Published In: Table 1: Actual Data Obtained From The Olericulturiest For The Following Vegetables Based On Their Cultivational Practices

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Table 1: Actual data obtained from the Olericulturiest for the following vegetables based on their
cultivational practices

Vegetable crops General details Vegetable crops Lycopersicon


Lycopersicon Crop duration: 120 days Solanum Crop duration: 120days

esculentum Transplantation within: 30 days melongena Transplantation within: 30 days
(Tomato) Growth period: upto 60 days (Brinjal) Growth period: upto 60days
Initial yield recovery: 60th day- Initial yield recovery: 60th day -
80th day (25% harvest) 80th day (25% harvest)
Maximum yield recovery: 80th Maximum yield recovery: 80th
day - 100th day (50% harvest). day - 100th day(50% harvest)
Final yield recovery: 100th day - Final yield recovery: 100th day -
120th day (25% harvest) 120th day (25% harvest)
Harvests per acre: av.10tons Harvests per acre: av.9tons
Daucus carota Crop duration: 90days Brassica oleracea Crop duration: 60days
sativus (carrot) Sowing method: direct var. Gongylodes Sowing method: direct
Growth period: upto 80days group (Knol-khol) Growth period: upto 60 days
Harvest: at a time total harvest Harvest : at a time total harvest
Harvests per acre: av.10tons Harvests per acre: av.10tons
Beta vulgaris [Beet]
Crop duration: 90 days
Sowing method: direct
Growth period: upto 80 days
Harvest: at a time total harvest
Harvests per acre: av.10tons
Brassica oleracea Crop duration: 120days Brassica oleracea Crop duration: 120days
var. capitata Transplantation within: 30days var. botrytis Transplantation within: 30days
(Cabbage) Growth period: upto 80 days (Cauliflower) Growth period: upto 80 days
Harvest: at a time total harvest Harvest: at a time total harvest
Harvests per acre: av.10tons Harvests per acre: av.10tons

Phaseolus Crop duration: 90days Solanum Crop duration: 90days

vulgaris Sowing method: direct tuberosum Sowing method: direct
(French beans) Growth period: upto 60days (Potato) Growth period: upto 80days
Initial yield recovery: 50th day - Harvest : at a time total harvest
60th day (25%harvest) Harvests per acre: av.9tons
Maximum yield recovery: 60th
day -75th day (50% harvest)
Final yield recovery: 75th day -
90th day (25% harvest)
Harvests per acre: 8tons

Abelmoschus Crop duration: 120days Raphanaus Crop duration: 45days

esculentus Sowing method: direct sativus Sowing method: direct
(Lady’s Growth period: upto 60days (Radish) Growth period: upto45days
fingers) Initial yield recovery: 45th day - Harvest: At a time harvest
60th day (25% harvest) Harvests per acre: 6tons
Maximum yield recovery: 60th
day - 90th day (50% harvest)
Final yield recovery: 90th day -
120th day (25% harvest)
Harvests per acre: av. 7tons

Table 2: Usage of chemical fertilizers and vermicompost per acre in split doses for the respective
vegetable crops as used by the olericulturiests

Vegetable crop type Chemical fertilizers per acre Vermicompost per acre
Lycopersicon N: 100 Kg; P: 300Kg; K: 200 Kg 2 tons: 500 Kg each
esculentum For nursery bed: only P - 5Kg before transplantation,
(Tomato) After transplantation: NPK 15Kg each after flowering and once
(120 days crop) Once in 20 days : NPK 20Kg each in 20 days interval

Solanum melongena N: 100Kg; P: 300Kg; K: 200 Kg 2tons: 500 Kg each

(Brinjal) For nursery bed: only P - 5Kg before transplantation,
(120 days crop) After transplantation: NPK 15Kg each after flowering and once
Once in 20 days : NPK 20Kg each in 20 days interval

Daucus carota N: nil; P: 50Kg; K: nil 1 ton: 500Kg before

sativus (carrot) Applications: at the time of sowing sowing and 500Kg after
(90 days crop) 40 days.

Beta vulgaris (Beet) N: 50Kg; P: 50Kg; K: 50Kg 1 ton: 500Kg before

(90 days crop) Applications: after 20days NPK 15Kg each sowing and 500Kg after
once in 2 weeks up to 60days 40 days.

Brassica oleracea N: 100Kg; P: 50Kg; K: nil 1 ton: 500Kg before

Gongylodes Knolkhol( Applications: N after 20days 50Kg and after sowing and 500Kg after
60 days crop) 45days 50Kg. P at the time of sowing 40 days.

Brassica oleracea N: 100Kg; P: 200Kg; K: 100Kg 2 tons: 500Kg before

var. capitata For nursery bed: P 10Kg transplantation, after 30
(Cabbage) After transplantation: NPK 20kg each days, 60 days and 90
(100 days crop) Once in 15 days : NPK 20kg each up to days.

