Seat Leon 1M Manual
Seat Leon 1M Manual
Seat Leon 1M Manual
Owner’s manual
Inglés 1M6012003BA (09.05)
INTRODUCTION –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1
You should note these points before reading this Owner’s Manual
Range of equipment Notes on direction
It describes the largest possible range of Apart from exceptions, all notes on the
equipment envisaged at the time of going direction (left, right, front, rear) in this
to press. Some of the equipment may not manual always refer to the vehicle’s direc-
be available until later or will only be tion of travel.
available in certain markets. Exception: possible specific steering
Texts following this symbol
and printed in italics are impor - how to treat your vehicle correctly.
ta n t n o t e s o n e n v i r o n m e n t a l Official SEAT service
The SEAT Dealers, Workshops and
Official Service Centres have the most
Contents suitable specific tools and state-of-
the-art technology and specialised
On the next few pages you will find a con- staff to deal with and repair any prob -
tents list which lists all of the points lem or fault that may befall your SEAT
detailed in this Owner’s Manual in order. vehicle, guaranteeing repairs inside
Alphabetical index or outside warranty, and using only
genuine spares.
At the end of the manual you will find a
comprehensive alphabetical index. Do not hesitate to contact your
Official SEAT Service Centre for any
You can find desired information quickly question that arises in the applica -
by looking for the key in the index. tion or interpretation of the opera -
tions and revisions referred to in this
2 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– INTRODUCTION
we offer a brief summary of the contents
of the chapters that this Instructions
Manual is divided into.
1. Safety first
This chapter provides information on your vehicle’s
passive safety fittings such as seat belts, Air Bags,
child seats and safety and head rests.
2. Handling instructions
This chapter provides information on the layout of
the driver’s controls, the different seat adjustments,
how to create a comfortable atmosphere inside the
car, and how to start the engine.
4. Technical data
Numbers, values, dimensions and amounts (fuel
consumption, for instance) of your vehicle.
INTRODUCTION ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3
Seat belts
Why have seat belts?
It has been proven that seat belts
give good protection in accidents. In
most countries, therefore, the wear -
ing of seat belts is required by law.
• The belts should be put on
before every journey – even in
town traffic. This also applies to
rear seats. Pregnant women too
should always wear a seat belt. B1H-118
This is the only way to guarantee
protection for the unborn child! This illustration shows a car driving
For more information on this point towards a wall. The vehicle occupants are
please see page 1.11. not belted in.
• The routing of the belt is of The physical principle of a frontal crash is
major importance to the protective easy to explain.
effect of the belt. How the belt
should be worn is described on As soon as the vehicle is moving, so-
the next pages. called “kinetic energy” is created by the
movement of the vehicle , in the vehicle
itself as well as in the vehicle occupants.
The extent of the “kinetic energy” effect
depends largely on the speed of the vehi-
cle and on the weight of the vehicle and
the vehicle occupants.
The higher the speed and the greater the
weight of the vehicle, the more energy
must be dispersed should an accident
1000 kg
B1H-119 LEO-044
The speed of the vehicle is, however, the If you are driving at a speed of only
more important factor. If, for example, the 30 km/h to 50 km/h, forces which can
speed increases from 25 km/h to easily exceed 1000 kg are exerted on the
50 km/h, the kinetic energy increases body should an accident occur.
fourfold! The forces exerted on the body will
As the vehicle occupants in our example increase further at higher speeds, e.g. At
are wearing no seat belts, their entire twice the speed the forces increase four-
kinetic energy can only be dispersed fold!
through the crash into the wall, should a Vehicle occupants not wearing their seat
crash occur. The consequences would be belts are thus not “linked” to their vehi-
severe or possibly even fatal injuries. cle.
In a frontal crash, these people will con-
tinue to move forward at the same speed
as the vehicle was travelling before the
vehicle crashed!
B1H-120 B1H-160
In case of a frontal collision accident, the It is also important that occupants sitting
occupants who are not belted up are in the rear seats are belted in as they can
thrown forwards and collide with parts of also be thrown out of the vehicle in the
the vehicle interior, e.g. the steering event of an accident. Somebody sitting in
wheel, instrument panel or windscreen. the rear and not using a seat belt is
Vehicle occupants who are not belted in endangering not only himself but also the
may even be thrown out of the vehicle. occupants of the front seats.
This could even lead to serious injuries.
The wide spread opinion that you can pro-
tect your body with your hands in the
event of a light accident is not correct.
Even at low speeds of collision, forces
which cannot be deflected act on the
Warning notes
• The belts should be put on
before each journey – even in
town traffic! This also applies to
the rear seats.
• The maximum level of protection
by the seat belts can only be
attained if the belts are worn prop -
• Please ensure that the belts are
put on exactly as described in this B31-151C
Putting the seat belt on under -
neath your arm, for example, • The belt strap should not be
would considerably increase the worn over hard or breakable arti -
risk of injury in the case of an acci - cles (glasses, ball pens, etc...), as
dent! it may cause injuries.
• The belt must not be twisted or • Bulky and loose clothing (e.g.
caught, nor should it be allowed to an overcoat on top of a jacket),
rub on any sharp edges. hinder correct fitting and working
of the seat belt.
• Two people (including children)
must never be secured with one • In order to achieve maximum
belt. It is particularly dangerous to belt protection occupants must
belt your child in when it is sitting be properly seated; check also
on your lap. the "Front seats" chapter.
• You must always keep your feet • The seat belts may not be
in the foot well during a journey – removed from the vehicle or modi -
never on the dashboard or on the fied in any way. Do not attempt to
seats. remove the seat belts yourself.
• The belts must be kept clean as • Belts which are stressed and
dirt may affect the proper function - thus stretched in an accident must
ing of the retractors (see "Care and be replaced by a Technical Service
maintenance" chapter). Centre. The belt anchorages should
be checked.
• The slot for the belt tongue must
not be blocked with paper or any -
thing similar, as the tongue can Note
otherwise not engage properly. In some export countries seat belt func-
• You should check your seat tions could differ from the 3 point or lap
belts regularly. If you find any belts described on the next pages
damage on the belt, belt connec -
tions, retractor or the locking
pieces, the belt must be replaced
by a Technical Service Centre.
B31-167C B31-119C
Warning Warning
The shoulder part of the belt must • Please ensure that the seat belt
run roughly across the centre of is fitted properly. A seat belt which
the shoulder, on no account is worn incorrectly could also
against the neck and must also be cause injury in an accident.
firmly in contact with the body.
• A seat belt which is worn too
The lap part of the belt must fit loosely could cause injury as your
tightly across the pelvis– not kinetic energy will throw your body
across the stomach. If necessary, further forward in an accident and
pull the belt tight. it will be caught abruptly by the
seat belt.
TO8-052 B1H-131
B1H-132 B1H-133
B1H-135 B1H-134
To lengthen belt hold the tongue at right To shorten belt it is only necessary to
angles to belt and pull belt through to the pull the free end of belt.
required length – see illustrations. The surplus belt length is taken up by
The belt is easier to adjust if tongue and moving the plastic slide.
cap are pressed together.
• Smoke is released when the tensioners
are activated. This smoke does not indi-
cate a fire in the vehicle.
• It is of utmost importance to observe
the relevant safety regulations when the
vehicle or components of the system are
scrapped. Technical Service Centres are
familiar with these regulations.
As soon as the child seat is no longer Deactivating child seat belt lock*
needed, the passenger side Air Bag Press the red button in the lock part. The
should be made operational again by tongue will be released from the locking
a Technical Service Centre. part. The child seat belt lock is automati-
cally deactivated when the belt is fully
Child seat safety lock* rolled up.
The three point safety belt* in the
middle of the rear of some model ver -
sions seat may be blocked con -
stantly. This ensures that the child
seat is properly fixed in the car.
LEO-000 TO8-051
Supplementing the three-point seat The driver’s front Air Bag is located in
belts, the Air Bag system offers addi- the central cushioned part of the steering
tional protection for the driver’s and pas- wheel.
senger’s head and chest in a serious The p a s s e n g e r ’ s f r o n t A i r B a g is
frontal collision. located in the dash panel above the glove
In serious lateral collisions the side Air compartment.
Bags reduce the risk of injury to the body Both are marked with "AIR BAG".
parts exposed to the danger for the front
seat occupants. Warning
The Air Bag system is not a replacement The seat belts and Air Bag system
for the seat belt, but it is rather one part only offer maximum protection
of the passive safety concept of the vehi- when seated correctly.
cle. Please note that the best possible
protection to be offered by the Air Bag
system can only be effective when the
seat belts are fastened.
Therefore, the seat belts should
always be used, not only for reasons
of statutory regulations, but also for
Also bear in mind the instructions
from the "Seat belts" chapter.
Warning notes
• The steering wheel padded plate
• It is important to maintain a dis - and the padded surface of the Air
tance of at least 25 cm from the Bag module on the passenger side
steering wheel or instrument of dash panel must not have stickers
panel so that the front seat occu - attached, nor should they be cov-
pants have the best possible ered or re-worked in any other way.
effective protection if the system These parts should only be cleaned
is triggered. The front seats must with a dry cloth or a cloth moistened
always be correctly adjusted to the with water. No other items such as,
body height. for example, telephone or cup
holders should be attached to the
• If you are not wearing a seat belt Air Bag module.
or lean forward whilst driving or
are sitting in the wrong position, • No modifications of any kind
you are open to a higher risk of may be undertaken on the parts of
injury in an accident when the Air the Air Bag System. All work on the
Bag System inflates. Air Bag system, including the
removal and installation of system
• Children must never be allowed to parts during other repair work (ex.:
sit unsecured on the front seat
whilst the vehicle is in motion. If the removing steering wheel), should
Air Bag System is triggered during only be carried out by a Technical
an accident, children could be seri- Service Centre.
ously injured or killed. For further
important points please refer to the Note
chapter on “Safety for children”. If the vehicle or individual parts of the Air
Bag system is scrapped, one must always
• No persons, animals or objects observe the relevant valid safety regula-
should be located between the
front-seat occupants and the effec - tions. Technical Service Centres are famil-
tive range of the Air Bags. iar with these regulations.
• The protective function of the Air
Bag will only be triggered for one
accident. If the Air Bag has been
trig g e r e d , t h e s y s t e m m u s t b e
Warning notes
• Any repairs to the side Air Bag,
such as the removal or assembly
of any system component in con -
nection with any other repair work
(e.g. removing the front seat),
should only be performed by a
Technical Service Centre. The cor -
rect functioning of the Air Bag sys -
tem could otherwise be adversely
Side Air Bag 1) • If the seatbelt is not worn or an
incorrect seating position is
When the system is triggered, the bags adapted (for example leaning to
inflate using gas. one side) during a voyage, there is
The Air Bag inflates in a split second to be a higher risk of injury due to the
able to offer additional protection during deployment of the Air Bag in the
an accident. case of an accident.
On page 1.17 you will find notes on • To guarantee a maximum of pro -
the function and possible defects in tection from the lateral Air Bag, a
the system. correct seating position should be
adapted and the seatbelt should
always be worn.
• There should be no person, ani -
mal or object between the front
passengers and the action zone of
the Air Bag. Also, no accessory or
any other object should be
installed in the deployment area
of the lateral Air Bag that may
impede its operation or even
cause injury to the occupants of
the vehicle.
• Turn the ignition to the off position
• Turn the key lock switch to the “OOFF”
position using the ignition key.
• Ensure that when the ignition is
switched to the “ON” position, the “A AIR
BAG OFF ” warning light always comes
The driver of the vehicle has the
B6L-0013 responsibility of ensuring the cor -
rect position of the switch.
Key lock switch 1) for deactivation
of passenger Air Bags
By using the key lock switch in the glove
box it is possible to deactivate and acti-
vate the frontal and lateral passenger Air
This measure is necessary in the excep -
tional cases where a child seat must be
installed in the passenger seat.
In general, child seats should only be
fitted in the rear seats of the vehicle.
Reactivate the Air Bags as soon as
possible, the prompt reactivation of
the Air Bags will offer necessary pro -
The key lock switch should only be
used with the ignition in the off
position. If not, faults may be
introduced into the system pre -
venting the triggering of the Air
Bag or even an unwanted deploy -
If the “AIR BAG OFF” warning light
• There is no guarantee that the
passenger Air Bags will be trig -
gered in the event of an accident.
Warn all passengers.
• Do not place any child seats in
the passenger seat, in the event of
an accident the Air Bag may be
LO3-002 triggered causing serious injury.
• Turn the ignition to the off position
• Turn the key lock switch to the “OON”
position using the ignition key.
• Ensure that when the ignition is
switched on, the “AAIR BAG OFF ” warning
light does not come on.
“AIR BAG OFF” warning light
(Air Bag deactivated)
This warning light will light when the igni-
tion is turned on as long as the passenger
Air Bags are deactivated.
The warning light will flash in case of
any anomaly in the Air Bag. In this
case a Technical Service must be vis -
Number of seats
Approximate Front Back Central
age group passenger sides rear
Group 0 < 10 kg U (only in exceptional U U
(0-9 months) cases). (Slide the
front passenger
seat as far back
as possible and
always disconnect
the Air Bag)
Group 0 + < 13 kg U (only in exceptional U U
(0-24 months) cases). (Slide the
front passenger
seat as far back
as possible and
always disconnect
the Air Bag)
Group I 9-18 kg U (only in exceptional U/L U
(9-48 months) cases). (Slide the
front passenger
seat as far back
as possible and
always disconnect
the Air Bag)
Group II/III 15-36 kg X UF UF
(4-12 years)
U – Adequate for the universal retention L – Adequate for retention systems with
systems officially authorized with ISOFIX anchoring.
this age group. (Universal retention X – Seat space not adequate for children
systems are those fixed by the adult of this age group.
safety belt).
UF – Adequate for the universal retention
systems oriented frontwards offi-
cialy authorized for use in this age
Child restraint systems tested accord -
ing to ECE-R 44.03 standard are
clearly marked with the ECE-R 44.03
test mark (capital E in a circle and a
number which indicates the country
of the norm, i.e. Spain is number 9).
Only officially approved child restraint
systems which are suitable for the child
should be used.
The ECE-R1) 44.03 standard applies to
child restraint systems. This categorizes
restraint systems into four classes.
Group 0: 0-10 kg Group 0/0+
Group 0+: 0-13 kg For babies up to 10 kg/13 kg we recom-
mend child seats which can be adjusted
Group I: 9-18 kg to the horizontal position (see illustra-
Group II: 15-25 kg tion).
Group III: 22-36 kg
If in an exceptional case, a child
seat is fitted in the passenger seat
where the child is travelling with
the back to the direction of travel,
the passenger Air Bag must be
deactivated either by a Technical
Service Centre. Otherwise there is
a danger of severe or even fatal
injuries. See a Technical Service
Centre to deactivate the system.
B1S-002P B1S-003P
Group I Group II
For babies and small children weighing For children weighing between 15-25 kg.
between 9-18 kg. Best suited are child Best suited are child seats combined with
seats with safety board – see illustration 3-point safety belts.
– or child seats in which the child faces
backwards. Warning
The shoulder part of the belt must
Warning run roughly across the centre of the
If in an exceptional case, a child shoulder, on no account against
seat is fitted in the passenger seat the neck, and must be firmly in
where the child is travelling with contact with the body.
the back to the direction of travel, The lap part of the belt must fit
the passenger Air Bag must be tightly across the pelvis– not
deactivated either by a Technical across the stomach. If necessary,
Service Centre. Otherwise there is pull the belt tight.
a danger of severe or even fatal
injuries. See a Technical Service
Centre to deactivate the system.
