English: Quarter 2-Module 3

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6 English

Quarter 2- Module 3
Distinguishing Various Types
of Information/Factual Text

English Grade 7
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to
consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep
understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

Learning Competency: Distinguish various types of information/ factual text

LC Code: EN6LC-IIa3.2

Specific Objective:
1. Differentiate the degrees of adjectives
2. Identify the order of adjectives
3. Use the degrees and order of adjectives in sentences.

Directions: Use the correct adjective in each sentence. Write the letter of the
correct answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. He is still in the hospital, but he is ______ than he was last week.

a. good b. better c. best
2. ________ of the birds have flown away.
a. Many b. More c. Most
3. My house is the ________ among us.
a. far b. further c. farthest
4. We will have ________ tests this quarter than before.
a. few b. fewer c. fewest
5. That storm was the _______ one in history.
a. bad b. worse c. worst
6. Next to wood, coal is the ______ of fuels.
a. old b. older c. oldest
7. Mary did her ______.
a. good b. better c. best
8. Emmanuel had no _______ questions.
a. far b. further c. furthest
9. My job is _______ than yours.
a. bad b. worse c. worst
10. The resourceful natives hid the boat in a ______ creek.
a. little b. less c. least

Directions: Identify the adjective in each sentence. Write your answer on a
sheet of paper.

1. The soup is hot.

2. I have got a few friends who appreciate me.
3. My mother is taller than my brother.
4. This is an English-speaking classroom.
5. We have to submit our ten-page report.

Loreta P. Santos

The best day to wait is every Friday.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday,
Too busy days bounded with module-work.
Telling myself, "Hey, I'm ready to work!"
It seems like busy as a bee
Trying to have less stress as I can be!

When my Friday night is better to come,

I even think how it would become.
I will list down my fewer tasks on weekend,
Until finally met all at the end!
Spending my two days to the fullest,
Saturdays and Sundays, at their best!

What does the poem all about? What are the italicized words?

The italicized words are examples of irregular adjectives which are also
used in describing nouns and pronouns.

A small number of adjectives are irregular in the way they make

comparative and superlative forms.

The normal (regular) way to make comparative and superlative adjectives is

to add -er/-est or use more/most, like this:
big bigge bigge
e e i e ee e i e expensive

Irregular adjectives use completely different forms. Note, however, that

some adjectives can be both regular and irregular, sometimes with a slight change
in meaning. The most important irregular adjectives are listed in the table below.

Adjective Comparative Superlative Example sentence

Good better the best irregular Tara is the best athlete in the

well (healthy) better the best He is still in the hospital, but he

is better than he was last week.

Bad worse the worst irregular You are the worst driver I have
ever known.

Far further the furthest irregular My house is the furthest one.

farther the farthest regular My house is the farther one.

Adjective Comparative Superlative Example sentence

old (people in elder the eldest irregular Ram is my elder brother.

a family)

old (general older the oldest regular Your teacher is older than my
use) teacher

Every adjective has three degrees of its own. They are positive,
comparative, and superlative degrees.

The positive degree makes no comparison.

The comparative degree compares two people, things, activities, or


The superlative degree compares a person, thing, activity, or quality with

the group.

How to Use Comparative and Superlative Irregular Adjectives

The word a is used after irregular adjectives in the comparative degree.

Examples: Amelia is a better singer than Marie.

Her dancing is worse than her singing.

He has less experience than the other singers.

Superlative irregular adjectives are typically accompanied by the word e.

Examples: Celine is the best singer in the competition.

He is the worst actor according to the director.

He has the least teaching experience among the applicants.


Determiner Observation Physical Description Origin Material Qualifier Noun

Size Shape Age Color

A beautiful old Italian touring car

An expensive antique Silver mirror

Four gorgeous long- Red Silk roses


Her short black hair

Our big old English sheepdog

those square wooden hat boxes

That dilapidated little hunting cabin

Several young American basketball players

Some delicious enormous Thai food

1. Quantity or number
2. Quality or opinion
3. Size
4. Age
5. Shape
6. Color
7. Proper adjective (often nationality, other place of origin, or material)
8. Purpose or qualifier

1. I really love that big old green antique car that is always parked at the
end of the street.
2. My sister adopted a beautiful big white bulldog.

When there are two or more adjectives that are from the same group, the
word and is placed between the two adjectives:

Examples: 1. The house is green and red.

2. The library has old and new books.

When there are three or more adjectives from the same adjective group, place
a comma between each of the coordinate adjectives:

Examples: 1. We live in the big, green, white and red house at the end of the
2. My friend lost a red, black and white watch.

A comma is not placed between an adjective and the noun.

Order of Adjectives examples

Determiner Quantity or Number Quality or opinion Size Age Shape Color Proper
Adjective Purpose or Qualifier Noun

1. A beautiful old Italian sports car

2. The three beautiful little gold plates
3. An amazing heart-shaped red and white sofa.

Independent Activity 1

Directions: Tell whether the adjective in each sentence is in positive, comparative

or superlative degree. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. This is the prettiest dress in the boutique.

