Lec 4-1 Channelization 2021

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Faculty of Computer

and Information
Information Technology
Course Name
Wireless NETWORKS and Mobile Communication
Course Code IT 331T

Lecture #4:Multiple Access

Lecture Contents

Multiple Access


Frequency-Division Multiple Access (FDMA)

Time-Division Multiple Access (TDMA)

Code-Division Multiple Access (CDMA)

Multiple Access
 Problem: When two or more nodes transmit at the same time, their frames will collide and the
link bandwidth is wasted during collision
 How to coordinate the access of multiple sending/receiving nodes to the shared link???
 Solution: We need a protocol to coordinate the transmission of the active nodes.

 These protocols are called Medium or Multiple Access Control (MAC) Protocols belong to a sub-
layer of the data link layer called MAC (Medium Access Control)

 What is expected from Multiple Access Protocols:

 Main task is to minimize collisions in order to utilize the bandwidth by:

1. Determining when a station can use the link (medium)

2. what a station should do when the link is busy
3. what the station should do when it is involved in collision
Figure 12.2 Taxonomy of multiple-access protocols discussed in this chapter
Random Access
 Random Access (or contention) Protocols:
 No station is superior to another station and none is assigned the control over
 A station with a frame to be transmitted can use the link directly based on a
procedure defined by the protocol to make a decision on whether or not to send.

 Controlled access or scheduling:

 Provides in order access to shared medium so that every station has a chance to
transfer (fair protocol)
 Eliminates collision completely
 Three methods for controlled access:
 Reservation
 Polling
 Token Passing

Channelization is a multiple-access method in which the

available bandwidth of a link is shared in time, frequency,
or through code, between different stations. In this section,
we discuss three channelization protocols.

Topics discussed in this section:

Frequency-Division Multiple Access (FDMA)
Time-Division Multiple Access (TDMA)
Code-Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
Multiple access techniques

 Multiple access techniques are used to allow a large number of users to share the
spectrum/channel in an efficient manner.

 FDMA: It divides the spectrum into frequency sub-bands, with each user
having exclusive possession of some band to send signal/data.

 TDMA: The users take turns each one periodically getting the entire
bandwidth for a little burst of time.

 CDMA: allows each station to transmit over the entire frequency spectrum
at all the time but with different code.

 FDMA: Frequency Division Multiple Access:

 In frequency-division multiple access (FDMA), the available bandwidth is
divided into frequency sub-bands.
 Transmission medium is divided into M separate frequency bands.
 Each station is allocated a band to send its data.
 Each station transmits continuously on the assigned band at an average rate of
 In other words, each band is reserved for a specific station, and it belongs to the
station all the time.
12-3 FDMA: Frequency Division Multiple Access:

 A node is limited to an average rate equal R/M (where M is number of nodes) even
when it is the only node with frame to be sent.

 Each station also uses a band pass filter to confine the transmitter’s frequencies.
 To prevent station interferences, the allocated bands are separated from one another
by small guard bands.

 In FDMA, the available bandwidth of the common channel is divided into sub-
bands that are separated by guard bands.
Figure 12.21 Frequency-division multiple access (FDMA)
Frequency Division Multiplexing
The differences between FDMA and FDM

 FDM is a physical layer technique that combines the loads from low-bandwidth channels
and transmits them by using a high-bandwidth channel.
 The channels that are combined are low-pass.
 The multiplexer modulates the signals, combines them, and creates a band pass signal. The
bandwidth of each channel is shifted by the multiplexer.

 FDMA, on the other hand, is an access method in the data link layer.
 The data link layer in each station tells its physical layer to make a band pass signal from the
data passed to it. The signal must be created in the allocated band.
 There is no physical multiplexer at the Data link layer. The signals created at each station are
automatically band pass-filtered. They are mixed when they are sent to the common
12-3 TDMA: Time Division Multiple Access

 In time-division multiple access (TDMA), the stations share the bandwidth of the
channel in time.

 Each station is allocated a time slot during which it can send data.

 The entire bandwidth capacity is a single channel with its capacity shared in time
between M stations

 A node must always wait for its turn until its slot time arrives even when it is the only
node with frames to send.

 A node is limited to an average rate equal R/M (where M is number of nodes) even
when it is the only node with frame to be sent.
Synchronization in TDMA
 The main problem with TDMA lies in achieving synchronization between the different

 Synchronization is normally accomplished by having some synchronization bits (normally

referred to as preamble bits) at the beginning of each slot.

 Each station needs to know the beginning of its slot and the location of its slot.

 This may be difficult because of propagation delays introduced in the system if the stations
are spread over a large area. To compensate for the delays, we can insert guard times.

 In TDMA, the bandwidth is just one channel that is timeshared between different
stations that are separated by guard times.
Figure 12.22 Time-division multiple access (TDMA)
 CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access
 In CDMA, one channel carries all transmissions simultaneously
 Each station codes its data signal by a specific codes before transmission
 The stations receivers use these codes to recover the data for the desired station.
 Example:
 Let us assume we have four stations, 1, 2, 3, and 4, connected to the same channel. The data from
station 1 are d1, from station 2 are d2, and so on. The code assigned to the first station is c1, to the
second is c2, and so on.
 If we multiply each code by another, we get 0.
 If we multiply each code by itself, we get 4 (the number of stations).
 Transmission
 Station 1 multiplies (a special kind of multiplication, as we will see) its data by its code to
get d1 ⋅ c1.
 Station 2 multiplies its data by its code to get d2 ⋅ c2, and so on.
Figure 12.23 Simple idea of communication with code
 Channel
 The data that go on the channel are the sum of all these terms.
 Reception
 Any station that wants to receive data from one of the other three multiplies the data on the channel
by the code of the sender.
 For example, suppose stations 1 and 2 are talking to each other. Station 2 wants to hear what station
1 is saying.
 It multiplies the data on the channel by c1, the code of station 1. Because (c1 ⋅ c1) is 4, but (c2 ⋅ c1), (c3 ⋅ c1), and (c4 ⋅
c1) are all 0s,
 station 2 divides the result by 4 to get the data from the station 1.