B1S-004P B1S-005P
Front seats
The correct adjustment of the seats is
important for:
– reaching the controls safely and quickly.
– relaxed low-fatigue body position.
– maximum protection from the seat
belts and the Air Bag System.
• It is important to maintain a dis -
tance of at least 25 cm from the
steering wheel or instrument
panel so that the front seat occu -
pants have the best possible
effective protection if the system Driver’s seat
is triggered. In addition, the front We recommend that you position the dri-
seats and the head restraints must ver’s seat as follows:
be adjusted to the body height.
– Set the driver’s seat forwards/back-
wards in such a way that the pedals can
Consult the "Front seats" chapter for seat be fully depressed with a slightly
adjustment. Also note on this page the angled leg.
basic adjustment of the driver’s and pas-
senger seats. – Set the backrest in such a way that it is
fully against your back and that you can
Warning reach the upper point of the steering
No items must be kept in the wheel with your arms at a slight angle.
footwell, as these could block the Front passenger seat
pedals in case of sudden braking.
We recommend that you position the front
Consequently, it would be impos - passenger seat as follows:
sible to brake, change gear or
accelerate. – Backrest in an upright position.
Feet should remain in the footwell – Place the feet in the footwell in a com-
when the vehicle is moving, never fortable position.
resting on the instrument panel or – At the same time push the seat back as
seats. far as possible.
Head restraints *
1 2 3 4 5 6
28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19
5 7 8 9 10 11
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 LEO-001A
1 2 3 4
90 1/2
60 120 0 1/1
4 90100 120
3 5 80 140
60 160
2 Rpm x 1000
6 50 180
40 7 200
1 7 220
! 20
0 8 0 260
PRND321 6 km
2 – Coolant temperature
The gauge starts to work when the igni- b
tion is switched on. a
When the ignition is switched on the
warning lamp (c c) flashes for a few sec- 90
onds as a functional check. 60 120 0
a – Cold
Avoid high engine speeds and do not c
work engine too hard yet.
b – Normal
When the vehicle is driven normally the 6
needle should settle down in the central If the needle is in the right half of the indi-
zone. cator, the coolant temperature is too high.
When engine is working hard and the In this case, pull over, switch the
ambient temperature is high, the needle engine off, wait until it cools and then
may move a long way up. look for the cause of the problem. See the
This is not serious as long as the chapter on “Cooling system”.
warning lamp (c) does not flash.
c – Warning lamp Note warnings in "Cooling system"
If the lamp flashes and a tone is heard at chapter.
the same time when driving, first check
the coolant temperature being displayed. Additional lights in front of the cool -
If the needle is in the normal zone, ing air intake interfere with the flow
coolant should be added as soon as pos- of cooling air. At high ambient tem -
sible. See the chapter on “Cooling sys- peratures and full throttle there is a
tem”. danger that the engine will then over -
3 rpm x 1000 5
2 6
1 7
0 l/100 km
B8L-103 LEO-003
Warning lamps
1 2 3 4 1 5
90 1/2
60 120 0 1/1
4 90100 120
3 5 80 140
60 160
2 Rpm x 1000
6 50 180
40 200
EPC 30
1 7 220
! 20
0 8 0 260
PRND321 3647
0 04 km 0 .0
6 7 LEO-004
8 9 10 11 12
17 – Anti-locking brake system
(ABS)* .....................................2.20
6 50 18 – TCS Wheel spin control*/
40 ESP Electronic Stability
22 EPC 1330 Program* .................................2.21
7 19 – Parking light/dipped beam ......2.21
21 !
10 20 – Rear fog light* .........................2.22
21 – Air Bag system1) ......................2.22
20 19 18 P 17 16 15 22 – Preheating system/
IB9-024 Electronic Accelerator-
Pedal Control (EPC)*.................2.22
8 – Seat belt warning lamp*...........2.17
9 – Alternator ................................2.17
10 – Brakes/Hand brake ..................2.18
11 – Engine oil pressure/level .........2.18
12 – Tailgate ...................................2.19
13 – Diagnosis*/Excess of pollution .2.19
14 – Electronic immobilizer..............2.19
15 – Brake wear monitor* ................2.19
16 – Windscreen washer water 1) This equipment may vary according to the
level*.......................................2.20 country.
1 2 3 4 1 5
90 1/2
60 120 0 1/1
4 90100 120
3 5 80 140
60 160
2 Rpm x 1000
6 50 180
40 200
EPC 30
1 7 220
! 20
0 8 0 260
PRND321 3647
0 04 km 0 .0
6 7 LEO-004
1 2 3 4 1 5
90 1/2
60 120 0 1/1
4 90100 120
3 5 80 140
60 160
2 Rpm x 1000
6 50 180
40 200
EPC 30
1 7 220
! 20
0 8 0 260
PRND321 3647
0 04 km 0 .0
6 7 LEO-004
9 – Alternator
8 9 10 11 12
The warning lamp comes on when the
ignition is switched on and must go out
6 50 when the engine is started.
40 The alternator is driven by a long-life
22 EPC 1330 ribbed belt.
7 If the warning lamp lights during the jour-
21 !
1420 ney, stop, switch off engine and check
ribbed belt.
20 19 18 P 17 16 15 If it is loose or broken, do not drive on
IB9-024 – the coolant pump is no longer being dri-
ven. The belt must be checked/ renewed.
8 – Seat belt warning lamp * If the warning lamp comes on although
the V–belt or ribbed belt is not broken or
The warning lamp lights up (only for cer- loose, one can normally drive on to the
tain countries) for about 6 seconds after nearest Technical Service Centre.
ignition as a reminder to fasten your
safety belt. As the battery will continue to discharge,
all electrical consumers which are not
If the seat belt is not fastened, in some absolutely necessary should be switched
countries an acoustic signal will sound off.
after switching on the ignition which will
stop after approximately 6 seconds or
when the seat belt is fastened.
Please refer to chapter “Seat belts”.
12 – Tailgate
8 9 10 11 12
The pilot light* comes on if the tailgate is
open or badly closed.
6 50
13 – Diagnosis*/
40 Excess of pollution
22 EPC 1330
7 This pilot light lights up when the ignition
21 !
1420 is switched on as a testing device and
10 goes out after a few seconds.
In case of failure due to excessive pollu-
20 19 18 P 17 16 15 tion it will start to flash.
14 – Electronic immobilizer
Lights up yellow (oil level* too low) When switching the ignition on, the data
If the pilot light lights up yellow the level from the vehicle key is automatically
is too low. Stop engine and refill oil. See processed. This procedure is confirmed by
"Engine oil" chapter. the warning lamp lighting up briefly.
When opening the bonnet the oil level If an unauthorized key is used the pilot
warning is reset. However, if you do not light will flash continuously. The vehicle
refill oil the warning will reappear after cannot be started. See also "Keys with
about 100 km. remote control" chapter.
16 – Windscreen washer
water level *
• ABS warning lamp lights up
together with brake system warning
When the ignition is switched on, this lamp. Not only is the ABS system defec-
warning light lights up as a functional tive, but a change in normal braking
check. characteristics can also be expected.
This warning lamp will light up if the water Warning
level in the screen washer reservoir
becomes too low. If there is a fault in the ABS system
the rear wheels can lock relatively
Add water to the windshield and head- quickly. In certain circumstances
light washers. See "Windshield washer" this could make the back end of
chapter. the car swing violently.
17 – Anti-locking brake If this happens drive with utmost
system (ABS) * care to the nearest Technical
When the ignition is switched on, this Service Centre to have the fault
warning light lights up as a functional repaired.
In versions with an anti-skid regulator in
This warning lamp monitors the ABS and the driving wheels, or an electronic stabil-
EDL * systems. ity programme, the TCS/ESP pilot light
Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) * will also come on if the ABS fails. For more
The warning lamp comes on for a few sec- details see pages 3.11, 3.12 and 3.13.
onds when the ignition is switched on or Electronic Differential Lock (EDL) *
the engine started. The lamp goes out The EDL system works in conjunction with
after an automatic test sequence has the ABS. Failure of the EDL system is indi-
been completed. cated by the ABS warning lamp lighting
If the ABS warning lamp does not come on up. The vehicle should be taken to a
when the ignition is switched on, does Technical Service Centre as soon as
not go out, or comes on when driving, the possible.
system is faulty. Further details on EDL are given on page
A fault in the ABS system is indicated as 3.11.
• Just the ABS warning lamp lights
up. The vehicle can still be braked with
normal braking system but without ABS.
The vehicle should be taken to a
Technical Service Centre as soon as
18 – Electronic Stability
8 9 10 11 12 Program (ESP) *
The warning light lights up for a few sec-
6 50 onds as a functional check when the igni-
40 tion is switched on; it should go off after a
22 EPC 1330 couple of seconds.
7 If the ESP works while the vehicle is in
21 !
1420 motion, the pilot light flashes.
If the system is disconnected or has a
fault, the pilot light will stay on.
20 19 18 P 17 16 15
IB9-024 As the ESP works in combination with the
ABS, if the ABS breaks down the ESP pilot
light also comes on.
18 – Drive wheels spin
regulator (TCS) * For more information see page 3.13.
The warning light lights up for a few sec- 19 – Parking light/
onds as a functional check when the igni- dipped beam
tion is switched on; it should go off after a Dipped beam, parking or side light pilot
couple of seconds. light (green). Works with the ignition off.
If the TCS works while the vehicle is in
motion, the pilot light flashes.
If the system is disconnected or has a
fault, the pilot light will stay on.
As the TCS works in combination with the
ABS, if the ABS breaks down the TCS pilot
light also comes on.
For more information see page 3.11.
Replacement keys
A B For reasons of security, replacement
keys are only available from SEAT
Official Service Centres.
Key tag
The key tag contains the key number as
well as the secret code for the immo-
bilizer, which are needed to obtain
replacement keys. With this number you
can order a duplicate of your key from a
B11-002D SEAT Official Service Center.
The vehicle is supplied with two keys A You should keep this plastic key
which fit all locks. chain in a particularly safe place
In addition, plastic key chain B with the since only with this number can
key number is included. copies of the key be made.
For this reason you should give the buyer
this key tag if you sell the vehicle.
• Always take the key from the
ignition whenever you leave
the vehicle – even if only for a
moment. This is particularly impor -
tant if children are to remain in the
vehicle. They might start the
engine or some other electrical
component, e.g. electric windows.
Risk of accident!
• Wait until the vehicle has
stopped before taking the key out.
Otherwise the steering may block.
LEO-005 LEO-006
Electronic immobiliser
The immobiliser prevents unauthorised
persons from using your vehicle.
A micro-chip is located in the head of the
key which automatically deactivates the
immobiliser when the key is inserted in
the ignition lock.
The system is automatically activated
when the ignition is switched off.
The engine can thus only be started with a
correctly coded Genuine SEAT key.
Trouble free operation of your vehicle can
only be guaranteed when using genuine
From the outside of the vehicle , it may From the inside of the vehicle , all the
be locked or unlocked using the driver doors may be locked by pushing the secu-
door key. rity buttons down (in vehicles without
Upon opening , the latch will rise up (for central locking).
vehicles with central locking).
For vehicles equipped with electric win-
When the doors are locked, any
dows and central locking, if the key is
intrusion is impeded, for example
maintained in the opening position all of
while stopped at a red light.
the electric side windows will open.
Upon closing , the latch will descend (for
vehicles with central locking).
In some vehicle models equipped with
electric windows and central locking, if
the key is maintained in the locking posi-
tion on the driver side, any side windows
left open as well as the electric sunroof
will close.
For vehicles without central locking, the
passenger door and the rear doors may be
locked from the outside without using a
key. Just press the button down and close
the door.
The latch on the driver’s door may not be
pushed down while the door is open (only
in vehicles without central locking). This
avoids accidentally leaving the keys in the
• Exercise extreme caution when
closing the windows and the sun -
roof from the outside of the vehi -
• Closing from the outside with -
out taking care or observing all the
vehicle may cause bruising for
other people especially children.
• When locking a vehicle, never
leave children unaccompanied
inside, as it will make it more diffi -
cult to provide assistance if
Central locking *
When the key is used in the driver’s door, When the vehicle is opened using the key,
all doors and the boot are unlocked at the the locking security system (double lock-
same time by the central locking system. ing) and the anti-theft alarm* are immedi-
The central locking system is fitted with a ately deactivated.
locking security system (double lock): When the vehicle is opened, the interior
When the vehicle is locked with the key or lighting will come on for 30 seconds as if
the remote control from the outside, all of a door is open and the indicators will
the doors are locked impeding any flash twice.
attempt to force them. If, for any reason, the central locking
This system may be activated from the ceases to function then, in general, the
outside either by using the key or the drivers door and boot may be opened
radio-frequency remote control*. conventionally using the key but neither
the locking security system nor the anti
Locking locations of the vehicle theft alarm can be activated.
Outside: If the key is maintained in the opening
Driver’s door or by using the radio-fre- position in the driver’s door the electric
quency remote control*. windows will open, in vehicles equipped
with them.
By using the central locking switch
located on the handle of the driver’s door If for any reason the central locking
(simple closure) (see page 2.29). ceases to function, neither the rear doors
nor the passenger door may be opened.
Opening The lock mechanism of the driver’s door,
To open your vehicle turn the key in the the boot and the ignition locking mecha-
lock of the driver’s door to the opening nism all possess a rotation mechanism
position or use the radio-frequency (which will turn freely without the key)*.
remote control*. All of the doors will be When the locking mechanism is operated
unlocked with any object other than the key, the
When the vehicle is opened using the rotation mechanism is activated. The
radio-frequency remote control*, the lock- manipulated cylinder will rotate without
ing security system as well as the anti opening the vehicle or turning the igni-
theft alarm* are immediately deactivated. tion on.
The indicator on the driver’s door will stop If the rotation mechanism is activated
flashing. This warning light is fitted to when the key is inserted then remove the
vehicles equipped with the locking secu- key fully and then reinsert it to open the
rity system or the anti theft alarm*. vehicle. There will be no damage to the
• If the key is turned two consecutive
• To lock your vehicle, turn the key times to the locking position in less than
once (the double lock is activated) to the one second then only the simple locking
locking position in the driver’s door lock. mechanism is activate for all doors and
All of the doors and the boot will lock. The the boot. The locking security system
locking security system (double lock) and (double lock) is not activated.
the anti theft alarm* will be immediately If the locking security system (double
activated and the indicator light on the lock) is not activated then the vehicle may
driver’s door will begin to flash to indicate be unlocked from the inside . To do this,
this. This warning light is fitted to vehicles simply pull the corresponding door han-
equipped with the locking security system dle until the door opens.
or the anti theft alarm*.
When the vehicle is locked, all of the inte-
• For vehicles1) fitted with electric win-
dows or an electric sunroof, when the key
rior lights that may be on are turned off is maintained in the locking position the
and the indicator lights flash once. electric windows will close fully followed
The activation of the locking security sys- by the electric sunroof if it is open.
tem (double lock) is indicated by the
flashing of the indicator light located on
• If the driver’s door is incorrectly
closed or open (door “ajar”), the vehicle
the top of the driver’s door panel at the cannot be locked. In order to lock the
level of the window. Also, for vehicles doors of the vehicle, the driver’s door
equipped with the anti theft alarm*, the should be completely closed. If any other
indicator light will indicate when the door of the vehicle is incorrectly shut then
alarm is on. all doors except this door will be locked. If
properly closed afterwards, this door will
join the locking system of the vehicle.
