Control Dynamic Induction Voltage: Methods For Good Performance Drives Measured Quantities
Control Dynamic Induction Voltage: Methods For Good Performance Drives Measured Quantities
Control Dynamic Induction Voltage: Methods For Good Performance Drives Measured Quantities
3, MAY/JUNE 1983
ci)m = np * Sm W21
=J I (6) e2p (L-21M) (u 1 p R I il g z:', plK, 1)
=: - -
,Baxis, yields, after some computation, that the approximations (10) are valid even if fast field weaken-
ing is provided.
m = np *W2 (l/R2) * (02a2 + 0202). (7) Fig. 4 shows the corresponding computing scheme. It con-
tains no integrators, and drift problems are avoided. There are
Hence two differentiators, and one might anticipate difficulties due
to the ripple in the input quantities. To the contrary, the dif-
mi R2
(8) ferentiationhas a smoothing effect on the output. The plausible
np *2p2)
np 02,-
percent of rated speed.
5t -
-0 !::
t1 -
WZ 1l/s]
IL}t2 1+ s *T,
Fig. 7. Stator frequency regulation with inner slip control loop and
voltage source inverter. Asterisks denote reference quantities. N:
has to be adapted, is obtained as
Current Orientation: As has been outlined in the first sec- sumed. Field weakening is provided. The voltage references are
tion, to obtain good dynamic performance and avoid elec- calculated in an (x, y) reference frame which is orientated in
tromagnetic transients, angles should be processed as signal such a way that the rotor flux linkage is always in the y direc-
quantities instead of frequencies. Since the rotor EMF is now tion. Hence the angle used in (6a) is
available- as an instantaneous phasor, it can also be used for
the current orientation. 'Yi = 40,Y) = 40, X).
The argument angle of the rotor flux linkage in stator fixed
coordinates y1 is given by Since the flux is not measured, it is better to say that the
orientation is such that, according to (10), the phasor of the
71 = arctan (e2p/e2ce). (13) rotor EMF is always in the (-x) direction (for wO positive).
The voltage phasor is then transformed into a stator fixed
Thus instead of field orientation, rotor EMF orientation of (a, ,B) frame and finally into three-phase quantities. Thus the
the current phasor can be performed on the basis of (12) if the output of the slip computation is used here also for orienta-
EMF is not zero, respectively, and has some minimal value. tion of the stator voltage at the rotor EMF and not only for
the limitation of the slip.
B. Control Schemes The field reference value is set as a function of the stator
frequency. The purpose of the two multipliers following the
Inner Control Loop for Slip Frequency: Most of the con- stator frequency controller is to adapt the closed loop gain of
trol schemes described in this paragraph have an inner control the main control loop in the field weakening range and to ex-
loop for the slip frequency. Its reference value is the output of tend the limit for the slip frequency in such a way that the full
some superimposed control loop, e.g., torque, speed, stator current can be obtained also in the field weakening range.
frequency regulation. The actuating output of this controller Stator Frequency Control with Slip Compensation: If sta-
is the stator frequency. The actual measured value is the out- tor frequency control is used instead of speed control, the
put of the slip frequency computation. The machine is part of speed is dependent on the load and differs from the stator fre-
this control loop with the input w1 and the output O2C (com- quency by the slip which is used to compensate the load
puted value). The transfer function, to which the controller torque. It is possible to compensate this load dependent drop
Fig. 8. Control scheme for drive with CSI and computation of rotor EMF. Subscript c: computed value. id: direct current
in intermediate dc circuit. Asterisks denote reference values.
by a positive feedback of the computed slip on the input of reversing through the dead zone, the method can be refined
the frequency controller. This positive feedback must be ap- and the rate of change kept at the value as just before enter-
plied with an appropriate time delay to keep the main loop ing the zone. The effect of these measures will be shown in
stable. Section IV.
Speed Control with Tachometer Feedback: High accuracy The additional circuitry for passing the dead zone near
in speed and better dynamic performance can be achieved if zero speed is not shown in Figs. 7 and 8, in order to avoid
tachometer feedback and speed control is provided for the confusing complexity. It should be noted, however, that at
main control loop. In this case in Fig. 7 the reference value of standstill, with cO = 0 and C02 * =0, magnetization of the ma-
the main loop is replaced by the speed reference, its actual chine is ensured, due to input i2y* in Fig. 7 and i1y* in Fig.
value by the tachometer output. 8, respectively.
