Food and Nutrition: Dr. Radhika Kapur

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Food and Nutrition

Dr. Radhika Kapur

There are numerous things required for the existence of the individual; food
and nutrition is considered as one of the imperative aspects that are essential for
the survival of the human being. An individual in his life implements number of
tasks and duties, all the functions are effectively carried out by obtaining energy,
vigor and strength and that one obtains through acquiring food and proper
nutrition. Food is not only vital to carry out ones job duties, performing well
academically or putting into operation the household chores and rendering an
effective contribution in other activities such as physical exercises, music, dance,
arts and crafts, sports and so forth; food is considered to be an essential
requirement for ones normal growth and development. The intake of certain foods
called nutrients influence the functions of the body, protect the body against
diseases or illnesses, reinstate health and establish people’s responses to changes
that occur within an environment. Food and nutrition assists an individual in
forming a holistic and an integrated understanding of this composite,
comprehensive and methodical area. Human nutrition takes into account the
processes whereby cellular organelles, cells, tissues, organs, systems and the
functioning of the human body make use of the required materials obtained from
the foods to sustain structural and efficient uprightness. The main purpose of this
research paper is to understand the concepts of food and nutrition and the
relationship that they form with the health of the individual; the main areas are,
understanding food and nutrition, functions of food, the essentials of the nutrients,
food and nutrition in India, the relationship between food and nutrition and health,
and the connection between food, nutrition, diet and non-communicable diseases.
This research paper highlights the understanding that how an individual is able to
acquire and make use of foods and nutrients from the molecular to the community
level and the factors that are necessary in determining and influencing these
processes; proper foods and nutrients contribute in the effective growth and
development of the human body and enhances the quality of living standards.

Keywords: Food, Nutrition, Health, Diet, Malnutrition, Nutrients

Understanding Food and Nutrition

Food has been considered to be an imperative part for the existence of a

human being or any other living organism; in order to obtain a good health, to
accomplish ones jobs and duties in an effective manner, to recover from illnesses,
to implement adequate growth and development of the children and to survive,
food is a basic necessity that is required to get fulfilled. Food is considered to be an
extremely important topic in the articles, magazines, conversations and
advertisements. Within a household, early in the morning when individuals wake
up, they always seek what food to prepare for the day; when a person feels
depressed or angry and he consumes his desirable food items, he feels relaxed,
because relaxation of the mind takes place through consumption of comfort food;
well prepared, delicious meals soothes the mindset of the person. Food, nutrition
and health are considered to be crucial aspects of an individual’s life; food is that
which nourishes the body, it can be anything which one can either eat or drink,
which meets the requirements of energy, structure, directive and safeguarding of
the body. Food is considered to be the raw material which makes up the bodies,
food items are of different types and consumption of healthy and nutritious food
ensures good health, personal appearance, effectiveness and emotional well being;
the mindset of the individual remains peaceful and pacified when he consumes
healthy and nutritious food (Foods, Nutrition and Health, n.d.).
Nutrition is defined as when food performs its work within the body;
nutrition includes everything that happens to the food from the time it is consumed
until it is utilized for the performance of various functions within the body.
Nutrients are constituents of food that are required by the body in sufficient
amounts in order to nurture, reproduce and lead a standard, healthy life. Nutrients
include water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. There are
several nutrients in each of the groups, these are proteins, fats, carbohydrates,
minerals and vitamins; hence the plural form of these words have been stated.
Therefore, there are more than 40 essential nutrients supplied by food, which are
used to produce accurately thousands of materials needed for an energetic living
and good physical health (Foods, Nutrition and Health, n.d.).