• If the vehicle is closed from the In the case where the vehicle is opened
outside by turning the key once to
using the radio-frequency remote control
the locking position (double lock),
and neither the locks or the doors are
no person –especially children-
used, after 30 seconds the vehicle will
should remain inside the vehicle
automatically be relocked so that it is not
due to the fact that the doors can -
accidentally left open.
not be opened from the inside
using the door handle or the cen -
tral locking switch (see central
locking switch instructions). If the
vehicle is equipped with electric
windows, these cannot be opened
from the inside either (see the
instructions for the electric win -
• Children should never be left
alone inside the vehicle due to the
fact that if the doors are acciden -
tally locked, it will be difficult to 1) This function may vary according to the model
provide assistance if needed. and country.
B If the vehicle is locked using the cen -
tral locking switch, individual doors
may be unlocked. To do this, simply
pull the corresponding door handle
A until the door opens.
Pushing the left part of the locking switch • Once the vehicle has been
B will open all doors. locked with the radio wave remote
control or with a regular key the
Automatic Unlocking central locking knob becomes
The doors unlock automatically when the inactive. It no longer works. For
key is removed from the ignition. this reason, do not leave anyone
in the vehicle, in particular chil -
The button will also function when the dren, since it is not possible to
ignition is switched off. open from the inside or from the
Warning outside. Furthermore, the vehicle
cannot be unlocked by sticking
• If the central locking button in the hand in the window and
the door release lever on the dri - pulling the knob from the inside or
ver’s door is operated, all other the central lock command.
doors and the tailgate are locked Therefore, no intruder can unlock
automatically. the vehicle.
However when the doors are
locked outside help in an emer - • Take great care when closing the
windows and the electric roof*
gency is hindered, and so children from the outside!
should never be left alone in the
vehicle. • If you close from the outside
carelessly or without visibility you
• Locking the doors and tailgate may cause serious injury espe -
prevents intruders from getting in cially to children.
the vehicle, e.g. at traffic lights.
• For vehicles equipped with Air
Bags and only in the event of a col -
lision where an Air Bag is deto -
nated, the central locking will
unlock all doors automatically to
facilitate the evacuation of the
vehicle. The vehicle’s interior light
and the warning lights will remain
lit until the key is removed from
the ignition and reinserted again.
Child safety
The rear doors also have child-proof
Child lock
Using the vehicle key, turn the child lock
slot in the direction of the arrow (figure
A). This way, the inside door handle of the
affected door is deactivated and the door
can only be opened from the outside. The
security button must be in the up1) posi-
tion and the vehicle unlocked.
Removing the child lock
Using the vehicle key, turn the child lock
slot in the direction of the arrow (figure
B). This will reactivate the door handle of
the affected door and it may once again
be opened from the inside. The security
button must be in the up1) position and
the vehicle unlocked.
IB9-015 IB9-016
• The warning lamp goes out after
approx. 28 days. This prevents the battery
becoming discharged when the vehicle is
not used for a long period. The alarm sys-
tem remains activated.
• The alarm signal will be triggered a sec-
ond time if one of the protected parts of
the car is interfered with again after the
alarm signal has stopped (for instance if
the tailgate is opened after one of the
doors has been opened).
• The alarm can also be activated and
deactivated via the radio wave remote-
control*. Further information can be
found under the heading ”Radio wave
remote control”.
• If, after deactivating the volumetric
sensor, the door is locked with the remote
control or manually with the key in the
door lock within less than 30 seconds the
volumetric sensor is deactivated even
though all other anti-theft alarm functions
remain activated.
• After this time-span the deactivation of
the volumetric sensor is canceled.
• In case of relocking while the alarm was
activated without the volumetric sensor
function, this relocking will cause a con-
Volumetric sensor * nection of all the alarm functions, except
This is a surveillance function or a control for the volumetric sensor. If it was not dis-
incorporated in the anti-theft alarm sys- connected voluntarily it will be reacti-
tem which detects through ultrasound vated during the following alarm connec-
unauthorized access to the vehicle inte- tion.
rior (i.e. through a window). • If the volumetric sensor caused the
This system has two sensors: a transmit- alarm to set off this will be indicated by
ter and a receiver. flickering of the pilot light in the driver’s
door when unlocking the vehicle. This
Activate flickering is different than the flickering of
The volumetric sensor is switched on the activated alarm.
automatically when the anti-theft alarm is • If the volumetric sensor has caused the
activated whether by locking manually alarm to set off three times the alarm sys-
with the key or by remote control. tem will no longer go off.
Deactivate • Other sensors (door opening, luggage
The volumetric sensor is deactivated compartment, etc.) will continue to set off
when: the alarm.
1 – Unlocking the vehicle manually with
the key in the door lock or by radio
wave remote control.
2 – Pressing the button located in the
vehicle’s interior behind the driver’s
door in the lower part for at least one
second immediately after having
unlocked the driver’s door and after
having removed the key from the
Electric windows *
There are additional controls on the pas-
senger door and the rear doors* for each
window. These controls will only open or
close their respective windows.
With the safety switch 3 in the driver’s
door, the rear electric windows can be
1 deactivated.
– Safety switch out :
3 The switches in the rear doors can be
5 4 used.
– Safety switch in :
The switches in the rear doors cannot be
The switches are located in the driver’s
door (see illustration).
1 – Driver’s door
2 – Front passenger door
3 – Safety switch*
4 – Right rear door*
5 – Left rear door.*
The electric windows can be activated
with the ignition on.
With the ignition off, the windows can be
activated for 10 minutes. They will stop
working when a front door is opened.
The safety switch blocks the buttons of
the rear windows. When the switch is
pressed again the buttons of the rear
doors will become operational.
The r o l l - b a c k f u n c t i o n * Note
1 – If the window in the driver or passen- If you wait for longer than 5 seconds
ger‘s door is hindered whilst closing between the individual steps, the system
through stiffness or by an obstacle will reactivate.
(roll-back function), the window will
open again immediately. Warning
2 – After the window has opened, you • Take great care when closing the
must lift and hold the appropriate windows! Closing the windows in
switch for the affected window again a careless or uncontrolled manner
within 5 seconds. If the window is still may cause bruises, especially in
hindered whilst closing through stiff- children.
ness or by an obstacle, the window • The driver must warn the other
will stop closing. occupants of the risk which care -
3 – After the window has stopped, you less operation of electric windows
must lift and hold the switch again entails.
within 5 seconds in order to close the
The window will now close with -
out power limitation.
Sliding/tilting roof *
To open
Turn the switch c l o c k w i s e . There are
intermediate opening positions that are
shown by notches on the switch. The
biggest notch shows the biggest opening
advisable for high speed driving with min-
imum aerodynamic noise.
To completely open the roof keep turning
the switch to position B. In this position,
however, there can be noise due to the
To close
With ignition switched on, the sliding/ Turn the switch to rest position or starting
tilting roof can be opened and closed/ position A. If you turn it anti-clockwise
lifted and lowered with the rotary switch. the roof will close completely. If the roof is
Press the switch for emergency or full completely open and you turn the switch
strength closing. anti-clockwise, you can put the roof in the
intermediate opening positions repre-
After the ignition has been switched off, sented by the notches.
the roof can still be operated so long as
the driver or passenger doors are not To raise
opened. From starting position A turn the switch
anti-clockwise . The roof will be raised
Warning according to the notches on the switch.
• Take great care when closing the To close/lower
roof! Closing the roof carelessly or
in an uncontrolled manner may Turn the switch clockwise until it reaches
cause bruises, especially in chil - the rest/starting position A.
• The driver must warn the other The sun screen to prevent intensive sun
vehicle occupants of the risk
which careless operation of the rays shining in can be slid open or closed
roof entails. by hand with roof open or closed.
You should ensure, especially when the
• Always remove the ignition key sun screen is closed that the tilting roof is
when leaving the vehicle, even
only for a moment. Never leave closed when the vehicle is parked or dur-
children unattended in the vehi - ing a sudden rainfall.
cle. Convenience locking*
The sliding roof can also be closed when
locking the driver’s door:
Hold the key in the locking position until
the roof is closed.
Rear fog light *
Vehicles without fog lights
2 3 1 Turn lighting switch to dipped/main beam
position and pull switch out to stop.
Vehicles with fog lights
With lighting switch in dipped/main
beam position, pull switch out to 2nd
TO8-014A • A warning lamp in the instrument panel
lights up when the rear fog light is
1 – Lighting switch switched on.
o – Switched off • Due to the amount of dazzle it causes,
the rear fog light should only be switched
– Side lights1) on when the visibility is very poor (e.g. in
– Dipped or main beam some E.U. countries, 50 metres).
The lamps will only function with the igni- The electrical system of the factory fitted
tion on. When the engine is being started tow bar* is wired up so that when towing
and after ignition has been switched off, a trailer fitted with rear fog lights, the rear
they automatically switch to the side fog lights on the towing vehicle are auto-
lights. matically switched off.
Low, high beam and flash light. See
"Indicators and dipped beam lever" chap-
If lights are not switched off and the igni-
tion key is removed, a buzzer* will sound
when the driver’s door is open.
Front fog lights *
With lighting switch in side light or
dipped/main beam position pull switch
out to first detent.
2 3 1
4 5 6 7
Sun visors
The sun visors can be pulled out of the
side mountings and swung towards the
The vanity mirrors have a sliding cover.
Interior lights
The windshield wiper blades must A 3
be in perfect condition to ensure
good visibility (see "Windscreen 2
wipers" chapter). 1
Wipers and washers only work when igni- 0
tion is switched on.
When it is freezing, check that the 5 4
wiper blades are not frozen to the
glass before switching the wipers on LEO-027
for the first time.
The heated windscreen washer jets* are
switched on when the ignition is switched • Wiper slow
on and the amount of heat is regulated Lever at position 2.
automatically according to the outside
• Wiper fast
Lever at position 3.
• Flick wipe
• Fill container. See "Windscreen washer" Lever at position 4.
• Automatic wash/wipe facility
• Replace wiper blades. See "Wiper To turn on wipers and washer, pull lever
blades" chapter.
towards steering wheel to position 5.
Windscreen Release lever –
• Windscreen wipers off The washer stops and the wipers carry on
Lever at position 0. for about 4 seconds.
• Intermittent wipe Rain sensor *
Lever at position 1. If the vehicle is fitted with a rain sensor
Use lever A to change the intervals of the and the intermittent wipe is activated this
intermittent wipe. Four levels are avail- sensor is in charge of adjusting automati-
able. cally the duration of the intervals to the
Lever to the right – brief intervals amount of rain.
Lever to the left – long intervals Position A of the lever for the windscreen
wipers is used to individually adjust the
The intervals of each level are set in func- sensitivity of the rain sensor.
tion of the time that elapses between
each sweep of the wipers. After switching off the ignition, the rain
sensor needs to be switched on again. To
do that the intermittent wipe needs to be
switched off and switched on again.
Rear windscreen
• Intermittent wipe
Turn on:
Push lever to position 6.
The wipers wipe approximately every 6
Turn off:
Move the lever towards the steering
wheel. If you turn off the windscreen
wiper while wiping, the windscreen wiper
will function until the wipe is completed.
• Automatic wash/wipe facility
Turn on:
Push the lever forward to position 7:
The washer/wipe facility keeps working
intermittently. To turn off completely move
the lever towards the steering wheel.
Wiper blades
• The wiper blades must be in
good condition for clear visibility.
• In order to prevent streaks on
the windscreen you should clean
the wiper blades regularly with a
window cleaning product. If the
windows are particularly dirty, e.g.
insect remains, a sponge or cloth
should be used to clean the
blades. B1H-052
• Change the wiper blades once
or twice a year for safety reasons.
Changing wiper blades
Wiper blades may be purchased
from Technical Service Centres. Taking the wiper blade off
Rear-view mirrors
Electrically adjustable mirrors *
L N R Electrically adjustable mirrors* are set by
pressing the edge of the knob A in the dri-
ver’s door trim.
A The surface of the mirror may be angled
upwards, downwards, to the left or the
right, as required.
With swivel knob (A A) select the driver or
passenger wing mirrors.
N – Neutral position
LEO-014C R – Driver’s mirror
L – Passenger’s mirror
Adjusting mirrors When you adjust the left mirror the right
The rear view mirrors should always be one moves in time, and a separate adjust-
adjusted properly before moving off so ment of the right mirror should not normally
that good vision to the rear is obtained. be necessary. If you wish to adjust it sepa-
rately, activate the right mirror. You should
Anti-dazzle interior mirror now be able to adjust it.
The lever on the lower edge of the mirror If the electric adjustment fails, the mirrors
should be pointing to the rear when the can be adjusted manually by pressing on
basic setting is made. the surface.
To set the anti-dazzle position, pull lever
Exterior mirrors controlled mechani -
cally from inside are adjusted with the
knob in the door trim panel.
Automatic* anti-dazzle mirror
Adjust interior mirror by hand.
If the ignition is switched on the interior
mirror automatically darkens depending
on the light from behind (i.e. a headlight).
When you engage the reverse gear or put
the selector lever on R the mirror returns
to its original position (is no longer dark).
L N R If the mirror housing is moved by an exter-
nal force (e.g. knocked when maneuver-
ing) the mirrors must be folded right in
A electrically. U n d e r n o c i r c u m s t a n c e s
must the mirror housing be adjusted by
P hand as the operation of the mirror might
be affected. To place the mirrors in use
position, using control A, they will not
work for about 15 seconds.
Be careful not to damage the mirrors
LEO-014B when using control A.
Front seats
The correct adjustment of the seats is Driver’s seat
important for: We recommend that you position the dri-
– reaching the controls safely and quickly ver’s seat as follows:
– relaxed low-fatigue body position – Set the driver’s seat forwards/back-
– maximum protection from the seat wards in such a way that the pedals can
belts and the Air Bag System. be fully depressed with a slightly
angled leg.
Warning – Set the backrest in such a way that it is
• For this reason the front seats fully against your back and that you can
should not be pushed too close to reach the upper point of the steering
the steering wheel or the instru - wheel with your arms at a slight angle.
ment panel.
• Your feet should remain in the No items should be kept in the
footwell while the vehicle is in
motion – never resting on the footwell, as they could block the
instrument panel or seats. pedals in the case of a sudden
braking manoeuvre.
Please adjust your seat as detailed on the You would no longer be able to
next pages. Please also note the basic brake, change gear or accelerate!
positions for the driver’s and passenger
seats on this page. Front passenger seat
We recommend that you position the front
passenger seat as follows:
– Backrest in an upright position.
– Place the feet in the footwell in a com-
fortable position.
– At the same time push the seat back as
far as possible.
B45-182C B45-180C
Switch B*
The backrest is adjusted in the corre-
sponding arrow direction by pressing the
Arrow 1: Backrest comes forward
Arrow 2: Backrest moves back
Do not have the backrest too far
forward while the vehicle is in
motion as this may affect the
effectiveness of the seat belts.
Head restraints *
B1S-017P B45-016C
Armrest *
Front armrest*
The armrest can be adjusted to several
different positions.
To adjust, press the button in the front
end of the armrest A and fold down the
rest. Then raise the rest notch by notch
until the desired position has been
There is a stowage compartment in the
armrest. To open, press button B.