 Chips
 CDMA is based on coding theory. Each station is assigned a code, which is a sequence of numbers
called chips.
Properties of the Chip Sequences
 Each sequence is made of N elements, where N is the number of stations.
 Multiplication of a chip sequence by a scalar
 If we multiply a sequence by a number, every element in the sequence is multiplied by that element. This is called
multiplication of a sequence by a scalar.

 Multiplication of two chip sequences

 If we multiply two equal sequences, element by element, and add the results, we get N, where N is the number of
elements in each sequence. This is called the inner product of two equal sequences.

 If we multiply two different sequences, element by element, and add the results, we get 0. This is
called the inner product of two different sequences.
Properties of the Chip Sequences
 Adding two sequences means adding the corresponding elements. The result is
another sequence.

 Data Representation/Encoding in CDMA

 If a station needs to send a 0 bit, it encodes it as −1;
 If it needs to send a 1 bit, it encodes it as +1.
 When a station is idle, it sends no signal, which is interpreted as a 0.
 We assume that stations 1 and 2 are sending a 0 bit and channel 4 is sending a 1 bit. Station 3
is silent.
12-3 Generating Chip Sequences –Walsh Table

 The Walsh table is a two dimensional table with equal number of rows and columns.
 Each row in the Walsh table is the one chip sequence.
 The number of sequences in a Walsh table must be:

 Where N is the number of stations

If the number of satiation is equal to 6 How you can generate the code sequence using the walsh
code And
What is the length of code

[ Type equation here.

Example 12.6
Find the chips for a network with
a. Two stations
b. Four stations
We can use the rows of W2 and W4 in Figure 12.29:
a. For a two-station network, we have
[+1 +1] and [+1 -1].
b. For a four-station network we have
[+1 +1 +1 +1],
[+1 -1 +1 -1],
[+1 +1 -1 -1], and
[+1-1-1 +1].
Example 12.7
 What is the number of sequences if we have 90 stations in our
 Solution

 The number of sequences needs to be 2m. We need to choose m

= 7 and N = 27 or 128.
We can then use 90 of the sequences as the chips.
Book Chapter/ References or Other
Forouzan Data and Computer Communications 5th edition,
Chapter 12 – Media Access Control (MAC), pp: 325-327,
Introduction onon
Orthogonal Frequency on
Orthogonal Frequency
Orthogonal (OFDM)
Division Multiplexing
Multiplexing (OFDM)
Multiplexing (OFDM)
Introduction to OFDM

 The goal of third and fourth generation mobile networks is to provide

users with high data rates, and to provide a wider range of services.
 OFDM has been proved to be a promising future technology in several
next generation wireless communication systems that enables the
transmission of higher data rate.
 OFDM is belong to the physical layer.
Application of OFDM

 It is used in wireless broadcasting applications such as digital audio

broadcasting (DAB) and terrestrial digital video broadcasting (DVB-T).

 OFDM is the best modulation choice for some of the most prominent wireless
technologies such as the IEEE 802.11 wireless local area networks (WLANs)
because it combats the effects of multipath propagation .
2.1 Basic principals of the OFDM

 OFDM is an optimal version of multi-carrier transmission schemes

where a single data-stream is transmitted over a number of closely-
spaced orthogonal sub-carriers.
 The data-stream is divided, one for each sub-carrier into several
parallel data streams or sub-carriers
 In the conventional single carrier system, a single fade or interferer
can cause the entire link to fail, but in a multi-carrier system, only a
small percentage of the sub-carriers will be affected.
Comparison between Single-Carrier
Modulation and multicarrier

OFDM modulation
Comparison of the Bandwidth
Utilization of FDM and OFDM

Fig. Representation of OFDM

(a) Conventional multi-carrier technique (FDM),
(b) Orthogonal multi-carrier modulation technique (OFDM).
Bandwidth efficiency.
 In the conventional Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM), the total
signal frequency band is divided into non-overlapping frequency sub-
 To improve the bandwidth efficiency, OFDM uses N overlapping sub-
carriers, whose orthogonality removes the inter-Carrier interference with N
representing the number of sub-carriers.

 The ICI( inter Carrier Interference ) is a crosstalk between different sub-

carriers, which means that they are no longer orthogonal.
 Signals are orthogonal if they are mutually independent of each
 Orthogonality is a property that allows multiple information signals to be
transmitted perfectly over a common channel and detected, without
 Loss of orthogonality results in blurring between these information signals
and degradation in the communication channel.

 OFDM achieves orthogonality in the frequency-domain by allocating each

of the separate information signals to a different sub-carrier.
Fig. Frequency responses of the 5 sub-carriers in an OFDM signal.
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