Brassica oleracea N: 100Kg; P: 200Kg; K: 100Kg 2 tons: 500Kg before

var. botrytis For nursery bed: P 10Kg transplantation, after 30
(Cauliflower) After transplantation: NPK 20kg each days, 60 days and 90
(100 days crop) Once in 15 days : NPK 20kg each up to days.

Phaseolus vulgaris N:100Kg; P: 50Kg; K: nil 1.5tons: 500Kg before

(French beans) Applications: P at the time of sowing 50Kg sowing, 1 ton at the time
(90 days crop) After 40days 50Kg N and 50Kg at 65th day. of flowering

Solanum tuberosum N:25Kg; P: 50Kg; K: 25Kg 2 tons: 1 ton before

(Potato) Applications: P 50Kg before sowing. After sowing and 1 ton after 30
(90 days crop) 30days 25Kg each of N and K days of flowering

Abelmoschus N: 50Kg; P: 50Kg; K: 50Kg 1 ton: 500Kg before

esculentus (Lady’s Applications: P 25Kg each before sowing, sowing and 500Kg after
fingers) and 40 days.
(90 days crop) after 20 days. N and K 25Kg each after
20days and after 60th day

Raphanaus sativus N: nil; P: 50Kg; K: nil. 500Kg: 250Kg before

(Radish) Applications: P 25Kg each before sowing sowing and 250Kg after
(60 days crop) and 20 days.
after 20days .

Table 3: Practicalities as followed by the olericulturiests during three seasons for the same type of
vegetables on a same piece of land

Vegetable Crop Rainy season Winter season Summer season

Lycopersicon *Keeping the track *The best season. *Drip irrigation a
esculentum of * Regular spray of must.
(Tomato) av.3yrs of rain fungicides and *Fertilizers a must.
(120 days crop) pattern, the pesticides. * At high
transplantations to temperature, to
do. avoid flood
*To reduce input of irrigation.

Solanum * Regular spray of *Regular spray of *The best season.

melongena fungicides and fungicides and *Flood irrigation a
(Brinjal) pesticides. pesticides. must
(120 days crop) *No flood *Minimize rather than drip
irrigation. irrigation. method.

Daucus carota *No fertilizations. *Best season. *Increase frequency

sativus (carrot) *harvest plans *Not to forget to of
(90 days crop) before heavy spray an advance flood irrigation.
rains. dose of fungicides. *Nofertilization.

Beta vulgaris *Heavy thinning a *Best season. *Heavy irrigation

(Beet) must. *Not to irrigate required.
(90 days crop) *Not to irrigate. heavily. *Avoid fertilization.

Brassica oleracea *More fertilization *Best season. *Heavy irrigation a

var. Gongylodes a must. *Not to irrigate must.
group (Knol-khol) *Advance spraying heavily. * Not to neglect
(60 days crop) of advance
fungicides a must spray of pesticides.

Brassica oleracea *Heavy fertilization *Best season. *Flood irrigation is

var. capitata a must. *No heavy a must.
(Cabbage) *Alternate weeks fertilization; no *Not to neglect
(100 days crop) sprays of heavy pesticides.
pesticides and spray of pesticides
fungicides. and fungicides.

Brassica oleracea *Heavy fertilization *Best season. *Flood irrigation a

var. botrytis a must. *No heavy must.
(Cauliflower) *Not to neglect fertilization; no *Not to neglect
(100 days crop) alternate heavy pesticides.
weeks sprays of spray of pesticides
pesticides and fungicides.
and fungicides.

Phaseolus vulgaris *Avoid heavy *Best season. *Heavy drip

(French beans) fertilization. *Avoid drip/ flood irrigation or
(90 days crop) *Avoid drip/ flood irrigation. frequent flood
irrigation. irrigation.
*To avoid sowing at

Solanum *Avoid sowing *Best season. *Heavy irrigations a

tuberosum during heavy *Avoid advance must.
(Potato) rains. spray of *Advance spray of
(90 days crop) *Avoid fungicides. fungicides.

Abelmoschus *Avoid irrigations. *Best season. *Irrigation a must.

esculentus (Lady’s *Advance spray of *Advance spray of *Advance spray of
fingers) fungicides and fungicides and fungicides and
(90 days crop) pesticides. pesticides. pesticides.

Raphanaus *Avoid heavy rain *Best season. *Irrigation a must.

sativus (Radish) sowing. *Require *Early harvest a
(60 days crop) *No fertilization, irrigation. must.
require advance
dose of pesticides.

Note: Fertilizations: N= Urea; P= Diammonium Phosphate; K= Muriate of Potash

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