When the armrest is folded down, free-
dom of movement. For this reason, the
armrest should not be folded down when
driving in town traffic
6 7
1 2 3
6 – Seat heating* for left seat The steering column can be adjusted at
The cushion and backrest of the front will both for reach and for height. Press
seats can be heated electrically when the the lever A beneath the steering column
ignition is on. down and move the steering wheel to the
desired position. Then press the lever
The heating is switched on and regulated firmly up again.
to your comfort with the knurled wheel.
To switch heating off, turn knurled wheel Warning
to the basic position (0). • The steering column may only
be adjusted whilst the vehicle is
7 – Seat heating* for right seat stationary.
The cushion and backrest of the front
seats can be heated electrically when the • For safety reasons, the lever
must always be firmly pressed up,
ignition is on. so that the position of the steering
The heating is switched on and regulated column does not suddenly change
to your comfort with the knurled wheel. while the vehicle is in motion.
To switch heating off, turn knurled wheel
to the basic position (0).
Warning notes
• The permissible payloads and
GVW must not be exceeded – see
chapter "Technical Data".
• It should be noted that when
transporting heavy items the han -
dling will change due to the dis -
placement of the centre of gravity.
Driving style and speed must,
therefore, be altered to suit. LEO-020
Rear shelf
Rear seat
TO2-003 B1J-007D
B1J-004D B1J-008D
Roof rack *
When loads are to be carried on the roof,
the following should be noted: • Distribute the load evenly. Each cross
bar may carry 40 kg if loaded uniformly
• As the rain channels are moulded into over the full length. The permissible roof
the roof for streamlining reasons, the nor- load (including the carrier system) of 75
mal type of roof rack cannot be used. To kg and the permissible gross vehicle
avoid risks we advise that only the cross weight must not be exceeded. See chap-
bars provided by the factory are used. ter "Technical Data".
• These cross bars are the basis for a Warning
complete roof load carrying system. For
safety reasons when carrying luggage, • When carrying heavy or large
bicycles, surf boards, skis and boats, the objects on the roof, bear in mind
appropriate special adapters are that the vehicle handling changes
required. due to the displacement of the
centre of gravity and the increased
• The roof rack system must be installed area exposed to the wind.
according to the enclosed instructions.
Open the plastic covers to secure the feet Driving style and speed must be
of the rack to the roof. adapted to allow for this.
When fitting the feet to the roof make sure
they fit exactly into the special grooves • If your vehicle has a sliding/lifting sun
and properly attach to the appropriate roof make sure it does not collide with the
part of the groove. load.
B8L-098 B8L-067
Cigarette lighter /
electric socket Stowage box
The cigarette lighter is switched on by
pushing in the element. When the heating
element glows, the lighter springs out
automatically – pull it out immediately
and use it.
Excercise caution when using the
cigarette lighter. It can cause
The cigarette lighter and the
socket also work when the ignition TO8-020
is switched off and the key
For this reason children should Warning
never be left in the vehicle on their For safety reasons the glove com -
own. partment lid should always be
closed while driving.
The 12-Volt socket of the lighter can be
used for other electrical accessories with Lift the catch in order to open the passen-
a capacity of up to 120 Watts. When the ger side glove compartment*.
engine is not running this will however
discharge the battery. For further informa- Stowage box with CD-Changer*
tion see “Accessories”. Depending on which car radio they are
equipped with, some vehicles have a CD-
Electric socket in the boot* Changer* for up to 6 compact disks in the
The electric socket is located in the wheel stowage box.
area on the left side.
It can be used for electrical accessories
with a maximum capacity of 150 W. When
the engine is not running, however, it will
discharge the battery. For further informa-
tion see the chapter on “Accessories”.
1 1 1
2 2
3 4 4 3
5 5 5 5 5 5
Warning Vents
The illustration shows the air vents on the
• For road safety it is important dashboard.
that all windows are free of ice,
snow and mist. Only then can Cooled, heated or unheated air comes out
clear vision be guaranteed. of all the vents.
You should therefore familiarise All vents can be adjusted by swivelling
yourself with the correct operation control C (see illustration on next page).
of the heating and ventilation sys - Vents 3 and 4 open and close separately,
tem as well as removing damp - with knurled wheels at the side.
ness and frost from the windows. The air flow from the vents can be
• The highest possible level of adjusted horizontally or vertically.
heating and quick defrosting of
the windows can only be achieved
when the engine has achieved its
operating temperature.
Air flow for the
1 2 3 SCAN
In this position you cannot connect posi-
Air conditioning *
General notes Warning
• To ensure that the heating and ventila- • For road safety it is important
tion can work properly, the air inlet in that all windows are free of ice,
front of the windscreen should be kept snow and mist. Only then can
free from ice, snow and leaves. clear vision be guaranteed.
• To prevent the windows from steaming You should therefore familiarise
up the fan should always be left on low yourself with the correct operation
when you are driving slowly. of the heating and ventilation sys -
• Press button D to stop polluted air from tem as well as removing damp -
outside getting into the vehicle. Do not ness and frost from the windows.
drive too fast in this position to stop
the windows from steaming up. • The highest possible level of
heating and quick defrosting of
The air and pollen* filter removes impuri- the windows can only be achieved
ties from the air (e.g. pollen, dust, etc.). when the engine has achieved its
Only put the rotary switch to 0 when the operating temperature.
air outside is polluted by gases.
• The pollen and dust filter elements
should be changed in accordance with
the Inspection and Maintenance Plan, to
avoid a reduction in heat and de-icing
B – Blower
Air throughput can be adjusted in four
In position 0 the blower is switched off,
but air is let in from the outside. If you
want to stop polluted (smelly) air coming
in from outside press switch E (air circula-
AC Warning
As this may make the windows
D E TO2-002 steam up you should not drive for
too long in this position.
The air conditioner is a combined cooling
and heating system which provides the C – Air distribution
maximum possible comfort all the year
round. Air flow for
The cooling system only works when the
engine is running, the ambient tempera- Vents 5 are opened.
ture is above about +5°C and the ventila- All vents 3 and 4 must be opened to
tor is set to positions I to IIII . direct all the air flow to the feet.
When the cooling system is switched on it Air flow for the
reduces not only the temperature inside windscreen area
the vehicle but also the air humidity mak-
ing the vehicle occupants feel more com- Vents 3 can be used to direct air to the
fortable, when there is a high level of side windows.
humidity. Vents 1 and 2 are opened.
Control elements Air flow of
the vents
A – Temperature selector
Vents 1, 2 and 5 are closed. The air comes
To the right – increases heat output out of vents 3 and 4.
To the left – decreases heat output In the positions mentioned above there is
If the air conditioning is connected the always a leak of air to the remaining
cooling capacity is increased if you turn vents.
the regulator to the right.
1 1 1
2 2
3 4 4 3
5 5 5 5 5 5
General notes
• Best results are obtained from the air
• When the outside temperature is low conditioning if the windows and sun roof*
the fan will not switch on until the cooling remain closed.
liquid has reached the right temperature, However if the inside of the car is over-
unless the fan is manually switched on heated, e.g. because it has been in the
. sun, the cooling process can be speeded
• The air inlet in front of the windscreen up by briefly opening the windows.
should be kept free from ice, snow and
dead leaves to avoid hindrance to the
• When it is very hot or humid, water may
condense on the evaporator and drip
heating or air conditioning systems. down to form a puddle under the car. This
• In automatic gear box versions, the is perfectly normal and does not mean
kick-down mechanism briefly switches off there is a leak.
the air conditioning compressor when
moving down a gear, so the engine can
• The dust and pollen filter separates
impurities from the air (e.g. dust, pollen
keep up full capacity. etc.). If the air is polluted by gases the air
• If the cooling liquid gets too hot the recirculation mode should be connected.
compressor switches off when the engine
is subjected to great effort, to guarantee
• The dust and pollen filter elements*
should be changed in accordance with
perfect engine cooling. the Maintenance and Inspection Plan, to
• At low outside temperatures (less than prevent a loss in the air conditioning
+5°C) the refrigeration group (compres- capacity.
sor) is automatically switched off, and
may not even be switched on manually
• If you think the air conditioning
may be damaged, switch it off and
(with D key). have it checked immediately at a
• When the compressor is on the inside Technical Service Centre.
temperature and humidity of the car is Only then should you switch it on
reduced. This stops the windows from again.
steaming up.
• All repairs of SEAT air conditioning
modules require specialised informa-
tion and tools.
So make sure you get in touch with
your local Technical Service Centre if
anything goes wrong.
Climatronic *
1 1 1
2 2
3 4 4 3
- + - +
5 5 5 5 5 5
Warning Vents
The vents are adjusted automatically or
• For road safety it is important manually, depending on the operating
that all windows are free of ice,
snow and mist. Only then can system chosen.
clear vision be guaranteed. The diagram shows the vents around the
You should therefore familiarise instrument panel.
yourself with the correct operation Normal, hot and cold air comes out of the
of the heating and ventilation sys - vents.
tem as well as removing damp - Vents 3 and 4 may be opened or closed
ness and frost from the windows. independently by means of the knurled
• The highest possible level of wheels on either side.
heating and quick defrosting of They can be directed horizontally or verti-
the windows can only be achieved cally.
when the engine has achieved its
operating temperature.
- + - +
General notes
• Best results are obtained from the
• When the outside temperature is low the Climatronic with the windows and sun
fan will not switch itself on until the coolant roof* closed.
has reached the right temperature, unless However if the inside of the car is over-
the fan is manually switched on . heated, e.g. because it has been in the
• The air inlet in front of the windscreen sun, the cooling process can be speeded
should be kept free of ice, snow and dead up by briefly opening the windows.
leaves to avoid hindrance to the heating
or cooling systems.
• When it is very hot or humid outside,
water may condense on the evaporator
• In automatic gear box versions, the and drip down to form a puddle under the
kick-down mechanism briefly switches off car. This is perfectly normal and does not
the air conditioning compressor when mean there is a leak.
moving down a gear, so the engine can
keep up full capacity.
• The dust and pollen filter separates
impurities from the air (e.g. dust, pollen
• If the coolant overheats the compressor etc.). If the air is polluted by gases the air
switches itself off when the engine is recirculation mode should be connected.
under a great effort, to guarantee perfect
engine cooling.
• The dust and pollen filter elements
should be changed in accordance with
• At low outside temperatures (below the Maintenance and Inspection Plan, to
+5 °C) the refrigeration group (compres- prevent a loss in the air conditioning
sor) is automatically switched off, and capacity.
cannot be switched on manually .
• If you think the Climatronic system
may be damaged, switch it off and have
• With the compressor on both the inside it checked immediately at a Technical
temperature and humidity of the car are
reduced. This stops the windows from Service Centre.
steaming up. Only then should you switch it on
• All repairs of SEAT Climatronic mod-
ules require specialised information
and tools.
So make sure you get in touch with
your local Technical Service Centre if
anything goes wrong.
Operating faults
• If the cooling system does not work, it
may be due to one of the following:
– temperature is below +5 °C.
– the cooling system compressor has
switched itself off temporarily due to the
coolant temperature being too high.
– the fuses have blown.
Check the fuse and, if necessary,
replace it. If the fuse was not the cause,
have the Climatronic checked.
• If the cooling output drops, have the sys-
tem checked.
1 3 5
2 4
TO8-028 B8L-009
R – Reverse gear
The reverse gear should only be engaged
EPC when the vehicle is stationary and with
3 the engine idling. Before engaging the
! 2 position “RR” from the positions “P
P” or “N
the brake pedal must be depressed and
the lock button in the selector lever han-
dle must also be pressed.
The reversing lights come on when the
R” position with
selector lever is in the “R
the ignition switched on.
N – Neutral (idling position)
Selector lever positions To move the lever out of neutral when sta-
tionary or at speeds below 5 km/h and
In the combi-instrument there is a display with ignition switched on depress the
that shows the selector lever position cur- brake pedal and press the lock button in
rently selected. the selector lever handle.
Warning D – Normal driving position
Never shift selector lever to posi - The four forward gears are shifted up and
tion “R” or “P” whilst the vehicle is down automatically depending upon
in motion. The gears could be dam - engine load and road speed.
aged – risk of accident! Under certain driving conditions it is
advantageous to engage one of the fol-
P – Parking lock lowing described selector lever positions.
The driving wheels are locked mechani- 3 – Position for “hilly” regions
The 1st , 2nd and 3rd gears are shifted up
The parking lock may only be engaged and down automatically depending upon
when the vehicle is stationary. Before engine load, road speed and selected
P” posi-
moving the lever in or out of the “P programme (E E or S). The 4th gear is not
tion the lock button in the selector lever engaged. This increases the engine brak-
handle must be pressed. Before moving ing effect when the accelerator pedal is
the selector lever out of the “PP” position released.
with the ignition switched on, the brake
pedal must also be depressed. This selector position is recommended in
situations where the gearbox alternates
frequently between 3rd and 4th gears in
D” position.
the “D
When the vehicle is stationary and
a gear is engaged, the throttle Warning
must not be opened inadvertently
on any account (for instance by To prevent the vehicle from rolling
hand from the engine compart - away i n a d v e r t e n t l y , y o u s h o u l d
ment). Otherwise the vehicle will always apply the handbrake firmly
move immediately – even if the when the vehicle has come to the
hand brake has been fully applied. complete stop. Also place the gear
selector lever in position “P”.
Before working on the vehicle with
the engine running, apply the On a gradient the handbrake should be
handbrake and put the selector applied firmly first and then the parking
lever in “P”. lock engaged. This will ensure that the
locking mechanism is not too heavily
Moving off loaded and makes the lock easier to dis-
R, D, 3, 2, 1). Wait
Select driving range (R engage.
until the gearbox has shifted and the Tow starting
power flow is made to the driving
wheels (light selection jerk perceptible). Vehicles with an automatic gearbox can-
Then one can accelerate. not be started by towing or pushing the
vehicle. See "Tow start/towing" chapter.
Stopping When the battery is flat, the engine can
When the vehicle is stopped for a short be started from the battery of another
period, for example at traffic lights, it is vehicle by using jumper cables. See
only necessary to apply the brakes. It is “Emergency starting”.
not necessary to move selector lever to
N”. The engine should however only be
“N Towing
running at idling speed. If a vehicle must be towed instructions in
the "Tow start/towing" chapter must be
followed strictly.
Emergency program
In case of an electronic failure of the gear-
box, emergency programs are activated
depending on the type of failure.
• The gear box continues to shift auto-
matically, but strong jerking is noticeable.
Consult a Technical Service Centre.
• The gear box no longer shifts automati-
In this case, you can shift manually. Only
the 3rd gear is available in the positions
"DD", "3
3" and "2
2" of the selector lever.
In the positions "11" and "RR" of the selec-
tor lever, the 1st gear and reverse gear,
respectively, are available as customary.
It may happen that the gear oil is over-
heated when the torque converter has to
work harder, especially if 2nd gear is
In such cases, go to a Technical Service
Centre as soon as possible.
• To prevent the vehicle from
rolling away inadvertently, you
should always apply the hand -
brake firmly after the vehicle has
come to a complete stop.
You should also put the car into
gear (manual gearbox) or the gear
selector lever in position “P”
(automatic gearbox).
TO8-029 • Please note that the handbrake
must be released completely after
To apply the handbrake pull lever up application. If the handbrake is
firmly. On hills the 1st gear or with auto- only partly released it could lead
matic gearbox the parking lock should to overheating of the brakes and
also be engaged. The handbrake should thus negatively affect the function
always be applied so firmly that it is not of the brake system. This could
possible to drive inadvertently with the also lead to premature rear brake
handbrake on. lining wear.
