General Biology 1: MODULE 3 and 4
General Biology 1: MODULE 3 and 4
General Biology 1: MODULE 3 and 4
Department of Education
First Semester, Quarter 2
MODULE 3 and 4
Content Standard:
Performance Standard:
The learner shall be able to prepare simple fermentation setup using common
fruits to produce wine or vinegar via microorganisms.
The learners …
Differentiate aerobic from anaerobic respiration (STEM_BIO11/12-IIa-j-6)
Explain the major features and sequence the chemical events of cellular
respiration (STEM_BIO11/12-IIa-j-7)
Distinguish major features of glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport system,
and chemiosmosis (STEM_BIO11/12-IIa-j-8)
Describe reactions that produce and consume ATP (STEM_BIO11/12-IIa-j-9)
Describe the role of oxygen in respiration and describe pathways of electron flow in the absence
of oxygen (STEM_BIO11/12-IIa-j-10)
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of fermentation and aerobic respiration
Lesson 1
What I know
Directions: Look for the meaning of the following words and write it on your notebook. Try to familiarize them.
1. Cellular Respiration
2. Fermentation
3. Aerobic
4. Anaerobic
5. Metabolic Pathways
What’s New
In cellular respiration, glucose is converted to pyruvic acid which can enter either through aerobic
respiration or anaerobic respiration.
In aerobic respiration, pyruvic acid molecules enter the mitochondria and through a series of chemical
reactions known as the citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle) via electron transport chain. In the Krebs cycle, the pyruvic
acid is converted to carbon dioxide. The electron transport chain accepts the electron from the breakdown products
of the Krebs cycle and glycolysis via the NADH and FADH2. At the end of the chain, the electrons are combined
with hydrogen ions and molecular oxygen to form water. This process can produce ATP. During this process, the
glucose molecule is broken down and the carbon atoms released from glucose are combined with oxygen to produce
carbon dioxide.
In anaerobic respiration, pyruvic acid is converted to lactic acid. There is a production of two ATP
molecules for each glucose molecule.
Fig. 3.a. Courtesy: Enger, Eldon D. et. Al., (2012). Concepts in Biology 14th Edition. USA: McGraw-Hill
Keep This in Mind
In Cellular Respiration
- Means “sugar-splitting” that occurs in the cytosol of the cell. It does not require oxygen to breakdown
glucose into pyruvate.
Krebs cycle
- Completes the metabolic breakdown of glucose to carbon dioxide and produces 2 ATP.
Oxidative phosphorylation
- A process occurring in mitochondria and accounts for majority of the ATP production.
ATP synthase
- Is an enzyme that is responsible for the great production of ATPs. This happens when it uses the energy
coming from H+ ions to bind ADP and phosphate group together to produce ATP.
Fig. 3.b. The diagram below shows the total energy produced from the complete breakdown of glucose by aerobic respiration
Differences Similarity
Aerobic Organisms Anaerobic Organisms Fermenting Organisms and
Apply What You Have Learned
Directions: Refine your knowledge on cellular respiration by doing the sample graphic organizer below. Fill-out
the table and distinguish how the two types of respiration are alike and different. Then write your
conclusion based on the similarities and differences you have listed.
Performance Task 3
Homemade Virgin Coconut Oil and Fermentation/Modified Natural Vinegar Fermentation Method. A video
link is provided:
This can be done at home with precautionary measures. Document your output and send it on the link given by
the teacher. You can watch the video link on how to make the homemade virgin coconut oil and natural vinegar
fermentation method. Choose only one for your performance task. The link will also be sent in your sections
group chat. You will be graded based on the rubric below.
5 4 3 2
The introduction clearly
The introduction states The introduction
states the purpose of the
the purpose of the lab states the purpose
Introduction lab and explicitly state There is no
and the variables to be of the lab, but not
the variables that are to introduction.
studied. the variables to be
be studied.
All materials and setup Almost all materials Most of the
Many materials
used in the experiment and the setup used in materials and
are described
Materials are clearly and the experiment are the setup used in
accurately described. clearly and accurately the experiment are
OR are not
Drawings included as described. accurately
described at all.
appropriate. described.
Procedures are listed
Procedures are listed in Procedures are
in a logical order, but Procedures do
clear steps. Each step is listed but are not in
steps are not numbered not accurately
Procedures numbered and in a a logical order or
and/or are not in list the steps of
complete sentence. are difficult to
complete sentences. the experiment.
