Astm E110.23398 Durezas
Astm E110.23398 Durezas
Astm E110.23398 Durezas
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: E110 − 14
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Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia - PUJ (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia - PUJ) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
E110 − 14
This is particularly true for the portable Rockwell hardness the Rockwell and Brinell testing were treated as two separate
tester. Mount the tester in such a position that the axis of the studies. The full results are filed under ASTM Research Report
indenter is normal to the surface to be tested. RR: RR:E28-10434
6.3 Adhere to manufacturer’s instructions manual for the 9.2 Seven laboratories were used for each study. Three of
proper operating procedures and testing precautions. the laboratories were manufactures of instruments and four
6.4 The test procedure defined by the applicable standard were users of the equipment. The testing for five of the
method shall be used. laboratories was done at the November 2008 ASTM meeting in
Tampa Florida. The remainders were done at the user’s facility.
7. Conversion to Other Hardness Scales or Tensile In some cases the testing was done by calibration agency
Strength Values personal.
7.1 There is no general method of accurately converting the 9.3 Separate studies were done for Rockwell and Brinell
hardness numbers on one scale to hardness numbers on another testing machines.
scale or to tensile strength values. Conversions between 9.3.1 For the Rockwell scale testing, four different types of
hardness scales are approximations and therefore, should be instruments of various ages were used that were produced by
avoided except for special cases where a reliable basis for the three manufacturers.
approximate conversion has been obtained by comparison 9.3.2 The Brinell tests were all performed on one manufac-
tests. The measured values (Rockwell or Brinell) must be turer’s instrument since it is by far the most common used by
reported as required in Section 8 along with any converted industry. The seven instruments used to do the test ranged from
values, clearly marked as converted values. a new unit to one that was 30 years old. There were five
different measuring systems used to determine the size of the
NOTE 2—The Standard Hardness Conversion Tables for Metals, E140, Brinell indent. Two were computer controlled systems and the
give approximate conversion values for specific materials and reporting others were manual scopes with 20X magnification from three
requirements for converted values.
different manufacturers.
8. Report 9.4 Since the E110-82(2002) standard, which was current at
the time of the study, did not clearly specify indirect verifica-
8.1 The report shall meet the requirements of the standard
tion results required of the instruments to meet the standard, no
method with the following additions.
attempt was made to qualify them by verifying their overall
8.2 Reports shall reference this standard. performance on test blocks before using them in the study. All
8.3 The measured hardness number shall be reported in of the instruments used for the testing were considered to be in
accordance with the standard methods and appended with a /P good working order and typical of those used for every day
to indicate that it was determined by a portable hardness tester. testing.
9.5 Standardized test blocks used were calibrated according
Rockwell hardness examples: to ASTM Test Methods E18 or Test Method E10 The Rockwell
40 HRC/P = Rockwell hardness number of 40 on Rockwell HRC and HRBW and the Brinell HBW 10/3000 scales were
C scale. used. In each scale three test blocks were used, one each in the
72 HRBW/P = Rockwell hardness number of 72 on the high, medium, and low hardness ranges. Three tests were
Rockwell B scale using a tungsten carbide ball indenter. performed on each test block in specific locations.
Brinell hardness examples:
NOTE 3—Practice E691 requires a minimum of four (4) test blocks to be
220 HBW/P 10/3000 = Brinell hardness of 220 determined used for each study. Since the Brinell study only used three blocks, the
with a ball of 10 mm diameter and with a test force of 3000 kgf Brinell part of this study will have to be redone. Until then the Brinell part
(29.42 kN) applied for 10 s to 15 s. is considered to be provisional.
350 HBW/P 5/750 = Brinell hardness of 350 determined 9.6 A summary of the test data is shown in Table 1 and
with a ball of 5 mm diameter and with a test force of 750 kgf Table 2.
(7.355 kN) applied for 10 s to 15 s. 9.6.1 The value of rPB indicates the typical amount of
600 HBW/P 2.5/62.5/20 = Brinell hardness of 600 deter- variation that can be expected between test results obtained for
mined with a ball of 2.5 mm diameter and with a test force of the same material by the same operator using the same
62.5 kgf (612.9 N) applied for 20 s. hardness tester on the same day. When comparing two test
results made under these conditions, a measurement difference
9. Precision and Bias of less than the rPB value for that material is an indication that
9.1 A precision and bias study was conducted in 2008 in the results may be equivalent.
accordance with ASTM Practice E691 to determine the preci-
sion of Rockwell and Brinell test results obtained with portable 4
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
instruments. Because of the difference in the equipment used, be obtained by requesting Research Report RR: RR:E28-1043.
