Eco Friendly MGT of Phytonematodes

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Eco-friendly Management

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Eco-friendly Management


Indra Rajvasnshi
G.L. Sharma

Oxford Book Company

Jaipur India
ISBN: 97~-81-89473-00-6

First Published 2007

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The population of India is out breaking and already crossed above 100 crores
which has created a great imbalance for the food supply to the people. The damage
caused by various pests to the field crops reaches nearly up to 45.0 per cent. Our annual
crop loss of 30 to 40 million tonnes can be prevented by adopting effective crop
protection measures. According to 1984 FAO estimates, the plant parasitic nematodes
cause 12.3 per cent yield loss of world's major crops, which amounts worth of Rs. 50
billion. The management of crop production constraints increases chances of insulating
the world's population' from hunger. The phytonematodes being microscopic in size
behave as hidden enemies producing no spectacular symptoms unlike insects, therefore,
their management receives less attention by the growers.

In. the developing countries nematicides like other chemical pesticides have been
under pressure, time and again due to associated problem of residual toxicity,
environmental pollution and public health hazards. Among the several alternative
strategies implemented so far, the use of integrated nematode management proved to be
economic and environmentally safe tool for reducing the economic losses in the field
crops as well as to lower down the nemic population below the disease threshold level.
The research efforts for generating INM modules for each crop basis is a today's need for
getting better crop yield. The ultimate aim of the nematologist is to evolve effective INM
programme to reduce the phytonemic incidences, to increase the crop production, to safe
the environment of surrounding ecosystem and finally to learn, teach and trained the
entrepreneurs and growers.

This book entitled "Ecofriendly Management of Phytonematodes" includes

detailed compilation of various phytonematodes management strategies in field crops like
cereals, bast fibre crops, maize, pulses, sugarcane, tobacco, vegetables and medicinal and
aromatic plants along with the role of nematodes in agro-ecosystem management and also
about the nemic management by fungi as well as various cropping patterns sequences by
various experienced authors.

Thus the book provides a good glimpse of the phytonematodes management.

We are grateful to all the learned contributors, who have included all detailed
pertaining informations much related to the title of the book and alflo about their untiring
work to compile it.
We are grateful to our hon'ble vice chancellor, RAU, Bikaner, for blessing and
encouraging to publishing such an exhaustive compilation.

We also express our sincered gratitude to our working Director Research, RAU,
Bikaner and Dean, SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner for constant encouragement and
co-operation for publishing this book.

We express our gratitude to all our family members for extending their co-
operation in many invisible ways to us. We also highly appreciate the all around co-
operation and support of publisher for publishing this book with patience, care and

Indra Rajvanshi
G.L. Sharma
List of Contributors
A.D. Patel D. Prasad
Department of Nematology, B.A. College of Division of Nematology, Indian Agricultural
Agriculture. Anand Agricultural University. Research Institute, New Delhi-I 10 012
Anand-388 110 D.J. Patel
A.K. Ganguly Department of Nematology, B.A. College of
Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University,
Division of Nematology, Indian Agricultural
Anand-388 110
Research Institute, New Delhi-l 10 012
Dr. A.K. Singh
A.N. Srivastava
Senior Scientist (Nematology), Directorate
Division of Nematology, Indian Agricultural
of Wheat Research. Kamal-I32 001
Research Institute. New Delhi-I 10 012
Dr. S.D. Mishra
Akhtar Haseeb
Division of Nematology, Indian Agricultural
Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Research Institute, New Delhi-I 10 012
Agricultural Sciences, Aligarh Muslim
G.L. Sharma
University, Aligarh-202 002
Department of Nematology, SKN College of
Anil Kumar
Agriculture. Jobner, Jaipur-303 329
Department of Nematology, CCS Haryana
Gautam Chawla
Agricultural University, Hisar-I25 004
Division of Nematology, Indian Agricultural
Anita Sharma Research Institute, New Delhi-I 10 012
Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Indra Rajvanshi
Agricultural Sciences. Aligarh Muslim
Department ofNematology, ARS.
University, Aligarh-202 002
Durgapura. Jaipur-302 018
Anju Kamra K.S. Kri~hna Prasad
Nematology Section, Sugarcane Breeding Central Potato Research Station,
Institute. Coifllbatore. 641 007 Ootacamund-643 004. Nilgiris District
Archna Mittal N. Somasekhar
Division of Nemotology, IARJ, New Delhi- Division of Nematology, Indian Agricultural
lIO 012 Research Institute, New Delhi-I 10 012

C.D.Mishra R.K. Jain

Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack- Project Coordinator, AICRP (Nematodes), Div.
753006, (Orissa) ofNematology, ICAR, New Delhi-IIO 012
R.K. Walia Rashid Pervez
Department of Nematology, CCS Haryana Division of Crop Protection, Indian Institute
Agricultural University, Hisar-125 004 of Pules Research, Kanpur-208024
R.S.Kanwar S.K. Laha
Department of Nematology, CCS Haryana Central Research Institute for Jute and
Agricultural University, Hisar-125 004 Allied Fibres, Barrackpore, WB.-743 101
R.V. Vyas S.S. Ali
Department of Nematology, B.A. College of
Division of Crop Protection, Indian Institute
Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University,
of Pules Research, Kanpur-208 024
Usha K. Mehta
Rakesh Pandey
Emeritus Scientist, Department of
Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic
Environmental Sciences, Bharathiar
University, Coimbatore-641 046
Lucknow-226 015

Preface v
1. Eco-friendly Management ofPhytonematodes in Pulses
Nematode Problems in Vegetable Crops 27
3. Management of Cereal Cyst Nematode. Heterodera avenae 47
in Cereals
4. Root-knot Nematodes of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and 59
Their Eco-friendly Cost Effective Management
5. Nematode Management through Cropping Systems- 80
AConceptual Analysis
6. Nemic Problems in Maize and Their Management Strategies 92
7. Economic Management of Phytonematocles in Pulse Crops II~

8. Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the 122

Cultivation of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants and Their
Management Strategies
9. Eco-friendly Management of Cotton Nematodes 179
10. Management of Nematodes in Sugarcane 192
11. Management of Potato Nematodes 198
12. Role of Nematodes in Agro-ecosystem Management 212
13. Fungi for the Eco-friendly Management of Phytonematodes 220
on Agricultural Crops & Its Future Perspectives
14. Biointensive Integrated Pest Management Modules for 241
Nematode Management
15. Nematode Pests of Bast Fibre Crops and Their Management 261
16. Strategies of Phytonematode Management in Cereal- 278
Wheat-A Report
Index 290

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Eco-friendly Management of
Phytonematodes in Pulses

S. S. Ali and Rashid Pervez

Nematodes are reported to be one of the biotic constraints in the production of
pulse crops over 200 species of plant parasitic nematodes are reported as ectoparasitic,
semi endoparasitic or migratory or sedentary endoparasitic of pulse crops. Plant parasitic
nematodes are one of the important constraints in reducing both the quantity and quality
of pulse crops. They are considered to be a hidden enemy of crops due to their
microscopic size, hidden habitats and lacking in manifestation of clear-cut symptoms on
the aerial parts of the plants. Among nematode diseases of pulse crops, root-knot disease
is predominant and widespread throughout the pulse-growing regions of the country. Out
of 13 species of root-knot nematode reported in India, only Meloidogyne incognita and
Meloidogyne javanica are the causal agent of root-knot disease in pigeonpea, mungbean,
urdbean, cowpea, chickJgea, lentil, common bean, fieldpea and some of the minor pulses
like lathyrus, horse gram and rice bean. Although a number of plant parasitic nematodes
such as Pratylenchus spp., Rotylenchulus spp., Heterodera spp., Tylenchorhynchus spp.,
Helicotylenchus spp., Hoplolaimus spp. are also infesting pulse crops but they are
considered less potential than root-knot nematodes. M incognita and M javanica are
reported from chickpea and pigeon pea from 80 and 44 districts of the country
respectively (Ali, 1995; Sharma et al., 1993, 1996). The distribution of Heterodera cajani
is widespread on pigeonpea and it is reported from 88 districts of the country (Sharma et
al., 1992a, 1993, 1996), while H swarupi is reported on chickpea from 6 districts of
Rajasthan. Another widely distributed nematodes both on chickpea and pigeonpea,
Rotylenchulus reniformis and Hoplolaimus indicus are reported from 55 and 80 districts
respectively. Pratylenchus thornei is more abundant on chickpea than pigeonpea and is
reported from 39 and 19 districts, respectively.
2 Eco-friendly Management ofPhytonematodes in Pulses

Occurrence and Distribution

Although nematodes occurs In pulses growing areas, the most severe damage
occurs in warm regions into more number of generations per season, causing higher
nematode populations. Occurrence of nematode species may vary from region to region.
More than one nematode species may also occur simultaneously in the same region. The
occurrence of a particular nematode may also depend upon the prevalent cropping system
in the region (Table 1).

Table.1 List of plant parasitic nematodes associated with different pulse crops
Crops Nematodes

IChickpea Aphelenchoides sp. H oryzae

Aphelenchus sp. Hirschmanniella spp.
Basiria sp. Hoplolaimus spp.
Basirolaimus Longidorus spp.
B. dimorphicus Macroposthonia ornate
B .indicus Macroposthonia spp.
B. seinhorsti Malenchus spp.
Bitylenchus brevilineatus Meloidogyne arenaria
B. vulgaris Mincognita
Bitylenchus sp. M incognita
Boleodorus sp. Mjavanica
Carcharolaimus Merlinius brevidens
C. symmetricus Merlinills sp.
Criconema sp. Nothocriconemella sp.
Criconemella ornate Ottolenchus facultativus
Criconemoides sp. Paratylenchus mirzai
Detylenchus sp. Paratylenchus spp.
Helicotylenchus abunaamai P coffeae
H dihystera P. mulchandi
H indicus P. thornei
H retusus P. zeae
H sharafati Pseudhalenchus sp.
Helicotylenchus spp. Rotylenchulus reniformis
Heterodera cajani Rotylenchus spp.
Hmothi Scutellonema brachyurum
Heterodera spp. Scutellonema spp.
Hemicriconemoides cocophillius T. brassicae
Hemicrinemoides sp. T. elegans
Hirschmanniella mucronata T. mashhoodi
Eco-friendly Management of Phytonematodes in Pulses 3

I T. l1udus
Tylenchorhynchus spp.
Tylenchus spp.
X basiri
Xiphinema sp.
Pigeon pea Aphelenchoides aligarhiensis Longidorus spp
Aphelenchoides sp.
Aphelenchus radicicolus
Macroposthonia ornata
Macroposthonia spp.
Aphelenchus radicicola Melenchus spp.
A. avenae Meloidogyne incognita
Aphelenchus gram in is Mjavanica
Aphelenchus spp. Meloidogyne spp.
Basiriolaimus seinhorstii M arenaria
B. indicus Merlinius brevidens
B. Columbus Merlinius spp.
Basiria spp. Neoditylenchus spp.
Bitylenchus brevi/ineatus Nothocriconemella sp. I
B. vulgaris Nothotylenchus sp.
Boleodorus spp. Nygolaimus harishi II
Carcholaimus bedizens Ottolenchus facultativus i
C. symmetricus Paraphlenchus amblyurus
Criconema sp. Paratrichodorus christiei
Criconemella ornate Paratylenchlls mirzai
Criconemoides sp. P. rotundicephalus
Ditylenchus sp. Paratylenchus spp.
Ditylenchus archilisposomus Pratylenchus cofJeae
Dolichorhynchus phaseoli Pratylenchus indicus
Geocenamus brevidens P. mulchandi I
Helicotylenchus abunaamai P. thornei
H. ciceri P. zeae
H. dihystera Pratylenchus spp.
H. elegans Pseudhalenchus spp.
H. indicus Psilenchus spp.
H. retusus Rotylenchulus reniformis
H. maronatus Rotylenchulus secundus
H. sharafati Scutellonema erectum
Helicotylenchus spp. S. brachyurum
I Hemicriconemoides cocophillus Scutellonema spp.
Hemicriconemoides spp. Siddiqia citri
Heterodera avenae Telotylenchus crenatus
H. cajani Telotylenchus spp.
4 Eco-friendly Management ofPhytonematodes in Pulses

H. swarupi Tylenchorhynchus
H. mothi T elegans
H. trifolii T mashhoodi
Heterodera spp. T. brassicae
I Hirshmanniella mucronata T ciceri
H. oryzae Tnudus
Hirshmanniella spp. T sabourensis
Hoplolaimus dimorphicus Tylechorhynchus spp.
H. indicus Tylenchus spp.
H. seinhorsti Xiphinema lambertii
Hoplolaimus spp X basiri
Longidorus pisi Xiphinema spp.
Lentil Helicotylenchus abunaamai Mjavanica

I H. dihystera
H. indicus
Merlinius spp.
P. thornei
H. retusus Psilenchus spp.
H. maronatus Rotylenchulus reniformis
Helicotylenchus spp. Scutellonema spp.
Hemicriconemoides spp. T elegans
Hoplolaimus spp. T mashhoodi
Meloidogyne incognita Tylenchus spp.
Urdbean Helicotylenchus spp. Telotylenchus spp.
H. cajani T mashhoodi
H. indicus T sabourensis
Pseudhalenchus spp. Tylenchus spp.
Rotylenchulus reniformis
Fieldpea Aphelenchoides sp. Rotylenchulus reniformis
Aphelenchus spp. Rotylenchus spp.
Basiria spp. T mashhoodi
H. bihari Tylenchus spp.
Hemicriconemoides spp. Xiphinema spp.
Paratylenchus spp.
Lathyrus Basiria spp. Mjavanica
Hemicriconemoides spp. Rotylenchulus reniformis
Meloidogyne incognita Tylenchus spp.
Rajmash Basiria spp. Rotylenchulus reniformis
Hemicriconemoides spp. T brassicae
Meloidogyne incognita Tylenchus spp
Eco-friendly Management of Phytonematodes in Pulses 5

Nature of Damage/Symptoms
Nematodes cause root vascular and parenchyma disorders, suppress rhizobium
nodulation and interact with several soil borne fungi. Plants express infestation in the
form of drought stress, early senescence and poor yield. Tiyagi and Alam (1990) reported
significant reduction in plant growth, water absorption and chlorophyll content due to
Meloidogyne incognita, Rotylenchulus renijormis and Tylenchorhynchus brassicae.
Chickpea inoculated with M incognita and M java inca showed significant reduction in
shoot length, fresh shoot mass, number of pods/plant and grain yield (Manandhar and
Amatya, 1990). Meloidogyne incognita also causes significant reduction in nodulation,
nitrogenous activity of nodules and nitrate reductase activity of leaves in chickpea
(Chahal and Chahal, 1991). The ectoparasitic nematodes viz., Hoplolaimus spp.,
Helicotylenchus spp. and Tylenchorhynchus spp. are generally epidermal feeders and
sometimes invade the cortical region of chickpea roots. The concomitant
occurrence of
M incognita and R.reniformis causes stunting and reduction in root nodulation efficiency
(Anver and Alam, 1997). A significant reduction was noticed when M incongnita and R.
renijormis were inoculated together (Zaidi et al.. 1988).

The presence of heavy population of root-knot larvae in the soil causes reduction
111 rhizobial nodulation due to reduction of root system and altered root physiology
(Balasubramaniam, 1971). Beaded appearance of roots and root knot galls on root system
is the most characteristic symptom of roots and root knot nematode infection, while
symptoms of ectoparasitic nematodes appear dark brown to black lesion, injured root tips,
malformed stubbiness, necrosis and stunting of roots. Field symptoms are manifested by
patches of poor plant growth and wilted appearance from a distance. In severe infestation,
patches become yellow. If wilt incidence occurs together with nematodes, first symptom
is wilting followed by collapsing of seedlings here and there, and individual seedling
exhibits yellowing of leaf tips, less branching and irregular leaf shape (Ali, 1995). At
later stages, delayed flowering, chlorosis, yellowing of foliage and dropping of flowers
are observed in case of severe infestation. Such plants show early senescence and
produce deformed and smaller grains. Nematode infested plants are reported to bear
seeds with reduced protein content (Greco and Sharma, 1990).

Crop Losses
Information on relationship between population densities of root-knot nematodes
and yield losses reveals that Meloidogyne spp. are one of the major limiting factors to
pulse production in India (Table 2). A report on global basis reveals that plant parasitic
nt:matodes cause l3.7% yield loss in chickpea (Sharma and McDonald, 1990). Pot
6 Eco-friendly Management ofPhytonematodes in Pulses

culture experiments in chickpea suggested that two juveniles of M incognita per 109 of
soil were required to cause substantial damage (Nath ef al., 1979), while M javanica
reduced plant growth at one juvenile per g of soil. The effect of Heterodera cajani was
s!udied on pigeonpea variety ICP 6 under field condition and it was found that reduction
in grain yield was 30.1 % (Saxena and Reddy, 1987).

Table 2. Yield losses in pulse crops due to nematode pest

Crop Nematode Yield State Reference(s)

loss (%)
Chickpea Meloidogyne incognita 40.2 Maharashtra Ali (1995)
55.0 Gujarat -do-
42.8 Uttar Pradesh -do-
60.0 Rajasthan -do-
Mjavanica 84.0 Haryana -do-
27.5 Uttar Pradesh -do-
9.2 Haryana -do-
Pigeonpea M incognita 29.4 Maharashtra Ali (1987)
Mjavanica 14.2 Gujarat Sharma et al.
19.2 (1993)
Uttar Pradesh Sharma et al.
Mung M incognita 33.9 Maharashtra Ali (1997)
bean 11.36 Uttar Pradesh Ali (1994)
39.0 Rajasthan Handa and
34.5 Mishra (1989)
Mjavanica 14-29.0 Gujarat Ali (1997)
M incognita+Rotylenchulus 49.6 Uttar Pradesh Sharma et al.
reniformis (1986)
Madhya Pradesh Ali (1995)
Urd bean M incognita 49.2 Gujarat Ali (1995)
Mjavanica 29.0 Uttar Pradesh -do-
Mjavanica+R. reniformis 41.5 Madhya Pradesh -do-
Fieldpea Mjavanica 15.2 Uttar Pradesh Ali (1992)
Lentil Mjavanica 15.4 Uttar Pradesh -do-
Common M incognita 36-43 Karnataka Ali (1997)
bean Madhya Pradesh Ali (1992)
Mjavanica 37.0 Uttar Pradesh -do-

In pigeonpea cv. ICP 6 the reduction in plant growth and grain yield were 27.6%
and 30.1 % respectively due to cyst nematode Heterodera cajani (Saxena and Reddy,
Eco-friendly Management of Phytonematodes in Pulses 7

1987). Under All India Coordinated Research Project on Improvement of Pulses a

number of field trials were conducted to know the yield losses of pigeon pea due to
nematode pest in different agro-ecological situations in the country. The yield loss of
pigeon pea depends upon genotype, soil texture and type of nematode involved.

Globally, nematodes are responsible to cause 13.7% losses in chickpea (Sharma

and McDonald, 1990), Recent estimate of global losses caused by plant parasitic
nematodes is put to US $ 328 million annually to chickpea (Sharma et al., 1992). The
root-knot nematode (M incognita and M javanica) and Pratylenchus thornei have been
reported to cause 19-40% and 26% economic loss, respectively. Ali (1997) reported 22-
84% avoidable loss due to M javanica and 25-60% due to M incognita. He reported 11-
18% yield loss due to Rotylenchulus reniformis and 25-30% due to Pratylenchus thornei.
Another species of root-knot nematodes M arenaria caused 39% loss in grain yield of
chickpea in Gujarat (Patel, 1997). Mhase et al. (1997) estimated 42% yield loss due to
root-knot nematode in Maharashtra. Information gathered from different sources on
avoidable yield loss due to root-knot nematode in chickpea indicated 17-60% losses in
Bihar, 17-56% in Gujarat, 8% in Haryana, 35-43% in Maharashtra, 22% in Punjab, 17-
60% in Rajasthan and 22-23% in Uttar Pradesh. It is 12-24% due to Pratylenchus thornei
and 11 % due to Rotylenchulus reniformis in Madhya Pradesh.

Hot Spots
On the basis of survey in various palts of India, it has been found that root-knot
nematodes (M incognita and M javanica) are the serious pest of pulse crops in most
parts of the country. The major pulse crops, i.e., chickpea, pigeonpea and mung bean are
affected by these nematodes in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana, Maharashtra, Gujarat,
Madhya Pradesh and Bihar. Next to root-knot nematode, chickpea crops are attacked by
lesion nematodes. Heavy infestation of root-knot nematodes on chickpea are reported in
Mainpuri, Aligarh and Kanpur districts of Uttar Pradesh; Alwar, Jaipur and Ajmer
districts of Rajasthan; Ludhiana in Punjab; Hisar in Haryana; and Rahuri in Maharashtra
(Ali, 1995) while hot spots of lesion nematodes infesting chickpea are reported from
Jabalpur and Hoshangabad districts of Madhya Pradesh and Sriganganagar, Bikaner and
Ajmer districts of Rajasthan. Likewise hot spots of H cajani infesting pigeonpea are
Bharuch and Vadodra districts of Gujarat; Allahabad, Gonda, Faizabad, Meerut and Agra
districts of Uttar Pradesh; Raichur, Bijapur and Dharwad districts of Kranataka; Jalgaon
district of Maharashtra; Muzaffarpur district of Bihar; Medek district of Andhra Pradesh
and Tiruchirapalli in Tamil Nadu. Hot spots of root-knot nematode infesting chickpea are
Mainpuri, Aligarh, Gorakhpur and Gonda districts of Uttar Pradesh; Kheda district of
Gujarat; Gwalior in Madhya Pradesh; Samastipur in Bihar; and Hisar and Rohtak districts
8 Eco-friendly Management of Phytonematodes in Pulses

of Haryana (Ali, 1995). Nematode is considered a hot spot for both pigeonpea and
chickpea in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra (Varaprasad el al., 1997).

Host Range and Threshold Level

H cajani has a wide host range, attacking most of the leguminous crops and
some members of the Pedaliaceae family. H cajani was recorded on early, medium and
late maturing group of pigeonpea genotypes. In Tamil Nadu 1-19 cystl200 cm 3 of soil
was recorded from pigeonpea (Singh and Gill, 1989) while in Uttar Pradesh,
Maharashtra, the population was cystl200 cc soil in Karnataka and Bihar (Ali, 1991). In
Gujarat average population was found 2 cysts/200 cc of soil. In ICRISA T fields, the
population of H cajani was found 158 cysts/500 cc soil in wet soil (black soil)
particularly in the wilt (Fusarium udum) nursery in which pigeonpea had been cultivated
every year for the last 10 years (Sharma, 1985). In eastern Uttar Pradesh in a random
survey 60% of the cysts of H cajani was found empty (Ganguly and Khan, 1989). A
survey of H cajani in pigeon pea fields in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh from October 1970 to
April 1971 showed that the cyst population was lowest in January when soil temperatures
were low and high in April when soil temperatures has increased (Singh and Rao, 1974).

Economic Importance and Threshold Levels

The information available on the actual loss caused by H cajani on pigeonpea is
limited. Saxena and Reddy (1987) estimated 27.6 and 30. I % reduction in plant growth
and grain yield, respectively. Heterodera cajal1i at the levels of 500 and 1000 juveniles
per 500cc soil reduced the plant growth are visible within 40 to 45 days after inoculation.
At sowing time, population density of more than two eggs and juveniles per cm3 of soil
may cause 30% reduction in plant biomass and grain yield. Zaki and Bhatti (1986)
reported significant reduction in growth parameters in pigeonpea at 100 juveniles and
above per kg soil. Pigeonpea grown in the root-knot nematode infested field can suffer
significant damage. The avoidable yield loss in pigeonpea cv. Pusa Ageti due
Meloidogyne spp. was assessed up to 14.2% in Gujarat particularly in the fields infested
with a mixed population of M javanica and M incognita (Patel and Patel 1990). Root
knot nematodes reduces the length and weight of plants, number of pods, bulk density of
woody stem, chlorophyll content of leaves, root nodulation and water absorption capacity
of roots (Anver and Alam, 1997). Pathak et al. (1985) observed significant reduction in
plant growth with 100 juveniles of M incognita per plant. Similarly, Mishra and Gaur
(1989) could get pathogenic effect of M incognita at a level of 100 juveniles and above
in pigeon pea.
Eco-friendly Management ofPhytonematodes in Pulses 9

Fungus: The interaction of F''{sarium oxysporum f.sp. ciceri with Mincognita on
chickpea cv. Dahod Yellow revealed that the organism, either individually or in
combination, significantly reduced plant height and fresh root and shoot weights. The
reduction caused by M incognita was greater compared to Foxysporum f.sp. dceri.
Among combined inoculations, the simultaneous inoculation of both organisms had
maximum suppressive effect on the growth of chickpea plants compared to the preceding
or succeeding inoculation of Foxysporum f.sp. ciceri and M incognita. Root galling and
M incognita multiplication on chickpea, which were maximum when Mincognita was
inoculated alone, were reduced in the presence of F oxysporum f.sp. ciceri. Alone was
able to produce wilt disease increased when M incognita was present with the fungus.
Maximum wilting of plant was observed when the Foxysporum f.sp. dceri and M
incognita were inoculated simultaneously (Patel et al., 1997).

The disease intensity of black root rot caused by Fusarium solani in chickpea is
increased when root-knot nematode is inoculated with it. This combination also shortened
the incubation period for disease expression (Mani and Sethi, 1987). Significant
reduction in fresh shoot weight and number of nodules per plants has been observed by
different researchers and the presence of nematodes increase the severity of the disease.
The disease intensity of wet root rot index was high when inoculation of the nematode
precedes that of F solani (Mani and Sethi, 1987).

Combined inoculation of M javanica and Rhizoctonia bataticola in chickpea

seedlings reduce plant growth. The top root becomes dark, show sign of rotting and is
devoid of the lateral and finer roots. The disease intensity of collar root caused by
Sclerotium rolfsii was highest when the plants were infested simultaneously with fungus
and root-knot nematode.

Bacteria: Nematode infestation on chickpea causes a remarkable reduction 111

rhizobium nodulation, thus causing indirect damage to plants. Nodule size decreases with
increasing nematode density in CV 207, P256, G 130 and K850. Meloidogyne incognita
inhibits nodule development and affects functioning of nodules as reflected by
nitrogenous activity, which may be due to leg hemoglobin and bacterial content of
nodules. The reduction in plant growth characters is directly proportional to the reduction
in nodulation. Since bacterial nodules are correlated wi,th the nitrogen fixing ability of
plant, root nodulation may cause deficiency of nitrogen, resulting in poor plant growth.
10 Eco-friendly Management of Phytonematodes in Pulses

A study was conducted to evaluate the Rhizobium strains that nodulated the
chickpeas and improved plant growth even in the presence of the root-knot nematode M.
incognita. Chickpea cv. RSG 2 seeds were treated with different rhizobial strains (lC 94,
CM 1, IC 149, Ie 126, G 567, IC 53, Ie 2018, CBH 32, G 10-80, DWG 4, KG 61, Bl,
TAL 1748, G5-Bl, G37, KG 46, H60 and GB 2). The presence of nematode decreased
the average growth and yield of chickpea plants. Plants from Rhizobium-treated seeds
sown in nematode-infested soil had greater yield and plant growth than the control
(untreated seeds).

Screening Technique
Efficient pot and field screening techniques have been standardised for screening
large number of accession. Five to six surface sterilised seeds of each test line are sown
in earthen pots containing autoclaved sandy loam soil. After two weeks of germination,
seedlings are thinned to one plant per pot. 500 to 1000 freshly hatched nematodes or
second stage larvae are introduced in the pots by pouring larval suspension in the soil
around the seedling after three weeks of germination. After forty days of inoculation. the
plants are uprooted and the number of galls and the egg masses produced on the root
surface are counted. The extent of root-knot damage is rated according to the following
scale: 1= no gall, 2= 1-25 galls, 3=36-50, 4=51-75, 5=76 and above.

Seeds of each test line are planted in rows with replication in a field known to
have a heavy infestation of the nematode. Each test line is flanked by a highly susceptible
check like REST 10. Five plants per replication are uprooted 45 days after sowing and
nematode galls /egg masses are counted. The varieties are classified on a 0-5 scale.

Management of Nematodes
Nematodes can be managed in a number of ways. Seed treatment with chemicals,
application of chemicals in the field, soil amendments, biocontrol and various means of
cropping system have provided a promising result in the management of nematodes. Use
of botanicals and soil amendments have proved to be environmentally safe and
ecologically sound.

Soil Solarisation: The effect of solarisation by covering nematode infested soil

with clear transparent polythene sheets for 6 weeks during the hot summer months
reported increase in soil temperature (80°C) as compared with unsolarised check. It also
resulted in a significant reduction in population densities of M. incognita (58.1%),
Fusarium oxyporum f.sp. ciceri (80.6%). The availability of soil nutrients was increased
Eco-friendly Management of Phytonematodes in Pulses 11

by soil solarisation but the physical and chemical characteristics of soil remained
unchanged (Rao and Krishnappa, 1995).

Cropping System: Cropping systems have a regulatory effect on the nematode

populations and it could be an effective nematode management. Host crops for cyst, root-
knot, reniform, and lesion nematodes grown prior to pulse crops result in high build up of
the nematode populations. A rapid build up of root-knot and reniform nematodes occurs
when pulses are cultivated after vegetables. Non-host crops, when included in the system,
reduce the nematode populations. Cereals such as pearl millet, sorghum, and wheat are
generally not good hosts of the root-knot nematodes. Keeping the fields fallow and weed-
free cause marked reduction in nematode populations. Intercropping of sorghum with
cyst nematode-tolerant pigeon pea could be effective in increasing the productivity of
traditional production systems in the nematode infested regions.

Densities of plant parasitic nematodes in traditional low input cropping system

were three times lower than in high input cropping system. Sorghum/pigeonpea
(intercropped) or soybean/pigeon pea (intercropped) were identified as system very
conducive for the build up of H cajani. The densities of plant parasitic nematode did not
increase significantly in plots that were either fallowed or sown with pearl millet in the
rainy season. A summer fallow period between February to June reduced the soil
densities of all plant parasitic nematodes by 42%. R. reniformis population was reduced
by 80%. H cajani, Tylenchorhynchus spp. and all total plant parasitic nematodes
densities were significantly higher in plots treated with inorganic fertilisers than in plots
treated with farmyard manure. R. reniformis densities were higher in irrigated than in
rainfed fields (Singh et. aI., 1994).

A significant reduction in nematode population was observed w~len the chickpea

was sown late. This indicated that the late-sown chickpea may escape the nematode
infestation and provide good yield. More than 50% reduction was noticed in the plant
parasitic nematode population when the field was kept fallow (Ali, 1995).

Chickpea cv. R 56 was grown in beds where egg plant, okra, mung bean and
cluster bean were established along with fallow plots. Population growth pattern in M
incognita was greatly influenced by preceding crops. Chickpea favoured free
multiplication of M incognita. The fallowing in the preceding season did not check the
population development of the test nematode on chickpea (Alam and Saxena, 1986). The
effect of four kharif crops (groundnut, sesame, soybean and tomato) and four rabi crops
(wheat, mustard, chickpea and tomato) in different combinations ·giving 16 different
12 Eco-friendly Management of Phytonematodes in Pulses

rotations on the population of M incognita was studied in microplots. The rotation

followed two years. There was manifold increase in level of population in tomato
monoculture, while a substantial increase in population was observed in sequences
having tomato in combination with chickpea and soybean. The maximum build up of M
incognita was on tomato followed by chickpea. The rotations having tomato 111

monoculture or in combination with soybean, chickpea and groundnut resulted in

significantly low yield (Sharma et a!., 1997).

Population of Meloidogyne spp. declined on cotton, wheat and barley in all

cropping sequences resulting in 10-15% increase in yield in subsequent cropping of
chickpea in Pakistan (Maqbool, 1987). The population of M javanica remained high in
cropping sequence of okra-potato-ridge gourd (Luffa acutangula) and chickpea (Kanwar
and Bhatti, 1992).

Root-knot nematodes on chickpea have been effectively controlled by inclusion

of cereals or grasses in cropping system. Sesame, mustard and winter cereals are poor
hosts of M javanica and M incognita, and 2-3 year rotations may be useful for disease
management (Sharma et aJ., 1992). M javanica population was suppressed drastically
under mustard-chickpea inter cropping system as compared to adjacent plots of sole
chickpea (Anonymous, 1990). Effect of intercropping on pigeonpea infested with M
incognita revealed that maximum yield was obtained in plots where pigeonpea was
intercultured with groundnut followed by sesame. The least number of nematode galls
per plant were recorded in the sesame intercropped plants (Upadhyay and Dwivedi,

Biological Agents: Zaki and Maqbool (1991) reported that Paecilomyces

lilacinus controls M javanica by reducing root-knot indices when used @ 2 g per pot one
week before nematode inoculation. The number of spores of Pasteuria penetrates @ 30
per juveniles of M. javanica provided more than 80% control of nematode in chickpea
(Sharma, 1992). Paecilomyces lilacinus and Bacillus subtills were used by Siddiqui and
Mahmood (1996) for the biocontrol of Meloidogyne incognita race 3 and Macrophomina
phaseolina. Individually, P. lilacinus treatment was better against M incognita, while B.
subtills against M phuseolina. The combined inoculation of both improved dry shoot
weight significantly.

A study was conducted to determine the effect of using T. harzianum and neem
cake alone and in combination to manage M incognita in chickpeas cv. Type 3. Twenty
clay pots were washed and filled with sterilised soil containing the mixture of neem cake
at 10q/ha. Ten days after sowing, plants were inoculated with M incognita and T.
Eco-friendly Management ofPhytonematodes in Pulses 13

harzianum at 1000 J 2 and 5000 spores per pot, respectively. The organic amendment and
+ T. harzianum. followed by neem cake and T harzianum alone (Hem lata et al., 2002).
Chemical: Carbofuran 3G @ 2 kg a.i. ha'l as seed and soil application was
highly effective in managing Meloidogyne incognita population and increasing yield in
chickpea (Devi 1993). Pigeonpea seeds when treated with carbofuran (2%) eliminated
root galling due to Meloidogyne incognita (Mishra 1986). The nematicidal seed
treatments also reduced the population of nematodes in the soil by 45.2 to 70.6%
(Anonymous 1981, 1987). Nematicidal effect on mungbean has also been observed in
lowering down the population of root-knot nematodes (Sultan et al. 1985). Seed
treatment and soil application of chemicals have been proved useful in lowering down the
nematode population and increasing the yield of pigeon pea, mung bean, chickpea,
fieldpea and urd bean.

Botanicals: Seed soaking on aqueous extracts of oil seed cakes (neem, mustard
and karanj) and leaf extracts of Canabis sativa, Eclipta alba, Datura metel, Argemone
mexicana and Azadirachta indica reduce the penetration of Meloidogyne incognita
juveniles in chickpea (Mojumder and Mishra, 1991). Mojumder and Mishra (1992)
tested neem seed coat both as soil and seed treatment against M incognita and found
significant reduction in root-knot galling and significant improvement in plant growth.
The reduction in root-knot galls was more when soil treatments were combined with seed
treatments. It also provided better plant growth. Soil treatment with neem seed coat at 2%
w/w of soil resulted in maximum reduction in number of root-knot galls followed by seed
kernel and seed coat in soil infested with M incognita where chickpea was grown. All
the treatment significantly reduced the number of root-knot galls and were significantly
superior to check. Neem seed kernel was found most effective followed by neem cake.
This finding indicated that chickpea is a good host of M incognita, the infestation of
which can be managed by applying aqueous extracts of neem seed kernel or neem cake
@ 100 ml of standard extract per kg soil (Mojumder and Mishra, 1993a). Mojumder and
Mishra (1993b) reported that seed soaking of chickpea seed in aqueous extracts of neem
cake, neem seed kernel and seed coat also reduced penetration and developing of M
incognita. At 90 days there was more than 50% reduction in number of galls in almost all
the treatments.

The population of plant parasitic nematodes viz., Meloidogyne incognita.

Rotylenchulus ren iform is, Tylenchorhynchus brassicae and Helicotylenchus indicus and
the frequently of pathogenic fungi viz.. Macrophomina phaseolina, Rhizoctonia solani.
14 Eco-friendly Management ofPhytonematodes in Pulses

Phyllostica phaseolina and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ciceri were significantly reduced
by oil seed cake of neem, castor, mustard and duan (Eruca sativa) (Tiyagi and Alam, 1990).

Seed treatment with neem based laboratory formulations of neem seed kernel,
neem seed cake @ 20% w/w reduced root-knot and reniform (Meloidogyne incognita and
Rotylenchulus reni/ormis) nematode multiplication in two important pulse crops, mllng
bean and chickpea in greenhouse trials. All these treatments reduced major
phytonematode species in the field, viz., M incognita, R. reni/ormis, Tylenchorhynchus
mashhoodi, Helicotylenchus indicus and Hoplolaimus indicus in both the crops in field
trials in 4 sq. m. microplots. In either case, neem seed kernel was the most effective
followed by neem seed cake and neem seed coat (seed shell). There was 78, 67 and 52 %
reduction in total plant parasitic nematode population in the mung bean crop and the
increase in the grain yield was 74, 58 and 28% neem seed kernel, neem seed cake and
neem seed coat (seed shell) respectively. In the case of chickpea crop, the percentage
reduction in the total plant parasitic nematode was 87, 76 and 25 and the increase in the
grain yield was 122, 78 and 48, respectively in neem seed kernel, neem seed cake and
neem seed coat (Mojumder and Raman, 1999).

Growing neem seedling along with chickpea cultivars Pusa 209 and Pusa 267 in
4m microplots (one seedling/plot) significantly reduced the plant parasitic nematode
population such as M incognita, R. ren iform is, T. 11Iashhoodi, H indicus and H indiclfs
(Basirolaimus indicus). There was also a considerable increase in grain yield in both
cultivars. However, there was not much difference between the cultivars in terms of
treatments (Mojumder and Mojumder, 2002).

Wilt Complexes: Management of the root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne

incognita and M javanica) wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ciceri) was studied in two
chickpea varieties (Avrodhi, wilt resistant, and Dahod Yellow, wilt susceptible). Seed
treatment of Carbendazim granules at 0.5% and carbosulfan at 0.75% along with soil
application of Carbendazim granules at 0.5kg/ha in single dose + carbofuran granules at
2.0kg/ha in two equal splits (at sowing and 30 days after sowing) was studied. Grain
yield production was significantly more in Dahod Yellow, but its fodder yield was
significantly less than that of Avrodhi. The chemical treatment effectively managed the
root-knot nematode-wilt complex (Patel et al., 1987).

Root Symbiont: Plant parasitic nematodes are reported to interact with species
of Glomus, Gigaspora and Sclerotium. These fungi reduce nematode population
(Diedericks, 1987; Sharma et al., 1992). Population of some nematode viz.,
Eco-friendly Management of Phytonematodes in Pulses 15

Tylenchorhynchus sp., Tylenchus sp., Helicotylenchus sp. and Hirschmanniella sp. was
observed in sufficient number in wilted plants (Sobin et al., 1979).

A 90-day glasshouse experiment was conducted to assess the influence of a

YAM fungus Glomus Jasciculatum, a root nodule bacterium Rhizobium sp. and inorganic
fertilizers [urea, diammonium phosphate (DAP), and muriate of potash] alone and in
combination on the root-knot disease of chickpea (cv. Avrodhi) caused by M incognita.
Individual application of G. Jasciculatum caused a similar increase in plant height and
shoot dry weight of nematode -infected plants caused by Rhyzobium sp. DAP treatment
gave greater plant height and shoot dry weight than urea or muriate of potash. Glomus
Jasciculatum, along with Rhizobium sp. DAP treatment was the best combination in
improving plant height and shoot dry weight of nematode-infected plants. Glomus
Jasciculatum alone caused a higher reduction in root galling and nematode multiplication
than Rhizobium sp., DAP, urea, and muriate of potash, respectively. Greatest reduction in
root galling and nematode multiplication was observed when both the root symbionts by
G. Jasciculatum (Shafi et al., 2002).

The effects of Rhizobacteria, i.e., Pseudomonas jluorescens, Azotobacter

chroococcum and Azospirillum brasilense, alone and in combination with root symbionts,
Rhizobium sp. and Glomus mossae, on the growth of chickpea and reproduction of M.
javanica were studied. When added alone G. lIlosseae was better at improving plant
growth to that caused by Rhizobium sp., while use of A. chroococcum was better than A.
brasilense in improving growth of nematode infected plants. Combined use of P.
jluorescens with G. mosseae was better at improving plant growth and reducing galling
and nematode mUltiplication than any other combined treatment.

Crop Improvement for Nematode. Resistance

The modern techniques of biotechnological gene transfer, cloning and mutation may
go a long way in producing desirable nematode resistant cultivars. However, care must be
taken of the vast variability and adaptability of nematodes. The varieties found resistant at
one location mayor may not show resistance to another population of the same nematode
species due to prevailing races. Surfacing or emergence of resistance breaking biotypes after
a-rew seasons of selection process is not new to nematodes. Therefore, resistant varieties
~ should form a component of a well-planned crop rotation or other nematode management
. '. In fact, researchers while releasing a new variety better keep in mind that it
should 6e resistant to both fungus and nematode because if the variety is only resistant to
fungus, the nematodes can break the resistance by providing entry points and changing
the host physiology. Resistant plant acts as a barrier for nematodes in a number of ways
16 Eeo-friendly Management ofPhytonematodes in Pulses ;'

such as it retards the rate of reproduction, delays the maturity of the parasite, production
of more males and making the nematodes unable to complete its development.

Host Plant Resistance

Research in the field of nematology and plant breeding has enabled to introduce
varieties of pulse crops which have proved resistance to nematodes. In fact researchers
while releasing a new variety keep in mind that it should be resistant to both fungus and
nematode because if the variety is only resistant to fungus, the nematodes can break the
resistance by changing the host physiology. Therefore, it becomes necessary for the
breeders to keep both the objectives in mind prior to the release of a new variety.
Resistant plant acts as a barrier for nematodes in a number of ways such as it retards the
rate of reproduction. delays the maturity of the parasite, production of more males and
making the nematodes unable to complete its development (Table 3).

Table 3: Resistance against key plant parasitic nematodes infesting pulse crops

Crops Resistance Moderate Susceptible Reference

Nematodes Resistance
Chickpea Phule C235, CSJ 103, Phule G 94091, Vijay (ch.), Anonymous
M incognita GOOlO, CSJ 146 H 01-29, H 01-100, H 01- 2004c
Phule G 20, H 01-36, HK 98-155,
96006, PUSA 1053, PUSA 256,
Vihar (PG CST 253, CSJ 369, RSJ 957,
95311 RSJ 888. RSJ 931, RSJ 202,
Kabuli), CSJK 12, CSJP 125
[PCK 256,
BG 2019,
H 99-265
Pigeonpea PA 291 JKE 109, JKE GAUT 0202, JKM 198, P- Anonymous
Mjavanica 110, JKM, 186, 2004-2, SKN206. KNP207 2004b
P-2001-1, PA
232, PA290,
PA296, PA300,
H cqjani NIL GAUT0202, JKM-186, JKE-110 Anonymous
JKM-198, PA- JKE-109, PA-300 2004b
291, P-2002-2
Eco-friendly Management ofPhytonematodes in Pulses 17

IM incognita I L45-97, L 45-98. L4676, L4672, 12004a i

! 1'1' 4670, L 4671, KLS224. KLS 2003-3, KLS I
i L 4674, L 218, HUL60, KLS2330-1, I
I 4595. L 4666, LL 887. LL906. LL 875,
L 4677, KLB- LL905, KLS 226, KLS
977, KLS 225 2003-2, PL023, PL02, PLOI
Mjavanica L-4076 L-45-97, RLG-16, RLG-14, NDL 3- Anonymous
L4670, L4677, 10, NDL 3-11. L-4671. L- 2004a
PL023 4147, L-4674. L4672,
L4595, L-4666, KLB 97-7,
KLS-218, KLS 2330-1, LL-
887, LL 906,
KLS-225, K75,
KLS226, KLS2003-2
Fieldpea NIL IPFD 64-15, RFP-20 IPF99-25, IPFD54- Anonymous
M incognita RFP-3, 1PFD- 6, IPFO 2-6, IPF 04-9, RPF- 2004a
t-IO, DPR-74, 4, DMRF 52, DMR 48,
DMR 53, Pant DDR64, DMR-49, DMR-73,
P41 , Pant P3 \. OMR-7, Pant P25 , HFP
Pant P40 , HFP 4AVT (D) HFP OlIO, HFP
4. HFP918, 1 0129. HFP4, HFP990713,
2FP305, I HFP8903, HFP 0128,
LFP363, HUP30, HUDP 28, HUP2,
HUP31, HUDPI5, Amlika, NDP2
27, HUDP28
M javanica RFP-4, IPFPI-IO, IPF 049, RFP3, DMRF52, Anonymous
HFP4 DMR-48, DDR74, DPR-69, Pant P31, 2004a
HFPOl18 HUP30, HUP31, HUDP2,
Rajmash NIL HUR 137, HUR 202, HUR 203, Anonymous
M incognita HUR 40 I. IPR II PR98-2, Gujarat Rajma 2004a
M javanica NIL NIL HUR 202, HUR 137, HUR Anonymous
40 I, HUR 2031, PR 98-3-1 2004a

New Methodologies: Three commercially adopted chickpea cvs. C 235, RSG 2

and RS 11 were subjected to physical and chemical mutagens singly or in various
18 Eco-friendly Management of Phytonematodes in Pulses

combinations. RS 11 did not produce a single resistant mutant whereas C 235 was more
responsive than RSG2 and RS II. Those isolated mutants were stable in morphological
traits as well as in nematode reaction and could be utilised as parents for incorporating
resistance (Bhatanagar et aI., 1988). Borada dhaki local and L 550 were irradiated with
gamma rays (10, 20 and 30 KR) and fast neutrons and subjected to ethyl methane
sulfonate (EMS. 0.05. 0.1 and 0.2%) methyl methane sulfonate (0.001 and 0.01%)
treatments. either singly or in combination. Plants were screened for resistance to M.
javanica. L550 was more responsive to mutagens. The mutant MVI7-1 produced the
highest (yield 918.2g) under infested field conditions, it was obtained from the 30
KR+O.I % EMS treatment (Bhatanagar ef aI., 1988).

Peroxides play an impol1ant role in the resistance mechanism of plants. It is a key

enzyme required for lognin synthesis as well as their trapezoids involved in phytoalaexin
production. Peroxidase catalyzes several reaction including those involved in the
metabolism of phenols and indoles. On the other hand, protein content of galled roots has
been used as an index of root-knot nematode intestation in okra plants. IC4928 to IC4842
(25 genotypes) were screened on the basis of increase in peroxidase activity. IC4942,
IC4942, IC4944 were reported tolerant against M illcogllita (Siddiqui and Hussain,
1992). Chickpea cv.K850 was inoculated with 1000-2500 h M javallica; after 60days,
biochemical analysis revealed that there was an increase of 10-18 % and 26-54 % in total
protein and amino acid contents, respectively, which was found greater in the stem and at
the higher levels of infection. Increase in protein contents of chickpea was dependent
upon the level of infection by root-knot nematodes (Upadhyay and Banerjee. \986).

Biochemical and Molecular Approaches: Molecular cloning of numerous

resistance genes from many different plants that are targeted against several pests and
pathogens would permit the use of previously unavailable resistance in a particular crop
plants and should lower the frequency with which newly virulent pathogen races become
predominant. Although evidence is lacking for appearance of nematode resistance by
somaclonal variation, there is good evidence that regeneration of plants via callus phase
can be used to introduce sources of resistance into useful germplasm. This approach is
best illustrated by the w0rk studied on the introgression of resistance to the cereal cyst
nematode, H avenae from rye into wheat (Dasgupta et al., 1995).

New technological developments, there are great opportunities to develop potent

biocontrol agents, biorational novel nematicides that may target the nematode plant
interaction, and bioengineering for llematode resistance. One of the strategies will be to
Eco-friendly Management of Phytonematodes in Pulses 19

develop novel resistance through genetic transformation of host plant to produce

phenotypes that disrupt or modify the normal host-parasite compatible interaction of
nematodes and thereby, prevent nematode reproduction and possibly nematode infection.
The use of nematode resistant crops, either alone or with integrated control programs,
promises reduced or even eliminated. This strategy epitomizes effective biological
disease control. i.e.. resistance which is heritable and. therefore, inexpensive and
permanently available once introduces.

An alternative approach is to introduce a chromosomal fragment. which includes

a desired gene into protoplasm, and then to regenerate a plant. The isolation of the
appropriate DNA fragment is achieved by the separation of fragments by electrophoresis.
The desired DNA fragment is then identified by autoradiography after hybridisation of
DNA makers on southern blot isolated and introduced into protoplasts by direct gene
transfer. This approach is awaiting application in the field on Jematology.

There are several approaches to the design of nematodes resistant transgenic crop
cultivars. Perhaps the foremost is to identify and locate host plant resistance (HPR)
gene(s) responsible for imparting resistance to the plant parasitic nematodes by
constructing genomic libraries of interested crop plants and then transfer them to the
susceptible cultivars using biotechnological tools of gene transfer. A common form of
defense by plants is the production of broadly toxic secondary metabolites or biocides
that give protection against a wide range of attacking or competing organisms. Plant
phenolics can fulfil such a role. These metabolites are phase organic compounds which
are not directly involved in the primary metabolic processes of plants, such as
photosynthesis, respiration or the biosynthesis of proteins. Secondary metabolities
include a wide variety of compounds, some classified generally by chemical function
e.g., plant phenolics and others, with widely varied functionality, by terms that state to
their biosynthesis, e.g., isoprepanoids. These metabolites may act as against toxicants or
biocides. or may have a specific toxin action directed at a particular target. Alternatively,
they may act as chemical messengers or signals with purely behavioural or regulatory
effects (semiochemicals)

Analysis of the target site is important for both initial development of a novel
control and for its integration in management programmes. Like stage specificity and
route of action, e.g. via ingestion of direct contact, and sites of accumulation and
transport routes in host tissues, are all factors that determine the efficacy and use of
control tactics or agents. Nematode eggs are the only life stage components that content
20 Eco-friendly Management of Phytonematodes in Pulses

chitin. an unbranched polymer, which is a primary structural component of the eggshell.

providing physical strength and protection for more delicate underlying lipid layer. It is
known that bacterial chitinase in vitro hydrolyses the nematode chitinous layer in
Onchocerca eggs. Chitinas and other hydrolyses show direct effects on the root-knot
nematode egg hatch and development of stunt and other nematode (Dasgupta ef al.,
1995). Further, molecular manipulation for enhancing the target site action of the novel
resistance gene product can be done by coupling with root-specific promoters to boost
enzyme production in roots. Coupling with factors that promote site-specific gene action
within root cells that are preferred feeding sites (for the ingestion route of action) or that
promote transport into intercellular solutions (For direct contact route of action) may be
also desirable.

Transgenics with Nematode Toxin Genes: Second approach in the designing of

nematode transgenic host cultivars would be to introduce a nematode toxin gene under a
constitutive promoter. This strategy has been adopted to design transgenic plants carrying
the B1 gene that are resistant to insect pests. If a suitable toxin gene could be identified.
this very approach can be used to construct nematicidal transgenic plants. But very few
protein toxins that act specifically on plant parasitic nematode have been identified
(Dasgupta et al., 1995). In vitro exposure to 8t toxin caused aberrations in lipid layer of
nematode egg. An important route for nematode toxicity may be, contact with 8t
endotoxin rather than by ingestion. More studies are needed to decipher the nature of
these molecules which are potentially used in designing nematicidal transgenic plants .If
the toxin is a protein it would be possible to incorporate it into plants to function in a
manner similar to 8t transformed plants.

The need is to identify products with antagonistic activity against nematodes with
the aim to transfer the genetic information to suitable soil bacteria. assuming that these
transgenic bacteria may be more effective then natural enemies. A completely different
approach is based on the knowledge that some fungi and bacteria affect nematode
development. Analysis of these nematicidal principles may reveal that in some cases only
a limited number of proteins are involved. This opens the possibility to transfer the genes
encoding these proteins to other organism. Expression in either soil bacteria. living
around the roots of crop plants, or in crop plants themselves might lead to protection.

Techniques of molecular biology can help to resolve some problems of

identification of plant-parasitic nematodes. Sequence variability occurs in most regions of
the genome. When these change eliminate or create new restriction sites in DNA. this
Eco-friendly Management ofPhytonematodes in Pulses 21

variation, called restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), can be measured by

the number and size of fragments generated by digesting the DNA of different population
with the same restriction enzyme. Many workers have used RFLPs to separate species
and genera of plant parasitic nematodes. Nucleotide substitutions within non-coding
regions (i.e., introns) accumulate to the phenotype. The higher frequency of sequence
differences facilities distinguishing population or strains that have separated recently. The
peR has been used to amplify genetic marker sequences with random primers and to
amplify DNA from a single nematode juvenile shows a great promise (Dasgupta et al.,

Future Thrusts
The available literature on nematode problems of pulses clearly indicates that
pulses are severely damaged by both ecto- and endo-parasitif nematodes. Visual ising the
importance of pulse crops, there is a great demand of managing these hidden micro-
organism for which efforts should be made to find out economic management approaches
which are less dependent on synthetic chemicals, environmentally safe, socially
acceptable, technologically feasible and economically viable.

Keeping the negative points of chemical pesticides viz., phytotoxic, costly,

residue problems, pollution problems, human health risk etc., and the losses caused by
plant parasitic nematodes in pulses in view, the emphasis has to be given on following
thrust areas in future to reduce the incidence of phytophagous nematodes:

• Identification of resistant sources against key nematodes and their utilisation 111

breeding programme.

• Sincere efforts should be made to explore the possibility of using effective biocontrol
agents under field conditions.

• Other economically viable and effective management practices need to be explored

as alternatives to chemical management to reduce environmental pollution.

• Research on the possibility of using solar energy for nematode management under
field conditions should be tried.

• Nematicidal efficacy of green plant materials should be investigated for nematode

management both in nursery and in field condition.

• Integrated nematode management packages specials for the management of root-knot

nematodes need to be developed.
22 Eco-friendly Management ofPhytonematodes in Pulses

• Information regarding distribution of important nematode species and the losses they
cause on a regional basis should be generated.

• Research on the development of crop management strategies and cropping patterns

should be encouraged for their different agro-cIimate zones.

Alam, M.M. and Saxena, S.K. 1986. Effect of preceding crop on the population growth pattern of
Meloidogyne incognita and Tylenchorhynchus hrassicae on chickpea cv. R. 56.
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Ali, S.S. 1997. Status of nematode problem and research in India. In Diagnosis of key nematode
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Ali, S.S. 1995. Nematodes associated with mung bean in Gwalior district. indian Journal of
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Anonymous 2004b. Annual Report 2004. All India Coordinated Research Project on Pigeonpea
Crop. Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Proceedings of the workshop held at
ANG Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad. 4-6 May, 2005, p 231.

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Eco-friendly Management ofPhytonematodes in Pulses 25

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Nematode Problems in Vegetable Crops

Anil Kumar and R.K. Jain

Vegetables are the most important priceless blessings that nature has bestowed
upon mankind. They are not only rich in vitamins' A' and 'C' and minerals like calcium
and iron but also have low calorific values and low in fats. The destructive plant parasitic
nematodes are one of the major limiting factor in vegetable production through India.
Because vegetables are grown throughout the year so they harbor and encourage the build
up of nematode population.

For centuries, man has been plagued by these microscopic organisms feeding on
the roots of crop plants essentials for their survival and well being. Roots damaged by the
nematodes are not efficient in the utilisation of available moisture and nutrients from the
soil resulting in reduced functional metabolism. Visible symptoms of nematode attack
often include reduced growth of individual plants. Furthermore, roots weakened and
damaged by nematodes are easy prey to many types of fungi and bacteria, which invade
the roots and accelerate root decay. These deleterious effect on plant growth result in
reduced yields and poor quality of crops. Nematode management is therefore, important
for high yields and quality that are required by the high cost of modern crop production.

Root-knot Nematodes: Meloidogyne spp.

The root-knot nematodes are by far the most important pests of vegetable crops.
The four most common species viz., M incognita. M javanica, M hapla and M arenaria
are by far most important and leads to formation of conspicuous root galls. M incognita
and M javanica are most widespread in distribution and have a wide host range among
vegetables, whereas M hapla is encountered and poses problem under temperate
conditions and attacks potato and other vegetable_ crops while M arenaria infects chillies.
Four races in M incognita, twO each in M javanica and M arenaria have been reported
frol11 India.
28 Nematode Problems in Vegetable Crops

The most important species of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne incognita and

M javanica) attacking vegetable crops are multivoltine. Eggs are laid in a gelatinous
matrix surrounding the posterior portion of each female. These eggs undergo
embryogenesis, first moult takes place inside the egg and second-stage juveniles emerge
out. These pre-parasitic second-stage juveniles move freely in the soil and are attracted
towards roots from as far as 75 cm.

Physiological races/biotypes are known to be prevalent in a few species of root-

knot nematodes. The international Meloidogyne project has identified four races in
Meloidogyne incognita and two in M arenaria. In India, researchers reported four races
of M. incognita. In Haryana and Karnataka, existence of four races of M incognita, i.e..
race 1, 2, 3 and 4 has been reported. The prevalence of race 4 that is very rare (2% of 472
world populations) has been reported for the first time from India.

The inoculum level varying from 0.5 to 1.0 per g soil 111 different vegetable
crops, viz., tomato, brinjal, okra, curcurbits, radish, turnip, pea and Chinese cabbage has
been found to be pathogenic. Infected plants are stunted with dried peripheral branches
bearing smaller chlorotic leaves almost turning to white in later stages.

Basically root-knot nematodes are parasites of roots or underground stem. The

disease caused by root-knot nematodes is not of epidemic nature but rather of slow
decline in yields spreading very gradually and steadily year after year. Some areas within
a field may be severely affected, whereas plants in other parts may not show any sign of

The aboveground parts of the diseased plants exhibit symptoms typical of

mineral deficiency or drought injury even in the presence of adequate fertilizer and
moisture. The other symptoms may include-dieback, yellowing, wilting and premature
shedding of the foliage with severe stunting, depending upon the initial nematode
population in the field. Chlorosis of the foliage lowers the quality of the crop resulting in
severe losses.

The belowground symptoms include galls or knots on the roots. These galls vary
in size from pinhead to a large size, which in case of heavy infection may coalesce to
form large secondary galls. The size of galls also depends upon the host plant and
nematode species. The galls produced in curcurbits are much larger than the ones
produced on chillies or cotton by the same nematode species. M hapla usually produces
small galls as compared to M incognita or M javanica on potato. Besides galling, some
other typical symptoms in the form of forking of tap roots as in carrots or beet and
pimple-line tubercles on tubers (potato) are also manifested.
Nematode Problems in Vegetable Crops 29

The root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne incognita were of the limiting factors in

commercial production of vegetables and responsible for 15-60% yield loss (Krishnappa
et al.. 1992). Various researchers reported a loss of 70 per cent in chillies, brinjal, tomato
and okra. In Mahendragarh district of Haryana, in a field naturally infested with M
incognita at 2800-3460 larvae per kg soil, losses in yields of okra, tomato and brinjal
were 90.9, 46.2 and 27.3 per cent, respectively. Yield of tomato was reduced by 39.8 per
cent in a field at population level of 20 larvae per g of soil. In peas, the avoidable loss in
yield was found to be 19-20 per cent. In Tamil Nadu, losses in yields of Capsicum and
tomato were 19.7 and 61.0 per cent, respectively, due to M incognita. In Haryana, in a
field having initial M javanica population of 296±51 per 250 g soil, the avoidable losses
in okra yield ranged from 20.2 to 41.2 per cent by using carbofuran and aldicarb @ 2.0
and 4.0 kg a.i. per ha. Per cent avoidable losses in yield of okra, brinjal, French bean and
cowpea due to M iCllognita under field conditions at Bangalore were 28.08,33.68,43.48
and 28.60, respectively. Yield losses in tomato. brinjal and bittergourd due to M
incognita race 3 under field conditions in Maharashtra were 46.92, 32.73 and 36.72 per
cent, respectively.

The Reniform Nematode: Rotylenchulus reniformis

The reniform nematode infests tomato, brinjal, okra, cowpea, dolichos, French
beans, parwal and other vegetables. Two races of this nematode have been reported from
India (Dasgupta & Seshadri, 1971). The emergence of cowpea seedlings was delayed by
7 to 9 days and seedling stand was reduced to the tune of 6 to 11 per cent due to R.
reniformis at one nematode per g of soil. R. reniformis was observed to cause stunted
growth of mint plants, withering of branches with chlorotic leaves at Hessaraghatta near

Comprehensive work done by various researchers has established the existence

of two biotypes (A and B) in R. reniformis. Biotype A completes its life cycle on all the
three differential hosts (cowpea, castor and cotton) while biotype B would not complete
its life cycle on castor or cotton. The two races were found to interbreed with each other
and the hybrids were fertile and more polyphagous than the parents.

Root Lesion Nematodes (Pratylenchus spp.)

Nematodes belonging to this genus are designated as lesion nematodes because
of the severe necrotic lesions that are produced in the feeding sites in root cortex. De Man
described the first species of Pratylenchus in 1880. At present, there are more than 68
species in this genus in the world (Siddiqi, 1986). However, in India, a total of 36 species
30 Nematode Problems in Vegetable Crops

have been recorded so far (Walia, 1986). Amongst vegetables, tomato is an important
host for this nematode. At least five spp. viz., P. brachyurus. P. cofJeae, P. penetrans. P.
scribneri and P. vulnus have been reported to infect tomato (Jensen, 1972).

Of the different species of Pratylenchus present in India, Das described

Pratylenchus indiclts in 1960 from Hyderabad on tomato and brinjal. It is widespread in
the states of Kerala, Gujarat, Orissa and Assam. Pratylenchus species have cosmopolitan
distribution with a wide host range including vegetable crops such as peas, pepper,
spinach, radish, onion, brinjal and beans etc. P. penetrans is economically most important
in NOlth eastern states of USA (Mai et aI, 1977). However, it is also present in Canada
(Potter & Olthof, 1974) and Europe (Loof, 1978).

The life cycle is simple the reproduction is sexual. The eggs are deposited singly
mostly in roots. The first moult takes place inside egg and the second stage larva hatches
out, which moults three times to become adult. Both larval stages and adult are capable of
entering the roots. The nematodes overwinter in the single adults and fourth-stage larvae
and eggs in the roots. The time required for completing one life cycle ranges from 90
days depending upon the prevailing soil temperature, host plant and nematode species.

Root lesion infected plants show gradual decline or lack of plant vigour with
stuntil~ chlorosis leading to rapid wilting. On the roots, there is formation of lesions
and necrosis, which pr;)vided site for other micro-organisms to infect, grow and
reproduce, thereby leading to other disease complete. Shafiee & Jenkins (1962) noticed
that growth of all the plants was retarded due to nematode infection. The phosphorus
deficient plants did not exhibit such response. However, marked reduction in plant
growth as observed in N-deficient plants.

Nematodes belonging to this genus are endoparasitic root feeders which migrate
inter and intracellularly and feed in the cortical region leading to cell death and
breakdown. Formation of lesion on the roots due to nematode feeding can be seen, which
enlarge, coalesce and turn brown and ultimately affected area gets sloughed off. This
results in the reduction of proper root development. In pepper, destruction of
parenchymatous cells of cortex accompanied by dark and thick cell walls has been
observed (Mai et aI., 1977).

