Bohr's Theory of The Hydrogen Atom - Physics II
Bohr's Theory of The Hydrogen Atom - Physics II
Bohr's Theory of The Hydrogen Atom - Physics II
Atomic Physics
The great Danish physicist Niels Bohr (1885–1962) made immediate use
of Rutherford’s planetary model of the atom. (Figure 1). Bohr became
convinced of its validity and spent part of 1912 at Rutherford’s laboratory.
In 1913, after returning to Copenhagen, he began publishing his theory of
the simplest atom, hydrogen, based on the planetary model of the atom.
For decades, many questions had been asked about atomic characteris-
tics. From their sizes to their spectra, much was known about atoms, but
little had been explained in terms of the laws of physics. Bohr’s theory
explained the atomic spectrum of hydrogen and established new and
broadly applicable principles in quantum mechanics.
Figure 1. Niels Bohr, Danish physicist, used the planetary model of the atom
to explain the atomic spectrum and size of the hydrogen atom. His many
contributions to the development of atomic physics and quantum
mechanics, his personal influence on many students and colleagues, and his
personal integrity, especially in the face of Nazi oppression, earned him a
prominent place in history. (credit: Unknown Author, via Wikimedia
Figure 2. Part (a) shows, from left to right, a discharge tube, slit, and
diffraction grating producing a line spectrum. Part (b) shows the emission
line spectrum for iron. The discrete lines imply quantized energy states for
the atoms that produce them. The line spectrum for each element is unique,
providing a powerful and much used analytical tool, and many line spectra
were well known for many years before they could be explained with
physics. (credit for (b): Yttrium91, Wikimedia Commons)
In some cases, it had been possible to devise formulas that described
the emission spectra. As you might expect, the simplest atom—hydro-
gen, with its single electron—has a relatively simple spectrum. The hy-
drogen spectrum had been observed in the infrared (IR), visible, and ul-
traviolet (UV), and several series of spectral lines had been observed.
(See Figure 3.) These series are named after early researchers who stud-
ied them in particular depth.
1 1 1
= R( − )
2 2
λ n n
f i
Solution for Part 1
1 1 1
= R( − )
λ 2 2
n ni
7 − 1 1
= (1.097 × 10 m 1) ( − )
2 2
2 4
6 −1
= 2.057 × 10 m
= 486 nm
Discussion for Part 1
Solution for Part 2
Bohr was able to derive the formula for the hydrogen spectrum using ba-
sic physics, the planetary model of the atom, and some very important
new proposals. His first proposal is that only certain orbits are allowed:
we say that the orbits of electrons in atoms are quantized. Each orbit
has a different energy, and electrons can move to a higher orbit by ab-
sorbing energy and drop to a lower orbit by emitting energy. If the orbits
are quantized, the amount of energy absorbed or emitted is also quan-
tized, producing discrete spectra. Photon absorption and emission are
among the primary methods of transferring energy into and out of atoms.
The energies of the photons are quantized, and their energy is ex-
plained as being equal to the change in energy of the electron when it
moves from one orbit to another. In equation form, this is ΔE = hf
= Ei − Ef.
L = me vrn = n (n = 1, 2, 3, …)
, so that
2 v
L = (mr ) = mvr
, etc. At the time, Bohr himself did not know why angular momentum
should be quantized, but using this assumption he was able to calculate
the energies in the hydrogen spectrum, something no one else had
done at the time.
. The tacit assumption here is that the nucleus is more massive than the
stationary electron, and the electron orbits about it. This is consistent
with the planetary model of the atom. Equating these,
2 2
Zqe me v
k 2
= (Coulomb = centripetal)
rn rn
rn = aB , for allowed orbits (n = 1, 2, 3 …)
where aB is defined to be the Bohr radius, since for the lowest orbit (n =
1) and for hydrogen (Z = 1), r1 = aB. It is left for this chapter’s Problems and
Exercises to show that the Bohr radius is
h −10
aB = = 0.529 × 10 m
2 2
4π me kqe
These last two equations can be used to calculate the radii of the al-
lowed (quantized) electron orbits in any hydrogen-like atom. It is im-
pressive that the formula gives the correct size of hydrogen, which is
measured experimentally to be very close to the Bohr radius. The earlier
equation also tells us that the orbital radius is proportional to n2, as illus-
trated in Figure 6.
To get the electron orbital energies, we start by noting that the electron
energy is the sum of its kinetic and potential energy: En = KE + PE.