Nutritional status is the condition of the human body as an outcome of the
foods consumed and their utilization by the body; nutritional status can be good
quality, moderate or deprived. The features of a good quality nutritional status lead
to a prepared, pleasant individuality and behavior, a strong and a robust body, and
maintenance of normal body weight. An individual when obtains good nutritional
status, always feels happy and is in a good mood, he becomes good natured and
always treats others with respect and courtesy. General good health is apparent by
determination for work, regular meal timings, sound regular sleep, regular
eradication and struggle against any kinds of weaknesses and illnesses. Deprived
and weak nutritional status is supported by a lethargic, uninterested and short-
tempered personality traits, undersized inadequately developed body, the body
weight is not normal, either it is too thin or fat or a sagging body, muscles become
undersized and out of condition, with a pale skin color; obesity is one of the most
severe problems that occur due to inadequate nutritional status and it leads to
disfigurement, when an individual consumes unhealthy food items then it results in
weight gain and in turn lead to obesity. Deprived nutritional status may be the
effect of inappropriate selection of food items, consumption of food during
inappropriate timings, working for long hours without eating, and having
inadequate sleep (Foods, Nutrition and Health, n.d.).
Functions of Food
The food has been classified in accordance with the performance of their
functions within the body, the functions of the food are considered to be important
in the acceptance and planning of ones meals which are not only adequate in a
nutritional manner but they are agreeable and make an individual feel comfortable:
(Nutrition and Dietetics, 2004).
Physiological Functions of Foods – The physiological functions of food are
classified into three categories such as the energy yielding foods, body building
foods and protective and regulatory foods.
a) Energy Yielding Foods – Foods that are rich in carbohydrates and fats are
termed as energy yielding foods, they make provision of energy to sustain
the involuntary processes that are necessary for the existence of the human
being. In order to carry out the daily life activities, an individual needs his
adequate food consumption, for instance the activities and functions
regarding the performance of professional, household and recreational
activities requires energy and liveliness, therefore, in order to effectively
accomplish these activities, one requires carbohydrate and fat enriched
The energy needed is supplied by the oxidation of the foods consumed; the
foods that are considered to be good sources of energy are wheat, pulses,
cereals, roots, tubers, dried fruits, oils, butter and ghee.
b) Body Building Foods - Foods that are rich in protein are known as body
building foods. Foods such as milk, meat, eggs and fish are rich in proteins
of superior quality. Pulses and nuts are regarded to be good sources of
protein but the protein is not of enhanced quality. These foods assist the
individual in the maintenance of a good life and encourage effective growth
and development; they also provide energy to the human body which is
required for the performance of daily life activities.
c) Protective and Regulatory Foods - Foods that are rich in protein, minerals
and vitamins are known as protective and regulatory foods. They are vital
for health and for regulation of activities and functions such as maintenance
of the body temperature, muscle contraction, control of water balance,
clotting of blood, removal of waste products from the body and maintaining
heartbeat. Milk, egg, liver, fruits and vegetables are known as protective
Social Functions of Food - Food has always been an imperative part of the
community, social, cultural and religious
life; during the organization of any occasions or events such as marriages,
religious functions or ceremonies, food is considered to be a vital aspect. It has
been significance and an indication of togetherness, camaraderie and contentment
at religious, community and family gatherings, occasions and festivals. Food is an
integral part of an individual’s social existence, when friends and relatives make a
visit then also the presence of food creates a jovial and a friendly atmosphere;
during the occurrence of any festival, mostly food items are given to friends and
relatives in the form of gifts such as cakes during Christmas.
Psychological Functions of Food – Foods are considered vital in satisfying
the emotional needs of the individuals as well, these include the sense of security,
love and acceptance; for example, preparation of appetizing and delicious meals
for the family members indicates admiration and warmth. Sharing of food with
others is considered to be an indication of friendship and acceptance, for example,
when children go to school, their mothers provide them delectable meals and
always tell them to share their meals with their friends so that they are socially
accepted and recognized; familiar and known foods provide security to an
individual, whereas unfamiliar foods may be distasteful to an individual and he
may not feel satisfied on consumption of unfamiliar foods, that he is not aware of.
The Essentials of the Nutrients
There is a strong and a direct correlation between health and nutrition of an
individual; in order to maintain good health and incur a good lifestyle, an
individual is required to possess the knowledge and the information regarding the
essential nutrients; for instance, parents who have small children at home, they
should provide the essential knowledge to their children regarding the consumption
of healthy foods, preschools and kindergartens lay extreme emphasis upon the
dietary aspects of the young students, because consumption of a healthy and a
nutritious diet will enable them to learn effectively and form good eating habits.