2. I lost my comfortable shoes.
3. Reading book is better than watching movie.
4. Today is the worst day of my life.
5. He is a courageous man.
6. Do you have anything further to say to us?
7. She ran farther than the rest.
8. This is a biggest table I have ever seen.
9. Leo is a good painter.
10. This is the least expensive jacket in the store.

Independent Assessment 1

Directions: Underline the adjectives in order in each sentence.

1. I saw a wonderful old Italian clock.

2. I forgot my small new red sleeping bag.
3. My sister has a big beautiful tan and white bulldog.
4. Rona gave Tess a disgusting pink plastic ornament.
5. Please put the marbles into that little old round red box.
6. She had a big ugly old blue cotton British knitting bag.
7. My brother lives in a lovely, gigantic, ancient brick house.
8. My sister adopted a beautiful big white bulldog.
9. I want to buy a beautiful new blue European car.
10.I love that beautiful old big green antique car that is always parked at the end
of the street.

Independent Activity 2

Directions: Arrange the adjectives inside the parentheses in proper order.

1. The (star, five, first) players of the team sat down to rest.

2. My mother bought (kilo, a, of yellow, juicy) mangoes.

3. My dog gave birth to (adorable, black, three) puppies.

4. I eat (Fuji, one, red, delicious) apple every night before I go to bed.

5. Our teacher told us to bring (multi-colored, two, dozen) popsicle sticks.

6. About (ten, little, African, seven-year-old, dark-skinned) children were playing at

the riverbank.

7. Then, a (six-foot tall, old, white) man appeared and frightened the children.

8. A (medium-sized, round, beautiful, smooth, red) stone was hurled into the waters.

9. A (bulky, old, Japanese, worn-out) bic c e i ke i fa he ga age.

10. The (large, African, white) headdress is the centerpiece of the exhibit in the

Independent Assessment 2

Directions: Rewrite the following sentences by arranging the adjectives in the

parentheses in proper order. (2 points each)

1. We took a ride on (green, old, an) tricycle.


2. Someone sent her (dozen, red, long-stemmed, lovely, a) roses.


3. (Freshly-baked, chocolate, big, one) cupcake always satisfies my hunger.


4. I really like that (brown, round, big, old, last) pendulum clock in the museum.

5. Karen will ea e gi e e (g d, h ee) ea h d ike ea


Independent Activity 3

A. Directions: Circle the correct form of irregular adjective inside the parentheses
to complete each sentence.

1. (Many, More, Most) people think I am clever.

2. Joey is a (good, better, best) swimmer.

3. Franz dances (bad, worse, worst) than Jon.

3. James has the (bad, worse, worst) score.

5. Matmat reads (good, better, best) than Paul

6. Eve is the (good, better, best) writer in the competition.

7. It was the (little, less, least) I could do.

8. She is (bad, worse, worst) in singing.

9. It is (good better, best) to give than to receive.

10. My husband is three years (old, older, oldest) than me.

Independent Assessment 3

Directions: If the adjectives in each sentence are in proper order, write Yes. If not,
rewrite the sentence to make the adjectives in proper order.
1. That red, big truck moves slowly.

2. My mother is a short, Filipina woman.


3. Hongkong is an enteraining, big, old country.


4. Charie ate a Chinese, small, delicious cookie.


5. The team has three leather, oval footballs to use for practice.

6. Marian and Armina are selling twelve small, fresh oranges.


7. My family has a fantastic , gigantic mansion on a beautiful street.


8. Four adorable, gray bunnies moved into our backyard.


9. Mariz bought an adorable, yellow, silk tie to wear to school.


10. We have a purple, small, old umbrella to use when it rains.


Directions: Fill in the blanks to complete each sentence. Write your answer on a
separate sheet.

Every adjective has three degrees of its own. The 1)_________ degree of
adjective makes no comparison. The comparative degree compares 2)________
people, things, activities or qualities. The 3)__________ degree compares a person,
thing, activity, or quality with the group.

The group of adjectives to describe a noun should be arranged in proper

4)__________. When there are three or more adjectives from the same adjective
group, place a 5) __________ between each of the coordinate adjectives.

6)____________ adjectives use completely different forms. Some of the

examples are the adjective 7)___________ with comparative form better and
superlative form 8)____________; and the adjective bad with comparative form
9)___________ and superlative form 10) _____________.