Root cells of many plants contain glycosides (e.g. amygdalin), which are not
toxic in glycosidic ion. However, upon hydrolysis they release certain phytotoxic
compounds. Mountain and Patrick (1959) reported the P. penetrans hydrolyses
amygdalin in peach roots due to the secretion of l3-glucosidase, releasing benzaldehyde
Nematode Problems in Vegetable Crop~ 31

and hydrogen cyanide, both of which are highly phytotoxic substances. Further, oxidation
of these substance in the roots is believed to be responsible for browning of lesions and
root necrosis.

McKeen & Mountain (1960) observed synergism between Verticil/ium albo-

atrum and P. penetrants brinjal. They found that when present alone, even as high as
4,000 nematodes per plant were unable to the damage. But, in presence of wilt fungus,
severe crop damage could be seen. On tomato and pepper, the nematode population was
higher in presence of Verticil/ium than in its absence (Olthof and Reys, 1969). Conroy et
al. (1972) found no increase in the susceptibility of tomato to V albo-altra in the absence
of P. penetrant. Mountain and McKeen (1965) reported that reproduction of P. penetrant
increased in presence of V. dahliae on tomato and egg plant but not on pepper.

Spiral Nematode, Helicotylenchus dihystera

H. dihystera causes perceptible reduction 111 root growth of chillies. Okra.
Tomato, brinja1 and onion were also found to be good hosts for this nematode.

Potato Cyst Nematodes, Globodera spp.

The potato cyst nematode (G. rostochiensis and G. pal/ida) is the most important
pests of potato. This nematode has been reported from Nilgiris and Kodai Hills of Tamil
Nadu and Munar Hills of Kerala (Raman a and Mohandas, 1988). Out of 9,000 ha under
potato, 3,000 ha are infected by this nematode in Nilgiris. In Kodai Hills, about 200 ha
are infected (Thangaraju, 1983). Tomato and brinjal are also attacked by this nematode.
Total failure of the crop has been reported under severe infestation conditions.

Stunt Nematodes (Tylenchorhynchus spp.)

Nematodes belonging to this genus are widely distributed. These are rot parasites
and are found in almost all the areas. The most common species feeding on vegetables in
India is Tylenchorhynchus brassicae. The nematode is associated with poor germination
and growth of cabbage and cauliflower. Although widely distributed both in temperate
and tropical zones, yet only a few species are known to be pathogenic to various
vegetable crops. In southeastern USA, T claytoni has been responsible for stuntipg of pea
and T marioni in sweet potato. T brassicae damages cabbage and cauliflower. T dubius
parasitizes cauliflower, pea, radish and turnip in the Netherlands (Brezeski, 1971).
Besides cauliflower and cabbage, tomato, radish, sugarbeet and lettuce are also good

Stunt nematodes primarily feed ectoparasitically on epidermal cells of roots in

32 Nematode Problems in Vegetable Crops

the region of root elongation but are sometimes embedded partly or totally in the root
tissues. In India, T. brassicae has been observed to penetrate throughout the cortical
region. Nematodes remain confined to outer cortical layers with their bodies parallel to
the root axis. Populations at and above 1000 per kg soil cause significant damage to
cabbage and cauliflower. The nematode feeding results in stubby root condition leading
to stunting and reduced plant growth. The optimum temperature for growth and
reproduction is around 30°C with 25-30 per cent moisture (Khan, 1969). In the absence
of host, the nematodes survive for 90 days and 30 days at 35°C and 45°C, respectively.
At low temperatures, the nematode may survive even upto 240 days. Rhizoctonia solani
and T. brassicae are often associated with roots of cabbage and cauliflower. R. solani
alone suppressed the emergence of cauliflower seedlings by 81 % when the two
organisms occurred together 97% of the seeds failed to germinate (Khan and Saxena,

The Stubby Root Nematode, Trichodorlls a/lius

T allius infects onion.

The Stem and Bulb Nematode, Ditylenchus destructor

The stem and bulb nematode, D. destructor causes dry root of potato tubers in


Regulatory Methods
Plant Quarantine

From the imported gerinplasm material, economically important nematodes like

Heterodera goettingiana. Meloidogyne incognita. Ditylenchus dipsaci, Radopholus
similes (Sethi ef al., 1972) and Globodera rostochiensis (Renjhen, 1973) have been

In India, there is a Quarantine Act against the cyst nematode of potato

(Globedera rostochiensis) in Nilgiris. Infected seed potatoes from Nilgiris are not
allowed to be transported to other parts of India for seed purpose.

Seed Certification

Seed pieces free of the cyst nematode can be produced commercially by seed
Nematode Problems in Vegetable Crops 33

Physical Methods
Heat Treatment of Soil

The most important nematode pests controlled by greenhouse steaming are cyst
nematode of potato attacking tomatoes and root-knot nematodes on tomatoes, cucumbers
and lettuces.

Incubation of potato tubers at 45°C for 48 hours has been shown to kill about
98.9 per cent M incognita without affecting tuber viability (Nirula and Bassi, 1965).

Cultural Methods
Crop Rotation

Crops, which have been shown to reduce root-knot populations in the soil include
varieties of cereals (sorghum, millet, maize, wheat, rice), cruciferous crops (cabbage,
cauliflower, kohl rabi, mustard), onion, garlic, groundnut, cotton, Roselle (Hibiscus
sabdariffa) and pigeon pea.

Continuous cropping with potatoes increases the cyst population of Globodera

rostochiensis. More than three-year rotations with wheat, strawberry, cabbage,
cauliflower, peas, maize and beans reduces the nematode population to a safe level.
Likewise, decrease in root-knot nematode population on tomato, brinjal, okra, chillies
and spongegourd occurs following marigold and spinach (Khan et al., 1975).

There was sudden decline in population of Tyhlenchorhynchus brassicae when

cabbage and cauliflower were rotated with wheat (Siddiqui et al., 1973). The mustard
Crabi), radish (summer), sesamum (kharit) sequence considerably reduced the population
of Tylenchorhynchus spp. (Haque and Gaur, 1985).

A number of crops and other plants are reported resistant to the reniform
nematode, Rotylenchulus reniformis which include chillies, Lecaena glauca, Capsicllm
jtutescens, carrot, coriander, Spinacea oleracea, Beta vulgaris and Raphanus sativlIs
(Khan and Khan, 1973). Two successive crops of maize or sorghum preceding
susceptible crops are effective in controlling R. reniformis. Rotations with sugarcane and
pangola grass are recommended for control of the reniform nematode.

Selection of Healthy Propagating Material

The potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis) can be eliminated by

selecting nematode-free planting material.
34 Nematode Problems in Vegetable Crops

Influence of Manuring

Increased levels of potash have significantly reduced the number of galls by M

javunica in tomato (Gupta and Mukhopadhyaya, 1971). Application of potash in
combination with phosphorus or nitrogen or potash alone checks the reniform nematode
multiplication on okra to a great extent (Sivakumar and Meerazainuddin, 1974).

Trap Cropping

Cowpea causes the root-knot nematode eggs to hatch, the larvae enter the roots
and develop to immobile stage. Then the crop is destroyed before the nematodes mature.

Crotolaria is highly susceptible to invasion by the root-knot nematode but is

resistant to the development of larvae into adults.

Enemy Plants
Mustard: Potatoes grown with white mustard in a pot of infested soil were less
heavily attacked by nematodes than potatoes growing alone. Potato root diffusate was
ineffective in the presence of Teachings from the roots of mustard seedlings. Mustard oils
increased the yield of potatoes by reducing the severity of nematode attack. The active
principle involved in mustard is allyl isothiocyanate, which is toxic to the nematodes.

Marigold: The root-knot development on tomato and okra was low when
interplanted with Tagetes erects. The population of Tylenchorhynchus, Helicotylel1chlls,
Hoplolaimus, Rotylenchulus and Pratylenchus was also markedly reduced (Khan ef aI.,
1971 a; Alam et aI., 1977). Alpha-Terthienyl is the active principle in Tagefes spp., which
is toxic to these nematodes.

Asparagus: A,fiparagus officinalis would not support populations of Trichodorlls

chirisitiei for more than 40 to 50 days. Tomato, normally a good host of this nematode,
supported only a low population when asparagus was growing in the same pots. A
glycoside (asparagiusic acid) is the active principle involved which is toxic to T. christiei
and several other nematode species.

Sesame: Atwal and Manger (1969) showed that root exudates from sesame
(Sesal11um orientate) have nematicidal properties against M incognita. When okra was
grown in M incognita infested soil it was only slightly attacked and there were fewer
nematodes compared with when okra was grown in the absence of sesame.

Time of Planting

Planting of potato during third or f01ll1h week of March in Shimla Hills would
Nematode Problems in Vegetable Crops 35

reduce the damage to M incognita (Prasad et 01., 1983). The yields were maximum,
which was concomitant with the lowest tuber infestation and lowest larval population in
the soil at harvest.

Chemical Methods
N ursery Bed Treatment
Nursery bed treatment with aldicarb and carbofuran both at 2 g a.i. per m were
effective in increasing seedling growth and reducing root-knot nematode population on
tomato, brinjal and chillies (Jain and Bhatti, 1983; Ramakrishnan and Balasubramanian,
1981). In the main field, the above treatments were also effective and increased the fruit

OBCP at 50 liters per ha and metham sodium at 250 liters per ha were effective
in reducing the renifonn nematode population in tomato nursery, and in increasing the
growth of seedlings (Sivakumar et 01., 1977).

Seed Treatment

Fenamiphos, aldicarb and carbofuran all at 1 per cent concentration were

effective in controlling the root-knot nematode (M incognita) infecting cowpea, French
bean and peas and in increasing their pod yields (Parvatha Reddy, 1984). Seed treatment
with aldirab and carbofuran both at 6 and 12 per cent was effective against the root-knot
and reniform nematodes infecting okra (Shivakumar et 01., 1976). Aldicarb and
carbofuran at 3 per cent were also effective against root-knot nematodes infecting chilli
and bottle gourd (Kandasamy and Shivakumar, 1981). Jain and Bhatti (\ 981) repOIted
effective control of M javanica on okra by seed treatment with fenamiphos at 2, 4 and 6
per cent.

Seedling Bare-root Dip Treatment

Carbofuran and oxamyl at 1,000 ppm for 15 to 30 min. (Parvatha Reddy and
Singh, 1979); fenamiphos at 250 to 750 ppm for 30 min. (Thakar and Patel, 1985);
dimethoate at 500 ppm for 6 hr, phosphamidon and dichlofenthion both at 1000 ppm for
8 hr (Jain and Bhatti, 1978) and thionazin at 500 ppm for 15 min (Reddy and Seshadri,
1975) gave effective control of root-knot nematodes on tomato when used as bare-root
dips. Alam et 01. (1973) reported that oxamyl was effective for the control of root-knot
nematodes infecting brinjal and okra.

Bare-root dip treatment of brinjal seedlings with aldicarb, carbofuran and

turbofos at 500 to 1000 ppm was effective in reducing the reniform nematode population.
36 Nematode Problems in Vegetable Crops

Soil Treatment in the Main Field

Aldicarb, carbofuran, ethoprophos and fenamiphos each at I to 2 kg a.i. per ha

were found effective in reducing the root-knot nematode population and in increasing
fruit yields of different vegetable crops (Ahuja, 1983; Singh et al.. 1978; Rao and Singh,
1978; Singh and Parvatha Reddy, 1981 b, 1982b; Parvatha Reddy, 1985a; Handa &
Mathur, 1981).

Aldicarb at 0.5 kg a. i. per ha and carbofuran at 1.5 kg ai per ha were effective in

reducing Tylenchorhynchus brassicae and T. dubius population and in increasing yields
of cabbage (Varma et al.. 1978).

Reddy and Seshadri (1972) reported that thionazin at 4 kg a.i. per ha proved
effective against R. renijormis infecting tomato.

Host Resistance
Screening of Germplasm

Source of resistance have been identified in certain vegetable crops. Nematode-

resistant varieties of a very few vegetable crops have been developed and identified
which are given below in Table-I. Nematode-resistant cultivars of vegetable crops.

Crop I Nematode Resistant cultivars References

Tomato Meloidogyne Nematox, SI-120, NTR-I,

SL-12, Patel et al.. 1979;
spp. Patriot, VEN-8, VFN Bush, Piersol, Jain et al.. 1983;
Radiant, Nemared, Ronita, Anahu, Kanwar and Bhatti,
Bresch, Helani, Campbell-25, Punuui, 1990
Arka Vardan, Pelican, Hawaii-7746,
Hawaii-7747, Hisar Lalit

Brinjal M incognita Giant of Banaras, Black Beauty, Gola Alam et al.. 1974

Chilli Mjavanica 579, CAP-63, Pusa Jwala Jain et al., 1983

Potato M incognita Kufri Dewa, Kufri Swarna Raj and Gill, 1983

I Cowpea M incognita Barsati Mutant, Iron, New Selectin, G- Sharma and Sethi,
152, 92-1-B, IC 9642-B, TVU 2439-P 1976a, Darekar and

I Pati!, 1981
Nematode Problems in Vegetable Crops 37

I French bean M incognita Banat, Blue Lake, Stringless, Singh et al.. 1981
I Bountiful Flat Brown Beauty,
Cambridge Countess, Gallaroy,
I Kenya-3, Pinto W5-114, Seafarer,
I I Suttan's Masterpiece

IMuskmelon M incognita Scarsol, S-445 Khan et al.. 1971b,


M Jaanica
Jain et al.. 1983

Watermelon M incognita Shehjanpuri Khan et al.. 1971 b

Ridgegourd M incognita Panipati, Meerut Special Khan et 01.• 1971 b

Ashgourd M incognita Jaipuri, Agra Khan et al., 1971 b

I Pumpkin IM incognita Jaipuri, Dasna Khan et al.. 1971 b !
II China aster M incognita Shashank -Res istant, Poornima-Mod, Nagesh et al., 1995
! Resistant

Among four species of Solanum tested for their reaction against M incognita, S.
lorvul11 and S. seaforthianul11 gave resistant reaction, which was reflected in the reduction
in number of galls, egg masses and fecundity offemales (Shetty and Reddy, 1985b).

Biological Methods
Singh and Sitaramaiah (1966) applied finely divided oil cakes to rootknot
infested soil and noted a reduction in disease incidence in okra and tomato. Amendment
of soi I with oil cakes of neem, ground nut, mustard and castor was effective in reducing
the population of Tylenchorhynchus brassicae around the roots of cabbage and
cauliflower (Siddiqi et al., 1976). The above cakes were also effective 'in reducing
parasitic nematode population (Hoplolaimus, Tylenchorhynchus, Meloidogyne and
Helicotylenchus species) and in- increasing yields of tomato, potato, carrot and tumipt. It
has been reported that neem and karanj oil cakes at 2 tons per ha were most effective in
reducing Rotylenchulus reniformis infecting French bean.

Best results in respect of root-knot reduction due to Mjavanica and increase in yield
of okra and tomato were obtained by amending the soil with saw dust at 2.5 tons per ha 3
weeks before planting and then applying N through urea at 120 kg per ha (Singh and
Sitaramaiah, 1971). Rice hull ash at 2.5 tons per ha increased the yield oftomato by 133 to 317
per cent and reduced root-knot incidence by 46 to 100 per cent (Sen and Dasgupta, 1981).
38 Nematode Problems in Vegetable Crops

Paecilomyces lilacinus is an effective parasite of Meloidogyne eggs. Egg

parasites are more dramatic in reducing the nematode population. Nematode eggs of the
group Heteroderidae and those deposited in a gelatinous matrix are more vulnerable to
attack by these organisms than are those of migratory parasites. Once in contact with the
cysts or egg masses, the fungus grows rapidly and eventually parasitizes all the eggs that
are in the early embryonic developmental stages.

P. lilacinlls was found effective against M incogl1ita on potato and tomato, G.

rostochiensis on potato, R. ren(formis on tomato and brinjal (Parvatha Reddy and Khan,
1988, 1989).

Application of different oil seed-cakes improved the growth of Japanese mint in

field conditions coupled with increased oil yield and reduced root-knot nematode
population. However, best results were achieved when the soil was treated with neem
cake (Haseeb, 1992). Neem cake was also effective against M il1cognila infecting basil
(Ocimlfl/1 hasilicum) and increased plant growth and oil content (Haseeb et ((l., \988a).

Isolation of Nematicidal Plant Products

Methanol extracts of Catharanlhlls rosel/S, onion, Gloriosa sliperba scented
geranium exhibited nematicidal activity against root-knot nematodes. The active
nematicidal compounds identified were citroneliol, geraniol and linalool from scented
geranium essential oil; colchicine from Glorioso slfperba seeds; serpentine from
Catharanthus roseus and amino acids (Methionine) from onion seeds. The feasibility of
utilisation of serpentine at 5000 ppm for the management of M incognita in tomato
nursery was ascertained (Leela el al., 1992)

Integrated Methods
Integration of a bioagent- Paecilomyces lilacinus and carboflaran at 2 kg a.i. per
ha was found to be effective in the management of reniform nematode Rotylenchulus
reniformis on tomato (Parvatha Reddy and Khan, \988). Inoculation of endomycorrhizae
GlolI/us l7losseae or G. Jasciculatum in the nursery beds amended with neem cake/castor
cake/neem leaf/calotropis leaf helped in reducing the infestation of root-knot and
reniform nematodes to the maximum extent. Amendment of botanicals in the nursery
beds indirectly help in increased multiplication of these endomycorrhizae providing
tomato and egg plant seedlings with high colonisation of mycorrhizae which, in turn,
could protect the crop from these nematodes to the maximum extent in the main tield
resulting in increased yields. Efficacy of these treatments was always compared with
Nematode Problems in Vegetable Crops 39

carbofruran 2.0 kg a.i.lha) treatments and these treatments have proved as effective as
chemical treatment and in some cases better than chemical treatment.

Combinations of deep ploughing (up to 20 cm) and nursery bed treatment with
aldicarb at 0.4 g per m~ and main field treatment with aldicarb at 1 kg a.i.lha proved
effective in the control of root-knot nematodes in tomato which also registered maximum
yield (Jain and Bhatti, 1985).

In tomato, application of aldicarb and carbofuran each at 1 kg a.i. per ha in

combination with neem cake and urea each at 10 kg N per ha, at transplanting, produced
maximum yield with lowest gall index (2.5) and nematode population, 90 days after
planting (Routaray and Sahoo, 1985).

Zaki & Bhatti (1991) also found that integration of P. lilac in us and castor leaves
was effective in increasing the growth of tomato and reducing the infestation by root-knot
nematodes. Management of M incognita and R. reniformis in nursery beds to get healthy
seedlings was attempted by integrating soil solarisation and oil cake (Mahua cake)

Integrated control of plant parasitic nematodes on potato was attempted by the

combinations of organic amendments, nematicide and mixed cropping with mustard
(Akthar and Alam, 1991).

Integration of P. lilacinus and carbofuran at 2 kg a.i. per ha has proved to be

effective in the management of reniform nematode, R. rentfonnis on brinjal (Parvatha
Reddy and Khan, 1989). Inoculation of endomycorrhizae-Glol11us mosseael G.
jasciculation in the nursery beds and subsequent application of 5% aqueous extracts of
neem cake/castor cake/neem leaf/calotropis leaf in the nursery beds resulted in the
effective management of root-knot and reniform nematodes in the nursery beds and
yielded healthy brinjal seedlings which could withstand the attack of these nematodes
after transplanting in the mainfield (Rao ef al., 1993).

Application of extracts of neem cake/neem leaf with spores of P. lilacinlls/V

chlamydosporium in the nursery beds and subsequent root-dip treatment in the above
botanicals with the spores of bio-agents protected brinjal in the main field from the attack
of root-knot and reniform nematodes. All these treatments significantly increased the
yield under field conditions (Rao et aI., 1993a).

An integrated management of root-knot nematodes, M incognita infecting okra

using neem or karanj oil cake at 0.5 ton per ha along with carbofuran at I kg a.i. per ha
40 Nematode Problems in Vegetable Crops

was achieved. The above treatments gave maximum reduction in root galling with
consequent increase in okra fruit yields (Parvatha Reddy and Khan, 1991).

The nature and magnitude of important diseases of vegetable crops caused by
nematodes and their management has been reviewed. Information on historical
highlights, economic importance and histopathological aspects has been provided. The
role of nematodes in inducing complex plant diseases in association with other pathogens
such as fungi, bacteria and viruses has been emphasised. Management of nematode
diseases by host resistance and by suppression of nematode populations through physical,
cultural, chemical, biological and integrated methods has been thoroughly discussed. The
aspects which needs emphasis in future are as follows:

I. Intensive and systematic surveys of vegetable crops should be conducted

with the dual objectives of determining the incidence, prevalence and
severity of such diseases and the geographical distribution of the nematode
involved. This would go a long way in developing an advisory diagnostic
service for the farmers.

2. Adequate emphasis should be given to studies on the biology and host-

parasite relationship of major nematode pests, which may lead to
formulation of control methods on sound basis.

3. Studies have to be carried out on biotypes and on intraspecific variation in

nematodes already known to be of economic importance in horticultural
production in India.

4. Techniques for precise determination of damage thresholds of populations

and assessment of crop losses have to be standardised.

5. Work on disease complexes involving nematodes be intensified with

adequate collaboration between nematologists and plant pathologists.
6. Research on the use of cultural methods such as deep summer ploughings,
use of plastics, intercropping and crop rotations should be intensified.

7. The chemical control measures should be effective and also economical.

The use of chemicals should therefore, be explored with a view to get a
reasonable cost-benefit ratio.

8. There is a great need to develop varieties, which are resistant or tolerant to

Nematode Problems in Vegetable Crops 41

nematodes. Varietal screening and subsequent breeding programmes

should be intensified. Fundamental investigations 111 relation to
biochemical and physiological basis of resistance may also be taken up.

9. Attempts should also be directed towards biological control. Paecilomyces

lilac in us, Verticillium chlamydosporiun/, Trichoderma harzianul11,
Paste urea penetrans and VAM fungi have been identified aU over the
world as potential biocontrol agents against r' nt nematodes. The
possibility of using these bacteria and fungi as biocontrol agents against
nematodes infecting vegetable crops should be explored.

10. Development of integrated nematode management strategies for vegetable

crops should be taken up. Research on the use of cultural methods such as
deep summer ploughings and minimal use of nematicides by nursery bed
treatments, seed treatments, seedlings bareroot dip treatments should be

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Management of Cereal Cyst Nematode,
Heterodera avenae in Cereals

Indra Rajvanshi and G.L. Sharma


Wheat is an extensively grown staple crop of India. Wheat and barley both are
the major cereal crops in Rabi season and these occupy an unique position as a human
diet, cattle. feed, fodder as well as the barley also be used in malt industry in India. In
Rajasthan wheat is cultivated in about 25 lac ha whereas barley covers about 2.5 lac ha
area. About 30 phytonematode species are found to be associated with these cereal crops.
Of these, only Heterodera avenae & Angunia tritici are considered to be of major
importance. Cereal cyst nematode (H avenae) is considered to be the most important
nematode infecting barley and wheat on a worldwide basis. This pest has been repOlted
from 31 countries (Griffin, 1984), of which mainly are USSR, Canada, Australia, India
and Pakistan.

Cereal cyst nematode, H avenae was first recorded as a parasite of cereals in

Germany by Kuhn (1874) and named as H schachtii, which later on named as H avenae
by Wollenweber, (1924). In India, it causes a serious disease locally known as 'Molya',
widely prevalent in Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh.
Madhya Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Delhi states. In Rajasthan, 15 wheat/ barley
growing districts having lighter soils are affected by the cereal cyst nematode. In India
the H avenae was first reported from Sikar district of Rajasthan (Prasad et al., 1959). Of
the 32 districts in the state, about 15 districts (Ajmer, Alwar, Bhilwara, Dausa,
Hanumangarh, Jaipur, Jhunjhunu, Nagaur, Pali, Rajsamund, Sawaimadhopur, Sikar,
Sirohi, Tonk arid Udaipur) have shown the presence of moly a disease of wheat and barley
incited by H avenae. The host range of CCN is limited to graminaceous plants (wheat,
barley, oat and grasses).
48 Management of Cereal Cyst Nematode, Heterodera avenae in Cereals

Disease Influence

The incidence of the disease caused by CCN is dependent on many

environmental factors. These factors influence both the parasite and the host plant in
relation to disease production. In the parasite, the influence of these factors is manifested
in processes like survival. hatching and emergence of larvae from cysts as well as the
penetration and development of the nematode. With respect to the host, these factors
govern the degree of damage done by nematode attack (Mathur, 1969).

Damage to crop is governed by soil moisture, soil texture, environmental factors,

inoculum level and age of the host root. In adequately irrigated fields the number of
larvae must be larger than in poorly irrigated fields to caLIse equal damage to host crops.
High soil moisture content of the soils modifies host parasite interaction in such a manner
that a better plant growth is obtained in spite of higher nematode multiplication. A
positive correlation exists between the degrees of infestation of the CCN and crop
damage. The relationship between yield and nematode population density varies with the
host plants. In well-aerated soils, the multi pi ication of nematode and subsequent damage
is more than in poorly aerated compact soils. Penetration of the larvae takes place mainly
in the first four weeks reaching a peak in the third week in the roots (Mathur, 1969).

Crop Losses

Mathur (1969) estimated 40-50 per cent avoidable losses due to H avenae 111

light sandy soils of Rajasthan. The disease is known to cause heavy damage in cereals in
Rajasthan van-Berkum and Seshadri (1970) estimated a loss of 255 lakh rupees is in
barley cultivated in Rajasthan. In severe infested fields, the total crop failures have also
been observed (Swarup and Singh, 1961). Mukhopadhaya et al. (1972) reported that 10
cysts per kg soil caused about 10 per cent loss in wheat and barley yield, and the loss
reached up to 64 per cent with 1,250 cysts in pots. Handa et al. (1985 a, b) reported
avoidable losses to the extent of 87.2 per cent in grain and 91.8 per cent in fodder of
barley at 22.4l1g soil population level. These losses depend mainly on the CCN
infestation level, soil texture, moisture, temperature, aeration, pH, osmotic pressure and
also on the presence of micro-organism in the soil. Annual losses of about Rs.4 crore in
wheat and that of Rs.l.5 crore in barley in Rajasthan state alone have been reported
(Seshadri and Gupta, 1980; Bhatti et. al. 1981 b). They observed that molya infested fields
treated with chemicals, yielded 8.9 to 95.3 per cent more than untreated control,
depending upon initial nematode population density. Rajvanshi and Sharma (2002) have
Management of Cereal Cyst Nematode, Heterodera avenae in Cereals 49

studied the yield status and its declination (4.64%-59.45%) pattern in barley due to H
avenae (0.6-15.21/gsoil) in light sandy soils.

Cultural Practices
Crop Rotation

By growing a non-host crop in between two susceptible ones the population level
of nematode is brought down below the damaging threshold. Handa (1983) experimented
using non-host crop and fallowing, found that the nematode population decrease by 70
per cent with continuous rotation with non-host and increases by 87 per cent. He
observed that yield of barley increased 56 per cent with two years rotation of non-host
crops where as it decreased 35 per cent with susceptible barley. Under field condition
barley C.Y. Rajkiran reduced the cyst population to the 84.8 per cent (Singh and Yadav,
1986). The crop rotation with gram, mustard, carrot, radish, fenugreek and onion reduced
the CCN population by 47-55 per cent in one crop season. Being host specific, it attacks
only on wheat, barley and oat crops, therefore, growing of non-host crops or leaving the
infested field fallow, showed a net reduction of CCN population up to 75 per cent after
two years. A cultivation of susceptible wheat / barley with same field (Monocropping)
increases the CCN population by 162-180 per cent (Mathur, 1969; Mathur and Handa,
1984). Singh et al. (1987) reported that mustard, tori a, raya and taramira for one season
resulted in 87-100 per cent reduction in cyst population.

Summer PloughinglSolarisation

Deep summer ploughings under Indian conditions have their own advantages.
The 2-4 deep summer ploughings in the months of May and June at the intervals of 10-15
days, reduced the CCN population at 40 per cent in one crop season. Stapleton and Devay
(1983) in California found that solarisation resulted in the reduction of Meloidogyne.
Heterodera, Pratylenchus, Criconemella and Xiphinema species and improved plant
growth. Haque and Prasad (1981) observed that increase in the number of summer
ploughings (three times before crop sowing) resulted in a corresponding decrease in
population of Hoplolaimus indicus, Helicotylenchus sp., Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris.
Pratylenchus zeae and Longidorus sp. and a corresponding increase in yield of wheat and
barley during Rabi season. Handa (1983) investigated that 3 to 5 summer ploughings will
bring down the initial CCN population and subsequently an increase in yield of wheat
and barley crops. However, it should be ensured that there is no possibility of soil erosion
50 Management of Cereal Cyst Nematode, Heterodera avenae in Cereals

in the field with the turning of the soil during summer. The fallowing in Kharif Season or
growing of non-host crops like Bajra, Groundnut does not have any effect on CCN
population of the field. The field population of CCN in field is found to be increased in
April (soon after crop harvest) then that of sowing period (November month) (Handa ef
al., 1975; Mathur et al., 1983 & 1987). Handa et al. (1975) indicated a decrease in the
nematode population under conditions where soil was kept exposed by ploughing to
direct sun heat during May- June in barley. Mathur et al. (1987) studied the effect of 1-5
deep summer ploughings at 7-10 days intervals in May-June months. Population
reduction of nematode and increase in wheat yield was found to be directly proportional
to the number of ploughings. A population reduction of 9.3-42.4 per cent and yield
increase of 4.4- 97.5 per-cent were recorded.

Effect of Inorganic Fertilizers and Organic Manures

Among the major N.P.K. based inorganic fertilizers, only nitrogen application
was observed to increase the level of phytonematodes as well as wheat and barley yield.
The application of oil cakes, farmyards manure, saw dust and compost in infested soil
improved plant growth and able to reduce the multiplication of the nematode (Mathur.
1969; Sakhuja, et al.1978; Mathur and Handa, 1984).

Mixed Cropping

Handa et al. (1980a) studied the effect of mixed sowing of resistant barley cv.
Rajkiran with susceptible wheat cv. Kalyan Sona 50:50. The yield increased significantly
and cyst population decreased in mixed sowing than susceptible wheat alone.

Date of Sowing

The early sowing of wheat in Haryana and Rajasthan conditions showed to be

better yielder in CCN infested field.

Bhatti et at. (1980) found that the wheat sowing in nematode infested fields in
early November yields more than late sown crop in India. Contrary to these results,
Mathur and Handa (1984) suggested that altering the date of sowing did not influence the
incidence of the disease and eel multiplication. If sufficient moisture is not available to
allow hatching and wheat sowing is delayed, whole of the nematode inoculum will be
available at sowing to infect the crop. Therefore, the disease severity and final nematode
population may be similar at differ sowing date, where a sufficient moisture is available
for larval hatching and emergence from cyst, and sowing is delayed (Brig Bhan and
Kanwar, 2003).
Management of Cereal Cyst Nematode, Heterodera avenae in Cereals 51


Mathur et al. (1981) found that the multiplication of CCN was more in
adequately irrigated fields of wheat than rainfed or unadequately irrigated fields.

Soil Amendments

Population reduction of nematode and increase in wheat yield was found to be

directly proportional to organic amendments in addition to their suppressive effect on
nematode densities, improved soil structure and water holding capacity, which improved
the plant growth and yield. Mukhopadhyaya et al. (1972) managed the H avenae by
using mustard and castor cakes with significant improvement in the yield of wheat and
barley. Mishra (1974) reported the effect of eight oil cakes (Karan). neem, mahua,
mustard, groundnut, cotton, linseed and sesamum) on various nematodes attacking
various crops like wheat, mung bean and tomato etc. All cake~ excepting linseed and
cotton were found effective in reducing nematode population, and of these, the result of
neem cake was found to be the best. These cakes were also found to possess residual
effect and increased the plant growth and reduced nematode population in the next crops.
Poultry manure was also effective in reducing nematode population and increasing plant
growth parameters. It was reported to be effective due to high percentage of Nand P
content. Dhawan and Kaushal (1988) showed reduction in hatching incidence of H
avenae larvae by using of neem emulsion. Kaushal (1993) showed that neem powder and
neem based chemicals found effective against H avenae. Rajvanshi and Bishnoi (1998)
observed decomposed leaves of neem, datura and aak on cereal cyst nematode in barley.
They noted that the neem compost at 12 per cent was effective as compared to other
treatments and decrease of cysts per plant.

Rajvanshi et al. (2001) observed the reduction in cyst population with the seed
coating of carrot seed powder and turmeric powder @ 12 per cent in the infested field
condition yielded significantly higher grain yield of barley. The experiment on
management of cereal cyst nematode using oil cakes of neem, mustard, caster, cotton, til,
wood saw dust (Babool) and vermicompost in CCN infested field in barley (RD-l 03)
along with treated and untreated check. Neem cake was found more effective in
increasing crop grain and reducing number of cysts per plant as compared to that of other
oil cakes etc. (Rajvanshi and Bishnoi, 2002).The reduction in population of H avenae in
organic amended soil and roots of wheat might be due to the release of fatty acids,
phenoliic compounds, ammonia and/or formaldehyde which are directly toxic to
52 Management of Cereal Cyst Nematode, Heterodera avenae in Cereals


Th\! intercropping treatments of mustard, carrot, fenugreek and reddish in CCN

infested field with barley (RD 103) crops, gave significantly higher grain and fodder
yield and reduced number of cysts/plant over control. (Rajvanshi et al. L.002)

Breeding for CCN Resistance

Resistance is the major source of nematode control. The first evidence of

existence ofpathotype in H avenae was presented by Nilson-Ehle (1908). The search for
nematode resistance in barley was also apparently initiated by Nilson-Ehle (1920) in
Sweden and reported resistance in Primus, Schwannhals and Chevalier. Andersen (1959)
recognised when he found that some of its population occurring differed in pathogenicity
on barley variet'. A single dominant gene is responsible for resistance in Loros spring
wheat (Cook and McLeod, 1980). Deployment of genetic sources viz. (Marocaine,
Morocco, C164 and PLI01) for CCN resistance breeding assists in achieving yield
stabilising in the CCN problematic areas without resorting to potentially harmful
chemicals. At the same time it also prevent from environmental degradation and to
benefit the resource poor farmers, because of the use of costly chemicals is beyond their
reach. Sustainable barley production based on sound ecological principles, therefore, it
currently becomes of increasingly importance.

Breeding for CCN resistance based on genetic principles was initiated at ARS
Durgapura, Jaipur in mid-seventeen's after the discovery of resistance source for CCN in
barley. Subsequently, its transfer in indigenous material, a first nematode resistant
variety- Rajkiran (RDB-lIMarocaine) was developed through hybridisation followed by
selection method .It is a dwarf, CCN resistant variety, developed and released in 1979
(Handa, 1992). This CCN resistance barley variety found highly susceptible to yellow
rust as well as aphids and harvesting late due to late maturity, hence it did not widely
accepted by the state farmers. Later on, two more high yielding CCN resistance and early
maturing barley varieties (RD 2052 and RD 2035) were developed and got released in
1991. Its yield potential is 60-70 q/ha under high management conditions and is
recommended for irrigated areas and soils having cereal cyst nematode infestation.
Another second high yielding variety RD 2035 (Handa 1992) was developed and released
in 1993.
Management of Cereal Cyst Nematode, Heterodera avenae in Cereals 53

A CCN resistance barley variety RD 2508 (RD 2035 P490) has been developed
in 1996 from Rajasthan Agricultural University, Agricultural Research Station, Durgapura,
Jaipur (Rajvanshi and Sharma, 2003).

For the evolution cereal cyst nematode (H avenae) resistant wheat cultivars, the
identification of the thousands of exotic and indigenous collections, commercial and
improved strains and CCN resistant genotypes of wheat received from Europe and
Australia were screened continousely for more then two decades. Of these, the AUS-
15854 a bread wheat genotypes from Turkey, has exhibited resistance to majority of CCN
populations of Rajasthan for several years. It has also given CCN resistant reactions at
various ICAR centres viz. Delhi, Hissar, Durgapura and Kamal. While coming across the
br~eding programme, this genotype (AUS-15854) was used as a donor parent and crossed
with seven varieties of higher agronomic traits (viz. J-24, HD-2009" HD-2329, RAJ-2184,
RAJ-2535, RAJ-3077 and Kalyan Sona). As a result of hybridisation (F,- F6) seven lines
were developed viz. CCN RV-I, CCN RV-2, CCN RV-3, CCN RV-4, CCN RV-5, CCN
RV-6 and CCN RV-7. Of which on the basis of CCN resistant grain yield quality and
agronomic traits, the CCN RV-I, CCN RV-3, CCN RV-7 were selected for cultivators
use (Mathur et aI., 1998; Sharma & Sharma, 2000). The CCN resistant wheat variety Raj
MR-l was released for cultivation of wheat infested field for molya disease from
Agricultural Research Station, Durgapura, Jaipur for the state of Rajasthan.

Integrated Pest Management

It is pest management system that in the context of associated environment and

population dynamics of the pest species, utilises all suitable techniques and methods in as
compatible manner as possible and maintains pest populations at level below those
causing economic injury. It is not the superposition of two management techniques but
the integration of all suitable management techniques with natural regulating and limiting
elements of the environment. Integrated Pest Management (lPM) is a multidisciplinary
approach which includes all pest management practices. IPM consists of the
development, use, and evaluation of pest control strategies that result in favourable socio-
economic and environmental consequences (Bird 1980; Chakraborti 2001). IPM can be
divided into seven components: biological monitoring, environmental monitoring,
decision-maker, decision support system, the decision, procedure implementation, and
the system (Fig-I).
54 Management of Cereal Cyst Nematode, Heterodera avenae in Cereals

.... Decision Support ...
.... A~


Decision Maker ...


IPM Decision Environmental
Monitoring Monitoring
~ ~


The System ..
.... ~

Fig.!. The components used in integrated pest management programme.

Integrated Nematode Management (INM)

Summer Ploughing with Chemicals

A combined treatment of deep summer ploughings with Aldicarb/carbofuran

@1.0 Kg a.i Iha proved better grain yield and reduction in CCN population than that of
unploughed and chemical treatment alone (Mathur et al., 1984). The drill application of
carbofuran 3G @ 1.5 kg ailha with 90 kg N/ha, reduced CCN population (22-86%) and
increased barley yield 65-95 per cent with economic B/C ration (Mathur, et al. 1984).

Use of Bioagent

When Trichoderma viride and reduced dose of Carbofuran (0.75 kg ailha) along
with compost were used in wheat, found to reduce the CCN population and increase in
the grain yield (Pankaj et al., 2002). The integrated approach of bioagent (T. viride),
compost and reduced dose of carbofuran were able to minimise the development of
nematode and also gave better grain and fodder yield as compared to untreated check in
wheat (Rajvanshi, 2003). T. viride is already known for the production of antibiotic
substances like 'gliotoxine' and 'viridin' which have been accounted for control of soil-
born diseases (Brain and McGowan, 1945). Probably these antibiotics together with other
metabolic products might be responsible for inhibiting the hatching of nematode.
Rajvanshi and Sharma (2005) observed that use of bioagents (Beauveria bassiana and
Management of Cereal Cyst Nematode, Heterodera avenae in Cereals 55

Metarhizium anisopliae) as a seed coat treatment (6g/kg seed) have also reduced the H
avenue population on barley and increased the grain yield.

Chemical Control

Chemicals that are being used for the management of plant parasitic nematodes
are costlier and hazardous in nature. In the beginning the halogenated hydrocarbons viz.
DO. @ 300 I/ha and DBCP @ 45 I/ha were found very efficient in reducing CCN
population in wheat/barley fields (Handa et al., 1980; Handa & Mathur, 1982). Later on
the granular formulations viz. Phorate lOG, Aldicarb lOG, Ca:-bofuran 3G, Fensulfothion.
Tarbufos, Quinalphos, Disulfotan and Diazomet when applied as a pre-planting
broadcast/drill applications were found to significantly increase the grain and fodder
yield of wheat (Handa et al., 1980; Handa & Mathur 1982). They found optimal
economic dose for the use of Carbofuran is 1.5 Kg a.i /ha for wheat and 1.0 Kg a.i /ha for
barley. The carbosulfan (Posse) 25 ST when used @ 1.0% (w/w) in barley as seed dresser
against cereal cyst nematode, was found quite effective in reducing nemic population and
increased grain yield of barley as compared of check (Rajvanshi and Bishnoi 1995). The
use of Carbofuran, Sebufos, Achook and Padan found to be effective in reducing CCN
population and increasing the grain yield level of barley crop (Rajvanshi and Sharma,
2000). Sharma and Rajvanshi (2004) have again concluded that a combination of
chemicals along with biopesticides (Achook) reduced the CCN level and increased the
grain yield of wheat.

Andersen, S. (1959). Resistant of barley to various population of the cereal root eelworm
(Heterodera avenae). Nematologica. 4: 91-98.
Bhatti, D.S., Dalal, M.R. and Malhan, I. (1981b). Estimation of loss in wheat yield due to the
cereal cyst nematode, Heterodera avenae. Tropical pest management. 27: 375-378.
Bhatti, D.S., Dalal, M.R., Dahiya, R.S. & Dhawan, S.c. (1980). Integrated control of Heterodera
avenae in wheat. .J. Nematol., 12: 214-215.
Bird, G.W. (1980). Nematology- Status and perspectives. The role of nematology in integrated
pest management. .J. Nematology. 12: 170-176.
Brain, P. W. and McGowan, J.C. (l945).Yiridin a highly fungistatic substances produced by
Trichoderma viride. Nature, 156: 144.
Brij Bhan and Kanwar, R.S. (2003). Effect of sowing time on multiplication of Heterodera avenae
and performance of wheat crop. Indian .J. Nematol., 33 (2): 172-174.
Chakrabarti, U. (2001). Compatibility of neem products and neem formulation with systemip
p.ematicides for the management of Meloidogyne incognita infecting chickpea. Ph.D.
Thesis, IARI, N. Delhi.
56 Management of Cereal Cyst Nematode, Heterodera avenae in Cereals

Cook, R. and Mcleod, R.W. (1980). Resistance in wheat to Heterodera avenae in Australia and
Britain. Nematologica, 28: 274-277.

Dhawan, S.C. and Kaushal, K.K. (1988). Effect of neem emulsion on the hatching of cereal cyst
nematode, Heterodera avenae. Indian J. Nematol., 18 (2): 364.

Griffin, G.D. (1984). Nematode parasites In: Plant Insect Nematodes (ed. Nickle, W.R.) pp. 243-
321. Marcel Dekker Inc. New York and Barel.

Handa, D. K. (1983). Studies on molya disease (Heterodera avenae woll.) of wheat barley with
special emphasis on its control. Ph.D. Thesis Univ. of Rajasthan. 340 pp.

Handa, D.K. (1992). Management of cereal cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae) in barley. In:
Recent Advances in Nematology. 83-99 pp.

Handa, O.K.; Mathur, B.N., Sharma, G.L. and Yadav, B.D. (I 980a). Effect of mixed cropping on
susceptible wheat& resistant barley on the control of molya disease. Indian 1. Mycol. &
Plant Pathol. 10 (2): VII.
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Management of Cereal Cyst Nematode, Heterodera avenae in Cereals 57

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Root-knot N ell}atodes of Medicinal and
Aromatic Plants and Their Eco-friendly
Cost Effective Management

Rakesh Pandey

The economic development of any country relies on optimisation of crop
production, enhancement in the export and limitation on avoidable imports. The availability
of nutritious and healthy food, disease controlling food supplements and therapeutics are,
among several factors. the determinants of quality of life of people all around the world.
In recent years traditional medicines, which is widespread in China, India, Japan,
Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Thailand derived from plant sources is one ofthe important ways
to support herbal medicine system for human health and care. For example in China
about 40 per cent of total medicine consumption is attributed to traditional tribal
medicine. The herbal medicine demand in Japan and other developed nations are very
high. Similarly aroma compounds from botanical sources hold a promising field by being
increasingly used in cosmeceutical, nutraceutical, food and flavour industries due to the
growing awareness in common masses about the risks involved in synthetic components
in parallel products. The plant retail market including herbs and medicinal plants in the
US is estimated approximately US$ 1.6 billion annually. In European countries about
400,000 ton of medicinal plant material exported from Asia and Africa. The average
market value of this plant material is US$I billion. Therefore it is useful to say that the
m~or raw materials used in pharmaceutical industries come from medicinal plants
globally. Of late, farmers are more motivated to cultivate medicinal and aromatic plants
(people in tropical and subtropical countries cultivate these crops as industrial cash crop)
because these crops can be incorporated in various cropping systems and also generate
significant income. The cultivation, processing and trade through value addition of
materials come from these medicinal plants are providing much needed avenues of self-
60 Root-knot Nematodes of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Their Ecofriendly ...

employment. The business opportunities in the sector of medicinal plants are enormous
and are visible on the rise due to the diversified uses that plant inhabited important
molecules and compounds are finding in pharmaceutical, cosmeceutical, nutraceutical
and agri chemical industries. In well-developed industrialised nations plant derived drug
prescriptions become a major element in maintenance of human health. Therefore
medicinal plants become an integral component of research in most of the pharmaceutical
industries. Germany, Bulgaria and Poland becoming major exported of plant based
medicinal products. It has also been estimated that Hong Kong, Germany, Japan and
Singapore are the major importing countries in medicinal plant trade with estimated share
of 17.3,12.0, 10.2 and 8.4 per cent respectively. In concrete it was found that Europe
become huge reservoir of global herbal market constituting about 45 per cent of total
market followed by North America (18.2%) and Asia (18.2%) (Khanuja, 2003).

Root-knot nematodes constitute one of the most important groups of pathogenic

organisms prevalent in and around the root playing a significant role in the plant growth
and yield reductions. Undoubtedly, different root-knot nematode species are associated
with most of the medicinal and aromatic plants and cause significant damage, but the
magnitude of crop damage has been established in only a few medicinal and aromatic
plants. Mostly two root-knot species (Meloidogyne incognita & M javanica)) affect
cultivation of major medicinal and aromatic plants. The major crops which suffer root-
knot nematode infestation are: Menthol mint, Henbanes, Basil, Opium poppy,
Aswagandha, Sarpgandha, Coleus, Kinghao, Brahmi and musli (Pandey, 1998b, Pandey,
2003; Koshy et al., 2005). Some of the models and techniques have been suggested to
avoid the economic loss caused by this pest to medicinal plants (Pandey, 1993, 1998b;
Pandey et al., 1992; Luc et al., 2005).

The past few years have witnessed a steep rise in the cultivation area of
medicinal and aromatic plants mainly because of higher net returns and greater demand
in the world market. But at the same time the destruction caused by root-knot nematodes
has increased tremendously in arable soil and this may be due to the continuous
cultivation of nematode susceptible agricultural crops. Also the scope of chemical armory
to combat with this pest has been decreased. The major reason behind this scenario is
increased awareness about the adverse effect of chemical pesticides. They are highly
important for agriculture, pest control, national health programmes viz. eradication of
insect vectors of malaria, filarial, kalaazar, dengue fever and Japanese encephalitis, but
the presence of these pesticidal chemicals in the environment produces biodegradation of
Root-knot Nematodes of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Their Ecofriendly ... 61

ecosystem and surreptitious long acting toxic effects on human health. Different
pesticides effects almost all metabolic systems of human body like dermal, cardiac,
respiratory, renal, hormonal, reproductive, gastrointestinal and central nervous system in
particular, They are also implicated in mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. Therefore
effective chemical nematic ides for field use may not be available in the future.
Consequently it has become inevitable to manage this pathogen through non-chemical
methods. Though, several non-chemical management tactics like fallow, flooding,
changes in time of sowing/planting material, tillage practices, crop rotations, use of
antagonistic crop, trap crop/cover crop, use of nematode free .planting materials or seeds,
solarisation, organic amendment and biological control are available, efforts are directed
towards the use of microbes to minimise the phytonematode population and to make soil
more suppressive to nematode diseases (Sikora, 1992; Pandey; 1998b; McSoreley, 1998;
Meyer and Roberts, 2002; Luc et al., 2005). Different microbes have been exploited in
this lab to reduce the population of phytonematodes below the economic threshold level
(Pandey et al., 2000) and could playa significant role either singly or can be integrated
with other practices to develop integrated nematode management practices (lNMP).
Studies conducted at CIMAP, Lucknow so far indicate that microbial agents may playa
significant role in limiting phytonematode population (Pandey et al., 1997, 1999, 2000b).
The results of the studies carried out on major medicinal plants like Artemisia annua,
Artemisia pal/ens, Bacopa monnieri, Chlorophytum borivillianum, Hyoscyamus spp.,
Lavandula officinalis, Mentha arvensis, Rauvolfia serpentina, Withania somnifera. etc.
have proven the efficacy of microbial agents (Paecilomyces lilacinus, Glomus
aggregatum, Trichoderma harzianul1l, Glomusfasciculatum. Glomus mosseae, Pseudomonas
jlorescel1s etc.) and organic farming in the management of nematodes and for sustainable
growth and yield of medicinal and aromatic plants (Pandey et al., 1997,1999; 2000b).

Table 1: List of major medicinal and aromatic plants and their important constituents

S. Botanical Family Biological Activity Important Constituents

No. Name
I. Aloe vera (L.) Liliaceae Leaf-oxytocic, C-glucosides, Volatile oil,
Burm.f. purgatives, resin, gum, emodin,
antitubercular, anthraquinone derivative,
antibacterial Chrysophanic acid,
Coumarins, Amino acids
and sugars
62 Root-knot Nematodes of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Their Ecofriendly ...

2. Andrographis Acanthaceae Antityphoid, Flavonoids, sesquterpenes,

paniculata antifungal, andrographolide, kalmeghin,
Wall. Ex. hepatoprotective,
Nees antidiabetic,
3. Apium Apiaceae Tranquilizer, Limonene, sabinene,
graveo/ens anticonvulsant, aldehydes, terpenoids,
Linn. antifungal coumarins, glycosides,
4. Asparagus Liliaceae Antirheumatic, Shatavarins I-IV,
racemosus anticancer, sarsapogenin, rutin,
Willd. antibacterial, diosgenin, Cyanidin-3, 5-
antifungal diglucoside, ferulic acid,
caffeic acid, chlorogenic
acid, sitosterol
5. Artemisia Compositae Antimalaria Arteether, Artemisinene
6. Artemisia Compositae Perfumery and
pallens cosmetics
7. Atropa Solanaceae Sedative, Hyoscine, hyoscyamine,
belladonna L. antispasmodic, atropine, flavonoglucosides-
stimulant, used in rutin, scopolamine,
ophthalmology to
dilate pupils
8. Bacopa Scrophulariaceae Herpestine, saponins, Baccoside, A & B,
monnieri (L.) monnierin; hespestine, Mannitol,
Penn. hersaponin, bacoside saponins
A and bacoside B.
9. Boerhavia Nyctaginaceae eupalitin-3-0-beta- Hypoxanthin-9-L-
diffusa L. D- arabonofuranoside,
galactopyranoside ), hentriacontane, beta-
8d-I1 (eupalitin) sitosterol, ursolic acid
10. Centella Hydrocotylaceae Sedative, Asparatic acid, glycine,
asiatica (L.) Tranquilizer, glutamic acid, alpha -
Urban antiprotozoal, alanine, phenylalanine, beta
spasmodic, - sitosterol, brahminoside,
anti leprotic brahmic acid, stigmasterol,
Root-knot Nematodes of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Their Ecofriendly ... 63

11. Curcuma Zingiberaceae Anti-inflammatory, Turmerone, ar-turmerine,

domestica anti protozoal, sabinone, curlone,
Valeton syn. spasmolytic, curcuminoids, stigmasterol,
C. longa L. antiarthritic,
anti hepatotoxic
12. Digitalis Scrophulariaceae Dioxin, antifungal Glucosides digitoxin,
purpurea gitoxin
13. Glycyrrhiza Fabaceae Antidiuretic, anti- Glycyrrhizin, glucose,
glabra Linn. inflammatory, sucrose, mannite, starch,
antiarthritic, asparagines, resin
anti ulcerous,
14. Hyoscyamus Solanaceae Antispasmodic Hyoscine, hyoscyamine,
niger L. atropine
15. Mentha Lamiaceae Menthol, menthyl acetate,
arvensis L. menthone, terpenes
16. Matricaria Asteraceae Flavonoids, glucosides,
chamomilla L bisabosoidesmatricin,
syn. M. prochamazulene
17. Ocimum Lamiaceae Antibacterial, 1,8-cineole, eugenol,
basilicum antifungal Iimonene, geranial,
Linn. citronellol, Iinalool,
18. Papaver Papaveraceae Analgesic, decrease Papaverine, codeine,
somniferum blood pressure, morphine, thebaine,
Linn. spasmolytic, narcotine, narceine,
anti protozoal, codamine, etc.
19. Rauvoljia Apocynaceae Reserpine, ajmalicine,
serpentina (L.) ajmaline, sarsapogenin
20. Withania Solanaceae Anti-inflammatory, Withanolides, Tropine.
somnifera (L.) antiasthamatic, Pseudotropine, choline,
Dunal antitumor, cucohygerine, anaferine,
antispasmodic anahygrine
64 Root-knot Nematodes of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Their Ecofriendly ...
Table 2: List of medicinal and aromatic plants affected with
Meloidogyne incognitll and M. jllvllllicll.

Is. Name of Plant Family M.incogllita M.

No. javall ica
1. Abelmosehus mosehatlls (L.) Medik Malvaceae ++++ ++
2. Abutilon indieum (L.) Sweet Malavace ++ ++
3. Aehyranthes aspera (L.) Amaranthancae ++ ++
4. Acorus calamus (L.) Araceae - ++
5. Adhatoda vasica Nees Acanthaceae +++ +++
6. Aloe barbadensis Mil!. Liliaceae ++ ++
7. Aloe peryii Baker Liliaceae +++ ++
8. Alpinia galanga (L.) Sw. Zingiberaceae - ++
9. Ammi majus (L.) Apiaceae +++ ++
10. Ammi visnaga Lamark Apiaceae +++ +++
11. Andrographis paniculata (Burm. F.) Acanthaceae ++ -
Wall ex Nees
12. Apium graveolens (L.) Apiaceae ++ +++
13. Argyreria speeiosa Sweet Colvolvulaceae +++
14. Artemisia annua (L.) Compositae +++ -
15. Artemisia pallens Wall ex. DC Compositae ++++ ++
16. Aslepias curassaviea (L.) Asc\epiadaceae +++ ++
17. Asparagus raeemosus Wild Liliaceae ++ +++
18. Atropa belladona (L.) Solanaceae ++ -
19. Bacopa monnieri (L.) Penn. Scrophulariaceae ++++ -
20. Berringtonia aeulangula (L.) Gaertn. Lecythidaceae ++ ++
21. Boerhavia diffusa (L.) Nyctaginaceae ++ ++
22. Callistemon eitrinus Skeel Myrtraceae ++
23. Callistemon Ian ceo lata DC. Myrtraceae +++ ++
24. Calotropis procera Br. Asclepiadaceae - -
25. Calotropis gignatea Asclepiadaceae ++ ++
26. Cassia angust~folia Yah!. Fabaceae ++ ++
27. Catharanthus albus (L.) Apocynaceae + -
28. Catharanthus roseus (L.) Apocynaceae ++
Root-knot Nematodes of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Their Ecofriendly ... 65

29. Celastrus paniculatus Wild. Celastraceae + ++

30. Clitoria ternatea (L.) Fabaceae ++ ++

31. Coleus aromticus Benth. Laminaceae +++ ++++
32. Commiphora wightii Jacq. Burseraceae ++ ++
33. Coriandrum sativum (L.) Apiaceae +++ ++
34. Costus specious (Koen.) Sm. Zingiberaceae ++ -
35. Crateva nurvala Buch. Ham Capparaceae ++ ++
36. Curcuma amada Roxb. Zingiberaceae ++ -
37. Curcuma fonga Auct. non.(L.) Zingiberaceae - ++
38. Datura metel (L.) Solanaceae ++ -
39. Dathura stramonium (L.) Solanaceae - ++

40. Desmodium gangeticum (L.)Oc. Fabaceae +++ +++

41. Digrtalis lanata (L.) Scrophulariaceae +++ ++
42. Digitalis purpurea Scrophulariaceae +++ -
43. Dioscorea composita (L.) Oioscoreaceae ++ -
44. Dioscoreajloribunda (L.) Oioscoreaceae ++ ++
45. Elytaria acualis (L.P) lind Acanthaceae ++ ++
46. Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R.Br. Asclepiadaceae ++ ++
47. Hygrophila auriculata R. Br. Asclepiadaceae ++ ++
48. Hyoscyamus afbus (L.) Solanaceae ++++ ++
49. Hyoscyamus muticus (L.) Solanaceae ++++ ++
50. Hyoscyamus niger (L.) Solanaceae ++++ ++
51. Indigofera tinctoria (L.) Fabaceae ++ ++
52. Ipomoea hederacea (L.) Jacq. Convolvuaceae ++ -
53. lxora coccinea Rubiaceae ++ +
54. Jasmine humile (L.) Oleaaceae - ++
55. Lactuca sativa (L.) Asteraceae ++ ++
56. Lepidum sativum (L.) Brassicaceae ++ ++
57. Malva sylvsetris (L.) Malvaceae - -
58. Melissa officinalis Lamiaceae +++ ++
59. Matricaria chamomilla (L.) Asteraceae +++ -
60. Ocimum basilicum (L.) Lamiaceae +++ +++
66 Root-knot Nematodes of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Their Ecofriendly...

61. Ocimum canum (L.) Lamiaceae +++ ++

62. Ocimum gratissimum (L.) Lamiaceae +++ ++
63. Ocimum kilmandscharicum (L.) Lamiaceae ++ ++
64. Ocimum santum (L.) Lamiaceae ++ ++
65. Operculina turpethum (L.) Silva Convolvuaceae ++
66. Oxalis latifolia H.B. & K. Geraniaceae ++
67. Papaver somniferum (L.) Papaveraceae + -
68. Pelargonium graveolens (L.) Geraniaceae ++ -
69. Plantago ovata forsk. P lantaginaceae + -
70. Pluchea lanceolata Oliver & Hiren Asteraceae ++ ++
71. Plumbago zeylanica (L.) Plumbaginaceae ++ ++
72. Psoralea corylifolia (L.) Fabaceae ++ +++
73. Rauvolfia serpent ina (L.) Apocynaceae ++++ -
74. Ricinus communis (L.) Euphorbiaceae ++ ++
75. Ruta graveolens (L.) Rutaceae ++ -
76. Sambucus nigra (L.) Caprifoliaceae - -
77. Scoparia dulcis (L.) Scrophulriaceae ++ ++
78. Sida cordifolia (L.) Malvaceae ++ ++
79. Solanum incartum (L.) Solanaceae ++++ -
80. Soloanum indicum (L.) Solanaceae +++ ++
81. Spilanthes acmella Murr. Asteraceae ++++ -
82. Tamarix gallica Auct. Non (L. Tamaricaceae ++ ++
83. Tribulus terrestris ZygophyUaceae ++ -
84. Trigoella foenum-gaecum (L.) Fabaceae ++ ++
85. Tylophora indica (Burm. F.) Merr. Asclepiadaceae - -
86. Uraria picta (Jacq.) Desv. Ex DC. Fabaceae ++ -
87. Woodfordia fruticosa (L.) Kurz. Lythraceae ++ ++

Abbreviation: - = No, + = Mild, ++ = Moderate, +++ = Severe, ++++ = Very severe infection'

It is worthwhile to mention here that the plants belonging to family Solanaceae,

Lamiaceae, Acanthaceae, Apiaceae and Liliaceae are more frequently infested with
Meloidogyne species.
Root-knot Nematodes of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Their Ecofriendly ... 67

Here the occurrence of various phytoparasitic nematodes on different medicinal

plants have been described crop wise.

Mint (Mentha spp.)

Among different medicinal and aromatic plants mints come in the front line not
only because of its pharmaceutical importance but also due to its manifold uses for the
fanners. The farmer in tropical countries can grow it as a bonus crop as it fits well in the
cropping system with other crops like paddy, wheat, potato, sugarcane, maize, okra,
carrot, onion, spinach, pigeon pea, cowpea etc. This crop also generates significant
employment and earns a lot of foreign exchange. Different types of mints, which are
commercially cultivated in tropical and subtropical countries are: Menthol mint (lvlentha
arilensis), Peppermint (Mentha piperita), Spearmint (Mentha spicata), Scotch spearmint
(Mentha cardiaca), Bergamot mint (Mentha citra/a) and Garden mi nt (Mentha viridis).

Nematodes of Mints
Nematodes have been identified as major pests of several mint species. The
important nematodes which are affecting the yield are: Meloidogyne sp., Pratylenchus sp.
and Tylenchorhynchus sp. Several other phytonematodes are found to be associated with
different mint species (Table 3).

Meloidogyne (Root-knot Nematode)

Root-knot nematodes attack major medicinal and aromatic plants and are
cosmopolitan in nature. Only two species i.e. Meloidogyne incognita and M javanica are
globally important for the menthol mint damage but the occurrence of M incognita is
more than M javanica. Maximum R&D work in nematodes of menthol mint has been
carried out with M incognita (Pandey, 2003).

Symptoms of Damage
The major aerial symptoms in the fields of mint are stunting and chlorosis, which
occur in patches. Root-knot infested suckers/roots bear several galls of various sizes and
most of the times eggs are easily visible on the root system (Fig. I).

The life cycle of M incognita in menthol mint is completed in 28-30 days and
occurs in menthol mint up to four generation under favourable condition (Pandey, 1988).
The race was identified as M incognita race- 2, which is predominant in Lucknow, Uttar
Pradesh, India.
68 Root-knot Nematodes of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Their Ecofriendly .. .

Survival and Disseminations

As per records the

Meloidogyne species attack
number of medicinal atid aromatic
plants. Since Meloidogyne
juveniles/eggs survIve 111 the
storage root/suckers and these
could be easily disseminated
through suckers/roots, which are
malll transplanting materials.
Adhered soils with suckers and
alternate weed host are also main
Sucker of menthol mint with enormous egg masses
source of the root-knot nematode
Fig. 1

Environmental Factors

Meloidogyne species multiply well in sandy soil. Generally soil types where
menthol mint is being cultivated is sandy loam therefore, damage caused by root-knot
nematode in this region is several fold than in other regions (Pandey et al., 1992). In one
of the studies, Pandey et al. (1992) reported that the infestation of root-knot nematode
was more prevalent in sandy soil than clayey, which is less suitable for nematode
multiplication. As menthol mint is transplanted in January and this time period (February
to April) is best suited for nematode development in menthol mint growing areas where
nematode can complete three to four generations and build up their population up to the
economic threshold level.

Economic Importance
Meloidogyne species reduces plant growth and oil yield up to significant level.
Experiments were carried out to determine the pathogenic potentiality of different plant
parasitic nematodes on menthol mint (Mentha arvensis L.). The pathogenic potentiality
of M incognita was observed on all species of Mentha as well as cultivars (Pandey,
1989). With an increase in load of inoculum there had been a significant decrease in oil
yield, fresh and dry weight of plant and rate of photosynthesis. The reduction in different
growth parameters were found to be directly correlated with inoculum load of nematode
(Pandey et al.. 1992). Root-knot nematode (M incognita & M javanica) caused 25-30%
Root-knot Nematodes of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Their Ecofriendly ... 69

oil yield reduction in menthol mint. The quality of mint oil was also adversely affected
due to nematode infection (Pandey, 1989; Pandey et 01. , 1992).

Management of Phytonematodes in Menthol Mint

Management of phytonematodes is one of the most important prerequisite to

minimise injury to crop plants. Nematode injury provide entry to a wide variety of plant-
pathogenic fungi and bacteria, which may cause other serious diseases ( Pandey, 2003) .
These microbial infections may result in greater losses than the damage from nematodes
alone. Pre-plant treatment for the nematode
control is essentially important because once a
plant is parasitized it is really difficult to cure.
The most sustainable approach to nematode
control involves the integration of several
strategies, including the use of pesticides,
organic materials, bio-agents, resistant!
tolerant plant varieties, cultural practices etc.