Professional looking Accurate
and accurate representation
representation of of the data in tables
the data in tables and/or and/or graphs. Graphs Data are not
Data of the data in
graphs. Graphs and and tables are labeled shown OR are
written form, but
tables are labeled and and titled. Drawings inaccurate.
no graphs or tables
titled. Drawings are are included when
are presented.
included as necessary necessary.
and are well labeled.
The relationship
The relationship
between the variables is
discussed and The relationship
the variables is
trends/patterns logically between The
analyzed. Predictions the variables is relationship
Analysis but no patterns,
are made about what discussed between the
trends or
might happen if part of and trends/patterns variables is not
predictions are
the lab were changed or logically analyzed. discussed.
how the experimental
based on the data.
design could be
Conclusion includes
Conclusion includes
whether Conclusion No conclusion
whether the findings
the findings supported includes was included in
supported the
Conclusion the hypothesis, possible what was learned the report OR
sources of error, and from shows little
and what was learned
what was learned from the experiment. effort and
from the experiment.
the experiment. reflection.
Performance Task 4
Directions: Compare fermentation with anaerobic and aerobic respiration by analyzing the diagram below.
Answer the following guide questions in an essay form.
1. What are the three kinds of enzyme-controlled reactions so that the chemical-bond energy from a certain
nutrient is released to the cell in the form of ATP?
2. What are the hydrogen electron acceptors for aerobic and anaerobic respiration as well as in fermentation?
3. These are the by-products of aerobic respiration that are considered low-energy molecules.
4. What are the outputs produced by anaerobic respiration? What about in fermentation?
5. What are two general metabolic mechanisms by which certain cells can oxidize organic fuel and generate
ATP without the use of oxygen?
Directions: Arrange the following to get the right energy flow sequence in aerobic respiration.
Directions: Identify the following statements as photosynthesis or cellular respiration.
After accomplishing series of Activities, fill in the blanks to complete the sentences below.
It is necessary to have a knowledge about the photosynthesis and Calvin Cycle because it
Kindly share your thoughts and learnings by finishing the sentences below:
I have learned that ___________________________________________________________
o Belardo, Giselle Millete M., Avissar Yael, Choi, Jung, 2016. General Biology I Textbook for Senior
High School. Quezon City: Vibal Group Publishing, Inc.
o Dela Peńa, Renato A.,Gracilla Daniel E., and Pangilinan, Christian R. 2016. General Biology. Pasay City:
JFS Publishing Services.
o Faltado, Ruben E.,Paz de Leon, Reneecilia B., and Lopez, Merle B. 2017. General Biology 1 for Senior High
School. Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing,Inc.
o Rea, Maria Angelica D.,Dequillo, Mary Zugar M., and Chua, Jenny Lyn C. 2017. General Biology 1. Quezon
City: Rex Printing Company,Inc.
o Commission on Higher Education.2016. Teaching Guide for Senior High School GENERAL BIOLOGY 1.
Quezon City
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Main function
Site of Reaction
Production of ATP
Oxygen requirement
Recycling of NADH
Participating cells
Directions: Compare aerobic and anaerobic respiration by accomplishing the Venn diagram below.
Venn diagram of Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration
1. Glycolysis (in
2. Preparatory
4. Electron transport
and chemiosmosis
Available Choices
e. Acetyl CoA, H2O, f. Acetyl CoA, CO2, g. CO2, NADH, FADH2, h. ATP, H2O, NAD+,
10 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Directions: This is a modified TRUE or FALSE activity. Write the word TRUE if the underlined word/phrase
being referred to is correct. If it is FALSE, change the word/phrase to make the whole statement
correct based on the concept of cellular respiration.
________________1. Fermentation and anaerobic respiration enable the cells to produce ATP without the use of
________________2. The term cellular respiration includes both aerobic and anaerobic processes.
________________3. Fermentation is a complete degradation of sugars or other fuel that occurs without the use
of oxygen.
________________4. An electron transport system consists of a number of molecules, majority are proteins,
located in the matrix of the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells and the plasma membrane of aerobic prokaryotes.
11 | P a g e
________________5. Pyruvate oxidation and the citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation: electron transport
chain and chemiosmosis are the metabolic stages reserved for cellular respiration.
________________6. The breakdown of glucose to carbon dioxide is completed in the electron transport chain.
________________7. ATP synthase is the enzyme that makes the bulk of the ATP from ADP and Pi by
________________8. ATP synthase uses the energy of an existing hydrogen ion gradient to power ATP
________________9. Phosphorylation of ADP to form ATP stores at least 14.6 kcal per molecule of ATP.
________________10. Citric acid cycle generates 2 ATP whether oxygen is present or not, whether the
conditions are aerobic or anaerobic.
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