Uworld Peds
Uworld Peds
Uworld Peds
1. The 3 G's! (Improve cholesterol Ginko, Garlic, Ginseng 12. Celiac disease *BROW
and lower BP) *Increased risk of cannot have? -Barely
bleeding if taken w/ -Rye
anticoags and -Oats
thrombolytics -Wheat
But they can have Rice, corn, and soy
2. Addison's disease S/S -Bronze pigmentation
- Slow progressive onset 13. Chest tube -Give analgesic 30-60 min before
of weakness removal -Ask pt. to perform valsalva
- Anorexia and weight -Sterile equipment and sterile airtight
loss occlusive dressing
- Orthostatic - Post- procedure x-ray w/in 24 hrs
14. Chronic - Increase fluids
- N/V
bronchitis - Cool mist humidifier
- Guafenesin
- Hyperkalemia
- Huff coughing & abdominal breathing
- Depression, irritabiltiy
- Chest physiotherapy
15. A circulatory Pulse, skin color, skin temp, and cap refill
3. Assessment of African American Petechiae- buccal
check consists
mucosae or conjunctivae
of what?
Jaundice- Hands and feet
Cyanosis: Nail beds 16. Clear liquids clear fat- free broth, bouillon, gelatin,
popsicles, clear fruit juices (apple, grape),
4. Biophysical profile -HR, Muscle tone,
carbonated beverages (sprite, ginger ale),
movement, breathing,
coffee, tea
amniotic fluid
Observation is 30 min 17. Cleft lip repair Back or side-lying
8-10 is good! position?
5. A burn patient needs more.... protein and Vitamin C 18. Cleft palate Prone to promote drainage
repair position?
6. A burn patients NG tube will be Bowel sounds
removed when you hear what? 19. Common rule Calculate what is needed for he first 24
for burns hrs and give half of the volume for the
7. Burns: If a client is restless it Pain, hypoxia, and FVD
first 8 hours.
could suggest three things... but HYPOXIA is most
which is most important? important 20. Cystic Fibrosis Inherited train, must get trait from BOTH
8. Causes of Metabolic Acidosis - DKA,
- Starvation 21. Dairy high in Milk and milk products
- Renal failure potassium
-Severe diarrhea 22. Dairy low in Cottage cheese
9. Causes of Metabolic Alkalosis -Loss of upper GI potassium
content 23. DI Polyuria, polydipsia, dehydration,
- Too many antacids or hypotension, urine very diluted,
too much base hypernatremia
10. Causes of Respiratory Acidosis Narcotics, sleeping pills, 24. Diagnoses of Pharyngeal swab
pneumothorax, RSV?
collpased lung,
25. Diagnostic test Positive sweat chloride test
for Cystic
11. Causes of Respiratory Alkalosis Acute aspirin overdose, Fibrosis?
situation hysterical client
26. Earliest sign of Meconium ileus
CF in newborn
is meconium
27. epidural give at 3-4 cm dilation 43. Gross motor skills of a 5 Skips, walks backwards, uses a
Usually no headache year old jump rope
HEADACHE= major complication
44. Heart failure S/S with -Lips turn blue when taking a
Always run with IVF of NS or LR
Pediatric patients bottle
28. Epiglottitis -When tissue protecting the windpipe - Increase pulse at rest or with
becomes inflamed slight exertion
- Causes: H. Influenza - Increased RR
- Scalp sweating
29. Escharotomy Relieves the pressure and restores circulation,
- Fatigue
does what? cut through eschar
-Sudden weight gain (1 lb or
30. Fasciotomy Relives pressure and restores circulation, but more)
the cut is MUCH deeper into tissue and foes
45. Hip fracture External rotation, abduction,
through eschar and fascia
muscle spasms, shortening of
31. Feedings for - Thickened liquids extremity
dysphagia - Have client sit upright at 90 degrees
46. Hirschsprungs disease? Mechanical obstruction along the
- Place food on strong side of mouth
bowel (sigmoid)
- Tilt neck slightly
- Flex chin 47. Houses built before High probability of lead- based
*If left sided hemianopsia move head to left 1978 paint
so that right eye ca visualize plate
48. How many days post op 10 days
32. FHR 120-160= normal is the client at risk for
monitoring 110-120= Worries and watching hemorrhage after a
Less than 110= panic tonsilectomy?
33. Fine motor Draws a circle, feeds w/o help. grips crayon 49. How should a client be Place on side with elevated HOB
skills of a 3 with fingers positioned after a or prone
year old tonsillectomy?
