Basic Nutrition: Ma - Aileen C. Carating RND

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Basic Nutrition

Ma.Aileen C. Carating RND

Course Description:

The course centers on the fundamentals of nutrition science as

they relate to human life and growth. It includes the study of
nutrients- their nature, functions and interrelationships and
utilization in the body, food sources, requirements and
Laboratory experience includes use of dietary tools in the
planning of nutritionally adequate, economical, safe and
aesthetically pleasing meals.
Course Objectives
1. Define and explain the common terms and basic concepts
in nutrition.
2. Discuss and trace the development of nutrition as a science.

3. Identify and explain the uses and functions of the basic tools
in Nutrition .
4. Explain energy metabolism and factors affecting energy
5. Identify and relate the nutrients according to concentration
and structure intake.
6. Discuss and illustrate the functions of water in body
7. Explain and relate the nutrient interrelationships in terms of
digestion, absorption and utilization of food.
8. Appreciate the concepts and principles of human nutrition in
sustaining optimal growth and development of individuals.


The study of food in relation to health of an individual,

community or society and the process through which food is used to
sustain life and growth.

The science of food, the nutrients and other substances therein,

their action, interaction and balance in relation to health and
disease, and the processes by which an organism ingests, digests,
absorbs, transports, utilizes and excretes food substances .

The combination of processes by which a living organism

receives and utilizes materials or substances needed for the
maintenance of its functions and for growth and renewal of its

Food is any substance, organic or inorganic, when ingested or eaten,

nourishes the body by building and repairing tissues, supplying heat
and energy, and regulating body process. Food sustains life second to
According to the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) food includes
articles used as drink or food and the articles used for the component
of such.

Food is simple or complex I its chemistry and contains nutritional

and or non nutritional components. Examples of the latter are food
coloring, spices and preservatives.

Food must have the following qualities

➢ It is safe to eat. prepared under sanitary conditions, aesthetically

and scientifically.
➢ It is nourishing and nutritious.
> Its palatability factors (color, aroma, flavor, texture, etc. satisfy the
➢ It has satiety value.
➢ It offers variety and planned within the socio-economic context.

According to concentration, nutrients may be termed

macronutrients or micronutrients.

Macronutrients- present in relatively large amounts in the body

➢ Water, protein, fat and carbohydrate
To be classified as a macronutrient, the concentration in the body
should be above 50 parts per million or above 0.005 percent of body

Micronutrients includes all vitamins and the trace minerals, which are
measured in milligrams or fractions thereof.
 The state of being free from mental illness or

The study of food and how the body makes use
of it.
It deals not only with the quantity and quality of
food consumed but also with the process of
receiving and utilizing it for the growth and
renewal of the body and for the maintenance
of the different body functions.

 Are chemical substances found in food.

They provide heat and energy, to build
and repair body tissues and to regulate
body processes.
 Classified according to:
 >Function
 >Chemical properties
 >Essentiality
 >Concentration
 Isthe science of how food and nutrition
affects human health. The field of
Dietetics has a strong emphasis on public
health and commitment to educating
people about the importance of making
proper dietary choices.

 Registered Nutritionist-Dietitian are the

experts on good nutrition and the food
choices that can make us healthy,
whether it’s a proper diet or eating to
manage the symptoms of a disease or
chronic condition.
 Dietitians are certified to treat clinical
conditions, whereas nutritionists are not
always certified.
 Refers
to the deficiencies, excesses or
imbalances in a person’s intake of energy
and /or nutrients.

 Overnutrition
 Undernutrition
 The degree to which the individual’s
psychological need for nutrients is being met
by the food and the person eats.
 The state of balance in the individual
between the nutrient intake and the nutrient
expenditure or need
 The ff are aspects to be considered in
 >Dietary history and intake data, biochemical
data, clinical exam, anthropometric data
and psychosocial data.
A lack or shortage.

A regulated daily food
The food and drink that are
regularly served or consumed

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