The study of nutrients and the appropriate knowledge regarding the nutritional
aspects should include the following: (Gibney, Lanham-New, Cassidy, & Vorster,
1. The chemical and the physical structure and characteristics of the nutrients
have to be adequately understood; one should be aware of all the advantages
of food consumption.
2. The food sources of the nutrients, including food composition, the way in
which different foods are grown, harvested, stored, processed and prepared
should also be known; an individual within the household should be able to
develop adequate knowledge regarding the preparation of food; food should
be prepared with proper cooking materials to make available the nutritional
value to the consumers.
3. Drinks such as milk, tea or coffee should be prepared after boiling the milk,
because boiling of the milk eliminates the fat particles and makes the milk
easily digestible. The digestion, absorption, circulatory transportation and
cellular uptake of nutrients as well as regulation of these processes are vital
to be aware of in order to utilize the nutrients in an effective manner.
4. Optimum nutrition is the nutrition that makes the individuals food secure,
with adequate, well balanced and cautious diets; this kind of nutrition
enables an individual maintain good health, well being, proper growth and
development and high quality of life with adequate performance in ones
study, work, job duties and other activities.
5. Under nutrition is a situation when an individual suffers from the scarcity of
essential nutrients; this state makes individuals feel insecure regarding the
consumption of food, these individuals reside in the conditions of poverty,
backwardness, isolation, instability, they are unemployed or underemployed,
possess decreased physical and mental development and suffer from
deprived health conditions.
6. Over nutrition is the condition when an individual consumes excessive
calories then what is required; when an individual consumes excessive
calories and does not get engaged in any physical activity then excessive
nutrients get stored within the body in the form of fat, hence resulting in
obesity. Over nutrition results in many health problems such as obesity, high
blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and
so forth.
7. Malnutrition is the state of undernourishment, when an individual either
consumes less, inadequate or extreme amount of nutrients; it is often
characterized by the over nutrition of macronutrients and the under nutrition
of micronutrients; deficient, extreme and disproportion consumption of
nutrients is termed as malnutrition.
Food and Nutrition in India
The Indian economy has in recent times developed at traditionally
exceptional rates and is now one of the fastest-growing economies in the world;
genuine GDP per head increased at 3.95% a year from 1980 to 2005, and at 5.4% a
year from 2000 to 2005. Calculated at international prices, real per capita income
in India, which was two-thirds of that of Kenya’s in 1950, and about the same as
Nigeria’s, is in the present existence two and a half times as large as per capita
income in both the countries. Real per capita utilization has also increased at a fast
pace, at 2.2% a year in the 1980s, at 2.5% a year in the 1990s, and at 3.9% a year
from 2000 to 2005. Though the household survey data show much slower rates of
per capita consumption growth than do these national accounts estimations, even
these slower growth rates are correlated with a considerable decline in poverty
since the early 1980s. Yet, per capita calorie consumption is reducing, as is the
consumption of many other nutrients; indeed fats are the only main nutrient group
whose per capita consumption is explicitly growing. In the present existence, more
than three quarters of the population reside in households with per capita calorie
consumption below 2,100 per day in the urban areas and below 2,400 per day in
the rural areas; these numbers are frequently stated as the minimum requirements
in India (Deaton & Dreze, 2009).
A related concern is that anthropometric signs of nutrition in India, for both
adults and children, are in a deprived state, there has been prevalence of the
problem of malnutrition within the country. Furthermore, the development of these
measures of nutrition appears to be slow comparative to what may be anticipated in
the beam of the worldwide understanding and experience and of India’s current
high rates of economic development. Indeed, in accordance to the National Family
Health Survey, the percentage of underweight children remained virtually
unchanged between 1998-99 and 2005-06 these ranged from 47% to 46 % for the
age group of 0-3 years (Deaton & Dreze, 2009). The levels of under nutrition in
India still remains high in the present existence, the problem of malnutrition has
been severe, it is regarded as the insufficient, excessive and imbalanced
consumption of nutrients; this problem has been prevalent more amongst women
and children as compared to men. Individuals are malnourished or suffer from
under nutrition when their diet does not make available adequate calories and
protein that are required for their growth and development. Individuals are
malnourished or suffer from over nutrition when they consume too many calories
then what is required.