34. Fine motor Draws a square, cuts with scissors, ties a 50. hx of cervical cancer? Test 20 years after
skills of a 4 simple knot
51. Hyperthyroidism Anxiety, insomnia, palpitations,
year old
heat intolerance, sweating, weight
35. Fine motor Draws a triangle, ties shoe laces, prints letters loss w/ decreased appetite
skills of a 5 numbers or words
52. Hypothyroidism Weight gain, cold intolerance,
year old
bradycardia, dry skin, constipation
36. Fruits high in Dried fruits, melons, avocados, oranges,
53. Immune Globulin has Passive (Think immediate
potassium mangos, strawberries, bananas, nectarines
what type of immunity? protection) it gives you antibodies
37. Fruits low in Apple products, grapes, grapefruits, peaches,
54. Interventions DURING - Assist seated/ standing clients
potassium pears, pineapples
seizure to lie down
38. Full- liquid Strained or blended cream soups, custards, - Position on the side
puddings, refined cooked cereals, all fruit - Loosen restrictive clothing
juices, ice cream, frozen yogurt, sherbet, - Administer 02 PRN in response
milkshakes to hypoxia (pallor, cyanosis)
- Record duration
39. Grains high Whole grains, granola, bran
in potassium 55. Intussusception When a piece of bowel goes
backwards inside itself forming an
40. Grains low in Breads & pastas made w/ white flour, rice
56. Is it important to know YES. Fluid therapy is based on the
41. Gross motor Walks upstairs, pedals tricycle, jumps forward
what time a burn time the injury occurred not when
skills of a 3
occurred? treatment was started
year old
57. Kawasaki Disease Characterized by wide spread
42. Gross motor Walks downstairs, balances on 1 foot, catches
inflammation of small and
skills of a 4 a ball
medium size blood vessels
year old
(coronary are most susceptible)
58. Language of a 3 year old 3 or 4 word sentences, asks 74. Potassium in Potassium will go up with metabolic
"why" questions, states own age Metabolic acidosis and down with Aklalosis
Acidosis and
59. Language of a 4 year old Names 2+ colors, likes telling
75. Protein high in Most fish & shell fish, most beef and
60. Language of a 5 year old Counts to 10, speaks full
potassium pork
sentences, names coins and
days of the week 76. Protein low in Chicken, turkey, shrimp, tuna, eggs
61. Laryngotracheobronchitis - Upper airway infection
(Croup) - Causes: parainfluenza, 77. Radiation therapy - Wear soft, loose fitting clothing
adenovirus, RSV - Use soft, cotton bed sheets & towel
- Pat skin dry after bathing
62. Metabolic Acidosis RR will go up to remove acid
- Avoid applying bandages or tape to
63. Metabolic Alkalosis - Respirations go down because treatment area
we are in need of acids such as - Use mild soap w/o fragrance or
hydrogen deodorant
64. Most common airway Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - Do not wash off ink markings
injury with burns? - Avoid tanning, wear sunscreen
-No heating or ice packs
65. One of the most Fluid replacement
- Maintain cool, humid, environment
important aspects of
burn management is? 78. Refeeding PPM
Syndrome Phosphorus (2.4-4.4)
66. PAD Hair loss, thick brittle nails,
Potassium (3.5-5)
ulcers, gangrene, cool, dry, shiny
Magnesium (1.5-2.5)
skin, ischemic muscle pain
79. Remedies for Oatmeal bath, baking soda paste
67. Paracentesis in Cirrhosis Requires client to be upright so
chicken pox
fluid is in lower abdomen where
trocar will be placed for
draining 80. Respiratory Hypoventilating (Too much CO2)
68. Parkland formula 4 ml x body weight in kg x % of
body burned 81. Respiratory Hyperventilating
69. Pedi patient has PR of Start chest compressions
<60/min with signs of 82. Rheumatic Fever Disease that can result from
poor perfusion (pallor) inadequately treated strep throat or
scarlet fever
70. Physician visits? Weekly until delivery
- Inflammatory disease that occurs after
71. Pneumonia Causes RSV, adenovirus, parainfluenza an infection with group A beta
72. Positioning for liver - Client placed supine w/ right hemolytic streptococcus
biopsy arm above the head 83. Risk factors for Prematurity, congenital disorders,
