Ewdilr-2201 (Dilr Pathfinder-I) : ST TH
Ewdilr-2201 (Dilr Pathfinder-I) : ST TH
Ewdilr-2201 (Dilr Pathfinder-I) : ST TH
Set 1. Rakesh measured the temperature (in ˚C) on Each person who received any money gave ₹ 20 to the
each of 14 days, from June 1st to June 14th. He made two person standing to his immediate right and ₹ 10 to the
tables - Table I and Table II – for noting down the person standing immediately behind him as soon as he
temperature measured. He noted down the temperature received the money. For any person, if there is no person
measured on June 1st in Table I. standing in either of the two places, he does not give any
On any subsequent day, money in that direction(s).
• if the temperature increased as compared to the
previous day, he noted down the temperature Q5. What is the maximum value of n, if, for each person,
on Table I itself. the initial amount of money with him was not the same
• if the temperature did not increase as compared as the final amount of money with him?
to the previous day, he noted down the
temperature in Table II. Q6. If the initial amount of money and the final amount
While noting down the temperature on any day, he made of money with all the persons in the first column
the entry in the appropriate table, below the previous combined was ₹ 600 and ₹ 400 respectively, how many
entry (if any) that he made in that table. persons were standing on the ground in total?
The tables that he made are provided below: a) 100 b) 81 c) 121 d) None of the above
Table I Table II
30 21 Q7. If the number of persons for whom the initial amount
31 25 of money with them was the same as the final amount of
34 27 money with them is greater than 20 but less than 30,
33 32 what is the value of n?
30 29 a) 5 b) 8 c) 6 d)7
22 20
19 18 Q8. If the final amount of money with all the persons in
the grid combined was ₹ 400, what is the maximum
Q1. What is the temperature (in ˚C ) that Rakesh possible value of n?
measured on June 6th ?
Set 3: In an Exam hall, exactly 25 chairs were arranged
Q2. What is the temperature ( in ˚C ) that Rakesh
in the form of a 5 X 5 grid, all facing the same direction,
measured on June 9th ?
to seat the candidates scheduled to appear for a
particular exam. The five rows of the grid are labelled
Q3. What is the maximum difference in temperature
Row 1 through Row 5, while the five columns are labelled
(in˚C) that Rakesh measured between any two
Column 1 through column 5.
consecutive days?
On the exam day, exactly 15 candidates, A through O,
Q4. For how many pairs of consecutive days during the
appeared for the exam and occupied 15 chairs, while the
given period can it be said that the temperatures
rest of the chairs were empty.
measured on the two days are consecutive numbers?
The following tables provide the number of chairs that
were occupied in each row and in each column of the grid
Set 2: A certain number of persons were standing on and some of the candidates who were sitting in that
a ground in the form of n x n grid (i.e. a total of n2 row/column:
persons), all facing North.
The person at the North-West corner gave ₹ 20 to the
person standing to his immediate right and ₹ 10 to the
person standing immediately behind him.
Row No. of Candidate Column No. of Candidate
chairs chairs
occupied occupied Set 4: In a Sudoku solving competition the four finalists
1 3 A, F 1 2 N, O are P, Q, R and S are given five Sudoku puzzles to solve.
2 2 J, O 2 4 C, G They are given 20 minutes to solve each puzzle. 10 points
3 3 D, K 3 3 A, J are awarded for solving a Sudoku puzzle within time. For
4 4 E, B 4 3 M, D every full minute saved by finalist, he/she is awarded
5 3 M, N 5 3 H, I two bonus points. For example, if a finalist solves Sudoku
puzzle within 13 minutes 30 seconds, the finalists would
be awarded 22 points. The final winner is decided based
Q9. Which of the following chairs is definitely empty? on the total number of points. In case of a tie, the finalist
a) The chair in Row 5 and Column 2 who solved more number of puzzles is ranked higher.
b) The chair in Row 4 and Column 4 The following information is known:
c) The chair in Row 3 and Column 3 1. Every participant received bonus points from the last
d) The chair in Row 1 and Column 2 puzzle.
2. No two participants solved the same number of
Additional Directions for questions 10 & 11: Each of the puzzles.
following questions is followed by two statements, I and 3. Q was ranked 3rd and his total points equal to that of
II. Assess whether the question can be answered using the participants ranked last.
the information provided in the statements and enter 4. The bonus points awarded to the finalists were unique
your answer, in the input box provided below the across all competitors and puzzles.
question, as 5. None of them could solve all the five puzzles.