To manage root-knot nematode in

menthol mint through ecofriendly way is a
difficult task because of endoparasitic nature
of pathogen. Studies conducted by Pandey et
of. (1997) on interaction between M incognita
and VA fungi indicated that root-knot
nematode, M incognita multiplies well in RKN infested suckers of menthol mint
absence of V AM fungi and significantly Fig. 2
reduced plant growth/yield (Table I). Root-
knot nematode infection was drastically impaired when plants were inoculated with three
V AM fungi simultaneously as compared to their alone inoculation. It was concluded with
this experiment that V AM fungi besides improving plant growth biomass can effectively
inhibit nematode infection in menthol mint.

Successful control of root-knot disease could be also achieved with the

integration of carbofuran (@ 1.5kg a.i.lha) and neem cake (@ 500kg/ha) (Pandey, 2002).
Significant success both in pots as well as in fields with regard to management of M
incognita with bio-agents, organic matter and integration of both has also been obtained
(Pandey., .199>; Pandey et. 01. 2002).
70 Root-knot Nematodes of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Their Ecofriendly . . .

RKN egg colonised with V. cltlamydosporium

Fig. 3

Table 3: Effect of three VAM fungi and Meloidogyne incognita on the productivity
of M. arvensis (pandey et al., 1997)

Treatments Fresh Dry % Oil % Root-

weight weight yield Mycorrhizal knot
(g) (g) infection indices
Untreated-un inoculated 395.2 107.1 0.51 - -
Untreated-inocu lated 285 .0 77.9 0.38 - 3.6
(-27.8)* (-27.2) (-25 .5)

Ga. - inoculated 322.0 91.6 0.40 42.3 2.3

(-18 .5) (-14.5) (-21.5)
Gf. - Inoculated 333 .0 93.8 0.41 58 .2 2.0
(-15.7) (-12.4) (-19 .6)
Gm . - Inoculated 388 105.9 0.48 63.5 1.6
(-1.8) (-1.1) (-5 .9)
Ga.+Gf.+Gm.-Inoculated 360.0 99.8 0.46 78.5 1.3
(-8 .9) (-6 .8) (-9.8)

Abbreviations: Uninoc. = Uninoculated, Inoc. = Inoculated with M incognita, Ga.= Glomus

aggregatum, Gf.= Glomus fasciculatum, Gm.=Glomus mosseae, *= Percent
increase (+) or decrease (-) over untreated-un inoculated control.
Root-knot Nematodes of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Their Ecofriendly .. . 71

Large number of tactics were applied to manage phytonematode problems of

menthol mint. Pandey et al. (1998) carried out field trials to manage root-knot nematode
through use of mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus aggregatum, G. mosseae, G. jeasiculatum),
bio-agents (Trichoderma harzianum), oil seed cakes of mustard (Brassica compestris),
neem oil seed cake (Azadirachta indica) and Carbofuran in the management of root-knot
nematode (M incognita) and their impact on growth/yield of menthol mint var. Kosi . The
population of M incognita was higher (680-1040/200g soil; in untreated plots than
treated ones (200-460/200g soil). Maximum reduction in nematode population was
recorded in neem cake treated soil followed by mustard cake, carbofuran and bio-agents.
The root-knot nematode population showed a quadratic down-up change which decreased
after the imposition of treatment and showed a substantial increase at the time of crop
maturity in June. Higher plant growth was observed in the soil treated with oil seed cakes
(210q/ha herbage) in comparison to untreated control (146.6 q/ha herbage). The crop
produced significantly higher oil content (2.7%) and yield (151.0 kg/ha) by neem cake
treatment followed by mustard cake (2.7%, 143.6 kg/haO, Trichoderma harzianum (2.5% ,
116.4 kg /ha), Glomus aggregatum (2.4%, 112.2kg / ha) and Carbofuran (2.3%, 114.2
kg/ha) respectively. The untreated crop synthesised and yielded much less oil (1.8%, 70.4
kg/ha). Similarly different organic inputs decreased root-knot infection to menthol mint
var. Himalaya and substantially increased plant growth parameters and yield of the crop.
In another experiment the use of Vermicompost and different distillation waste were
found to enhance the growth/ yield of different mint species and reduced phytonematode
population at significant level (Pandey et al. , Unpubl ished).

Resistant Varieties
Several germplasm available with CIMAP, Lucknow gene bank were screened
for their resistance to Meloidogyne incognita (Pandey and Patra, 2001). Most of the 25
accessions screened for M incognita infection, showed susceptible reaction to nematode
infection of varying degree. Highest root-knot infection was rated on Siwal ik, SS-18 and
Himalaya. Comparatively moderate reaction was found on SS-ll , SS-27, Gomti, Kosi ,
M cardiaca and MAH-l respectively. The lowest infection level was found on SS-5, SS-
5-4, Kalka and SS-20. On the other hand moderate to high degree of resistance was
noticed on SS-I-4, SS-2-7, SS- 15, SS-26, SS-36, Mentha piperita cv. Kukrail, M spicata
cv . Neera, M. spicata cv. Arka, M citrata cv. Kiran, M gracilis and M viridis
respectively. These can be further exploited for future breeding programme for
developing root-knot resistant mint genotypes.
72 Root-knot Nematodes of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Their Ecofriendly ...

Experiments conducted in our experimental farm suggest that inclusion of some

non-host like mustard and wheat crop help to a great extent in reducing the population of
Meloidogyne spp. and its occurrence and severity on mellthol mint crop (Table-3). The
late transplanted mint technology developed at Central Institute of Medicinal and
Aromatic Plants, Lucknow which allows farmers to have non-host crop like wheat,
mustard etc. has greatly benefited the farmer in fighting root-knot nematode menace to
some extent. Further the higher temperature prevailing during the transplanted cropping
season (April-July) also checks the nematode population buildup and infection of
menthol mint crop.

Henbanes (Hyoscyamus muticus, H niger & H albus) are one of the chief source
of tropane alkaloid viz. hyoscine, hyoscyamine and atropine. The hyoscine and its
derivatives have been used in pharmaceutical preparations, since they are having
anticholinergic, antiphasmodic and mydriatic properties (Pandey, 1998).

Nematodes of Henbane
Many phytonematodes have been reported to be associated with different species
of henbane but the only one nematode have been reported to cause serious damage to the
crop is root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.).

Root-knot Nematodes of Henbane

These different species of henbane are heavily infested with root-knot nematode,
M incognita & M javanica, which cause significant damage to the crop (Pandey, 1990).

Symptoms of Damage
In the field Hyoscyamus muticus, H niger & H albus were chlorotic and stunted
showing a patchy appearance with fewer smaller leaves and flowers. The roots of infested
plants were severely galled to various degree. Experiments carried out in CIMAP
indicated that even 3-4 larvae/g soil caus(.; significant damage to the crop (Haseeb and
Pandey, 1989; Pandey, 1990).

Control Measures
Some ecofriendly approaches also been made to manage this important pest on
these plants (Pandey, 1997a). In one of the experiment, Pandey et al. (1999) observed
that the plants with inoculum of different mycorrhizal fungi showed better growth in
comparison to untreated - M incognita inoculated and untreated-un inoculated one. The
best results were obtained with G.. aggregatum for increasing growth/biomass of plants
and reduction in root-knot nematode population.
Root-knot Nematodes of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Their Ecofriendly ... 73

Healthy & root-knot infested plant and roots of H.muticus

Fig. 4

For example in Hyoscyamus I11ger the nematode population was observed

maximum in nematode alone inoculated plants than plants inoculated in combination of
nematode and bio-inoculants resulting significant reduction of M incognita (Mi)
population especially in combined treatment followed by Pseudomonas jlorescens (Pt) or
Glomus aggregatum (Ga) inoculated treatments. Thus, the degree of losses in biomass
production caused by Mi in combination with the bio inoculants were significantly
reduced over the losses observed with Mi alone. Among the four combined inoculations,
a combination of all the four with Mi appeared to be the best followed by Ga or Pf which
is observed statistically insignificant. Root colonisation and spore population of V AM-
fungi was observed 16 weeks after inoculation. Maximum spore population and percent
root colonisation was observed in combined treatment, which was followed by Ga, Gill
74 Root-knot Nematodes of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Their Ecofriendly .. .

and Gf. It is worth mentioning here that root colonisation was found directly proportional
to spore population and biomass yield from the crop (Table-I).

Experimental findings indicated that application of bio-inoculants have not only

enhanced the total biomass yield of H niger but it had also significantly decreased the
multiplication of nematode, however, a significantly higher reduction was recorded in the
treatment where all bio-inoculants are combined (Table-2). This may be attributed with
the fact that these bio-agents are secreting potent chemicals which are either non-
favourable for multiplication of Mi or inducing tolerance in the plant against the attack of
root knot nematodes. Nematode reproduction was higher in plants inoculated with
nematode alone than in plants with combined inoculation of nematodes with bio-
inoculants (Table-2).

Thus, experimental evidences indicated that mixed inoculation of rhizobacteriul11

with V AM fungi could be considered as biological management instead of nematicides
for reducing the deleterious effect of root knot disease in black henbane.

Table 4: Effect of bio-inoculants and M. incognita on the productivity, percent root

infection and spore population on H. niger*

Treatments Fresh biomass weight(g) Percent root VAMspore

Root Shoot Total colonisation population/
IOOg soil
C 30.6 179.4 210.00 - -
MI 18.4 102.2 120.60 (-42.57) - -
PF 35 .5 193.3 228 .80 (+8.95) - -
PF+ MI 32 .8 138.2 171.00 (-19.00) - -
GA 134.6 198.4 ~33.00 (+10.95) 78 1020
GA+MI 32.2 140.5 172.70 (-17.76) 65 780
GF 31.8 180.2 212.00 (+0.95) 47 680
GF+MI 24.3 120.3 144.60(-31.14) 38 490
GM 30.4 180.5 210.90 (+0.43) 59 770
GM + MI 22.8 119.2 142.00 (-32.38) 45 580
PF+GA+GF+GM 37.20 216.50 253 .70 (+20.80) 82 1060
PF+GA+GF+GM+MI 33 .60 168.40 202.00 (-3.81) 68 800
CD at 5% level 3.28 10.76 12.01 12.05 49.26
at 1% level 4.76 16.24 16.08 17.27 66.51
Root-knot Nematodes of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Their Ecofriendly ... 75

*= Each value is an average of five replications.

(.) = Figure in Parenthesis denotes percent increase (+) or decrease (-) over un inoculated control.
Abbreviations: C = Uninoculated control, MI = Meloidogyne incognita, PF = Pseudomonas
jluorescens, GA = Glomus aggregatum, GF = Glomus fasciculatum, GM =
Glomus mosseae.

Table 5: Effect of bio-inoculants on population dynamics of

M. incognita on H. niger*

Treatments Nematode population Reproduction Root-

Root I Soil Total nematode factor (Rf) knot
population Index
(Root + Soil)

C - - - - -
MI 16080 24620 40700 8.14 4.0

PF - - - - -
PF+MI 10020 11180 21200 (-47.90) 4.24 1.33

GA - - - - -
GA+MI 10940 11660 22600 (-44.47) 4.52 1.66

GF - - - - -
GF+MI 12880 16020 28900 (-28.99) 5.78 2.66

GM - - - - -
GM+MI 12060 18240 30260 (-25.65) 6.05 3.00

PF+GA+GF+GM - - - - -
PF+GA+GF+GM+MI 10000 10140 20140 (-50.51) 4.028 1.00

CD at 5% level 1280.63 1842.69 2426.14 - 1.16

at 1% level 1865.06 2686.57 3571.89 - 2.04

* = Each value is an average of five replications.

(.) = Parenthesis indicates the percent decrease (-) in nematode population over Mi inoculated

Abbreviations: C = Uninoculated control, MI = Meloidogyne incognita, PF = Pseudomonas

jluorescens, GA = Glomus aggregatum, GF = Glomus fasciculatum, GM =
Glomus mosseae.
76 Root-knot Nematodes of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Their Ecofriendly ...

Similar results were also obtained with different bio-agents in H muticus plants
(Pandey et al., 2000). Few essential oils were also used in another experiment to manage
root-knot nematode population in H niger (Pandey et al., 2000a). It was observed that
oils of Cymbopogon martin ii, C. wintrianus, Ocimul11 basiliclll11 and Mentha arvensis
were quite effective in reducing M. incognita population and improving the growth of
plant; the oil of C. martinii (@2ml/pot) being most effective (Table 3).

Root-knot Nematode

Davana (Artemisia pal/ens Wall) is an important aromatic plant in USA, Europe,

Japan and India. The davana oil used extensively in food, flavour, perfumery industries
throughout world. The major constituents of oilcinnamyl, cinnamate, fenchyl alcohol,
codinene, 10-14 phenolor acids, sesquiterpene, linalool, eugenol and geraniol. In India it
is cultivated in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala. India is major
exporter of davana oil to France and USA. Root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita
and M javanica) become one of the major constraint for the successful cultivation of

The root knot infected plant shows a gradual decline characterised by stunted
plant growth, yellowing of the leaves, fewer buds and tillers. In nursey stage the pJant
was severely attached by M incognita, resulting great loss of planting materials. The
economic threshold level for the crop was found 1 larvae of M incognita/ 2g soil. Sandy
spoil and continuous availability of soil moisture proved to be very congenial for the
rapid multiplication and development of nematodes.

Several experiments were conducted for the management of root-knot nematode

on davana but neem cake found better than any chemical for decreasing nematode
infestation in davan (Pandey, 1994).

Bergeson, G. B. and Green, Jr. R. J. (1979). Damage to cultivars of peppermint, Mentha piperita
by the lesion nematode Pratylenchus penetrans in Indiana. J. Nematol. 7: 654.

Emenjaud, D., Minot, J. c., Voisin, R. and Guiran G. de. 1990. Pratylenchoides laticauda on
peppermint in Southern Alps, host range, population densities in different crop relations
and host suitability of three mint subspecies. Meded Van de Facult Land Rijksun Gent 55
(2b): 779-786.
Root-knot Nematodes of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Their Ecofriendly ... 77

Faulkner, L.R. (1962). Pathogenicity and population dynamics of Pratylenchus hamatus Thorne
and Allen on Mentha species. Phytopathology 52 (8): 731.

Gokte, N. and Mathur, V.K. (1990). Thermal therapy for the eradication of Mentha spicata roots
infected with Meloidogyne incognita. FAD Plant Protect. Bull. 8 (4): 213-215.

Haseeb. A. and Pandey, R. (1989). Root-knot disease of henbane, Hyoscyamus- A new disease
records. Tropical Pest Management 35: 212-21.
Haseeb. A. and Pandey, R. (1990). Root-knot nematodes- a constraint to cultivation of Davana.
Artemisia pallens. Tropical Pest Management 36: 317-319.
Horner, C. E. and Jensen, J. J. (1954). Nematode associated with mints in Oregon. Plant Disease
Reporter 38 (I): 39-41.
Ingham, R. E.; Newcomb, G. B. and Morris, M. A. (1988). Spring nematicide application for
control of root lesion and pin nematodes of peppermint, 1987. Fungicide and NeMaticide
Test 43: 170p.
Inserra, R. N. and Rhode, R. A. (1989). Some nematode problems of spearmint III Florida.
Nematology Circular (Gainesville, U.S.A,) No. 167: 3p.
Meyer, S. L. F and Roberts, D.P. (2002). Combination of biocontrol agents for management of
plant parasitic nematodes and soil borne plant pathogenic fungi. 1. Nematology 34 (I): 1-8.

McSorley, R. (1998). Alternative practices for managing plant parasitic nematodes. American
Journal ofAlternative Agriculture 13 (3): 98-104.
Pandey, R. and N.K. Patra (2001). Screening mint (Mentha spp.) accessions against root-knot
nematode infection. Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops 10 (1): 55-56.

Pandey. R. (1990). Pathogenicity and reproduction of Meloidogyne incognita on Hyoscyamus

albus and rhizospheric association of other phytoparasitic nematodes. international
Nematology Network Newsletter 7 (4): 34-37.
Pandey, R. (1993). Conceptual models for the management of root-knot and lesion nematodes in
important medicinal and aromatic plants. Afro-Asian Journal of Nematology 3 (1): 103-106.

Pandey. R. (1994). Comparative performance of oil seed cakes and pesticides in the management
of root-knot disease of Davana. Nematologia Mediterranea 22: 17-19.
Pandey, R. (1995). Application of oil seed cake, pesticides and dry leaf matter on the reproduction
potential of Meloidogyne incognita and yield of Japanese mint. Ind 1. Nematol. 25 (I):
Pandey, R. (1997a). Ecofriendly approaches for the management of root-knot nematode on black
henbane. Indian 1. Nematol. 27 (2): 175-178.
Pandey. (1997b). Seasonal variation in population of phytonematodes associated with peppermint
(Mentha piperita L.) and spearmint (Mentha spicata L.). Journal of Aromatic & Spices
Crops 6 (2): 149-151.
78 Root-knot Nematodes of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Their Ecofriendly ...

Pandey, R. (1997c). Comparative potentiality of Pratylenchus thornei on different mint species.

Indian 1. Plant Pathol. 15 (1&2): 24-30
Pandey, R. (1998a). "Nematode Pests of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and their management" in
Phytonematology- Aspects and Prospects (Edited By Dr. P.c. Trivedi, Reader Department
of Botany, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur): 177-216.
Pandey, R. (1998b). Phytopathological impact of root-knot nematode on some medicinal and
aromatic plants. Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Crop Sciences 20: 67-84.
Pandey, R. (1999a). Management of phytonematodes through fungal antagonists. Journal oj"
Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Sciences: 21 (In Press)
Pandey, R. (1999b). Spatial and temporal dynamics of phytonematodes in arable soil planted with
Japanese mint. Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathol. 29 (2): 232-235.
Pandey, R. (2000). Additive effect of three organic materials and pesticides on the reproduction of
Meloidogyne incognita and yield of Mentha arvensis. Nematropica 30: 155-160.
Pandey, R. (2003). "Mint Nematology- Current Status and Future Needs" in Advances in
Nematology (Eds. P.C. Trivedi Professor, Department of Botany, University of Rajasthan,
Jaipur): 155-166.
Pandey, R. and Kalra, A. (2002): Root-knot disease of Aswagandha and their ecofriendly and cost
effective management. Journal oj Mycology and Plant Pathology (In Press).
Pandey, R., Haseeb, A. and Husain, A. (1992). Distribution, Pathogenicity and Management of
Meloidogyne incognita on Mentha arvensis cv. MAS-I. Afro-Asian Journal of Nematology
2 (1): 27-34.
Pandey, R, Singh, H. B. and Gupta, M. L. (1997). Antagonistic impact of Vesicular-arbuscular
(V AM) on Meloidogyne incognita population development in Japanese mint. Int. 1.
Tropical Plant Disease 15: 237-245.
Pandey, R., Singh, H. N., Gupta, M. L., Shukla, R. S. and Kumar, S. (1998). Infection potential of
stunt nematode on palmarosa. Indian 1. Plant Pathol16: 68-69.
Pandey, R., Gupta, M. L., Singh, H. B. and Kumar, S. (1999). Interaction potentialities of
Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi with root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita on
black henbane. Bio resource Technol. 69: 275-278.
Pandey, R., A. Kalra and S. Kumar (2000a). Efficacy of various essential oils in the management
of root-knot disease in black henbane. In Proc. of Centennial Conf. "On Spices and
Aromatic plants," 20-23 September 2000, at IISR, Calicut: 263-266.
Pandey, R., Singh, H.B. and Kalra, A. (2000b.) Microbial management of plant parasitic
nematodes. Int. 1. Tropical Plant Disease 18: 1-23.
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International conference on " Integrated plant disease management for sustainable

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nematode management for sustainable agriculture" at GAU, Anand (Eds. S.c. Dhawan &
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Rhode, H. L. (1984). Control of Pratylenchus scribeneri on spearmint, Mentha spicata with
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Washington. Plant Disease Report. 41: 494.

Nematode Management through Cropping
Systems-A Conceptual Analysis

R. s. Kanwar and R. K. Walia

The history of cropping system for the control of plant parasitic nematodes dates
back to 1870s when Kuhn and his associates recommended growing of non-host crops for
the control of sugarbeet cyst nematode, Heterodera schachtii (cf. Thorne, 1961) in
Germany. Cropping system is more effective for the management of host-specific
nematodes like Hererodera and Globodera spp. Polyphagous nematodes such as
Meloidogyne and Pratylenchus spp. can also be managed through cropping system by
careful planning and selection of crops. Generally, cropping system as a nematode
management practice is considered useful for low value crops in subsistence agriculture.
In the changing scenario of world agriculture and to compete in the global market, there
is a need to cut down the cost of cultivation without reducing productivity. Under such
conditions, cropping systems can playa significant role in pest management, in high
value crops as well.

Cropping System Concept

Cropping system is defined variously by different workers. Trivedi & Barker
(1986) consider crop rotation and cropping system as similar concepts, while Okigbo
(1978) considered crop rotation as a part of cropping system. He defined cropping
system as the cropping pattern utilised on a Riven farm in addition to the management of
resources based on available technology all of which determine the nature or make up of
the !'ystem and cropping pattern as the yearly sequence and spatial arrangement of
crops, or the alternation of crops including fallow on the given area. Thus, cropping
system covers all kinds of crop sequences including continuous monoculture and crop
rotation. Wilson (1982) defined cropping system as an ecosystem in which man uses
plants to direct the flow of energy for his own benefit i. e., for food, fibre, fuel and sheller.
Nematode Management through Cropping Systems-A Conceptual Analysis 81

In the views of Nusbaum & Ferris (1973), cropping system covers all kinds of crop
sequences including monoculture, whereas crop rotation implies an inflexible cycle or a
fixed series of crops. Raymundo (1985) defined cropping system as the growing of crops
along with required technology for their production. According to Somani & Tikka
(1984) crop rotation is a definite succession of crops following one another in a specific
order, and cropping system is pattern of crops taken up for a given piece of land. or
order in which crops are cu/timted all a piece of la17d for a fixed period, associated with
soil management practices such as tillage, manuring and irrigation.
Types of Cropping System
Beets (1978) categorised cropping systems in two broad groups; monocropping
systems-in which a single genotype or species is planted at the same time in intimate or
loose association, and multiple cropping system-in which more than one genotypes or
species are planted in one calendar year. Raymundo (1985) classified cropping system on
the basis of arrangement of crops in time and space. He includes crop rotation, fallow
rotation, relay cropping and discontinuous planting under temporal cropping system
which indicates distribution of crops over a period of time. Mixed cropping,
intercropping and strip cropping, representing arrangement of crop species in a piece of
land, come under spatial cropping system.

Cropping System in Relation to Nematode Population

Nematode populations are greatly affected by the crops and cropping systems.
Monoculture of a susceptible host or cultivation of different susceptible crops in
succession enhances nematode popUlations, whereas use of resistant or poor host crops
helps in reducing the nematode populations (Mai & Lownsbery, 1952; Khan et al., 1975;
Castillo et al., 1977; Kanwar & Bhatti, 1992 b). The degree of success achieved in
nematode population reduction, however, depends upon the cropping system, level of
resistance and susceptibility in crop (Trivedi & Barker, 1986), pathogen associated,
nature and length of rotation, and weed hosts (Clayton et al., 1944).

Knowledge of the nematode behaviour (host range, mode of survival, period of

activity etc.) and the nature of crop(s) (host status, duration, growing season and growth
requirements) are essential in designing a cropping system for nematode control. A
cropping system should be selected with a special consideration of host status so that the
previous crop does not produce a population larger than the economic threshold level of
the succeeding crop in the system. In nematology, host status of a crop is determined by
the performance of parasite (reproduction). Efficient or good hosts are the plants on
82 Nematode Management through Cropping Systems-A Conceptual Analysis

which high nematode densities can build up (Jones, 1956). However, nematode
populations tend to reach a ceiling level which is regarded as a measure of host status of a
plant. Ceiling level is high in case of good hosts ,and low for poor hosts.

Seinhorst (1967) explained that maximum rate of reproduction (a) and

equilibrium density (E) together define the host status of a plant for a given set of
conditions. For a nematode species, both these factors may vary from plant to plant,
independently of each other. On good host, both 'a' and 'E' are large, and on poor host
both are small. On intermediate hosts, either of the two may be large and the other small
or both intermediate. On a non-host, no reproduction occurs and E = O. For including a
crop/plant species in cropping system host should be considered from two angles, i.e.,
relative suitability for parasite- nematode reproduction in this case, and relative
vulnerability to damage.

A host may be classified as tolerant, resistant, susceptible and intolerant (Dropkin

and Nelson, 1960; Rohde, 1972; Cook, 1974) on the basis of performance of both the
host and parasite. Susceptible and intolerant hosts are agriculturally unsuitable for
inclusion in cropping system. Tolerant and resistant hosts may be desirable in cropping
system although they too have limitations (Kanwar & Bhatti, 1994). Oteifa & Elgindi
(1961) devised a model for determining tolerance levels in nematode-infected plants.
Resistance and tolerance are independent plant characters and both resistant and
susceptible plants may be tolerant or intolerant (Fox & Spasoff, 1976; Fisher et al.,
1981). Resistant-tol(1rant crop variety is the best option in the cropping system.

Spatial Cropping System

The aim of this type of cropping system is to reduce the feeding sites which in
turn affect the nematode popUlation build up. In spatial cropping system, generally
diverse crops are grown in the same field in loose or close association. The crops
included with susceptible crops may be poor hosts, non-hosts or antagonistic crops.
Nematode populations are affected by antagonistic action (e.g., Tagetes and Crotalaria)
or starvation effect. Apart from reducing nematode populations, it has some other
advantages also such as:

ensures against total crop failure in highly unstable environment,

maximises the return on the farmer's small unmechanised holdings,
various crops are harvested at different times ensuring the survival of farm
soil fertility is utilised properly by different crop,S, and
Nematode Management through Cropping Systems-A Conceptual Analysis 83

reduces the risk of development of new biotypes by providing chances to the

parasite for feeding and development on susceptible hosts.

Temporal Cropping System

Amongst different types of cropping systems, most of the work pertains to crop
rotation. History of crop rotation is as long as the history of agriculture. But in earlier
times it was used to tide over 'soil exhaustion'. In modern agriculture, this practice is
used for controlling weeds, pests and diseases. Of the various types of temporal cropping
systems, crop rotation is most widely used for nematode control world-over. Basic
principles of this practice for the management of nematode populations as given by
Nusbaum & Ferris (1973) are:
reduction of initial nematode densities, and establishment and completion of
early growth of subsequent crop before being heavily attacked, and
preservation of competitive, antagonistic and predacious nematodes and
other organisms at population densities effective in buffering the pathogenic

Crop rotation has been recommended for the control of plant parasitic nematodes
since long (Kuhn et al., 1874 cf Thorne, 1961; Bessey, 1911; Ayyar, 1933; Godfrey,
1923; Steiner, 1930) and the voluminous literature accumulated on this aspect has been
reviewed by several workers (Amosu, 1982; Davide & Castillo, 1981, Raymundo, 1985;
Nusbaum & Ferris, 1973; Trivedi & Barker, 1986).

Cropping System in Integrated Nematode Management

Cropping system is compatible with almost all the available management
practices. It is an indispensible component of integrated pest management. Crop rotation
has been used effectively in integrated management of plant parasitic nematodes (Birat,
1966; Johnson, 1985; Van Gundy et al., 1974), however most of the work is confined to
its integration with chemicals (Cooper 1952; Johnson et al., 1976; Koen 1966; Johnson &
Campbell 1977, 1980, Chen et ai., 1990). Crop rotation in combination with other non-
chemical methods also has proved successful for nematode management in many
instances. In Mexico, problem of wheat caused by Pratylenchus thornei with other soiL
factors (brown mite, fungi, bacteria and lack of proper fertilizers) was solved practically
by combining crop rotation with selection of variety, planting in cool soil (15°C) and
application of nitrogenous fertilizers (Van Gundy et al.,1974). Bird (1981) has described
cases of management of H schachtii in sugarbeet and Meloidogyne spp. in tomato, with
combination of crop rotation and other methods. Nematicides are available but rarely
84 Nematode Management through Cropping Systems-A Conceptual Analysis

required in the integrated system adopted for the management of these nematodes. Van
Gundy (1972) thus rightly pointed out that "crop rotation is one of the options in
regulating nematode populations, but its greatest potential undoubtedly lies in the role it
may play in integrated control programmes of the future."

Cropping System Analysis

Nematode populations are largely governed by crops and cropping systems
(Oostenbrink. 1961). Damage caused to crops by plant parasitic nematodes is density
dependent and sequential alternation of crops with varying degrees of susceptibility can
produce striking results in reducing crop losses (Noe, 1986). Several models developed
by different workers to correlate nematode density with crop damage have been discussed
by Ferris (1981). But a crop and cropping system effective in reducing nematode
population may not necessarily be economical. For example, a rotation: carrot-on ion-
okra-tomato maintained low population of M javanica but was not as economical as
tomato-garIic-ridgegourd-tomato or monoculture of tomato (Kanwar, 1989). A cropping
system good for nematologist may not be good for an agronomist or economist. Hence,
for the success of a cropping system, besides nematode population, crop yield and
economics (monetary value in terms of prevailing prices) must also be considered.
Although. prices of crops vary from place to place and also at different times.
nevertheless the chances of success of location-specific cropping system developed with
multi-disciplinary approach would be more.

Factors to be Considered in Developing Cropping Systems

Success of cropping system in nematode management lies in the selection of
suitable crops which can be included in it for reducing the nematode populations.
Understanding interaction of other micro-organisms with nematode and resulting effect
on host crops can help increase the efficiency of the system. Besides, the following
factors should be kept in mind while developing a cropping system:

Crop Utility

The crops to be included should be useful and of economic value to the user of
the cropping system. In India, marigold though effective in reducing nematode
population is not economical in rural areas. However, it can be useful near cities where
market for flowers is available. Likewise, this crop has no economic value in Philippines
and hence a cropping system with marigold may not be accepted by farmers (Davide &
Castillo, 1981). Contrarily, in Peru this crop can be readily accepted by farmers because
Nematode Management through Cropping Systems-A Conceptual Analysis 85

anthocyanin extracted from marigold is used in poultry feeds. Cereals are very effective
in reducing populations of Meloidogyne javanica and M incognita in vegetable crops but
vegetable growers generally do not agree to include cereals due to their low value.
Cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) is a mUltipurpose crop in India (used for
vegetable, fodder and industrial purpose) and is very effective in managing root-knot
nematode (Kanwar & Bhatti, 1998). Thus, it can be recommended and easily accepted by
growers for suppressing root-knot nematode populations.

Feasibility to Local Conditions

A cropping system should be developed keeping in view the feasibility of the
system. For example, cropping system including fallowing, though effective in nematode
control may not be practically feasible for the farmers having small land holdings.
Similarly. crops like cluster bean and fodder maize are very promising in suppressing the
population of M javanica and can be included in rotations (K'lnwar, 1989) but these
crops can be accepted by farmers only if they keep livestock on their farm or marketing is
available for such fodder crops.
The adaptability of the selected exotic crop to prevailing agro-climatic conditions
should be seriously considered prior to its inclusion in the system; however, preference
should be made from among the locally grown crops.

A vailability of Resources
Availability of resources to meet the requirement of crops in cropping system is
an important factor to be considered. A rice-based cropping system, for instance, will be
useless for an area where rainfall and irrigation facilities are inadequate to fulfil the
requirement of rice crop. Therefore, the necessary facilities for cultivation of a crop to be
recommended must exist.

Consideration of Other Pests

There are many instances 111 which growing of a crop for management of a
nematode species increased the populations of other parasitic nematodes. Similarly, if
crops raised for reducing the populations of a target nematode are severely damaged by
other insect pests or diseases then use of such crops becomes meaningless. Therefore, the
crops in cropping system should not foster other major pest problems. A crop with
multiple pest resistance will be more suitable under such conditions.

Limitations of Cropping System in Nematode Management

Cropping system is very effective and widely used practice for nematode manage-
ment in annual crops. Like other methods, it also has certain limitations, which are as follows:
86 Nematode Management through Cropping Systems-A Conceptual Analysis

Unavailability of Suitable Crops

Success of cropping system in nematode control depends upon the availability of

non-host/poor host crops. In many cases such crops are not available due to agronomic,
economic or climatic reasons.

Development of New Biotypes

There are evidences that when a poor host crop or resistant variety is grown
continuously in rotation with susceptible host, the development of new biotypes takes
place which can attack resistant/non-host crop also (Sasser & Nusbaum 1955; Riggs &
Winstead, 1959; Nubaum & Barker, 1971). Hence, after sometime the cropping system
becomes ineffective.

Increase in Population of Other Plant Parasitic Nematodes

Nematode communities are polyspecific (Ooestenbrink, 1966) and have

overlapping host range. When we attempt to suppress target nematode pest by
withdrawing its favourable host and growing some non-host crop, populations of other
nematodes may increase to high level to which new crop is a favourable host. When
maize was introduced in rotation for the control of M javanica in vegetable crops the
population of Hoplolaimus indicus and Tylenchorhynchus goffarti increased to high
levels (ca. 4 and 5 nematodes per g of soil, respectively) in single crop season (Kanwar &
Bhatti, 1993). Thus, had this crop been grown for several seasons perhaps these
nematodes would have attained the status of the major pests.

Population Resurgence

Multivoltine nature, high fecundity and ability to survive under adverse

conditions (overwintering, anhydrobiosis etc.) enable plant parasitic nematC?des to
multiply rapidly when conditions become favourable. When a susceptible host is grown
after poor host, populations resurge quickly (Rodriguez-Kabana & Touchton, 1984;
Kanwar & Bhatti, 1992a) so that only one or two susceptible crops can be taken.

Problem of Weeds

Each species of plant parasitic nematodes attacks several plants including weeds.
Role of weeds in perpetuation of pests and diseases is well established. Vats & Bajaj
(1998) have discussed the role of weeds in ecology and management of nematode pests
of crops. Weeds may act as collateral and alternate host of nematodes rendering the
cropping system ineffective for nematode management.
Nematode Management through Cropping Systems-A Conceptual Analysis 87

Not Effective in Perennials

Cropping system is practicable only in annual crops. However, intercropping of

antagonistic crops like Tagetes. erotaiaria, Asparagus etc. can be used to reduce
nematode populations in perennial crops (Baghel & Gupta, 1986).

Farmers' Resistance to Change Crop

Due to fast resurgence and persistent nature of nematodes tl~e susceptible crops
are recommended to be grown in long rotations (very less frequency). Farmers may not
appreciate the crops recommended in a cropping system due to their choice for a
particular crop as reported by Smit & Bos (1976) in northern Nigeria where farmers like
to grow continuous tomato in spite of low yields. Similar situation prevails in Haryana
with the farmers facing problem of cereal cyst nematode in wheat. Under such conditions
where growers do not want to abandon monocropping, rotation of variety may be the

The biology of target nematode, its races/pathotypes, host range and survival in
absence of host should be well understood before attempting to manage plant nematodes
through cropping system. Some polyphagous nematode species may feed and multiply on
weeds making the cropping system ineffective. Thf;cefore, care must be taken to keep the
non-host/resistant crop free from weeds. Most of species of root-knot nematode are less
persistent in soil and their populations decline rapidly in the absence of susceptible crops.
Thus by growing non-host crops for one or two seasons, their population can be brought
below ETL of the desired susceptible crop. Host specificity of nematodes like Globodera
and Heterodera provides opportunity in selection of non-host crops. However, due to
their longer persistence, suspension of susceptible crop cultivation for 2-3 years becomes
obligatory for the success of cropping system.

Situations become more complicated when two or more major nematode pests
are present together in the same field. Occurrence of H avenae and M incognita is
common in many fields in Mahendergarh district (Haryana). Likewise, concomitant
occurrence of M javanica and M incognita with Rotylenchulus reniformis is not
uncommon in many vegetable fields. One has to be more careful in selecting a cropping
system for such a situation. Some farmers would not like to abandon monoculture, for
them 'gene rotation' (rotalion with resistant variety) can be useful. However, cultivation
of resistant variety for a long period should be discouraged to avoid development of new
88 Nematode Management through Cropping Systems-A Conceptual Analysis

resistance-breaking biotypes. The cropping system should be replenished with other

suitable crops after some time to mitigate the development of new biotypes, other
nematode and pest problems. Cropping system can be successfully used for the
management of nematodes in modern agriculture by considering these points and
integration with other control practices.

Amosu, J.O. 1982. Control of root knot nematode by cultural practices. In: Proc. Third IMP Res.
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Nemic Problems in Maize and
Their Management Strategies

A. N. Srivastava and Gautam Chawla


Maize is one of the important cereal crops ofthe world. It holds a unique position
111 world agriculture ranking third after rice and wheat in terms of area as well as
production. It also ranks third in importance among India's cereal crops covering nearly
about 7 million hectares of land area and contributing over 14 million tons annually to the
nation's foodgrain supply. However, maize productivity in India (1.9 t Iha) is still far less
in comparison to the developed countries, the average world yield (4.9 t Iha). In India,
maize is largely grown in Northern states where it serves as an important staple food for
an economically vulnerable population of sub mountain are an and hilly regions. Maize
also ranks tirst in importance as a feed and fodder crops for poultry and crossbreed cattle
development respectively. Furthermore, it is an important source of raw material used in
numerous industrial processes for making starch and alcohol and its byproducts like corn
oil and confectionary goods.

The yield production of maize crop in India is greatly affected by several biotic
and abiotic factors; prominent among them are fungi, bacteria, viruses, insects and
nematodes. A large number of plant parasitic nematode species have been found to be
associated with this crop in different parts of the world which accounts for considerable
yield losses. However, the maize cyst nematode (Heterodera zeae), lesion nematodes
(Pratylenchus spp.), sorghum cyst nematode (Heterodera sorghi), root~knot nematode
(Meloidogyne spp.) and stunt nematode (Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris) are considered
major nematode problems and important limiting factors in causing unthrifty growth of
the crop, thus resulting in considerable economic loss in yield (Srivastava and Sethi,
1986a; Srivastava et al., 1995; Srivastava, 2000; Srivastava et aI., 200 I; Srivastava et al.,
Nemic Problems in Maize and Their Managem~nt Strategies 93

2004). However, the maize cyst nematode, Heterodera zeae is considered the most
important nematode problem in maize crop in India (Srivastava el al., 1995). In the
present research review article comprehensive information on nematode problems in
maize and their management strategies are being discussed here.

Maize Cyst Nematode (Heterodera zeae)

Occurrence and Geographical Distribution
The maize cyst nematode, Heterodera zeae first reported from village Chapli,
Udaipur district of Rajasthan, India by Koshy, Swarup and Sethi in 1970 on maize, is
now known to be a widely distributed in major maize growing areas of northern, central,
eastern and western parts of the country, especially Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal
Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya
Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh (Koshy and
Swarup, 1971; Srivastava and Swarup, 1975; Darekar et al., 1981; Sharma et al., 1984;
Bajaj and Bhatti, 1984; Srivastava and Kaushal 1986; Makadia et aI., 1988; Khan el aI.,
1989; Srivastava and Kaushal, 1991; Mani and Prakash, 1992). Besides, its widespread
occurrence in India, the nematode has also been reported to occur in Egypt, Pakistan,
USA, Thailand and Nepal (Aboul-Eid and Khorab, 1981; Maqbool, 1981; Sardenelli ef
01., 1981; Chinnasri et al., 1995; Sharma et al., 2001). With the detection of this
problematic nematode in western hemisphere especially from the American continent the
importance of the nematode in limiting maize/corn production is more realised in world


The maize cyst nematode, H zeae infects both kharif and rabi maize crop,
however the damage to the crop by the nematode is high in kharif grown maize. The
cysts of H zeae are small in size, thin walled cuticle, light brown in colour, lemon shaped
having well developed neck and vulva. A thin sub-crystalline layer is discernible in
young cysts only. The majority of the eggs are retained in the body of the cyst that are
easily visible from outside due to the thin walled cuticle of the cyst. Males are generally
very sporadic and rare and not required for reproduction hence reproduction of H zeae is
by parthenogenesis (Hutzell, 1984). Temperature plays an important role in the biology of
H zeae (Srivastava, 1980). A temperature of 25°C is most favourable for juvenile
emergence (91 % emergence) from the cysts (Srivastava and Sethi, 1985b). The
emergence of larvae (12) starts even before the females turn yellow or light brown and
extends over several weeks and no maturity period is required for hatching of eggs.
94 Nemic Problems in Maize and Their Management Strategies

However, there is no report on the influence of root exudates on the hatching of H zeae.
Similarly a temperature range of 25°-30°C is more favourable for embryonic and post-
embryonic development of the nematode (Shahina & Maqbool, 1988). The development
and reproduction of H zeae is greatly influenced by soil temperature. Hutzell and
Krusberg (1990) reported that optimum temperature for reproduction of H zeae appeared
to be 33°C under Maryland (USA) conditions. In India, the duration of life cycle of the
nematode (H zeae) is very short. The nematode completes its one life cycle in 17 to 20
days (J2 to 12) depending upon the maize cultivars and soil temperature (27-38°C). It has
been speculated that H zeae may complete 5-6 generations during one maize cropping
season under Indian conditions (Srivastava & Sethi, 1985a). Soil type is very important
environmental factor that influences the biology including reproduction of the nematode.
The nematode prefers moderately light soil (sandy loam-sand mixture in the ratio 2:3)
for its reproduction and multiplication and any addition of clay proportion to soil mixture
results to a significant decline in the cyst production (Srivastava & Sethi, 1984a).

Host -Status
The maize cyst nematode, H zeae reproduces and multiplies on economically
important kharif and rabi cereals and millets. Besides, maize (Zea mays}---type host it
also attacks wheat (Triticum aestivum), barley (Hordeum vulgare), oats (Avena sativa),
Italian or fox tail millet (Setaria italica), barnyard millet (Ech;nochloa colona), and little
millet (Panicum spp.) (Srivastava and Swarup, 1975). Some more graminaceous plants-
Caix lachryma, Eleucine coracana, Oryza sativa, Secale cereale, Zea mexicana (Sharma
& Swarup, 1984) and Vetveria zizanioides (Lal & Mathur, 1982) were also added to the
host lists subsequently. Certain common kharif and rab; grasses and weed plants-
Archyranchus aspera, Cyperus rotundus, Dicera 111uricata, Eclipta prostata, Parthenium
Hysterophorus, Tranthema pertulacestrum and Urochloa panico idea are also found to
harbour the cyst population of H zeae, though in small numbers in maize fields (Parihar
etal., 1991).

Pathogenicity/Disease Symptoms
The pathogenicity of the maize cyst nematode (H zeae) has been established and
demonstrated on maize in India by Srivastava (1980) and on corn in USA by Krusberg
(1988). Srivastava & Sethi (1984) studied the relationship of initial population of H zeae
with plant growth of maize and nematode reproduction on Udaipur (Rajasthan) and Pusa
(Bihar) populations and found that the plant growth reductions were directly correlated
with initial nematode population densities. They also found that Pusa population was
more virulent than Udaipur populations. The crops infected with H zeae exhibit a poor,
Nemic Problems in Maize and Their Management Strategies 95

patchy and unthrifty growth with stunting and pale yellow foliage. These symptoms
generally confuse with those of nutrient deficiency symptoms. The infected root systems
appear bushy and poorly developed which does not function properly. Also 'the diseased
plants tassel earlier and bear smaller cobs with relatively fewer grains.

Economic Losses
The maize cyst nematode, H zeae· could cause an economic loss of about 12 to
26 per cent in maize cultivars Ganga-5 and Deccan-l 03 respectively in sandy loam soils
under field conditions at research farm of JAR!, New Delhi using carbofuran @ 2 kg
a.i.Iha with an average initial population of 5J2/cm3 soil of H zeae during kharif season
(Anon, 1987). However, the crop losses due to this nematode at Udaipur (Rajasthan) and
Pusa (Bihar) was estimated to be 29 per cent at 6J2/cm soil in maize cv. Ganga Safed-2
and 17 per cent at 4J2/ cm3 soil in local maize cultivar respectively. The crop loss
experiments conducted at different fertility levels, under field and micro plot conditions
during kharifseason have clearly demonstrated that application of nitrogenous fertilizers
mitigates the crop damage caused by H zeae to some extent and enhances the plant
growth and subsequently increases the maize yield to several folds (Anon., 1988, 1989).

Host-Parasite Relationship
The second stage juveniles (12) of H zeae penetrate the maize roots within 12 hrs
of inoculation reaching maximum by 5 day (Srivastava & Sethi, 1985b). The
meristematic and elongation zones are more preferred sites for larval penetration though
penetration by J2 into maize roots takes place anywhere in the developing roots.
Srivastava & Sethi (1984c) also reported that following root penetration by second stage
juveniles, the endodermis wall becomes thick, the cytoplasm of pericycle and phloem
cells becomes dense and granular and vascular bundles are pushed aside towards the
endoderm is resulting in the formation of 3 to 4 big and wide giant cells. The cortical cells
are ruptured as third and forth stages of the nematode develop and subsequently distinct
cavities are formed in which the nematode bodies are lodged. Further development of the
nematode completely ruptures and disintegrates the surrounding cortical cells. Poly-
nuclear conditions and irregular thickening of the giant cells produced by H zeae have
also been reported (Mishra et al., 1995).

Population Dynamics and Survival

The population dynamics of the maize cyst nematode (H zeae) studied in maize-
cowpea-wheat rotation sequences revealed that the nematode population greatly
fluctuates in the maize based cropping systems being followed and attains its high peak
96 Nemic Problems in Maize and Their Management Strategies

populations in the OctoberlNovember months which coincides with the maturity of the
maize crop suggesting the host specific nature of the nematode (Srivastava and Sethi,
1986b). The fluctuations in the nematode population densities depends upon the
prevailing soil temperature, moisture, crop sowing time and duration of the cropping
season. They also observed that very little populations of J2 survived in t~e soil
coinciding with the crop growth period being at non-detectable level during December to
June months. It has been observed that the entire contents of the cyst do not empty out
even in one year. So, this survival strategy of the nematode, coupled with the number of
generations (5-6) during the crop season gives an indication of the damaging potential of
this nematode. Moreover, H zeae being multivoltine, it may obtain high reproduction
potential and attain very high population densities. Similarly in Maryland (USA), eggs
and/or juveniles inside cysts have been reported to survive in the field during winter
months with no detectable mortality at different soil depths (Krusberg and Sardanelli,

Physiological variations have been recorded in the populations of H zeae
obtained from different geographical areas or within a region of the country. Ringer et al.
(1987) indicated that H zeae populations from Egypt, India and USA might differ in their
abilities to reproduce on certain plants. Three biotypes of H zeae have been distinguished
in Egypt on the basis of different reproductive potential on some maize cultivars (Kheir et
al., 1989). In India, also three biotypes have been identified in Haryana (Ambala, Hisar
and Sonepat) populations of H zeae using vetiver and maize as host differentials (Bajaj
and Gupta, 1994). The three identified biotypes are (i) multiplying on maize only
(Ambala population), (ii) mUltiplying on vetiver only (Sonepat population), and (iii)
multiplying on both maize and vetiver ( Hisar population).

Association with Other Microorganisms

Associations of more than one population of ecto/endo-parasitic nematodes (root-
knot and lesion) or soil fungi with H zeae have been reported under field conditions.
Often the disease symptoms have been reported to be aggravated in such complexes
(Kaul and Sethi, 1982b). In a wilt disease complex including the fungus (Cephalosporium
thaydis), the presence of H zeae has been reported to cause enhanced wilting of the
plants (Singh and Sitadhana, 1988). Similarly, interaction study of H zeae with Fusarium
pallidoroseum revealed that in prior inocutation of fungus, H zeae, can cause greater
damage to maize roots (Anon, 1983). Kaul and Sethi (l982a) reported that prior
establishment of any of the nematode species Heterodera zeae, Meloidogyne incognita
Nemic Problems in Maize and Their Management Strategies 97

and Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris either singly or in combination significantly reduced

invasiveness of other species. Penetration by juveniles of both cyst and root-knot
nematodes was more whenever they were inoculated earlier. Kaul and Sethi (1982b) also
reported that individual effects of various nematode species occurring in mixed
inoculations were not only modified by nematode species involved or host plant or prior
establishment of anyone species, but also by initial population densities of the nematodes
involved in the interaction.

Management Strategies
Several chemical control trials conducted at IAR! research farm, New Delhi
under field conditions and also at farmer's fields in different parts of the country using
organophosphate and carbamate nematic ides during recent past years for managing H
zeae populations through soil, seed and foliar spray treatments of nematicides have been
reported to be very effective against populations of this nematode (Srivastava, 1980;
Sethi and Srivastava, 1986; Srivastava and Sethi, 1989a, 1989b; Srivastava and Jagan
Lal, 1997, 2004, Srivastava, 2004, 2005). Seed dressing with different organophosphate
and carbamate nematicides both under pot and field conditions indicated enhanced
emergence of juveniles of H zeae while their penetration into maize roots was inhibited
to considerable extent (Srivastava, 1980). Aldicarb used as 0.75 and 1.5 per cent and
fensulfothion @ 0.25 and 0.5 per cent were found to be more effective in reducing the
populations of H zeae (Sethi and Srivastava, 1985). Similarly Kaul and Sethi (1987b)
also reported the effect of some systemic nematic ides on the emergence of the larvae
from the cysts of H zeae and found that cysts when exposed to five different
concentrations (62.5 to 500 Ilg/mi) of aldicarb, carbofuran, oxamyl and phenamiphos or
an increase in the exposure time from 3-15 days resulted in decreased emergenge of
larvae from the cyst. However, phenamiphos was proved to be most effective nematicide
in reducing juvenile emergence in vitro.

In yet another study Sethi and Kaul (1987b) reported that root invasion was least
when juveniles of H zeae were exposed to carbofuran @ 10 Ilg/ml concentrations for 6
hours. Foliar spray of maize plants with phenamiphos @ 250 or 500 Ilg/ml 3 days prior to
nematode inoculation was found more effective than post inoculation sprays (Kaul and
Sethi, 1987b).

Carbosulfan (25 ST) used as seed treatment @ 2-3% (w/w) and soil application
of carbofuran (3G), ph orate (10G) and sebuphos (10G) @ 2Kg a.i/ha have also been
98 Nemic Problems in Maize and Their Management Strategies

found to be very effective in reducing nematode populations and subsequently increasing

the crop yield (Srivastava and Sethi, 1989a, 1989b). The pre-sowing soil applications of
phenamiphos resulted in higher reduction of cyst production of H zeae than other
chemicals (Kaul and Sethi, 1988a, 1988b). The carbosulfan seed treatment accompanied
with carbosulfan foliar spray treatment resulted in additional control of the nematode
(Srivastava and Sethi, 1989b; Srivastava and Jagan Lal, 1997, 2004). The potential of
carbosulfan seed treatment proved to be very effective and economical management
strategies for reducing the total requirement (80 to 100g carbosulfan required for treating
I kg of maize seeds) as also the cost of the chemicals against Hzeae on maize.

The treatment of neem based products/formulations namely neem seed kernel

powder and achook powder as seed dressing @ 5 and 10 % also reduced the population
of H zeae to some extent but enhanced the crop growth of maize considerably
(Srivastava, 2004).

Even though, carbofuran, phorate, sebuphos and carbosulfan are quite effective
and _apable in containing the population densities of H zeae and thus thereby enhancing
plant growth and subsequently increasing the crop yield, their use in crops like maize
may not be favoured by the farmers, particularly since maize is not as remunerative crop
as other cereal crops such as rice and wheat and hence nematode management strategies
for maize must be based on some other approaches preferably non-chemical methods like
crop rotation and nematode resistant cultivars which have been proved to be quite
effective against other cyst nematodes under experimental conditions. Perhaps a
combination/integration of different approaches including soil organic amendments and
biocontrol agents may be useful for developing the integrated management schedule for
this nematode.

Non-Chemical Management Strategies


Crop Rotations

There is a good scope for adopting/using crop rotation as a management strategy

for maize cyst nematode, H zeae as host range of this nematode is limited and restricted
to only graminaceous plants. Since H zeae is host specific, monoculturing of maize and
other host crops in the same field should be avoided, as it is likely that under continuous
maize cropping systems, nematode populations may increase considerably, ultimately
resulting in significant yield loss. Hence, two years rotation with non-host crops
Nemic Problems in Maize and Their Management Strategies 99

(preferably non-cereals like vegetables, pulses and oilseeds) can be fruitful, as it would
bring down the nematode populations below economic threshold levels.

Deep/Summer Ploughing
Summer fallowing and keeping the fields free from grasses and weed plants can
also help in checking the survival and perpetuation of H zeae population in off seasons.
Two to three deep ploughing at 10-15 days interval during AprillMay months in hot
summer also reduces the nematode populations as also the growth of grasses/weed plants
a considerable extent.

Resistant Varieties

The use of resistant and tolerant varieties is the most effective and economical
management strategy for plant parasitic nematodes. Though resistant sources in maize
crop against maize cyst nematode, H zeae are not yet available, however, there are still
few cultivars available, which can provide some degree of r~sistance against this
nematode. Maize cultivars Ageti-76 and Karnal-l have been found to be moderately
resistant against H zeae in Haryana, India. Similarly, in Pakistan Sharad White, Gauhar,
Azam and Composite-IS maize varieties have shown moderately resistant reactions
against H zeae (Shahina et aI., 1989).

Organic Soil Amendments

The use of oil cakes and other organic soil amendments have been proved
effective in managing the populations of H zeae. Field trials using various soil organic
amendments against this nematode have clearly indicated that combination of mustard
cake and tobacco dust @ 2.5 q/ha, -a practice adopted by farmers in the eastern parts of
the country is as efficient as carbofuran soil treatment @ 2 kg a.i.lha in terms of increased
crop yield and suppression of the nematode populations of H zeae (Anon, 1987). The
practice can serve as one of the imp0l1ant components of integrated approach for this
nematode and can easily be adopted by the farmers of other regions of the country.

Biocontrol Agents
Although there is no systematic work on use of biocontrol agents against maize
cyst nematode (H zeae) however, certain nematophagus fungi such as Cataneria,
Verticillium and Gleocladium have been isolated from cysts of H zeae. Srivastava (2005)
reported that bioagents, Pseudomonas jluorescens used @ 5 and 10% w/w though
reduced the cyst popUlation of H zeae to some extent but was not as efficient as
carbofuran and sebuphos in containing the population of the nematode. Also
100 Nemic Problems in Maize and Their Management Strategies

Arthobotrytis coincides and Monacrosporium salinum have shown some potential to kill
second-stage juveniles of H zeae in vitro (Anon, 1987), but their real potential as
biocontrol agent is still to be exploited and explored for the management of this nematode.

Lesion Nematodes (Pratyienc/lus spp.)

The root lesion nematodes, Pratylenchus spp. are most economically important
phytonematodes of maize crop. They are cosmopolitan and consistently found associated
with maize crop wherever it is grown. Eventhough several species of root lesion
nematodes namely P. brachyurus, P. zeae and P. penetrans are reported to be associated
with poor growth of maize in tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world, P. zeae, P.
thornei and P. delattrei are considered important on maize in India.

Biology and Disease Symptoms

Even though the root lesion nematode, P. zeae is economically important and
most frequently encountered species in maize fields in India (Pall and Chand, 1971) but
the above ground symptoms produced by the nematode are not very specific. Maize
plants infected with P. zeae show poor and stunted plant growth, reduced root and shoot
weight and leaf chlorosis. Nematode damage to the fibrous root systems results in
extensive destruction of cortical parenchyma, severe root pruning and proliferations of
lateral roots. Mechanical breakdown of cells and necrosis of stelar and cortical tissues
resulting in formation of cavities are also attributed to nematode damage. The presence of
small brown to black lesions on the root surface is the most important symptoms/damage
produced by the lesion nematodes.
Temperature, soil type, moisture and tillage operations are important
environmental factors which greatly. affect the development and reproduction of
nematode species as well as disease development. Higher temperature (30°C) is mostly
preferred by P. zeae for its reproduction while by P. brachyrus and P. penetrans favour
for their penetration and development. Soil type and tillage operations have also been
reported to affect lesion nematode population dynamics. Most Pratylenchus species
thrive well in a wide range of soil types but Naganathan and Sivakumar (1975, 1976)
reported higher population densities of P. delattrei in black sandy loam soil and brown
sandy clay loam soil than in any other soil type. Moisture is another important factor,
which affects the development of species of lesion nematodes. Damage to the maize
plants, on the other hand, increase with decreasing moisture levels. P. thornei is also
fairly common in maize fields, sometimes occurring concomitantly with P. zeae under
green gram maize chickpea sequence.
Nemic Problems in Maize and Their Management Strategies 101

Economic Losses and Management Strategy

Exact economic lossess caused by the lesion nematodes have not been made
possible under field conditions due to presence of mixed population of the nematode in
the field. Also precise evaluations of losses in maize by lesion nematodes are hampered
by secondary infection of nematode lesions by fungi and bacteria (Egunjobi, 1974).
However, significant reduction in plant growth following inoculation of P. zeae and P.
thorne; are direct evidence of the role played by the nematodes obtained under
greenhouse conditions.
The population densities of lesion nematodes may increase considerably under .
continuous maize cropping ultimately resulting in significant yield losses (Maqbool and
Hashmi, 1986; Riversat and Germani, 1985). Also, lesion nematodes have wide host
range, which can affect the selections of crop used to control the nematode in crop
rotation sequences. In addition, the presence of weed hosts in a field can strongly
influence lesion nematode densities in maize fields (Egunjobi, 1974; Stradioto et al.,
1983). Yield increase of 33 to 128 per cent have been obtained following the application
of nematicides (Walters, 1979). Bergeson (1978) and Norton et al. (1978) also reported
that treatment with nematicides increased crop yield by 10 to 54 per cent. Lordello et al.
(I983) also observed yield increase of more than two folds after nematicide treatment.
Similarly in Nigeria P. brachyurus has been reported to be responsible for 28.5 per cent
yield reduction. The reduction in yield was correlated with a 50 per cent increase in
nematode density (Egunjobi, 1974).

Association with Other Microorganisms

The association of other microorganisms in disease complex in crop loss of
maize caused by lesion nematodes has not been studied fully. However, Nath et al.
(1978) found that the inoculations of maize plant with P. zeae either alone or in
combination with the maize-mosaic virus showed that the effect of pathogen was greatest
when the nematode and virus were inoculated simultaneously or when nematode
inoculation preceded 7 days the virus inoculation.

Root-Knot Nematodes (MeJoiogyne spp.)

The root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are another important nematode
problem in maize crop in India.The association of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
africana) with maize crop was first reported from India by Chitwood and Toung (1960).
Krishnamurthy and Elias (1967) also recorded maize as a host of M incognita. Though
association of M incognita, M javanica, M africana, M arenaria and Mhapla have
102 Nemic Problems in Maize and Their Management Strategies

been recorded on maize, two species namely M incognita and M javanica have been
reported damaging maize crop in almost all the maize growing regions ofthe country.

Biology and Disease Symptoms

Although both species M incognita and M javanica are frequently encountered
in maize fields, information on their biology, nature of damage, economic losses and
management on maize is meager. However, indirect observations suggest that these
species are of economic importance. Pathak and Yadav (1980) observed significant
reduction in shoot and root weights of maize plants at the initial inoculum level of 2J2/g
of soil though no grain yield loss was reported. They also reported yellowing of leaves
and patchy growth of plants. The above ground symptoms produced by root-knot
nematode on maize include stunting of infected plants, leaf chlorosis and patchy growth.
The root galls produced by the root-knot nematode are often small, termbal or sub-
terminal. The nematode completes its one life cycle in about 30 days. Four races have
been identified in M incognita that reproduces well on maize with some cultivars
exhibiting specificity to a specific race (Oteifa and Elgindi, 1982; Lopez, 1981).

Association with Other Microorganisms

Simultaneous inoculations of M incognita and maize-mosaic-virus resulted in

severe losses in maize as compared to the prior inoculation of nematode on either of the
pathogen alone (Khurana et al., 1970). Similarly Goswami and Raychaudhari (1978) in
an interaction study between mosaic virus and M incognita found that the mosaic
symptoms appeared earlier and nematode reproduction was greater when both pathogens
were together than when alone.

Sorghum Cyst Nematode (Heterodera sorglll)

The sorghum cyst nematode (H sorghi) was first detected and described on the
roots of sorghum crop from Ghaziabad and Allahabad districts of Uttar Pradesh by Jain,
Sethi, Swarup and Srivastava in 1982. It was also later found to infect maize and rice.
Srivastava and Sethi (1987) reported maize to be highly preferred host supporting high
number of cyst population of H sorghi. The nematode is reported to occur and
widespread in the northern, western and southern states especially Jammu & Kashmir,
Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Delhi, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra (Dhawan et
ai., 1983; Sakhuja and Singh, 1985; Srivastava and Kaushal, 1986; Bajaj and Walia,
1986; Sharma and Sharma, 1988; Darekar et ai., 1990).
Even though there is no field data available on exact yield losses caused by H
sorghi in maize, experimental work carried out in green house conditions indicates
Nemic Problems in Maize and Their Management Strategies 103

significant reduction in growth of Deccan-l03 maize. Srivastava and Chawla (1990)

reported an inoculum level of 4 J2/g of soil of H sorghi as an economic threshold level
on maize cultivar Deccan-I03. They also reported that H sorghi is more pathogenic to
maize as compared to sorghum on which nematode was first reported. The nematode (H
sorghi) requires 30°C temperature for its larval emergence and completes its one-
generation (12 to 12) in 24 days at 28-36°C temperature on maize and in a crop season
more than four generations are completed during kharif season (Srivastava and Chawla,
1991). The nematode reproduces and multiplies on important rabi and kharifcereals like
barley, wheat, rice and pearl millet. Chawla and Srivastava (199S, 200S) reported maize
cultivars D-76S, D-8SI, Navin, R-17, VL-88 and W -101 as moderately resistant against
sorghum cyst nematode, H sorghi with reproduction factor (Rt) 0.96 to 3.8.

Stunt Nematode (Tylenc/lOrhynchus spp.)

Among the several species of the stunt nematode, Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris
appears to be most important among the several species of stunt nematodes reported to be
associated with the maize crop. The species first described from maize by Upadhyay et
al. (l972a) occurs most frequently in the sandy loam soils of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar,
Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh (Upadhyay and
Swarup, 1976).

Even though T. vulgaris has a wide host range, the most suitable hosts belong to
the Graminae family. The nematode completes its one life cycle between 2S-27 days at
2S-30°C temperature (Upadhyay et al., 1972a) while it took IS-18 days (egg to egg) on
maize cultivar Ganga-S (Siyanand et ai., 1982). A population level of 1000 or more
nematodes per kg of soil was found to adversely affect plant growth (Upadhyay and
Swarup, 1981). However, Jain (1982) reported T. vulgaris to be more pathogenic at
10000 inoculum level where reduction in shoot and root length and fresh and dry weight
was maximum in all the seven maize cultivars tested. Upadhyay and Swarup (1972) also
reported loam, clay loam and sandy loam soils to be most suitable for nematode

Significant reduction in plant growth of maize was obtained when T. vulgaris

was inoculated in combination with P. zeae or Fusarium monoliforme than when either of
the organisms was inoculated alone. However, the multiplication of the nematode was not
significantly affected in the presence of P. zeae of F. monoliforme (Upadhyay and
Swarup, 1981).

The seed treatment of carbofuran was found very effective for initial protection
of maize seedlings in field plots predominantly inhibited with T. vulgaris and the
104 Nemic Problems in Maize and Their Management Strategies

subsequent build up of nematodes could be prevented by granular applications in soil

(Singh and Bindra, 1978).