When handbrake is applied with the igni-
tion on, the brake warning lamp comes
To release handbrake, pull lever up
slightly, press locking knob (arrow) in and
push lever right down.
2.96 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––DRIVING
Ignition lock
For all vehicles:
Position 1:
To lock the steering wheel withdraw the
1 key and turn the wheel until you hear the
pin engage.
2 In vehicles with automatic gearbox the
key can only be turned to position 1 and
withdrawn when the selector lever is in
3 P” position.
the “P
On vehicles with manual gearbox,
never remove the key from the
Electronic engine block steering lock while the vehicle is
When switching ignition on vehicle and moving. Otherwise the steering
key automatically compare data. This is wheel may lock unexpectedly.
displayed by a pilot light in the dash-
board. See “Warning lamps” chapter.
Position 2:
If the wrong (i.e. false) key is used, the car
If the key is difficult to turn in the lock,
will not start and the immobiliser pilot
move the steering wheel until the key
light will come on.
turns freely.
Petrol engines Position 3:
1 – Ignition and engine switched off: Before the starter can be operated a sec-
Steering can be locked. ond time the key must be turned back to
position 1. This prevents the starter motor
2 – Ignition on from engaging while the engine is run-
3 – Starting engine ning, as this could damage the starter.
• Valid for all engines: • Valid for all versions with catalytic
When the engine has been subjected converter*:
to a heavy engine load for a long ti - Do not switch off the ignition while
me, the engine must not be switched the vehicle is in motion with a gear
off abruptly. Let it idle for about engaged; otherwise unburned fuel
2 minutes to avoid overheating. may go into the converter, where it
would burn and cause overheating,
Warning which would damage the converter.
After the engine has been stopped
the fan can continue running for a
while (up to about 10 minutes) with
the ignition switched off. It can also
start to run again suddenly after a
short time if
– the coolant temperature increases
due to heat build-up
– when the engine is hot and the
engine compartment is heated
additionally by strong sunlight.
Special care must therefore be
taken when working in the engine
Storing speed
If no speed was saved before the system
was temporarily switched off or if the
stored speed was deleted, a new speed
can be stored in the following manner:
• Move switch A fully to the left and hold
until the desired speed has been reached.
The speed is stored when the switch is
B8L-068 • Press button B briefly. The current
speed is stored
Vehicles with automatic gear box: Switching the system off
The system is temporarily switched off completely
when the brake or clutch pedals are used
or when the switch A is moved to OFF (not Vehicles with a manual gear box:
engaged). The system is completely switched off
The speed stored at this time will remain when switch A is moved entirely to the
in the memory. right (OFF engaged) or when the vehicle is
stopped and the ignition is switched off.
To resume the previously stored speed
push switch A fully to the left after the Vehicles with automatic gear box:
brake or clutch pedals are released. The system is completely switched off
by selecting one of the following posi-
tions by moving the selector lever:
The programmed speed must only
be resumed if it complies with the • to positions P, N, R or 1.
speed regulations of that moment. or
by switching the ignition off when the
Furthermore, the system will be switched vehicle is stationary.
off temporarily if the selector lever is
moved to positions N or 1.
The speed stored in the memory at this
time will be deleted.
TO8-016 CON-009
Unlocking the tank flap The filler neck is in the rear right-side
To unlock the tank flap press the button. panel.
The unlock function only functions if the You can reach the lockable cap after hav-
ignition is switched off. ing opened the tank flap (see illustration).
The tank holds about 55 liters. In four-
wheel drive vehicles it holds 62 liters.
Any fuel spillage should be wiped off the
paint finish immediately, as the paint
could otherwise be damaged, especially if
it is RME (“biodiesel”) fuel.
On vehicles with a catalytic converter,
never drive until the fuel tank is com -
pletely empty. The irregular fuel sup -
ply can cause misfiring. This allows
unburnt fuel into the exhaust system,
which can cause overheating and
damage to the catalyst.
In the chapter “Technical Data” and on Petrol additives
the inside of the tank flap you will find The quality of the fuel has a decisive influ-
information on the correct octane rating ence upon the running behavior, perfor-
for your engine. mance and service life of the engine. The
General notes additives which are mixed into the petrol
are of particular significance. It is there-
• Unleaded petrol must comply with fore advisable only to use good quality
DIN EN 1) 228 and leaded petrol with petrol containing additives.
DIN 51 600.
• If, in an emergency, the octane rating of
the available petrol is lower than that
required by the engine, only drive with
medium engine speeds and low engine
loading. High engine loading with full
throttle or high revs can cause engine
damage. Fill tank with petrol of the cor-
rect octane rating as soon as possible.
• Fuel with a higher octane rating than
that required by the engine can be used
without limitation. There are, however, no
advantages regarding output and con-
1) European Standard.
Diesel fuel must correspond to DIN EN1) 590.
• Exhaust gas contains less
CZ 2) no lower than 49. – carbon monoxide
RME fuel (“diester”) – hydrocarbons
According to norm DIN 51 6063). – particles (i.e. soot)
Vehicles with diesel engines can also run than with conventional diesel fuel.
on RME fuel (Rapeseed Methyl Ester). All emission values are lower than legal
Ask a Technical Service Centre or automo- requirements.
bile club where biodiesel is available. • RME fuel is biodegradable.
See chapter "Filling the tank". • Performance may be slightly lower.
Properties of RME • Fuel consumption may be slightly
• RME is chemically produced from veg-
etable oil (predominantly rapeseed oil) in • RME can be used in temperatures down
a process whereby the oil is mixed with to approximately –10 °C.
methanol and converted, via a catalyst,
into RME.
• Diesel must be added at ambient tem-
peratures of less than –10 °C to prevent
• RME is almost totally sulfur free. The deterioration of the biodiesel due to low
combustion of RME thus emits practically temperatures. The mixing ratio of diesel
no sulfur dioxide (SO2). to biodiesel must be approximately
If the RME ratio exceeds 50%, too
much smoke may be formed.
1) European Standard.
• During the summer months, RME may
be mixed with diesel at any ratio.
2) Cetan-Zahl (Cetane Number). Measure of
diesel fuel ignitability.
3) DIN preliminary Standard.
General notes What can have a negative effect on
• Brake lining wear depends to a large the brakes?
extent on the operating conditions and Wet or gritted road surface
style of driving. On vehicles which are
used mainly in town traffic and stop/start Warning
conditions or are driven hard it may be
necessary to have the thickness of the • Under certain conditions e.g.
after driving through water, heavy
brake linings checked by a Technical rain falls or after the vehicle has
Service Centre in between the intervals been washed, the brakes could
given in the Inspection and Service set in later than normal due to
Schedule. damp, or in winter – frozen, brake
• Change down in good time when dri- discs and linings – the brakes
ving downhill, in order to make use of the must first be dried through careful
engine braking effect. This relieves strain braking.
on the brake system. When the brakes are
applied do not keep them on continu- • Full braking power might also
set in later than normal even when
ously, apply and release alternately. driving on gritted roads if you
have not braked for some time –
the layer of salt on the brake disks
and brake linings must first be
worn down whilst braking.
Four-wheel drive *
The concept of four-wheel drives Other important notes
The four-wheel drive vehicles are fitted Winter tyres
with a completely automatic drive on all
four wheels. With the four wheel drive, the vehicle’s
drive is good in the winter, even with ser-
It automatically distributes the drive ial tyres. However, we recommend the use
power and adapts perfectly to the driving of winter tyres or all-weather tyres on all
style and specific surface conditions. four wheels to further improve driving
and braking.
The driving style always needs to Snow chains
be adjusted to suit the road sur - Snow chains should be used on four-
face and traffic conditions. Increased wheel drives, particularly when it is
safety should not encourage one mandatory. More details on the use of
to take unnecessary risks. snow chains are indicated in the
The braking capacity is limited by "Wheels" chapter.
the adherence of the wheels and Rims/tyre change
does not differ from a regular vehi -
cle with a two-wheel drive. For four-wheel drive versions, all four
wheels must have the same tread sur -
For this reason, even though on face.
slippery surface the acceleration
is good, it should never induce For further information, see page
one to drive at excessive speeds. 3.63.
On humid surfaces keep in mind
that the front wheels can also suf -
fer from aquaplaning if the speed
is excessive. As opposed to vehi -
cles with front wheel drive, the
beginning of aquaplaning is not
announced by a sudden increase
in engine revolutions. We recom -
mend not to drive at excessive
speeds and always adjust to the
road conditions.
Power steering *
Do not keep the steering wheel fully
turned more than 15 seconds when the
engine is switched on, as the hydraulic oil
will be heated to a high temperature by
the servo pump.
This could damage the power steer -
ing system.
Furthermore every time you turn the steer-
ing wheel as far as it will go with the
engine off, you will hear a series of noises
made by the excessive effort of the servo
pump. The engine tick over may also be
reduced for a short time.
Suggestion 4
❀ Decrease idling
Suggestion 7
❀ Avoid short drives winter tyres. They make more noise and
increase fuel consumption by 10 percent.
The engine and the catalytic converter Change to summer tyres on time.
must reach its optimum functioning tem- Suggestion 8
perature in order to effectively reduce
consumption and toxic gas emissions.
The fuel consumption of a cold engine of
❀ Avoid unnecessary weight
a normal vehicle right after the start is Apart from driving habits and periodic
about 30-40 liters per 100 km. After revisions of your vehicle, there are other
about one kilometer the consumption ways to reduce fuel consumption:
decreases to 20 liters. After about four Avoid unnecessary weight
kilometers the engine has warmed up and
Every kilogram increases fuel consump-
the consumption is normal. For this rea-
tion. For this reason, it is worth checking
son, it is important to avoid short drives
your boot to avoid unnecessary weight.
and heating the vehicle’s engine when
the vehicle is not moving. Drive on Frequently, the roof rack will stay on the
quickly! roof even though it is no longer needed.
Due to greater air resistance, an unloaded
The ambient temperature also counts. The
roof rack at a speed of 100-120 km/h
illustration shows the difference in con-
increases the consumption by approx.
sumption (l/100km) for the same dis-
tance (km) at +20°C and –10°C. Your vehi-
cle’s consumption is higher in the
summer than in the winter.
Suggestion 9 Suggestion 10
❀ Save electricity
❀ Written check-up
The alternator generates electricity while If you wish to reduce fuel consumption
driving. The more electricity is used, the keep a trip book. It is not much work and
higher the fuel consumption. is worth while since it allows you to detect
The heated rear window, extra lights, the possible consumption variations (positive
heater fan and air conditioning* use a or negative) on time and intervene, if nec-
large amount of energy. The heated rear essary. If you detect an increase in con-
window creates a consumption of approx. sumption you should examine the driving
one liter for every 10 hours. conditions since the last filling.
For this reason, disconnect electrical con-
sumers as soon as they are no longer
needed. The alternator generates electric-
ity when the engine is running.
Trailer towing
The vehicle is intended mainly for the
transportation of persons and luggage.
However, it can also be used to tow a
trailer if it is fitted with the appropriate
technical equipment and the maximum
payloads are not exceeded (see chapter
“Technical Data”). G
Towing a trailer not only demands more
from the car, but from the driver too.
You should therefore strictly adhere to the
service and running-in instructions on the
following pages.
Technical requirements
• The vehicle is supplied with a factory-
fitted towing bracket and all that is tech-
nically and legally necessary for trailer
F LEO-028
A = 4 Attachment points
B = 65 mm
C = 420 (empty vehicle) /
350 mm (vehicle with max. load)
D = 340 mm
E = 552 mm
F = 845 mm
G = 1014 mm
All measurements are expressed in mm.
Operations instructions
• When using a trailer on mountain
• The removable ball coupling of the tow- routes you must bear in mind that the tow
ing bracket* may be stored in the tool box loads given in the “Technical data” chap-
located inside the spare wheel recess. ter are only applicable for slopes of 10%
• Additional mirrors are required if the to 12%. If you do not use the full tow load
traffic behind the trailer is not visible with you may drive up steeper slopes.
the exterior mirrors fitted as standard. • The given trailer weights are only applic-
Both exterior mirrors must be attached to able for altitudes up to 1000 m above sea
brackets in such a way that a sufficient level. As the engine output drops due to
field of vision to the rear is guaranteed at the decreasing air density, the climbing
all times. ability must also be reduced by 10% for
• The permitted trailer weight must not each further 1000 m.
be exceeded under any circumstances. • Where possible make full use of the
See chapter “Technical Data”. maximum permissible drawbar weight on
the ball of the towing bracket but do not
exceed it. See chapter “Technical Data”.
• While observing the permissible trailer
and drawbar weight, distribute the load in
the trailer so that heavy objects are as
near as possible to the axle. The objects
must also be secured so that they cannot
slip about.
• The tyre pressures on the towing vehi- • For safety reasons one should not
cle must be adjusted for full load condi- drive faster than 80 km/h (50 mph).
tions, and also check the pressures on the This also applies in countries where
trailer. higher speeds are permitted.
• The headlight settings, should be • Always brake in good time. If the trailer
checked with trailer attached before mov- has an overrun brake, apply the brakes
ing off and adjusted as necessary. gently at first then firmly. This will avoid
On vehicles with headlight beam control it the jerking caused by the trailer wheels
is only necessary to turn the knurled disc locking.
on the dash board in the appropriate Change down before going down a steep
direction. hill so that the engine can act as a brake.
Driving tips • When a long climb in a low gear with
extremely high engine revs must be nego-
To obtain the best possible handling of tiated at exceptionally high ambient tem-
vehicle and trailer, the following should peratures the coolant temperature gauge
be noted: must be observed. When the gauge nee-
• Try to avoid driving with an unladen dle moves to the right end of the scale,
vehicle and a loaded trailer. If this cannot the road speed must be reduced immedi-
be avoided, only drive slowly to allow for ately.
the unfavourable weight distribution.
• The cooling effect of the radiator fan
• As driving stability of vehicle and trailer cannot be increased by changing down,
decreases when the speed increases do because the speed of the fan is not
not drive at the maximum permissible top dependent on the engine speed. One
speed in unfavourable road, weather or should therefore not change down even
wind conditions – particularly when going when towing a trailer as long as the
downhill. engine can cope without the vehicle
In any case the speed must be reduced as speed dropping too much.
soon as the trailer shows the slightest
sign of snaking. On no account try to stop
the snaking by accelerating.
Driving abroad
General notes If the vehicle is to be taken abroad, the
following must also be borne in mind:
• During the running in period you
should avoid towing a trailer if possi - • If the vehicle has a petrol engine and
ble. catalytic converter, one must ensure that
unleaded petrol will be available during
• It is advisable to have the vehicle the journey – see page 3.4. The automo-
serviced between the Inspection
intervals if it is used frequently for bile clubs offer information about the
towing a trailer. unleaded filling station network.
• The trailer and drawbar load figures on • In some countries it is possible that a
the data plate of the towing bracket are vehicle model is sold under conditions
for test certification only. The correct fig- where some spare parts are not available
ures for the vehicle, which may be lower or that the Technical Services may only
than the above figures, are given in the carry out limited repairs.
vehicle documents and in this manual. SEAT importers and distributors will
gladly provide information about the tech-
• When using the towing device the car’s nical preparation of your vehicle in addi-
empty weight is reduced, and as a result
its effective load is decreased. tion to necessary maintenance and repair
• Observe all statutory requirements The addresses are given in the SEAT
regarding the use of a trailer.
International Assistance Guide which
comes with the car documentation.
