17 1 - p8 - The Dawn of Can - Florian Hartwich - Bosch
17 1 - p8 - The Dawn of Can - Florian Hartwich - Bosch
17 1 - p8 - The Dawn of Can - Florian Hartwich - Bosch
25th anniversary
CAN in Automation was founded 25 years ago, but CAN is even older than
that. It’s been a long way from CAN’s development in 1984 to its recent
update to CAN FD.
Freely pro-
grammable central control unit
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B 0*<.'.0.8=8-639,-1908.+92(8.32%7
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B 9.8&'0*+36639,-*2:.6321*287
B 8&68*6.8+36*&7=&2)7.140*7*894
Exhibition Dates
Hannover Messe Industrial
Sensor + Test
Figure 5: The 82526 evaluation board (Photo: Bosch) Figure 6: Intel 82527 advertisement (Photo: Bosch)
Display Family
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B 6&4-.(&0)*7.,2&2)463,6&11.2,8330
Exhibition Dates
Hannover Messe Industrial
Sensor + Test