Lance Nematode (Hoplolaimus spp.)

The lance nematode (Hopioiaimus indicus) is another important and the most
frequently encountered nematode pest associated with maize crop (Haider and Nath,
1992). Maize plants showing stunted and patchy growth were observed harboring large
populations of H indicus. Significant growth reductions and stunting of maize plants has
been recorded at 100 nematodes/SOO g of soil. The nematode acts as a vagrant
endoparasite causing root lesions, thickening of cell wall and formation of tunnels in the
cortical region. One life cycle (egg to egg) of H indicus is completed between 39-43
days on maize cv. Ganga-S at 30°C ± 2°C (Siyanand et ai., 1982). In a population dynamic
study, the population densities of H indicus was observed to be highest in the month of
October while it was lowest in June. The availability of feeder roots and temperature are
important factors for population build-up of this nematode (Haider and Nath, 1992).

The infection of Fusarium monoiiforme on maize roots parasitized with H

indicus aggravated the root damage. In combined inoculations the plant showed
minimum top growth and maximum disease symptoms (Nath et aI., 1974). After 60 days
the plant were prone to wilting during daytime. Mukhtar et al. (1993) reported that the
severity of disease increased when nematode inoculum followed seven days after
inoculation of soil with F. monoliforme.

The maize cyst nematode, Heterodera zeae is ~he most serious nematode problem
in India. The nematode is widely distributed in maize major growing areas of northern,
central, western and eastern states of India. Its presence at higher altitude in northern
hills, especially in Jammu & Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh needs immediate attention
to study the role played by this nematode in limiting maize production in the country. So
far, the nematode has not been recorded from Karnataka, a southern state, even though
maize productivity is very high in this state. But it is possible that with the ongoing
extensive survey programme, the nematode may be encountered in the near future.
Further, maize growing areas of North-eastern states of the country such as Assam,
Meghalaya, Manipur and Sikkim also need to be explored for the presence of this
nematode species.

The other cyst nematode species (H sorghi) is not a field problem on maize now
but has the potential to damage the crop in near future. Therefore a special care and
Nemic Problems in Maize and Their Management Strategies 105

caution has to be taken while formulating the crop rotation sequences for managing
maize nematodes.

The results on various chemical trials have clearly shown that carbosulfan seed
treatment and soil application of carbofuran, phorate and sebuphos enhances the crop
growth and subsequently increases the yield with considerable reduction in the
population of maize cyst nematode, H zeae. Further work on this aspect with reference to
cost-benefit ratio is needed. However, recommendations of high cost technology
involving use of nematicides, may not find favour with the faImers particularly because
maize is not a high value crop as rice and wheat and hence nematode management
technology for maize must be based on non-chemical methods particularly crop rotation
and nematode resistant cultivars. It is likely that under continuous maize cropping
populations of H zeae may increase considerably, ultimately resulting in significant yield
losses. Therefore, monocuIture of maize and other host crops should be avoided. Two
years rotations with non-host crops preferably non-cereals like vegetables, pulses and oil
seeds can be fruitful, as it would bring down the nematode popUlation below economic
threshold level appreciably. Further, screening of maize genotypes work should largely
be taken up to identify the sources of resistance/tolerance against H zeae and also other
nematodes on maize crop. Investigations are also needed to work out the influence of
various soil organic amendments generally adopted by farmers for their incorporation in
economically viable integrated management of the nematodes. The possibilities for
exploitation of bioagents should also be explored for managing the problematic
nematodes of maize crop.

Aboul-Eid, H.Z. and Ghorab, A.l. (1981). The occurrence of Heterodera zeae in maize fields in
Egypt. Egyptian J. Phytopathology 13: 51-61.
Anonymous (1987). First Annual Technical Report, PL-480 Project; FG-ln-673 (IN-A RS-326) ,
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Economic Management of
Phyto-Nematodes in Pulse Crops

Dr. S.D. Mishra

India is a major pulse growing country in the world. These crops occupy an
important position in Indian agriculture and are the main source of vegetarian protein
(17-43%) and supplement to the cereal-based diet in our country. Pulses are integral part
oflndian diets for all sections ofthe society. Pulse crops are cultivated over an area of23
million hectares with a total production of 14.8 million tonnes. The productivity of pulses
is 536 kg.lha., which is very low when compared to that in other countries. Pulses occupy
important position in rainfed farming system, generally grown in rainy (kharif) and post-
rainy (rabi) seasons. The commonly grown pulse crops in this country are chickpea
(Cicer arietinum), pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan), urad bean (Vigna mungo), mungbean
(Vigna radiata), horsegram, mothbean (Vigna aconitifolia), khesari (Lathyrus sativa),
lentil (Lens esculentum), kulthi (Dolichus olijlorus), rajmah (Phaseolus vulgaris), cowpea
(Vigna unguiculata) and pea (Pisum sativum) (Jain, 1988). Summer pulses like'
greengram and blackgram are also grown under irrigated areas. Pigeonpea, greengram,
blackgram, moth, and cowpea are mostly grown in rainy season. Pulses like chickpea,
lentil and pea are grown during post-rainy-season. The demand of pulses in India is more
due to dietary habits. The per capita availability of pulses in India has declined with sharp
increase in human population, resulting in under nutrition and malnutrition problems
(Yadav, 1986). Pulses are important source of livelihoods of million of people, especially
in the developing countries where, from their production, households derive food, animal
feed and income. Also because of their ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen, they playa
key role in maintaining soil fertility and ensuring sustainability of production systems,
particularly in low-input, small-scale agriculture.

Like other agricultural crops pulses also suffer from several biotic (diseases,
insect pests, parasitic nematodes and weeds etc.) and abiotic constraints of which pests
Economic Management ofPhyto-Nematodes in Pulse Crops 113

and diseases are the most important. The greatest challt;nge for pulse researchers is to
reduce their susceptibility to host of these factors that prevent the full realisation of yield
potential. Phytoparasitic (Plant parasitic) nematodes, the soil inhabiting pests are
considered one of the major biotic constraints and limiting factors in the production of
most of the pulses which are infested by a wide range of nematode pests and are highly
vulnerable to them (Nelle et ai., 1989) but the major nematode species belong to
sedentary endo-parasitic group. In intensive cropping system, they often cause severe
damage to most of the agricultural crops when present in mixed population. A number of
plant parasitic nematode species, from different genera like Helicotylenchus, Hemicrico-
nemoides, Heterodera, Hoplolaimus, Longidorous, Macroposthonia, Meloidogyne,
Pratylenchus, Radopholus, Rotylenchulus, Scutellonema and Tylenchorhynchus are
reported to be associated with different pulse crops (Sharma, 1985; Gill and Singh, 1989)
but major ones belong to three major endoparasitic nematodes of pulse crops viz.
Heterodera cajani, Meloidogyne incognita and Rotylenchulus reniformis (Mishra, 1992)
which are the vascular pathogen and distort the anatomical organisation of stele region.
There would be higher metabolic activity in the infected roots which favours the
accumulation of nutrients in the roots and thus causes the inability to supply them to the
above ground plant parts (Das and Mishra, 1999).

Crop Losses
In general, they cause reduction in growth, rhi~obial nodulation, plant nutrients,
total root biomass, bulk density of stems, pollen fertility, water absorption capacity and
finally yield reduction in most of the pulse crops may be in varying degree depending
upon the level of nematode infestation. There are no reports on the nationwide economic
losses caused by nematodes to pulses. However yield loss estimates in nematicidal trials
have indicated 20-43% loss in yield of blackgmm, french bean, green gram and pigeonpea
due to pigeonpea cyst n'ematode (Reddy, 1985; Sharma et al., 1992). Heterodera cajani
has been reported to infect pigeonpea to such an extent that it may cause the loss of grain
yield upto 30 per cent under field conditions (Saxena and Reddy, 1987). Root-knot,
pigeonpea cyst, reniform and lance nematodes were found to be potential nematode pests
of pigeonpea causing patchy growth, stunting and poor yields. These nematodes may
cause yield losses upto 30 per cent, which may vary from 20 to 75 per cent depending
upon the level of nematode infestation. In chickpea, Meloidogyne incognita, Heterodera
cajani, Pratylenchus thornei, Tylenchor.hynchus brassicae and T. indicus reproduced at
very high rate and regarded as potential ;,parasitic nematodes causing poor germination,
uneven growth, stunting, ialls on roots and low yield ( Mishra et ai., 2005). The
114 Economic Management ofPhyto-Nematodes in Pulse Crops

economic damage caused by nematodes becomes highly aggravated in association with

some micro-organisms such as the Fusarium spp. The damage caused by nematodes
remained unrecognised for several years because of subterranean habit of the nematodes,
subtle nature of damage and general lack of awareness of their presence in the plants.

Nematode Management
Although nematodes are reported to cause significant production losses in
different parts of the world, it appears that practical nematode management options that
farmers can easily afford and apply for achieving economic benefits have either not been
communicated to the stakeholders or they have' not been used due to lack of
understanding of losses caused by the nematodes. Recent research has shown potential
for the eco-friendly options viz. genetic improvement in crop cultivars, improved bio-
control agents, use of botanicals such as neem and adoption of pest suppressing cultural
practices. While the range of available eco-friendly nematode control options has been
expanded, there is a need for fine-tuning of most of the technologies to match the
resource base of farmers in the arid and semi-arid ecologies. Community participation
models for building up farmers' awareness on Integrated Nematode Management (INM)
should receive more emphasis. Combinations of seed treatments, summer ploughing,
cropping systems, use of resistant cultivars and other physical and chemical control
measures need to be stressed. Greater focus on inter-disciplinary research approach also
could enhance the scope for INM.

Use of Nematicides
Option for the management of nematode pests of pulse crops by a combination of
chemical and non-chemical methods have been developed but pulse growers in India are
not conscious of the need to protect their crops from these organisms. Aldicarb,
carbofuran and phenamiphos effectively reduce nematode population on many pulse
crops. Seed treatment with these chemicals have shown good protection against cyst,
root-knot and reniform nematodes. Seed treatment with 1-3 per cent carbofuranl
carbosulphan is effective against Meloidogyne spp. On cowpea, blackgram, pea,
frenchbean, chickpea and pigeonpea. It is also effective against Heterodera cajani on
pigeonpea. The traditional cultural practices such as crop rotation, summer ploughing and
fallowing affect the incidence as well as severity of nematode damage. The productivity
of pulse crqps can be enhanced by adopting suitable measures of nematode management.
Since, nematode management is yet to be perfected because most of the nematicides
. (synthetic chemicals) are not available in the market and majority of them are expensive
Economic Management ofPhyto-Nematodes in Pulse Crops 115

and also supposed to have residual effects in the soil, as high doses are required for
restricting inhabiting nematodes, search for alternative methods particularly nOll-

traditional nematicides or non-chemical methods are becoming the necessity of the time.
The use of chemicals for the nematode management is either being discouraged these
days or they are being used in the ways in which they are economical.

Seed treatment with biopesticides (neem seed powder @ 5% w/w; latex of

Calotropis procera @ 1% wlw and neemark @ 5% w/w), chemicals (dimethoate @ 8
ml/kg seed; triazophos @ 1% w/w; ch10rpyriphos @ 10 mI I kg seed and carbofuran @ 2
kg a.i. Iha) and bioagents (Paecilomyces lilacinus @ 10 ml /I 00 g seed; Aspergillus niger
@ 200 glkg seed and Trichoderma viride @ 200 g/kg seed) against plant parasitic
nematodes associated with chickpea effectively controlled the root-knot nematode
infestation as evidenced from the observations recorded at the harvest of the crop on
popUlation build up of nematodes, plant growth parameters .;'.md grain yield (Mishra et at.,

Soil Solarisation
Soil solarisation has been found very effective in minimising the soil population
of plant parasitic nematodes. In this case, the soil surface is covered with transparent
polythene sheet that traps solar heat. During summer season, 2-3 summer ploughings at
fortnight interval provide significant reduction in the population of nematodes but the
efficacy of SUl11lller ploughing is enhanced by polythene mulching that traps and retains
solar heat for a longer duration. Polythene sheets used for solarisation are very expensive
for resource poor fanners growing subsistence crops over relatively larger areas, but this
technology has been adopted by commercial fanners, nurseries and gardeners growing
small plots of high value cash crops such as tomatoes and other vegetables. The
pigeon pea cyst nematode and renifonn nematodes are etTectively controlled by this
method (Sharma and Nene, 1990).

Crop Rotation and Cropping Systems

The crop rotation is very useful option to suppress the population densities of
nematode parasite of pulses. Generally the rotation of pulse crops with cereals for 2-3
years is generally effective in controlling the nematodes (Sharma et al., 1996).
Intercropping of sorghum or bajra with pigeonpea improves the productivity and
reduction in the population of pigeonpea cyst nematodes (Mishra et al., 2005). Mohanty
and Phukan (1990) studied the effect of crop rotations on the development of
Meloidogyne incognita on black gram including crop sequences as black gram, mustard.
116 Economic Management of Phyto-Nematodes in Pulse Crops

rice, black gram followed by the sequence black gram, fodder cowpea, rice. This rotation
was found to be effective in reducing galls or egg masses on the roots of black gram.

The cropping systems followed in respect of different crops also play important
role in the infestation of nematodes. The cropping systems of pigeonpea + bajra-fallow or
inter-cropping with sorghum/sesamum at I: I ratio was found promising in reducing
pigeonpea cyst and root-knot nematodes population in field. Short duration pigeonpea
followed by cereals or fallow may be an effective method to keep the nematode
population down. Nematode infestation may be minimised by inter-cropping of maize +
pigeonpea and sorghum + pigeon pea in comparison with growing sole crop of pigeonpea.
Similarly inter-cropping of mustard with chickpea may be an effective method of
reducing nematode popUlation. In mustard + chickpea inter-cropping systems, infestation
of root-knot nematode was less than sole crop of chickpea (Mishra et al., 2005).

Resistant Varieties
Growing resistant varieties against nematodes is an ideal method for nematode
management. This approach is useful for low value cash crops. There are many crop
cultivars reported to be resistant to the attack of plant parasitic nematodes infecting pulse
crops. Many good sources of resistance to nematodes have been identified which need to
be incorporated in breeding programmes. Many new techniques viz. micro-propagation,
anther culture, embryo rescue, somaclonal variation, somatic hybridisation and
transformation can make the process of transfer of resistance genes easy and precise. The
wild relatives of pigeonpea have several useful genes for resistance to H cajani, R.
reniformis and M incognita. The time has come to exploit new molecular techniques to
enhance resistance breeding programmes.

Soil Amendments
Various organic materials viz. oil cakes of neem (Azadirachta indica), linseed
(Linum usitatissimum), mustard (Brassica rapa), mahua (Madhuca indica), karanj
(Pongamia glabra) and sawdust reduce root-knot nematode population, increase soil
fertility and also improve soil structure. Addition of neem cake becomes more effective
as compared to cakes of karanj and mustard in controlling nematode population (Yadav
and Alam, 1992). The decomposed neem seed is also useful in reducing root-knot
nematode population and enhancing the plant growth. Such amendments also have
residual effect both in respect of soil fertility as well as in respect of their nematicidal
Economic Management ofPhyto-Nematodes in Pulse Crops 117

Biological Control
A large numb~r of bio-agents have been identified having nematicidal value.
Fungi like Paecilomyces lilacinus and bacterium like Pasteuria penetrans have shown
their potential against H. cajani and M incognita (Sharma and Swarup, 1988). This
approach has some limitations viz. bulk production. storage and requirement of bioagents
for large scale production in the field. A great deal of research effort is desired to
overcome these limitations. It is also difficult to modify the soil environment for long
periods. The use of bioagents is presently feasible for nursery bed treatment or for
treatment of seed.

Nematode Management through Neem Products

Nematicidal nature of various parts and products of neem have been extensively
exploited on their direct toxicity, soil application and seed treatment in the management
of nematode pests and reviewed by various workers (Mojumder and Mishra, 1993;
Mojumder, 1995). Neem is a rich source of bioactive organic chemicals comprising of
repellent, feeding deterrents, toxicants, antifeedants etc. had been widely tested for its
nematicidal value too. All parts (leaf, flower, bark, gum, root, fruit, seed, seed kernel and
seed coat) have nematicidal potential (Mojumder and Mishra, 1993). Neem products are
most widely used for generations in India with broad spectrum pesticidal value both for
pest management as well as for increasing soil fertility. There are a number of neem
based commercial formulations available in the market commercially, some of which
have been tested against nematodes and shown nematicidal value. The cost of neem
products for nematode management could effectively be reduced by using them as seed
dressing and seed coating.

Some effective and adoptable nematode management strategies encorporating

neem and other materials are given below:

(a) The use of neem seed powder and neem based formulations viz. Achook,
neemark, neemgold, nimbecidine and fieldmarshal as seed soaking @ 5 and 10%
against Meloidogyne incognita, Heterodera cajani and Rotylenchulus reniformis
was found to be an efficient method to reduce the nematode population in soil
and to improve the plant growth of pigeon pea (Das and Mishra, 2000).

(b) Neem seed powder as seed treatment @ 10% w/w and as soil application @ 50
kg/ha, soil solarisation (transparent polythene sheets of 400 gauge thickness for a
period of four weeks) and V AM @ 100 kg/ha provided good plant growth and
118 Economic Management ofPhyto-Nematodes in Pulse Crops

yield of pigeonpea by effectively controlling the detrimental effects of

Heterodera cajani. Maximum reduction in nematode population was observed in
the integrated management schedules adopted as: (i) Soil solarisation + soil
application of neem seed powder + V AM, and (ii) Soil solarisation + seed
treatment with neem seed powder + V AM (Nageswari and Mishra, 2005). The
cost benefit ratio calculated for these treatments revealed that they were
economically viable too as it was 1: 2.54 and 1: 2.60 in case of treatments (i) and
(ii), respectively.

(c) Seed treatment with neem seed powder, neemgold and nimbecidine @ 10% w/w
were found effective in providing better plant growth in pigeonpea and
significant reduction in the infestation of Heterodera cajani (Das and Mishra,

(d) Seed treatment with neem seed powder @ 5% w/w in combination with latex of
Calotropis procera @ 1% v/w reduced the nematode population as well as
wilting of plants to a considerable extent and increased the yield of pigeonpea
varieties UPAS-120 and Bahar by above two fold and by 35%, respectively
,CMishra et al., 2005).

(e) Highest economic returns could be achieved with integrated approach against
nematodes infesting pigeonpea viz. (i) seed treatment with neem seed powder @
5% w/w + latex of Calotropis procera @ 1% v/w and intercropping with bajra,
(ii) soil application of neem seed powder @ 50 kg/ha and summer ploughing 2-3
times at fortnight interval (Mishra et al., 2005).

(f) Soil application of neem seed powder @ 50 kg/ha and its seed treatment @ 5%
w/w increased the grain yield of chickpea by more than 30% over check and
reduced the nematode population upto 40% (Mishra et al., 2005).

(g) Seed treatment with neem seed powder @ 5% w/w + latex of Calotropis procera
@ 1% v/w against root-knot nematode and wilt complex in chickpea proved to be
an effective approach (Mishra et al., 2005).

(h) Seed treatment with neem seed powder @ 5% w/w and spore suspension of
Trichoderma harzianum @ 2% v/w reduced the nematode infestation and wilting
of chickpea plants and increased the grain yield by two fold (Mishra et al., 2005).

(i) Combined application of neem products (neem seed powder, neemgold, and
nimbecidine @ 50 kg/ha) and carbofuran @ 1 kg/ha showed better compatibility
Economic Management ofPhyto-Nematodes in Pulse Crops 119

than phorate @ I kglha and could be a better option for integrated management
schedule against root-knot nematode menace in chickpea (Chakrabarti and
Mishra, 2000).

(j) Seed treatment with neem seed powder @ 10% wlw along with soil application
of carbofuran @ 1 kg a.i.lha could be the best option for the subsistence level of
chickpea growing in India. The split-dose of soil application of neem seed
powder (50 + 50 kglha), though a costly input, increase the efficiency of
carbofuran by 9.2% than when applied alone ancl hence increase the benefit-cost
ratio to 1.65. Moreover, this management package may save the protein and
starch quantity of chickpea grains in the infected grains (Chakrabarti and Mishra,

(k) Soil application of neem seed powder, neemgold and neemark @ 50 kg/ha
provided significant reduction in the population of Meloidogyne incognita,
Heterodera cajani and Rotylenchulus reniformis (Das and Mishra, 2003).

(I) Combined application of neem seed powder as seed treatment @ 5% wlw and
chemicals (carbofuran/phorate @ 0.75 kglha) provided good reduction in the
population of Heterodera avenae infesting wheat (Pankaj et al., 2003).

(m) Integration of different management practices is considered as better option to an

individual approach. Integration of soil solarisation (for six weeks), Vasicular
arbuscular mycorrhiza fungus (YAM), Glomusfasciculatum inoculation and seed
treatment with carbosulfan (@ 3% w/w) is highly effective in reducing
population of M incognita and Fusarium oxysporum and significantly increasing
chickpea grain yield (Rao and Krishnappa, 1995). Seed treatment with
carbendazim (0.25% w/w) together with carbosulfan (3% w/w) is effective in
reducing the Fusarium-Meloidogyne wilt complex and increasing the yields.

Plant parasitic nematodes are the hidden enemies of farmers which cause severe
damage to our most of the agricultural crops including pulses. These tiny micro-
organisms are microscopic hence cannot be seen with naked eyes. Being extensive in
occurrence, they cause greater crop damage in favourable soil conditions and continuous
susceptible crops one ,after the other. The lack of awareness about these pests may be one
of the main reasons of the damage. As the farmers have little perception of nematodes
due to their microscopic size and subterranean habitat, the damage to crop productivity
120 Economic Management ofPhyto-Nematodes in Pulse Crops

continues unchecked. The need for development of programmes to educate farmers about
nematode problems and to develop inexpensive, environmentally safe and effective
management of the nematode diseases are very essential to protect the crops due to huge
damage. There is urgent need of suitable recommendations for nematode management
practices being practical, reliable, sustainable in the long-term and adaptable to different
farming systems and farmers.

Chakrabarti, U. and Mishra, S.D. (2000). Integrated management of root-knot nematodes in
chickpea through soil application of neem products and systemic nematicides. Journal of
farming systems Research and Development, 6: (1&2): 79-83.
Chakrabarti, U. and Mishra, S.D. (2001). Seed treatments with neem products for Integrated
management of Meloidogyne incognita infecting chickpea. Current Nem~tol. 12 (1, 2): 15·19.
Das, Dibakar and Mishra, S.D. (1999). Effect of different inoculum levels of Me/oidogyne
incognita, Heterodera cajani and Rotylenchlilus reniformis alone and in combinations on
their population development and growth of pigeon pea. Current Nematol., 10 (1,2): 55-62.
Das, Dibakar and Mishra, S.D. (2000). Effect of neem seed powder and neem based formulations
as seed coating against Meloidogyne incognita, Heterodera cajani and Rotylenchuilis
reniformis infecting pigeonpea. Current Nematol., 11 (1,2): 13-23.
Das, Dibakar and Mishra, S.D. (2003). Effect of neem seed powder and neem based formulations
for the management of Meloidogyne incognita, Heterodera cajani and Rotylenchulus
reniformis infecting pigeonpea. Ann. PI. Protec. Sci. 11 (1): 110-115.
Gill, J.S. and Singh, R.V. (1989). In: Progress in Plant Nematology. (Eds., Saxena, S.K., Khan,
Khan, A.N., Rashid, A., and Khan, R.M.) pp. 5-3-514, CBS Publishers and Distributors
Pvt. Ltd., India.
Jain, H.K. (1988). In: Pulse Crops (Eds., Baldev, B., Ramanujam, S., and Jain, H.K.) pp. 52-91.
Oxford and IBH Co., New Delhi.
Mishra, S.D. (1992). "Nematode pests of pulse crops." In.: Nematode Pests of Crops. (Eds. Bhati,
D. S., and Walia, R.K.), pp. 139-148. CAB Publishers and distributors Pvt. Ltd. India.
Mishra, S.D. and Prasad, S. K. (1974). Effect of soil amendments on nematodes and crop yields. I.
Oil seed cakes, organic matter, inorganic fertilizers and growth regulators on nematodes
associated with wheat and their residual effect on mung. Indian J Nematol. 4 (1): 1-19.
Mishra, S.D., Dhawan, S.c., Tripathi, M.N. and Saswati Nayak (2003). Field evaluation of
Biopesticides, chemicals and Bioagents on plant parasitic nematodes infesting chickpea.
Current Nematol. 14 (1,2): 89-92.
Mishra, S.D., Dhawan, S.c., Ali, S.S., Haseeb, A. and Lingaraju, S. (2005). "Integrated
management of plant nematodes/soil pathogens in pulses based cropping systems." Final
Report NATP (RPPS-2): pp. \-61.
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Mojumder, V. and Mishra, S.D. (1993). "Management of nematode pest." In: Neem in
Agriculture. IARl, Res. Bull. No.4 (Eds. B.S. Parmar and R.P. Singh), pp. 40-48.
Mojumder, V. (1995). "Nematoda, Nematodes." The neem tree, a source of unique products of
pest management and other purpose (Eds. H. Schmutterer), pp. 120-150. UCH postfach,
Weinheim, Germany.
Nageswari, S. and Mishra, S.D. (2005). Integrated nematode management schedule incorporating
neem products, V AM and soil solarisation against Heterodera cajani infecting pigeonpea.
Indian J. Nematol. 35 (I): 68-71.
Nageswari, S. and Mishra, S.D. (2005). Neem formulations as seed treatment against Heterodera
cajani infecting pigeonpea. Ann.PI. Protec. Sci. 13 (20): 515-516.
Nene, Y.L., Sheila, V.K. and Sharma, S.B. (1989). A world list of chickpea and pigeonpea
pathogens. Legumes pathology progress report No.7. Patancheru, A.P., ICRlSAT. India,
Reddy, P.P. (1985). Estimation of crop losses in peas due to Meloidogyne incognita. Indian J.
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Saxena, R. and Reddy, D.D.R. (1987). Crop lossesin pigeonpea and mungbean by pigeonpea cyst
nematode, Heterodera cajani. Indian 1. Nematol. 17: 91-94.
Sharma, S. B. (1985). "Nematode diseases of chickpea and pigeonpea." Pulse Pathology Progress
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Problems and Progress, IARl, New Delhi, pp. 328-335.

Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to
the Cultivation of Medicinal and Aromatic
Plants and their Management Strategies

Akhtar Haseeb and Anita Sharma

" There is nothing in this universe, which is non-medicinal, which cannot be made use
for many purposes and by many modes. " -Aslttaanga Hrdaya, "Sutra Sthana"

Plants have been a major source of therapeutic agents for alleviation or cure of
human diseases since time immemorial. These are extensively utilised throughout the
world in both the two distinct areas of health management, i.e., (i) Modern system of
medicine system, and (ii) Traditional system of medicine. When we talk of India with
regard to medicinal plants, we are a huge treasure house! As a group, medicinal plants
comprise approximately 8,000 sp. and account for around 50 per cent of all the higher
flowering plant species of India. The Indian systems of medicine have identified around
1,500 medicinal plants, of which 500 species are mostly used in the preparation of drugs.
The importance of these medicinal plants can be judged from the fact that more than 90
per cent drugs used in the traditional and folk system of medicine in most of the tropical
countries of the world come from these plants.

Though, these plants have been known and used since ancient times to heal and
cure diseases, recently, technological advancements and validation of tr'aditional
knowledge and usage are leading to consumer inclination towards naturals and high
market and value for these crops. Such crops in India now covering an area of mearly
about 0.4 million hactare are finding a much higher place in international agri-business
with an estimated annual growth rate of 10-15 per cent.
Plant Parasitic Nematode5: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. .. 123

In view of the tremendous demands of the plants throughout the world in

medicine, phytochemicals, neutraceuticals, cosmetic and other products, they have
become a major sector of trade and commerce.

Today, various medicinal and aromatic plants are cultivated by large number of
farmers throughout the country as non-conventional crops. With the development of
superior varieties and improved agronomic practices for augmenting per unit area field of
medicinal and aromatic crops, due attention was also paid towards various nematode
diseases and their control.

Mentha Species (Mint)

Mints have been known from the time immemorial as kitchen herbs and also as
the pharmacopoeial herbs of the ancient human civilisation. Mints belong to family
Lamiaceae and genus Mentha. Four species of mints that are commonly cultivated in
India include menthol mint (Mentha arvensis L. subsp. haplocalyx Briquet var.
piperascens Holmes), Bergamot mint (M citrata Ehrh), Peppermint (M piperita L.),
spearmint (M spicata L.). The oil of these mints and their active constituents has great
demand in flavouring, perfumery, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Among them,
menthol mint (M arvensis) is the most important crop grown on commercial scale in
several parts of the world. In India it has become the prime essential oil bearing crop due
to remunerative prices of its products and suitability to adjust in the existing cropping
system, without disturbing the main cereal crops.

Root-knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne species)

In 1938, Buhrer for the first time reported, M arvensis and M piperita as hosts
of Meloidogyne species. Horner and Jensen (1954) reported high population of M hapla
chitwood, 1949 in different mints in western Oregan, they have also established the
pathogenicity of M hapla on scotch spearmint, M cardiaca. In India also larvae of
Meloidogyne spp. were found present in the rhizosphere soil of M spicata (Haseeb,
1992-94; Haseeb and Shukla, 2000a). SkotIand and Menzies (1957) reported M hapla as
most prevalent species associated with M piperita cv. Mitcham in Yakima valley and the
Columbia basin. Later, Maqbool et al. (1985) also reported severe galling of M piperita
due to infestation of M hapla.

The main symptom of the disease in field conditions is occasional yellowing of

leaves, stunting and wilting of plants. In general, leaves become yellow and thin, scorch
easily and eventually turn brown. Initially, symptoms of the disease appears in patches as
the reduced plant growth with smaller leaf size and temporary wilting under slightest
124 Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. ..

stress of water. As the crop grows especially after first harvest, symptoms become more
severe with yellowing of leaves, while veins remain green. Whereas, the below ground
symptoms are the galls of various sizes with large egg masses on the root system (Haseeb
and Shukla, 2000a, 2001).
For the first time Anonymous (1984, 1985, 1986, 1987a) and Haseeb and Pandey
(1989b) reported, root-knot disease of Japanese mint and Bergamot mint, root-knot
species attacking to different cultivars and species of mints were identified as M
incognita and M javanica, generally mixed infection of M incognita and M javanica
were found on the same root system. However, variation in the percentage occurrence of
individual species of root-knot nematode varies with the cultivars of mint.

Anonymous (1984, 1985, 1986) and Haseeb and Shukla (2000a, 2001) studied
the population fluctuation of larvae of root-knot nematodes in the rhizosphere of different
mints in relation to seasonal changes. Population of root-knot larvae in soil fluctuates
greatly from season to season and cultivars to cultivars. The highest number of
nematodes was found around the rhizosphere of M arvensis whereas lowest number was
found on M citrata.

Pathogenic potential of M incognita on different cultivars of M arvensis was

determined. An increase in initial number of nematodes/pot resulted in increased
reduction in plant fresh and dry weights, leaf chlorophyll content, photosynthetic
efficiency of leaves and essential oil content in fresh herb (Anonymous, 1986, 1987a;
Pandey et al., 1992; Haseeb and Shukla, 2000a). Consistent presence of Meloidogyne
spp. in the rhizosphere of M piperita cvs. MP-l and MPS-l has been reported in
experimental beds of CIMAP, Lucknow (Haseeb, 1992-94). Among various cultivars of
M arvensis tested, MAS-l and HY -77 were found highly susceptible, while Shivalik,
Gomti, Kosi and Himalaya showed slight tolerance to the infection by M incognita.
Reproduction of M incognita and extent of galling on roots and suckers were observed
directly proportional to susceptibility of cultivars of Mentha (Haseeb and Shukla, 2000a,
Haseeb and Shukla (2000a, 2001) also studied the effect of pH, soil type on the
growth/oil yield of M arvensis and .reproduction of M incognita. Results indicated a
directly proportional relation between pH level and severity of disease. High clay and
organic matter was observed to support the nematodes and enhanced the growth and

The severity of root-knot disease of Japanese mint was increased under field
conditions in the presence of soil-borne fungi, particularly the species of Fusarium and
Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. .. 125

Rhizoctonia. Studies conducted under controlled conditions indicated that M incognita-

Sclerotinia sclerotiorum disease complex caused severe reduction in growth and oil yield
(Haseeb and Sharma, 2005).

Root Lesion Nematode (Pratylenchus sp.)

The genus Pratylenchus was established by Filipjev in 1936 and more than 50
species are known today. It is the next potential pest after the root-knot nematodes. The
symptoms on the aerial portion caused by Pratylenchus sp. are stunting and wilting like
that of root-knot nematodes. However, on roots and suckers it causes specific symptom in
the form of light brown to dark coloured lesions. In severe cases whole underground
portion becomes black and rotting of cortical portion takes place, first due to the -
nematode infection and later because of the invasion of other pathogens or saprophytic
attack on necrotic cells (Anonymous, 1984-1987a; Haseeb, 1992-94). Skotland and
Menzies (1957) for the first time reported the association of P. minyus, P. lhornei and P.
penetrans with M cardiaca var. Scotch, M piperita Var. Mitcham and M spicala var.
Native from the Yakima valley. P. thornei has been considered as the most dominant
nematode of M cilrala (Haseeb, 1992, 1993, 1994; Haseeb and Shukla, 1995).
Pathogenicity experiment of P. penetrans on M spicala and M piperila showed a
reduction in foliage and root/stolon growth up to 34% and 66% respectively as reported
for the first time by Bergeson in 1963. The population of P. penelrans increased ranging
from 30x to 80x after 8 months. Bergeson and Green (1979), further reported that the P.
penelrans was mainly responsible in the reduction in herb weight and root growth of
spearmint and peppermint in Indiana. Subsequently they have proved that all the test
cultivars of peppermint grown in Indiana were equally susceptible to P. penelrans.
According to Rhoades (1983) P. scribneri was found to be responsible in stunting of
spearmint grown in Sherbak off and Stanelly in Central Florida. He also established the
pathogenicity of P. scribneri on M spicala in glass house conditions. Stunting and
chlorosis of plants and reduction in clipping weight of M spicala was obtained within 4-
5 months of inoculation with the nematodes. Pinkerton (1984) in greenhouse studies
reported that P. penelrans significantly reduced crop yield of M spicala. In the
experiment he found that M spicala cv. Murroy Mitchem is highly susceptible while
cultivar Todd Mitchem was intermediate and Black mitchem was the most tolerant
cultivars to P. penetrans.

Haseeb and Shukla (1994b, 1996, 2000b) established the pathogenicity of P.

lhornei on M arvensis cv. HY77, M piperita cv. MPS-l and M spicala cv. MSS-5 and
reported that significant reduction in plant fresh and dry weight, chlorophyll, sugar,
126 Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. ..

phenol and oil content started at inoculum level of 250 nematodesl7.5 kg soil. They also
reported, suppressed reproduction factor of both P. thornei and M incognita, when
present simultaneously on M arvensis. Studies regarding the effect of soil pH on P.
thornei infesting M piperita indicated that the highest reproduction of nematodes was
observed at pH 6.0 followed by 9.0 and 3.0 respectively (Shukla et al., 1998b). Similar
studies regarding the effect of soil texture and its organic matter content indicated that
soil type may also play a very important role on the activities of P. thornet in the
rhizosphere of M piperita (Shukla et a!., 1998a). Seasonal changes such as temperature
and rainfall have been considered important to influence the losses to mints due to
Pratylenchus sp. (Haseeb and Shukla, 1994a).

It has been reported that Pratylenchus also plays a significant role on the increase
in severity of other soil-borne pathogens (Haseeb and Shukla, 2000a, 2001). Bergeson
(1963) for the first time determined the effect of P. penetrans alone and in combination
with V albo-atrum on peppermint. P. penetrans alone significantly reduced the foliage
and root weight. However, the diagnostic symptoms of Verticil/ium wilt appeared 2-3
weeks earlier in plants inoculated with P. penetrans and V albo-atrum than in plants
inoculated with V albo-atrum alone. Faulkner and Scotland (1963) reported that the P.
l11inyus has been found throughout the Yakima valley of Washington, U.S.A. in
association with V dahliae (Kleb) f menthae. Later, Faulkner and Skotland (1965)
reported that the P. minyus increased in both the incidence and severity of Verticil/ium
wilt of Peppermint. The duration for the appearance of disease syndrome was reduced 2-3
weeks by the presence of nematode. The reproduction rate of nematode was increased in
plants inoculated with nematodes and fungus simultaneously than in plants inoculated
with nematode alone.

Faulkner and Bolander (1969) have determined the influence of P. minyus and V
dahliae f. sp. menthae in the severity of wilt disease of peppermint at 18, 21, 24, 27 and
30°C soil temperature. Symptom expression was greatest at 27°C in plants inoculated
with the nematode and fungus simultaneously. Whereas, at 24°C soil temperature, the
disease symptom was most severe in plants inoculated with fungus alone. The highest
population of P. minyus was recorded in plants inoculated with nematode and fungus
simultaneously at a soil temperature of 24°C. whereas, the highest population of
nematode was found at 30°C in plants inoculated with nematode alone.

Other Nematodes
In general plant parasitic nematodes other than M incognita and P. thornei
associated with mints do not produce characteristic symptom. Goodey (1940) reported
Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. .. 127

the association of Aphelencoides olesistus and A. ritzembosi with M piperita and M

spicata. Horner and Jensen (1954) reported that A. parietinus and Aphelencoides sp. were
recovered from the meristematic tissues of the emerging shoots of M piperita. They
further reported that as many as 4000 specimens of nematodes were found in a single
shoot tips. Skotland and Menzies (1957) reported the association of Tylenchorhynchus
capita/us, Trichodorus sp. with M cardiaca var. Native in the Yakima valley and in
Columbia basin. The commercial peppermint crop grown in Western Oregan, U.S.A.
were severely infested with Pratylenchus macrocephallus. Rhizospheric soils of stunted
and chlorotic plants containing more than 8000 P. macrocephallus per quart soil.
However, all the developmental stages of the nematode was also isolated from the living
stems and underground sprouting buds (Horner and Jensen, 1954). They also observed
the reduced root system and rotting of roots in heavily infested plants.

Skotland and Menzies (1957) reported that P. hamatus was also associated with
M cardiaca var. Scotch, M piperita var. Mitcham and M spicata var. Native in the
Yakima valley and in Columbia basin. In Washington, P. hamatus is a potential
nematode causing serious damage to peppermint, Scotch and Native spearmint. The main
expression of symptoms of diseased plants in the dwarfing of plants. Soil samples from
rhizosphere of such plants often yielded 3,000-10,000 nematodes per unit soil and
sometimes over, 4,00,000 nematodes may also be recovered as reported by Faulkner
(1962). Later, Faulkner in 1964 reported that the fresh and dry weight of spearmint and
peppermint were reduced 10-20% and 20-36%, respectively due to nematode inoculation.
belay in flowering of plants was also observed in inoculated plants. He also reported that
the nematode population in soil was increased slowly during early weeks of the
experiments, then quickly until plants started to produce flowers.

The Longidorlls elongatus is the most prevalent nematode in flood plain along
the Santiam and Willametle rivers of Western Oregan, U.S.A. affecting peppermint
cultivation (Horner and Jensen, 1954). Usually, the infected plants were stunted and
reddish in colour. The root system of such plants were poorly developed with most of
feeder roots reduced to short stubby remnants. Also in heavily infected plant, roots look
like a small tuft of cotton.

Rhoades (1983) reported that the severely stunted beds of M spicafa in

Sherbakoff and Stanley in Central Florida, U.S.A. were found to be heavily infested with
sting (Belonolaimus longicaudatus), awl (Dolichodorus heterocephalus), lesion
(Pratylenchus scribneri) and stubby root (Paratrichodorus christie i) nematodes. In glass
house experiments, all the species of nematodes were reproduced well on M spicata. As
128 Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. ..

a result of inoculation with 500 and 2500 P. longicaudatus, D. heterocephalus and P.

scribneri separately resulted in stunting, chlorosis and decreased 30, 46 and 52%,
respectively in clipping weights of M spicata within 4-5 months of inoculation. Root
systems were also significantly reduced in weight. Inserra and Rhoades (1989) described
the symptoms and the damage caused by B. longicaudatus, D. heterocephalus, P.
scribneri and Paratrichodorus christiei separately on M spicata. They have also
suggested the use of non-volatile nematic ides most effective for lowering nematode
population and increasing yield.

Esmenjaud et al. (1990) found that three peppermint cultivars proved to be good
host of Pratelenchoides laticauda. They further reported significant damage with this
nematode species in USSR. Haseeb and Shukla (2000a, 2001) found that Rotylenchulus
renijormis, Helicotylenchus indicus, Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris, Hoplolaimus indicus
and Paratylenchus sp. reproduce well on mints and caused significant reduction in herb
and oil yield.

Studies regarding the vertical distribution of plant parasitic nematodes associated

with mints in relation to seasonal fluctuation indicated that Tylenchus sp., T. vulgaris,
Hoplolaimus indicus, Helicotylenchus indicus were found throughout the year and R.
reniformis, Paratylenchus sp., Crionemoides sp., Hirschmaniella sp., Xiphinema sp. and
Longidorus pisi, etc., were found occasionally (Haseeb, 1992, 1993, 1994; Haseeb and
Shukla, 2000a, 2001).

Management Studies
Jensen and Horner in 1956 established the pathogenicity of L. elongatus and
controlled the disease by the application of soil fumigants. Jatala and Jensen (1974)
controlled the L. elongatus infesting peppermint by using oxamyl as foliar applications.
Such experiments were effective only when oxamyl was applied before, during and after
exposure to nematodes. Pinkerton and Jensen (1983) reported that the treatment of
oxamyl as spray and combined with aldicarb and oxamyl in soil as drench, resulted
significant increase in the yield of oil and hay in first year after the application. The most
effective treatments were the two broadcast spray or one granular incorporation of
oxamyl. Maximum yield was obtained when the treatment was done in the month of
November or March. Nematode population was only slightly and temporarily reduced
however, did not correlate with yield response. Rhoades (1984) have studied the effect of
carbofuran, fenamiphos and oxamyl @ 5.6 and 11.2 kg/ha and terbufos @ 11.2 kg/ha for
the control of P. scribneri infesting M spicata. The population of nematode was
significantly reduced by all the test nematicides, while fenamiphos being the most
Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. .. 129

effective treatment, followed by terbufos. Both the rates of carbofuran and oxamyl were
less effective in increasing the herb yield than the fenamiphos and terbufos treatments.
Pinkerton et al. (1988) reported reduction in the population of P. penetrans and increase
in herb yield of peppermint in treatments of oxamyl, aldicarb and carbofuran when they
are applied as broadcast sprays during spring. Single treatment of 5.5 kg and 9.2 kglha in
early April was as effective as multiple applications in April through June. Full
applications of oxamyl and carbofuran neither reduced the multiplication of nematodes
nor enhanced the spring growth.

Ingham et al. (\988) controlled the P. penetrans and Paratylenchus species on

peppermint by using Vydate 2E (oxamyl) @ lib/acre, Mocap 6E or lOG (Ethophos) @ 3
to 6 Ib/acre. They found that ethophos @ 6 Ib/acre was highly effective in reducing
population of P. penetrans both in soil and root tissues. However, oxamyl was useful for
the reducing population of Paratylenchus species. Shukla and Haseeb (1996) managed P.
thornei infesting M citrata, M piperita and M spicata by the application of neem,
mustard and linseed cakes @ 1500 kg/ha and aldicarb, carbofuran and ethoprop @ 4 kg
a.i.lha under glass house conditions. Results indicated that neem cake was the most
effective in improving the growth and oil yield and in reducing final nematode population
in roots and soil followed by mustard cake, aldicarb, ethoprop, carbofuran and linseed
cake respectively.

Haseeb and Shukla (2000a, 2001) conducted experiments under glasshouse and
field conditions to manage root~knot nematodes infecting M arvensis and M cardiaca.
The best results were achieved when soil was treated with neem cake and carbofuran.
Results also indicated that application of hydro-distillation wastes of M arvensis, M
piperita, Cymhopogon martini (Palmarosa), C. winterianus (Citronella) etc. in the soil (1
month after transplantation) was although found effective to reduce nematode population
but enhanced termite attack. Successful control of M incognita on M arvensis was done
by Haseeb et al., (2005). Results showed that carbofuran was most effective followed by
neem seed powder, neem cake, T. harzianum, T. virens, P. fluorescens respectively in
increasing the plant growth and oil yield as well as in suppression of M incognita
reproduction and root-knot index.

Hot water treatment (40°C for 30 min) for complete eradication of M incognita
from M arvensis planting material was suggested by Gokte and Mathur (1990). Haseeb
and Shukla (2000a, 2001) suggested overnight soaking of suckers into 0.03% a.i.
carbofuran for the eradication of M incognita from the suckers.
130 Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. ..

Artemissia Pallens (Davana)

Davana (Artemissia pallens Wall.) is being cultivated in large scale in the USA,
Europe and Japan for its high quality of essential oil. In India, it is being cultivated in the
states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The annual production of davana oil in
the country is about 1-2 tonnes. The main components of oil are cadinene, cinnamate,
cinnamoyl, fenchyl alcohol, 10-11 phenols or acids, linalool, eugenol, geraniol and
several sesquiterpenes.

Root-knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne Species)

Association of plant parasitic nematodes with Davana (Artemissia pallens) for
the first time reported by Haseeb et al. (1986b). Later, Haseeb and Pandey (1989c)
reported root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne species) as the main problem in the
cultivation of davana. The main disease symptom was the stunted growth of plants, less
numbers of flowers/flower buds showing scanty appearance of the crop in fields. Various
sizes of galls were found on root system of diseased plants. Haseeb and Pandey (1989c)
established for the first time the pathogenicity of M incognita on A. pallens. They
reported that 1 larvae of M incognita/ 2g soil as the economic threshold level for this
crop; they further reported 52% reduction in oil yield of Davana at the highest inoculum
level of M incognita. An increase in initial inoculum density (=Pi) of the nematode
resulted in corresponding decrease in fresh and dry plant weight and oil yield. Highest
development of root-knot was observed in plants inoculated with 15,000 second stage
juveniles. In general, an increase in initial inoculum densities of the nematodes resulted
in corresponding decrease in nematode multiplication.

Management Studies
Haseeb and Butool (1991) determined the effect of aldicarb (4 kg a.i.lha),
bavistin (4 kg a.i.lha), carbofuran (4 kg a.i.lha), mocap (6g kg a.i.lha), oncol (4 kg
a.i.lha), rughby (4 kg a.i.lha) and, neem cake (@ Ig N/kg) on the control of M incognita
infesting davana. Various treatments brought out a significant increase in fresh and dry
weight of plants/oil yield. The best result was obtained in plants treated with aldicarb
followed by mocap, neem cake, carbofuran, rughby, bavistin and oncol respectively.
Treatments with pesticides and oil-cake suppressed the nematode population in root and
soil significantly and also decreased the root-knot index. Pandey (1994) in field
experiment found maximum increase in root and shoot length, fresh and dry weight as
well as the oil yield of davana plants when treated with neem cake followed by aldicarb
(0.002 g a.i.lkg), carbofuran (0.0015 g a.i.lkg) and castor cake (@ Ig N/kg).
Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. .. 131

Hyoscyamus Species (Henbane)

Henbane (Hyoscyamus species Fam., Solanaceae) is an important medicinal herb
containing one of the most valuable sources of tropane alkaloids, particularly
hyoscyamine, hyoscine and atropine. The hyoscine and its derivatives have been used in
pharmaceutical preparations, since, they are having anticholinergic, antispasmodic and
mydriatic properties. About eleven species are distributed from the Canary islands over
Europe and North Africa to Asia. The H muticus and H niger have been introduced in
India by the Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and agrotechnology for
its large scale cultivation has also been developed (Husain, 1983).

Root-knot Nematodes (Me/oidogyne Species)

Root-knot nematodes are the main constraint in the cultivation of Hyoscyamus
albus, H muticus and H niger (Ustinov, 1939; Minz, 1956)< The species of root-knot
nematodes associated with this crop were first identified as M incognita and M javanica
by Anonymous (1985, 1986) and (Haseeb and Pandey, 1989a). In fields, 60-70% plants
were infected with the nematode appeared to be chlorotic, stunted in growth, bearing
fewer leaves and flowers showing patchy growth of the crop. The roots of such plants
were galled to various degrees. Pathogenicity of M incognita and M javanica was
established separately on H muticus and H. niger (Anonymous, 1986; Haseeb and
Pandey, 1989a). Later, Haseeb et al. (1990, 1993b) also established the pathogenicity of
M incognita on H albus, H muticus and H niger. Haseeb et al., (1990) determined the
effect of different initial population densities of M incognita on the disease development,
reproduction factor, total alkaloid yield, physiological responses (total leaf chlorophyll,
CO2 exchange rate and concentration of copper, iron, manganese, potassium, sodium and
zinc). The increase in initial inoculum potential of the nematode, resulted in
corresponding decrease in fresh and dry plant weight, alkaloid yield, total chlorophyll
content, photosynthetic rate, sodium, potassium, iron, manganese, copper and zinc in root
and shoot. While, the concentration of sodium and potassium increased in shoot. Highest
initial population density brought a greatest reduction in all the test parameter of the
study. Highest multiplication of nematode was obtained in plants inoculated with 50-
second stage larvae of M incognita. Whereas, the multiplication rate of the nematode
was decreased maximum at the initial inoculum density of 15,000 juveniles per pot. The
age of seedling is an important factor, in determination of pathogenicity of M incognita.
In case of H muticus it was investigated by Butool and Haseeb in 1996. They reported
that there was an inversely proportional relationship between the age of seedlings and the
infection potential of M incognita. Increased damage potential of M incognita to H
132 Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. ..

niger was noticed when it was inoculated with P. thornei (Haseeb et aI., 2000a). Effect of
different pH levels on the germination, survival and growth of H niger seedlings and
damage potential of M incognita was determined by Haseeb et af. (1 999a); and reported,
<pH 8.0 as the optimum pH range for the growth of H niger. The damage of M
incognita was also observed directly proportional to pH.

Other Nematodes
In addition to the root-knot nematode, large number of plant parasitic nematode
viz., Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris, Hoplolaimus sp., Helicotylenchus sp., Pratylenchus
thornei, Rotylenchulus renijormis, Xiphinema sp., Longidorus sp. and Trichodorus sp.
were consistently isolated from the rhizosphere of the test species of henbane. The
association of above mentioned nematodes is also a first record (Haseeb and Pandey,

Management Studies
Successful attempts have been made to manage M incognita on H albus and H
muticus by nematicides and oil cakes (Haseeb and Butool, 1998 and Butool et al., 1998).
In both the experiments, application of nematicides and oil cakes suppressed the
pathogenic effect of M incognita and resulted in significant reduction in gall intensity
and population density of root-knot nematode in roots and soil. Application of spores of
Glomus aggregatum has also been proved to be effective against M incognita (Butool
and Haseeb, 1996). Various tetraploids of H muticus were also tested for identifying the
sources of resistance against M incognita.

Ocimum Species (Basil)

Ocimum (family: Labiateae) is a versatile genus with more than 160 species
distributed in Africa, tropical Asia, America and sub-tropical regions of the world. The
best quality of basil oil is obtained from Ocimum basilicum L. (sweet basil) world over.
The major constituents of it, are 43-50% linalool, 18-33% menthyl chavicol, 5-6%
eugenol and isoeugenol. Whereas, the minor constituents are alpha and beta pinene,
camphor, geraniol etc. The oil of sweet basil has very high remunerative value, because
its oil has been used in cosmetic, condimentary products, perfumery and confectionary
industries, particularly in Europe. In India, Ocimul11 is considered a holy plant. Its
stomachic, antihelmintic, alexipharmic, diaphoretic, expectorant, carminative, stimulant
and pectoral. The seeds of 0. basilicum are used in dysentery and chronic diarrhoea. Oil
of 0. gratissimum has repellent property and its use has been suggested for biological
control of mosquitoes. Oil of 0. kilmandscharicum is used in medicines for local
application on pain and sprain.
Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. .. 133

Root-knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne Species)

In the past, the Ocimum species was known as wild crop and very little attention
was paid on the pathology of this crop. Meloidogyne sp. for the first time reported on 0.
basilicum by Buhrer (1938). Rangaswami et al., (1961) and Balasubramanian and
Rangaswami (1964) reported 0. sanctum as a host of M javanica. Krishnamurthy and
Elias (1967) reported severe infestation of 0. basilicum with M incognita.

Haseeb et al. (1986a; 1987; 1993a, 1996) reported that the major limiting factor
in the cultivation of 0. basilicum, 0. canum Sims., 0. sanctum, 0. gratissimum and 0.
kilmandscharicum Guerke, are the root-knot nematodes (viz. M incognita and M
javanica). Haseeb et al. (1988a,b, 1993a, 1996, 1998a; 1999c) and Haseeb and Butool
(1989) have also established the pathogenicity of M incognita on 0. basilicum cvs.
Indian and French, 0. canum cv. Kali, 0. sanctum cvs. KrisJ10a and Shyama and 0.
kilmandscharicum cv. Ram. They have reported that all the test species of basil are
equally susceptible to M incognita. With the increase in initial inoculum densities of
nematode, there was a corresponding decrease in plant growth and oil yield. Highest
development of root-knot and reduction in growth/oil yield was obtained in plants
inoculated with highest initial inoculum density i.e. 5000 J2/5 kg soil. 0. gratissimum L.
was found highly resistant to M incognita.

Effect of soil types and soil pH on the growth and oil yield of 0. canum under
controlled conditions was studied by Haseeb (1996) and Haseeb et al. (l999b, 2000b).
Results revealed heavier soils with lower pH as most suitable for the growth and oil yield,
escaping better from the damage caused by M incognita as compared to other lighter
soils having high pH.

Other Nematodes

Goffart (1931) reported association of Aphelencoides ritzembosi with 0.

basilicum and 0. canum Sims. Haseeb et al., (1986a, 1987) reported association of
Tylenchus sp., Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris, Hoplolaimus sp., Helicotylenchus sp.,
Pratylenchus thornei, Rotylenchulus renijormis, Xiphinema sp. and Longidorus sp.
besides root-knot nematodes with various species of Ocimum. Rhoades (1988) studied the
effect of Belonolaimus longicaudatus, Dolichodorus heterocephalus, Hoplolaimus
galeatus, Paratrichodorus christiei and Pratylenchus scribneri on the growth of 0.
basilicum in Florida, U.S.A. He reported that the population of B. longicaudatus, P.
scribneri and P. christiei were increased significantly and reduced the foliage and root
" growth within 10 months period. However, P. christiei did not reduce root growth. D.
134 Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. ..

helerocephalus also multiplied well on this crop without affecting foliage yield/root
growth. H galeatus was not able to cause any damage to this crop.

Management Studies
Experiments have been carried out to control M incognita infesting 0. basiliculII,
0. canurn and 0. kilrnandscharicum by using hydrodistillation waste of medicinal plants,
nematicides and oil cakes. Treatments with nematicides and oil cakes, significantly
suppressed the root-knot development and increased the plant growth/oil yield. Neem
cake proved to be the best treatment in improvement of plant growth/oil yield and also in
suppression of nematode population (Haseeb et al., 1988c, 1998b,c).

Dioscorea Species (Yam)

Dioscorea species belonging to the family Dioscoreaceae is considered as the
most important source of diosgenin, a steroidal sapogenin, most commonly used as
precursor for synthesis of drugs, which include corti sones, sex hormones and oral
contraceptives. According to an estimate, more than 70 per cent of the total requirements
of these drugs are obtained from diosgenin. This demand is bound to increase in near
future depending upon the family planning programme of the developing countries.
Whereas, in India, the estimate requirement is about 60 tonnes. The present production of
diosgenin, mainly derived from D. deltoidea wall. obtained from the forest of V.P., H.P.
and J. & K. the annual production is approximately 15-20 tonnes.

Root-knot Nematodes (Me/oidogyne Species)

Buhrer (1938) reported for the first time, D. alala as the host of Meloidogyne
species. Hawely (1956) and Schieber (1961) reported that M arenaria, M incognita and
M javanica are the major pest of D. jloribunda Mart. and Gal. In Guatemala, D.
jloribunda and D. spiculijlora Hemsl. were also severely infested with Meloidogyne
species as reported by Schieber and Lassmann (1961). Jenkins and Bird (1962) found that
the wild yam was also subject to the attack of M incognita along with other tylenchid
nematodes. M incognita was found to be responsible to the damage to D. alala and D.
spinosa Roxb. in Kerala (Raveendran and Nadakal, 1975) and on D. rOlundata Poir.
(Acosta and Ayala, 1975).

Atu et al. (1983) studied the effect of different initial inoculum densities of M
incognita ranging from 50 to 156250 eggs per plant of D. rotundala cv. Igava. The
economic threshold and economic injury levels were fixed at 250 and 1250 nematodes
per plant, respectively at a soil temperature of 28°C, the market value of yam tuber was
reduced by 40% in plants inoculated with more than 1250 nematodes/plant.
Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. .. 135

Montalvo and Melendez (1986) studied the interrelationships between M

incognita and P. coffeae and Fusarium OXY5porum f. sp. dioscoreae on D. rotundata cv.
Habnero. Histopathological studies indicate that the colonisation of the fungus occurred
indiscriminately either inter- or intracellularly after 14, 42 and 72 days of inoculations.
Apparently, the nematode as well as fungus colonised different tissues of Yam tuber.
However, abundant and vigorous colonisation of hyphae were found in tissues where M
incognita was inoculated earlier than fungus.

Other Nematodes
Besides, the root-knot nematods, the yam is susceptible to the attack of other
plant parasitic nematodes which decline the total production of tuber and reduce the
market value. Steiner (1931) for the first time isolated the Hoplolaimus species from the
infected yam tuber and the disease was named as "Nematosis". Further, he has identified
and described the nematode species as Hoplolaimus bradys. Later, in 1958, Andrassy has
raised the taxonomic status of the nematode from the species to a genus Scutellonema.
West (1934) reported that H bradys (= S. bradys) was associated with yam tuber in
Jamaica. The main symptom of the disease is the lossened cortex of tuber and this
condition is known as " dry rot". Similar symptom was noticed by Steiner and Buhrer
(1934) in Puerto Rico. S. bradys was also found to be associated with D. alata, D.
cayenensis and D. rotundata.

Jenkin and Bird (1962) reported that P. brachyurus and Criconemoides species
were associated with wild yam. The association of Aphelencoides sp., Aphelenchus sp.,
Helicotylenchus sp., P. coffeae and R. reniformis with D. rotundata was reported by
Ayala ( 1966a, b) and Ayala and Acosta (1971) in Puerto Rico. Dixon and Latta (1965)
reported that several plant-parasitic nematodes were associated with this crop in Jamaica.
Acosta and Ayala (1975) have established the pathogenicity of S. bradys, P. coffeae and
R. reniformis on D. rotundata cv. Guinea. They have found that the "dry rot" symptom
was produced on the tubers. However, R. reniformis fails to produce any necrosis or
cracking ofthe cortical tissue on tuber.

Ekundayo and Naqvi (1972) reported that the yam tubers were severely infested
in association with S. bradys and Corynebacterium sp. in Nigeria. The incidence of the
disease in terms of "dry rot" and non-sprouting of tubers in fields were abundant in plants
infested with both the pathogens.

In Jamaica, P. coffeae is considered to be the most serious pest of yam producing

"dry rot" condition or "burning. This condition is characterised by cracking in the skin
136 Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. ..

underlined by a brown, corky rot in the storage tissues. Rot progresses deeper into the
yam tissue following harvest and prior to planting or consumtion.

Pogostemon cablin (Patchouli)

Patchouli (Pogostemon cab lin Benth. Syn. P. Patchouli Pallet. Var. Sauvis
Hook) is native of the Phillipines and grows in India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore.
The essential oil of patchouli is obtained from steam distillation of dried leaves. It is one
of the most important essential oils used commercially in the perfumery industries of the
world as a base because of its fixative property. The patchouli oil is also used in
Ayurvedic medicine to treat nausea, diarrhoea, cold and headache. The patchouli oil is
extensively used in food industries as flavour ingredients.

Root-knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne Species)

Among the root-knot nematodes M incognita, M javanica and M hapla have
been reported to severely affect this crop. Heavy galling on the root system with root-
knot nematodes on patchouli resulted in stunting, wilting, defoliation and yellowing of
the plants. Krishnaprasad and Reddy (1979) reported the threshold level of M incognita
to be 40 juveniles/g soil. They reported 52% loss in dry weight of patchouli by M
incognita. The multiplication rate of M incognita was greater in sandy-loam than clay

Other Nematodes
Dj iwanti and Momota (1991) reported that besides Meloidogyne species,
Pratylenchus brachyurus is another important nematode of P. patchouli in West Jawa.

Trachyspermum Species (Ajwain)

Trachyspermum species (family Apeaceae = Umbelliferae) is an important
essential oil bearing crop. Its oil is the major source of thymol, which has wide
application in various pharmaceutical preparations. In India its cultivation is mainly being
done in the states of Bihar, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar
Pradesh and West Bengal.

Root-knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne Species)

Association of plant parasitic nematodes with Trachyspermum ammi was first
observed in the experimental fields of CIMAP, Lucknow, and root-knot nematode, M
incognita was considered to be the major pest of this crop (Haseeb, 1992, 1994). Butool
and Haseeb (1992) established the pathogenicity of M incognita on T. ammi. Results
Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. .. 137

revealed that an initial population of IJ2/g of soil may cause 38-42% reduction in plant
weight and very severe galling on roots.

Management Studies
Management of M incognita was successfully done under controlled conditions
by Haseeb and Butool in 1993. Ethoprop was found to be most effective followed by
carbofuran, neem cake, carbendezim respectively.

Cymhopogon Species (Aromatic Grasses)

Cymhopogon species are the aromatic grasses belonging to the family Graminae
have more than 140 species (Sobti et al. 1982). Essential oil can be obtained from all
parts of the plants except roots (except in C. jwarancusa, where roots also contain oil).
Essential oil obtained from various grasses are widely used in perfumery and
pharmaceutical industries. Further, these oils constitute the natural source of valuable
active components e.g. citronellal in citronella oil, geranil in palmarose oil and citral in
lemongrass oil which again have even more useful in synthesis of new aroma chemicals.
Out of many Cymhopogon species, the following three are recognised in perfumery and
cosmetic industries throughout the world: (i) Cymhopogon jlexuosus (Nees ex Steud.)
Wats (Lemongrass), (ii) C. martini (Roxb.) Wats (Palmarosa), (iii) C. winterianus Jowitt.
(Citronella Java).

There has been tremendous increase in the cultivation of these grasses to meet
the requirement of the industry. According to a report, the annual production of
citronella, lemongrass and palmarosa oils is approximately 800, 400 and 70 tonnes,

It has been reported during studies on the association of plant parasitic nematodes
with these grasses at CIMAP, Lucknow, that nematodes reproduce well in the
rhizosphere of these grasses (Anonymous, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987a, 1988; Haseeb, 1992-
94). Symptoms under field conditions include patchy and stunted growth with reduced
number of tillers and severe chlorosis. The most dominant species of the parasitic
nematodes were Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris and P. thornei followed by Helicotylenchus
indicus, Hoplolaimus indicus etc. Studies were also made on the seasonal fluctuation of
plant parasitic nematodes associated with lemongrass, palmarosa, citronella and khus.
The pathogenicity of T. vulgaris and P. thornei were established separately on citronella
Java. Both the species of nematodes multiplied well and reduced the root growth/herb.
yield. During studies on combined effect of P. thornei and T. vulgaris on the herb yield
of citronella, population build up and disease development, it was found that combined
138 Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. ..

inoculation had more profound effect on the growth and oil yield of the plant than when
either species of the nematode present alone (Haseeb and Pandey - unpublished).

