Analysis and Design of Adaptive Current Controller For DC Drive Using Z-Transform
Analysis and Design of Adaptive Current Controller For DC Drive Using Z-Transform
Analysis and Design of Adaptive Current Controller For DC Drive Using Z-Transform
to help improving the overall system response, and make the It is obvious that eq. (1) is valid for the conduction period
position control and hence the tracking process of any object ( t= λ) only. For the remaining period (π-λ) the average
very stable and reliable. Typical application to radar antenna current i will be equal to zero. Hence the current pulse
positional control with thyristorized reversible drive is shown
in Fig.1.
Fig. 2 Block diagram of speed control system including the In the analysis R(t) = Vr(t) = δ(t) , Unit impulse function.
effect of load torque.
2018 15th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD)
(1 + ) 1−
The analysis and design of an adaptive current controller for
the speed control of a separately excited D.C. motor driving a
radar tracking system using z-transform technique is
Fig. 7 Block diagram representation of the speed control described. The adaptive current controller makes it possible
system with the adaptive current controller.
2018 15th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD)
Fig. 8 No load speed variation for different values of T1.
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