Final Examination: Core Pre-Deployment Training Materials: Printer Friendly Version
Final Examination: Core Pre-Deployment Training Materials: Printer Friendly Version
Final Examination: Core Pre-Deployment Training Materials: Printer Friendly Version
Core Pre-deployment
Training Materials
Printer Friendly Version
This is your final examination for this course. Remember:
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Choose the best answer for each question below.
Question 1
Why does the sexual abuse of children increase during conflict?
B. When children take on adult responsibilities, they should be viewed as adults.
C. In times of conflict, most laws against sexual abuse are suspended.
Question 2
How can respect for diversity be practiced?
Question 3
Developing Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration Programs is the responsibility of
Question 4
The major difference between a peacekeeping operation and a special political mission is:
Question 5
Tasks such as observing and reporting cease-fire violations and supervising the destruction of
armaments are primarily carried out by:
C. UN Police.
Question 6
The strategy to use capabilities of the military, police, and civilian components is outlined in
Question 7
Rules of Engagement (ROE) apply to:
Question 8
Who holds the main responsibility to prevent and prosecute war crimes?
Question 9
What does the term “gender” refer to?
Question 10
Minorities are defined as groups with common:
A. Personality characteristics that differ from the majority of the population.
B. Ethnic, religious, or linguistic characteristics that differ from the majority of the
C. Historical traits that differ from the majority of the population.
D. Political ideas that differ from the majority of the population.
Question 11
The international composition characteristic of UN Military staff is designed to:
C. Demonstrate to the mission beneficiaries that all member states are equal.
D. Ensure impartiality and proportional representation of the Troop Contributing Countries.
Question 12
In areas with malaria, dengue, or other mosquito-borne diseases, always:
Question 13
The mandate of UN Police is:
Question 14
According to the UN, what are humanitarian activities?
A. Actions that coordinate the political message of the UN peacekeeping operation and
other UN agencies working with reform processes.
B. QIPs that aim to boost the confidence in the UN peacekeeping operation within a
population suffering from the impact of armed conflict.
C. Actions that aim to limit armed conflict in an area with a large civilian population.
D. Activities that aim to save lives, protect human dignity, and alleviate suffering of the
local civilian population.
Question 15
What is a mission partner?
Question 16
Which of the following is true about the UN peacekeeping operations and the UN Country
Team in an integrated mission?
Question 17
When are multidimensional PKOs deployed?
A. To support the transfer of authority from one sovereign entity to another.
C. To help the State to establish administrative powers that did not exist previously.
C. Try to gain time until enough troops are deployed to back you up.
Question 19
In order to maintain impartiality, UN peacekeeping personnel must:
A. Ensure that all parties know and understand the reasons that support decisions.
C. Ensure they are perceived as a fair, open, and transparent actor.
D. Ensure that the rationale for every decision was established.
Question 20
Which one of the following statements is true?
A. Human rights provide a common standard of achievement and conduct.
D. Peacekeeping personnel are allowed to act outside of their mandate if they think the
action taken promotes human rights.
Question 21
The armed presence of military peacekeepers:
C. Acts as a significant reason for the occurrence of human rights violations.
D. Can come across as provocative and often causes human rights violations.
Question 22
No person shall operate a UN vehicle unless they are in possession of:
Question 23
Why are peacekeeping personnel in a powerful position compared to the local population?
C. They have access to money, mobility, food, and water and are able to use force.
Question 24
What is the intended purpose when combatants use sexual violence as a weapon of war?
A. To recruit “bush wives” for soldiers and officers far from home.
D. To humiliate, terrify, and intimidate victims and their loved ones.
Question 25
Safety can be enhanced when DPKO, field missions, and individual personnel take actions
such as:
D. Permitting each peacekeeper to establish his or her own rules of conduct.
Question 26
The Head of the Military Component is appointed by the:
Question 27
What does diversity mean in the UN context?
B. Differences in ethnicity, race, professional backgrounds, religion, and political beliefs.
Question 28
What are the three key principles underpinning the UN standards of conduct?
Question 29
In what situation can a state, which has ratified a treaty on human rights, suspend some of
these human rights?
A. Human rights may be suspended by the state in order to ensure other human rights.
B. When the suspension of rights has been officially declared and made known to the
C. During a public emergency that threatens the life of the nation.
Question 30
Victims of human rights violations or abuse have a right to:
Question 31
Why is sexual violence a concern for UN peacekeepers?
A. Men are especially vulnerable in situations of armed conflict.
Question 32
Serious misconduct includes:
B. Malingering.
Question 33
How does armed conflict affect gender?
A. Armed conflict does not affect gender when the issue is put into a long-term
B. Armed conflict makes men and women do things that are usually considered
inappropriate and thereby create a sense of urgency to return to traditional gender roles.
C. Armed conflict often brings rapid social and cultural change and thereby changes in the
perception of gender.
D. In armed conflict, men are often forced to do things that are usually done by women
and thereby emasculate the men.
Question 34
The Gender Adviser supports the establishment of laws, policies, institutions, and practices
Question 35
The Head of the Military Component is the principal adviser to the HOM on:
Question 36
The conflicts in which peacekeepers intervene no longer involve only national armies but may
also include:
Question 37
Which of the following levels of authority focuses on the responsibilities of the Security
A. Strategic
B. Operational
C. Tactical
D. Command
Question 38
IHL is applicable in:
Question 39
Human rights are:
Question 40
The Head of Police Component is normally appointed as the:
Question 41
The Resident Coordinator represents the work of all the:
Question 42
The aim of international humanitarian law (IHL) is:
B. To limit the negative impact of armed conflict and to reduce suffering during war.
D. To restrict the methods of warfare and to prevent internal conflicts from becoming
Question 43
Modern multinational peace operations include human rights as a part of their:
Question 44
In a mission, the critical role of representing the United Nations is assigned to:
Question 45
In order to ensure that the Secretary-General presents one common strategic vision of the
United Nations, the Secretariat uses:
Question 46
Who does the Secretariat usually deploy to the country or territory to analyse and assess the
overall security, political, humanitarian, and military situation on the ground?
Question 47
The three main substantive components of a mission are the:
Question 48
Diversity is like an iceberg, because:
B. Only a small fraction of the iceberg can be seen, and the rest is not easily visible.
C. It is unpredictable.
D. It is very large.
Question 49
In the case of no circulation or central pulse, one should:
Question 50
What kinds of diversities and cultural differences might one encounter in a peacekeeping
mission and in the host country?
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Examination Results
Status: Passed
Score: 94.00
To help maintain the integrity of the exam, POTI does not post the questions that you have answered
Your answers are marked in blue below if you answered the question incorrectly.
Question 9
What does the term “gender” refer to?
Question 11
The international composition characteristic of UN Military staff is designed to:
A. Create a safe and secure environment. (incorrect)
C. Demonstrate to the mission beneficiaries that all member states are equal.
Question 23
Why are peacekeeping personnel in a powerful position compared to the local population?
C. They have access to money, mobility, food, and water and are able to use force.