The Relationship between Food and Nutrition and Health
An individual’s childhood stage and adolescence are considered to be crucial
periods for health and development as during this period the physiological needs
for nutrients increases and the diet that is enriched with proper essential nutrients is
predominantly significant. During this stage, the behavior patterns, lifestyles and
eating behaviors that are established may continue to exist throughout adulthood.
Eating behaviors do have an influence upon the person’s health, mindset and well
being. Consumption of a healthy and a nutritious diet during childhood and
adolescence reduces the risk of immediate nutrition relating to health problems
such as obesity, dental problems and lack of physical activity. There is a direct
relationship between food and nutrition and the health of the individuals; the
consumption of nutritional food affects the health and well being of the
individuals; for example, if an individual consumes unhealthy food items on a
frequent basis such as sweets, fast foods or excess of fats, without getting involved
in any physical activities, he may likely put on weight, on the other hand,
consumption of healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables etc. may enable an
individual to maintain adequate body weight and mental balance (Food and
Nutrition, 2006).
In some of the cases, individuals lack the awareness regarding what food
items to consume, such as children feel that they should consume more sweets and
fast foods, and hence it affects their health. Many children and adolescents grew up
without learning about the basic skills and knowledge regarding the healthy diet;
when individuals stay away from home, when they are pursuing their higher
education, then they normally eat out and consume fast foods because they are
convenient to consume and are available at reasonable rates; the consequences of
consuming fast foods are detrimental, they may lead to obesity, makes an
individual lethargic and are unhealthy. On the other hand, vegetables, fruits, low
fat milk, proteins are the essential nutrients that make the individual feel healthy
and active (Food and Nutrition, 2006).
Meals should be consumed at appropriate timings and eating in between
meals should normally be avoided, obese individuals should never skip meals or
avoid the consumption of certain foods completely; fast foods should always be
consumed in moderation. If an individual stays without food for a long time such
as about 10 to 12 hours, the sugar levels of the brain begins to decline and he is
likely to become more short tempered and petulant; thus, his health gets affected.
Adolescents in particular and individuals of all age groups largely believe in
skinniness, therefore, they sometimes skip meals or consume low calorie foods
such as fruits and salads, in this case, they sometimes do not receive the essential
nutrients required by the body, hence they lose their body weight and suffer from
the deficiencies of essential nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates and fats
which may effect their health conditions. Factors such as obesity, skinniness,
health conditions, mental balance, personal appearance, mindset and performance
of an individual largely gets affected by the food that he consumes (Food and
Nutrition, 2006).
The Connection between Food, Nutrition, Diet and Non-Communicable
When acquiring information and knowledge about food and nutrition, it is
important to discuss about the non-communicable diseases: (The link between
food, nutrition, diet and non-communicable diseases, 2014).
1. What an individual consumes and his nutritional status can affect the
cardiovascular diseases, some types of heart problems and diabetes. Foods,
diet and nutritional status, including overweight and obesity, are also
associated with high blood pressure and blood cholesterol, and struggle
against the action of insulin. These situations are not only risk factors for
NCDs, but major causes of ill health themselves.
2. Consuming predominantly plant based diets such as green leafy vegetables
reduces the risk of increasing obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and
some forms of deficiencies and problems within the human body, for
example, deficiency of iron can cause many health problems such as anemia,
which normally women suffer from, hence it is recommended even by the
physicians to consume spinach in moderate amounts to provide iron to the
human body. Plant based diets are high in vegetables and fruits; whole
grains, pulses, nuts and seeds are also largely recommended, and foods such
as meat, eggs and dairy products should be consumed in moderate amounts;
plant based diets can largely assist in attaining and maintaining a healthy
body weight, reduce blood pressure, makes an individual feel energetic and
vigorous and are also rich in sources of dietary fibre.