Headlight covering
When the vehicle is used in a country
which drives on the opposite side of the
road to the home country, the asymmetric When you drive on the opposite
dipped headlights will dazzle oncoming side of the road to your own coun -
traffic. try, and with your headlights
masked, bear in mind that visibil -
To prevent this, the areas of the headlight
ity is reduced, and you will have to
lenses shown in the illustration must be
adapt your driving and speed
covered up with an opaque adhesive
accordingly for safety reasons.
When using a sharp object (for example a
razor blade) to cut the tape, do not do this
directly on the headlights as you may
scratch them.
7 cm
5 cm 5 cm
10,5 cm 11 cm
TO8-031 TO8-032
On the right headlamp, if you change On the left headlamp, if you change
from driving on the right hand side to from driving on the right hand side to
driving on the left hand side of the driving on the left hand side of the
road. road.
7 cm 7,5 cm
5 cm 5 cm
3,5 cm 11 cm
TO8-033 TO8-034
On the right headlamp, if you change On the left headlamp, if you change
from driving on the left hand side to from driving on the left hand side to
driving on the right hand side of the driving on the right hand side of the
road. road.
Notes Note
• Before going through the car wash, • The vehicle should not be washed in
apart from the usual precautions (closing strong sunshine.
windows and sliding roof).
• If the vehicle is rinsed with a hose, do
You do not need to remove the Original not direct the jet of water at the lock cylin-
roof aerial. ders and the door/boot lid/tailgate shut
lines – they can freeze up in the winter.
• If there are special fittings on the vehi-
cle – e.g. spoilers, roof rack, two-way Washing vehicle with high
radio aerial – it is best to speak to the car
pressure cleaner
wash operator.
Washing the vehicle by hand
• The operating instructions for the high
pressure cleaner must be followed closely
– particularly with regard to pressure and
❀ In the interests of environmental
protection the vehicle should working distance.
only be washed in specially provided
wash bays. In some districts, wash -
• Do not use a concentrated jet.
ing cars elsewhere may even be for - • The water temperature must not be
above 60°C.
First soften the dirt with plenty of water Warning
and rinse off as well as possible. Then Tyres must never be cleaned with
clean the car with a soft sponge, glove a concentrated jet! Even at a rela -
or brush starting on the roof and going tively large working distance and a
from top to bottom using only slight very short spraying time, damage
pressure especially when cleaning the can occur.
headlight area. Paint shampoo, prefer-
ably with a neutral pH, should only be
used for very persistent dirt. Rinse the Conservation
sponge or glove out thoroughly at short Regular application of protection prod-
intervals. ucts protects the vehicle paintwork to a
Wheels and sill panels should be cleaned large extent against the environmental
last, using a different sponge if possible. influences listed under “Washing” on the
previous page and even against light
After cleaning the vehicle, rinse thor- mechanical damage.
oughly with water and leather it off.
At the latest when water on the clean
paint does not form small drops and roll
off, the vehicle should be protected by
applying a coat of good hard wax. Even
when a wax solution is used regularly in
the washing water it is advisable to pro-
tect the paint with a coat of hard wax at
least twice a year.
Engine bonnet
B8L-035 LEO-029
Unlocking Closing
Pull the lever on the left side panel, under Hold the bonnet on the side where the
the instrument panel. The bonnet springs gas filled rod is fitted. Press the bonnet
up out of its lock. down until the gas filled rod gives way
At the same time, a release lever will and then engages. Do not press down if
appear in the radiator grille. See illustra- it does not close properly. Open
tion on the right. again and press as before.
Note Warning
Before opening the bonnet ensure that • For safety reasons, the bonnet
the wiper arms are not lifted off the wind- must always be properly closed
screen. Otherwise, damage can occur to when the vehicle is moving.
the paintwork. Always check whether the lock is
engaged by pulling up. Further -
Opening more, the bonnet must be flush
Lift bonnet slightly and pull the release with the adjacent body panels.
grip in the direction of the arrow (see
illustration to the right) to release the • If you should notice that the lock
is not engaged, stop the vehicle
catch. Let go of the release grip so it immediately and close the bonnet.
can return to its original position.
Once the bonnet is open do not
touch the release grip (located
next to the radiator grille) nor other
elements of the lock. Otherwise
when closing damage could occur
to the locking system and the bon -
net may open while driving.
Danger of accident!
Engine compartment
Particular care should be taken
• If tests have to be carried out
with the engine running, there is
when working in the engine com - an additional danger present from
partment! rotating parts – e.g. V-belts, gen -
• Switch off engine, remove igni - erator, radiator fan etc. – and from
tion key. the high voltage ignition system.
• Pull handbrake on firmly. • If work on the fuel or electrical
system is necessary:
• Move gear lever into neutral or, – Disconnect the battery from the
in automatic gearboxes, in “P”
position. vehicle electrics
• Allow engine to cool off. – Do not smoke
• As long as the engine is at oper - – Never work near naked flames
ating temperature: – Always keep a fire extinguisher
– Do not put your hand into the in the vicinity.
radiator fan, it could switch on
• Attention must be paid to the
warnings given in this Manual and
– Do not open the radiator cap to the generally applicable safety
because the cooling system is regulations.
under pressure.
When topping up fluids do not con -
• Never spill any liquids over the fuse them with each other under any
hot engine. These liquids could
ignite. circumstances, otherwise serious
functional defects may occur.
• Avoid causing short circuits in
the electrical system – particularly
at the battery. ❀ The ground underneath the vehi -
cle should be checked regularly.
If spots caused by oil or other fluids
can be seen, the vehicle should be
taken to a Technical Service Centre
for checking.
1 2 3 4 5 6
81 kW diesel engines
1 – Windscreen washer container .....3.51
2 – Coolant expansion tank..............3.42
3 – Engine oil dipstick .....................3.40
4 – Engine oil filler opening .............3.40
5 – Brake fluid reservoir...................3.45
6 – Vehicle battery ...........................3.46
The layout of the components may vary
depending on the engine.
Please take notice of the warning
notes on the previous page.
Engine oil
The engine comes with a special, high
quality, multi grade oil that can be used in
all seasons of the year except for those
regions affected by extreme cold.
As the use of high quality oil is essential
for the correct operation of the engine
and its long useful life, when topping up
or replacement is necessary use only
those oils that conform to the require-
ments of the VW standards.
If it is not possible to find oil conforming
to the VW standards then oil conforming
to the ACEA or API standards with an Oil properties
appropriate viscosity at atmospheric tem- Viscosity
perature should be used instead. The use
of this type of oil may have some reper- The viscosity class is selected according
cussions on the performance of the to the diagram above. If atmospheric tem-
engine for example, long starting time, perature falls outside of the described
increased consumption and a higher limits for only a short period then an oil
emission level. change is not necessary.
If a top up is required then different oils
may be mixed as long as they all conform
to the VW standards.
The specifications (VW standards) set out
in the following page should appear on
the container of the service oil; the con-
tainer will display together the different
standards for petrol and diesel engines,
the oil can be used for both types of
Petrol engine
Denomination Specification Comments
A – synthetic oil VW 502 00 VW 500 00 Dated after 1-97
B – mineral oil VW 501 01 Dated after 1-97
A/B – multi-grade oil ACEA A2 or A3 or even Dated after 1-97
Diesel engine
Denomination Specification Comments
A – synthetic oil VW 505 011) Dated after 1-97
B – mineral oil VW 505 00 Dated after 1-97
A/B – multi-grade oil ACEA B2 or B3 or even Dated after 1-97
Cooling system
The cooling system is filled at the factory Other additives c a n b e v e r y d e t r i m e n -
with a permanent coolant which is not tal to the anti-corrosion effect in par -
changed. ticular.
The coolant consists of water and a 40% The subsequent corrosion damage
concentration of our coolant additive can lead to coolant loss resulting in
G12+ (glycol-based anti-freeze with anti- major engine damage.
corrosion additives). This mixture not only
gives the necessary frost protection down Note
to –25 °C but also protects the alloy parts • Only our G12+ (purple colour) should
in the cooling system against corrosion. be used as an antifreeze additive.
In addition it prevents scaling and signifi- Observe the notice on the container.
cantly raises the boiling point of the The cooling liquid may be purchased
coolant. in Technical Services.
The concentration of the coolant therefore • The antifreeze additive G12+ can be
must not be reduced in the summer or in mixed with other additives (G11 and
warm countries, by topping up with plain G12).
water. The coolant additive proportion • The additive G12 (red colour)
must be at least 40%. should never be mixed with G11.
If greater protection against frost is
required, the proportion of G12+ additive
can be increased, but only up to 60%
(frost protection to approx. –40 °C), oth-
erwise the anti-freeze protection is
reduced and furthermore the cooling
effect is impaired.
Vehicles for export to cold countries (e.g.
Sweden, Norway, Finland) usually have
frost protection down to –35 °C (50%
G12+) approximately.
Coolant losses
Coolant loss normally indicates leaks in
the system. In this case the cooling sys-
tem should be checked by a Technical
Service Centre without delay. It is not suf-
ficient merely to add coolant.
In a sealed system losses can only occur if
the boiling point of the coolant is
exceeded as a result of overheating, and
coolant is forced out of the system.
Radiator fan
If a lot of coolant has been lost, only add The radiator fan is driven electrically and
cold coolant after the engine has cooled controlled by a thermoswitch from the
down. This will prevent engine damage. coolant temperature (also from the
Do not fill above the max mark. engine compartment temperature on
some models).
The excess coolant will be forced out
through the pressure relief valve in the Warning
cap when engine becomes hot.
After the engine has been stopped
Screw cap on again tightly. the fan can continue running for a
while – even with the engine
Warning switched off (up to about 10 min -
The coolant additive and the utes). It can also start to run again
coolant are a danger to health. The suddenly after a short time if
additive must therefore only be – the coolant temperature increa -
stored in the original container ses due to heat build up
well out of reach of children. If the
coolant has to be drained at any – when the engine is hot and the
time it must be caught and also engine compartment is heated
stored in a safe place. additionally by strong sunlight.
Special care must therefore be
taken when working in the engine
❀ Drained coolant should not nor -
mally be reused, it must be dis -
posed of, bearing in mind environ -
Brake fluid
Renewing the brake fluid
Brake fluid absorbs moisture. In the
course of time it takes in water from the
atmosphere. Too high a content of water
in the brake fluid system can cause corro-
sion damage. Furthermore the boiling
point of the brake fluid is reduced consid-
erably. For this reason the brake fluid
must be renewed every two years.
B8L-073 When the brake fluid becomes too
old, vapour bubbles can form in
The brake fluid reservoir is on the left the brake system when the brakes
hand side of the engine compartment. are used vigorously. The efficiency
of the brakes and thus the vehicle
On vehicles with ABS* the reservoir is in safety are seriously reduced.
the same place but its design is different.
Note Only our genuine brake fluid should be
used (specification according to US FM
On vehicles with right-hand drive the
VSS 116 DOT 4 Standard). The fluid must
reservoir is on the other side of the
be new.
engine compartment.
Checking fluid level Warning
The fluid level must always be between Brake fluid is poisonous! It must
the “MMAX” and “M MIN” marks to ensure therefore only be stored in the
perfect operation. closed original container out of
reach of children.
The level of fluid tends to sink slightly
when the vehicle is used due to the auto-
Remember also that brake fluid will
matic adjustment of brake linings. This is
attack the paintwork.
quite normal.
If the level were to drop rapidly or below
the minimum mark MIN the brake system
❀ Because of the disposal prob -
lems, the special tools necessary
and the specialist knowledge
may be leaking. The corresponding pilot
required, brake fluid should prefer -
light lights up if the level is too low (see
ably be changed at a Technical
“Warning lamps” chapter). G o t o a
Technical Service Centre immediately
Service Centre.
and have the brake system checked. It is advisable to have the fluid change
done during an Inspection Service.
Warning notes Keep acid and battery out of
Wear eye protection. Do not the reach of children.
allow particles containing
acid or lead to come into • Disconnect positive terminal of
contact with the eyes, skin battery before doing any work on
or clothes. the electrical system. When
changing bulbs it is sufficient to
Battery acid is highly caus - switch off lamp.
tic. Always wear protective
gloves and glasses. Do not • When disconnecting the battery
tip battery – acid can spill from the vehicle electrical system
out of the vents. Should acid come first disconnect the negative cable
into contact with the eyes, rinse and then the positive cable.
for several minutes using clean run-
The battery must not be discon -
ning water. Seek medical assis -
nected with the engine running, as
tance immediately. Should acid
this will damage the electrical sys -
come into contact with skin or
tem (electronic components).
clothes, neutralise immediately
using an alkaline soap solution • When reconnecting the battery,
and rinse throughly. Should acid first connect the positive cable,
inadvertently be drunk, seek med - then the negative. On no acount
ical attention immediately. may the cable be interchanged.
Risk of cables burning!
Keep well clear of naked Do not disconnect the vehicle battery
flame and sparks. Do not when the ignition is on or when the
smoke. Avoid generating engine is running, as the electrical
sparks when handling system (electronic components)
cables and electrical components. could otherwise be damaged.
Avoid short circuits. Never short
battery terminals – danger of In order to protect the casing from UV
injury from high energy sparks. radiation, do not expose vehicle bat -
tery to direct sunlight.
The battery is in the engine compartment.
Start with the help of another battery. See
"Emergency starting" chapter.
Checking acid level
Take the following warnings of the Betriebsanleitung beachten!
account before starting any type of work 12V 330A 61Ah DIN
ETN 561 019 054
on the engine or the engine compart- 540A EN/SAE
The acid/electrolyte level should be
checked regularly in the following cases:
– high mileage Battery with a magic eye *
– in countries with a warm climate A round viewing window is located on the
upper side of the battery (see arrow). This
– old battery magic eye will change its color according
The battery is otherwise service-free. to the charge condition or the acid level of
The acid level should always be around the battery.
the max. mark on the longside of the bat- Air bubbles can distort the true color. You
tery. It should never be filled above the should, therefore, tap carefully on the
max. mark nor be allowed to drop below magic eye.
the min. mark. If the display in the viewing window has
It is recommended that the acid level be no color or is light yellow, the acid level in
checked and corrected by a Technical the battery is too low. Distilled water must
Service Centre. be added. We recommend that the battery
be replaced if it is older than 5 years.
It is recommended that the acid level be
checked and corrected by a Technical
Service Centre.
The colour displays of green and black are
only of use to the Technical Service Centre
since it facilitates the diagnosis of the
Windscreen washer
B8L-075 TO8-039
Spark plugs
The spark plugs are renewed during the
SEAT Inspection Service.
If the spark plugs have to be renewed
between the Inspection Services, the fol-
lowing should be noted:
• Spark plugs and ignition system are
matched to the engine and as such con-
tribute to reducing the levels of exhaust
pollutants. To avoid faulty operation,
engine damage and even the withdrawal
of the type approval due to excessive
emissions values or non-suppressed
spark plugs, only the Genuine spark plugs
for the engine concerned should be used.
Important, among other things, are the
number of electrodes, the heat value and
if necessary the radio suppression.
• The plugs may be, for technical rea-
sons, modified at short notice.
TO8-040 B1J-034
E E B11-060D
Installing filter
For greater clarity, the illustration shows
the dust and pollen filter already disman-
Push the filter into the recesses of the fil-
ter unit with the lugs D first.
Then press the filter down at the front
until the spring clips C engage on the lugs
Screw the cover on tightly and press the
rubber seal A onto the plenum chamber.
Tool housing
The tools and the spare wheel are stored
in the housing under the boot floor cover-
In order to have both hands free to lift out
the spare wheel and the on board tools,
the floor mat can be hooked to the lower
part of the rear shelf.
