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Critical Thinking and The Late Paper Assignment

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LIFI0I Assignment

Critical Thinking, Time Management & Personal Responsibility

Or: “Don’t be a Kim”
DIRECTIONS: Read the following story about Kim’s problems in her
psychology class. Then answer the three questions that follow the story.
A Case Study in Critical Thinking: The Late Paper
Professor Freud announced in her syllabus for Psychology 101 that final term papers had to be in
her hands by noon on December 18. No student, she emphasized, would pass the course without
a complete term paper turned in on time. As the semester drew to a close, Kim had an "A"
average in Professor Freud's psychology class, and she began researching her term paper with

Arnold, Kim's husband, felt threatened that he had only a high school diploma while his wife
was getting close to her college degree. Arnold worked the evening shift at a bakery, and his
coworker Philip began teasing Arnold that Kim would soon dump him for a college guy. That's
when Arnold started accusing Kim of having an affair and demanding she drop out of college.
She told Arnold he was being ridiculous. In fact, she said, a young man in her history class had
asked her out, but she had refused. Instead of feeling better, Arnold became angrier. With Philip
continuing to provoke him, Arnold became sure Kim was having an affair, and he began telling
her every day that she was stupid and would never get a degree.

Despite the tension at home, Kim finished her psychology term paper the day before it was due.
Since Arnold had hidden the car keys, she decided to take the bus to the college and turn in her
psychology paper a day early. While she was waiting for the bus, Cindy, one of Kim's
psychology classmates, drove up and invited Kim to join her and some other students for an end-
of-semester celebration. Kim told Cindy she was on her way to turn in her term paper, and Cindy
promised she'd make sure Kim got it in on time. "I deserve some fun," Kim decided, and hopped
into the car. The celebration went long into the night. Kim kept asking Cindy to take her home,
but Cindy always replied, "Don't be such a bore. Have another drink." When Cindy finally took
Kim home, it was 4:30 in the morning. She sighed with relief when she found Arnold had
already fallen asleep.
When Kim woke up, it was 11:30 a.m., just thirty minutes before her term paper was due. She
could make it to the college in time by car, so she shook Arnold and begged him to drive her. He
just snapped, "Oh sure, you stay out all night with your college friends. Then I'm supposed to get
up on my day off and drive you all over town. Forget it."

"At least give me the keys," she said, but Arnold merely rolled over and went back to sleep.
Panicked, Kim called Professor Freud's office and told Mary, the secretary, that she was having
car trouble. "Don't worry," Mary assured Kim, "I'm sure Professor Freud won't care if your
paper's a little late. Just be sure to have it here before she leaves at 1:00." Relieved, Kim decided
she could take the bus.

At 12:15, Kim walked into Professor Freud's office with her term paper. Professor Freud said,
"Sorry, Kim, you're fifteen minutes late." She refused to accept Kim's term paper and gave Kim
an "F" for the course.


1. Make a list of every character in the story “The Late Paper.”
a. Rate them: 1 for least responsible for Kim’s situation to 6 for
most responsible.
b. Explain the rating for each character.

Catherine Cortes

Character Ratin Explanation


Kim 6 She had I presume an adequate amount of time to work on her


Cindy 4 She invited Kim to a party, but it was ultimately Kim’s choice to
go and stay as long as she did.

Arnold 5 He refused to drive Kim but as I previously stated Kim didn’t have
to wait till the last minute.

Philip 2 He didn’t intend to provoke Arnold he was just insecure 

Mary 3 She’s a secretary and shouldn’t be consulted for matters

pertaining to a particular class for that you should listen to your

Prof. 1 She made an announcement and that should have been taken
Freud seriously by Kim. 

2. Look over the story again and consider all the obstacles Kim had
friends, partners, office staff, etc. Now think about your own life. List at
least four people or situations that might cause you to fail. Make sure
you are specific!
a. Come up with a potential solution for every person/situation on
the list. If there is no solution, mark that as well and explain why.

Person / situation that might cause Possible Solution

me to fail

  Tim Tell him I’ll respond when I’m free and

complete my assignments. 

Having to take care of my Cat (it is like  

having a baby)
 Ask my brother to take care of my cat in the
coming weeks.

Daily tasks and responsibilities  Wake up earlier to get these tasks done.

Submitting GRACE leadership Prioritize class homework over

prompts & essay  extracurriculars now. 

3. Finally, write down any due dates you have in the next two weeks.
Explain any obstacles you can foresee standing between you and
completing these tasks. Come up with specific solutions.

12/1 Spanish HW due 

12/2 ELS  105 essay due
12/5 SCP 105 HW assignment due 
12/6 SCP 105 presentation due
12/9 ENG 101 Final essay due 
Obstacles include taking my Cat to the Vet since she’s taking medicine. I can ask my
brother to take care of her for the next week so I can focus on my studies.

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