- Client instructed to enhale fully RSV smoke
and not to breathe when inserted
84. RSV (lower An acute viral infection that affects the
- AFTER: place supine on right
respiratory tract brochioles and inludes RSV bronchiolitis
side for 12-14 hrs to provide
disease) or RSV pneumonia
direct pressure on liver
-Leading cause of lower respiratory
73. Positioning for Lumbar - Client places in fetal position tract illness in children less than 2
Puncture or bent over table
85. Seizure triggers Excess caffeine, alcohol, sleep
-AFTER: Place flat on bed in
deprivation, stress
prone or supine for 4-8 hrs to
minimize risk for spinal 86. SIADH Fluid overload, HTN, increased HR,
headache from loss of CSF hyponatremia (confused, seizures), low
urine output, anorexia
*Hypertonic IV solutions and Lasix
87. Signs of Singed nose hair, black stuff all over face, 100. S/S of RSV -Upper respiratory infection
airway injury black secretions, blisters in mouth -Nasal discharge
with burns - Mild fever
- Dyspnea
88. Social/ Begins associative play, toilet trained, except
- Nonproductive cough
cognitive of wiping
- Tachypnea with flaring nares
a 3 year old
-Retraction and possible wheezing
89. Social/ Imaginative/ group play, recognized Symptoms worsen on day 2-3
cognitive of analogies, often focused on self
101. Sudden kidney Central Catheter!
a 4 year old
failure? (No AVG or AVF bc we need immediate
90. Social/ Independently dresses and bathes, identifies access!)
cognitive of real from pretend
102. Tetanus toxoid Active! The body has to work to create
a 5 year old
has what type of its own antibodies (Takes 2-4 weeks)
91. Soft diet Soups, ground or finely diced meats, flaked immunity?
fish, pancakes, biscuits, muffins, pasta, rice,
103. Thyroid storm Tachycardia, fever, HTN, arrythmias,
mashed potatoes, cooked or canned fruits
S/S altered mental status, N/V, anxiety,
and veggies, peanut butter, scrambled eggs
92. Special - Clients w/ chronic conditions (asthma, heart
104. Torsades? Magnesium!
emphasis failure, cancer)
should be - Immunocompromised (HIV) 105. Tosillitis S/S -Difficulty swallowing and breathing so
placed on -Healthcare workers child is a mouth breather and they have
vaccinating... -Healthy children age 6-23 and 65< bad breath
- Pregnant clients - Impaired taste and smell, voice has
nasal/ muffled quality
93. S/S of Croup - S/S: Slight to severe diarrhea, barking or
-Persistent cough
brassy cough, increased temperature
- Swollen tonsils can block drainage of
94. S/S of Cystic Thick, sticky secretions found in lungs and GI ear canal and cause otitis media
Fibrosis tract
106. Transmission of Contact precautions
Steatorrhea stools (fatty and frothy)
95. S/S of - Barrel shaped chest
107. Treatment for This is an EMERGENCY!
Emphysema - Hyperresonance
Epiglottitis May require intubation or trach!
- Pursed lip breathing
IV antibiotics and corticosteroids
- Prolonged expiration
108. Treatment for High dose IV immune- globulin
96. S/S of Absence of cough, drooling, agitation with
Kawasaki Aspirin therapy
Epiglottitis rapid progression to severe respiratory
Disease Quiet environment
109. Treatment for -Heating pads for pain
97. S/S of Constipation
otitis media? - Avoid chewing (provide soft foods)
Hirschprungs Abdominal distention
-Lie on the affected side to promote
diease? Ribbon- like stools that have foul smell
98. S/S of *CRASH -Avoid smoke
Kawasaki Conjunctival redness -May require PE tubes to keep middle
disease Rash (on trunk or perineal area) ear drained (the grommet stays in about
Adenopathy (enlarged lymph) 6 m and then falls out)
Strawberry tongue
110. Treatment for Control room temp
Hands and feet swollen/ rash
pedi heart failure Sit them up
99. S/S of -Fine crackles Rest
pneumonia - Abdominal distention Decrease stimuli
- Back pain Cool, humidified oxygen
- Fever that is usually high Uninterrupted sleep
- Chest pain from coughing Usually don't require sodium and water
restrictions because of decreased intake
111. Treatment for Oxygen, fluids, antibiotics, 125. What is the major cardiac Carditis
pneumonia antipyretics, nebulizer, cough clinical manifestation with
suppressant (only at night) Rheumatic fever?
112. Treatment for Penicillin G 126. What should you give Vitamin B6
Rheumatic fever If allergic Erythromycin Isoniazid with?
113. Treatment for RSV Antipyretics 127. Which would you choose to Urine output
Oxygen (may need mechanical determine if a client's fluid
ventilation) volume is adequate? Weight
IV fluids or output?
128. Who is at a higher risk for Asians and African
Anitviral (Ribavirin)
developing cough and Americans
114. Treatment of Croup Mild croup can be treated at home angioedema with ACE's?
with steam (hot showers), cool mist
129. Why are ADH and Aldosterone retains sodium
humidifiers, car rides with windows
Aldosterone secreted with and water and Adh retains
burns? water thus making the blood
115. Treatment of Cystic - Pancreatic enzymes (Take 30 min volume increase
Fibrosis? prior to eating, do not crush or chew)
130. Why do we give albumin for It holds onto fluid
- Well balanced diet (low fat, high
calorie, high protein diet)
- Take water soluble vitamins 131. Worsening preeclampsia Hyperreflexia and clonus
including A,D,E,K (indicate impending seizure)
116. Tube feedings - Always return residual to stomach 132. Would would indicate that Frequent swallowing
-Gastric pH <5 if its above it requires hemorrhaging is occurring
x-ray for placement after a tonsilectomy?
- Flush before and after feeding
- HOB 30 degrees for 30-60 during
and after feeding
117. Veggies high in Cruciferous veggies, legumes,
potassium potatoes, green leafy veggies,
tomatoes, raw carrots
118. Veggies low in Asparagus, green beans, corn,
potassium cucumbers, okra, onions, green peas,
green peppers
119. What arrythmia are V-Fib
clients with
electrical burns at
risk for?
120. What do we worry Petechia, anemia, and purpura
about with E coli?
121. What drug is an Mannitol (It's to save the kidneys)
exception to give
to burn patients?
122. What drugs eat Sutilanis ad Collagenase
dead tissue on
123. What happens to Hyperkalemia
our potassium with
124. What is normal with Blood streaked stool
E coli?