Kinetic energy is the familiar
1 2
KE = me v
1 2
En = me v − k
2 rn
Now we substitute rn and v from earlier equations into the above expres-
sion for energy. Algebraic manipulation yields
En = − E0 (n = 1, 2, 3, …)
4 2
2πqe me k
E0 = = 13.6 eV
13.6 eV
En = − (n = 1, 2, 3 …)
1 1
hf = (13.6 eV) ( − )
2 2
n n
f i
hf f 1 (13.6 eV) 1 1
= = = ( − )
2 2
hc c λ hc n n
f i
13.6 eV (13.6 eV) (1.602 × 10 J/eV)
( ) = = 1.097 × 10 m
−34 8
hc (6.626 × 10 J ⋅ s) (2.998 × 10 m/s)
1 1 1
= R( − )
2 2
λ n n
f i
We see that Bohr’s theory of the hydrogen atom answers the question as
to why this previously known formula describes the hydrogen spectrum.
It is because the energy levels are proportional to
Bohr did what no one had been able to do before. Not only did he ex-
plain the spectrum of hydrogen, he correctly calculated the size of the
atom from basic physics. Some of his ideas are broadly applicable.
Electron orbital energies are quantized in all atoms and molecules.
Angular momentum is quantized. The electrons do not spiral into the nu-
cleus, as expected classically (accelerated charges radiate, so that the
electron orbits classically would decay quickly, and the electrons would
sit on the nucleus—matter would collapse). These are major triumphs.
How did scientists figure out the structure of atoms without looking at
them? Try out different models by shooting light at the atom. Check
how the prediction of the model matches the experimental results.
The planetary model of the atom pictures electrons orbiting the nu-
cleus in the way that planets orbit the sun. Bohr used the planetary
model to develop the first reasonable theory of hydrogen, the sim-
plest atom. Atomic and molecular spectra are quantized, with hy-
drogen spectrum wavelengths given by the formula
1 1 1
= R( 2
− 2
λ n n
f i
where λ is the wavelength of the emitted EM radiation and R is the
Rydberg constant, which has the value R = 1.097 × 107 m−1.
Bohr correctly proposed that the energy and radii of the orbits of
electrons in atoms are quantized, with energy for transitions be-
tween orbits given by ∆E = hf = Ei − Ef, where ∆E is the change in
energy between the initial and final orbits and hf is the energy of
an absorbed or emitted photon. It is useful to plot orbital energies
on a vertical graph called an energy-level diagram.
Bohr proposed that the allowed orbits are circular and must have
quantized orbital angular momentum given by
L = me vrn = n (n = 1, 2, 3 …)
, where L is the angular momentum, rn is the radius of the nth orbit,
and h is Planck’s constant. For all one-electron (hydrogen-like)
atoms, the radius of an orbit is given by
rn = aB (allowed orbits n = 1, 2, 3, …)
Furthermore, the energies of hydrogen-like atoms are given by
En = − E0 (n = 1, 2, 3 …)
The Bohr Theory gives accurate values for the energy levels in hy-
drogen-like atoms, but it has been improved upon in several
8. Show that
(13.6eV) 7
= 1.097 × 10 m = R
12. (a) Which line in the Balmer series is the first one in the
UV part of the spectrum? (b) How many Balmer series
lines are in the visible part of the spectrum? (c) How
many are in the UV?
h −10
aB = = 0.529 × 10 m
2 2
4π me kqe
18. The wavelength of the four Balmer series lines for hy-
drogen are found to be 410.3, 434.2, 486.3, and 656.5
nm. What average percentage difference is found be-
tween these wavelength numbers and those predicted
1 1 1
= R( − )
λ 2 2
n ni
1 1 1
= R( − )
λ 2 2
n n
f i
Bohr radius: the mean radius of the orbit of an electron around the nu-
cleus of a hydrogen atom in its ground state
1 1 1 1 (ni ⋅ nf )
= R( − ) ⇒ λ = [ ] ; ni = 2, nf = 1
2 2 2 2
λ n n R n − n
f i i f
, so that
m (2 × 1)
λ = ( )[ ] = 1.22 × 10 m = 122 nm
7 2 2
1.097 × 10 2 − 1
, which is UV radiation.
aB =
2 2
4π me kZqe
−34 2
(6.626×10 J ⋅ s)
2 2
2 −31 9 −19
4π (9.109×10 kg)(8.988×10 N⋅m2 /C )(1)(1.602×10 C)
= 0.529 × 10 m
5. 0.850 eV
7. 2.12 × 10−10 m
13. 7
2 2
kZqe me V
rn rn
, so that
2 2
kZqe kZqe 1
rn = =
2 2
me V me V
so that
2 2 2
n h n
rn = = aB
2 2
Z 4π me kq Z
aB =
2 2
4π me kq
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