V e h i c l e t o o l s / jack
1 2 3 4 5 6
• The jack supplied by the factory
is only designed for your vehicle
model. On no account should
heavier vehicles or other loads be
• With the vehicle lifted, never
start the engine – danger of acci -
• If work has to be done under - IB9-086
neath the vehicle, ensure that it is
supported on suitable stands. Vehicles may also have:
1 – Screwdriver with box spanner in han-
dle for the wheel bolts. The screw-
driver blade is reversible.
2 – Open jaw spanner 10 x 13
3 – Jack
Before the jack is placed back into the
tool box, the claw must be fully
wound back. The crank is then ten-
sioned against the side of the jack.
4 – Wire hook* for wheel trims
5 – Wheel bolt spanner
6 – Front towing ring
Never use the box spanner in the handle
of the screwdriver to loosen or tighten
wheel bolts.
B1J-054D B1J-055D
General notes
• Keep grease, oil and fuel off the tyres.
• New tyres do not give maximum grip
• Replace missing dust caps as soon as
straight away and should therefore be run possible.
in at moderate speeds and a careful style
of driving for about the first 100 km. This • Mark wheels before taking them off so
will help to make the tyres last longer. that they rotate in the same direction
when put back on again.
• The tread depth of new tyres can vary • When taken off, the tyres should be
due to construction and design features,
and depending on version and manufac- stored in a cool, dry and preferably dark
tures. place.
Tyres which are not on wheels should be
• Check tyres for damage from time to stored in a vertical position.
time (cuts, splits, cracks and lumps) and
remove any foreign bodies embedded in Note for tyres where the direction of
the treads. rotation is stipulated
• To avoid damage to tyres and wheels It is imperative that the designated direc-
drive over curbs and similar obstacles tion of rotation for tyre treads (which can
very slowly and as nearly at right angles be determined from the arrow on the side
as possible. of the tyre) be kept to. The best tyre per-
formance i.e. in aquaplaning, road adhe-
Warning sion, noise and wear is then guaranteed.
Damage to wheels and tyres is not
always easy to see. Unusual vibra - Tyre life
tions or a pulling to one side could Tyre life depends to a considerable extent
indicate tyre damage. If you sus - on the following factors:
pect damage to a tyre, you should
immediately reduce speed. Check Inflation pressure
all tyres visually for damage The inflation pressures are to be found
(bulges, tears etc.). If no external inside the fuel lid.
damage can be seen, drive care - The inflation pressure is very important
fully to the nearest Technical particularly at high speeds. Therefore, the
Service Centre and have the vehi - pressures should be checked at least once
cle checked over. a month and before every long journey.
Renewing wheels/tyres
Wheels and tyres are important design
features. The wheels and tyres approved
by us should be used. They are specially
matched to the model concerned and con-
tribute largely to the excellent roadhold-
ing and safe driving characteristics.
The Technical Services hold up to
date information regarding the stan -
dard tyres fitted by the manufacturer.
Also: Many Technical Services pos -
B1H-085 sess a large range of tyres and rims.
Wear indicators
• Fitting and repairing tyres requires
expert knowledge and special tools. This
At the bottom of the tread of the original work may only be carried out by specialist
tyres there are 1.6 mm high “wear indica- personnel.
tors” running across the tread – see fig.
There are 6-8 of these indicators – accord-
ing to make – evenly spaced around the
❀ Because of the problem of
disposing of the old tyres, the
special tools necessary and the
tyre circumference. Marks on the walls of specialist knowledge required, tyre
the tyre (for example the letters “TWI” or changing should preferably be done
triangles) show the locations of the wear by a Technical Service Centre.
• For safety reasons the tyres should be
Warning renewed in pairs and not singly. The tyres
with the deepest tread should always be
• The tyres must be renewed when on the front wheels.
they are worn down to the wear
• Worn tyres are detrimental to
roadholding particularly at high
speeds on wet roads. Furthermore,
the vehicle tends to aquaplane
When tread depth is down to 1.6 mm
measured in the tread groove next to the
wear indicator bar – the official permissi-
ble minimum tread depth has been
reached (in export countries this figure
may differ).
Changing wheels
Warning • The emergency wheels of the different
versions of the vehicle have been spe-
• In case of a flat tyre or puncture, cially developed for their respective mod-
park the vehicle as far as possible
away from the traffic flow. If nec - els. So they should not be exchanged or
essary, switch hazard warning used in a different model. Nor should you
lights on and place the warning use the emergency wheel from another
triangle in position – note any model of car.
statutory requirements. • Neither normal tyres nor winter tyres
should be fitted onto this wheel.
• All vehicle occupants should leave
the vehicle and move to a safe Warning!
area (e.g. behind safety barrier).
• Apply handbrake firmly, engage a • The emergency spare* should
only be used temporarily and for a
gear or place the gear selector in short time, and it must be re -
position “P” and chock the opposite placed as soon as possible.
wheel with a stone or similar.
• When towing a trailer, the trailer • After fitting the emergency
spare, check its pressure, which
must first be disengaged from the should be 4.2 bar, as soon as pos -
towing vehicle before the wheel is sible.
• You should not drive above 80
km/h. Avoid brusque accelera -
• Carry out wheel change on as flat a tions, braking, and speeding
surface as possible.
around bends.
• Take tools and spare wheel out of lug- • You must never drive with more
gage compartment.
than one emergency spare wheel.
When using the reduced space spare For technical reasons, snow
wheel* (in four-wheel drive vehicles), chains may not be used on spare
please observe the following points: wheels.
• As the emergency spare is smaller than If you have to drive with snow
a normal wheel, the free height of the axle chains and one of the front tyres is
over the spare is lowered by about 30 punctured, put the spare wheel on
mm. Try not to use roads with bumps or the rear axle. Replace the punc -
pot holes to avoid damaging the under- tured front wheel with the rear
body. Nor should you use an automatic wheel you have removed. Put the
care wash as the underbody may touch snow chains on before fitting the
the floor. wheel.
TO8-042 B45-082C
TO8-043 B45-084C
LEO-038 LEO-039
of the ground.
• Remove wheel bolts (aafter loosening),
using box spanner in screwdriver handle
(see illustration), place them on a clean
surface (hub cap, cloth, paper) next to the
jack and remove wheel.
• Fit spare wheel, and slightly tighten all
bolts using the box spanner in the screw-
driver handle.
The w h e e l b o l t s m u s t b e c l e a n a n d
easy to turn – do not grease or oil
under any circumstances!
• Lower vehicle and fully tighten bolts in
diagonal sequence using wheel spanner.
• Fit the wheel trim again.
When fitting the wheel trim, you must first
press on the trim at the valve cut-out and
then press on around the full circumfer-
• Place defective wheel in spare wheel
bracket and secure using handwheel.
• Feed the securing strap through the
holes and use it to secure the polystyrene
retainer for the vehicle tools.
The code for the wheel bolt is engraved in
the front of the adapter.
1 2 Make a note of the code and keep it
in a safe place. Only with this code
can a replacement adapter be obtained
at a SEAT Official Service Center.
The individual current circuits are pro-
tected by fuses.
It is advisable to always carry a few spare
fuses on the vehicle.
Never, under any circumstances
“repair” the fuses or replace them
with more powerful ones, as dam -
age in another part of the electri -
cal system could occur. This could
even lead to a fire.
• Switch off the ignition and the compo-
• If the newly inserted fuse blows again nent concerned.
after a short time, the electrical system
must be checked by a Technical Service • Take the cover off.
Centre as soon as possible. To do this, place the flat blade of the
screwdriver in the recess on the cover
• Some of the components listed are only (arrow) and lever off.
found on certain models or are optional
extras. • With the aid of the list of fuses (see next
pages or the cover of the fuse box) deter-
Changing a fuse mine which fuse belongs to the compo-
The fuses are located on the left hand nent that has failed.
side of the dash panel behind a cover. • Remove the appropriate fuse.
On right-hand drive versions, the fuses • Replace blown fuse – can be recog-
are on the right hand side of the dash nised by the burnt metal strip – with a
panel behind a cover. fuse of same amperage.
• Replace the cover.
Layout of fuses
No. C o m p o n e n t A1) No. C o m p o n e n t A1)
1– Heated washer jets, 23– Side light, left ......................... 5
heated mirrors......................... 10 24– Windscreen washer system,
2– Indicators ............................... 10 pump ...................................... 20
3– Lights ..................................... 5 25– Heating, air conditioning ......... 25
4– Number plate lighting ............. 5 26– Heated rear window................. 20
5– Comfort on and off .................. 7.5 27– Rear window wiper .................. 10
6– Central locking ........................ 5 28– Fuel pump ............................... 15
7– Reverse lights ......................... 10 29– Engine control, petrol engine ... 10
8– Telephone ............................... 5 30– Sliding roof ............................. 20
9– ABS ........................................ 5 31– Automatic gear box.................. 20
10– Petrol engine control unit ........ 10 32– Injectors: petrol ....................... 10
11– Instrument panel..................... 5 Engine control, diesel .............. 15
12– Supply current, diagnosis, 33– Headlight washers................... 20
telephone ............................... 7.5 34– Engine control, diesel engine... 10
13– Brake lights ............................ 10 Engine control, petrol engine ... 10
14– Interior lighting, central locking/ 35– Trailer device connection layout... 30
electric windows...................... 10
36– Fog lights, rear fog light .......... 5
Interior light ............................ 5
37– Contact ................................... 10
15– Instrument panel,
automatic gear box.................. 5 38– Boot light, Central locking/
electric windows...................... 10
16– Magnetic clutch, electric
water pump ............................. 10 39– Hazard warning lights.............. 15
17– Free ........................................ 7.5 40– Horn........................................ 20
18– Main beam, right ..................... 10 41– Lighter .................................... 15
19– Main beam, left ....................... 10 42– Radio ...................................... 15
20– Dipped beam, right ................. 10 43– Engine control, petrol engine ... 10
21– Dipped beam, left.................... 10 Engine control, diesel engine .. 10
22– Side light, right ....................... 5 44– Heated seat ............................ 15
1) Amperes.
1) Amperes.
2) These fuses should only be changed at a
Technical Service Centre.
Changing bulbs
Before starting to replace a bulb, you Main beam bulb with fog light
must first always switch off the consumer Dipped beam ....................12V/55W (H7)
Fog light ...........................12V/55W (H3)
Do not touch the glass part of the new
bulb with bare fingers because the finger Main beam .......................12V/55W (H1)
marks left on the glass evaporate when Indicator ..................................12V/21W
the bulb becomes hot, the vapour settles Side light ...................................12V/5W
on the reflector and dims it.
Always use the same type of bulb. The Warning
designation is marked on the base of the H7 bulbs are pressured and can
bulb or on the glass. explode while being changed.
It is advisable to always a carry a box of For this reason you should always
spare bulbs in the vehicle. It should con- wear gloves and protective glasses
tain at least the following bulbs which are when changing an H7 bulb.
essential for traffic safety.
Rear light bulbs Note
Fog light ..................................12V/21W As a result of the special construction of
the engine and the subsequent space
Indicator ..................................12V/21W requirements, the following bulbs are dif-
Rear low beam/ ficult to replace.
Brake light .................12V/5 W 12V/21W
Main beam
Number plate light .....................12V/5W
Reverse light ............................12V/21W Side light
TO8-044A TO8-045
TO8-046 TO8-044B
TO8-044C TO8-044D
1 2
Side indicators
• Press the indicator to the left or to the
right and remove the bulb.
• Pull out bulb holder.
• Pull out the defective glass bulb and
insert new one.
LEO-033 LEO-034
B45-147C B1J-087D
Installing a radio
If a radio is installed or if the factory-pro-
vided radio is replaced, including speak- • The radio and loudspeakers should
therefore be fitted by a Technical Service
ers, the following must be noted: Centre, who are perfectly conversant with
• Connectors* fitted in the vehicle are for all the technical specificities of the vehi-
Original SEAT Radios1). cles, and have Original Radios1) and all
• Radios with different connectors must the necessary spares from the SEAT
be connected with adaptor cables. Original Parts Program1). Moreover, all
work is carried out according to factory
Warning standards.
Never cut a cable and never leave • The radios from1)the SEAT Original
it without insulation. If necessary Accessories program correspond to fac-
use an adaptor. tory models and guarantee a trouble-free
Otherwise the cables could be installation. These radios are fitted with
overloaded and cause a short cir - advanced technology and are easy-to-
cuit – danger of fire. use.
• It is also advisable to use speakers,
Furthermore, important electronic assembly kits, antennas and anti-parasite
components could deteriorate or be kits from the Original Accessories pro-
damaged. In case of a disturbance in gram1). These parts have been created for
the speed signal, for example, it each type of vehicle.
could cause failure in the engine con -
trol, automatic gearbox, ABS, etc. Roof antenna *
Even if the speed signal is connected The vehicle may be fitted with an extend-
to a radio fitted with an automatic able anti-theft roof antenna* which can
volume adjustment by a different be folded backwards, i.e. at a car wash.
manufacturer, a failure of the previ - To fold
ously mentioned kind could occur.
Unscrew rod, bend backwards to the hori-
To access the original speakers you must zontal position and screw in.
remove the entire door panel. Since this
operation requires special tools and To use
expertise, we recommend that this be Proceed in reverse.
undertaken by a Technical Service Centre.
Emergency starting
If the engine will not start because the
battery is flat, jump leads can be con-
nected to the battery of another vehicle to A flat battery can freeze at temper -
start the engine. The following points atures of less than 0 °C. A flat bat -
should be noted: tery must first be thawed out
before attaching the jump leads,
• Both batteries must be of the 12 Volt as it could otherwise explode.
variety and the capacity (Ah) of the
booster battery must be approximately
the same as that of the flat battery. • There must be no contact between the
vehicles, otherwise current can flow as
• The jumper cables must be heavy soon as the plus terminals are connected.
enough to carry the load. Note cable man-
ufacturer’s data. • The flat battery must be properly con-
nected to the electrical system.
• Only use jumper cables with insulated • The engine of the boosting vehicle must
be running.
• Ensure that the insulated clips have
enough contact to metal. This is particu-
larly applicable to clips which are
attached to the engine block.
Colors of jumper cables :
Positive cable: generally red.
Negative cable: generally black, brown or
Please note instructions on the fol -
lowing page.
X Warning
4. • The non-insulated parts of the
cable clips must not touch one
1. A another on any account. Further -
more the jumper cable attached to
the battery positive terminal must
not come into contact with electri -
cally conductive vehicle parts –
danger of short circuit!
B • Route the jumper cables so that
2. 3. B1H-236C
they cannot come into contact
with rotating parts in the engine
A – Flat battery
B – Boosting battery
• Do not stand with your face over
the battery – danger of acid burns!
The battery is in the engine compartment
on the left looking forward.
• Keep sources of ignition (naked
flames, burning cigarettes etc.)
The emergency starting cable must well away from the battery – dan -
be attached in the following order: ger of explosion!
Before the starting cable can be con-
nected to the (+ +) terminal on the battery • Start the engine as described in the
of the vehicle, the cover of the fuse holder “Starting engine” section.
must first be opened (see page 3.50). • If the engine does not start at once,
1. One end of (+ +) cable (usually red) to stop using starter after 10 seconds, wait
+) terminal of the flat battery A.
the (+ about half a minute and then try again.
