., 2020). Organic amendments such as biochar Organic and I/O-50% Inorganic + 50% Organic
have been observed to have a direct effect on plant fertilizer) is presented in Table 5. In the case of the
survival in the field (de Farias et al., 2016). Also, fertilizer effect, Ca, S and K presented significant
organic fertilizers improve soil chemical characte- differences (P < 0.05). The organic fertilizer showed
ristics by increasing pH and reducing the exchan- a higher concentration in comparison to the other
geable and soluble Al and, increasing plant growth treatments. However, for K, the inorganic treatment
by reducing monomeric Al and by complexation of showed a higher concentration in plants, followed
acid ions (Naramabuye & Haynes, 2006). by the combination of the inorganic and organic
Concentrations and uptake of nutrients fertilizer, indicating that in terms of K nutrition,
Lime and fertilizers variables didn’t show significant inorganic amendments may be preferred in relation
interaction (P > 0.05), however, their isolated effects to organic fertilizers.
presented significant differences (P < 0.05), espe- For the content of nutrients, little evidence exists for
cially in uptake measurements, that could be related plants of this age (12 months), most research has
to the dry weight effect. The concentration and presented plants with older ages (>3 years)
uptake of nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Fe, Mn (Fernández-Moya et al., 2017, 2014), except for the
and Zn) with lime application are presented in Table work of Dos Santos et al. (2022), which develops
4. In general, the concentration of the different allometric models of nutrient contents from 15
macro and micronutrients presented no significant months to 75 months.
Table 4
Nutrient concentration and Uptake of leaves of teaks plants of 12 months with application of lime and No lime in acid soil in Peru
N P K Ca Mg S Cu Fe Mn Zn
dag kg-1 mg kg-1
2.27± 0.20± 1.25± 0.61± 0.13± 0.20± 13.96± 534.91± 87.50± 42.87±
No Lime
0.52 0.07 0.76 0.27 0.09 0.04 8.69 229.17a 39.36 10.23
2.01± 0.23± 1.40± 0.68± 0.12± 0.17± 9.80± 321.23± 87.17± 40.06±
0.48 0.13 0.83 0.25 0.06 0.04 6.77 307.30b 31.37 19.38
P ns|| ns ns ns ns ns ns * ns ns
Uptake mg plant-1
272.1± 30.5± 162.8± 117.1± 16.3± 31.7± 0.2± 6.7± 0.9± 0.6±
No Lime
373.9b 47.6b 305.8 233.0b 30.5b 52.2b 0.3b 16.0b 1.3b 0.8b
3267.6± 316.0± 1852.6± 971.5± 189.4± 292.8± 1.6± 100.5± 14.7± 7.6±
3005.9a 279.5a 1564.3a 1114.4a 195.9a 328.5a 1.9a 107.2a 16.0a 11.5a
P ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
ns= not significant, *=significant at 95%, **=Significant at 99%.
Scientia Agropecuaria 14(2): 179-187 (2023) Arévalo-Hernández et al.
Table 5
Nutrient concentration and Uptake of leaves of teaks plants of 12 month with application of different fertilizers (Organic, inorganic, I/O and
control) in an acidic soil in Peru
N P K Ca Mg S Cu Fe Mn Zn
dag kg-1 mg kg-1
2.02± 0.29± 0.94± 0.71± 0.17± 0.16± 13.72± 409.54± 59.25± 43.34±
0.46 0.12 0.54 0.38 0.12 0.04 6.75 272.38 35.26 14.33
2.25± 0.23± 1.96± 0.64± 0.12± 0.18± 8.74± 286.06± 96.65± 39.97±
0.74 0.15 0.72 0.16 0.03 0.03 10.80 113.95 31.12 11.40
2.01± 0.18± 1.05± 0.77± 0.13± 0.23± 10.36± 565.54± 92.76± 34.45±
0.50 0.04 0.54 0.15 0.05 0.04 1.80 443.60 39.79 7.99
2.29± 0.17± 1.32± 0.46± 0.09± 0.16± 14.70± 451.15± 100.68± 48.11±
0.30 0.04 0.98 0.18 0.06 0.02 9.71 214.92 21.85 23.41
P ns ns * * ns * ns ns ns ns
Uptake mg plant-1
940.8± 106.0± 578.5± 362.7± 86.7± 73.5± 0.6± 32.6± 2.5± 1.5±
1208.3 109.9 985.7 593.3 158 99.1 0.6 64.1 3.1 1.5
1109.2± 160.8± 1323.0± 292.8± 67.9± 76.6± 0.2± 18.2± 3.7± 2.1±
1763.2 261.6 2038.3 400.2 116.5 103.3 0.3 27.5 4.8 3.4
2787.9± 265.8± 1482.7± 1229.7± 210.3± 351.3± 1.4± 107.3± 14.2± 4.9±
2891.1 309.3 1612.8 1529.1 248.7 426.0 1.4 122.0 16.4 5.2
2241.4± 160.4± 646.8± 292.1± 46.4± 147.6± 1.3± 56.3± 10.8± 7.7±
3894.4 287.1 721.7 349.0 49.7 248.6 2.5 105.7 19.5 16.7
P ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
ns= not significant, *=significant at 0.05, **=significant at 0.01. Different lowercase letters represent significant differences at p < 0.05.
Scientia Agropecuaria 14(2): 179-187 (2023) Arévalo-Hernández et al.
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