Other Medicinal Plants of Significance

Other than the above mentioned medicinal plants, several other plants ai'e also
known for their economic potentiality as a source of raw material for pharmaceutical
industries. Many of them (such as species of Abrus, Azadirachta, Beta, Brassica,
Cajanus, Capsicum, Cicer, erotolaria. Croton, Glycine, Gossypium. Lathyrus. Lens,
Linum. Nicotiana, Piper, Pisum, Ricinus, Trigonella, Vigna etc.) have been used by
mankind as food crops or for various other purposes. Much reseach on nematological
problems of these crops has been done and published, therefore these plants are not
included in this review. However, still there are many important medicinal plants, which
could not get sufficient attention. The list of some important medicinal plants with their
important parasitic nematodes is presented hereunder.

List of important medicinal plants and the nematodes associated with them
Plants name Nematodes species References
A belmoschus esculentus Meloidogyne incognita Sasser (1954); Colbran (1958);
(L.) Moench. Nadakal (1964b); Valdez
(1968); Atwal and Mangar
(1971); Oteifa and Elgindi
(1983); Sosa-Moss (1985)
Abutilon avicennae Gaertn. Meloidogynejavanica Goodey et al. (1965)
Abrus precatorius L. Hoplolaimus sp., Alam and Khan (1975)
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris,
Tylenchus sp.
Abutilon indicum L. Hoplolaimus sp., Meloidogne Buhrer (1938); Alam and Khan
incognita acrita, M incognita, (1975); Bhatti and Dahiya
M javanica, Tylenchorhynchus (1977)
Acorus calamus L. Helicotylenchus sp., Longidorus Haseeb and Pandey (1987)
sp. Meloidogyne javanica,
Tylellchorhynchus vulgaris,
Tylenchus sp.
Adhatoda vasica Nees. Helicotylenchus sp., Dahiya et al. (1988); Haseeb et
Meloidogyne incognita, M af. (1984, 1985); Patel et af.
javanica. (1989)
Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. .. 139

Albizzia lebbek (L.) Willd Meloidogyne incognita, M. Basu and Banerjee (1978); Azmi
javanica, Radopholus similis, (1978)
Tylenchorhynchus indicus

Allium canadense L. Meloidogyne incognita Gaskin (1958); Goodey et al.


Allium cepa L. Meloidogyne incognita, M. Sasser (1954); Martin (1958);

javanica Goodey et al. (1965);
Chandwani and Reddy (1967);
Decker (1968); Siddiqui et at.
(1973); Thirugnanum and
Rangaswami (1976)

Aloe barbadensis Mill Hoplolaimus sp., Longidorus Sasser (1954); Martin (1958),
sp., Meloidogyne incognita, M. Goodey et al. (1965); Siddiqui et
javanica, Tylenchorhynchus al. (1973); Haseeb and Pandey
vulgaris (1987)

Aloe perryi Baker Helicotylenchus sp., Heterodera Haseeb and Pandey (1987)
sp., Meloidogyne incognita, M.
javanica, Tylenchorhynchus

Alipina galanga (L.) Sw. Aphelencoides sp., Hoplolaimus Haseeb and Pandey (1987)
sp., Longidorus sp.,
Meloidogyne javanica,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris,
Pratylenchus sp.

Ammi majus L. Aphelencoides sp., Martin (1959); Haseeb and

Helicotylenchus sp., Pandey, 1987; Pandey (1992)
Meloidogyne arenaria, M.
incognita, M. javanica,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris

Ammi visnaga L. Aphelencoides sp., Haseeb et al. (1984, 1985)

Helicotylenchus sp.,
Meloidogyne incognita, M.
javanica, Tylenchorhynchus
140 Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. ..

Andrographis panicu1atus Helicotylenchus sp., Mincognita Haseeb and Pandey (1987)

(8urm. F) Nees incognita, Pratylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris

Anethum graveolens L. Meloidogyne incognita Valdez (1968)

Anthocephalus cadamba Meloidogyne javanica Gupta and Dalal (1973)


Apium graveolens L. Wall Belonolaimus longicaudatus, Oostenbrink et al. (1957);

Ex. Nees Ditylenchus dipsacii, D. Colbran (1958); Hunt (1959);
destructor, Hemicycliophora Kuhn (1959); Gundy and
arenaria, Hoplolaimus sp., Rackham (1961); Rau (1963);
Longidorus maximus, Decker, 1968; Siddiqui et al.,
Meloidogyne incognita acrita, 1973; D'Errico et al. (1991)
M incognita, M hapla, M
javanica, Pratylenchus
penetra.ns, Tylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris

Argyreria speciosa Sweet Helicotylenchus sp., Minz (1963); Haseeb and

Meloidogyne incognita, Pandey (1989b)
Pratylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris

Artemisia pal/ens L. Hoplolaimus sp., Longidorus Haseeb and Pandey (1990)

sp., Meloidogyne incognita, M
javanica, Pratylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris,
Tylenchus sp.

Asclepias curassavica L. Meloidogyne incognita, M Colbran (1958); Goodey et al.

javanica, Pratylenchus sp., (1965); Haseeb and Pandey
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris (1987)

Asparagus racemosus Helicotylenchus sp., Franklin (1940); Mcmillen

Willd. Hoplolaimus sp., (1941); Haseeb et al. (1984);
Hirschmaniella sp., Longidorus Upadhyay and Swarup (1972);
sp., Meloidogyne incognita, M Dahiya et al. (1988)
javanica, Tylenchorhynchus
vulgaris, Tylenchus sp.
Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. .. 141

Atropa belladonna L. Heterodera rostochiensis, Khan and Khan (1972)

Hoplolaimus sp., Longidorus
brevicaudatus, Meloidogyne sp.,
Pratylenchus penetrans,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris

Bacopa monnieri (L.) Helicotylenchus sp., Longidorus Haseeb et af. (1984)

Wettstein sp., Meloidogyne incognita,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris

Barlaria pionitis L. Meloidogyne incognita Haseeb and Shukla


Barringtonia acutangula Hirschmaniella sp., I?aseeb and Pandey (I 987)

L. Gaertn. Meloidogyne incognita, M.
javanica, Tylenchorhynchus
vulgaris, Tylenchus sp.

Boerhavia diffusa L. Hoplolaimus sp., Meloidogyne Rangaswami et af. (1961);

javanica, M. incognita, Balasubramaniyan and

Pratylenchus sp., Rangaswami (1964); Haseeb et

Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris, al. (1984)

Borreria hispida Schum. Meloidogyne incognita Roy (1972)

Borreria ocymoides Meloidogyne incognita Nadakal (I 964b)

Callistemon citrinus Skeel Helicotylenchus sp., Longidorus Goodey et al. (1965); Haseeb
sp., Meloidogyne incognita, and Pandey (1987)
Trichodorus sp., Tylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris

Callistemon lanceolata Dc. Meloidogyne incognita, M. Haseeb and Pandey (1987)

javanica, Pratylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris,

Calotropis gigantea L. R. Meloidogyne incognita, M. Lal et al. (1976, 1977); Haseeb

Br. Ex. Ait. javanica, Tylenchorhynchus et al. (1984)

Calotropis procera Bry. Hirschmaniella sp., Longidorus Sethi and Swarup (1968); Alam
sp., Meloidogyne incognita, et a' (1976)
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris
142 Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. ..

Cannabis sativa L. Ditylenchus dipsaci, BoHrung (1890); Steiner and

Helicotylenchus erythrinae, Buhrer (1932); Buhrer et at.
Heterodera humuli, H. schachtii, (1933); Winslow (1954);
Longidorus maximus, Sturhan (1963); Khan et at. I
Meloidogyne incognita, M. (1964); Nirula and Kumar
javanica, Tylenchorhynchus (1964); Goodey et al. (1965);
vulgaris, Upadhyay and Swarup (1972);
Bhatti and Dahiya (1977)
Capsicum annum L. Meloidogyne arenaria, M Goodey et al. (1965); Valdez
incognita (1968); Rajgopalan and Seshadri
(1969); Raveendran and
Nadakal (1975); Netscher and
Taylor (1979)
Capsicum Jrutescens Meloidogyne incognita Lal and Ansari (1960); Goodey
et al. (1965); Bos (1978)
Cassia angustifolia Vahl. Helicotylenchus sp., Patel et al. (1989)
Hoplolaimus sp., Heterodera
sp., Meloidogyne' incognita, M.
javanica, Pratylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris

Cassia occidentalis L. Meloidogyne incognita, Thome (1936); Luc and

Meloidogyne incognita acrita, Deguiran (1960); Alam et al.
M. arenaria, Pratylenchus (1976)
Cassia tora L. Helicotylenchus sp., Atkinson (1889); Steiner (1949);
Hoplolaimus indicus, Machmer (1951); Nirula and
Longidorus sp., Meloidogyne Kumar (1963); D'souza and
javanica, M. arenaria, Kashivishwanathan (\969);
Pratylenchus sp., P. coffeae, Khan et al. (1964); Lal et al.
Rotylenchulus reniform is, (1978)
Tylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris
Catharanthus roseus (L.) Helicotylenchus sp., Goodey et al. (1965); Roy
Don Meloidogyne incognita, (1972); Anonymous (1984-85);
Pratylenchus sp., Rotylenchus Haseeb and Pandey (1987)
sp., Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris
Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. .. 143

Celastrus paniculatus Helicotylenchus sp., Haseeb and Pandey (1987)

Wi lId. Meloidogyne javanica,
Pratylenchus brachyurus

Chrysanthemum Aphelecoides ritzembosi, Edward (1955); Lordello (1957);

cinerifolium Ditylenchus dipsaci, Luc and DeGuiran (1960)
Meloidogyne hapla, M.
javanica. Pratylenchus sp.,
Rotylenchulus reniformis

Cissus qyadrangularis L. Meloidogyne incognita Haseeb et al. (1984); Haseeb

and Pandey (1987)

Clitoria ternatea L. Helicotylenchus sp., Alam (1981); Azmi (1978);

Meloidogyne incognita, M Nadakal (l964b)
javanica, Tylenchorhynchus
vulgaris, Pratylenchus sp.

Cichorium intybus L. Ditylenchus dipsaci, Licopoli (1877); Geisenheyner

Hoplolaimus indicus, (1902); Baudys (1948); Martin
Meloidogyne arenaria, M (1954); Oostenbrink (1954);
incognita, M hapla, M Gaskin and Crittenden (1956);
javanica, Pratylenchus Loof (1960); Mai et al. (1960);
penetrans, P. pratensis, Steiner and Buhrer (1932b)
Rotylenchulus reniformis

Coleus aromaticus Benth. Meloidogyne incognita, Raveendran and Nadakal (1975)

Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris,
Pratylenchus sp.

Coleus blumei Meloidogyne incognita Maqbool et al. (1985)

Coleus forskohlii Benth. Meloidogyne incognita, M Patel et af. (1989); Haseeb et al.
javanica (2000c)

Commiphora wightii Jacq. Hoplolaimus sp., Longidorus Bessey (1911); Georghiou

sp., Meloidogyne incognita, M (1957); Haseeb et al. (1984,
javanica, Pratylenchus sp., 1985)
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris

Convolvulus microphyllus Meloidogyne incognita, M. Haseeb et al. (1984, 1985)

Sieber. Ex. Spreng. javanica, Pratylenchus sp.
144 Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. ..

Coriandrum sativum L. Heterodera oryzae, Chandwani and Reddy (1967);

Meloidogyne incognita acrita, Krishnamurthy and Elias (1967);
M incognita, M javanica, Upadhyayand Swarup (1972);
Pratylenchus thornei, Sen and Dasgupta (1977); Das
Rotylenchulus reniform is, and Sultana (1979); Greco et al.
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris (1988)
Costus speciosus Koen. Heterodera sp., Hoplolaimus Haseeb and Pandey (1987)
Ex. Retz. Sm sp., Meloidogyne incognita,
Tylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris
Crataeva nurvalo Ham. Meloidogyne incognita, M Haseeb and Pandey (1987)
javanica, Tylenchorhynchus
Cuminum cyminum L. Meloidogyne incognita, M Siddiqi (1961,1963); Swarup et
incognita acrita, M javanica, al. (1967); Sethi and Swarup
Rotylenchulus reniform is, (1968); Verma and Prasad
Tylenchorhynchus brevidens, T (1969); Shah and Patel (1979)
Curculigo orchioides Meloidogyne incognita Nadakal (I 964b)
Curcuma amada Roxb. Meloidogyne incognita, M Sen and Dasgupta (1977);
javanica, Radopholus similis, Sosamma and Koshy (1981)
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris
Curcuma cyminum Meloidogyne incognita Shah and Patel (1979)
Curcuma longa Auct Non. Helicotylenchus multicinctus, Ayyar (1933); Koshy and
L. Heterodera trifolii, Meloidogyne Sosamma (1975); Nadakal and
incognita, M javanica, Thomas (1964); Nirula and
Radopholus similis, Rotylenchus Kumar (1964); Sosamma et at.
reniformis, Tylenchorhynchus (1979); Ray and Das (1980);
mashoodi, T vulgaris Patel et al. (1981)
Cymbopogonflexuosus L. Helicotylenchus sp., Anonymous (1984-85); Siddiqi
Rotylenchulus reniform is, and Alam (1988)
Tylenchorhynchus bra.ssicae, T
vulgaris, Tylenchulus
Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. .. 145

Cymbopogon martini Helicotylenchus dihystera Azmi (1978)

(Roxb.) Wats.

Cyperus rotundus L. Meloidogyne javanica Goodey et af. (1965); Bhatti et

al. (1974)
Datura arborea L. Meloidogyne incognita Kiryanova and Krall (1980)
Datura mete! L. Meloiogyne incognita, Khan et al. (1964)
Pratylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris

Datura stramonium L. Meloidogyne arenaria, M Martin (1958); Lal et al. (1976);

javanica, M hapla,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris
Desmodium gangeticum Helicotylenchus sp., Haseeb et al. (1984, 1985)
(L.) DC. Hoplolaimus sp., Longidorus
sp., Meloidogyne incognita, M
javanica, Tylenchorhynchus

Digitalis lanata Ehrh. Hoplolaimus sp., Longidorus Licopoli (1877); Oostenbrink et

sp., Meloidogyne arenaria, M al. (1957); Minz (1958); Goodey
thamesi, M incognita acrita, M et af. (1965); Haseeb and
incognita, M javanica, Pandey (1987)
Tylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris
Digitalis purpurea L. Aphelencoides jragrarae, Steiner and Buhrer (1932);
Ditylenchus. dipsaci, Junges (1938); Oostenbrink et
Helicotylenchus sp., al. (1957); Landhardt (1963);
Hoplolaimus sp., Meloidogyne Haseeb and Pandey (1987)
incognita, M arenaria, M
hap/a, Pratylenchus penetrans,
Tylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris
Dioscorea alata L. Hemicycliophora utkali, Buhrer (1938); Luc and
Meloidogyne incognita, DeGuiran (1960); Nadakal and
Pratylenchus brachyurus, Thomas (1967); Raveendran and
Scutellonema bradys Nadakal (1975); Ray and Das
146 Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. ..

IDioscorea composita Helicotylenchus sp., Heterodera Schieber (1961); Goodey et a/.

Hems!. sp., Hoplolaimus sp., (1965)
Longidorus sp., Meloidogyne
arenaria, M. incognita,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris,
Tylenchus sp.

Dioscorea floribunda Heterodera sp., Meloidogyne Hawley (1956); Schieber

Mart. and Gal. arenaria, M incognita, M (1961); Goodey et al. (1965)
incognita acrita, M javanica,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris,
Tylenchus sp.

Dioscorea rotundata Poir. Meloidogyne incognita Caveness (1979)

Dioscorea spinosa Roxb. Meloidogyne incognita Raveendran and Nadakal (1975)

Dolichos biflorus L. . Meloidogyne incognita, M Bessey (1911); Chandwani and

javanica Reddy (1967); Koshy and
Swarup (1972); Raveendran and
Nadakal (1975); Ray and Das

Duboisia myoporoides R. Helicotylenchus imperialis, Kelenyi (1949); Colbran (1958);

Br. Meloidogyne incognita, M Varaprasad et al. (1987)
javanica, Pratylenchus cojJeae,
Tylenchorhynchus digitatus

Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk. Meloidogyne graminicola, M Bessey (1911); Colbran (1958);
incognita, M javanica Nadakal and Thomas (1964);
Chidamberanathan and
Rangaswami (1965); Naqvi and
Alam (1974); Lal et al. (1977);
Rao and Jaiprakash (1978)

Elettaria cardamomum Crossonema tylatum, Khan and Nanjappa (1972);

(L.) Maton. Hemicycliophora argiensis, Khan et al. (1975); Sosa-Moss
Nothocriconema cardamomi, N. (1985)
cooroi, Meloidogyne incognita,
Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. .. i47

Eleusine indica (L.) Meloidogyne incognita, M Martin (1958); Goodey, et af.

Gaertn. arenaria (1965); Barnes and Gowen
(1969); Roy (1972); Naqvi and
Alam (1974); Wang (1978);
Tedford (1986)
Elytraria acualis Lindau. Hirschmanniella oryzae, I Rao and laiprakash (1978);
Meloidogyne graminicola, M Haseeb et af. (1984); Haseeb
incognita, M javanica, and Pandey (1987)
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris
Euphorbia thymipholia L. Meloidogyne incognita Haseeb et al. (1984)
Euphorbia tirucalli L. Meloidogyne incognita, M Sharma and Haseeb
javanica (Unpublished)
Flacourtia indica Merr. Meloidogyne javanica Haseeb and Pandey (1987)
Geranium carolinianum L. Meloidogyne incognita Goodey et al. (1965); Pandey
and Has~eb (1997)
Glycyrrhiza glabra L. Aphelenchus avenae, Mathur et al. (1980)
Pratylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris
Gymnema sylvestre R. Br. Meloidogyne javanica Haseeb and Pandey (1987)
Hemidesmus indicus (L.) Meloidogyne incognita, M Haseeb et al. (1984); Patel et al.
Br. javanica, Tylenchorhynchus (1989)
Hibiscus rosa sinensis L. Aphelencoides andrassyia, A. Bessey (1911); Birchfield
jacobi, A. ritzembosi, (1956); Martin (1958); Husain
Hemicycliophora similis, and Khan (1967b); Swarup et al.
Hoplolaimus sp., Longidorus (1967); Sethi and Swarup
maximus, L. sativa, Meloidogyne (1968); Alam et al. (1976);
arenaria, M incognita, M Chitambar and Gupta (1977)
incognita acrita, M javanica,
M hapla, Naccobus
batatiformis, N. serendipiticus,
Paratylenchus projectus, P.
penetrans, Pratylenchus
pratensis, P. coffeae, P. loosi,
Radopholus simi/is,
Rotylenchulus reniform is,
Tetylenchus joctus,
Tylenchorhynchus christiei, T.
claytoni, T. chonai
148 Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. ..

Humulus lupulus L. Ditylenchus destructor, D. Pericival (1895); Nance (1941);

dipsaci, Heterodera humuli, H. Jones (1950); Goodey (1952);
shachtii, Meloidogyne hapla, M. Martin (1958); Maggenti and
incognita, M. javanica, Hart (1963)
Xiphinema americanum

Hygrophylla auriculata R. Helicotylenchus sp., Haseeb and Pandey (1987);

Br. Hoplolaimus sp., Longidorus
sp., Meloidogyne incognita, M.
javanica, Tylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris

Hyoscyamus alb us L. Helicotylenchus sp., Haseeb and Pandey (1989a)

Hoplolaimus sp., Longidorus
sp., Meloidogyne incognita, M.
javanica, Rotylenchulus
reniformis, Trichodorus sp.,
Tylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris,
Xiphinema sp.

Hyoscyamus muticus L. Helicotylenchus sp., Ustinov (1939); Oostenbrink

Hoplolaimus sp., Longidorus (1950); Minz (1956); Goodey et
sp., Meloidogyne incognita, M. al. (1956); Haseeb and Pandey
javanica, Rotylenchulus (1989a); Vanha and Stoklasa
reniform is, Trichodorus sp., (1996)
Tylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris,
Xiphinema sp.

Hyoscyamus niger L. Ditylenchus dipsaci, Globodera Goodey et al. (1956); Haseeb

rostochiensis, Longidorus sp., and Pandey (1989a)
Meloidogyne incognita, M.
javanica, Pratylenchus sp.,
Rotylenchulus reniform is,
Trichodorus sp., Tylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris,
Xiphinema sp.
Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. .. 149

Indigo/era tinctoria L. Heterodera glycines, Riggs and Hamblen (1967);

Hoplolaimus sp., Longidorus Haseeb et al. (1984)
sp., Meloidogyne incognita, M
javanica, Tylenchorhynchus

Ipomoea hederacea Jacq. Longidorus sp., Meloidogyne Gaskin (1958); Haseeb et al.
incognita, M incognita acrita, (1984)
Pratylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris

Ixora arborea Roxb. Ex. Sm. Meloidogyne javanica Haseeb and Pandey (1987)

Ixora coccinea L. Meloidogyne incognita, Goffart (1953); Brooks (1954,

Radopholus similis, 1953); Haseeb and Pandey
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris (1987)

Jasminum humile L. Meloidogyne javanica Haseeb and Pandey (1987)

Jasminum nudiflorum Linde. Meloidogyne incognita Goodey et al. (1965)

Jasminum humile L. Meloidogyne javanica, Haseeb and Pandey (1987)

Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris

Lactuca sativa L. Meloidogyne incognita, M Colbran (1958); Goodey et af.

javanica (1965)

Lavandula officinalis Aphelecoides ritzembosi, Buhrer (1938); Junges (1938);

Chaix. Ditylenchus dipsaci, Kirijanova (1939); Minz (1956)
Meloidogyne javanica

Lepidium sativum L. Ditylenchus dipsaci, Heterodera Kuhn (1881); Voigt (1890);

cruciferae, H schachtii, Quanjer (1927); Franklin
Meloidogyne incognita, M (1945); Gaskin and Crittenden
javanica, M hapla, (1956); Colbran (1958)
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris

Leucas aspera Spreng. Meloidogyne incognita Nadakal (1964b)

Leucas lanata Benth. Meloidogyne incognita Roy (1972)

150 Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. ..

Linum usitatissimum L. Ditylenchus dipsaci, Hoplolaimus Bos (1903); Sorauer (1906);

indicus, Longidorus maximus, Linde (1956); Colbran (1958);
Meloidogyne incognita, M Baker (1959); Sturhan (1963);
incognita acrita, M javanica, M Sethi and Swarup (1968);
hapla, Pratylenchus coffeae, P. Upadhyay and Swarup (1972);
penetrans, Rotylenchulus Rashid et al. (1973); Roy (1973)
renijormis, Tylenchorhynchus
brevidens, T. phaseoli, T. maxima,
T. vulgaris

Matricaria chamommilla Helicotylenchus sp., Nagakura (1930); Gillard and

L. Hoplolaimus sp., Longidorus Brande (1956); Sturhan (1963)
sp., L. maximus, Meloidogyne
hapla, Pratylenchus sp.,
Tylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris

Melissa officinalis L. Hoplolaimus sp., Longidorus Goodey et al. (1956); Haseeb et

sp., Meloidogyne incognita, M al. (1984)
javanica, Pratylenchus sp., P.
pratensis, Tylenchorhynchus
vulgaris, Paratylenchus

Mentha arvensis L. Ditylenchus dipsaci, D. Buhrer (1938); Hurst (1948);

destructor, Helicotylenchus sp., Goffart (1953, 1957); Newton
Hoplolaimus sp., Heterodera and Duthoit (1954); Sultana
sp., H. shachtii, (1978); Das and Sultana (1979);
Hirschmanniella orycrena, Haseeb and Pandey (1989b)
Longidorus pisi, Meloidogyne
incognita, M javanica, M
hapla, Trichodorus sp.,
Pratylenchus exilis, P. thornei,
Rotylenchulus sp., Tylenchus
sp., Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris,
Xiphinema sp.
Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. .. 151

Mentha cardiaca Baker Helicotylenchus sp., Anonymous (1984, 1985);

Hoplolaimus sp., Longidorus Haseeb and Pandey (1989b)
sp., Meloidogyne incognita, M
javanica, Pratylenchus sp.,
Paratylenchus hamatus,
Rotylenchulus sp., Tylenchus
sp., Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris
Mentha citrata Ehrh. Helicotylenchus sp., Anonymous (1984, 1985);
Hoplolaimus sp., Longidorus Haseeb and Pandey (1989)
sp., Meloidogyne incognita, M
javanica, Pratylenchus sp.,
Rotylenchulus sp., Tylenchus
sp., Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris
Mentha piperita L. Aphelencoides ritzembosi, Homer and Jensen (1954); 0'
Helicotylenchus sp., Bannon et al. (1982); Maqbool
Hoplolaimus sp., Heterodera sp., et al. (1985); Haseeb and
Longidorus sp., L. elongatus, L. Pandey (1989); Esmenjaud et al.
menthasolanus, L. salphaye, (1990)
Meloidogyne chitwoodi, M
incognita, M javanica, M
hapla, Pratylenchoides
laticauda, Pratyl'!nchus sp., P.
microphyllus, Rotylenchulus
renijormis, Tylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris,
Mentha spicata L. Aphe/encoides fragararae, Homer and Jensen (1954); 0'
Belanolaimus longicaudatus, Bannon et al. (1982); Haseeb
Helicotylenchus sp., and Pandey (1989); Inserra and
Hoplolaimus sp., Heterodera Rhoades (1989)
sp., Longidorus sp.,
Meloidogyne chitwoodi, M
incognita, M javanica, M
hapla, Paratrichodorus christiei,
Paratylenchus hamatus,
Pratylenchus scribneri,
Tylenchus sp., Tylenchorhynchus
vulgaris, Xiphinema americana
152 Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. ..

Mentha viridis L. Helicotylenchus sp., Haseeb and Pandey (1989)

Hoplolaimus sp., H. indicus,
Heterodera sp., Longidorus sp.,
Meloidogyne incognita, M.
javanica, Paratylenchus
hamatus, Xiphinema americana
Nerium oleander L. MeloidlJgyne incognita Goodey et at. (1965)
Nigella sativa L. Meloidogyne incognita Haseeb et al. (1984)
Ocimum basilicum L. Belanolaimus longicaudatus, Breda (1899); Ahmad and Khan
Dolichodorus hereocephalus, (1960); Linde et al. (1959);
Helicotylenchus sp., Krishnamurthy and Elias (1967);
Hoplolaimus galeatus, Haseeb and Pandey (1987);
Longidorus sp., Meloidogyne Rhoades (1988)
incognita, M. j avanica, M.
arenaria thamesi, M. incognita
acrita, M. hapla, Pratylenchus
scribneri, ParatrichodOl:'US
christiei, Rotylenchulus
reniform is, Tylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris
Ocimum canum Sims. Criconemella basili, Ustinov (1939); Haseeb and
Hoplolaimus sp., Longidorus Pandey (1987); Muthukrishnan
sp., Meloidogyne incognita, M. (1987)
javanica, Pratylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris
Ocimum gratissimum L. Helicotylenchus sp., Haseeb and Pandey (1987)
Hoplolaimus sp., Longidorus
sp., Meloidogyne incognita, M.
javanica, Pratylenchus sp.,
Rotylenchulus reniform is,
Tylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris
Ocimum Hoplolaimus sp., Longidorus Balasubramanian and
kilmandescharicum sp., Meloidogyne incognita, M. Rangaswami (1964);
Guerke javanica, Pratylenchus sp., Rangaswami et al. (1961); Roy
Tylenchus sp., (1972)
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris
Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. .. 153

Ocimum sanctum L. Criconemella basili, Balasubramanian and

Helicotylenchus sp., Rangaswami (1964); Roy
Hemicriconemoides communis, (1972); Muthukrishnan (1987);
Hoplolaimus in dicus, Haseeb and Pandey (1987)
Longidorus sp., Meloidogyne
incognita, M javanica,
Pratylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris.
Tylenchus sp.

Operculina terpenthum Longidorus sp., Meloidogyne Haseeb and Pandey (1987)

(L.) S. Manso. incognita, T. vulgaris

Oxalis corniculata L. Meloidogyne incognita, M Bassey (1911); Martin (1954);

javanica Ahmad and Khan (1960); Wang

Oxalis latifolis HB and K Meloidogyne arenaria, Martin (1958); Haseeb et al.

Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris (1984)

Paederia scandans (Lour) Meloidogyne incognita, M Haseeb and Pandey (1987)

Merr. javanica

Papaver somniferum L. Ditylenchus dipsaci, Buhrer (1938); Baudys (1948);

Hoplolaimus sp., Longidorus Goffart (1951 a); Oostenbrink et
sp., L. maximus, Meloidogyne al. (1957); Loof (1960); Sturhan
sp., Pratylenchus pratensis, P. (1963)
penetrans, Tylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris

Pelargonium graveolens Helicotylenchus sp., H. Steiner (1949); Arumugam and

dihystera, Meloidogyne Kumar (1979); Kumar and
incognita, M hapla, Nanjan (1985)
Scutellonema conicephalum,
Tylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris

Phyllanthus Jraternus Meloidogyne incognita Alam and Khan (1975)

154 Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. ..

Piper betle L. Criconemella parvula, Zimmermann (1899); Dhande

Helicotylenchus dihystera, H. and SuI aim an (1961); Martin
microcyphallus, H. indicus, (1961); Anonymous (1966);
Hirschmanniella mucronata, Mammen (1974); Raveendran
Hoplolaimus in dicus, and Nadakal (1975); Sosamma
Meloidogyne arenaria, M and Koshy (1981); Jagdale et al.
incognita, M incognita acrita, (1986); Sundaraju and Suja
Pratylenchus cofJeae, P. zeae, (1986); Sivakumar and
Rotylenchulus renijormis, Marimuthu (1986); Achrya et al.
Tylenchorhynchus indicus, (1988)
Xiphinema diversicaudatum
Piper longum L. Meloidogyne incognita Haseeb et al. (1984)
Piper nigrum L. Helicotylenchus erythrinae, H. Zimmermann (1899); Delacroix
trivandranus, Hoplolaimus, (1901, 1902); Goodey et al.
seinhorstii, Meloidogyne (1956); Luc and Guiran (1960);
incognita, M javanica, Nadakal (1964b); Valdez
Trophotylenchulus piperis, (1968); Mohandas (1975);
Xiphinema ijacolum Koshy et al. (1977); Sosamma
and Koshy (1981); Lamberti et
al. (1983); Mohandas et al.
( 1985)
Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) Meloidogyne incognita, M. Haseeb et al. (1984, 85)
Clark javanica
Plumbago zeylanica L. Helicotylenchus sp., Harris (1938); Haseeb et al.
Hoplolaimus sp., Longidorus (1984,85)
sp., Meloidogyne incognita, M
javanica, Pratylenchus sp.,
Tylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris
Pogostemon cablin Benth. Helicotylenchus dihystera, Fluiter and Mulholland (1941);
Hemicriconemoides sp., Kumar and Nanjan (1984);
Hoplolaimus sp., Longidorus Djiwanti and Momota (1991)
pisi, Meloidogyne hapla, M
incognita, M incognita acrita,
M. javanica, Pratylenchus
brachyurus, P. cofJeae, P.
thornei, Rotylenchulus sp.,
Scutellonema sp., Tylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris,
Xiphinema americanum
Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. .. 155

Polygonum plebeium R. Meloidogyne incognita, M. Colbran (1958); Haseeb et al.

Br. Pred. javanica (1984); Dahiya et al. (1988)

Psoralea corylifolia L. Longidorus sp., Meloidogyne Haseeb et al. (1984, 1985)

incognita, M javanica,
Pratylenchus sp., Tylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris

Punica granatum L. Basiria graminophila, Caloosia Bessey (1911); Buhrer (1938);

delpradio, Ditylenchus minutus, Minz (1943, 1956a); Jairajpuri
Hemicriconemoides mangiferae, and Siddiqui (1963b); Jairajpuri
Hoplolaimus indicus, (1964); Husain and Khan
Longidorus brevicaudatus, (1967c); Yadav and Verma
Macroposthonia macrolobatus, (1967); Edward et af. (1971);
M incognita, Meloidogyne Alam et af. (1973); Khan and
incognita acrita, M javanica, Khan (1973); Rashid et al.
Pratylenchus lepidus, P. cojJeae, (1973); Roy (1973); Khan et al.
Pratylencoides crenicauda, (1975); Phukan and Sanwal
Psilenchus neoformis, (1979); Shah and Patel (1979);
Quinisulcius punici, Gupta and Uma (1980)
Rotylenchulus reniformis,
Seriespinula punici,
Tylenchorhynchus brassicae, T.
mashoodi, Tylenchulus
semipenetrans, Xiphinenema
americanum, X basiri, X
Rauwolfia canesscens L. Meloidogyne incognita Kiryanova and Krall (1980)
Rauwolfia serpentina (L.) Helicotylenchus sp., Hunt (1958); Haseeb et al.
Benth. Ex. Kurz. Meloidogyne incognita, (1984)
Xiphinema sp.
Ricinus communis L. Aphelencoides asterocaudatus, Buhrer (1938); Ustinov (1939);
A. bicaudatus, A. suntenuis, A. Jensen (1953); Tarjan (1953b);
franklini, Aphelenchus avenae, Birchfield (1956); Gaskin and
Basiliophora castori, B. Crittenden (1956); Linde (1956);
propora, Caloosia delpradio, Minz (1956a); Martin (1958);
Helicotylenchus dihystera, H Linde et al. (1959); Das (1960);
indicus, H multicinctus, Mc Bride et al. (1961); Seshadri
Hirschmanniella mllcronata, and Sivakumar (1963);
Hoplolaimus indlcus, Chandrasekaran (1964);
156 Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. ..

Longidorus bravicaudatus. Chandwani and Reddy (1967);

Meloidogyne incognita. M. Husain and Khan (1967a);
incognita acrita. M. javanica. Swarup et al. (1967); Sethi and
M. arenaria. M. thamesi. Swarup (1968); Khan and Khan
Paralongidorus citri. P. (1972, 73); Nath et al. (1969);
jlakkensis, R.adophollis similis, Verma and Prasad (1969);
Rotylenchulus. renijormis, Siddiqui et af. (1972); Rashid et
Tylenchorhynchus aculus, T. al. (1973); Mukhopadhyay and
brassicae, T. phaseoli, T. Haque (1974); Mukherjee and
mashoodi, Xiphinema baseri, X Dasgupta (1979, 1981)
Ruta graveolens L. Longidorus sp., Meloidogyne Buhrer (1938)
sp., Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris
Salve a sclarea L. Meloidogyne incognita, M. Minz (1963); Upadhyay and
javanica. M. hapla Swarup (1972); Haseeb et al.
Sambucus nigra L. Meloidogyne sp., Pratylenchus Gram and Rostrup (1924)
sp., Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris,
T. martini
Scoparia dulcis L. Helicotylenchus sp., Anonymous (1987b, c); Colbran
Hemicycliophora thienemanni, (1958); Fajardo and Palo (1933);
M. incognita, M incognita Haseeb and Pandey (1987); Luc
acrita, M. javanica, Trichodorus and De Guiran (1960)
teres. Tylenchorhynchus martini,
T. vulgaris, Tylenchus sp.
Sesamum indicum L. Meloidogyne. incognita Raveendran and Nadakal (1975)
Sida cordi/olia Aphelencoides sp., Heterodera Colbran (1958); Martin (1959a);
sp., Longidorus sp., Khan and Alam (1974); Alam et
Meloidogyne incognita, M. al. (1976); Lal et al., (1977)
javanica, M. arenaria,
Tylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris
Sida rhombi/olia L. Meloidogyne incognita, M. Bessey (1911); Colbran (1958);
incognita acrita. M. javanica, Luc and DeGuiran (1960);
Pratylenchus zeae McBride et al. (1961); Blake
(1963); Nadakal and Thomas
( 1964); N irula and Kumar
(1966); Lal et al. (1977)
Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medic ina!. .. 157

Solanum incanum L. Meloidogyne incognita, Jack (1943); Haseeb et al.

Tylenchus sp. (1984)

Solanum indicum L. Meloidogyne incognita, M. Martin (1958); Nadakal (l964b)

javanica, Tylenchorhynchus

Solanum khasianum Meloidogyne incognita Goodey et al. (1965)


Solanum nigrum L. Aphelenchus avenae, A. Vanha and Skolosa (1896);

ritzembosi, A. compostlcola, Bessey (1911); Franklin (1940,
Ditylenchus dipsaci, Heterodera 1959); Linford and Yap (1940);
rostochiensis, H. shachtii, H. Tarjan (I 953b ); Brook (1955);
tabacum, Meloidogyne arenaria, Nolte (1957); Colbran (1958);
M. hapla, M incognita, M. Gaskin (1958); Prasad (I 960a,
incognita acrita, M. b); Townshend and Davidson
graminicola, Naccobus (1960); Balasubramaniam and
serendipitcus, Pratylenchus Rangaswami (1964);
penetrans, Rotylenchulus Chandsekaran (1964); Prasad et
reniform is, Radopholus simi/is, al. (1964); Upadhyay and
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris Swarup (1972); Koshy and
Sosamma (1975); Lal et al.

Solanum sisymbrifolium Meloidogyne incognita, M Haseeb et at. (1984, 1985)

Lam. javanica

Solanum xanthocarpum Meloidogyne incognita, Buhrer (1938)

Schrad. And Wend!. Heterodera rostochiensis

Spilanthes acmella Murr. Aphelencoides ritzembosi, Junges (1938); Luc and

Helicotylenchus sp., DeGuiran (1960); Haseeb et al.
Hirschmanniella sp., (1984); Pandey and Haseeb
Hoplolaimus sp., Longidorus (1989)
sp., Meloidogyne incognita,
Pratylenchus sp., Tylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris
158 Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. ..

Tamarix gallica Auct. Hoplolaimus sp., Longidorus Gundy et al. (1959); Haseeb et
sp., Meloidogyne incognita, M. al. (1984); Haseeb and Pandey
javanica. Tylenchorhynchus (1987)

Trachyspermum ammi Meloidogyne incognita, Sethi et al. (1964)

Sprague Rotylenchulus reniformis

Tribulus terrestris L. Helicotylenchus sp., Thome and Schuster (1956);

Meloidogyne incognita, M. Martin (1959a); Ahmad and
incognita acrita, Naccobus Khan (1960); Ayoub (1961); Lal
batatiformis, Pratylenchus zeae, and Yadav (1976)
Rotylenchulus reniform is,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris

Trichosanthes dioica Meloidogyne incognita, Mukherji and Sharma (1973);

Roxb. Rotylenchulus reniformis Nath et al. (1969)

Trigonella foenum Hoplolaimus sp., H. indicus, Bessey (1911); Minz and SoleI
graecum Heterodera sp., Longidorus sp., (1959); Chandwani and Reddy
Meloidogyne incognita, M. (1967); Krishnamurthy and Elias
javanica, Rotylenchulus (1967); Mathur et al. (1969);
reniform is, Tylenchorhynchus Khan and Khan (1972); Rashid
vulgaris et al. (1973); Khan (1975)

Uraria picta (Jacq.) Desv. Meloidogyne incognita, M. Haseeb and Pandey (1987)
Ex. Dc. javanica, Tylenchorhynchus

Woodfordiafruticosa L. Helicotylenchus sp., Longidorus Haseeb and Pandey (1987)

Kurz. sp., Meloidogyne incognita, M.
javanica, Tylenchus sp.,
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris

Zingiber officinale Rosc. Hemicycliophora sp., Nagakura (1930); Gadd (1939);

Meloidogyne arenaria, M. Colbran (1958); Goodey et al.
incognita, M. incognita acrita. (1959); Hunt (1959); Mumford
M. javanica, Pratylenchus (1963); Nadakal (1963); Swarup
coffeae, P. pratensis, P. zeae, et al. (1967); Upadhyay and
Radopholus similis, Swarup (1972); Koshy and
Rotylenchulus reniform is, Sosamma (1975); Roy (1973);
Xiphinema basiri Sundaraju et al. (1979)
Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. .. 159

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and Oliviera, 1940 1. Bio-Ecological Studies. Indian 1. Entomol. 31: 36-47.
178 Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A Limiting Factor to the Cultivation of Medicinal. ..

Voigt, W. 1890. Uber Heterodera radicicola Greef und H. Shachtii Schmid 1. Infectionsversuche
zur unterscheidung von Heterodera radicicola und H. schachtii. Sber. Niederrhein. Ges.
Nat. u. Heilk. 47: 66-74.
Wang, K. 1978. Research on root-knot nematodes at the National Taiwan University. Kasetsart J.
12: 36-42.
West,1. 1934. Dry rot of yams. Bul/. Imp. Inst. London. 32: 448-450.
Winslo\\, R. D. 1954. Provisional lists of host plants of some root eelworm (Heterodera spp.).
Ann. Appl. Bioi. 41: 591-605.
Yadav, B. S. and M. K. Verma. 1967. New host plants of Xiphinema basiri and Xiphinema
indicum. Nematologica. 13: 469.
Zimmermann, A. 1899. Het. Voorkomen van nematoden in de wortels van sirih en thee. I. de
aaltjesziekte der sirih (Piper betle L.) II. Tylenchus acutocaudatus Zn. In Department of
thee. Taysmannia. 10: 523-531.
Eco-friendly Management of Cotton Nematodes

R.V. Vyas, A.D. Patel, and D.J. Patel

Cotton (Gossypium spp.) is an important cash fiber crop belonging to the family
malvaceae. Cotton is called as White Gold and occupies a predominant position as an
ancient crop due to the fact that clothing is the prime need of J1Uman beings next to the
food requirement. Not only it is a major commercial crop bec$luse of its fiber value but
also every part of the plant is of immense use to the farmers in particular and mankind in
general in one way or the other. It is divided into four main products viz. cottonseed oil
(24-25%), cake and meal (protein supplement 37%), crude protein 43 per cent (unshelled
seeds) and 24 per cent (shelled seeds), cotton seed hull (percentage least valuable) and
linters (2-3%) (Josef, 1969). Cotton stalk is also enormously used as fuel and the
shedding leaves on soil enrich the soil fertility by way of increasing organic content.

Cotton is cultivated almost throughout the world and grown in about 36 M ha

with production of 25.9 M tons in 2004-05. Presently per capita annual consumption of
fibers in the world is about 8 kg of which 3 kg is cotton. China, USA and India are the
major producers of cotton. In India, it occupies about 8.96 M ha area producing about
232 lakhs bales annually (Singh et ai., 2005). Maharashtra, Punjab, Gujarat, Haryana,
Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgadh
are the principal cotton growing states occupying about 90 per cent area under cotton in
the country (Singh et al., 2005). Of these, Gujarat has almost 21 lakhs ha under cotton
with 75 lakhs bales production (Pers. Comm. with Ahmedabad Textile Mills Association,
Ahmedabad). In India, four species of cotton viz. Gossypium hirsutam L., G. barbadense
L., G. arborellln L. and G. herbaceum L. are under cultivation. Presently Bt cotton,
having resistant to American bollworm is covering more than 60 per cent of the cotton
cultivation in India.

Cotton is attacked by several biotic and abiotic stresses including insect-pests and
diseases. Among these, fungal, bacterial and nemic diseases are important. Seedling root-
180 Ecofriendly Management of Cotton Nematodes

rot incited by Rhizoctonia solani kuhn and R. bataticola (Taub.) Bulter, root-knot disease
caused by Mploidogyne spp., angular leaf spot incited by Xanthomonas axonopodis f.sp.
malvacearum (E.F. Sm) Dows, anthracnose incited by Colletotricum gos::,ypii south, wilt
incited by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectul11 (Atk). Synder and Hansen and
Verticillium wilt caused by Verticillium albo-atrum Reinke and Breth of which diseases
induced by phytonematodes are of economic importance and increasing day by day since
last few decades. Over 22 species of different plant parasitic nematodes are reported to be
associated and cause eye-catching damage to cotton crop in India (Reddy, 1983). Bajaj
and Bhatti (1982) reported reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis Linford and
Oliveira, 1940); root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne incognita Kofoid and White, 1919)
Chitwod, 1949 and M javanica (Treub,1855) Chitwood,1949; cyst nematodes
(Heterodera spp.); stunt nematode (Tylenchorhynchus gofarti Sturhan, 1966); lesion
nematode (Pratylenchus thornei Sher and Allen, 1953); lance nematode (Hoplolaimus
indicliS Sher, 1963 and H columbus Sher, 1963), spiral nematode (Helicotylenchus
indicus Siddiqi, 1963 and H dihystera Cobb, 1893; Sher, 1961) and needle nematode
(Longidorus siddiqi Aboul-Eid, 1970) as key nematodes attacking cotton in the country.
Of these, root-knot (M incognita and M javanica), reniform (R. reniformis) and lance
(H indicus) nematodes are commonly affecting cotton production and quality in different
cotton growing states in India. Nematode induces about 10.7 per cent loss in cotton yield
incurring monetary loss of about US $ 4.11 billion annually (Sasser and Freckman,
1987). In Gujarat, mix population of root-knot nematodes (RKN) is observed to cause
yield losses of 4.08 per cent in hybrid cotton varieties Hy 8 and 6 (Anon., 1999-2000). R.
reniformis induces 20.8 per cent yield loss in cotton cv. Hy Cot. 8 (Anon., 2001-05). In
USA, yield loss due to M incognita is estimated to be 10.19 per cent (Orr and Robinson,
1984). Losses due to reniform nematode are reported to be 14.80 per cent from Tamil
Nadu (Sivakumar, 1992), while Hoplolaimus spp. are reported to reduce cotton yield by
19.00 per cent in USA (Noe and Imbriani, 1986).

Root-knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.):
Root-knot nematodes attacked cotton plants ex<hibit stunting, yellowing and
temporary wilting symptoms in patches (Plate 1). This ultimately results in delayed crop
maturity and reduction in boll size leading to reduce crop yield. Moreover, nematodes in
addition to their own pathogenic effects make the entry easy for other pathogenic micro-
organisms such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, etc. leading to aggravation of disease severity.
On uprooting such infected plants, severe root gall ing is noticed (Plate I). Their role in
Ecofriendly Management of Cotton Nematodes 181

breaking disease resistance is also well known. Root-knot nematode infection aggravated
the intensity and severity of root-rot disease caused by Macrophomilla phaseolina
adversely affecting the crop growth and finally cotton yield.

Plate 1: Cotton field infected by root-knot nematodes (stunting effect in patches), Inset: close
up view of root galling on cotton plant

Reniform Nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis):

Reniform nematodes produce non-distinctive symptoms on cotton foliage often
resembling to a potassium deficiency in late crop season. Symptoms on host plants
include dwarfing, yellowing, leaves shedding, formation of malformed bolls and seeds
(Plate 2). Damaged plants usually mature one or two weeks later than healthy plants,
causing a delay in boll formation by 15 to 20 days. Stunted cotton plants usually occur in
localised areas in the field where the nematodes are just getting feeding on roots. Below
ground symptoms are not obvious but they include a reduced root system and necrotic
lesions on the roots exhibiting ashy colour roots. Plant mOl1ality is possible in heavy
infestation. Small clumps of dirt that cling to egg masses on the roots may be visible with
magnification. These clumps are smaller and less obvious than the galls formed by root-
knot nematodes on roots. It has been observed that severe infection of reniform nematode
produces wilt symptoms in cotton in Tamil Nadu.

Lance Nematodes (Hoplolaimus indicus):

Damage may show up as patches of yellowing and stunting of plants. These

symptoms can also be confused with drought or nutrient deficiency. Examination of roots
182 Ecofriendly Management of Cotton Nematodes

of a lance nematode infected plants reveals thorough damage leading to reduction in root
system. Small feeder roots are gone and root tips appear dead. If new roots have begun to
grow, they usually are injured as well. It is this damage to the root system that is
responsible for the foliage yellowing in patches.

Plate 2: Reniform nematode infested farmers field.

Other phytonematodes like Heterodera, Pratylenchus, Tylenchorhynchus, Helicotylenchus

and Longidorus are also reported to attacks and produce symptoms on cotton as exhibited
by secondary fungal infection always shows wilting and quick drying.

Interaction with Other Pathogenic Organisms

Root-knot nematodes (M incognita and M javanica) increased severity of root-
rot incited by M phaseolina and drastically hampered cotton growth and development by
way of depleting the uptake ofN, P, K, Ca, Mg and S (Patel, 1989; Patel et al., 1994).
Studies on interaction between R. reniformis and R. bataticola [= M phaseolina]
(virulent and avirulent strains) revealed that both R. bataticola strains were equally
effective in causing seedling root rot in cotton cv. Hy 6 in the presence of R. reniformis .
In the virulent strain of R. bataticola, the disease occurred one week earlier in different
combinations of nematode and fungus (i.e. simultaneous fungal and nematode
inoculation, fungal inoculation 15 days before nematode inoculation and nematode
inoculation 15 days before fungal inoculation) than fungal inoculation alone. Among
different combinations, nematode inoculation 15 days before fungal inoculation was .
Ecofriendly Management of Cotton Nematodes 183

highly detrimental, causing 100 per cent root rot with both fungal strains (Patel et al.,
2004) . Presence of root-knot nematode (M incognita) enhanced the development and
severity of cotton wilt caused by F. oxysporium f. sp. vas infectum. The level of wilt
incidence and plant growth reduction was almost more than two fold when two pathogens
were present to gather (Ibrahim et al., 1982).

Physical Methods:
Since time immemorial agronomical practice like tillage is well followed having
real impact in reducing soil micro flora and fauna. Exposing soil to solar radiation by
deep ploughing during hot summer, with or without prior irrigation brings down about 50
per cent phytonematodes population in fields (Shivagami, 1995). Sub-soiling up to the
depth of 35 cm for consecutive three crop seasons reduced H columbus population and
increased seed cotton in USA (Hussey, 1977). Burning of agricultural wastes and other
crop residues (Rabbing) as well as hot water treatment in soil can also bring down
nematode populations (Dasgupta and Gaur,1986) but due to high cost involved and
laborious work, it is not much practised for main field crops. Other physical methods like
turning and drying of soil, fallowing, etc. are useful for marginal reduction of
phytonematodes in agricultural crops including cotton.

Cultural Methods:
Crop rotation, application of organic amendments in soil, change of sowing
dates, resistance cultivars, etc. have found effective and economic for reduction of root-
knot, reniform and lance nematodes in cotton . But farmers are reluctant to grow less
remunerative crops than main cash crop like cotton and hence nematode pests are
increasing day by day in farmer ' s fields.
Many crop cultivars and weeds are reported resistant to root-knot and reniform
nematodes (Sivakumar,1992 ; Khan , 2005) which can be effectively employed in crop
rotations. A rotation of groundnut for two consecutive years following cotton reduces M
incognita galls on cotton plants during third year. Previous crops like mustard and
sesamum in crop rotation effectively reduce R. reniformis and H indicus (Gaur and
Haque, 1985). In general rotation of poor host crops of root-knot nematodes like wheat,
maize, sorghum, barley etc. reduces root-knot disease in subsequent crops including
cotton. Inter cropping of wheat in cotton reduces reniform attack on cotton with increased
yield of cotton in Isreal (Shivagami,1995). About 48 different plants belonging to 13
families are poor to intermediate hosts of R. reniformis of which Poaceae, Brassicaceae
and Liliaceae are chief one which reduces R. reniformis population in soil (Khan, 2005).
184 Ecofriendly Management of Cotton Nematodes

Resistant Cotton CuItivars

Rigorous screening of cotton varieties/cultivars/germplasm world over in last few

decades has generated information on many Gossypium spp. resistant to root-knot
nematodes (Table 1). In India also, several cotton varieties are identified resistant/tolerant
to root-knot nematodes (Anon . 1978-97·, 1978-97 b, 1999-2000). Out of 491 Gossypium
spp. screened against R. reniformis, 15 lines were resistant (Rajendran and Devarajan,
1998). Similarly G. arboreum varieties K 7 and 8-7R wild species are reported least
susceptible to R. reniformis (Muralidharan and Sivakumar, 1975).

Table 1: Cotton Cultivars Resistant to Phytonematodes

Gossypium Nematode Country Resistant Iine/cultivarsl Reference

species species strain

C. arboreum L. R. reniformis USA CB 20, 27, 32, 41 & 20 Carter (1981 )

C. barbadense M incognita USA Oarwinii Sivakumar

L. R. reniformis USA Texas 110 (1992)

C. herbacewn L. R. reniformis USA P.I. 408775 Sivakumar


C. hirsutum L. R. reniformis India TCH 1218 (M), KB 209 (F), Anon. (1978-
TCB 218, 081 , 1-948, OHB 97 3 )
105 & 115, MC 5, 53-0-7, CO
2482, TT Hairy, PK-1609, AC-
123162, OHH-Il , OCH 32,
ACP-7-1 , J.K. 119, Bar 12/ 13
& 12/ 19

G 27, G.Cot-13, 19 & 23 G. Anon. (1999-

Srv. 13, G. Shy. 1111 /90 2001 a)
Sanjay, Oigvijay, AKA 189

AK 80, Naiked Burin L. , IC- Anon. (1978-

1531, 8-61-2039, H-285 , JSC- 97 b)
34, Su-22, Co-Who-8-5 (1521),
Ecofriendly Management of Cotton Nematodes 185

R. reniformis USA LA 434-1031-4 Beasley

TRI9 ( 1986)
Converted TR 19
Converted TR 26
Converted TR 78
TR 176
Converted TR 176

M incognita India HS-57, Anjali, H-1237, Anon. (1999-

Sarvottam, H-1239, 12/99-1 2001 b)

USA Auburn 56, Sivakumar

Cleavaewilt 6, (1992)
Auburn 623 RNR,
Tamcot SP 21,
Tamcot SP 37,
Tamcot CMAD-E, MDR SP 7,
Gacot 79,
Pee Dee 4381,
McNair, Auburn BR 2,
Aauburn 82, RNR Ne,
Auburn 244RNR,
Auburn299 RNR,
LA RNA 4-4,
LA RN 909,
LA RN 910,
LA RN 1032

Biological Control

Several antagonists like bacteria, fungi, protozoan, predatory nematodes and

arthropods are actively suppressing root-knot and reniform nematodes in agro-ecosystem
(Table 2). During recent years, considerable efforts have been made all over the country
for such natural allies to combat nematode pests. Amongst various biotic factors,
186 Ecofriendly Management of Cotton Nematodes

epiphytic parasitic bacteria, Pseudomonas and endophytic parasitic, Pastueria are

effectively used for control of Meloidogyne and Rotylenchulus species (Sterling, 1992).
These bacteria when inoculated in the rhizosphere effectively suppress the nematode
population. Application of P. jluorescens (PF I) at 10 cfu Iml reduced R. renijormis
penetration up to 60 per cent in cotton roots. In vitro studies, they have also noticed that
R. renijormis nematodes when exposed to culture filtrate of P.jluorescens (25 to 100 %)
found detrimental and induced quick mortality at higher doses (Jayakumar et aI., 2003).

But major emphasis is focused on fungal antagonists cif root-knot and reniform
nematodes for biological control in cotton crop. Seed treatmen~ of with Paecilomyces
lilacinus conidia effectively controls M incognita (Davide and Zorilla, 1985). Similarly
the fungus P. lilacinus application at sowing effectively controls reniform nematode in
cotton under green house conditions (Jayakumar el al.. 2002). V AM fungi applications in
cotton cv. TCB 209 colonised roots and reduced reniform nematodes with increased in
cotton yield (Seerinivasan et al., 2003).

Plate 3: Biological control of root-knot nematodes in cotton PL - P. Ii/acinus treated and PL +

PHEN - P. Ii/acinus and Phenamiphos treated. Inset - granular formulation of P. lilacinlls

Biological control of root-knot disease (Meloidogyne spp.) by P. lilacin'us in

cotton has been successfully achieved and provided effective check under field
Eeofriendly Management of Cotton Nematodes 187

conditions (Plate 3). Three years pooled results indicated reduction of root-knot disease
by 28.7 per cent in cotton enhancing 10.7 per cent crop yield over control when fungus
was applied @ 25 kglha (granules/spore dust based on rice grain substrate carrier).
Moreover in double whammy approach with nematicide phenamiphos fungus gave better
control of root-knot nematodes (Fig 1). A simple mass production technique of the
fungus based on solid substrate fermentation using broken rice grain waste and a new
sodium alginate granular formulation technique have been developed for successful
utilisation of this bionematicide under field conditions (Vyas and Patel, 2002).

iii B"" Plant Height, em. _ _ _ Yield kg/ha - .. - RKI, root-knot index

2500 ., . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 3.5

,.. , I • .,

2.5 .
] 1500 2
'Q:j 1.5
:: 1000


o o
Figure I: Efficacy of Paecilomyces liIacilllls against root-knot nematode in cotton
(3 yrs pooled)
PL- Paeci/omyces liIacilllls, PHEN - Phenamiphos,
CAR - Carbofuran, SIN - Sincosin, CON - Control

Farmer's field demonstration trials on P. lilacinus was also carried out at village
Telnar, Dist : Kheda, Central Gujarat in cotton during kharif 1999 followed by a farmer's
meet on Sept. 9, 1999 in which more than 200 farmers participated and revealed that
application of bio-nematicide, P. liIacinus @ 25 kg/ha (granules having spore load 5 x
108 conidia/g) with phenamiphos @ 1 kgiha was found most effective for management of
root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) with highest yield of cotton. Phenamiphos alone
and P. lilacinus with carbofuran @ 1 kg/ ha were next effective treatments. P. lilacinus
alone was at par with carbofuran. the popular nematicide (Anon., 1999-2000).
188 Ecofriendly Management of Cotton Nematodes

Table 2: Commercial Biological Control Products Based on Fungal Antagonists

Product name Fungal Type of action Country of Reference

Species on nematode origin
Royal 300 Arthrobotry Predacious France Cayrol (1981)
superba Cayrol et al. (1978)

Royal 350 Arthrobotrys Predacious France Cayrol (1981)

irregular Cayrol et at. (1978)
Biocon Paecilomyces Egg-parasitic, The Timm (1987)
lilacinus producing Phillippines

Ditera Myrothecium Producing USA Warrior et al.

antibiotics (1999)

Nemout Fungi -- Saudi Arab AI-Hazmi et al.


Yorker Paeci/omyces Egg-parasitic, India Vyas and Patel

Iilacinus producing (2002)

Tricho X-P Paeci/omyces Egg-parasitic, India Vyas and Patel

liIacinus + producing (2002)
Trichoderma antibiotics and
viride antagonistic

Bio protect- ant Paeci/omyces Egg-parasitic, China Liu et al. (\996)

/ilacinus producing

Integrated Nematode Management (INM)

Integration of castor cake @ 2000 kglha and carbofuran @ 1.0 kglha

significantly reduced reniform nematode by 83.15 per cent and increase cotton yield by
27.3 per cent over control (Anon., 2001-05). Application of pressmud, fresh Azolla and
FYM effectively increases plant growth and reduce reniform host infestation (Patel,
1989). Bioagent, P. lilacinus is found more effective against root-knot nematodes in
cotton when applied along with phenamiphos or carbofuran nematicides (Vyas and Patel,
Ecofriendly Management of Cotton Nematodes 189

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Sterling, G.R. (1992). Biological control ofplant parasitic nematodes, CAB International, Walling
Ford, UK, p. 281.
Sivakumar, C.Y. (1992). "Nematodes Pests of cotton." In: Nematode Pests of Crops (Eds. D.S.
Bhatti and R.K. Walia), CBS Publishing and Distributors, Delhi, pp. 202-213.
Timm, M. (1987). Biocon controls nematodes biologically. Bio Technology 5: 72-74.
Yyas, R.Y. and Patel, OJ. (2002). Biological control of root-knot nematodes in India: Ann. Rev.
Plant Pathol. I: 137-154.
Warrior, P., Rehberger L.A., Beach M., Grau, P.A. Kirfman, G.W. and Conley, J.M. (1999).
Commercial development and introduction of Di Tera, a new nematicide. Pesticide Sci. 55:

Management of Nematodes in Sugarcane

Dr. Usha K.Mehta

Sugarcane, the sweet crop is an annual crop followed by two or three ratoons in
our country but six to seven ratoons in Australia, Cuba, Hawaii and other countries,
making is almost a perennial plantation crop. In fact sugarcane is now cultivated almost
as a monocrop in the sugar factory regions. This long-term affect of the crop in a field is
subjected to many biotic conditions, specially pests and diseases. Although sugar
(crystals of sucrose) is the main product of sugarcane, it also provides commercial
quantities of fiber and fuel. Byproducts of sugar industry are used in the manufacture of
alcohol, paper, cattle feed, pharmaceuticals, and organic fertilizers.

Sugarcane crop as being a good host for nematodes has been recorded from very
early days of plant Nematology history. Earlier Nematologist working in the tropics have
recorded many important general and species of nematodes from the sugarcane
rhizosphere. Treub, as early as 1885, described predominant genera of today,
Meloidogyne, as Heterodera javanica Treub (1885) from Cheribon and Bogar in Java.
Following this, another ruling genus of today, Pratylenchus was described by Soltwedel
(1887) from the same country, as Tylenchus sacchari (Soltwedel, 1887). Cobb (1893)
discovered a new nematode Tylenchus similes from Hawaii and has described in detail
the losses to sugarcane by the nematode. This nematodes now renamed as Radopholus
similes, is major pathogen of many plantation crops including sugarcane. Tylenchus
dihystera was also recorded by Cobb (1893), as being prevalent in Hawaii. Even in those
earlier days Cobb had described diseases caused by nematode alone and also complex
disease in association with bacteria and fungi.

Plant-parasitic nematodes are microscopic roundworms that feed on and damage

plants. In India, occurrence of root-knot nematodes in sugarcane was first reported by
Barber (1919) from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu state. Pratylenchus is found distributed in
Management of Nematodes in Sugarcane 193

the entire sugarcane tract world wide. However, the population level of the nematode and
the species found, vary in its geographical distribution. The most frequently occurring
species is P.zeae which generally occurs in a high population and is also widely
distributed. Other species recorded are P.coffeae, P.delattrei, P. goodeyi and P.pratensis.
Pratylenchus species are known to occur more in heavy clayey soils of southern zone of
Tamil Nadu and Kerala, constituting 75 per cent of total nematode population, while it
forms 40 per cent of the populations in Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra
and Punjab, and only 20-30 per cent in Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat, respectively.

Sugarcane roots that are damaged by ectoparasitic nematodes may appear stubby,
coarse, and discolored, and lack feeder roots. The endoparasitic lesion and lance
nematodes cause reddish lesions, and in severe infestations cause discoloration and
rotting of the root system. Root-knot nematodes may cause swellings or galls on roots,
but on sugarcane these galls are not as large as on vegetable crops. It should be noted that
in the field it is common for multiple nematode genera to cause damage in the same field.
Thert!fore, a mixture of root symptoms may occur together on the same plants.

The above ground symptoms associated with sugarcane crop affected by these
nematode are almost similar to that of general symptoms of nematode attack in any other
crop. Usually paling of the leaves, first in the form of streaks, later complete yellowing-
chlorosis, occurring in patches spread out all over the fields can be noticed. This is more
emphasised in fields which do not have proper leveling done before planting. In fields
having even a slight slope there is a tendency for the crop at the lower end to be gradually
more chlorotic due to accumulation of water and consequently of the transport of
nematodes also to the lower level. This chlorosis in severe cases, accompanied by drying
up of the margins and leaf tips is more common in young crop and in ratoons. Where
there is high infestation, the chlorotic condition continues in the older crops followed by
stunting of the crop and reduction in number and size of internodes. Sometimes the entire
field is affected and is pale-green to whitish in look.

