10MYP - Application Criterion D - Trigonometry
10MYP - Application Criterion D - Trigonometry
10MYP - Application Criterion D - Trigonometry
2 x 50 minutes
(Teacher’s Signature)
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The student does not reach a standard described by any of the The student does not reach a standard described by any of the
descriptors below. descriptors below.
The student is able to:
(i) use limited mathematical language 1 The student uses limited mathematical forms and
(ii) use limited forms of mathematical representation to terminologies in the calculation process of finding the
present information dimensions for a safe wheelchair ramp.
(i) communicate through lines of reasoning that are
1-2 2 The student uses limited mathematical forms and
difficult to interpret
terminologies in the calculation process of finding the
dimensions for a safe wheelchair ramp and attempts to
write some lines of reasoning that are difficult to
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Criterion D Task Specific Clarification
Applying Mathematics in Real Life Contexts
The student does not reach a standard described by any The student does not reach a standard described by any
of the descriptors below. of the descriptors below.
The student is able to:
(i) identify some of the elements of the authentic 1 The student is able to identify the elements
real-life situation required to build a ramp, which complies the
(ii) apply mathematical strategies to find a solution to ADA guidelines.
1–2 the authentic real-life situation, with limited
2 The student is able to identify and apply the
mathematical strategies in designing a safe ramp,
with limited success.
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You have been assigned to design an access ramp, which complies with the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements, for an entry that is 75 cm above ground level.
The area of rectangular space provided by the building manager is 18 m2. Your client has
asked you to design a ramp and to determine costs, using local pricing for concrete ramps.
Specifications: Here are the relevant excerpts from Section 4.8 “Ramps” of the ADA
Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities:
1.8.1 General. Any part of an accessible route with a slope greater than 1:20 shall be
considered a ramp and shall comply with the ADA guidelines.
1.8.2 Slope and Rise. The least possible slope shall be used for any ramp. The
maximum slope of a ramp in new construction shall be 1:12.
4.8.3 Clear Width. The minimum clear width of a ramp shall be 36 in (915 mm).
4.8.5 Handrails. If a ramp run has a rise greater than 6 in (150 mm) or a horizontal
projection greater than 72 in (1830 mm), then it shall have handrails on both
1. Based on your design and the space available for the run for your ramp, calculate
the length of the ramp itself (in the nearest mm) and show that your slope falls
within the ADA guidelines.
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4. Write a proposal to your client with an explanation of your calculations and the
advantages and disadvantages of your ramp design. Based on design and
maintenance considerations, give reasons for why your client would accept your
suggestion. Include a sketch of the ramp you are offering for consideration.
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End of Paper
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