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E110 − 14
TABLE 1 Results of the Rockwell Hardness Precision and Bias the same material by different operators using the different
Study hardness tester on different days. When comparing two test
Materials Average Sr SR rPB RPB results made under these conditions, a measurement difference
HRC 63.53 63.59 0.29 0.80 0.82 2.25
of less than the RPB value for that material is an indication that
HRC 45.91 45.38 0.20 0.51 0.56 1.44 the results may be equivalent.
HRC 24.92 25.00 0.33 0.63 0.92 1.76 9.6.3 Any judgments based on the results would have an
HRBW 93.27 93.80 0.34 1.18 0.96 3.29
HRBW 60.60 61.48 0.45 1.33 1.27 3.73 approximate 95% probability of being correct.
HRBW 41.78 42.65 0.74 1.42 2.07 3.97 9.6.4 Although the precision values given in Table 1 and
Table 2 provide guidance on interpreting differences in mea-
surement results, a complete evaluation of measurement un-
TABLE 2 Results of the Brinell Hardness Precision and Bias certainty will provide a more definitive interpretation of the
results for the specific testing conditions.
Materials Average Hardness Sr SR rPB RPB
HBW 201 206.10 1.11 5.05 3.12 14.14 9.7 The data generally indicated the precision expected
HBW 315 316.81 1.69 5.17 4.73 14.48 when using a portable hardness tester.
HBW 543 556.00 4.08 14.06 11.43 39.37
9.8 There are no recognized standards by which to estimate
the bias of this test method.
9.6.2 The value of RPB indicates the typical amount of 10. Keywords
variation that can be expected between test results obtained for 10.1 Brinell; hardness; portable; Rockwell
A1.1 Verification of Apparatus A1.1.5 The indenters used for the indirect and daily verifi-
A1.1.1 Annex A1 specifies two types of procedures for cations shall meet the requirements of the standard methods.
verifying portable hardness test machines: indirect verification A1.1.6 If the results of the daily verification or indirect
and daily verification. The portable hardness tester shall be verification do not fall within the tolerances given in E18 for
verified at specific instances and at periodic intervals in Rockwell hardness testers or E10 for Brinell hardness testers,
accordance with Table A1.1. Portable testers are not verified by the verification procedures may be repeated. If it fails a second
direct verification.
time, the hardness tester shall not be used until it undergoes
A1.1.2 The procedures to be used for the indirect verifica- adjustment or repair, and passes an indirect verification.
tion shall be the applicable procedures specified by the
standard methods. The repeatability R and the error E, as NOTE A1.1—It is recommended that the calibration agency that is used
defined in the standard methods, shall be within the tolerances to conduct the indirect verifications of portable hardness testers be
accredited to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 (or an equivalent) by a
given in E18 for Rockwell hardness testers or E10 for Brinell recognized accrediting body that operates to the requirements of ISO/IEC
hardness testers. 17011.
A1.1.3 The procedures to be used for the daily verification
shall be the applicable procedures specified by the standard A1.2 Verification Report
methods. The repeatability R and the error E, as defined in the A1.2.1 A verification report is required for an indirect
standard methods, shall be within the tolerances given in E18 verification. A verification report is not required for a daily
for Rockwell hardness testers or E10 for Brinell hardness verification. The verification report shall be in accordance with
testers. the requirements of the standard methods.
A1.1.4 The test blocks used for the indirect and daily
verifications shall meet the requirements of the standard
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Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia - PUJ (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia - PUJ) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
E110 − 14
TABLE A1.1 Verification Schedule for a Portable Hardness Tester
Verification Procedure Schedule
As specified by the standard methods, and when circumstances occur that may affect the
Indirect verification performance of the tester. An exception to the requirements of the standard methods is that a
portable hardness tester does not have to undergo indirect verification each time it is moved.
Required: each day that hardness tests are to be made.
just prior to making the hardness tests at the test worksite where the hardness tests are to be
Daily verification between multiple tests in a sequence and after a test sequence is completed.
whenever the indenter is changed.
whenever the scale is changed.
whenever the instrument is subject to shock or rough handling that may affect its performance.
Committee E28 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (E110–10)
that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved July 1, 2014.)
(1) The text and structure of the whole test method has been
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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