Crop Losses
Plant parasitic nematodes have been recognised as an important biotic constraint
in sugarcane production in many sugarcane growing countries. Plant parasitic nematodes
cause an average annual crop loss of 15.3 per cent globally. In India, crop loss caused by
nematodes in sugarcane was estimated to be 10-40 per cent. The losses will be much
higher when nematodes are associated with other soil borne pathogens forming disease
194 Management of Nematodes in Sugarcane

Eco-friendly Management of Phytonematodes in Field

Sugarcane ecosystem is not only rich in number of plant parasitic nematode
general but also in number of species within each genus. Nematode communities play an
important role in regulating sugarcane production. Emphasis should be given for
developing integrated nematode management strategies that will suppress the plant
parasitic nematodes but do not harm the beneficial nematode like free-living and insect
parasitic nematode in the soil (Mehta and Somasekhar, 2002).

In sugarcane fields successful nematode management can be achieved by

integrating the following practices together depending on the nematode population and
location and other agricultural practices adopted in the locally (Mehta, 1992).

Keeping the field for period of time without suitable hosts for the nematodes is
basically to deprive them of food and consequently prevent rapid multiplication.
However, most farmer generally will not keep their fields fallow, without any income.
Fallowing is a practice to be induced in the sugar factory zones where sugarcane is
cultivated in continuous monocultural practices. Once the crop is harvested all the
stubbles and roots should be removed and the field maintained as clean ground.

Deep Ploughing and Solarisation

The rhizosphere of this crop is frequently undisturbed for a period of two to three
years. This makes the root ZOf11:) a very suitable ecological niche for rapid multiplication
of the favoured species. After the final harvest of the crop, deep ploughing (with disc) the
field assists in complete drying of small roots, and desiccates the soil and the nematode.
If this process is repeated at least two to three times before final field preparation, the
nematode population in surface zone ofrhizosphere gets depreciated rapidly. Furthermore,
this process of deep ploughing and natural solarisation requires only a month before final
field preparation and hence is beneficial to the farmer. In addition to natural solarisation,
covering the field with PVC sheets increase the soil temperature. The higher temperature
assists in quick reduction of popUlation. The temperature increases to 46°C and
withholding this temperature for atleast 24 hours ensures a good level of control.

Plant-parasitic nematodes are affected by flooded conditions. In certain areas
flooding may be used as a nematode management tactic for sugarcane. For best results,
Management of Nematodes in Sugarcane 195

the area needs to be flooded for a 4 week period, then drained and left dry for 2 weeks,
and then flooded once again for 4 weeks. This flooding will sink the nematodes about 8-
10 inches deep in the soil and hence will not be able to reach the root zone. This helps the
crop from being affected by the nematodes.

Crop Rotation
Rotation with wetland rice can reduce populations of plant-parasitic nematodes.
Many of the nematodes that feed on sugarcane are able to feed on rice under dry
conditions. However, because rice is normally grown in standing water, most of the
nematodes are killed by the flooded conditions.

If vegetables are to be planted following sugarcane, it is important that nematode

assays be conducted before planting the vegetables. Often, root-knot, sting, or other
nematodes may build up to large numbers on the sugarcane and then cause extensive
damage to the vegetable crop.

Rotation of major crop with short duration trap crops and antagonistic crops help
in control of nematodes. Sunnhemp (Crotolariajuncea) reduces the nematode population
25 per cent.

Mustard (Brassica rapa) can be used successfully as a rotational crop. Being

antagonistic crop to many nematodes, there is overall reduction in nematode population
by 27 per cent. This crop can be used as the winter crop in the sub-tropics, following
which planting of sugarcane gives an increased yield.

In sub-tropics, planting of gingelly has been found to suppress the nematode

population by 36 per cent. Proposed planting schedule can then be adjusted as gingelly in
January to March followed by sugarcane in April.

This manipulation of the cropping sequence helps in restricting the intensity of

nematode attack and also brings a better remuneration to the farmer.

Application of Organic Manure

Organic manure has consequently reduced the other soil microflora and fauna
which are a good source of biocontrol agents to many other pests. Hence there is always a
need to add organic manure to the fields for proper crop management.

Farm yard manure (cowdung) is the highly favoured organic manure. This
manure during its stages of degradation helps in build-up of various nematode destroying
micro-organisms. Besides this, farmyard manure is a good source of nutrients to the crop.
196 Management of Nematodes in Sugarcane

Biological Control
Biological control methods in nematodes of sugarcane is not practical as yet,
However, the common nemtophaous fungi viz., Arthobotrys cladodes, A. conoides, A.
oligosperma, Dactylella ellipsospora and Dactylella sp. were isolated by Chu and
Hsu (1965) from Taiwan sugarcane soils. Caternaria vermicola is also found in
sugarcane soils of Tamil Nadu. The fungus has been isolated from sugarcane soils even

Several microbial pathogens are effective against nematodes. These include the
bacteria Pasteuria penetrans (formerly known as Bacillus penetrans), Bacdlus
thuringiensis (available in insecticidal formulations) and Burkholderia cepacia.
Nematicidal fungi include Trichoderma harzianum, Hirsutella rhossiliensis, Hirsutella
minnesotensis, Verticillium chlamydosporum, Arthrobotrys dactyloides and Paceilomyces
lilacinus. Another fungus, Myrothecium verrucaria, found to be highly effective in the
control of nematodes, is available in a commercial formulation, DiTera™, from Abbott
Laboratories. Circle One, Inc. offers a combination of several beneficial fungi in a
nematode-control product called Prosper-Nema™. Market VI offers the bacterium
Burkholderia cepacia in a product called DenyTM. Rincon-Vitova has a product called
Activate™ whose active ingredient is the bacterium Bacillus chitinosporus.

The insect-attacking nematode Steinernema riobravis can provide root-knot

nematode control comparable to that achieved with chemical nematicides . Although the
exact mechanisms of control are not known, researchers hypothesize that there is an
allelochemical involved (perhaps manufactured by symbiotic bacteria that live within S.
riobravis) that repels plant-parasitic nematodes. Those interested in using this biocontrol
will need to experiment with application rates and techniques to develop methods best
suited to their operations.

A soil-dwelling predatory mite, Hypoaspis miles, preys primarily on fungus-gnat

larvae but will also attack spring tails, thrips, and nematodes. These mites are available
commercially for the control of fungus gnats in greenhouse production of tomatoes,
peppers, cucumbers, flowers, and foliage plants. The mites are applied to the planting

It is clear that there is a wide range of organisms that feed on, kill, or repel
nematodes. These organisms are most effective, and are found most commonly, in
healthy, well-managed soils.
Management of Nematodes in Sugarcane 197

Resistant Varieties
Sugarcane being a vegetatively propagated plant shows a slow decline in yield
and quality. This has urged the breeding of better and newer varieties to replace the
existing declining varieties. The complex of pest and disease adds on to the need for
replacement of varieties. As the number of varieties is on increase, it is found that the
host-preference level also varies in nematode pathogenicity, some varieties being more
susceptible resistant to some nematodes.

The above control measures need to be selected and collaborated together for an
efficient control based on the nematodes involved, populations' level, variety of cane
used, selection of previous crop etc. This then involves the necessity for a thorough study
of .lematodes in all aspects for the crop.

Chu, H.T. and Hsu, S.C 1965. Rep. TaiwanSug. Exp. Stn. 37: 81-88.
Cobb, N.A. 1893 Agr.Gazette. N.S Wales. pp. 808-83.
Barber, C.A. 1919. International Sugar Journal 252 XXI: 601.
Mehta and Somasekhar, 2002. "Diversity of plant parasitic Nematodes in Sugarcane Ecosystem."
In: Nematode Diversity. (Ed. M. Shamim Jairajpuri) Silverline Printers, Hyderabad.) pp.
Mehta.U.K, 1992. "Nematode Pests of Sugarcarie." In: Nematode of Pest of Crops. (Eds. D.S.
Bhatti and R.K. Walia). CBS Publishers & Distributors, Delhi. pp. 159-176.
Soltwedel, P. 1887. By/age Archief Voor de Java Suberindu.stice, pp. 7-12.
Management of Potato Nematodes

K.S. Krishna Prasad

The cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum) is a native of Andes mountain of
South America and was introduced to India in the early 17th century by European
colonizers. Basically, this crop is more suited to the temperate climatic conditions.
However, the flexibility of growing the crop under varying situations of sub-tropical
conditions and its adaptability to warmer climatic conditions of the tropics has been well
exploited to meet the increasing demand of food supply throughout the world specifically
in India. It is expect,ed that potato would serve as a major source of food in the 21 st
century particularly in the developing countries. Presently the crop is cultivated in about
135 countries throughout the world with an annual production of 320 million tonnes from
an area of about 20 mill ion hectares. The present area under potato in India is about 1.15
million hectares, which is about 0.4 per cent of total cropped area. The crop is cultivated
throughout the country under varying ecological situations almost throughout the year.
The annual production is about 25 millions (an estimated value of Rs. 100,000 million)
which is about 4.5 per cent of the output value of agricultural sub-sector in the country.

The estimated annual potato production in the world is about 450 million tonnes
comparable to the actual achievement of 320 million tonnes. This is due to losses through
diseases (12%); pests (7%); nematodes (11%); weeds (3%) and other causes (2%). The
nematode parasites have been known to affect the potato crop for the past 125 years and
presently about 156 species belonging to 52 genera are reported to be associated with the
crop around the world. Our country, which is placed 3rd in potato production, accounts
for 93 species of nematodes belonging to about 40 genera. Among these the potato cyst
nematodes (peN) and the root knot nematodes (RKN) have been recognised as the major
nematode parasites not only in our country but also in the world. The potato cyst
nematodes are prevalent in the South Indian hills while the root-knot nematodes on
Management of Potato Nematodes 199

potato are distributed throughout the country. In addition the stunt, spiral, lesion and
reniform nematodes have also been constantly encountered in the potato cultivation,
which may later become key pests of the crop in the changing agricultural scenario.

Potato Cyst Nematode

The potato cyst nematode, popularly known as the Golden nematode of potato,
has established as one of the major crop protection problems of the world. An average
loss of about 9 per cent global potato is accounted to these nematodes amounting to 45
million tonnes. These nematodes are able to build up to damageable levels in a short span
of 5-6 years causing substantial yield reductions in the crop. Lack of inexpensive
nematic ides for soil treatment capable of providing adequate level of control under field
conditions, the relative ease with which the cysts are dispersed with soil adhering to the
seed tubers and the long persistence of eggs within the cysts in the absence of the host
makes this nematode as probably the most important pest problem of all cultivated crops.


Andes mountain of South America has been considered to be the original home
for the cyst nematode, which are thought to have originated along with their host potato.
The cysts must have got introduced into Europe with the breeding material brought for
late blight disease resistance in 1850s and later spread throughout the world with the
improved potatoes developed in Europe at that time. So, Europe has been considered as
the secondary distribution centre and at present these nematodes are prevalent in about 60
countries. The yellow cyst nematode, Globodera rostochiensis is more widespread being
reported from 58 countries while G. pallida characterised by white females, is prevalent
in about 27 countries. The later species is able to adopt itself under subtropical climatic
conditions and shows a wide genetic variability in its original home Andes Mountains.

In India, Dr. F.G.W. Jones, who was on a personal trip to Ootacamund, detected
the nematode in 1961 at Nilgiris. This detection triggered the organised nematological
research in the country. The nematode was probably introduced from British Islands
since these fields contained European weeds. Later their occurrence was noticed in
Kodaikanal hills also. Detailed surveys conducted earlier in other major potato growing
areas of Assam, Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh had indicated
that this nematode was absent in these states confirming its prevalence only in Tamil
Nadu State. Realising the potential danger of this nematode to potato cultivation in the
country, the Destructive Insect Pest Act 1919 was amended by the Tamil Nadu
200 Management of Potato Nematodes

Government III 1971 to ensure strict checking of potato for marketing from infested

A massive chemical control attempt was also made under the Indo-German
Nilgiris Development Project during 1971-75. The treatment was made mandatory under
the Tamil Nadu Pest Act 1971 and all the infested fields at that time in the Nilgiris were
treated at the rate of 3.0 kg a.i.lha of fensulfothion in the first year followed by 15 kg
a.i.lha in the next year. In spite of 15 times more quantity of nematicide applied in
comparison of presen~ day recommendation @2 kg a.i.lha, the potato cyst nematode is
still a major constraint of potato production in Nilgiri and Kodaikanal hills. Of late, this
nematode has beel1 recorded from potato fields of neighbouring states of Karnataka and
Kerala. Although t!:te cysts observed at Karnataka were non viable, these pose as a major
quarantine problem which calls for strict vigilance in enforcing domestic quarantine.

Species anti PatllOtypes

Julius Kuhn first noticed this nematode in 1881 at Rostoch in Germany, which
was thought to be a strain of sugar beet cyst nematode, Heterodera schactii.
Wollenweber observed differences between these two nematodes in 1923 and he isolated
them as H schactii var. rostochiensis denoting the place where they were first noticed.
Later, Franklin in 1940 recognised it as an independent species, H rostochiensis. Further
developments in breeding potato for resistance to these nematodes, separation of round
cyst nematodes as genus Globodera and detailed studies on chromo genesis and
morphology of potato cyst nematode variants, made it clear that they are two species. The
populations with white or cream coloured females were designated as G. pallida while
those with golden yellow coloured females being retained as G. rostochiensis. Although
the females of these two species could be differentiated initially by their colour at
developing stage, it is difficult to separate them once they become brown cysts at which
stage they cannot be 'easily distinguished by other Globodera species.

The identification of prevalent cyst nematode species from different localities in

Nilgiris has indicate,d that both G. pallida and G. rostochiensis are prevalent at most of
the localities surveyed in mixed populations. At Kodaikanal hills also both the species
were encountered. Although, the cysts found at Karnataka in potato soil could not be
characterised, G. pallida was found associated with potato at Kerala. Studies on
pathotypes have indicated that Ootacamund populations constituted mainly 'Rol' of G,
roslochiensis and •Pa2' of G. paUida. The other prevalent pathotypes were R02 and R05
of the former and Pa 1 and Pa3 ofthe later species.
Management of Potato Nematodes 201

The hatching of larvae from cysts is initiated by root diffuses of members of
family 'Solanaceae'. The 2nd stage larvae hatched out of the cyst move actively in the
soil, invade the roots and lie parallel to the vascular system. This infection results in the
formation of giant cells from which the nematodes extract nourishment. The larvae
undergo successive molts increasing in size each time to reach a spherical shaped female.
The adult female remains attached to the roots with its neck. These females are about 0.7
mm to 0.8 mm in diameter and are yellow or white in colou~, which gradually turn
brown. At the time of harvest, these brown cysts containing eggs are easily dislodged into
the soil. The eggs may remain viable upto 15 years in the absence of potato root
diffussates. The male nematodes retain their thread like appearance and come out freely
from the root system and help the female in fertilizing the eggs.

The laboratory studies have indicated that the 2nd stage larvae took 37-39 days
during summer crop (April-July) and 40-42 days during autumn crop (September-
December) to beco~e cyst at Ootacamund. Generally, one generation is completed in one
crop season but there are evidences of 2nd generation of G. rostochiensis being
completed, because of its shorter dormancy of 45 to 60 days and longer duration of the
crop Lipto 120 days. However, G. pallida has a dormancy period ranging from 60 to 75
days. The multiplication rate for both the species was 7 to 13 times in summer crop and 6
to II times in autumn crop when the temperatures normally ranged between IS ° to 21°C
at Ootacamund. Recent s~udies have shown that G. pal/ida is able to develop and
reproduce in the foot hills ofNilgiris situated at 300 to 350 meters above sea level during
October to February where the temperatures ranged from 14° to 19°C minimum and 22 to
30°C maximum. However, G. rostochiensis could develop into females only below 25°C
that were prevalent in altitude of 1400 meters and above. The cysts with eggs within them
usually spread along with the soil adhering to farm implements, harvested tubers, gunny
bags, etc. Other major means of spread are compost, labourer's feet, and seed potatoes.
The experimental evidence of cysts being carried through wind was also observed during
monsoon months in Nilgiris and water running down the slopes transmitted cysts from
infested fields to nematode free fields.

The potato cyst nematodes are the most successful plant parasitic nematodes
exhibiting a highly specialised survival mechanism. They are restricted to a limited host
range in family solanaceae and have got themselves distributed along with their host
202 Management of Potato Nematodes

adjusting to the surrounding variations. The experience has shown that they cannot be
completely eradicated once they establish in a given locality and thus they have to be
managed by adopting several plant protection strategies.

Cultural practices-Growing non-host crops and following crop rotation at least

for one year with any non-solanaceous vegetables such as beetroots, cabbage, carrots,
cauliflower, French beans, garlic, radish, turnips, etc., during autumn season brings down
the cyst populations to a great extent, and thus the management of cyst nematode
becomes more feasible. The four-year rotational sequence using potato French beans-
peas had decreased the cyst popUlations by 98 to 99 per cent and increased yields in
potato. Presently the Nilgiri farmers adopt Potato-Cabbage-Carrots for the best
management of potato cyst nematodes, which also helps in maximum utilisation of
nutrients applied to the soil.

Breeding for resistance-Research work on breeding for cyst nematode

resistance began at CPRS, Ootacamund in 1968 and the initial studies indicated high
degree of resistance in S. ajanhurri, S. bulbocastanum, S. gandarlassi and S. tuberosum
sub-species andigena, S. vernei and S. spegazzinii. A large hybrid seedling population
was produced using resistant S. tuberosum sub-species andigena clones, S.
multidissectum (selection No. 3246) obtained from Scottish Plant Breeding Station,
Edinburgh, UK and some commercial varieties as parental material. Testing of these
hybrids had indicated 3 hybrids possessing high degree of resistance to cyst nematodes.
However, further studies and screening showed that genotypes reported resistant earlier
proved to be susceptible since there existed two nematode species and several pathotypes
occurred within them. Subsequent screening of germplasm in later years showed that
resistance was available in several clones of tuber bearing Solanum species.

High degree of resistance to several populations of cyst nematode was exhibited

in S. vernei clone Vin2 62-33-3 obtained from the Netherlands. This hybrid was highly
susceptible to late blight disease. Hence, 'Kufri Jyothi' a late blight resistant commercial
variety was used as female parent with this clone to obtain several genotypes. One
selecting bearing no. 110 possessed desirable yield characters in addition to reducing the
cyst populations below the initial inoculum's level. This selection has been released as
'Kufri Swarna' in 1985 that presently occupies about 40 per cent of potato area in
Nilgiris. Observations recorded in our farms as well as in the farmer's field has shown
that this variety perform well even under drought conditions that is seen specifically
under Nilgiri conditions.
Management of Potato Nematodes 203

Although there is no much difference in larval penetration, the nematode

development in K. Swarna was only 1.07 per cent compared to 36.07 per cent in Kufri
Jyothi. standard susceptible potato. Another advanced hybrid 0-79-56 that was
consistently performing better, is tolerant to cyst nematodes and highly resistant to late
blight disease is available to farmers as 'Kufri Thenmalai'. At present there are 23
advance hybrids possessing combined resistance to both species of PCN and the late
blight disease with very good agronomic characters are available, of which two hybrids
are under adaptability evaluation in farmer's fields.

The availability of combined resistance in several advance hybrids to both the

major plant protection problems indicates that there is an excellent opportunity to manage
these problems in Nilgiris. However, since major genes occurring in wild species are
used for resistance to both the diseases the protective effect could be nullified since both
the parasite and pathogen is able to adopt itself to the new environment as has happened
in several cases. It is suggested that for country like ours where legal restrictions cannot
be forced to check cyst nematodes by resistant varieties, breeding tolerant varieties seems
to offer better prospects than using major genes for resistance.

Biological Management

The use of nematode antagonistic microorganism for control of potato cyst

nematodes has been attempted throughout the world with less success. This has been
mainly due to the non-mobility of these organisms in search of target nematodes and their
non-adaptability to the existing environment. Further lack of basic information on these
organisms and inadequate studies for field implementation on large scale have made this
most prospective and promising management practice as the least effective one. Very
limited work done at CPRS, Ootacamund has shown that 13 fungi were able to infect the
cysts and cyst contents from nearly 60 fungal colonies isolated from soils of Nilgiris.
Two bioagents obtained from Project Directorate of Biological Control, Bangalore,
Paecilomyces lilacinus and Pochonia chlamydosporia have shown promise under Nilgiris
conditions and are being tested for PCN management.

Chemical Management

Initially halogenated hydrocarbons such as DO (1-3 Dichloropropane 1-2

Dichloropropene), EDB (Ethylene dibromide), MBr (Methyl bromide), DBCP
(Dibromochloropropene), Dorlone (mixture of DO and EDB) were used for controlling
potato cyst nematodes. Later, after standardisation of use of systemic pesticides,
204 Management of Potato Nematodes

carbofuran or phorate at 2 kg a.i/ha is effectively used for economical management of

potato cyst nematodes under Nilgiri conditions.

Integrated Management

The experience has shown that potato cyst nematodes cannot be completely
eradicated once they establish in a locality. They have to be managed by adopting several
plant protection strategies. The restriction of the parasite only to a selected host range has
helped in the management of the problem to a great extent. The Indian populations
containing pathotypes Rol, R02 and R05 of G. rostochiensis and Pal and Pa2 of G.
pallida can be managed by S. vernei source as it combines resistance to these
populations. Now the problem is being managed in Nilgiris by chemical treatments, crop
rotations and utilising the available sources of resistance in tuber bearing Solanum
species. Initially, several halogenated hydrocarbons were used as fumigants. Due to the
hazardous nature and difficulties in application of these pesticides systemic granular
pesticides slowly replaced them. The escalating costs of these pesticides, associated
residual problems and slow build up of nematode populations to unmanageable levels
have made chemical treatments as uneconomical at several places. Crop rotations with
cabbage or carrot, intercropping beans and wheat followed by fodder oats or short
duration crops like radish or French beans are economically used along with resistant
potatoes. However, there is a need to take up a minimum pesticide treatment of2 kg a.i of
carbofuran or phorate. This cropping sequence has given 28 to 30 tons/hectare in PCN
susceptible potatoes and 31 to 34 tons/hectare in resistant potatoes.

Root-knot Nematode
The root-knot nematodes, causing root galls are the most well known nematode
parasites of plants. These are prevalent in all parts of the world, particularly in the sub-
temperate, subtropical and tropical regions affecting almost all agricultural crops
including potatoes.


These nematodes have been recorded from all the potato growing countries of the
world and have been considered as one of the most important pest of commercial crops
next only to potato cyst nematodes. In India, Dr. MJ. Thirumalacher observed scab like
warts on potato tubers from Simla during 1950 for the first time and since then it has
been recorded on potato from all the potato growing states of the country. In 1889, Neal
from Florida, USA recorded root-knot nematode on potato and designated it as
Management of Potato Nematodes 205

Anguillula arenaria. The nematode was also termed as Heterodera radicicola, till
Goodey in 1932 preferred to group all root-knot causing nematodes as H marioni. Later,
the genus Meloidogyne was established by Chitwood in 1949, who described four most
common and widely distributed, root-knot nematodes viz., M incognita, M javanica, M
hapla and M arenaria. Now about 65 species of Melodiogyne are described throughout
the world. Among these about 10 species are reported on potato and the most important
root-knot species are the ones described by Chitwood in 1949. The infection of M
incognita and M javanica in potato is more damaging as they are able to infect potato
tubers in addition to the roots. This infection causes warty outgrowths, which are typical
in potato, which decreases the marketable value of the produce in addition to quantitative
losses. Typically both species are wide spread throughout the country in all potato
growing regions The most dominant species M incognita occurs both in hills and plains
while M javanica infection to potato are confined mainly to mid hills and plains where
the temperatures are fairly on higher side. The infection of M hapla has been recorded on
potato roots from hilly regions of Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh
and Tamil Nadu where milder climatic conditions prevailed.


The 2nd stage juveniles hatched out from the egg masses infect the young roots.
This results in the formation of giant cells from which the nematodes extract nourishment
from the plant cells. The giant cell and nematode development in the roots is associated
with the formation of root-knot or galls. The female larvae enlarge gradually and undergo
four molts to become pear shaped structure. The male nematodes retain their thread like
appearance which come out freely from the root system and helps in fertilizing the eggs
of the females. The female nematodes are sedentary in nature and deposit about 300 to
400 eggs into a gelatinous matrix, which is usually found adhering to the root galls.
These eggs readily hatch and invade the fresh roots. At the time of tuber formation the
freshly hatched larvae enter tubers. Thus many a times tubers developed typical root-knot
symptoms in the stores, possibly because the larvae would have entered the tubers before
suberisation at harvest and developed during storage.

Under Shimla conditions, M incognita complete its life cycle in 25-30 days
during April-September while in winter, i.e., October~March it takes about 65 to 100
days. This has been mainly due to the temperature, which has also profound effect on the
vertical distribution of larval populations in the soil. At Ranchi, a hilly tract, it took 28-35
days in June-July and 50-56 days in November-March months to complete one
206 Management of Potato Nematodes

generation. However, at Patna the life cycle was completed in 35 to 45 days during
November to February. In the hilly regions two generations are generally completed by
the time of tuber formation. Hence, tuber infestation is invariably observed even in low
infested fields. In plains, tuber infestation could be low mainly because the crop duration
is short and the newly emerging larvae mostly prefer the available fresh roots. This
generally leads to the conclusion that the root-knot nematodes may be absent from a
locality although they may be present on the roots. Further, hot summers in plains reduce
the initial soil populations.

The eggs and larvae survive for more than 100 days even in the absence of hosts
during summer months in Shimla hills. This could be the reason for higher initial
inoculums, which could build up for subsequent tuber infestations. Experiments to study
the effect of different levels per gram of soil resulted in 42.5 per cent yield reduction with
100 per cent tuber infestation. Nematode infested tubers on storing loose their weight
more than uninfected tubers. Although post storage performance of infested tubers was
normal, the number of sprouts produced was fewer compared to healthy tubers.

Interaction wit" Micro-organisms

The root-knot nematode infection has been found to predispose potato plants for
infection by bacterium Rolstonia solanecearum. The incidence of brown rot in the
presence of M incognita was 86 per cent compared to 19.4 per cent with bacterium
alone. The plants wilted much earlier in the presence of nematodes. Further, it was
observed that whenever brown rot disease was prevalent in the North Western hills, the
soils contained fairly heavy populations of root-knot larvae. The roots of such wilted
plants exhibited prominent galling. It is suspected that the root-knot nematodes are
helping in the spread and severity of brown rot disease in Sirmour district of Himachal
Pradesh, Bhowali and surrounding areas of Kumaon hills in Uttar Pradesh and Bangalore
and Kolar districts of Karnataka state.

The basic principle of nematode control programme is to achieve increased good
quality produce with reduced nematode populations. Last one hundred years of consistent
efforts either to completely control or eradicate root-knot nematodes from soil
rhizosphere revealed that man has to be content living with the pest and only try to
minimise its ill effects. And thus the following management strategies are suggested for
root-knot nematode management in potatoes.
Management of Potato Nematodes 207

Cultural Practices

(a) Deep ploughing and drying of soil in the summer months facilitates the
drying of infective stage larvae thereby reducing initial inoculum in the soil.

(b) Adjustment of planting dates; Studies at Jalandhar have shown that planting
in the 2nd week of October in autumn crop and early January in spring crop
can limit the tuber infestation of the root-knot nematode. Under Shimla
conditions early planting of potatoes, i.e., during 3rd or 4th week of March
reduces both root and tuber infestation without affecting the yield

(c) Burning of trash before taking up tuber planting helps in not only sterilising
the soil but also enriches the soil. However, this method is practicable only in
smaller holdings.

(d) Growing of trap crops like Tagetes patula and T. erecta (African marigolds)
in between 2 or 3 rows of potato improves the crop performance and also
reduces the root-knot nematode infestation. The root secretions from these
plants are nematicidal and thereby the nematode populations are reduced to
manageable levels.'

(e) Though root-knot nematodes are polyphagous in nature with wide host range,
there are a few crops like cereals and millets, which do not allow the
infestation of M incognita. Thus, crop rotation with a non-host like maize,
wheat, beans, etc., reduces nematode infestations.

(f) Seed tubers from root-knot nematode infested fields should not be used. The
movement of the soil and water from the infested fields should be avoided.
The fields should be kept free from weeds since, root-knot nematodes have a
wide host range and most of the weeds helps in the build up of the nematode.
Thus, clean cultivation reduces the nematode infestation to a great extent.

Host Resistance

The most practicable approach for root-knot nematode management seems to be

the use of host resistance. A large number of germplasm collections including tuber
bearing wild Solanum species were screened for locating sources of resistance at Shimla.
These studies showed that an inter varietal hybrid HC-294 possessed resistance to root-
knot nematode since there was inhibition in the giant cell formation in the roots. Sources
208 Management of Potato Nematodes

of resistance were also available in few lines of G. tuberosum sub-species andigena and
S. vernei. High degree of resistance was also found in S. acaule, S. bulbocastanum, S.
boliviense, S. acroscopicum, S. cardiophyllum, S. chacoense, S. gandarillassi, S. lignicaula,
S. raphallifolium and S. spegazzinni. Critical evaluation of commercial varieties and
cultures have shown that the development and reproduction of root-knot nematode was
lowest in several advanced hybrids and efforts are underway to incorporate these
resistance into commercial varieties.

Biological Control

There have been extensive reports on the use of biotic agents such as fungi,
bacteria, predacious nematodes and protozoans in the control of nematodes. However,
efficient use of these biological phenomenons has not yet been fully exploited in root-
knot nematode management. The fungus, Paecilomyces lilacinus and Pochoia
chlamydosporium has been found to be most effective for managing M incognita in
potato while the bacterium Bacillus penetrans has also offered possibilities of bio-
control. Endomychorrizal fungi such as Glomus jasciculatus, G. mossae and others have
shown promise in reducing the root-knot nematode infestation and hence we can look
forward for adopting suitable biological method of approach for the management of this
nematode in potato.

Chemical Management

Earlier, application of DO @ 200 IIha, EDB @ 90 Ilha and Nemagon @ 30 I1ha

were found to be efficient in reducing root-knot nematode under Shimla conditions which
were effective in the plains also. Due to the hazardous nature of these pesticides coupled
with the difficulties in applying them under varying agricultural practices these are
replaced by granular pesticides. Better management of the nematode has been achieved
by applying carbofuran @ 2-3 kg a.i Iha or phorate @ 2 kg a.i Iha. The efficacy of these
pesticides was more when they were applied in two equal split doses, i.e., once at
planting and another at ear thing time.

Integrated Approach

By practice, it has been observed that a single method of nematode control is

uneconomical and it has been realised that proper blending of one or more methods has
always been economical and effective in achieving better nematode management. This
sort of approach should be aimed especially in potato particularly under Indian conditions
since we have to keep in mind the various agro-ecological factors into account. Adopting
Management of Potato Nematodes 209

any single method of nematode control is bound to affect the ecological balance and
hence various factors have to be carefully considered before advocating nematode
management practices. However, by judicious application of above methods it is not
difficult to manage root-knot nematode in potato for achieving higher production.

Other Nematodes
The potato tuber worm Ditylenchus destructor was reported from Shillong in
1961. The nematode was recovered on tubers, which had shown small greyish cracks
with whitish glistening superficial tissues. Fortunately, this nematode has not been
encountered again either in Shillong or anywhere else in India excepting in imported
tubers and thus has been considered as one of the quarantine problems. Several other
plant parasitic nematodes such as lesion, stunt, spiral, reni form nematodes are being
constantly encountered during surveys of potato fields.

The pathogenicity of Quinisulcius capitatus, a stunt nematode frequently

occurring in hilly tracts, was established on potato variety Kufri Iyoti at Shimla. The
nematode build up ranged from 5 to 8 times at initial inoculum levels of 10 to 1000 at 45
days. Concomittant to 'the nematode build-up, plant characters such as shoot length, fresh
and dry weights of shoot and rot reduced which affected the tuber production. The tuber
reduction ranged from 14 to 29 per cent by weight, which was related to the reduction of
dry weights of plant parts and was negatively correlated with nematode build-up index.
The spiral nematode, Helicotylenchus dihystera was also pathogenic to potato accounting
for 9-27 per cent yield reductions in 90 days with 2-4 times nematode build-up. Both
these nematodes are commonly occurring in major potato growing belts of potato in
Himachal Pradesh, Kamataka and Tamil Nadu and could be potential pests on a long run.
Other parasitic nematodes constantly found in potato soils such as pin nematode
(Paratylenchlls species), reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus renijormis), lesion nematode
(Pratylenchus co/leae) are already established pests to other crops and hence may also
pose as plant protection problems but cel1ainly not to the extent of either cyst nematode
or root-knot nematode. The presence of virus transmitting nematode genera such as
Longidorus, Trichodorus and Xiphinema with potato culture may be a constraint in
disease free potato seed production.

Although 93 nematode species belonging to 40 genera are recorded to be
associated with potato culture in India, not much has been done to understand their exact
210 Management of Potato Nematodes

involvement in potato production, excepting in case of root-knot and cyst nematodes. The
detailed surveys conducted in North-western Himalayas have shown that root-knot
nematode is the major pest of potato and is also invariably associated with the brown rot
disease caused by Rolstonia solanacearul11. The potato cyst nematode is restricted to hilly
tracts of Tamil Nadu. Though it has been reported from neighbouring states of Karnataka
and Kerala, the cysts were nonviable at the former state while in the later stat the potato
cultivation is too low. However, there is a need for strengthening the domestic
quarantine. Most of other nematodes are established pests in production of other crops.
Hence, future lines of work on a national basis should be on the following lines:

Conduct organised surveys in potato growing areas to study the distribution of

different plant parasitic nematodes and to identify the problematic areas for potato
production: Identify the variations in root-knot nematodes and potato cyst nematodes to
establish the species and pathotypes/races specific to localities; Estimate losses due to
different nematodes and establish tht:: economic threshold levels; Study the nematode
survival, development and population dynamics in relation to different agronomic
practices; Establish the interaction of these nematodes with other pathogenic fungi,
bacteria and viruses and the predisposal factors, if any, Locate the sources of resistance in
tuber bearing Solanum species and produce resistant varieties suitable to different
regions. Evolve an effective and economic mode of nematode management by integrating
different management strategies both for plains and hills; and set up an advisory service
for proper nematode management in potato production.

Bhaskaran, A.R. 1971. Control of the potato golden nematode (Heterodera rostochiensis Woll)
campaign in the N ilgiris, Madras Agril. J., 58 (9 & 10): 800-808.
Gaur, P.e. 1973. Golden nematode in potato can be controlled, Indian Farming, 23 (I): 24-25.
Gill. J.S. 1974. Advances made in the potato nematology in India. J. Indian Potato Assoc. 1 (1-2):
Howard. H. W. 1977. Report on the experiments at the Potato Experimental and Trial Centre,
Ootacamund (Test Resistance of Material of Plant Breeding Institute, Cambridge to Nilgiri
PopUlations of Potato Cyst Nematodes), Mimiograph, 17 pp.
Jones, F.G. W. 1961. Potato root eelworm Heterodera rostochiensis, in India. Curro Sci., 30 (5):
Joseph, T.A. and Krishna Prasad, K.S. 2002. Kufri Giriraj: A high yielding late blight resistant
potato variety for Nilgiris (Abst) presented in the National Seminar on "Changing Scenario
in the production systems of Hill Horticultural Crops", Feb., 20-21, 2002. 195 pp.
Management of Potato Nematodes 211

Joseph, T.A., Krishna Prasad, K.S. and Latha, M. 2003. Breeding potato for combined resistance
to late blight and potato cyst nematodes in Nilgiris. 1. Indian Potato Assoc. 30 (1-2): 19-20.
Krishna Prasad, K.S. 1986. "Potato Nematodes." In: Plant Parasitic Nematodes of India (Gopal
Swarup and D.R. Das Gupta Eds.). Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, 497 pp.
Krishna Prasad, K.S. 2001. A sustainable Potato Cyst Nematode Management Practice for Nilgiri
Hills. 1. Indian Potato Assoc. 28 (10): 115-116.
Krishna Prasad, K.S. 2002. "Current Status of Potato Cyst Nematodes in India." In: Centenary of
Nematology in Tamil Nadu, pp 51-55. Published by Centre for Plant Protection Studies,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-6410003, 137 pp.
Krishna Prasad, K.S. 2004. "Paradigms of Potato Cyst Nematode Research in India." In: National
Symposium on Paradigms. In Nematological Research for Biodynamic Farming, 17-19,
November, 2004 held at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore.
Logiswaran, G. and Menon, P.P.V. 1965. Reports on the Golden Nematode (H. rostochiensis)-
Survey in the Nilgiris, Madras State, Ootacamund Town. Mac: Agric. 1,52 (11): 487-488.
Nirula, K.K. and Paharia, K.D. 1970. Role of root-knot nematodes in spread of brown rot in
potatoes, Indian Phytopath 23 (1): 158-159.
Ramana, K.V. and Mohandas, 1988. Occurrence of potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida in
Kerala.lndian1. Nematol.18(1): 141.
Ravichandran, G. Singh, D.S. and Krishna Prasad, K.S. 2001. Performance of Advance hybrid
0179-56 in Nilgiris. Journal of Indian Potato Association, 28 (1): 105-106.
Seshadri. A.R. 1978. "Chemical control of potato nematodes." In: Developments in the Control 0/
Nematode Pests afPotato. Report of the 2nd Nematode Planning Confel Tence 1978. Lima.
Peru. 13-17 November, 1978, pp. 173-87.
Seshadri, A.R. and Sivakumar, C.V. 1962. Golden nematode of potatoes (Heterodera
rostochiensis WolI) threat to potato cultivation in the Nilgiris. Madras Agric. J., 49 (9):
Thangaraju, D. 1983. Distribution of potato cyst nematodes in Kodaikanal hills, Madurai district,
Tamil Nadu. Indian 1. Nen!at 13 (2): 222-23.

Role of Nematodes in
Agro-ecosystem Management

A.K. Ganguly, Anju Kamra and N. Somasekhar

Nematodes are a diverse group of microscopic round worms that are most
ubiquitous and abundant multicellular animals living in soil. One square meter of soil
may contain more than 30 billion nematodes. Nematode communities in soil are
composed of a variety of trophic and ecological groups (Yeates et al., 1993). The
composition of nematode community varies depending on the plant species present and
the geographic location. Relatively wide variation in trophic composition or abundance of
nematodes within a site may also result from seasonal changes. Nematodes feed on a
wide range of organisms and their food comes from entire microflora, microfauna and
higher plants. The nematode communities in soil play an important role in regulating key
ecological processes in soil food webs. In agro-ecosystems they are either beneficial or
detrimental to crop growth. Therefore, understanding the roles of different groups of
nematodes and their impact on crop production is essential for efficient management of
agro-ecosystems. The different roles played by soil nematodes in agro-ecosystems are
discussed below:

Roles of Nematodes in Agro-ecosystems

Nematodes as Herbivores
Plant parasitic nematodes are microscopic round worms that feed on plant parts
mostly on roots. Nematode herbivores (plant parasitic nematodes) are of particular
impol1ance in agroecosystems because of their potential to damage the roots of crop
plants. They are one of the most extensively studied group of soil organisms because of
their economic importance can be distinguished by presence of a unique syringe/needle
like structure called "stylet" in their mouth, which helps in puncturing and sucking of sap
Role of Nematodes in Agroecosystem Management 213

from plant cells. Plant parasitic nematodes have been recognised as an important biotic
constraint in crop production in many countries. Nematode feeding disturbs the water and
nutrient absorption machinery in the root system, which in turn, results in stunted growth,
chlorosis and wilting of plants even in the presence of optimum moisture and nutrients in
the soil. Being obligate parasites, nematodes do not kill their hosts instantly, but debilitate
them gradually host without producing any specific above-ground symptoms. Therefore,
nematodes are aptly referred to as 'hidden enemies of the farmers'. Nematode infection
also makes the plants vulnerable to secondary pathogens and abiotic stresses resulting in
disease-complexes or syndromes (Hussey and McGuire, 1987).

It is estimated that nematodes cause an average annual yield loss of 12.30 per
cent worldwide, which amounts to a monetary loss of about US$ 78.00 billions. In India,
nematodes cause a yield loss of about 5 per cent in oil seeds, 8 per cent in cereals and
pulses, 10 per cent in sugarcane and fruit crops, 12 per cent in vegetables. The total
monetary loss due to nematodes in India has been estimated to be about Rs. 242 billion
annually (Seshadri and Gaur, 1999). Nematode infection also makes the plants vulnerable
to secondary pathogens and abiotic stresses reSUlting in disease-complexes or syndromes.

Nematodes as Biocontroi Agents

Entomopathogenic nematodes or insect parasitic nematodes are considered as

beneficial nematodes in crop production because they help in biological control of the
insect pests of crop plants (Kaya and Gaugler, 1993). The use of entomopathogenic
nematodes to manage insect pests has gained popularity for several reasons. Like,
development of resistance to certain pesticides, appearance of new pests, reduction of
effectiveness of natural control agents (predators, parasites and pathogens) due to
pesticide use, high cost of pesticides, and increased concern about pesticide safety and
environmental quality are discouraging use of pesticides. These beneficial nematodes can
form an important component of an integrated pest management (IPM) programme for
ornamental crops and turf grasses. The two nematode families viz., Steinernematidae and
Heterorhabditidae contain the insect parasitic nematode species. The most commonly
lIsed beneficial nematodes are Steinernema carpocapsae, S. Feltiae, S. glaseri and H

Entomopathogenic nematodes locate the insect host by detecting excretory

products, carbon dioxide and temperature changes. Infective juvenile nematodes enter the
insect host through the mouth, anus or breathing holes (spiracles). Heterorhabditid
214 Role of Nematodes in Agroecosystem Management

nematodes can also pierce through the insect's body wall. The juvenile forms of
nematode carry symbiotic bacteria Xenorhabdus or Photorhabdus in their pharynx and
intestine. Once the bacteria are introduced into the insect host, death of the host usually
occurs in 24 to 48 hours. As the bacteria enzymatically breaks down the internal structure
of the insect, the Steinernematids develop into adult males and females, which mate
within the insect's body cavity. Heterorhabditids produce hermaphroditic females. As
nematodes grow, they feed on the insect tissue that has been broken down by the bacteria.
Once their development has reached the third juvenile stage, the nematodes exit the
remains of the insect body.

Entomopathogenjc nematodes are beneficial for several reasons:

(I) They have a wide host range. The nematodes' nonspecific development,
which does not rely on specific host nutrients, allows them to infect a large
number of insect species.

(2) They kill their insect hosts within 48 hours, this is due to enzymes
produced by the symbiotic bacteria.

(3) They can be grown on artificial media. This allows for mass production for
large-scale. use.

(4) The infective stages of these nematodes are durable. The nematodes can
stay viable for months when stored at the proper temperature. Usually three
months at a room temperature of 60° to 80°F and six months when
refrigerated at 37° to 50°F.

(5) These nematodes compatible with various insecticides, herbicides and


(6) There is no evidence of natural or acquired resistance to the Xenorhabdus

bacteria. Though there is no insect immunity to the bacteria, some insects,
particularly beneficial insects are possibly less parasitised because
nematodes are less likely to encounter beneficial insects, which are often
very active and escape nematode penetration by quickly moving away.

(7) There is no evidence that parasitic nematodes or their symbiotic bacteria

can develop in vertebrates.

These attributes make nematode use for insect pest control safe and environmentally
friendly. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has ruled that
Role of Nematodes in Agroecosystem Management 215

nematodes are exempt from registration because they occur naturally and requ ire no
genetic modification by man.

Some predatory nematodes, particularly those belong to Mononchid and

Dorylaimid groups predate on plant parasitic nematodes and thus have potential for
biocontrol. However, little is known about their biology, ecology and field efficacy.

Nematodes as Regulators of Decomposition (l1U1 Nutrient Cycling

Microbivorus free-living nematodes particularly the bacteriovorous and

fungivorus species are beneficial to crop growth because they help in nutrient cycling in
soil and thereby increase the nutrient availability to crop plants. Although nematodes
constitute a relatively small portion of the soil biomass, their importance in regulating the
soil environment must not be underestimated. It should be emphasised that nutrient
cycling is a complex process involving many groups and species of fauna and microflora.
Both nematodes and protozoa are important consumers of bacteria. The relative
importance of the~e two groups may vary with soil type in that protozoans tend to be
more abundant in fine-textured soils, where nematode activities may be limited by pore
size. Bacterivorous nematodes are more capable of promptly migrating to substrates than
protozoans and thus may be more important bacterial grazers in coarse-textured soils.

Nematodes are functional at more trophic levels than other organisms since they
act as primary con~umers (phytophagous), secondary consumers (bacteriophagous and
myceliophgous), and tertiary consumers (omnivorous and predaceous). Nematodes play
an important role in the decomposition of organic matter and mineralisation of plant
nutrients. They also constitute an important energy pathway from primary production and
detritus to higher trophic groups. The primary decomposition of organic matter is
affected by bacteria and fungi, which, in turn, are grazed upon by microbivorous
nematodes and by protozoa and other organisms. Because these nematodes consume
bacteria and assimilAte more nitrogen than needed, the excess nitrogen is excreted as
ammon ia.

Since herbivores and decomposers (bacterivores and fungivores) make up the

most abundant nematode groups in most agroecosystems, energy flow through the soil
nematode community takes two major pathways. Nematode herbivores function as
primary consumers, removing energy directly from the plant whereas energy flows from
plant to decomposers indirectly. Nematode decomposers do not feed directly on organic
matter of plant origin, but on the bacteria and fungi, which break down this material. It
216 Role of Nematodes in Agroecosystem Management

has been observed that the population density of bacteriovorous nematodes is high in
places of high microbial activity or where the organic matter content is high.

Nematodes accelerate the decomposition process by dispersing relatively

immobile microflora to new site and by their feeding, which regulates bacterial growth
and decomposition. Over-grazing of bacteria is avoided as nematodes, in turn, are
regulated by mites and other invertebrate predators. The increased decomposition rate
resulting from nematode feeding increases the recycling and mineralisation of C and
other elements and CO 2 evolution is a consequence of nematode activities (Abrams and
Mitchell, 1980; Trofymow, et' al., 1983). Nematodes are particularly important in
recycling N, which can become immobilised in bacterial populations during
decomposition. Since n~matodes have a higher C:N ratio (8: 1 to 12: 1) than their bacterial
food source (3: 1 to 4: I) their feeding results in the excretion of N, mostly as NH, (Ferris
et al., 1997). Numerous studies confirm the increase ofNH and other inorganic N sources
in soil with nematode!? present, and increased N levels in plant tissue have resulted in
some instances ( aI., 1981; Ingham ef a/., 1985). Nematodes also play an
important role in the enhancement process of mineralisation.

Nematode as Promoters of Microbial Colonisatioll of Rhizosphere

The use of seed-applied beneficial soil bacteria as biofertilizers, biocontrol

products or for bioremediation is an area of intense study. The rhizosphere favours
bacterial growth and survival, and is the area of soil where biofertilizers and
biofungicides are targeted. The role of nematodes in energy cycling and flow is
sign ificant because their consumption rates are high, Estimates of nematode consumption
of root biomass from several studies indicated that it ranged from 34.8 to 57g m-l (more
than vertebrate herbivores). However, the"e are a few published studies on the influence
of nematodes in root colonisation. The presence of nematodes in the rhizosphere has been
shown to increase bacterial growth, stimulated by the products of incomplete digestion
released by nematodes accompanied by increased nitrogen mineralisation. In addition,
presence of nematodes in soils enhances bacterial activity by re-distributing plant
symbionts and saprophytic bacteria (Cayrol ef al.. 1987; Freckman, 1988). There has
been limited work demonstrating that nematodes can act as vectors of plant pathogenic
bacteria or rhizobium. These studies found that the nematodes distributed cells more
evenly over the root surface, thus benefiting the plants. This area of research has not been
f1ll1her developed.
Role of Nematodes in Agroecosystem Management 217

A range of specialist and generalist microorganism in the rhizosphere attack plant

parasitic nematodes. Plants have a profound effect on the impact of this microflora on the
regulation of nematode populations by influencing both the dynamics of the nematode
host and the structure and dynamics of the community of antagonists and parasites in the
rhizosphere (Kerry, 2000). In general, those organisms that have saprophytic phase in
their life cycle are most affected by environmental conditions in the rhizosphere, but
recorded its effects on obligate parasites. Although nematodes influence the colonisation
of roots by pathogenic and beneficial micro~rganisms, little is known of such interactions
with the natural enemies of nematodes in the rhizosphere. Since nematodes influence the
quantity and quality of root exudates, they are likely to affect the physiology of those
microorganism in the rhyzosphere. Such changes may be used as signals for nematode
antagonists and parasites for successful biological control.

Soil Nematodes as Bioindicators ofAgroecosystem Healtll

The abundance of soil organisms particularly key species has been proposed as a
useful biological marker for ecosystem health. Nematodes are ubiquitous soil fauna that
interact in ecosystems directly as herbivores on plants and indirectly as consumers of
microflora and fauna, thus playing a significant role in regulating primary production,
predation, decomposition of organic matter, and nutrient cycling. Several studies suggest
that changes in nematode community structure may be useful as indicatores of
environmental changes including anthropogenic disturbances. Use of nematodes as
bioindicators of soil health and pollution is gaining importance in the recent years.

Nematodes possess many attributes that make them useful ecological indicators.
Analyses to determine the effect of agricultural management practices on nematode
community structure and 'function are generally based on nematode species. generic or
trophic group abundance, diversity indices. and maturity indices. The assays involve
survival and respiration rate of bacterivorolls nematode relative to the concentration of
toxicants/soil contaminants are some other measures to determine the ecosystem
pollution. It has been observed that carnivorous. omnivorous and polyphagous nematodes
are relatively sensitive to pentachlorophenol whereas bacterivores and fungivores are
tolerant. Nematode community indices have been used for monitoring the changes in
both natural and agroecosystems induced by a variety of disturbances. Nematode
maturity index is being widely used as an indicator of soil ecosystem disturbance/
pollution in both agricultural and forests soils (Bangers, 1990). Significant differences
218 Role of Nematodes in Agroecosystem Management

were found between annual and perennial systems in maturity indices for phytophagous
nematodes and in the ratio of fungivorous and bacterivorous nematodes indicating that
perennial crop sites may be better suited as reference points for using nematode as
biological indicators.

Nematodes are the most abundant and ubiquitous metazoans in soil, which playa
key role in the functioning of soil food webs. Nematodes interact in ecosystems directly
as herbivores on plants and inc;lirectly as consumers of microflora and fauna, thus playa
significant role in regulating primary production, predation, energy transfer
decomposition of organic matter, and nutrient cycling in soil ecosystems. Nematodes
play varied roles in agroecosystems that are either beneficial or harmful to crop
production. It is necessary to bring down the population of plant parasitic nematode to
prevent valuable yield losses and at the same time it is also equally important to promote
the popUlations of free-living and entomopathogenic forms that playa beneficial role.
Further, changes in nematode community structure may be useful as indicators of
environmental changes including anthropogenic disturbances. Nematodes possess many
attributes that make them useful ecological indicators. Therefore, agroecosystem
management methods must take into account both detrimental and beneficial effects of
soil nematodes.

Abrams, B.l. and Mitchell, M.J. (1980). Role of Nematode Bacterial Interactions in Heterotrophic
System with emphasis on Sewage Sludge Decomposition, Oikos. 35: 404-410.

Anderson, R.V., Coleman, D.e., Cole, C.V. and Elliott, E.T. (1981). Effect of the Nematode
Acrobeloides sp. and Mesodiplogaster lheritieri on Substrate Utilisation and Nitrogen and
Phosphorus Mineralisation in Soil, Ecology, 62: 549-555.

Bongers, T. (1990). The Maturity Index: An Ecological Measure of Environmental Disturbance

based on Nematode Species Composition, Oecologia, 83: 14-19.

Cayrol, J.e., Frankowski, J.P. and Quiles, e. (1987). Cephaloblls parvus as a carrier of Rhi=obium
japonicllm in field experiment on Soybean Culture, Revue de Nematologie 10: 57-59.

Ferris, H., Venette, R.e. and Lau, S.S. (1997). Population Energetics of Bacterial feeding
Nematodes: Carbon and Nitrogen Budgets, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 29: 1183-1194.

Freckman, D.W. (1988). Bacterivorous Nematodes and Organic Matter Decomposition,

Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 24: 195-217.
Role of Nematodes in Agroecosystem Management 219

Hussey. R.S. and McGuire, J.M. (1987). "Interactions with other Organisms." pp. 293-328. In:
Principles and Practice of Nematode Control in Crops (Eds. R.H. Brown and B.R. Kerry).
Academic Press.

Ingham. R.E., Trofymow, F.A., Ingham, E.R. and Coleman, D.C. (1985). Interaction of Bacteria,
Fungi and their Nematodt; Grazers: Effect on Nutrient Cycling and Plant Growth,
Ecological Monographs, 55 (1): 119-140.

Kaya, H.K. & Gaugler, R. (1993). Entomopathogenic Nematodes, Annual Review of Entomology,
38: 181-206.

Kerry B.R. (2000). Rhizosphere Interaction and the Exploitation of Microbial Agents for the
Biological Control ofPlarit Parasitic Nematodes, Ann. Rev. Phytopathology, 38: 423-441.

Seshadri, A.R. and Gaur, H.S. (1999). "Integrated Nematode Management Approaches for
Sustainable Agriculture." In: Changing Scenerio in Farming Practices, Policies and
Management. Kushwaha, K.S. (Ed.), Farm Book Series, 296-319.

Somasekhar, N. (1998). "Soil Biodiversity: Role in Ecosystem Processes, Sustainable Crop'

Production and Economic Development," Proceedings of Academy of Environmental
Biology, 7: 31-38.

Trofymow, J.A., Morley, C.R., Coleman, D.C. and Anderson, R.V. (l9~3). Mineralisation of
Cellulose in the Presence of Chitin and Assemblages of Microflora and Fauna in Soil,
Decologia (Berlin), 60: 103-110.

Yeates, G.W., Bongers, T., de Goede, R.G.M., Freckman, D.W. and Georgieva, S.S. (1993).
Feeding Habits in Soil Nematode· Families and Genera: An Outline for Soil Ecologists,
Journal ofNematology, 25: 315-331.

Fungi for the Eco-friendly Management of
Phytonematodes on Agricultural Crops and
Its Future Perspectives

Archana Mittal

Soil is a complex ecosystem comprising a wide variety of life forms often
developing symbiotic, synergistic or antagonistic relationships among themselves. Fungi,
bacteria and phytonematodes constitute the significant component of soil ecosystem.
Plant-parasitic or phytonematodes often cause plant diseases by themselves, resulting in
significant losses in crop yield and quality. However, uneven growth, stunting, chlorosis
and poor quality and quantity of yield are general symptoms of severe infection and
damage caused by plant-parasitic nematodes. Nevertheless. plant-parasitic nematodes are
only one component of the rhizosphere microbial community of crop plants, which also
includes pathogenic and nonpathogenic fungi, bacteria, microarthropods and other
organisms. Among the plant-parasitic nematodes, root-knot nematodes belonging to the
genus Meloidogyne are regarded as serious pests constituting an important major limiting
factor in the production of agricultural and horticultural crops. The root-knot nematodes
known for more than a century have attracted attention of most nematologists and plant
pathologists all over the world. Though they attack almost every type of crop, causing
considerable losses of yield and affecting the quality of the produce, vegetable crops
mostly suffer greatest damage. Bhatti and Jain (1977) found an estimated loss due to
M incognita throughout India in tomato is 46.2 per cent. Thus, various measures that
have been in use for control of phytonematode in the past are chemical, physical,
regulatory, use of host resistance and biological methods.

A number of chemicals both soil fumigants and systemic were successfully used
for the management of plant-parasitic nematodes. However, most of the chemicals are
banned and out of market due to their toxic effect on beneficial flora and fauna including
Fungi for the Ecofriendly Management of Phytonematodes on ... 221

man. They cause pollution hazards and their influence on non-target organisms have
caused ecological imbalance which are sometimes difficult to be restored. Search for
some alternative methods of nematode control thus received greater attention. In addition
to the safety problems of pesticides, new crop protection technique, the IPM or Integrated
Pest Management methods including organic amendments, fungal bioagents, botanical
antagonists and reduced dose of nematic ides has been proposed in order to reduce the
effects of agrochemicals on the ecosystem. This is intended to maintain pest density at
economic threshold injury level using a combination of various pest control methods.

The modification of soil environment in a manner which would reduce the

population of harmful microorganisms and at the same time increase the fertility of the
soil would be more beneficial approach to a farmer better known as eco-friendly
management. The combinations of chemical, cultural, biological and genetic control
measures under integrated pest mal~agement approach can be expected to be effective,
economical and eco-friendly. Attempts are in progress in India to try fungal bioagents
with very low dose of nematicides or organic amendments etc. as a part of integrated
approach for the management of plant parasitic nematodes. Thus, effective control of
plant-parasitic nematodes involved in disease complexes has substantiated their
significant role in. such diseases and demonstrated the need for the integrated nematode
management root diseases in general. The first report on fungal biocontrol agents was
suggested by Lohde (1874) with observations on the endoparasite, Harposporium
anguillulae in Germany. Kuhn (1877) reported Catenaria auxillaris in the females of
beet cyst nematode, Heterodera schachtii. Contributions of Goswami and Rumpenhorst
(1978), Kerry (1980), Khan (1990) and Leiz et af., (1992) clearly showed that the
biocontrol agents, particularly the nematode destroying fungi are common and abundant
in both natural and agricultural soil as also in all kinds of decaying organic materials.

Fungal bioagents of plant-parasitic nematodes are grouped as:

A. Predaceous or trapping fungi
B. Endozoic or en~oparasitic fungi
C. Egg parasitic or opportunisitic fungi

A. Predaceous or nematode trapping ones mostly belong to the order Zoopagles

(Zygomycetes) and from order Moniliales (Deuteromycetes) which capture
nematodes by various devices as (a) Sticky, and (b) mechanical traps. Sticky
traps are of 3 types: (1) sticky branches e.g., Dactylella lobata, (2) sticky
network e.g., Arthrobotrys oligospora, and (3) sticky knobs e.g., Dactylella
222 Fungi for the Ecofriendly Management of Phytonematodes on ...

e/lipspora while the mechanical traps are of2 types: a) non-constricting rings
e.g., Dactylaria candida and b) constricting rings e.g.. Dactylella
bembicodes. Sucrose decomposition in the soil stimulates and increase in
both the population of free living nematodes and the activity of indegeous
nematodes trapping fungi and soil conditions viz., pH, temperature, moisture
and availability of nutrients (Mankau, 1968). The use of nematophagous fungi
as bioagents of nematodes was shown by Upadhyay and Dwivedi (1988).
Nakasono and Gaspard (1991) determined the effectiveness of two
nematophagous fungi, A. dactyloides and Dactylella haptotyla for root-knot
and free I'iving nematodes. The nematophagous fungus, A. oligospora
produces proteases in liquid culture that is involved in the infection and
immobilation of nematodes (Tunlid and Jansson, 1991).
B. Endozoic or endoparasitic fungi which are natural enemies of plant-parasitic
nematodes produce either simple spores or flagellate spores as infectious
agents and instead of producing hyphal development outside the body of the
host, germination of spores are within the nematode body. Till they make
contact with the host the spores remain viable but dormant. Simple spores are
ingested by the nematodes, reach the oesophagus/buccal cavity where they
germinate, penetrate the oesophagus and colonise the body cavity e.g.,
Hmposporium anguillulae. The sticky spores stick to the nematode at any
point but mostly cause infection in the head region. They germinate,
penetrate directly through the nematode cuticle and produce infective hyphae
within the body cavity, e.g., Meria coniospora. Nematoctonus bisporus. The
flagellate spores stick to the nematode and encyst before germination,
penetration and colonisation of the host Catenaria unguillulae. C. vermicola.
Harposporium anguillulae among the fungi was to be found effective in
checking nematode population (Lodhe, 1874). Nematophthora gynophyla in
addition to Globodera rostochiensis and Heterodera avenae also parasitised
females of H trifolii. H schachtii. etc. (Kerry and Crump, I 977). In vitro
observations on the infection of Meloidogyne incognita eggs by C
anguillulae was reported by Wyss et al. (1992) whose embryos were
observed to be killed within a few minutes within mass aggregation and
encystment of flagellate spores of fungus. However, the obligate nature of
both predaceous and endozoic fungi difficulty in mass production and
inability to establishment in soil are the characteristic that put a serious
question mark for their candidacy as biocontrol agents.
Fungi for the Eco-friendly Management of Phytonematodes on ... 223
Fungal Parasities or Opportunistic Fungi of Eggs/cysts:

Several soil fungi found to be parasitic on eggs of plant parasitic nematodes

colonise the reproductive structures of the nematodes particularly Meloidogyne.
Heterodera and Globodera species whose sedentary stages are most vulnerable
to fungal attack.. These fungi occur in genera, Paecilomyces. Verticillium.
Fusarium, Phoma, Gliocladium etc. These opportunistic fungi attack nematode
eggs and/or cysts of the group Heteroderidae and those deposited in gelatinous
matrix .. Plant parasitic nematodes that become sedentary upon their maturity and
have oviposition nature are considered to be the most vulnerable to attack to
these fungi. As soon as these fungi contact egg masses or cysts, they rapidly
grow and colonise these eggs that are in early embryonic developmental stages.
Arai et al. (1973) isolated peptide antibiotics lencinostatin, lilacinin from
Penicillium lilacinum. P.lilacinus exhibits chitinase (Okafor, 1967; Gintis, et al.,
1983) and proteolytic activity (Endreeva et al., 1972). It also produces a peptidal
antibiotic P168 which exhibited wide range of toxicity on fungi, yeast and gram-
positive bacteria (lsogai et al., 1980a, 1980b, 1981).

The embryonated eggs treated with culture filtrates showed morphological

changes in eggs and within 2-4 days, development of eggs stopped, embryo
disintegrated and vacuole formed (Fitters et aI., 1993). The death of mature eggs,
colonised internally was due to fungal metabolites (Carneiro and Gomes, I 993).
P.lilacinus can grow well in temperature ranges between 15°C and 30°C which is
similar to its hosts. It can also survive well in wide range of soil pH, thus
showing its competitive nature in most agricultural soils (Jatala, I 986). This
fungus is reported to be compatible with many fungicides and nematicides.
(Davide and Batino, 1985). P. lilac in us showed growth at 3.0 to 11.0 while
optimum mycelial growth occurred at pH 6.0 to 9.0 and sporulated at pH 4.0 to
6.0. The good sporulation was observed at 30°C and mycelial growth inhibited at
10°C and 40°C. The alternate light and darkness provided better fungal growth
(Villanueva and Davide, 1984). Cabanillas et al. (I989b) recorded maximum
fungal growth of P.lilacinus between the temperature ranges of 24°C and 30°C
and least was at 12°C and 36°C. The effect of soil temperature on fungal
parasitism has not been studied so far. However, it has significant impact on the
survival and biocontrol activity of P.lilacinus isolates (Cabanillas et al., 1989b).
Fioretto and Villacorta (1989) found that optimum temperature for P.lilacinus
growth was 24°C to 25°C but biostatic at 30%C and 35°C. The lower threshold
224 Fungi for the Eco-friendly Management of Phytonematodes on ...

temperature was -10.9°C for development of the fungus. This attribute could be
useful for storage of P.lilacinus. Liu et al. (1995) observed that among the 20
isolates of P.lilacinus. optimum temperature (25°C to 30°C) requirement for
growth and sporulation was not different among the isolates. Certain chemicals
viz., ethoprophos, fenamiphos, aldicarb, oxamyl and carbofuran were reported to
toxic to P.lilacinus in PDA-culture (Equiguren-Carrion, 1995). Amoncho and
Sasser (1995) found that benomyl stopped the P.liIacinus growth and
chlorothalonil, cpatan and PCNB suppressed the radial growth but fenaminosulf
slightly enhanced the fungal growth.