1. if the question can be answered using statement I 6. P is the winner and she took less than 15 min to solve
alone but not using statement II alone. each of the puzzle that she could solve. She scored 12
2. if the question can be answered using statement II more points than her closest competitor S.
alone but not using statement I alone. 7. R solved puzzle in 11 min 22 sec. This was the shortest
3. if the question can be answered using either time recorded across all the participants and all puzzles
statement I or statement II alone.
in the final round.
4. if the question can be answered using both statement
I and statement II together. Q13. The total points scored by S is
5. if the question cannot be answered even by using both a) 46 b) 52 c) 54 d) 56
statement I and statement II together.
6. if the question can be answered using neither Q14. The bonus points awarded to P is
statement I nor statement II. a) 16 b) 32 c) 18 d) 36
Q10. In which chair is F sitting? Q15. The time taken by S ( rounded off to the next
I. K is sitting in the fifth column. minute) to solve the puzzle that he solved are
II. E is sitting in the same column as K. a) 16, 17, 18, 19 b) 16, 18, 19 c)
16, 17, 18 d) 16, 17, 20, 20
Q11. Are B and G sitting in the same row?
I. L is sitting in the same row as H. Q16. The number of puzzles solved by the finalists who
II. C is not sitting in the same row as N. are ranked 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th respectively is
a) 3, 4, 2, 1 b) 4, 3, 2, 1
Q12. How many of the following pairs of persons are
c) 3, 4, 1, 2 d) 3, 2, 4, 1
definitely not sitting in the same column?
a) 0 b)1 c)2 d)3
Q18. Find the number of coins that Nanha Babu put in on
Set 5: Nanha Babu, inspired by motivational lectures on day 5?
“Merits of Savings” by his mother, started saving his
money. He bought a “piggy-bank” and started putting Q19. Find the number of coins in the “piggy-bank” at the
some coins in it every day. His little “piggy-bank” was a end of day 7.
hi-tech digital gadget, which could give the details of the a) 15 b) 17 c) 21 d) Cannot be determined
number of coins present in it at the end of that day.
Q20. Find the number of coins in the “piggy-bank” at the
Nanha Babu’s mother used to check the digital reading end of day 5.
at the end of each day. She was happy that the reading a)11 b) 8 c) 9 d) Cannot be determined
showed an increase every day for the first 8 days.
However, in the last two days, the reading showed a Set 6: In a classroom, thirty students were sitting in
decline and she found that the digital reading on day 10 thirty chairs, which were arranged in the form of 6 X 5
was 13, which was less than the reading on day 9, which grid, with six rows and five columns. Each student has an
was 19, which, in turn, was less than that on Day 8. ID number, which is a distinct integer from among 1 to
100. Further, the difference between the ID number of
Nanha Babu’s mother got upset at this and enquired with any two students sitting immediately next to each other
her child about this. When asked, Nanha Babu candidly in the same row was 7 and the difference between the
confessed, “On each of the first two days, I did not take ID number of any two students sitting immediately next
out any coin. However, I could not resist the temptation to each other in the same column was 2.
of buying and eating chocolates. So, from day 3 onwards,
I started taking out at least one coin every day. Also, the Q21. What is the highest possible ID number of the
number of coins that I took out on any day was more than student in the third column and the fourth row?
that on the immediately preceding day”. a) 80 b) 82 c) 84 d) 92
His mother, evidently disappointed, inquired further and Q22.What is the minimum possible difference between
asked,” How many coins did you put in each day?” the ID number of the student sitting in the first row and
first column and that of the student sitting in the last
A frightened Nanha Babu now replied sobbingly, “I do not row and last column?
remember the number of coins I put in each day, but I a) 38 b) 30 c) 18 d) 10
remember that the number of coins that I put in each day
was more than that on the immediately preceding day. Additional direction for question No. 23 & 24: The
Also, on day 10, I took out 20 coins”. students of the class were asked to stand in a line, from
left to right, in the ascending order of their ID numbers.
His mother than sat down and started figuring out what The ID numbers of the students in the fourth and fifth
could have happened on each individual day. She could positions from the left were consecutive.
trace out that the number of coins left in the box at the
of each day was a distinct odd number. Also, she knew Q23. What can be the highest possible ID number of the
that the increase in the reading on day 8 over that on the student who is 12th from the right?
day 7 was the same as the decrease in the reading on day
10 from that on day 9. Q24. If the ID number of one of the students is 79, what
is the maximum number of students standing to the
Q17. The number of coins in the “piggy-bank” at the end right of this student?
of day 8 was at least