2. Other end of the red cable to the (+ +) • With engine running, disconnect
terminal of boosting battery B. cables in reverse sequence to the
3. One end of (– –) cable (usually black) to
–) terminal of boosting battery B.
the (–
4. Other end of black cable ( X) to a solid
metal part bolted to the block or to cylin-
der block itself.
Do not connect the cable to the flat bat-
tery minus terminal. The sparks could
ignite the explosive gas flowing out of the
TO8-049 LEO-037
LEO-040 LEO-041
LEO-042 1 LEO-043
Danger of accident!
We recommend that you visit a
Technical Service Centre for the
retrofitting of a tow hook.
G A = 4 fixing points
B = 65 mm
C = 420 (empty vehicle)/
350 mm (fully loaded vehicle)
D = 340 mm
E = 552 mm
F = 845 mm
G = 1014 mm
All measurements are in mm.
B For more details see "Trailer towing" chap-
1 2
TO0-002 B1H-116C
kg D
kg E
1- kg F
2- kg G
Typ H
Data-carrying adhesive
A – Brand
B – Countersign for the official approval
C – Chassis number
D – M.A.W.1)
E – M.A.W.1) of vehicle (loaded vehicle)
F – M.A.W.1) on front axle
G – M.A.W.1) on rear axle
H – Type
I – Emissions coefficient
Engine data
Output kW (HP) after 1/min 55 (75)/5000
Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 126/3300
Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1390
Compression 10.5 ± 0.3
Fuel 95 ROZ1) Super unleaded2)
Maximum speed in km/h 170
Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 9.6
Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 14.6
Fuel consumption (l/100 km) / CO 2 (g/km)
Town driving 9.0/216 9.1/218
Intercity driving 5.4/130 5.5/132
Total 6.7/161 6.8/163
Maximum authorised weight in kg 1681
Free standing weight in driving order3) in kg 1236
(with driver)
Authorised load on front axle in kg 855
Authorised load on rear axle in kg 900
Authorised load on roof in kg 754)
Tow weights
Tow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 600 Kg
Tow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1000 Kg
Engine oil capacity
Engine oil capacity with oil filter change 3.5 l.
1) Research-O
Zahl: Measurement of the anti-explosive power of petrol.
2) If the described fuel is not available then fuel conforming to the standard 91 ROZ1) lead free may be
used. For more information, see the chapter about fuel.
3) Vehicles with basic equipment.
4) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).
Engine data
Output kW (HP) after 1/min 75 (102)/5600
Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 148/3800
Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1595
Compression 10.3 ± 0.5
Fuel 95 ROZ1) Super unleaded2)
Maximum speed in km/h 189
Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 7.5
Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 11.3
Fuel consumption (l/100 km) / CO 2 (g/km)
Town driving 9.9/238
Intercity driving 5.5/132
Total 7.1/170
Maximum authorised weight in kg 1717
Free standing weight in driving order3) in kg 1272/1378
(with driver)
Authorised load on front axle in kg 880
Authorised load on rear axle in kg 900
Authorised load on roof in kg 754)
Tow weights
Tow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 600 Kg
Tow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1200 Kg
Engine oil capacity
Engine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.8 l.
1) Research-O
Zahl: Measurement of the anti-explosive power of petrol.
2) If the described fuel is not available then fuel conforming to the standard 91 ROZ1) lead free may be
used. For more information, see the chapter about fuel.
3) Vehicles with basic equipment.
4) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).
Engine data
Output kW (HP) after 1/min 77 (105)/5700
Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 148/4500
Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1598
Compression 11.5 ± 0.3
Fuel 98 ROZ1) Super unleaded2)
Maximum speed in km/h 192
Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 7.2
Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 10.9
Fuel consumption (l/100 km) / CO 2 (g/km)
Town driving 9.3/223 9.4/226
Intercity driving 5.5/132 5.6/134
Total 6.9/166 7.0/168
Maximum authorised weight in kg 1717
Free standing weight in driving order3) in kg 1272
(with driver)
Authorised load on front axle in kg 880
Authorised load on rear axle in kg 900
Authorised load on roof in kg 754)
Tow weights
Tow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 600 Kg
Tow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1200 Kg
Engine oil capacity
Engine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.5 l.
1) Research-O
Zahl: Measurement of the anti-explosive power of petrol.
2) If the described fuel is not available then fuel conforming to the Super 95 ROZ1) lead free may be used.
For more information, see the chapter about fuel.
3) Vehicles with basic equipment.
4) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).
Engine data
Output kW (HP) after 1/min 92 (125)/6000
Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 170/4200
Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1781
Compression 10.3 ± 0.5
Fuel 95 ROZ1) Super unleaded2)
Maximum speed in km/h 200
Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 7.0
Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 10.3
Fuel consumption (l/100 km) CO 2 (g/km)
Town driving 10.8 259
Intercity driving 6.4 154
Total 8.0 192
Maximum authorised weight in kg 1766
Free standing weight in driving order3) in kg 1321
(with driver)
Authorised load on front axle in kg 915
Authorised load on rear axle in kg 910
Authorised load on roof in kg 754)
Tow weights
Tow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 650 Kg
Tow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1200 Kg
Engine oil capacity
Engine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.5 l.
1) Research-O
Zahl: Measurement of the anti-explosive power of petrol.
2) If the described fuel is not available then fuel conforming to the standard 91 ROZ1) lead free may be
used. For more information, see the chapter about fuel.
3) Vehicles with basic equipment.
4) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).
Engine data
Output kW (HP) after 1/min 92 (125)/6000
Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 170/4200
Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1781
Compression 10.3 ± 0.5
Fuel 95 ROZ1) Super unleaded2)
Maximum speed in km/h 197
Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 8.6
Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 12.4
Fuel consumption (l/100 km) CO 2 (g/km)
Town driving 12.1 290
Intercity driving 7.0 168
Total 8.9 214
Maximum authorised weight in kg 1779
Free standing weight in driving order3) in kg 1334
(with driver)
Authorised load on front axle in kg 937
Authorised load on rear axle in kg 900
Authorised load on roof in kg 754)
Tow weights
Tow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 650 Kg
Tow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1200 Kg
Engine oil capacity
Engine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.5 l.
1) Research-O
Zahl: Measurement of the anti-explosive power of petrol.
2) If the described fuel is not available then fuel conforming to the standard 91 ROZ1) lead free may be
used. For more information, see the chapter about fuel.
3) Vehicles with basic equipment.
4) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).
Engine data
Output kW (HP) after 1/min 132 (180)/5500
Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 235/1950-5000
Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1781
Compression 9.5 ± 0.5
Fuel 98 ROZ1) Super unleaded2)
Maximum speed in km/h 224
Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 5.4
Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 7.8
Fuel consumption (l/100 km) CO 2 (g/km)
Town driving 13.1 314
Intercity driving 7.6 182
Total 9.5 228
Maximum authorised weight in kg 1896
Free standing weight in driving order3) in kg 1471
(with driver)
Authorised load on front axle in kg 975
Authorised load on rear axle in kg 975
Authorised load on roof in kg 754)
Tow weights
Tow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 650 Kg
Tow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1500 Kg
Engine oil capacity
Engine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.5 l.
1) Research-O
Zahl: Measurement of the anti-explosive power of petrol.
2) If the described fuel is not available then fuel conforming to the Super 95 ROZ1) lead free may be used.
For more information, see the chapter about fuel.
3) Vehicles with basic equipment.
4) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).
Engine data
Output kW (HP) after 1/min 132 (180)/5500
Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 235/1950-5000
Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1781
Compression 9.5 ± 0.5
Fuel 98 ROZ1) Super unleaded2)
Maximum speed in km/h 229
Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 5.7
Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 7.7
Fuel consumption (l/100 km) CO 2 (g/km)
Town driving 11.8 283
Intercity driving 6.6 158
Total 8.5 204
Maximum authorised weight in kg 1809
Free standing weight in driving order3) in kg 1364
(with driver)
Authorised load on front axle in kg 955
Authorised load on rear axle in kg 910
Authorised load on roof in kg 754)
Tow weights
Tow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 650 Kg
Tow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1500 Kg
Engine oil capacity
Engine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.5 l.
1) Research-O
Zahl: Measurement of the anti-explosive power of petrol.
2) If the described fuel is not available then fuel conforming to the Super 95 ROZ1) lead free may be used.
For more information, see the chapter about fuel.
3) Vehicles with basic equipment.
4) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).
Engine data
Output kW (HP) after 1/min 136 (185)/5100-6000
Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 270/1800-5000
Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1984
Compression 10.3 ± 0.5
Fuel 98 ROZ1) Super unleaded2)
Maximum speed in km/h 221
Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 5.5
Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 7.8
Fuel consumption (l/100 km) / CO 2 (g/km)
Town driving 11.2/269 11.4/274
Intercity driving 6.4/154 6.6/158
Total 8.1/194 8.3/199
Maximum authorised weight in kg 1904
Free standing weight in driving order3) in kg 1409/1516
(with driver)
Authorised load on front axle in kg 1050
Authorised load on rear axle in kg 896
Authorised load on roof in kg 754)
Tow weights
Tow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 700 Kg
Tow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1400 Kg
Engine oil capacity
Engine oil capacity with oil filter change 5.3 l.
1) Research-O
Zahl: Measurement of the anti-explosive power of petrol.
2) If the described fuel is not available then fuel conforming to the Super 95 ROZ1) lead free may be used.
For more information, see the chapter about fuel.
3) Vehicles with basic equipment.
4) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).
Engine data
Output kW (HP) after 1/min 150 (204)/6200
Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 270/3200
Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 6/2792
Compression 10.75 ± 0.25
Fuel 98 ROZ1) Super unleaded2)
Maximum speed in km/h 235
Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 5.0
Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 7.3
Fuel consumption (l/100 km) CO 2 (g/km)
Town driving 15.7 377
Intercity driving 8.2 197
Total 11.0 264
Maximum authorised weight in kg 2010
Free standing weight in driving order3) in kg 1585
(with driver)
Authorised load on front axle in kg 1030
Authorised load on rear axle in kg 1000
Authorised load on roof in kg 754)
Tow weights
Tow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 650 Kg
Tow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1490 Kg
Engine oil capacity
Engine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.5 l.
1) Research-O
Zahl: Measurement of the anti-explosive power of petrol.
2) If the described fuel is not available then fuel conforming to the Super 95 ROZ1) lead free may be used.
For more information, see the chapter about fuel.
3) Vehicles with basic equipment.
4) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).
Engine data
Output kW (HP) after 1/min 66 (90)/4000
Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 210/1900
Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1896
Compression 19.5 ± 0.5
Diesel fuel Min 49 CZ1) or RME
Maximum speed in km/h 180
Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 8.7
Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 12.7
Fuel consumption (l/100 km) CO 2 (g/km)
Town driving 6.8 184
Intercity driving 4.3 116
Total 5.2 140
Maximum authorised weight in kg 1788
Free standing weight in driving order2) in kg 1343
(with driver)
Authorised load on front axle in kg 945
Authorised load on rear axle in kg 905
Authorised load on roof in kg 753)
Tow weights
Tow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 650 Kg
Tow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1400 Kg
Engine oil capacity
Engine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.3 l.
1) Cetan-Z
Zahl (Cetane Index) = Measurement of fuel combustion power.
2) Vehicles with basic equipment.
3) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).
Engine data
Output kW (HP) after 1/min 74 (100)/4000
Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 240/1800-2400
Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1896
Compression 19 ± 0.5
Diesel fuel Min 49 CZ1) or RME
Maximum speed in km/h 188
Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 8.2
Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 12.1
Fuel consumption (l/100 km) / CO 2 (g/km)
Town driving 6.6/178 6.8/184
Intercity driving 4.3/116 4.4/119
Total 5.1/138 5.3/143
Maximum authorised weight in kg 1813
Free standing weight in driving order2) in kg 1368/1441
(with driver)
Authorised load on front axle in kg 982
Authorised load on rear axle in kg 985
Authorised load on roof in kg 753)
Tow weights
Tow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 650 Kg
Tow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1400 Kg
Engine oil capacity
Engine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.3 l.
1) Cetan-Z
Zahl (Cetane Index) = Measurement of fuel combustion power.
2) Vehicles with basic equipment.
3) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).
Engine data
Output kW (HP) after 1/min 81 (110)/4150
Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 235/1900
Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1896
Compression 19.5 ± 0.5
Diesel fuel Min 49 CZ1) or RME
Maximum speed in km/h 193
Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 7.4
Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 10.7
Fuel consumption (l/100 km) CO 2 (g/km)
Town driving 6.8 184
Intercity driving 4.3 116
Total 5.2 140
Maximum authorised weight in kg 1779
Free standing weight in driving order2) in kg 1334
(with driver)
Authorised load on front axle in kg 960
Authorised load on rear axle in kg 895
Authorised load on roof in kg 753)
Tow weights
Tow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 650 Kg
Tow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1400 Kg
Engine oil capacity
Engine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.3 l.
1) Cetan-Z
Zahl (Cetane Index) = Measurement of fuel combustion power.
2) Vehicles with basic equipment.
3) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).
Engine data
Output kW (HP) after 1/min 96 (130)/4000
Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 310/1900
Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1896
Compression 19 ± 0.5
Diesel fuel Min 49 CZ1) or RME
Maximum speed in km/h 205
Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 6.8
Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 9.9
Fuel consumption (l/100 km) / CO 2 (g/km)
Town driving 7,0/189 7,1/192
Intercity driving 4,3/116 4,5/122
Total 5,2/140 5,4/146
Maximum authorised weight in kg 1813
Free standing weight in driving order2) in kg 1368/1441
(with driver)
Authorised load on front axle in kg 982
Authorised load on rear axle in kg 985
Authorised load on roof in kg 753)
Tow weights
Tow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 650 Kg
Tow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1400 Kg
Engine oil capacity
Engine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.3 l.
1) Cetan-Z
Zahl (Cetane Index) = Measurement of fuel combustion power.
2) Vehicles with basic equipment.
3) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).
Engine data
Output kW (HP) after 1/min 110 (150)/4000
Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 320/1900
Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1896
Compression 18.0 ± 0.5
Diesel fuel Min 49 CZ1) or RME
Maximum speed in km/h 215
Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 6.3
Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 8.9
Fuel consumption (l/100 km) CO 2 (g/km)
Town driving 7.2 194
Intercity driving 4.4 119
Total 5.4 146
Maximum authorised weight in kg 1835
Free standing weight in driving order2) in kg 1390
(with driver)
Authorised load on front axle in kg 980
Authorised load on rear axle in kg 910
Authorised load on roof in kg 753)
Tow weights
Tow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 650 Kg
Tow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1400 Kg
Engine oil capacity
Engine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.3 l.
1) Cetan-Z
Zahl (Cetane Index) = Measurement of fuel combustion power.
2) Vehicles with basic equipment.
3) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).
Length/Width 4183 mm, 1742 mm
Height at free standing weight 1439 mm
Front and rear overhang 882 mm/790 mm
783 mm (four-wheel drive)
Wheel base 2511 mm
2518 mm (four-wheel drive)
Turning ratio 10.9 m
Front Rear
Wheel gauge1) 1513 mm 1494 mm
1505 mm 1486 mm
1500 mm 1481 mm
Fuel tank 55 l. Reserve of 7 l.
62 l. (vehicles with four-wheel drive)
Windscreen/Headlight washer tank 2.8 l./6.2 l.
Tyre pressures
Summer tyres:
Tyre pressure is shown on the adhesive on the inside of the fuel cap.
Winter tyres:
The pressure of these tyres is identical to summer tyres. Just add 0,2 bars.
2 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GENERAL INDEX
4 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GENERAL INDEX
6 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GENERAL INDEX