The biocontrol potential of the fungus, V.chlamydosporium for root-knot

nematodes has been reviewed by Leij and Kerry (1991). The fungus required some
external nutrient for its establishment in soil. The colonisation of nematode egg masses
depended on fungal inoculum and on galling caused by nematodes (Leij et al., 1992). The
efficiency of P.lilacinus in controlling Mincognita and G.pallida was demonstrated by
Franco et af., (198 I). The eggs were deformed by the fungus with the help of toxic
metabolites. Mature females of root-knot nematodes were usually penetrated by the
fungus through the anus or vulva while cysts of G.pallida through the vulva and exposed
or broken neck region (Jatala, 1986). They reported that hyphal penetration of egg shells
were brought about by mechanical pressure and/or enzymatic activity. Rate of fungal
penetration into egg shell of Meloidogyne eggs is faster than Gfobodera where the egg
shells show more complexity (Jatala, 1985). Work has been carried out for managing
root-knot nematode infecting vegetables in India (Pandey and Trivedi, 1991). Khan and
Hussain (1986) reported that females, eggs and juveniles of Mincognita were infected by
Fusarium solani.

Methods for the Isolation of Fungal Bioagents

Stirling and White (1982) used baiting technique to isolate obligate parasites in
which usually a large number of susceptible nematodes from laboratory culture are added
to soil and then extracted after a period of incubation and assessed for infection. The egg-
parasitic fungi which are consistently associated with the eggmasses of root-knot
nematodes are isolated, subcultured and attempted for mass culture after testing their
potentiality as biocontrol agent through in vitro studies and pot expts. But, for the
isolation of facultative parasites sprinkling techniques is suitable or in some cases
selective media i.e., carrot extract, Potato Dextrose agar, etc. can be used.
Fungi for the Eco-friendly Management ofPhytonematodes on ... 225

Maintenance of Stock Culture

The culture of toxic and egg-parasitic fungi are maintained on Potato Dextrose
Agar medium slants in test tubes and Potato dextrose broth in 2S0ml conical flasks after
incubating in BOD at 2S+2°C for 10-IS days. Spores of source inoculum containing
same medium serves as a seed culture for further mass multiplication. The colony
forming units per ml is generally in the range of 3x 10 to 3x 10.

Mass Culturing
Mass culturing of some potential fungal bioagents viz. A. niger, T. viride,
A.fumigatus, A. ferreus, P.lilacinus, Acremonium strichtum and some others are being
undel1aken on large scale for the control of root-knot nematodes. This is done through a
combination of substrates, molasses/sugar and water. Saw dust is used as a carrier
material after oven heating at 12S+SoC overnight. The suitable medium comprises of leaf
powder (parthenium, soobabool, castor, jamun, etc.) neem, cotton seed and/or karnaj
cake. These are easy to prepare and also very economical mediums. The carrier material
would help in adhering the fungal bioagents to the seeds, to maintain the viability of the
cells, to dilute the culture and also to protect (partly) the bioagents against desiccation.
Mass culturing is done on large scale in autoclavable polyethylene bags. The various
constituents used for this purpose are-neem/karanj/cotton/castor seed cake (ISg),
parthenium/soobabool leaf powder (lSg), Molasses/sugar (IOml or 109) and water
(SOml). The above ingredients are mixed together and put into autoclavable polybags
having SO-7S f.!m thickness, low density and 6"x 6" in size and allowed to soak for 48
hours. These polybags are used for packing of the inoculants. These bags were sealed and
sterilised in an autoclave at 121°C for 30 minutes at 151b pressure. The medium in each
bag was inoculated with IS days old respective fungus after desealing the polybags in
lamina flow. The bags were immediately sealed with the flame under aseptic condition
and kept for growth in a BOD incubator at 2S+2°C for IS days which would be ready for
application. The approximate weight of the bag along with its above content is 100g. The
cost of each packet is approximately between Rs. 5.00 and 6.00. The fungal bioagent
developed by this method would be easy to use, economical, non-hazardous/non-
pollutant, readily available and could be used by the farmers either by dissemminating in
nursery beds or given as seed treatment and/or root dip treatment. This could also be used
as spot application at the time of sowing in an infested field.

Kerry (1987) found that applying bioagent with the planting material would be
particularly useful for field crops where large areas have to be treated. These techniques
226 Fungi for the Ecofriendly Management of Phytonematodes on ...

could be improved upon to introduce this type of fungi through seed coats in large areas
using minimum quantity of the carrier material. Backman and Rodriguez-kabana (1975)
found that treatment with a biocontrol agent in excess of 200kg per hectare should be
avoided to keep costs of production. storage and application at an economic level. Low
costs efficacy, compatibility with existing farm practices and safety are important in
determining the acceptance of biological control products by the growers. It would be
advisable to apply some potential fungal bioagent in combination with locally available
and less costly plant and animal wastes. Bhattacharya and Goswami (1988) have already
carried out work in this direction by combining oilcakes and nematicide for reducing
nematode population ..

Mass Production of P. lilacinus

Biocontrol programmes include enhancement of naturally occurring antagonists
or augmentation of their activity by introducing other antagonist for suppression of target
pathogen or pest of crops. Such augmentation could be achieved through release of mass
produced parasites or predator (Knipling, 1979). Sharma and Trivedi (1987) observed
maximum growth of P.lilacinus on sesame cake followed by cotton, mustard and
groundnut cake. Among the waste materials, mungbean husk exhibited maximum growth
followed by cotton seed, guar powder, gram powder and rice husks. The oilcakes had
additive effect because of their nematotoxic properties. Bansal et al. (1988) evaluated
agro-industrial wastes f<;>r mass production of P.li1acinus. The rice husk produced of
P.lilacinus. The rice husk produced least spores while the wheat bran provided maximum
spores which was comparable with rice grain. The sporulation was found enhanced in
rice husk and rice bran with addition of molasses amended with nitrogen and phosphorus.

Zaki and Bhatti (1988) recorded higher spore counts (55.5 x lO/g) in neem leaves
and concluded that incorporation of neem leaves infested with fungus may have
synergistic or additive effect on nematode population. Mani and Anandam (1989) also
evaluated plant leaves, oil cakes and agro-industrial wastes as substrate material for mass
production of P.lilacinus. The leaves of Leucaena leucocephala and neem were found
suitable and supported higher spore load. Mani et al. (1989) observed that wheat, bajra,
jowar and rice as substrate media were suitable for mass production of P. lilacinus.
T.semipenetrans population was markedly decreased with increasing the level of fungal
inoculum and the spore suspension was found more effective than fungus infested wheat

Vicente et al. (1989) compared among the available rice grains for mass
production of P.lilacinus and found that pounded commercial rice and unpounded ground
Fungi for the Eco-friendly Management of Phytonematodes on ... 227

rice were most suitable on the basis of spore count while unpounded commercial rice had
least spore load. Zaki and Bhatti (1991) found that P'lilacinus sporulated profusely on
maize, gram, oats, rice and wheat grains. The maximum number of spores/g was
observed on rice (52.8xI0) followed by gram (24.5 x 10). The fungus grown on gram
seed was the most effective against M javanica infecting tomato plants. The reduction of
gall index (78.6%), population of Mjavanica (94.2%) and higher percentage of egg
destruction were observed.

Patel et al. (1991) tested various organic amendments for their effects on growth
and sporulation of P. lilacinus and found that karanj, neem and mahua cakes were most
effective while pressmud and FYM were least effective. Bansal et al. (1992) observed
that wood charcoal was a good carrier of P. lilacinus for applying in the field. The carrier
material in low-density polyethylene pouch could support up to 10 spores/g for at least
six months. The spore viability in charcoal packets was not affected by constant
temperature 28°C and ambient temperature 14°C to 19°C or ~ven under aerated/or
unaerated condition.

Mode of Action
The combined effect of both fungal bioagents T. viride and P.lilacinus for the
control of root-knot nematodes is mainly based on the toxic effect of former followed by
the egg parasitic ability of the later. Thus, a reasonable number of the infective second
stage juveniles occurring in the soil around the root zone of affected plants would be
reduced. The remaining juveniles expected to be less in number as also possessing lower
rate of infectivity due to the toxic effect of T. viride would invade the roots. Out of these
reduced number of juveniles which in turn would invade the fresh egg masses, very few
would develop into adult which are attacked by P.lilacinus resulting in the production of
mostly unviable eggs. Many of the eggs due to this fungus are found empty.

Method of Application (with dose)

For transplantable crops viz., tomato, brinjal, chilli, etc. after deep ploughing treat
the nursery bed with organic amendment like oilseed cakes etc. 10 days before sowing.
At the same time, treat the bed with both the packets along with 400g/packet of the
carrier material i.e. saw dust. Before transplanting the seedlings, a root-dip treatment may
be given for 5 minutes in dense conidial suspension of fungal bioagents. Spot treatment
may also be given after 20-25 days of transplantation.

The dose is 10 packets (5 each) for 3x3 square meter nursery beds. But, for
directly seeded crops like cucurbits, bhindi and pulses apply at the time of sowing with a
228 Fungi for the Ecofriendly Management of Phytonematodes on ...

sticky substance like gum arabica etc. along with appropriate amount of carrier material
(saw dust) @ 400g/packet. In these spot treatment with both after 20-25 days of sowing is
given at @ 2 packets of each for lkg seed.

Walia and Bansal (1992) found that to initiate significant suppression of M

javanica population, a minimum of 10 spores was required. However, the fungus failed to
reduce nematode population below the damaging level even at the highest level (10) of
fungal inoculum. Zaki and Maqbool (1991) obtained most effective control of M
javal1ica chickpea with application of P.lilacinus (2g/pot) one week before nematode
inoculation. Zaki (l994b) suggested that 4g of gram infested P.lilacinus per kg soil was
optimum for significant reduction of gall index, and Mjavanica population in tomato
plants. The egg infection and destruction were 58% and 66% respectively. Jonathan et al.
(1995) found greater reduction of M incognita population on Piper betle with application
of P.lilacilllfs infested rice substrate @ 8g/kg soil. Patel et al. (1995) observed that soil
application of P.lilacil1lfS at 3% to 5% (w/w) on neem cake was effective against
Mjavanica infecting groundnut whereas seed treatment was ineffective. Davide and
Zorilla (1995a) found that tuber-dip and soil-mix method of application of P.lilacinus
were equally effective against G.rostochiensis on potato and their combined application
enhanced nematode control efficacy.

Longevity and Shelf Life (storage)

The packets containing bioagents should be stored in dry, cool and shady places
away from direct sunlight and heat. The viability of bioagents can decrease with rise of
temperature greater than 35°C but under controlled condition (cold storage conditions or
5°C), viability can be maintained uptb one year.

It protects the crop from root-knot damage, disesae-complexes caused by root-
knot nematode and some pathogenic fungi, as oilseed cake used in the medium of mass
culture is also fungicidal. It is environmentally safe, with no pollution, much cheaper than
a standard nematicide or other costly affairs and results in disease free plants, much
healthier and thus adds to the yield. However, all the materials used in preparing packets
are natural products, ecofriendly, the packets are safe for use by farmers with zero risk.

Oil Cakes and Organic Amendments for the

Management of Plant-parasitic Nematodes
In India exhaustive work on the application of oil-cakes for the control of plant
parasitic nematodes has been done. The first investigation on the control of root-knot
Fungi for the Eco-friendly Management ofPhytonematodes on ... 229
nematode with Karanj (Pongamia glahr" ) oil-seed cake was carried out by Singh and
Sitaramaiah in 1966 on tomato. This was followed by effect of oil-cake amended soil of
karanJ, neem. mustard etc. against M incognita on tomato. Desai et al. (1972) used
marotti, neem, karanj and groundnut oil-seed cakes against root-knot on tobacco while
Goswami and Vijayalakshmi (1981) carrying out an experiment to study the efficacy of
10 dried plant materials and 5 oil-seed cakes. In case of oilcakes sal, neem and karanj
reduced the galls as well as nematode populations in soil. Goswami et al. (1989) reported
maximum suppression of Millcognita population in cowpea roots treated with karanj and
Hind-O-meal followed by carbofuran treated plants while in 1990, Darekar ef a/. testing
neem, karanj, mahua and castor oil-seed cakes for the control of Mincognita population
in tomato found neem and karanj to be most effective. Rao and Goswami (1996) studied
the comparative efficacy of organic amendments, an inorganic amendment (ABeD) and
carbofuran against root-knot nematode M incognita and observed reduction in nematode
development caused by Mincognila with the use of mu~tard followed by neem.
carbofuran and ABeD. Plant growth characters were greatly improved in mustard and
neem followed by karanj, mahua and ABeD. In recent years research is also under
progress on the integration of oil-seed cakes with nematic ides in reduced doses in both
directly seeded as also in transplantable crops. Sosamma ef a/. (1994) reported that
application of P.lilacinus 25 days before Radoholus silllilis inoculation in Piper beetle
was effective in reducing nematode damage. The neem cake extracts (5% and 10%) were
found very useful carrier for P.lilacinus and it effectively controlled M incognita on
brinjal (Rao and Reddy, 1994).

Role of Soil Mycoflora for the Management of Plant-parasitic Nematodes

Work done by several researchers have proved that some micro-organisms,
especially fungi produced metabolites that are toxic to root-knot nematodes. Thus,
Mankau in 1968 reported nematicidal activity of culture filtrates of A,~pergilllls niger.
Singh and Sitaramaiah in the same year showed parasitisation of M javanica by
Curvularia species. Later, Singh ef al. (1983) repOlted that culture filtrates of Aspergillus
niger, Curvularia lunata. Trichoderma viride and T lignorulII obtained from rhizosphere
of tomato plants proved to be nematoxic and inhibited hatching of M incognita larvae.
Tabreiz et al. (1884) studied the effect of culture filtrates of 8 species of Aspergillus on
hatching and mortality of M incognita out of which A. niger. A. terre us and A. jumigaflls
were more toxic than the other species. Sharma and Saxena (1992) observed that culture
filtrates of Rhizoctonia solani and Trichoderma viride adversely influenced hatching of
M incognita larvae. Both fungus showed relatively more toxicity. Khan et a/. (1988)
230 Fungi for the Ecofriendly Management of Phytonematodes on ...

observed inhibition of hatching of M incognita juveniles at different concentrations of

fungal culture filtrates and complete inhibition was recorded at 50% and 100%
concentrations. The filtrates suppressed the root galling of tomato plants caused by M
incognita. Zuckerman et al. (1994) reported that molecules in the culture filtrate of A.
niger larger than 8000 MW killed Caenorhabditis elegans within 10 min and M
incognita second stage larvae in 60 min. Culture filtrate retained nematicidal activity
against both the species after boiling for 5 min also suggesting the heat stability of the
toxin principle. It was found that when bioassay and HPLC analysis combined, 8-day old
culture filtrate showed nematicidal activity at mean oxalic acid residues of 6.1 gllit and
citric acid ofO.9g1lit.

Chawla and Goswami (1998) in an vitro evaluation of undiluted A.niger culture

filtrate, demonstrated the complete suppression of larval emergence for the first three
days and the total death of juveniles within 24 hrs in case of M incognita. Siddiqui and
Mahmood (1995) while working on the management of root-rot disease of chickpea,
demonstrated than filtrate of A. niger markedly reduced number of nematode in the soil
which in turn was attributed to the concentration of oxailc acid produced by the fungus.
Moreover, autoclaved culture filtrate also immobilised the nematodes, the heat stability
of toxin principle.

Cayrol et al. (1989) reported nematicidal properties of culture filtrates of

P.lilacinus. The toxins production were different on different media and their effect
differed on various nematode species. The mechanism of toxic activity was considered to
be neurotropic. Acetic acid was identified from culture filtrates of P.lilacinus and it
affected the movement of nematode juveniles (OJ ian et aI., 1991). Caroppo et al. (1990)
found ovicidal activity of P.lilacinus, P. maraquandi, P.variotii and P.coleus against
M.incognita. The culture broths of these fungi reduced 78 to 93% egg hatching under
exercised root culture of tomato. Khan and Khan (1992) observed that concentration of
culture filtrates of P. lilacinus had direct relation to the inhibition of hatching and
percentage mortality of M incognita. Siddiqui and Hussain (1991) tested that culture
filtrate of P.lilacinus was quite effective against M incognita and Macrophomina
phaseolina while Zaki (1994a) reported that culture filtrate of P.lilacinus had
immobilising effect on M javanica and inhibited hatching of eggs. Oduor and Waudo
(1995) also reported that P.lilacinus, P.herbarum and Fusarium oxysporum had
suppressive effect on hatching of Meloidogyne spp. but hatched juveniles were not
parasitised. A reduced hatching ranging between 21 % and 56% was observed in
Heterodera glycines by P.lilacinus (Chen-Sen Yu et al., 1996).
Fungi for the Eco-friendly Management of Phytonematodes on ... 231

Experimental results from the infested fields in different countries have indicated
that P.lilacinus effectively controls Mincognita and even better than number of
commonly used nematicides (Candanedo et al., 1983; Jatala, 1983). The successful field
results of P.lilacinus for biocontrol of Tylenchulus semipenetrans on oranges in Peru
have been reported. The fungus reduced T. semipenetrans populations to relatively lower
levels than nematicides tested. There was significant increase in root development, plant
growth and fruit diameter with the inoculation of P.liIacinus (Jatala, 1983). The effect of
single and multiple application of P.lilacinus against M incognita under field trials
revealed that only one inoculation was sufficient to establish it and to get substantial
degree of nematode control (Jatala et af., 1981). However, Cabanillas and Barker (1989)
indicated that effective biocontrol for M incognita required more than one application
and at proper time.

Davide and Zorilla (1985) while investigating the biocontrol potential of

P.lilacinus against M incognita on okra found the fungus to be quite effective and
economically better than nematic ides. According to Shahzad and Ghaffar (1987)
carbofuran @ lkg a.i.lha was less effective than P.lilacinus against Mincognita. This
fungus also effectively controlled nematodes on okra and mung in subsequent seasons but
nematicide was no longer effective. Similarly, in the fungus treated plots, higher yields
were recorded than carbofuran @ 2.5 kg a.i.lha. The efficacy of P. lilacinus had been
comparable to that of most commonly used nematicides (Jatala, 1985). The fungus,
P.lilacinus reduced the soil population of M incognita by 66 per cent to 77 per cent
whereas isazophos reduced it by 89% (Davide and Zorilla, 1986).

Dube and Smart (1987) obtained higher crop yields and reduced M incognita
population when P. lilacinus and Pasteuria penetrans were applied together in field
microplots. Maheshwari and Mani (1988) also found that simultaneous inoculation of
P.lilacinus and Pasteuria penetrans were more effective and capable of significant
reduction of soil population of M javanica. The introduction of P.lilacinus 10 days
before at planting of tomato resulted in great protection against M incognita and mid-
season inoculation also provided higher percentage of egg mass infection (Cabanillas and
Braker, 1989). Khan and Esfahani (1990) found that P.lilacinus was more effective for
controlling Mjavanica infecting tomato when fungus was added prior to nematode or
simultaneous inoculation. A great number of nematode eggs were infested, juvenile
development inhibited, eggs devoid of juveniles and only filled with fungal mycelium.
The developed juveniles were also found attacked and mycelial growth over their bodies
were observed.
232 Fungi for the Ecofriendly Management of Phytonematodes on ...

Walia et al. (1991) reported that application of P.lilacinus through wheat bran
was better than carbofuran @ lkg a.i.lha in gall reductiun on okra plants infected with M
javanica. Vicente et al. (1991) evaluated P.lilacinus for controlling M incognita and
Rotylenchulus reniformis in infested fields of watermelon. The application of this fungus
two weeks before planting was better than carbofuran or fenamiphos for controlling
nematodes. Vicente and Acosta (1992) conducted field trial to compare the effect of
P'lilacinus and carbofuran against Mincognita and R.reniformis on pepper. The
inoculation of fungus one week before planting and application of carbofuran were
equally effective for significant nematode reduction and obtained heavier fruit yield of
pepper. Oduor et al. (1996) observed plant performance and low gall index with the
application of P.lilacinus in combination with aldicarb or nematicidal plants.

Indirect Influence of Fungi from Organic Additives

Researches have shown that the organic matter in the soil, in addition to the
increased microbial activities also cause enhanced enzymatic action. Meshram and
Goswami (1989) recorded that the fungal extracts of the dominant fungi isolated from
soil amended with mustard and karanj oil seed cakes showed strong larvicidal effect with
inhibition of larval emergence. A collagenolytic fungus, Cunninghame/la elegans
reduced root galling, egg hatching and immobilised second stage juveniles of Mjavanica
in tomato plants when collagen was used as soil amendment (Galper et al., 1991). The
different animal manures were evaluated and compared with wheat grain medium for
mass production, storage and application of some nematode egg parasitic fungi (Abu-
Laban and Saleh, 1992). Mycelial growth indices of Acremonium sc!erotignum,
Fusarium solani, F. oxysporum, Microascus triganosporus, P.lilacinus and Phoma
laveilei on animal manures were similar or higher than on wheat grains. The fungi were
effective in reducing root galling on glasshouse tomato plants caused by M javanica.

VAM and Organic Amendment in the Management of Plant-parasitic Nematode

The effect of Calotropis procera alld Gfasciculatum for the management of
M incognita in tomato was studied by Rao et al. (1996). Significant reduction of galls,
eggs/egg mass observed in interactive effect of these components. Higher colonisation of
mycorrhiza in root of tomato inoculated with Gfasciculatum and Calotropis leaf was
observed .. Gaonkar and Sreenivasan (1994) observed a positive influence of locally
available organic amendments on proliferation of Gfasciculatum. Devi and Goswami
(1992) and later Bhagawati et al. (2000) demonstrated that both Gfasciculatum in case of
cowpea while G.etunicatum in tomato respectively together with mustard cake helped in
Fungi for the Ecofi-iendly Management of Phytonematodes on ... 233

reducing the disease severity caused by M incognita fungus complex in both the above
hosts. They observed that the pre-establishment of V AM fungus checked the entry of
Mincognita larvae as also colonisation of pathogenic fungi Macrophomina phaseolina
and F.oxysporumjsp.lycopersici respectively.

Combination of Fungal Bioagents

In recent years with the development of a number of fungal bioagents isolated
from egg masses of Mincognita infecting vegetables and categorisation of two types i.e,
(a) toxic, and (b) egg parasitic ones. Attempts have been to test the performance of two
types alone as well as together. The combined effect of a toxic bioagent Aspergillus
terre us with an egg parasitic one, Paecilomyces lilacinus showed better performance in
reducing nematode population with improved plant health of tomato than when either of
the above fungi was used alone (Goswami and Sharma, 1999). Similar finding is
observed by Goswami and Mittal (2000) when A jumigatus was applied to the soil along
with Trichoderma viride on tomato infested with Mincognita. Here, in addition to the
reduction in nematode population plant growth was also observed to be promisingly
improved in both the above investigations and the mode of action is explained.

Commercialisation of Nematophagous Fungi

In France two commercial agents, Royal 300 and Royal 350 were sold for control
of Ditylenchus myce/iophagous on mushrooms - and Meloidogyne spp. on vegetables
which being at a very high cost, have not been widely used. More recently, the facultative
parasite, P.lilacinus has been produced in the Philippines as Bicon which can be applied
for the control of several nematode species including root-knot nematodes. The American
firm Mosanto is going to launch two commercial products one each of P.lilacinus and V.
chlamydosporium respectively in the near future. Trichoderma viride has also been mass
cultured and tried in farmer's (mainly in nursery) in India. Attempts for
commercialisation of T.viride and P.lilacinus and other potential fungi are in progress.

Future Prospects
1. Intelligent manipulation of integrating ecofriendly methods like organic
amendments, fungal bioagents and botanical antagonists to root-knot
nematodes would prove very promising for the management package.
Further as most of the fungal bioagents like Aspergillus niger, Trichoderma
viride etc. has already been proved to be effective against many serious
fungal diseases of agricultural crops, their use against nematode diseases
would prove more profitable to our farmers.
234 Fungi for the Ecofriendly Management of Phytonematodes on ...

2. Since many of the biopesticide viz., T viride, A. niger has already been
commercialised both in India and abroad it is advisable to search for an
isolate which would prove effective against both important fungal diseases as
well root-knot nematode diseases in under field conditions. This, in addition
to management of several fungal diseases in the field would check disease
complexes arising from the same crop where nematode is known to
predispose the fungal attack. The potential fungal and bacterial bioagents
would also be combined with reduced dose of nematicides or organic
amendment as a part of integrated approach for the management of plant-
parasitic nematodes.

3. Biocontrol agents, botanicals and reduced doses of chemicals could be the

major components ofIPM programme.

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240 Fungi for the Ecofriendly Management of Phytonematodes on ...

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nematicidal strain of Aspergillus niger. J. Chel71. Ecol. 20: 33-43.

Bio-intensive Integrated Pest Management
Modules for Nematode Management

Dr. D. Prasad

Crop pests continue to cause losses of about 18 per cent of the crop yields worth
more than Rs. 60.000 crore annually (Fig. I). despite the fact that more than 48,000
metric tons of technical grade chemical pesticides are used to manage the pests in the
country (Fig. 2). Insecticides constitute almost 60 per cent of the total pesticides used,
followed by fungicides and herbicides (Fig. 3). Indiscriminate and injudicious use of
chemical pesticide is associated with a number of adverse effects on health and

Fig. 1: Share of losses caused by different pests

Rodents &



Source: Validated IPM Technologiesjor Selected Crops (2004), NCIPM, New Delhi
242 Biointensive Integrated Pest Management Modules for Nematode Management

Blocks on the Pesticide Treadmill

Resistance: Pesticide use exerts a powerful selection pressure for changing the
genetic make-up of a pest population. Naturally resistant individuals in a pest population
are able to survive pesticide treatments. The survivors pass on the resistance trait to their
offspring. The result is a much higher percentage of the pest population resistant to a

Resurgence: Pesticides often kill off natural enemies along with the pest. With
their natural enemies eliminated, there is little to prevent recovered pest populations from
exploding to higher, more damaging numbers than existed before pesticides were applied .
Additional chemical pesticide treatments only repeat this cycle.

Secondary Pests: Some potential pests that are normally kept under good control
by natural enemies become actual pests after their natural enemies are destroyed by
pesticides. Mite outbreaks after pesticide applications are a classic example.

Residues: Only a minute portion of any pesticide application contacts the target
organism. The remainder may degrade harmlessly, but too often water, wind, and soil
will carry pesticides to non-target areas and organisms, affecting the health of human and
wildlife populations.

Fig. 2: Trend of pesticide consumption in India

61881 61260


'-0 '-0 '-0 '-0 '-0 N r'"\

r-I r-I ooI 00
V) 0 V) 0 V) 0 V) 0 V) 0 N
V) '-0 '-0 r- r- oo 00 Q\ Q\ 0 0 0
Q\ Q\ Q\ Q\ Q\ Q\ Q\ Q\ Q\ 0 0 0
N N ('I

Source: Validated IPM Technologies/or Selected Crops (2004), NCIPM , New Delhi
Biointensive Integrated Pest Management Modules for Nematode Management 243

Classification of Active Pesticide (Nematicide) Ingredients

(based on their hazard level) by WHO

Extremely hazardous [Ia (LD50 = less than 1 mg/kg body weight)]

Aldicarb (Temik) lOG systemic (use banned w.e.f. 17/7/2003)
Phorate (Thimet) lOG systemic

Highly hazardous [lb (LD50 = less than 1-50 mg/kg body weight)]
Carbofuran (Furadan) 3G systemic

Moderately hazardous [(LD50 = 50-500 mg/kg body weight)]

Carbosulfan (Marshal) 25 EC systemic (Contact & Stomach)

Integrated Pest Management

Pest management is an ecological matter. The size of a pest population and the
damage it inflicts is, to a great extent, a reflection of the design and management of a
particular agricultural ecosystem. FAO in 1967 defined as "The IPM is a pest
management system is that, in the context of associated environment and population
dynamics of the pest species, utilises all suitable techniques and methods in as compatible
a manner as possible and maintains pest populations at levels below those causing
economic injury." Government of India, in the National Agricultural Policy, has laid
emphasis on integrated pest management (IPM) and use of biotic agents to minimise the
indiscriminate and injudicious use of chemical pesticides in agriculture. The IPM follows
a system approach while combining a wide array of crop production and protection
practices to reduce the economic losses caused by the pests. IPM emphasises on careful
monitoring of pests and conservation of their natural enemies. Decisions to intervene by
use of plant protection tactics including chemicals are based on monitoring.

Framework of IPM Strategy

Integrated Pest Management is a holistic guiding principle that encompasses all
the activities from selection of crop to the harvest and storage. Broadly speaking,
however, IPM strategies are based on three main pillars:

(i) Prevention
(ii) Monitoring
(iii) Intervention

Most of the IPM activities emphasise heavily on the preventive measures

especially before the crop is sown, i.e. , at the field preparation or seed treatment stages
244 Biointensive Integrated Pest Management Modules for Nematode Management

since the initial inoculum of the propagules is largely responsible for the subsequent high
pest build up. Agronomic practices such as deep summer ploughing, soil solarisation,
cleansing of crop refuse, elimination of weed hosts, crop rotation, water management,
intercroppinglmixed cropping, trap crop, border cropping, nutrition management, etc. and
genetic sources of resistance along with habitat management are the major tools of the
prevention .

Regular monitoring is very crucial to pest management as it is one of the most

important decision-making tools. An efficient monitoring programme can pay big
dividends in lowering pest control costs. An Agro-Eco System Analysis (AESA) based
on crop health at different stages of growth, population dynamics of pests and natural
enemies, soil condition, climatic factors and farmers ' past experiences are considered for
decision-making. Field scouting, use of sticky traps, pheromone traps and soil sample
analysis for soil-borne plant pathogens are usually employed as monitoring tools.
Diagnostic techniques, economic threshold level (ETL) and pest foreca~ting modes are
now available to assist in proper timing of IPM interventions.

Fig. 3: Share of different classes of pesticides being used in India

Others Biopesticides
Herbicides 3% 2%

Source: Validated IP M Technologies for Selected Crops (2004), NCIPM, New Delhi

Various IPM interventions are devised to reduce the effects of economically

damaging pest populations to acceptable levels. Mechanical, biological, cultural and
chemical control measures are applied individually or in combination. Some of the
principal IPM interventions include, cultural and physical measures, monitoring of pests,
biocontrol agents (biopesticides, natural enemies), host plant resistance, botanicals and
target-specific, less hazardous chemical pesticides.
Biointensive Integrated Pest Management Modules for Nematode Management 245

Biointensive IPM (BIPM)

Frisbie and Smith proposed Biointensive IPM for the first time in 1991 as "a
system's approach to pest management based on an understanding of pest ecology. It
begins with steps to accurately diagnose the nature and source of pest problems, and then
relies on a range of preventive tactics and biological controls to keep pest populations
within acceptable limits. Reduced-risk pesticides are used if other tactics have not been
adequately effective, as a last resort, and with care to minimise risks."

Why Move to Biointensive IPM?

Biointensive IPM incorporates ecological and economic factors into agricultural
system design and decision-making, and addresses public concerns about environmental
quality and food safety. The benefits of implementing biointensive IPM can include
reduced chemical input costs, reduced on-farm and off-farm environmental impacts, and
more effective and sustainable pest management. An ecology-based IPM has the potential
of decreasing inputs of fuel, machinery, and synthetic chemicals-all of which are energy
intensive and increasingly costly in terms of financial and environmental impact. Such
reductions wll benefit the grower and society.

Over-reliance on the use of synthetic pesticides in crop protection programmes

around the world has resulted in disturbances to the environment, pest resurgence, pest
resistance to pesticides, and lethal and sub-lethal effects on non-target organisms,
including humans. These side effects have raised public concern about the routine use
and safety of pesticides. The primary goal of biointensive IPM is to provide guidelines
and options for the effective management of pests and beneficial organisms in an
ecological context. The flexibility and environmental compatibility of a biointensive IPM
strategy make it useful in all types of cropping systems.

Even conventional IPM strategies help to prevent pest problems from

developing, and reduce or eliminate the use of chemicals in managing problems that do
arise. Biointensive IPM would likely decrease chemical use and costs even further.

"Conventional" V s "Biotensive" IPM

The following are the concepts that are common to both conventional and
biointensive IPM:

* The first step in sustainable and effective pest management is looking at the
design of the agricultural ecosystem and considering what ecological
concepts can be applied to the design and management of the system to better
manage pests and their parasites and predators.
246 Bio-intensive Integrated Pest Management Modules for Nematode Management

* An understanding that the presence of a pest does not necessarily constitute a

problem. Before a potentially disruptive control method is employed,
appropriate decision-making criteria are used to determine whether or not
pest management actions are needed.

* A consideration of all possible pest management options before action is


* A philosophy that IPM strategies integrate a combination of all suitable

techniques in as compatible a manner as possible; it is important that one
technique not conflict with another.

However, conventional IPM differs from Bio-intensive IPM in a sense that the
emphasis of the later is on proactive measures to redesign the agricultural ecosystem to
the disadvantage of a pest and to the advantage of its parasite and predator complex.

The Pest ManagelEcosystem Doctor

The pest manage is the most impOltant link in a successful IPM programme. The
manager must know the biology of the pest and the beneficial organisms associated with
the pest, and understand their interactions within the farm environment. As a detailed
knowledge of the pest is developed, weak links in its life cycle become apparent. These
weak links are phases of the life cycle when the pest is most susceptible to control
measures. The manager must integrate this knowledge with tools and techniques of Bio-
intensive IPM to manage not one, but several pests. He or she must pay close attention to
the pulse of the managed ecosystem and stay abreast of development in IPM and
crop/pest biology and ecology. In this way, the ecosystem manager can take a proactive
approach to managing pests, developing ideas about system manipulations, testing them,
and observing the results.

Implementation of BIPM
Pest Identification

A crucial step in any IPM programme is to identify the pest. The effectiveness of
both proactive and reactive pest management measures depend on correct identification.
Misidentification of the pest may be worse than useless; it may actually be harmful and
cost time and money. After a pest is identified, appropriate and effective management
depends on knowing answers to a number of questions. These may include:

* What plants are hosts and non-hosts of this pest?

* When does the pest emerge or first appear?

Biointensive Integrated Pest Management Modules for Nematode Management 247

* Where does it lay its eggs? In the case of weeds, where is the seed source?
For plant pathogens, where is the source(s) of inoculum?

* Where, how. and in what form does the pest overwinter?

* How might the cropping system be altered to make life more difficult for the
pest and easier for its natural controls?


Chemical Controls

Applied Biologicals

Mchanical &
Physical Controls

Monitoring & IP of Monitoring & 10 of

Pests & Beneficials Pests

Sanitation, Planting Dates & Crop Rotation

Crop Gentic Diversity &

Above ground
Cultivars Appropriate to
Beneficial Habitat &
Ecosystem & Pest
Healthy Soil Pressures

Biointensive IPM Conventional IPM


Monitoring involves systematically checking crop fields for pests and beneficials,
at regular intervals and at critical times, to gather information about the crop, pests, and
natural enemies. Sweep nets, sticky traps, and pheromone traps can be used to collect
insects for both identification and population density information. Leaf counts are one
248 Biointensive Integrated Pest Management Modules for Nematode Management

method for recording plant growth stages. Square-foot or larger grids laid out in a field
can provide a basis for comparative weed counts. Records of rainfall and temperature are
sometimes used to predict the likelihood of disease infections.

Economic Injury and Action Levels

The economic injury level (ElL) is the pest population that inflicts crop damage
greater than the cost of control measures. Because growers will generally want to act
before a population reaches ElL, IPM programmes use the concept of an economic
threshold level (ETL or ET), also known as an action threshold. The ETL is closely
related to the ElL, and is the point at which suppression tactics should be applied in order
to prevent pest populations from increasing to injurious levels.

Components of Biointensive IPM

IPM options may be considered proactive or reactive. Proactive options, such as
crop rotations and creation of habitat for beneficial organisms, permanently lower the
carrying capacity of the farm for the pest. The carrying capacity is determined by factors
like food, shelter, natural enemies' complex, and weather, which affect the reproduction
and survival of a species. Cultural controls are generally considered to be proactive

The second set of options is more reactive. This simply means that the grower
responds to a situation, such as an economically damaging population of pests, with some
type of short-term suppressive action. Reactive methods generally include inundative
releases of biological controls, mechanical and physical controls, and chemical controls.

Proactive Strategies (Cultural Control)

Cultural controls are manipUlations of the agroecosystem that make the cropping
system less friendly to the establishment and proliferation of pest populations. Although
they are designed to have positive effects on farm ecology and pest management,
negative impacts may also result, due to variations in weather or changes in crop

Maintaining and increasing biological diversity of the farm system is a primary

strategy of cultural control. Decreased biodiversity tends to result in agroecosystems that
are unstable and prone to recurrent pest outbreaks and many other problems. Systems
high in biodiversity tend to be more "dynamically stable"-that is, the variety of
organisms provide more checks and balances on each other, which helps prevent one
species (i.e., pest species) from overwhelming the system.
Bio-intensive Integrated Pest Management Modules for Nematode Management 249

There are many ways to manage and increase biodiversity on a farm, both above
ground and in the soil. Diversity above ground influences diversity below ground.
Research has shown that up to half of a plant's photosynthetic production (carbohydrates)
is sent to the roots, and half of that (along with various amino acids and other plant
products) leaks out the roots into the surrounding soil, providing a food source for
microorganisms. These root exudates vary from plant species to plant species and this
variation influences the type of organisms associated with the root exudates.

Factors influencing the health and biodiversity of soils include the amount of.soil
organic matter; soil pH; nutrient balance; moisture; and parent material of the soil.
Healthy soils with a diverse community of organisms support plant health and nutrition
better than soils deficient in organic matter and low in species diversity. Research has
shown that excess nutrients (e.g., too much nitrogen) as well as relative nutrient balance
(i.e., ratios of nutrients-for example, twice as much calcium as magnesium, compared to
equal amounts of both) in soils affect insect pest response to plants. Imbalances in the soil
can make a plant more attractive to insect pests, less able to recover from pest damage, or
more susceptible to secondary infections by plant pathogens. Soils rich in organic matter
tend to suppress plant pathogens. Overall, a healthy soil with a diversity of beneficial
organisms and high organic matter content helps maintain pest populations below their
economic thresholds.

Genetic diversity of a particular crop may be increased by planting more than one
cultivar. Species diversity of the associated plant and animal community can be increased
by allowing trees and other native plants to grow in fence rows or long water ways, and
by integrating livestock into the farm system.

Crop rotations: The practice of growing several different crops on the same land
in successive years or seasons. It radically alters the environment both above and below
ground, usually to the disadvantage of pests of the previous crop. The same crop grown
year after year on the same field will inevitably build up populations of organisms that
feed on that plant, or, in the case of weeds, have a life cycle similar to that of the crop.
For example, crop rotation for at least 2-3 years with non-solanaceous vegetables like
cabbage, cauliflowers, etc. for Potato cyst nematode control.

Multiple cropping: It is the sequential production of more than one crop on the
same land in one year. Depending on the type of cropping sequence used, multiple
cropping can be useful as a weed control measure, particularly when the second crop is
interplanted into the first.
250 Bio-intensive Integrated Pest Management Modules for Nematode Management

Effect of different combinations of marigold (cv. Crackerjack) with brinjal

(cv. BR-112) on growth characters and nematode populations
(M. javanica) (Dhangar et al., 2002)

Treatments Root-knot Index Yield % increase in

(scale 1-5) (kg) yield over control
Brinjal + Marigold (Alternate within row) 2.5 12.4 82.8

Brinjal + Marigold (Alternate rows) 2.8 10.6 55.9

Brinjal + Marigold (one hrinjal row alternated 3.5 9.1 33.8

with two marigold rows)
Brinjal alone (control) 4.8 6.8

CD at 5% 0.8 1.5

Cover crops: Crops planted not for harvest but to improve soil quality, prevent
erosion, and control weeds and insects. Such crops are usually tilled into the soil to
improve fertility for the next food crop to be planted there. For example, growing jute in
the ufra infested field reduces rice stem nematode populations.

Intercropping: It is the practice of growing two or more crops in the same,

alternate, or paired rows in the same area. The advantage of intercropping is that the
increased diversity helps "disguise" crops from pests, and if done well, may allow for
more efficient utilisation of limited soil and water resources. For example, growing
French Marigold (Tagetes patula) between rows of main crop for management of Root
lesion nematode (Pratylenchus spp.).

Resistant varieties: These are continually being bred by researchers. The plants
from these seeds will have a good chance of being better suited to the local environment
and of being more resistant to insects and diseases. Since natural systems are dynamic
rather than static, breeding for resistance must be an ongoing process, especially in the
case of plant disease, as the pathogens themselves continue to evolve and become
resistant to control measures.

Disease-free seed and plants: Use of disease-free seed and nursery stock is
important in preventing the introduction of disease.

Sanitation: It involves removing and destroying the overwintering or breeding

sites of the pest as well as preventing a new pest from establishing on the farm (e.g., not
allowing off-farm soil from farm equipment to spread nematodes or plant pathogens to
Biointensive Integrated Pest Management Modules for Nematode Management 251

your land). This strategy has been particularly useful in horticultural and tree-fruit crop
situations involving twig and branch pests~
Host Plant Resistance (Ali, 1997)

Crop Nematode Resistant Cultivars

Brinjal Meloidogyne Vijay, Black Beauty, Banaras Giant
Capsicum M incognita NP 46A, G4, Mirch I, Red Long CA(P)63
Tomato M incognita, SL-120, Punjab NR-7, Hissar Lalit
R. reniformis

Pea M incognita, T-44 DMR 7, KEP 130, HFD 4, KFPD 46


Lentil M incognita, DPL-14, PL81-D, PL81-340


Chickpea M incognita, BGM 481, BGM 483, G 288341, BG 369, BGM 481, GL 88341,
Mjavanica GMS 815
Mungbean Mjavanica GM 85-2, ML 323
Urdbean Mjavanica TPU3, WBU 105
Pigeonpea M incognita, Pusa 23, GAUT 87-2 H82-1, 86-1, IPH 732, TH 9,
Mjavanica UG218
Cowpea R. reniformis Cowpea 1
Chilli R. reniformis Pusajawala

Optimum growing conditions: These are always important. Plants that grow
quickly and are healthy can compete with and resist pests better than slow-growing, weak
Mulches: These living or non-living structures, are useful for suppression of
weeds, insect pests, and some plant diseases. Mulching helps to minimise the spread of
soil-borne plant pathogens by preventing their transmission through soil splash. Mulch, if
heavy enough, prevents the germination of many annual weed seeds. Recent springtime
field tests at the Agricultural Research Service in Florence, South Carolina, have
indicated that red plastic mulch suppresses root-knot nematode damage in tomatoes by
diverting resources away from the roots (and nematodes) and into foliage and fruit.
252 Biointensive Integrated Pest Management Modules for Nematode Management

Preventing further Spread of Nematodes

* Using certified planting material.

* Using soilless growing media in greenhouses.

* Cleaning soil from equipment before moving between fields.

* Keeping excess irrigation water in a holding pond to settle nematodes and

planning irrigation to minimise the amount of excess water.

* Preventing or reducing animal movement from infested to uninfested fields.

* Composting manure to kill any nematodes that might be present, before

applying it to fields.

* Eliminating important weed hosts.

Soil Amendments
Many different types of amendments and composted materials have been applied
to soil to suppress populations of plant parasitic nematode and improve crop yield and
plant health. Animal manures, poultry litter, and disk-incorporated cover crop residues
are typical examples of soil amendments used in agriculture to improve soil quality and
as a means for enhancing biocontrol potential of soil. Some am€fndments which contain
chitin and inorganic fertilizers that release ammoniacal nitrogen into soil suppress
nematode populations directly and enhance the selective growth of microbial antagonists
of nematodes. More recently, composted municipal wastes and sludges have been used to
amend soil to improve soil fertility, organic matter content, water holding capacity,
nutrient retention, and cation exchange capacity.

Suppression of soil-borne pathogens via the incorporation or simple mulching of

composted amendments is reputedly based on enhanced microbial activity and increased
numbers of antagonists generated by decomposition of the amendment in soil. Soils with
a diversity of beneficial microorganisms are more suppressive to pathogens than soils
with little or no biological diversity. Other possible mechanisms for pathogen suppression
by composts include direct inhibition of the pathogen or reduced infectivity of the
organisms into the plant host. Population increases of beneficial organisms in soil appears
to be the direct result of environmental changes brought about by the amendments after
addition to soil. This suggests that to sustain soil suppressiveness, amendments must be
periodically reapplied to maintain the soil environmenT conductive to antagonists.

The level to which soil-borne pest and disease control can be achieved is not only
related to the type of material but to the age of the compost. Nematode and disease
Bio-intensive Integrated Pest Management Modules for Nematode Management 253

suppression has been repeatedly demonstrated with composted municipal yard wastes
containing significant quantities of tree bark. If the compost is immature, the product may
not only be difficult to handle and have an offensive odor, but may contain salts and
metabolites toxic to plants. For example, weed suppression has been demonstrated with
some types of immature composted materials which contain and/or produce organic acids
with phytotoxic properties.

In summary, the high rates of application (tons/acre) and attendant costs required
for crop response and nematode control for many different types of organic amendments,
and the apparently rapid losses of the materials in soil appears to preclude use of these
materials primarily to homeowner or small farm operations at this time. However, with
additional research and advances in application technology and use efficiency, use of soil
amendments may become an integral component of Florida crop production systems.

Mechanical and Physical Controls

Methods included in this catego~y utilise some physical component of the
environment, such as temperature, humidity, or light. to the detriment of the pest.
Common examples are flaming, flooding, soil solarisation, and plastic mulches to kill
weeds or to prevent nematode damage.

Soil Solarisation

Soil solarisation is a non-chemical technique in which transparent polyethylene

tarps are laid over moist soil--for a::1> to 12-week period to heat non-cropped soils to
temperatures lethal to nematodes and other soil-borne pathogens. Soil temperatures are
magnified due to the trapping of incoming solar radiation under the clear, polyethylene
panels. For example, soil solarisation using clear thin polythene cover for 3-6 weeks in
summer-very effective for Root-knot nematode control.


Flooding has been shown to suppress nematode populations. Alternating 2 to 3

week cycles of flooding and drying have proven to be more effective than long,
continuous flooding cycles. Several cycles of flooding (minimum two weeks) alternating
with drying and disking also effective.

Although generally used in small or localised situations, some methods of

mechanical/physical control are finding wider acceptance because they are generally
more friendly to the environment.
254 Bio-intensive Integrated Pest Management Modules for Nematode Management

Red Plastic Mulch

Red plastic mulch reflects wavelengths of light that cause the plant to keep more
growth above ground, which results in greater yield. Meanwhile, the plant is putting less
energy into its root system-the very food the nemat9des feed on. So reflection from the
red mulch, in effect, tugs food away from the nematodes that are trying to draw nutrients
from the roots.

Hot Water Treatment

This method is prevalently used for killing the nematodes inside the propagating
materials like seeds, corms, bulbs, tubers and fleshy roots. For example, immersing the
seeds in hot water at 45°C for 15 minutes or 50°C for 10 minutes reduces white tip
nematode infestations on rice.

Sieving and Winnowing

This method is effectively used to remove the Anguina galls from wheat seed lot.

Biological Control
Biological control is the us~ of living organisms-parasites, predators, or
pathogens-to maintain pest populations below economically damaging levels, and may
be either natural or applied. A first step in setting up a Bio-intensive IPM programme is
to assess the populations of beneficials and their interactions within the local ecosystem.
This will help to determine the potential role of natural enemies in the managed
agricultural ecosystem. It should be noted that some groups of beneficials (e.g., spiders,
ground beetles, bats) may be absent or scarce on some farms because of lack of habitat.
These organisms might make significant contributions to pest management if provided
with adequate habitat.

Natural biological control results when naturally occurring enemies maintain

pests at a lower level than would occur without them, and is generally characteristic of
biodiverse systems. Mammals, birds, bats, insects, fungi, bacteria, and viruses all have a
role to playas predators and parasites in an agricultural system. Creation of habitat to
enhance the chances for survival and reproduction of beneficial organisms is a concept
included in the definition of natural biocontrol. Applied biological control, also known as
"augmentative biocontrol", involves supplementation of beneficial organism populations,
for example through periodic releases of parasites, predators, or pathogens. Several
microbial pathogens are effective against nematodes. These include the bacteria
Pasteuria penetrans (formerly known as Bacillus penetrans), Bacillus thuringiensis
Biointensive Integrated Pest Management Modules for Nematode Management 255

(available in insecticidal formulations) and Burkholderia cepacia. Nematicidal fungi

include Trichoderma harzianum. Hirsutella rhossiliensis. Hirsutella minnesotensis.
Verticillium chlamydosporum. Arthrobotrys dactyloides and Paceilomyces lilacinus.
Another fungus, Myrothecium verrucaria. found to be highly effective in the control of
nematodes, is available in a commercial formulation, DiTera™, Prosper-Nema™,
DenyTM (Burkholderia cepacia) and Activate™ (Bacillus chitinosporus) are some of the
commercially available microbial biopesticides.

Compatibility of neem products and bioagents for the management of M. incognita

and R. reniformis infecting eggplant (Mojumder et al., 2002)

No. of Soil population (per 10 cc soil)

galls M. incognita R. reniformis
Neem seed powder (NSP) 25 125 200
Neem cake (NC) 27 125 250
Paecilomyces lilacinus (PL) 31 150 258
Verticillium chlamydosporium (YC) 32 167 242
NSP + PL 10 100 167
NSP+YC 13 108 208
NC+PL 14 108 192
NC+YC 18 117 208
Control 41 200 375
CD at 1% 0.6 2.9 1.0

The insect-attacking nematode Steinernema riobravis can provide root-knot

nematode control comparable to that achieved with chemical nematicides. Although the
exact mechanisms of control are not known, researchers hypothesize that there is an
allelochemical involved (perhaps manufactured by symbiotic bacteria that live within S.
riobravis) that repels plant-parasitic nematodes. A soil-dwelling predatory mite, Hypoaspis
miles. preys primarily on fungus-gnat larvae but will also attack spring tails, thrips, and
nematodes. It is clear that there is a wide range of organisms that feed on, kill, or repel
nematodes. These organisms are most effective, and are found most commonly, in
healthy, well-managed soils.

Botanical Nematicides
Certain plants are able to kill or repel pests, disrupt their Iifecycle, or discourage
them from feeding. Crops like marigolds, sesame, castorbean, and various brassicass are
used as nematode-suppressive cover crops.
256 Biointensive Integrated Pest Management Modules for Nematode Management

For hundreds of years, Indian farmers have used the neem tree (Azadirachta
indica) for its pesticidal, antigungal, and antifeedant properties. Potting soil amended
with plant parts from the neem tree and Chinaberry tree (Melia azadirach) inhibited root-
knot nematode development on tomatoes. Margosan-OTM, Azatin™, Superneem 4.5™,
Neemix™, and Triact™ are neem products registered as insecticides, fungicides, and
miticides. Neem cake, made from crushed neem seeds, provides nitrogen in a slow-
release form in addition to protecting plants against parasitic nematodes. It can be mixed
with fertilizers such as composted manures, seaweed, and kelp. Neem cake is toxic to
plant-parasitic nematodes and not as detrimental to beneficial free-living soil organisms.

Effect of integration of Glomus mosseae with Pasteuria penetrans on plant growth

and M. incognita infecting tomato (Rao et al., 1999)

Trentments Plant Shoot Root Root-knot Nematode

height weight (g) weight (g) index population in
(cm) roots
G. mosseae 89.3 21.4 8.6 3.4 142
P. Penetrans 77.6 18.2 7.0 3.1 165
G. Mosseae + 91.7 22.7 9.1 2.4 94
P. penetrans
Control 65.4 16.6 6.8 4.2 178
CD 5% 8.46 3.23 0.72 0.56 14.57

Current Status of Integrated Nematode Management in India

Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi

* Developed seed treatment technology with neem seed powder, carbofuranl

carbosulfan in direct seeded crops for management of root-knot, reniform
and cyst nematodes.

* Developed an easy and economical management package of ear cockle

nematode of wheat.

* Developed soil solarisation technique in nursery beds.

* Developed an economical and eco-friendly medium for mass culturing of

nematode antagonistic fungal bio-agents.

* Developed integrated management schedules against root-knot and pigeon

pea cyst nematode.
Bio-intensive Integrated Pest Management Modules for Nematode Management 257

* Established Nematode Disease Diagnostic Clinic to assist and advise


Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore

A concept entitled "Bio-intensive Nematode Management" (BNM) was

developed in this institute. The major interventions under BNM are as follows:

Nursery bed treatment (per sq.m.)

* Neem cake/pongamiaicastor cake followed by soil solarisation (500 g).

* Formulation of Trichoderma harzianum and Paecilomyces lilacinus (50 g).
* Endomycorrhizae 100 g. and neem cake 250 g.
* Neem cake 250 g and Verticillium chlamydosporiu111 50 g.
* Fresh Calotropis leaf or Pedilanthus leaf@ 500 g.

Effect of chopped Madar Calatropis procera leaves, seed treatment with

carbosulfan and triazophos spray on plant parasitic nematodes and
yield of groundnut (Prasad et al., 1997)

Nematode population/250 cm 3 soil %

Before treatment After treatment Yield/5 increase

Treatment plants over
M. R. M. R.
(g) control
Arenaria reniformis Arenaria reniformis

T, = Chopped Madar 140 230 10 24 47 59.04

leaves @ 10 q/ha

T2 = Seed treatment 70 237 33 50 32 7.84

with Carbosulfan 40
T3 = Triazophos (40 127 221 20 40 33 11.26
EC) spray @ 500 ppm
T4 =T,+T2 140 170 53 90 33 13.65
Ts = T, + T3 100 163 20 26 24 -19.45

T6 = T2 + T3 167 160 33 113 40 36.51

T7=T,+T2+T3 190 197 10 20 40 37.54
T9 = Control 213 167 140 230 29
258 Biointensive Integrated Pest Management Modules for Nematode Management

Main Field Treatment

* Neem based formulation ofT. harzianum and P. lilacinus for enriching FYM
@ 2 kg + 1 kg neem cake (root-knot, burrowing, citrus nematode infecting
Banana, Acid lime, papaya, pineapple and grapes).
* Trap crops mustard and marigold in tomato nursery beds.
* Crop rotation with sunhemp, maize, mustard, marigold and pigeonpea.

Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur

IlHR, Kanpur major interventions are as follows:

* Intercropping mustard with chickpea (6:2) for ROOT KNOT NEMATODE.

* Cropping sequence of cereals in kharif and chickpea in rabi for ROOT
* Neem, Castor, Mahua cakes and poultry manure @ I t/ha for mung bean.
* Seed coating with Nimbicidine @ 0.1 % in rajmash.

Indian Institute of Spices Research, Calicut

IISR, Calicut recommended some components for Black pepper and Cardamom
which were as follows:

* Using V AM isolates in nursery mixtures.

* Soil solarisation.
* Addition of Trichoderma harzianum on coffee husk @ 2.5 kg/bed for ROOT

Sugarcane Breeding Institute

Developed Bio-rational Integrated Nematode Management. The other major
interventions are as follows:

* Crop rotation with paddy, sun-hemp.

* Fallowing and disking the field before planting.
* FYM or pressmud @ 50 tlha.
* Pressmud loaded with T. viride, P. lilacinus.
* Intercropping with legumes.

Constraints in Implementation of Biointensive INM in India

* Lack of awareness among peasants.

* Non-availability of BINM technologies for many nematodes/crops/locations.
* Deep rooted chemical first concept and dominance of Pesticide Industry.
Biointensive Integrated Pest Management Modules for Nematode Management 259

Effect of the treatments on Yield (Chakraborti, 2001)

Treatments Yield (tonlha)

Seedling root dipping in 10% a.i NSKE for 20 minutes 16.5
Neem cake in seed bed @ 2 kg/m 2, in main field @ 300 kg/ha 7 DBT 20.1
and thereafter once in every 30 DAT
Neem leaf mulch @ 1.5 kg/m2 once in every DAT 18.5
Seed bed trap crop-a susceptible brinjallocal cultivar 16.6
Turmeric: non-host,antagonistic crop 18.3
Non-host crop-rotation; mustard-sesbania-brinjal 19.4
Stubble burning 16.3
Deep ploughing followed by solarisation 19.1
Flooding for 30 days 18.8
All above Treatments combined 27.2
10 + carbofuran @ 2 kg ai/ha at transplanting and 20 DAT 27.1
Chemical check: seedling root dip in carbofuran at 0.01% ai for 10 24.4
min, @ 2 kg ailha at transplanting and thereafter once in 20 DAT
Untreated check 15.5

Sustainable Agriculture and BINM

Sustainable agriculture is a system of agriculture that is ecologically,
economically, and socially viable, in the short as well as long-term. Rather than standing
for a specific set of farming practices, a sustainable agriculture represents the goal of
developing a food production system that:

* yields plentiful, affordable, high-quality food and other agricultural products

* does not deplete or damage natural resources (such as soil, water, wildlife,
fossil fuels, or the germplasm base)

* promotes the health of the environment

* supports a broad base and diversity of farms and the health of rural

* depends on energy from the sun and on natural biological processes for
fertility and pest management

* can last indefinitely.

260 Biointensive Integrated Pest Management Modules for Nematode Management

A premise common to BINM and sustainable agriculture is that a healthy

agroecosystem depends on healthy soils and managed diversity. BINM and sustainable
agriculture share thy goal of developing agricultural systems that are ecologically and
economically sound. BINM may be considered a key component of a sustainable
agriculture system.
Bio-intensive INM module, that better understands the complex ecologies of soil
and agricultural ecosystems can be considered as the most economic, easy to adopt and
eco-friendly technology.

Ali, S.S. (1997), "Status of nematode problems and research in India." In: Diagnosis of key
nematode pests of chickpea and pigeonpea and their management. Proceedings of a
regional training course, 25~30 Nov., 1996, ICRISAT, Patancheru, pp. 74-82.
Chakraborti, S. (2001). Integrated Management of Root-knot Nematode in Brinjal. Indian 1.
Nematol. 31 (1): 79-98.
Dhangar, D.S., Gupta, D.C. and Jain, R.K. (2002). Studies on intercropping of marigold with
brinjal on plant growth and popUlation of root-knot nematode. Indian 1. Nematol. 32 (2):
Dhawan, S.c., Gaur, H.S., Pankaj, Kaushal, K.K., Ganguly, S., Chawla Gautam, Singh, R.V., and
Sirohi Anil, (2001): Indian Nematology-Progress and Perspectives. National Congress on
Centenary of Nematology in India: Appraisal and Future Plans.
Dufour Rex. (2001). Biointensive Integrated Pest Management.
Mojumder, V., Dhawan, S.C., Pankaj and Singh, J. (2002). Compatibility of Neem Products and
bioagents for the Management of M incognita and R. reniformis infecting Egg Plant,
Indian 1. Nematol. 32 (2): 183-233.
Rao, M.S., Reddy, P.P. and Nagesh, M. (1999). Bio-management of M incognita on tomato by
integrating Glomus mosseae with Pasteuria penetrans, Indian 1. Nematol. 29 (2): 171-173.
Seghal Mukesh, Dhandapani, A., Niranjan Singh, Trivedi, T.P. and Gaur, H.S. (2004). Nematode
Management Information System, Indian 1. Nematol. 34 (2): 205-238.
Singh Amerika, Sardana, H.R. and Naved Sabir, (2004). Validated IPM technologies for selected
crops, NCIPM, New Delhi, pp. 6-60.


Nematode Pests of Bast Fibre Crops and

Their Management

C.D. Mishra and S.K. Laha

The commercial jute fibre is extracted from the bas': of tossa jute (Corchorus
olitorius) and white jute (c. capsularis). Fine jute is also obtained from ramie
(Boehrneria nevea), flax (Linurn usitatissirnurn) and sunnhemp (Crotalaria juncea), and
coarse jute from crops like mesta (Hibiscus cannabinus), roselle (H sabdariffa), Congo
jute (Urena lobata), Malachra capitata, sisal (Agave sisalana) and Manila hemp (Musa
sp). To a limited extent fibre is also extracted from I.eaf petiole of a few types of palm
trees and bamboo.

Jute (Corchorus spp), originated from Malaysia or Srilanka, is now a very good
cash crop of Eastern India and Bangladesh and also other countries like Brazil, Mexico,
Argentina, UAR, Iran, China, Japan, Indonesia, Nepal and a few countries in Central
Africa. In India it is grown in West Bengal (0.61m ha), Bihar (0.15 m ha), Uttar Pradesh
(25th ha), Orissa (4.8th ha), Assam (75th ha), Tripura (43th ha) and Manipur. Mesta and
roselle are grown in Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and in peninsular India and sunnhemp in
some pockets in North India.
Tossa jute, which covers maximum acreage is suitable for loam to sandy loam
soils of wann humid areas with 24°-35°C temperature and 85 per cent RH, is sown from
March to May in medium and uplands. White jute is suitable for early sowing in low
lying areas with early rains. The crop is harvested from August to October in its
flowering or small pod stage and retting is done under clear water to remove fibre from
its bark. Fibre yields per ha. can range from 2.5 to 3 tons from 130-140 day crops under
good management practices.
262 Nematode Pests of Bast Firbre Crops and Their Management

Root-knot nematodes are the most destructive pests of jute one of which was
reported from it as early as 1911 by Bessey as Heterodera marioni. The species recorded
were Meloidogyne incognita (Chattopadhyar and Sengupta, 1955), M javanica (Timm,
1959), M incognita acrita (Luc and Guiran, 1960), M thamesi (Mishra and Mandai,
1988), M hapla and M graminicola also.

Other important nematodes recorded are Pratylenchus brachyrus (Luc and

Guiran, 1960), P. pratensis (Johnston, 1960), P. coffeae (Mishra and Sasmal, 1988), P.
minius, Helicotylenchus digonicus (Mishra et al., 1985), H dubius, H dihystera, H
indicus, H retusus, H indentatus, H mucronatus, Hoplolaimus indicus, Tylenchorhynchus
masoodi, Rotylenchulus reniformis, Longidorus machramphis, Xiphinema americanum, X
insigne, Hirschmanniella oryzae (Chaturvedi and Khera, 1979), Hemicriconemoides sp.,
and Scutellonema brachyurum (Mishra, 1995). Hirschmanniella spp. were also recovered
from their roots in low land field conditions.

Root-knot Nematode: MeJoidogyne spp.

These nematodes are prevalent in most of the jute growing tracts of the world
including India. In our country M incognita and M javanica are most abundant in the
plains (Chattopadhyay and Sengupta, 1955). M arenaria was located in North Bengal
and Assam; M hapla was recorded in Europe and M thamesi from Assam. M incognita
has been report~d from Bangladesh, South East Asia, Latin America and some African
countries. They cause more damage in the sandy and sandy loam soils of North Bengal
and Assam than in the new alluvium of the Gangetic plains.