3. Fruits and vegetables on an independent basis render their contribution in the
prevention of cardiovascular diseases; when an individual reaches the age of
60 and above, and suffers from any kinds of health problems such as pain in
the joints, high or low blood pressure, tooth aches or deficiency of various
minerals within the body such as low potassium or calcium, then they are
advised by dieticians and medical practitioners to consume a healthy diet
that may influence their health conditions in a positive way and make them
feel less worried regarding their health and mindset. It is likely that certain
vegetables and fruits, including cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage and
broccoli, and many fruits or vegetables that are rich in folate, also protect
from developing certain health problems; it is recommended that a person
who does not consume breads and carbohydrates on a frequent basis should
consume fruits enriched with essential nutrients such as bananas that are a
rich source of calcium and potassium.
4. It has been understood that essential nutrients are vital for the human body to
intake for its effective growth and development. It is recommended by the
medical practitioners, dieticians and researchers that one should consume a
healthy and a nutritious diet such as the diet that is rich in carbohydrates,
proteins, vitamins, calcium, potassium, minerals, iron, folic acid, and some
amount of fat. Unhealthy foods should not be completely avoided, but
should be consumed in moderation, therefore, a healthy and a nutritious diet
always proves to be beneficial to the health, personal development, mindset
and the quality of life of the individual.
Food and nutrition is a vital area for the effective growth and development
of the human body, in his life an individual
accomplishes a variety of functions and roles such as roles within the family,
society, his job, his academic performance, his participation in other areas such as
sports, competitions and so forth, for rendering an effective participation and
achieving success an individual is required to possess certain attributes and skills;
he needs the energy and the vigor to accomplish success and these attributes and
skills he acquires through hard work and dedication and this diligence and
commitment, he is able to implement through consumption of a balanced nutritious
diet. A balanced diet provides all the essential nutrients that are required to put into
practice the essential roles and functions. Research indicated that when a person
works on his computer for long hours, sometimes he consumes tea at frequent
intervals to stimulate his mindset; therefore, it is food and drink that makes the
individual carry out his job duties.
The lifestyle and the environmental factors do render an influence upon the
person’s life in addition to nutrition; but
nutrition is regarded as the main, regulating and a prevailing factor in promoting
the health, development, growth, safeguarding the body from different kinds of
weaknesses, diseases and improving the eminence of life. Individuals consume
food and not nutrients, but the nutrients are present in the foods that determine the
health of the individuals. The consumption of different kinds of foods have
different kinds of influences upon the health of the individuals, for example, if an
individual consumes a healthy diet enriched with fruits and vegetables then his
body weight would be normal and he would maintain his good health. On the other
hand, consumption of too many sweets and fast foods, fried foods without getting
engaged in any physical activity causes an increase in the body weight and an
individual becomes obese. Malnutrition is the state when there is an undesirable
kind of nutrition, leading to ill health; it results from the lack, excess or imbalanced
nutrients within the diet.
There have been physiological, social and psychological functions of food,
in any kinds of social occasions, gatherings, meeting with friends and relatives,
food is considered to be the most imperative aspect that truly enhances the
conversation and the communication that is carried out. When a person is angry,
frustrated or depressed, then he is always offered a glass of water so that he feels
relaxed and his worries get minimized. A young child for instance, when feels
frustrated, his mother offers him some food so that he gets pacified; therefore, food
not just performs the functions of growth and development, but it also relieves,
pacifies, comforts and soothes an individual. Food and nutrition is required to be
effectively understood not just by the educated and wealthy people who reside in
urban areas but also by the isolated communities residing in rural areas and those
who belong to socio-economically backward sections of the society. Utilization of
food and nutrients within the body should be in such a manner that the maximum
level of physical and mental health is maintained throughout the life of an


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