49 - M.O.L. System (Manual Outriggers Lock)
49 - M.O.L. System (Manual Outriggers Lock)
49 - M.O.L. System (Manual Outriggers Lock)
(Manual Outriggers Lock)
The “M.O.L.” system (Manual Outriggers Lock), designed and developed by Fassi Gru’s Design,
Research & Development department to conform to the safety criteria defined by the European
Standard EN12999, is a new safety device that signals to the operator if the pins blocking the possible
side extension of the outrigger supports during the vehicle travel are correctly engaged and, provided
the relevant system is also fitted, if the crane height in transport position overcomes its outline.
Functioning of the system checking the crane
height in the transport position
• Certainty to drive without any problems related to lateral and vertical overcoming of the
crane folded outline in regard to the dimensions foreseen by the highway code, thanks to
the information provided by the green light signal on the small panel placed in the cab.
• Red light signal on the panel in the cab to advise of any possible protrusion exceeding the
crane folded outline.