These nematodes Q'lay cause loss up to 51.9 per cent in fibre yield (Saikia and
Phukan, 1986) in tossa jute. In an inoculated experiment, Mishra and Singh (1985)
observed 47 per cent plant damage at an inoculum level of 10 J 2 per seedling. Field
damage is influenced by inoculum density, soil type, water regimes, climatic conditions
and invasion of secondary pathogens. Overall crop loss in our country has not been
methodically estimated so far due to concomitant secondary pathogen infection; but
appears on an average to exceed 15 per cent of the final produce each year. When this
crop follows another susceptible crop like vegetables, pulses or other fiber crops the
initial inoculum remains high and the crop suffers an early attack when it is most
vulnerable. From sowing time the crop is exposed to hot sun when the water table is low
and root system is short. A nematode attack at this phase of the crop leads to wilting of
seedlings and a thin crop stand, leading to smothering by deep rooted weeds, ultimately
reducing the yield.
Nematode Pests of Bast Firbre Crops and Their Management 263

When the initial population at sowing time is low, or when the infection is
delayed the extent of crop loss decreases. The extent of loss caused by 10 J 2 at 2 leaf
stage can be affected by 100 Jz to a 15 day old plant and even 10,000 J 2 may not suffice
to cause that much damage to a 45 day old plant (Mishra and Singh, 1985). Some times
very tall and thick plants are observed with fully galled roots at the time of harvest and
hence the observers remark that nematodes are not much of a problem especially in white
jute. It is obvious that the nematode population had been below threshold limit at the time
of sowing and that most of these galls were caused by third or fourth generation
offsprings on a fully established plant in woody roots. However, such plants may die
shortly if a disease complex sets in. Bora and Phukan (1982) and Mohsin et al. (1989)
also observed that significant yield reduction occurred when inoculum density reached
1000 Jz Planr l
Investigators have ascribed different field symptoms to nematode attack
(Chattopadhyayand Sengupta, 1955). Thin populations of seedlings in different patches
near the bunds or inside the fields containing stunted plants with smaller and yellowish
leaves, which droop as the sun goes up and recover at night but permanently wilt after
some days, is a sure indication of the nematode infection. Carefully extracted roots reveal
the presence of galls of various sizes that have blocked the passage of water into the
stem. The average size of galls formed on white jute is generally greater than those on
tossa jute, even though the later is more susceptihle than white jute.

In net house pot culture studies it was observed that J 2 of M. incognita entered
freely in to roots by puncturing the root cap, zone of elongation and up above that in their
order of preference (Mishra et ai., 1985). Most of them entered in to softer parts within
24 hrs. and some others in to older parts or tap root, or even at the plant base 2-4 days
after inoculation. Initiation of giant cell production was observed in 24 hrs after
penetration, which was distinguished as a gall on the 4th day. Galls were produced by
hypertrophy of the feeding cells in the stele leading to giant cell production and
hyperplasia in the pericycle. Cortical cells surrounding the area also increased in size.
From the galls males started emerging on 12th day after penetration and egg production
started on 15th day in tossa jute which occurred on 13th and 16th days respectively on
white jute. Life cycle was completed by 25th day including the embryonic development.
Nematodes entering singly in to tender roots developed faster, while those penetrating in
a cluster could not form galls; such roots became club shaped without producing giant
cells. Some of the juveniles developed to males while most others perished. The J2 which
entered in to older roots lagged behind in inducing giant cells, development in to adults
and production of eggs. Malaker and Mian (1994) observed that the life cycle of this
264 Nematode Pests of Bast Firbre Crops and Their Management
nematode was completed in 20 days in white jute (without embryonic development).
Bora and Phukan (1982) found that the rate of multiplication of root knot nematode was
the highest when the inoculum was the lowest, i.e., 1012 per pot.

M arenaria was found (Mishra and Das, 1987) to penetrate in to roots of cultivar
JRO-632 in 48 hrs after inoculation causing hypertrophy of feeding cells in 72 hrs.
Swelling ofthe roots was evidenced in 96 hrs and males were able to emerge on 14th day
after inoculation. Laying of eggs started from 20th day and 2nd stage juveniles emerged
from the 28th day. Hence it is concluded that the life cycle is completed in 27 days at the
earliest. By the 40th day many females were observed to have laid 200-350 eggs in their
egg masses but egg hatching was limited.

Root knot nematodes have been associated with many fugi, bacteria and other
microorganisms to form disease complexes. They are known to have synergistic effect on
the development of root rot disease caused by the fungi Rhizoctonia bataticola (Mishra et
al., 1988) and Macrophomina phaseolina (Majumdar and Goswami, 1974; Haque and
Mukhopadhyay, 1979 and Begum et al. 1990). The fungi caused root rot by itself, but its
intensity increased three times when the nematode and fungi were inoculated together
near the plant base. The complex disease was more detrimental to the tossa jute than
white jute.

Another type of disease complex, better known as Hoogly wilt is caused by the
bacterium Pseudomonas solanacearum in the presence of either R. bataticola, or root
knot nematodes or both (MandaI and Mishra, 2001). Another fungus Fusarium solani is
almost always associated with this disease in field condition, but its role in the complex
has not been ascertained. The bacterium inoculated alone in pot culture conditions caused
wilting in about 10 per cent of the plants. It damaged 26 per cent plants when the
nematode was associated and 35 per cent plants when both nematode and Rhizoctonia
were associated with it in the plant rhizosphere. Here the nematode served both as a
wounding agent and provider of modified substrate in the giant cells. Moreover, the giant
cells are known to release nutrients into the rhizosphere thereby facilitating growth and
ramification of microorganisms. The natural barrier, root epidermal cells, recognises the
sugar coat of the bacterium and resist their entry, which becomes useless when the cuticle
is perforated. Finally upon entry, the nutrient rich giant cells provide the substrate needed
for quick multiplication of the bacterium and choking of the vascular tissue resulting in
the wilt symptom. Saxena, (1972) recorded 9 amino acids in jute roots, which increased
to 13 in the root galls of C. capsu/aris induced by M javanica. In the field this disease
Nematode Pests of Bast Firbre Crops and Their Management 265

spreads very quickly and covers vast areas to cause an epidemic. This disease was first
detected in Hoogly dist~jct of West Bengal where the crop rotation: jute-potato was
followed for years together. Both of these crops are very good hosts of the nematode and
the bacterium for which the populations of both the organisms reached above threshold
limits in the cropping zone at the time of sowing jute and planting of potato. Another
bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum has been found to cause disease complex with M.
incognita in this crop (Hazarika et at., 2003 and 2005).

Control of nematodes in general is difficult in jute due to high atmospheric

temperature and hot dry soil in the first half of its growing season and high rainfall in its
later part. Dissipation of nematicides to reach the feeder root is difficult in the beginning
of the season as the soil is dry because jute is generally grown in un irrigated land. Added
to it a sizable part of the chemicals suffer volatilisation in the hot soil before solublisation
in water near rhizosphere. Later the rainy season approaches when much of it is lost in
leaching and runoff. Hence application of a higher dose of chemicals is essential,
rendering it uneconomical for most of the farmers.

Before the introduction of systemic pesticides DBep was used to control

nematodes to a great extent (Tripathy and Bhattacharya, 1969; Srivastava et at., 1971 and
Sing, B., 1981). Recently, chemicals like carbofuran, carbosulfan, aldicarb, phorate,
ethoprophos, and quinalphos have been used @ 1-2 kg ai.ha- I providing good control of
this nematode. Nahar and Mian (1995) observed that seed treatment with carbofuran and
isozafos @ 500-1000 ppm decreased gall index and increased crop yield. Carbosulfan
also was found to be a good seed treating chemical for management of this nematode
(Khan, 2004). Nowadays they are phased out due to their hazardous effects on the

Senapati and Ghosh (1992) found that carbofuran @ 2kg ai ha- 1 applied 7 days
after sowing followed by transplanted paddy; or poultry manure @ 5 tons reduced root
knot damage. Organic amendments viz. mustard oi\cake, poultry manure, saw dust and
decaffeinated tea waste @ 0.6% w/w (12 ton/ha) were very effective in reducing
nematode damage (Bora and Phukan, 1983). Neem, Karanj, Mahua and mustard cakes
used @ 0.5 to I ton/ha also proved to be useful. Roy (1979) was able to reduce nematode
infection using decaffeinated tea waste, water hyacinth compost @ 10 tons ha- I , saw dust
@ 10 tons ha- I . Chicken manure (litter) used @ 10 ton ha- I was found to reduce
nematode population and maximise fibre yield as well (Mishra et al. 1987). Presumably
production of ammonia during decomposition of tea waste and chicken litter inhibited
hatching of eggs and movement of the juveniles but not its root penetration.
266 Nematode Pests of Bast Firbre Crops and Their Management

Attempts have been made to integrate cultural practices like summer ploughing,
removals of stubbles, crop rotation with rice and wheat, application of systemic pesticides
and use of organic waste to curb nematode damage (Mishra et al., 1987). Initial
population was reduced by application of systemic pesticides (carbofuran/phoratel
quinalphos) @ 1 kg ai ha- I and chicken litter @ 10 ton ha- I in jute. Next season rice
cropping induced reduced soil condition, further limiting nematode growth and
multiplication and finally in the third season wheat crop reduced them to below threshold
limit. Interestingly the cultural practices alone were able to reduce their population below
TL by the end of the 2nd year in the new Gangetic alluvium. This practice alone was not
useful for reducing the population in the light textured soils of Assam and North Bengal,
where both chemicals @ 2 kg ai ha- I and organic wastes @ 10 tons ha- 1 had to be
combined to reach that level of control. In the endemic areas it is better to choose roselle
or sunnhemp to jute. Some white jute varieties are tolerant to this nematode, which can
be used in crop rotations with paddy. Varieties suitable for early sowing, which can
escape the nematode attack in the early season should be grown wherever possible.
Chakraborti (2001) also attempted to integrate different components for its management.
However, it needs further investigation in order to make it cost effective. Luang and Bora
(2005) have arrived at a cheaper method (neem cake @ 1500 kg ha- I ) which needs
manipUlation in its method of application to affect a higher degree of nematode
population reduction.

A few varieties of jute were tested for resistance against root-knot nematode but
none was promising (Srivastav et ai., 1974). Many cultivated and wild jute spp. and most
of the white jute germplasm have been tested for resistance against these nematodes. The
wild jute species like Corchorus acutanguiaris, C. jascicuiaris, C. tridens, C. trilocularis
have been found to be resistant and a few white jute varieties (ASC 5, Ch Np 25, JRC
185, K 17, K 56, K 57, K 121, Lanka Assam, MGC 2, MGC 4, MGC 6, Mp 86, Taichung
2br, TRC 24, TRC 37, UP 22, UP 37, UP 44) have been found to be tolerant to this
nematode (Mishra and Chakrabarti, 1987). Nahar and Mian (1995) and Luang and Bora
(2005) also studied the reaction of some varieties but could not find resistance in anyone.
Fourteen white jute varieties viz. CIN (capsularis indigenous) 331, 342, 344, 351, 364,
394, 395, 398, 401, 405, 411, 429, 433 and 448 have been found to be resistant to root-
knot (Laha et al., 1995). These plants are not good yielders. However, they can be used in
breeding programmes for evolving high yielding resistant varieties. Resistance genes can
be transferred from wild species to high yielding varieties througy. modern
biotechnological procedures.
Nematode Pests of Bast Firbre Crops and Their Management 267

Biological control agent Beauveria bessiana was found to be very effective in

killing most of the tested nematode species in petri dishes in the laboratory, but
ineffective in pot cultures in the soil (Laha, et al. 1998). Trichoderma viridae was
effective in reducing galling upto approximately 50% over control. A formulation that
can linger their viability and method of application for action in the target site can be
useful in affecting a satisfactory level of control.

Reniform Nematode: Rotylenchulus reniformis

It is also an important nematode pest of jute that can cause considerable loss
under favourable conditions. The young females were observed to enter jute roots
between 2nd to 10th day after inoculation (Mishra et aI., 1985). They entered above t~e
root tip, in the zones of multiplication, elongation and maturation in that order of
preference. During the feeding period their head remained embedded in the cortical zone
while the rest of its body remained outside in soil. Near its head region an almost
spherical feeding zone was observed surrounded by a group of 6 to 10 cells, which were
hypertrophic, thick walled and filled with dense cytoplasm. This structure connected the
nematode to the pericycle through the helical feeding tube. The posterior part of the
nemas started swelling 2 days after penetration and the egg sac appeared after 7 days. At
14 days they assumed kidney shape and were completely enveloped by the egg sac. On
the 20th day some females were found to have deposited 15-20 eggs in the sac. Beyond
that period fecundity was found to be 5-10 eggs per day which extended up to 45 days
after penetration. But the number of eggs in the egg sac never exceeded 50 which
indicated that there was continuous hatching out probably from 8th to 10th day after
laying (embryonic development).

In many other crops reniform nematode is known to cause disease complexes

withftmgi (Rhizoctonia sp, Verticillium sp and Fusarium sp) and bacteria (pseudomonas)
to cause a greater loss. The same organisms are also found to cause di'seases in jute.
Further investigations will explain their relationships in causing disease cotnplexes in jute

plant. Procedure for the management of this pest in jute has not been wor;ked out. A few
experiments have to be conducted on this aspect to evolve suitable management practices,
for this nematode injute.

Lesion Nematode: Pratylenchus spp.

Lesion nematodes recorded in white jute are P. brachyurus, P. pratensis
(Johnston, 1960) and those in tossa jute are P brachyurus and P. coffeae (Mishra and
Sasmal, 1988). These are ubiquitous, found in all the jute growing countries viz. India,
268 Nematode Pests of Bast Firbre Crops and Their Management

Indonesia, Bangladesh, Philippines, Congo, Central Africa, USA, Brazil and Latin
America. In India they are found in all the states, where they are known to infect banana,
citrus, coffee, cereals, pulses, vegetables, ornamentals, fruits and fibre crops like jute and
many other plant types.

Pratylenchus coffeae was found to be highly pathogenic to jute (Mishra and

Sasmal, 1988). Populations as low as 2 nemas per seedling at the 2 leaf stage caused
considerable loss to plants leading to wilting. Juveniles and adults of this nematode
reached inside the growing part of the roots in 24 to 48 hrs after inoculation and fed on
the cortical cells. Cortical tissue fed upon formed lesions within 2 days. Nematodes
migrated to fresh areas to feed and lay eggs thus covering between 5 to 10 mm of root per
week. When two or more nematodes entered the young tap root, it collapsed and
ultimately died of wilting after 10-14 days. This nematode was found to complete its life
cycle in 27 days within the root. This nematode has the capability to produce complex
diseases with fungi R. bataticola and P. .solanacearum in the field conditions.
Management procedures have not been worked out for this nematode in jute. Hence the
practices followed to manage them in other crops may be followed here after due
consideration, until specific procedures are evolved.

Lance Nematode: Hoplolaimus indicus

This was recorded in jute in 1959 by Timm and subsequently in West Bengal by
Banerjee and Banerjee in 1966. This is also a polyphagus pest attacking cereals, pulses,
vegetables and fibre crops including jute. It is available in almost all soil samples
counting up to 55 per 250 ml (Laha et al., 1988). Total loss caused by this nematode to
jute has not been accounted for, but its mode of feeding both as ecto and endo parasite
and ftequent migration from soil to root tissue and vice versa exposes the root cortex to
other microorganisms. Management practices of this nematode have not been attempted.

In pot culture experiments both adults and juveniles have been found feeding On
jute roots above the zone of elongation, or even on matured roots ~ctoparasitically,
puncturing the cuticle (Mishra et al., 1985). From the 3rd day onwards some of them,
mostly females and juveniles started penetrating and migrating in to the cortex. They
moved intercellularly in the cortex feeding on adjacent cells. A few of them were found
to move out into soil at different periods. Cortical cells collapsed when the nemas moved
inside which turned necrotic later. Eggs were laid both inside the root and in soil. The
nematode was found to cause disease complex in the presence of the fungus
Macrophomina phaseoli (Haque and Mukhopadhyay, 1979).
Nematode Pests of Bast Firbre Crops and Their Management 269 ,

Crop rotation or changing a variety has no impact on its population as this

nematode is polyphagus in nature. Antagonistic crops like Tagetes, Asparagus and
Crotalaria can reduce its population to some extent. Management practices using organic
amendments, biological control agents are not yet available. In problem areas systemic
nematicides may be used @ 1-2 kg ai. ha- l .

Scutellonema brachyurum
This nematode was found to attack jute roots in Assam (Mishra, 1995). It is an
endoparasitic nematode feeding on root cortex producing lesions, which is less severe as
compared to lesion nematode. This nematode is also found to attack ramie, mesta, babana
and many other cash crops including rice.

Spiral Nematode: Helicotylenchus spp.

Many species of spiral nematodes viz. H indicus, H dihystera, H retusus, H
indentatus, H mucronatus and H digonicus have been recorded on jute roots (Chaturvedi
and Khera, 1979; Mishra et al., 1985). Authors encountered one species or the other
during their survey work (Laha et aI., 1988) in each soil sample. Their populations
reached 72 per 250 ml soil in some locations. In pot culture experiments juveniles and
adult females of H digonicus were observed feeding on jute roots both ecto and
endoparasitically (Mishra et al., 1985). Its mode of feeding, migration and egg laying
were similar to that of lance nematode as described above. But its population was not
affected by antagonistic crops like tagetes, sunnhemp or asparagus.

Other Nematodes
Tylenchorhynchus masoodi, Longidorus machramphis, Xiphinema americanum,
Xinsigne, Hemicriconemoides sp. feed upon jute roots ectoparasitically, but their feeding
symptoms or control measures have not been investigated yet.

Mesta (Kenai)
This crop is grown in India, China, South East Asia, Latin America and some
African countries for using as fibre or making paper. This is suitable for growing in drier
climates as compared to jute.

Mesta is susceptible to Meloidogyne spp. (Ayyar, 1931), M arenaria (Sasser,

1954), M arenaria thamesi (Linde et al., 1959), M hapla and M incognita (Thames et
al., 1952), M incognita acrita and M javanica (Sasser, 1954), Helicotylenchus
multicinctus, Pratylenchus brachyurus (Sher et al., 1953), Hoplolaimus indicus,
Helicotylenchus dihystera (Laha et aI., 1988) and Telotylenchus historicus.
270 Nematode Pests of Bast Firbre Crops and Their Management
Root knot nematodes cause considerable damage to mesta and their damage
symptoms are similar to that of jute. Some of these nematodes are kno"m to cause
complex disease in combination with Sclerotium rolfsii and cause devastation in the field.
No resistant varieties are, available in mesta for the root-knot nematodes. However,
interspecific hybrids hold some degree of promise in this regard. Methods of nematode
management as described in jute hold good for mesta also.
It is grown for fibre or paper pulp in drier climates in kharif (rainy) season.
Nematodes like M arenaria, M javanica (Martin, 1958), M incognita acrita (Luc and
Guiran, 1960), Hoplolaimus indicus and Helicotylenchus dyhestera (Laha et al., 1988)
have been recorded in roselle. Malaker and Mian (1994) found S 24 variety to be resistant
to root-knot. Laha and Pradhan (1987) found a variety, HS 4288 resistant to its attack.
But this plant is known to be resistant to nematodes in general and to root-knot in
Nematode pests recorded on this crop include M arenaria thamesi, M hapla, M
incognita acrita (Linde and Clemston, 1956), Heterodera glycines, Pratylenchus
brachyurus (Luc and Guiran, 1960), P. coffeae (Fluiter and Mulholland, 1941), P. vulnus
(Jensen, 1953), R. reniformis (Peacock, 1956), Helicotylenchus spp., Helicotylenchus
digonicus and Hoplolaimus indicus (Bandopadhyay and Mishra, 1985). However the
variety K-12 yellow of this crop is known to be resistant to root-knot nematode M
incognita and a poor host of some nemas reported here (Bandopadhyay and Mishra,
Sunnhemp is an established nematode resistant crop, though many nematodes
were found to be associated with 'it (Ayala, 1962). A cultivated variety K-12 yellow was
inoculated with M incognita, Hoplolaimus indicus and H digonicus and observed
periodically. The population of the former was drastically reduced, while the number of
the other two decreased to different degrees (Bandopadhyay and Mishra, 1985). This sort
of reaction is attributed to the excessive CO2 accumulation in its rhizosphere and highly
vacuolated cells in its root cortex. C. juncea is useful as a trap crop for reducing the
population density of soybean cyst nematode Heterodera glycines (Kushida et al., 2003).
C. spectabilis is also known to be antagonistic to root-knot nematodes.

This is a perennial shrub, bush like in appearance, which under good
management practices yields best quality fibre with regard to strength and fineness that
Nematode Pests of Bast Firbre Crops and Their Management 271

can be blended with synthetics. In India it is grown in North Eastern States and to a
limited extent in the Western Ghat areas of Maharashtra.

This plant is infected by many nematodes like M incognita (MandaI, 1979), M

thamesi (Mishra and MandaI, 1988), Pratylenchus elachistus (Steiner, 1949), P. brachyurus
(Luc and Guiran, 1960), P. coffeae (Fluiter and Mulholland, 1941), Scutellonema
brachyurum, Helicotylenchus mucronatus (Mishra and MandaI, 1988), Hoplolaimus
indicus, Xiphinema sp. and Paralongidorus sp. (Mishra, 1995).

M thamesi is the most destructive pest of this crop, which multiplies year after
year on its roots and rhizomes, which are exhausted within 3-4 years. The plantation
becomes uneconomic by the 5th year. Even if such a field is freshly reclaimed it does not
support a new plantation. The field should be brought under rice crop or kept fallow for
at least 2 years before planting ramie again. An experiment was conducted here
incorporating systemic pesticides, mustard oil cake, saw dust and Tagetes. Nematode
galling was not reduced to a comfortable level, probably due to high rainfall, that washed
and leached the active principles of these inputs, before they acted upon nematodes
(Mishra, 1995).

As a precautionary measure, before planting ramie the field should be properly

surveyed for the presence of this nematode. It should not be present in the planting
materials and proper quarantine' should be followed during its growth period.

It produces coarse but strong fibre in its leaves, which is suitable for making
ropes. Its fibre is resistant to weathering and hence can endure marine use. It is grown in
the dry- and wastelands of Deccan. Root-knot nematode (Brown, 1948), M incognita
(Anonymous, 1957) and M javanica (Mumford, 1963) have been recorded to attack this
plant as per observations in quarantine centres. Detailed survey work has not been
undertaken to identify its nematode problem. But it is considered to be a hardy plant
inviting lesser nematode attack.


It is an oilseed crop in our country, which is grown for its fibre in temperate
countries. Now it is grown for fibre in Himachal Pradesh and Kashmir also. A lot of work
has been done on flax nematodes in foreign countries.

Nematodes recorded in this crop include M incognita (Colbran, 1958), M hapla,

M thamesi, M incognita acrita, M javanica (Linde and Clemston, 1-956). Belonolaimus
272 Nematode Pests of Bast Firbre Crops and Their Management

longicaudatus, Pratylenchus brachyurus, P. penetrans, P. zeae (Sigareva, 1971), P.

coffeae (Colbran, 1958), Ditylenchus dipsaci, Rotylenchulus renijormis, Tylenchorhynchus
brevidens, T. maximum, T. phaseoli, Longidorus maximum, Hoplolaimus indicus,
Helicotylenchus dihystera and Hemicriconemoides sp. (Laha et al., 1988).

Pathogenicity of M hapla and P. penetrans have been established on this crop.

Moreover M hapla causes complex disease in combination with Fusarium oxysporum f.
sp. lini and P. penetrans does so in combination with Verticellium sp. (Coosemans,

Control measures include the use of systemic pesticides used @ 1 or 2 kg ai ha- I .

Congo Jute

This crop is not grown commercially in our country but has a good potentiality. It
is also affected by many nematodes including M incognita acrita (Luc and Guiran,
1960), M javanica (Colbran, 1958), Hemicycliophora pauciannulata, Scutellonema
bradys, Xiphinema attorodorum (Luc and Hoestra, 1960), Radophilus similis (Brooks,
1955), Rotylenchulus renijormis (Ayala, 1962), M incognita, Hoplolaimus indicus, and
Helicotylenchus dihystera (Laha et al., 1988). Information on their control aspects is

Malacltra Capitata

This crop has coarse and strong fibre but is not grown in India now. This crop is
resistant to nematode attack. Till now only Hoplolaimus indicus has been recorded from
this plant (Laha et al. 1988).


All these bast fibre crops have not received the attention of research workers till
now, though the task is enormous. Workers attending this job are very few and far
between. Crop loss assessment, disease complexes and management aspects need
immediate attention. Use of biological control agents, effective cultural practices
including crop rotation should be given due importance. Resistant varieties should be
evolved using biotechnological procedures.

Extension workers should make farmers conversant with these problems and
their management procedures in order to avoid losses.
Nematode Pests of Bast Firbre Crops and Their Management 273

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Thames, W.H., Sealo, C.c., Gomstad, E.O. and Pate, J.B., 1952. Preliminary reports of some of
the disease and pest problems of kenaf. HibIscus canabinus L. in South Florida. IV, V, VI.
PI. Dis. Reptr. 36 (4): 125-126.

Timm, R. W. 1959. Nematodes associated with wilting of jute. Pak J BioI. Agric. Sci. 2 (1): 39-41.

Tripathy, R.L. and Bhattacharya, S. P. 1969. Root knot nematodes in jute. All Ind Nem. Sympo.,
IARI,: 40.

Strategies of Phytonematode Management in
Cereal-Wheat-A Report

Dr. A.K. Singh

The All India Co-ordinated Wheat and Barley Improvement Project (AICW &
BIP) came in to being in 1965. This was one of the first organised projects initiated by
the Indian Council of Agricultural Research which laid the foundation of organised
scientific and co-ordinated research under its purview in the 1960s, when a disease
problem called locally as Molya in Rajasthan was found to be caused by a nematode
parasite, Heterodera avenae. Initially, the work started at the Indian Agricultural
Research Institute, New Delhi as a voluntary centre to undertake research on the plant
parasitic nematodes associated with wheat crop. Subsequently, centres at Jaipur and
Udaipur in Rajasthan state, Hisar in Haryana State, and Ludhiana in Punjab state were
organised as part of the co-ordinated project to carry out nematological research on wheat
and barley nematodes. At present, 5 voluntary centres namely, NDUAT Faizabad, Anand
Agricultural University, Anand, RAU Pusa Samastipur, IAR! New Delhi and SKAUST
Jammu are actively participating in this programme. The main stress now is on Molya
(CCN), Ear Cockle (ECN), other plant parasitic nematodes in different wheat based
cropping system and their integrated management. More than 25 species of plant parasitic
nematodes have been recorded on wheat in India and of these six are endoparasitic and
the rest are ectoparasitic.

, In spite of fact that a large number of nematodes regularly being encountered in

the rhizosphere of wheat crop, only 2 species, Heterodera avenae and Anguina tritici are
economically important; four species Meloidogyne javanica, M incognita, Pratylenchus
thornei and Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris are of potential itpportance while role of the rest
of the species has not been investigated so far, may be in nutrient recycling.

But now, M graminicola is coming on wheat in other part of the country also.
Strategies ofPhytonematode Management in Cereal-Wheat-A Report 279

Pratylenchus and Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris are of the potential importance while role of
the rest of the species has not been investigated so far in our context. The progress
achieved with the important species is therefore, dealt with.

Though Molya was first recorded in 1958 still many aspects are being tackled
even today. The progresses achieved with important nematodes are dealt with hereunder.

Biotype Studies of CCN-An Attempt

Exploiting identified and possibly of othel' as yet unidentified sources of
resistance in wheat is country specific and primarily dependent on Heterodera avenae
and its pathotypes that need to be controlled. Many developing countries unfortunately
have limited resources and/or expertise to establish this information, and current control
methods are based on the understanding the response of local cultivar to the pathogen. In
order for cultivar resistance to be effective and desirable, a sufficient understanding of the
number of species and pathotypes within species is essential. The international cereal test
assortment for defining cereal cyst nematode pathotypes from Australia and India are
often distinct from these in Europe. Although useful, a pathotype scheme for a species
complex based on interaction with these cereal genera will not easily describe extensive
variation in virulence. Furthermore, to date there are few molecular or other diagnostic
methods that can provide consistent and reliable pathotype and pathogenically
differentiation. Any how, the traditional ap,roach is still employed as being convenient
and reliable.

It was observed in 1995-96 that Sirsa and Mahendragarh (both in state of

Haryana, India) population behaved differently indicating the presence of more than one
616type of Heterodera avenae, which confirmed the finding of 1994-1995. The Silver
Index and Siri differentials yielded susceptible reaction on Sirsa population and resistant
reaction on Mahendragarh population. Whereas on Emir both gave susceptible reactions.
In 1996-97, Sirsa population was designated as biotype II and Mahendragarh population
as biotype I whereas Ambala population was different than both. During 1998-99, it was
reported that in Haryana 2 biotypes exist, one is of Sirsa and other of Mahendragarh.
Punjab population was different as compared to Rajasthan and Southern Haryana. Delhi
centre also proved that Sirsa population was a different biotype besides 2 other known
biotypes. In 1999-2000, H avenae in Rajasthan did not differ in its attributes. Sirsa,
Mahendragarh and Ambala populations were different among themselves whereas,
Punjab was altogether different. But the year 2000-01 exhibited that Jaipur and Udaipur
popUlation were different in their reactions on some of the differentials like AUS 15854
280 Strategies ofPhytonematode Management in Cereal-Wheat-A Report

(Wheat), Ortolan (Barley), KVL 191 (Barley), Ogalistische (Barley), Dalmastische

(Barley), P 31322-1, Martin 403-2 (Barley), L-62, and Nidar II (Oat). Later on, it was
established that Sirsa population was different than Mahendragarh.

The year 2001-02 showed that reaction of population of Haryana on differentials

differ from earlier report of Haryana in that it gave resistant reaction on Emir, and Capa
and susceptible reaction on IK2 Light (Wheat). It is similar to Ambala population in its
reaction on Siri, KVL 191 (Barley), Dalmastische and Psathias (Wheat). In the year
2002-03, Hisar and Sirsa populations gave susceptible reaction on Rika, Herta, Yarde,
Loros, Psathias, and Capa and resistant reaction on rest of the differentials. Hence, they
are similar in virulence and belong to same group of pathotypes.

During 2003-04, Hisar population's reaction resembled with Sirsa and

Mahendragarh populations. When subjected to biochemical tests Hisar, Sirsa and
Mahendragarh populations could easily be distinguished from Ambala population on the
basis of isozyme profile of MDH of white females. The earlier chemical studies based on
catalaze beta esterase and acid phosphatase enzymes were not able to separate these
populations. In Haryana (as arrived at from earlier studies) 2 distinct populations are
present now. The population present in Ambala, and in adjoining districts and areas
(Panchakula and Morni hills) is different and identified as H filipjevi. In Rajasthan,
Hanumangarh population is different than biotype I which is found around Jaipur of

In 2004-05, it was again proved that Mahendragarh, Sirsa, and Hisar had Ha 21
population of H avenae whereas, Ambala and Panchakula had H filipjevi. The
differentials AUS 15854, AUS 7869, AUS 15895, Harlan 43, Ogalistische, Dalmastische,
Emir, Morocco, Gel1ion, Martin, La estanzuella, L 62, Siri, Drost, and Nidar II supported
least/nil population build up of CCN, thus, proving that the population is resistant and
different. Moreover, on AUS 498, AUS 15807, Loros, Iskamish K2 Light, Psathias,
Capa, P 31322-1, Yarde and Herta, the CCN population multiplied in substantial number
thus, exhibiting itself as different group within CCN. In Rajasthan, CCN population
adjoining Jaipur is different than Hanumangarh as has been repeatedly proved.

Tillage Options and Its Impact

Farmers are accepting conservation tillage due to economics of time and other
resources. Survey conducted in 7 rice fields belonging to farmers' cooperators of the
project. In each field, rice root and soil samples were collected at random right after
harvest. Each sample was made of one hill and 200 cm3 of rhizosphere soil. The loss of
Strategies ofPhytonematode Management in Cereal-Wheat-A Report 281

many nematicides due to environmental concerns and high costs of pesticides registration
has focussed considerable attention on the development of cropping schemes that utilise
biocontrol agents, green manure crops, resistant cultivars and non-host crops for
managing nematodes in both agronomic and horticultural crops. The progress made by
many projects in the discovery, identification, culture and evaluation of field efficacy of
several strains of biocontrol agents contributed to the development of urgently needed
biocontrol agent that will be useful over large acreage. The ust, of antagonistic cover and
rotational crop and compost application were demonstrated to the beneficial in reducing
population of RKN and RLN. Host resistance to plant parasitic is one of the most
inexpensive, environmentally friendly and feasible methods for managing plant parasitic
nematodes in-crop plants. Integration of host resistance with biocontrol antagonistic cover
and rotational crops and compost application will contribute to the development and
implementation of environmentally safe, alternative management strategies for plant
parasitic nematodes. Reaction of cover and rotational crops and resistance crops to plant
parasitic nematodes will be characterised. Experiments to evaluate cover crops, compost
and green manure treatments, and rotational crops for managing nematodes. Plant
parasitic nematodes play great roles both harmful and beneficial in agriculture. Both are
important as their actions have economic propositions.

Population Dynamics-The Soil Biology

Since 1998-99 soil biologylbiodynamics aspects of important plant parasitic
nematodes have been studied under different prevailing wheat based cropping systems in
details under AICW&BIP.

The cropping systems which were considered for this study were Rice-Wheat (at
Ludhiana, Kamal, Delhi, Pusa-Bihar, and Faizabad), Cotton-Wheat (at Hisar and
Ludhiana), Maize-Wheat (at Pusa-Bihar and Faizabad), Soybean-Wheat (at Ludhiana and
Delhi), Groundnut-Wheat (at Durgapura and Anand), and Bajra-Wheat (at Durgapura and
Anand) throughout the wheat growing zones of India. The findings revealed that
Tylenchorhynchus and Hoplolaimus were present in all four cropping systems at
Ludhiana. Hirschmanniella was present in rice under rice-wheat only whereas
Heterodera zeae was present in maize under Maize-wheat system. Under Bajra-Wheat,
Tylenchorynchus and Hoplolaimus increased when wheat was sown after Bajra. It was
also recorded that under Bajra cysts of Heterodera avenae did not hatch.
At Kamal, R-W system as such had encouraged the growth of Hoplolaimus spp
and Tylenchorhynchus spp in rice. Hirshmanniella was common in all the cropping
system but its population was high during rice season.
282 Strategies of Phytonematode Management in Cereal-Wheat-A Report

In Himachal Pradesh, rice was affected by Helicotylenchus diystera,

Tylenchorhynchus nudus, Hirschmanniella gracilis, Pratylenchus zeae and Macoposthonia
zenoplax in order of dominance. Hirschmanniella oryzae was present in rice and H zeae in
maize. At Pusa, a steep decline in population of Meloidogyne, reniform nematode and
lesion nematode were noticed but stunt, lance and spiral nematodes increased in wheat. In
Haryana, Hirschmanniella and Meloidogyne graminicola were more in rice compared to
wheat. The population of Tylenchorhynchus and Helicotylenchus have shown increasing
trend in wheat and peak was achieved during January to March months. Tylenchorhynchus
was higher during wheat season. In Soybean-Wheat popUlation build up of all important
nematodes was high. Tylenchorhynchus was high during maize as compared to wheat but
population of Hoplolaimus was same during both the seasons. In Cotton-Wheat
Helicotylenchus, Hoplolaimus, Pratylenchus and Tylenchorhynchus are the important ones.
In Cotton-Wheat population of Hoplolaimus was maximum at cotton harvest whereas
Tylenchorhynchus and Helicotylenchus were maximum during mid season of wheat at
Hisar location. In Ludhiana, in cotton population of Tylenchorhynchus was very high (1600
nemJ250 ml soil). Population of Pratylenchus spp got decreased in wheat in Groundnut-
Wheat system but for Tylenchorhynchus it was reverse. Cysts of Heterodera avenae
remained dormant and unhatched in groundnut.

Seed Gall Nematode-National Scenario

Ear cockle nematode, an important pest of wheat has potential to cause heavy
losses in wheat. In the recent years, the disease has been reported to assume high
incidence (1-10%) in some parts of the states like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya
Pradesh (Vasudeva and Hingorani, 1952; Paruthi and Bhatti, 1985; Paruthi and Gupta,
1987; Nath and Pathak, 1993). The grain samples were obtained from mandies during the
last six crop seasons to establish the severity and infestation so as to address trade related
issues like sanitary, phytosanitary and market pathology. To address these issues a total
of 21 ,907 grain samples were collected during the period 1998-99 to 2003-2004. In 1998-
99, infestation with galls ranged between 0.01 to 50 per cent, in 1999-2000, between
0.01-0.35 per cent, in 2000-01 between 0.012-0.7 per cent, in 2001-02 between 0.05-1.6
per cent, during 2002-03 upto 0.24 per cent whereas in 2003-2004, it ranged between
0.05-8 per cent. Out of 7,140 samples analysed from Punjab none of the samples was
found infested during last 3 crop SeJlsons (2002, 2003 and 2004) indicating the areas to be
disease free. In Haryana, 3 samples (2 from Gurgaon and 1 from Faridabad) were found
infested during 2002-03. In the year 2003-04 grain infestation to the extent of 8 per cent
was noticed at Jatmalpur in Darbhanga district of Bihar whereas at rest of the places in
Strategies ofPhytonematode Management in Cereal-Wheat-A Report 283

Bihar it was upto 2.5 per cent, besides other places. Contrary to it, in 2003-2004 only 2
samples from Nuh and Palwal in Haryana contained infestation in the range of 0.05 per
cent to 0.10 per cent. This indicates nematode is sti II prevalent in the zones. The
recurrence of disease is due to seed contamination and the disease incidence depends
upon the degree of admixture at the time of sowing. It can be effectively eradicated from
the country by using clean seed obtained from seed certification agencies. Hence, seed
industry can playa decisive role by developing entrepreneurship in providing gall free
seed to the farmers to contain the disease.

Utilisation of Breeding Materials for Development of CCN Resistant Cultivar

Many developing countries unfortunately have limited resources and/or expertise
to establish this information, and current control methods are based on the understanding
the response of local cultivar to the pathogen. However, identification of consistent
sources of resistance in wheat has not been possible in spite of the fact that thousands of
genotypes have been screened in India alone (Dhawan and Nagesh, 1987). Therefore,
there is need to search sources of resistance to this nematode among wild relatives of
wheat. In order for cultivar resistance to be effective and desirable, a sufficient
understanding of the number of species and pathotypes within species is essential.
Although useful, a pathotype scheme for a species complex based on interaction with
these cereal genera will not easily describe extensive variation in virulence. Furthermore,
to date, these are few molecular or other diagnostic methods that can provide consistent
and reliable pathotype and pathogenically differentiation. Any how, the traditional
approach is still employed as being convenient and reliable.

Alternative Management of CCN

Earlier the use of soil fumigants like DD @ 300 litre/ha and DBCP @ 45 litre/ha
were used. Later granular nematicides like Aldicarb lOG and Carbofuran 3G @ 1.5 kg
ai/ha, respectively, were used which gave good protection of molya disease and also gave
better plant growth and increased grain yield (Handa et ai., 1980; Mathur and Handa,
1984). Alternative to exclusive chemical management strategy of Molya disease
(Heterodera avenae), concerted efforts were made by evaluating different organic,
inorganic, resistant source and biological agents in combination during the wheat crop
seasons of 1997-2005 (8 years) in order to keep cereal cyst nematode population below
threshold level in endemic and hot spot areas. Though other treatments, like CCNRV-l,
carbofuran in isolation reduced the number of cysts per plant but combination involving
Trichoderma spp, FYM, and reduced amount of carbofuran proved better at Durgapura.
284 Strategies of Phytonematode Management in Cereal-Wheat-A Report

At Kamal, Trichoderma vir ide in combination with V AM fungi gave substantial growth
and discouraged the cyst number to 5.40 per plant compared to 20.90 in chl!ck. When this
exercise was repeated at Durgapura, T. viride + FYM + Carbofuran 3G @ 1.0 Kg ai/ha
had yielded at par to that of carbofuran @ 1.5 Kg ai/ha in getting 40.76 q/ha and 41.94
q/ha yield and reduced the average number of cysts/plant upto 2.9 and 3.0 respectively,
over the untreated control (yield - 24.24 q/ha and 18.5 cysts/plant). However, the
treatment involving T. viride + FYM also gave significantly higher yield of 36.39 q/ha
and reduced number of cysts/plant to 6.8 over 24.24 q/ha and 18.5 cysts/plant in control.
At Hisar, all the treatments inhibited the nematode multiplication as compared to control
but grain yield and shoot biomass increased in FYM @ 20 Tonnes/ha; Posse ST @ 0.75
Kg ai/ha + FYM @ 20 Tonnes/ha; seed treatment with T. viride + FYM @ 10 Tonnes/ha;
seed treatment with T. viride + FYM @ 10 Tonnes/ha + Carbofuran 3G @ 0.75 ai/ha and
seed treatment with Gliocladium virens. Carbofuran 3G @ 1.5 Kg ai/ha and seed
treatment with Trichoderma harzianum increased yield but not biomass. At Kamal,
among treatments, T. viride @ 4g/kg seed + Carbofuran 3G @ lKg ai/ha was the best
after Carbofuran @ 1.5 Kg ai/ha. In subsequent year at Durgapura, the treatments of
Carbofuran 3G @ 1.5 Kg ai/ha and compost + T. viride + half dose of Carbofuran 3G @
0.75 Kg ai/ha gave the highest yield of 44.37 q/ha and 43.75 q/ha, respectively, and also
reduced the cyst population significantly to 2.34 and 2.68 cysts/plant, respectively, over
untreated control (yield 20.94 q/ha and 5.13 cysts/plant). Besides this, the treatment of
compost + half dose Carbofuran, Neem Seed Powder and CCN resistant line (CCNRV-l)
also gave significantly higher yield - 40.52. 38.02 and 40.83 q/ha and also reduced the
average CCN count up to 2.73, 2.85, and 0.70, respectively, over untreated control (yield
20.94 q/ha and 5.13 cysts/plant). It was observed that T. viride, when used alone as seed
treatment, did not produce significantly higher yield but gave slight reduction in the cyst
counts. At Hisar, result showed that all the treatments except seed treatment with
Azotobacter chroococcum @ 4 per cent proved effective in reducing the cyst population
significantly as compared to control. Seed treatment either with A. chroococcum or T.
viride along with soil application of carbofuran 3G @ 0.75 kg ai/ha was as effective as
1.5 kg ai/ha Soil application of carbofuran 3G. These findings suggest that T. viride in
combination with compost and half dose of carbofuran can reduce substantially the cyst
population and improve the health of soil.

Wheat Seed Galls and Their Importance in Wheat Export

Wheat galls (the inciter of this disease is Anguina tritici, a nematode) though
cause insignificant damage but in modern agriculture ability to export wheat grains in
Strategies ofPhytonematode Management in Cereal-Wheat-A Report 285
international market is greatly hampered if historical records are available of the presence
of this pathogen in the grain producing areas from where exports are to go. Here the SPS
issues play deciding role. The major implications of the SPS Agreement are in the areas
of developing pest risk analysis (PRA), fixing appropriate level of protection (ALP) and
identifying nematode free areas. On contrary, generally more damage is experienced due
to poor agricultural practices, monoculture and use of poor quality seed in third world
countries. In some cases, combined infection of Anguina tritict and Neovossia indica in
wheat seed galls were observed. Galls with both the fungus and nematode contained
fewer nematodes than galls with only nematodes (Paruthi and Bhatti, 1980).

(a) Global prevalence of ECN: The countries namely, Australia, Afghanistan,

Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Hungary, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Lithuania,
New Zealand, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Russia, Syria, Switzerland, Turkey, and
Yugoslavia suffer from this wheat galls. It has been observed that nematode damage
(wheat galls) is negligible in the countries adopting modern mechanical and cleaning
procedures to separate the nematode galls from visible wheat seeds. The use of high
quality seeds has nearly eradicated this nematode from developed countries. However,
nematodes cause severe crop losses to rye (25-65%) and wheat (20-50%) in third world
countries where poor agricultural practices monoculture, and the use of poor quality seed
are widespread. The nematode is damaging pest in third world countries. It is a pest of
regulatory significance in developed countries. Taking in to consideration the above
version, large priority rating for a complete risk assessment and declaring gall free areas
as per ISPM norms are reguired.

(b) Distribution: The occurrence of this disease is an indication of poor

agriculture where seed is not replaced for years together. The disease is prevalent in
Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh.

(c) Sporadic incidences, an example: In 1992, the Gaya, Patna, Nevada and
Munger districts of Bihar got seriously affected by this disease. Darbhanga and
Madhubani districts in Bihar experienced heavy damage owing to severe intensity of this
disease in 1997. In the year 1999, village Paloi of Powai Tehsil in Panna district of
Madhya Pradesh, suffered huge losses due to ear cockle disease. Chattarpur, Satna and
Tikamgarh also got affected (Singh et at., 200 I).

(d) Present status in India: Not found in Punjab and Haryana but prevalent in
Bihar, eastern parts of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh. It has
been experienced that with the seed replacement this disease vanishes.
286 Strategies of Phytonematode Management in Cereal-Wheat-A Report

(e) Key host: Wheat including bread and durum, Emer, Rye, Barley and Triticale
are hosts but Oat is not a host.

(f) Life cycle: Juveniles (J2) emerges from seed galls in soil and crawls on to the
newly germinated seedlings. They (J2) establish infection sites between young leaves and
feed as ectoparasites causing leaf crinkling and distortion to the plants. Later, they
penetrate the flower buds at the time of flower bud initiation. J2 stimulates the formation
of galls in floral tissues in place of seed development. Juvenile development is
completely inside the galls. Newly formed females deposit eggs, which hatch producing
J2, which remains encased in the galls in anhydrobiotic condition and perpetuate plant
infection in following years. Dried cockles get harvested with fully developed healthy
seeds. Each gall contains upto 12,000 J2 in it.

(g) Symptom of this disease: Initially diseased plants grow along soil surface
(prostrate) and after few days, they take upright growth. Basal swelling appears in 20-25
days old seedlings. Crinkling, curling and twisting of leaves are invariably seen at
seedling stage. Diseased plants stay dwarf and conspicuous patches can be noticed in
affected fields. Diseased plants produce profuse non-productive tillers as well as small,
broad, less owned or own less earheads. These earheads remain green for long and
produce nematode galls in place of grain. On harvesting and threshing, these galls fall in
to the soil or get mixed up with healthy grains as harvest. If these grains are used as seed
next year, the disease perpetuation and appearance take place. The ear cockle and tundu
diseases depend on the presence of both the organisms and on temperature, humidity, age
of seedlings and depth of placement of galls (Midha and Swarup, 1972). Kamal bunt has
also been found to occur along with seed galls. Galls with both the fungus and nematode
contained fewer nematodes than galls with only nematodes (Paruthi and Bhatti, 1980).

(h) International experience with seed galls in wheat export: Brazil is one of
the world's largest wheat importers. Brazil relies on imports for the majority of its wheat
consumption with Argentina which supplies about 90 per cent of Brazil's import needs.
Brazil once banned (blocked) US wheat on basis of presence of TCK smut, Cereal stripe
and flag smut as well as seed galls. Importation of US wheat from the states of
Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California, Nevada, and Arizona remained prohibited due to
phytosanitary concerns. On March 15,2001 Ministry of Agriculture, Brazil lifted ban on
US soft wheat on the condition that exports of these wheat varieties must now come with
additional declaration in the phytosanitary certificate that the wheat comes from an area
free of Anguina tritici, and cannot be shipped out of west coast port. On contrary,
Argentina enjoyed many advantages in the Brazilian market, such as proximity, lower
Strategies of Phytonematode Management in Cereal-Wheat-A Report 287

transportation cost, shorter delivery times and protection from the 10 per cent mercosul
duty and 25 per cent merchant marine tax. So there were tug of wars among Brazil,
Argentina and USA. Moreover, US wheat had an opportunity from May to September in
Brazil as local harvest came after that.

The Anguina trifiei do occur in Australia. Hundred years back economic

problems due to this nematode were recorded in southern states like South Australia,
Victoria, Tasmania, and Western Australia. Now it can be found only in small pockets of
the western Australian belt particularly with short growing seasons, very dry summer and
a tendency towards continuous wheat production. Crop rotation and seed cleaning has
either eliminated the ECN incidence in other parts of Australia. Some markets in Middle
East still require a shipment from Australia to be free of Anguina trifiei because of
perception of the effect on quality, and not for phytosanitary reasons. Though A. trifiei is
found in most of the Middle East countries, so without area freedom, this nematode could
not be considered quarantine organism. A. trifiei is easily controlled in modern
agriculture and trade concerns are not phytosanitary in nature, whether it is appropriate
that it be given a major quarantine pest. In US, 30 years ago this nematode was recorded.
In February, 2003, though 18 countries passed regulations for this nematode that are
phytosanitary in nature but still a question mark stands as to put this nematode under

(i) Seed certification, as an alternative to pest free areas certification: Seed

certification may serve as an alternative to pest free areas certification programme which
would be easier to implement in this case compared to a pest free area certification
programme in the cropping zone. TBT (Technical Barriers to Trade) is an agreement
whereby certain conditions permit the denial of entry of imports based on non-
phytosanitary issues such as quality of produce and packaging also. Though
phytosanitary issues are related to the denial of entry based on. presence of
organisms/prohibited pests in the product of the exporting countries but TBT may also
raise its head.

(j) Documents required: Supporting documents, other than phytosanitary

certificates, are required in nowadays trade. Some importing countries may require other
supporting documents other than phytosanitary certificate, for example a CITES
certificate or a treatment certificate. The facilitators advise that the relevant standards,
where necessary, should be followed. PRA is need of the situation and it has to be done.
This abbreviation (EESEY) satisfies the requirement of PRA. The determination of the
status of a quarantine pest may be summarised' by the above alphabets - Entry,
288 Strategies of Phytonematode Management in Cereal-Wheat-A Report

Establishment, Spread, Economics and if pest is meeting all these requirements (Yes),
then it can be categorised as quarantine pest.

(k) Prevent the disease through IPM approach: Use gall free seed or clean the
gall infested seed lot. Certified seed 'obtained from reliable sources/agencies which are
expected to be gall free, be employed. If farmers want to use their own seed (previous
years harvest) they must ensure that there is no gall in the seed lot. Galls ate smaller than
the healthy grains and by sieving, they can be separated. In the light infestation (less than
2%), water floatation technique can be easily employed to remove galls from seed. Being
lighter in weight, these galls float on the surface of water and can
, be easily separated. In
case of severe infestation in seed lot, 2-5 per cent brine solution treatment can be used for
gall separation. For this purpose, in 10 lit of water in a bucket, apply 200-500g of
common salt (sodium chloride) and dissolve it. On stirring the seed in brine solution with
wooden or iron stick, galls will float on the surface, collect them and finally bum them.
Seed, thus obtained, should be washed 2-3 times in plain water and shade dry before
sowing. The farmers may replace their seed with certified seeds of improved varieties of
the area after every four to five years.

CCN has been an important nematode and various approaches as mentioned
above have been effective in containing this nematode. In spite of best efforts in
containing it, it has been observed that CCN is reappearing in erstwhile known areas and
spreading in newer areas especially in the states of Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab. In our
country Anguina infested wheat galls are present but it is required that pest free areas be
demarcated as per norms fixed by ISPM and other requisites so that whenever seed gall
comes in the way of export, at least documents will be in position to support our version.
In present day global trade, many petty issues become the deciding factors and influence
the trade, hence preparedness to face those situation is highly required and desirable.

Dhawan, S.C. and Nagesh, M. (1987). "Tolerance in wheat against cereal cyst nematode,
Heterodera avenae." Indian J. Nematol. 17: 336-338.

Dhawan. S.c. and Pankaj (1998). "Nematode pests of wheat and barley." Pages 12-25 in
Nematode Diseases in Plants (Trivedi, P.C., ed.), New Delhi, India: CBS Publishers and

Handa, D.K.; Mathur. B.N.; Sharma, G.L.; and Yadav, B.D. (1980). Indian Journal of Mycology
and Plant Pathology. 40 (2): VII.
Strategies of Phytonematode Management in Cereal-Wheat-A Report 289

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A Bergeson, 101
Abrams and Mitchell, 216 Bhatanagar, 18
Acosta and Ayala, 134, 135 Bhattacharya and Goswami, 226
AESA, 244 Bhatti and Jain, 220
AICW & BIP, 278, 281 Biointensive IPM modules for nematode
Alam and Saxena, 11 management, 241-60
Ali, 1,5-8, 11,251 an introduction, 241
Amoncho and Sasser, 224 and sustainable agriculture, 259-60
Anderson, 216 biological control, 254-55
Anver and Alam, 5, 8 botanical nematicides, 255-56
Arai, 223 current status of, 256-59
Atcoal and Manger, 34 framework of strategy, 243-45
mechanical and physical control, 253-54
B monitoring, 247-48
Baghel and Gupta, 87 pest identification, 246-47
Bajaj and Bhatti, 180 pesticides, 242-43
Balasubramaniam, 5 proactive strategies, 248-52
Bangers, 217 reason for using BIMP, 245
Barber, 192 soil amendments, 252-53
Bast fibre crops: management of nematodes, Biological central products, 188
261-72 Bird, 53
Congo Jute, 272 Blocks on pesticide treadmill, 242
Flax, 271-72 Brain and McGowan, 54
Jute, 261-69 Brezeski, 3 I
Mesta, 269-70 Buhrer, 133, 134
Ramie, 270-71 Butool and Haseeb, 131
Roselle, 270
Sisal,271 C
, Sunhemp, 270 Cayrol,230
Beets, 81 CCN (Cereal Cyst Nematode) H. avenae,
Benefits of entomopathogenic nematodes, 47-55
214 crop losses, 48-49
Bergeson and Green, 125 disease influence, 48
Index 291

INM,54-55 management, 184-85

management, 49-53 symptoms, 180-82
Chahal and Chahal, 5 Economic management ofphytonematodes
Chakrabarti and Mishra, 119 in pulse crops, 112-19
Chawla and Goswami, 230 an introduction, 112-13
Chitwood and Toung, 10 1 crop losses, 113-14
Chu and Hsu, 196 nematode management, 114-17
Cobb,192 use ofneem products, 117-19
Colbran, 271 Egunjobi, 101
Combination of fungal bioagents, 233 ElL (Economic injury level), 248
Commercialisation of nematophagous fungi, Ekundayo and Naqvi, 135
233 EPA,214
Conventional and biointensive IPM, 245-46 ETL,244
Cook and McLeod, 52
Crop rotation, 33, 49, 195,249
Cropping system, 80-81
Faulkner and Scotland, 126
FiIipjev, 125
DAR, 15
Freckman, 216
Das and Mishra, 113, 117
Fungi for eco-friendly management of
Dasgupta and Gaur, 183
phytonematodes, 220-34
Dasgupta, 18, 20, 21
an introduction, 220-22
Davide and Castillo, 84
fungal parasites, 223-24
Davide and Zorilla, 231
future prospects, 233-34
De Man, 29
isolation of fungal bioagents, 224
Dhawan and Kaushal, 51
mass culturing, 225-26
Dhawan and Nagesh, 283
mass production of P. lilacinus, 226-27
Diedericks, 14
method of application, 227-28
Dixon and Latta, 135
role of soil mycoflora, 229-32
Djiwanti and Momota, 136
VAM and organic amendment, 232-33
DNA, 19,20,21
Dube and Smart, 231
Ganguly and Khan, 8
Goffart, 133
Eco-friendly management of cotton
nematodes, 179-88 Golden nematode of potato, 199
an introduction, 179-80 Goodey, 126,205
biological control, 185-88 Greco and Sharma, 5
INM, 188 Griffin, 47
interaction with other pathogenic Gundy, Van, 83, 84
organisms, 182-83 Gupta and Mukhopadhyaya, 34
292 Index

H Jute: management of nematodes, 261-69

Haider and Nath, 104 lance nematode, 268-69
Handa and Mishra, 6 lesion nematode, 267-68
Handa, 49, 52 reniform nematode, 267
Haque and Gaur, 33 root-knot nematode, 262-67
Haseeb and Shukla, 123-26, 129 spiral nematode, 269
Haseeb. 38, 123
Hassey, 183
Kanwar and Bhatti, 12,85,86
Kaul and Sethia, 97
Hom~r and Jeensen, 123
Kaya and Gaugler, 213
Host resistance, 36-37 Kerry, 217,221,225
HPR (Host Plant Resistance), 19, 251 Khan, 32. 183
Hussain, 131 Khanuja,60
Hutzell,93 Knipling. 226
Kofoid and White, 180
I Koshy.60
Ibrahim, 183 Krishnappa, 29
Important medicinal plants and associated Kuhn,47,80,200,221
nematodes, 138-58
in vitro, 20, 224 L
Ingham, 129,216 Lal and Mathur, 94
INM (Integrated Nematode Management), Lance nematodes, 181-82, 268-69
54-55,-114, 188 Lesion nematode, 100-01,267-68
INMP,61 Lohde, 221, 222
Intercropping, 52, 250
Lopez, 102
IPM (Integrated Pest Management), 53, 213,
Luang and Bora, 266
Luc, 61
J Mai,30
Jain and Bhatti, 35 Maize: nemic problem and management,
Jain, 112 91-104
Jatala and Jensen, 128 an introduction, 92-93
Jatala, 231 chemical managemem strategies, 97-98
Jayakumar, 186 lance nematode, 104
Jenkins and Bird, 134 lesion nematode, 100-0 I
Jensen, 30 maize cyst nematode, 93-97
Jones, 82 non-chemical management strategies,
Jones, F.G.W., 199 98-100
Josef, 179 root-knot nematode, 101-02
Index 293

sorghum cyst nematode, 102-03 factors to be considered, 84-85

stunt nematode, 103-04 in INB, 83-84
Management of nematodes, 10-15 in relation to nematode population, 81-83
biological agents, 12-13 limitations, 85-87
botanicals, 13-14 Nematodes as:
chemical, 13 biocontrol agents, 213-15
cropping system, 11-12 bioindicators ofagro-ecosystem health,
root symbiont, 14-15 217-18
soil solarisation, 10-11 herbivores, 212-13
wilt complexes, 14 promoters of microbial colonisation of
Management of potato nematodes, 198-209 rhizosphere, 216-17
an introduction, 198-99 regulators of decomposition and nutrient
management of PCN, 201-04 cycling, 215-16
management ofRKN, 206-09 Nematodes in vegetable crops, 27-41
other nematodes, 209 emphasis for f"ture, 40-41
potato cyst nematode, 199-201 management methods, 32-40
root-knot nematode, 204-06 reniform nematode, 29
Manandhar and Amatya, 5 root lesion nematode, 29-31
Mani and Anandam, 226 root-knot nematode, 27-29
Mani and Sethi, 9 spiral and potato cyst nematode, 31
Mankau, 222, 229 stund nematode, 31-32
Mathur, 48, 50 Nematology, 19
McKeen and Mountain, 31 Nene,Il3
Medicinal and aromatic plants, 61-66 Nilson-Ehle, 52
Mehta, 194 Nirula and Bassi, 33
Mhase,7 Noe, 84
Midha and Swarup, 286 Nusbaum and Ferris, 81, 83
Mishra and Gaur, 8
Mishra and Singh, 262, 263 o
Mojumder arid Mishra, 13, 17 Occurrence and distribution of nematodes in
Mojumder and Raman, 14 pulses, 2-4
Montalvo and Melendez, 135 Odour, 232
Mountain and Patrick, 30 Okafor.223
N Olthof and Reys, 31
Nahar and Mian, 265, 266 Opportunistic fungi of eggs, 223-24
Nath,6 Osten brink, 84, 86
Nematode management through cropping
systems, 80-87 p
cropping system concept. 80-81 Pall and Chand, 100
cropping system types, 81 Pandey, 60,61,67-69, 71, 72, 76,120
294 Index

Parasitic nematodes in medicinal and PRA,285,287

aromatic plants, 122-58 Prasad,47
Ajwain, 136-37 Pruthi and Bhatti, 286
an introduction, 122-23
aromatic grasses, 137-38 R
Basil, 132-34 Rajvanshi and Bishnoi, 51, 55
Davana, 130-31 Rajvanshi and Sharma, 48, 53, 54
Henbane, 131-32 Ramana and Mohandas, 31
Mentha species, 123-29 Rao and Goswami, 229
other plants, 138-58 Rao and Krishnappa, 11
Patchouli, 136 Raymundo, 81
yam, 134-36 Reddy and Khan, 38, 40
Patel, 7, 8, 182, 183 Reddy, 180
Pathak,8 Reniform nematode, 181,267
Phytonematode management in cereal- Renjhen, 32
wheat, 278-88 Resistant cotton cultivars, 184-85
alternative management of CCN, 283-84 RFLP,21
an introduction, 278-79 Rhoades, 125, 127, 128, 133
biotype studies ofCCN, 279-80 Role of nematodes in agro-ecosystem
seed gall nematode, 282-83 management, 212-19
soil biology, 281-82 Root lesion nematode, 125-26
tillage options and impact, 280-81 Root-knot nematodes of medicinal and
wheat seed galls & importance in wheat aromatic plants, 59-76
export, 284-88 an introduction, 59-67
Phytonematodes in pulses: eco-friendly Davana, 76
management, 1-22 nematodes of mints, 67-72
an introduction, 1 Hlenbanes, 72-76
crop improvement for resistance, 15-16 Root-knot nematodes, 27-29, 101-02, 123-
crop losses, 5-7 25, 130-36, 180-81,204-09,262-67
future thrusts, 21-22
host plant resistance, 16-21 S
host range and threshold, 8 Saxena and Reddy, 6, 8
hot spots, 7-8 Seinhorst, 82
inkrachon, 9-10 Shafi, 15
management, 10-15 \ Shafiee and Jenkins, 30
nature of damage, 5 Sharma and McDonald, 5, 7
occurrence and distribution, 2-4 Sharma, 1,6,8, 12
screening technique, 10 Shetty and Reddy, 37
Pinkerton, 125 Siddiqui and Mahmood, 12,230
Plant quarantine, 32 Singh and Rao, 8
Potato cyst nematode, 199-204 Singh and Sitaramaiah, 37
Index 295

Sivakumar, 180 U
Skotland and Menzies, 127 Upadhayay and Swarup, 103
Sobin, 15 Upadhyay and Banerjee, 18
Soil amendments, 51, 1 16, 252-53 Upadhyay and Dwivedi, 12
Solarisation,49-50, 115, 194,253 Use of nematicides, I 14-1.5
Somani and Tikka, 81 Ustinov, DI
Sorghum cyst nematode, 102-03
Spatial cropping system, 82-83 v
.l Spiral nematode, 269 YAM-fungi, 69, 70, 73, 74,233,284
Srivastava and Sethi, 93-98, 102 Varaprasad,8
Srivastava, 92, 93, 97, 98 Vasudeva and Hingorani, 282
Stirling and White, 224 Vats and Bajaj, 86
Stunt nematode, 103-04 Vicente, 226
Sugarcane: management of nematodes, Vyas and Patel, 187, 188
an introduction, 192-93 W
biological control, 196 Walia and Bansal, 228
crop losses, 193 Walia, 30
eco-friendly management, 194-95 Walters, 101
resistant varieties, 197 West, 135
Sultan, 13 White gold, 179
'Swarup and Singh, 48 Wilson, 80
Wollenweber, 200
Tabreiz, 229 y
Tamil Nadu Pest Act (1971), 200 Yadav, 112
Temporal cropping system, 83 Yeates, 212
Thangaraju, 3 I Yield losses in pulse crops due to
Thirumalacher, MJ., 204 nematodes, 6
Thorne, 80
Tiyagi and Alam, 5, 14 Z
Transgenics with nematode toxic gene, Zaidi,5
20-21 Zaki and Bhatti, 8,39,226,227
Treub, 180, 192 Zaki and Maqbool, 12,228
Trivedi and Barker, 80 Zuckerman, 230

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