A. Directions: Construct sentences using the following irregular adjectives.






B. Directions: Rearrange each set of adjectives and noun in correct order. Then,
use the arranged set in a sentence. Write your answer on a separate sheet of

1. tall Canadian twenty-year-old basketball player


2. graceful six young lady dancers


3. stiff small square paper plates


4. brick second old four-story building


5. de i ab e i c e e hi d Pa e

Directions: Read each item carefully. Then, circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Lisa is wearing a sleeveless shirt today. What is the adjective used in the
a. wearing b. sleeveless c. today

2. My grandmother lives in the ________________________________ house.

What is the correct order of adjectives that will complete each sentence?
a. little blue, green and white
b. little blue and green and white
c. little, blue green and white

3. Jocylyn has a collection of expensive Chinese dolls. What kind of adjective is

used in the sentence?
a. origin b. determiner c. quality

4. The rolling store carries a sort of ___________________________ objects. What
is the correct order of adjectives that will complete each sentence?
a. interesting old and antique
b. new old interesting and antique
c. interesting old and new and antique

5. We went for a two-week cruise on an __________________________________

ocean liner. What is the correct order of adjectives that will complete each sentence?
a. incredible brand-new, huge Italian
b. incredible huge brand-new Italian
c. Italian incredible brand-new huge

6. I met a homeless person along the street. What adjective is used in the sentence?
a. homeless b. person c. street

7. I bought a pair of _________________________________________ boots. What

is the correct order of adjectives that will complete each sentence?
a. new nice red rain
b. nice new red rain
c. red nice new rain

8. My parrot shows less desire for vegetables than for fruits. What irregular adjective
is used in this sentence?
a. shows b. desire c. less

9. My dad was thrilled with his gift of ______________________________ bow ties

for his clown act. What is the correct order of adjectives that will complete each
a. three squirting new nice big polka-dotted
b. three polka-dotted nice new squirting
c. three nice big new polka-dotted squirting

10. Was Oliver the most clever essayist of all? What is the degree of adjectives used
in the sentence?
a. Positive b. Comparative c. Superlative

Directions Compose a simple jingle that uses the degrees of comparison of irregular
adjectives or the order of adjectives. The jingle will be graded according to the
following criteria:


Excelling Proficient Developing

Criteria Emerging
(5) (4-3) (2) (1)
Perform the jingle
Perform the jingle Perform some
with ease and
with conviction all parts of the Mumble during the
Style of speaking conviction all
throughout the jingle with performance
throughout the
performance conviction
exhibited gestures
Exhibited some gestures that Does not exhibit
Gestures that appropriately
gestures distract the any gestures
fit the parts it was
The performance The
The The
was done in performance
performance performance
moderate was done in
Rate was done showed
manner moderated rate
either too fast anxiousness all
throughout the in some parts of
or too slow throughout.
performance the performance
The voice was The voice was
maintained in maintained in
modulated modulated The voice was The voice was
manner all manner in some too loud too soft
throughout the parts of the
performance performance
Was able to
Was able to
Was able to hold hold the
hold the Was not able to
the attention of attention of the
Audience attention of the hold the
the audience all audience in
Impact audience in attention of the
throughout the beginning of
some parts of audience
performance the
the performance

A. What I Need to Know
B. What I Know
1. b 6. c
2. b 7. c
3. c 8. b
4. b 9. b
5. c 10. a
C. W a I
1. hot
2. few
3. taller
4. English-speaking
5. ten-page
D. W a Ne
E. What Is It
F. W a M e
Independent Activity 1 Independent Assessment 1
1. Superlative 6. Comparative 1. wonderful old Italian 6. big ugly old cotton British
2. Positive 7. Comparative 2. small new red 7.lovely gigantic ancient
3. Comparative 8. Superlative 3, big beautiful tan white 8. beautiful big white
4. Superlative 9. Positive 4. pink plastic 9. beautiful new blue European
5. Positive 10. Superlative 5. Little old round red 10. . beautiful old big green antique
Independent Activity 2
1. first five star 6. ten little seven-year-old white
2. a kilo of yellow juice 7. six-foot tall old white
3. three black adorable 8. beautiful medium-sized round smooth red
4. one red delicious Fuji 9. bulky worn-out old Japanese
5. two dozen multi-colored 10. large white African
G. What I Can Do
Answers may vary.
H. Assessment
1. b 6. a
2. a 7. a
3. a 8. c
4. b 9. a
5. c 10. c
I. Additional Activity
Answers may vary
Independent Assessment 2
1. first five star
2. b 7. c
1. b 6. c
2. a kilo of yellow juice
3. three black adorable
What I Know B.
4. one red delicious Fuji
What I Need to Know A.
5. Two dozen multi-colored
Independent Activity 3
1. Most
2. good
3. worse
4. worst
5. better
6. best
7. least
8. bad
9. better
10. older
Independent Assessment 3
1. The bog red truck moves slowly.
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Charie ate a delicious, small Chinese cookie.
5. The team hasthree oval leather footbalss to use for practice.
6. Yes
7. Yes
8. Yes
9. Yes
10. We have a small, old purple umbrella.
G. What I Have Learned
1. positive
2. two
3. superlative
4. order
5. comma
6. Irregular
7. good
8. best
9. worse
10. worst

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