Torque Control: If the application of the drive requires IV. RESULTS
torque control, e.g., for a coiler drive or in traction applica-
tions in Fig. 7, the speed or stator frequency feedback is A. ExperimentalResuits of a Drive with a Voltage Controlled
omitted. The controlling torque input replaces the output of Source Inverter and VariIous Control Schemes
the frequency- or speed-controller. In this way torque control The following figures show experimental results with t-he
is possible also in the field weakening range. schemes according to Fig. 7. The first figures show the behavior
Example for Control Scheme with a CSI: Fig. 8 shows as with stator frequency control. In the oscillograms, one phase
another example a modification which is adapted to the cur- voltage, one phase current, the slip frequency reference, the
rent source inverter. In this case the mneasurement of the computed slip frequency, the stator frequency, and the rotor
terminal currents can be replaced by measurement of the speed are shown. It can be seen that startup from and braking
intermediate direct current and a coordinate changer (poldr/ to standstill is no problem, (Fig. 9). Fig. 10 shows reversal ofthe
Cartesian) which gets the information for the argument angle drive through the dead band. Fig. 11 shows the closed loop re-
fromn the firing circuit of the inverter. In this case the stator sponse for a step in load torque. The settling time, referred to
current is oriented at the rotor EMF phasor in the (a, ,B) ref- the speed, is in the range of 100-150 ms. For compan'son,
erence frame, a possibility already mentioned in Section Fig. 12 shows the closed loop response to a step in load torque
III-A, and the computed slip is not used in an inner control with slip compensation. The speed error vanishes; however,
loop. In the example stator frequency control is provided, the transient is less damp compared to the case without slip
and optional slip compensation is shown in dashed lines. compensation,
Additional Measures in the Region Near Zero Speed: As
outlined in Section III-A in the region near zero speed, the EMF B. Influence ofParameterR2
and slip computation cannot work properly. The drive must, The rotor resistance enters the voltage reference computa-
however, be able to start from standstill, brake to standstill, tion and the coordinate transformation (x, y) -> (a, ,B). In the
and reverse through zero speed. In the range near zero speed first case it cancels. In the second case its influence is teduced,
(+3-±5 percent), the output of the computation is suppressed, since co, is not obtained as a result of the positive feedback of
and the rate of change of the stator frequency is limrited. It C.Jm but as the actuating output of the slip controller. (For a
remains so until the stator frequency leaves the dead band. In detailed explanation see [166.)
0/~ I 0. A ~~~~
I~~~.I.. .I:
Fig. 9. Startup and biaking to standstill, frequency control with VSI. Fig. 11. Generatoric step in torque, frequency control with VSI.
LI? . I. 0,5
Fig. 1 0. Reversal from -600 r/min to +600 r/min, freq,uency control Fig. 12. Generatoric step in torque, frequency control with slip com-
with VSI. pensation, VSI.
id Id 11 "
'dN 'dN
AaN 'iaN 'r-), 7., rl% %--.r
.:::2 lu \I-f 1-i
-1- --L -L--
-t- r-r, 7 r-
1- ..
IV2 NI I/2NI -
Wl (t)p WIM07
MiN ArN4
, .. - ,,VW
125 tlms]
Fig. 13. Frequency control with CSI. Startup and reversing with correctly set parameters in computing scheme. mi: inner
id id
'dN 'dN
hloN AlaN
1- j wftylAl ,_ I f +eA,
2x Ay 1_ _ __ ........................ -
N'2NI IW2NI f _
I1NI 1
_ .
125 ItIi.s]
Fig. 14. Frequency control with CSI. Startup and reversing with incorrectly set parameters in computing scheme. mi: in-
ner torque.
important advantage compared to previously known schemes. [6] F. Blaschke, "Das Verfahren der Feldorientierung zur Regelung
Signal processing and control have been implemented with der Drehfeldmaschine." Diss. Braunschweig, 1974.
[7] F. Blaschke and K. Boehm, "Verfahren der Felderfassung bei der
analog means and conventional integrated logic. If microproc- Regelung stromrichtergespeister Asynchronmaschinen," presented
essors were used instead [14], simplicity, uniformity, and at the IFAC Symp. Control in Power Electronics and Electrical
adaptability of the control apparatus would yield even greater Drives, Dusseldorf, 1974.
[8] A. Abbondanti and M. B. Brennen, "Variable speed induction
advantages. motor drive uses electronic slip calculator based on motor voltages
and currents," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. IA-II, 1975.
[9] W. Landeck and U. Putz, Selbstgefi;hrter Zwischenkreisumrichter
REFERENCES mit eingepragtem Strom fur Drehstrom-Asynchronmotoren. Tech-
nische Mitteilungen AEG-Telefunken, 1977.
[1] R. Joetten, "Stand der Technik bei geregelten Drehstromantrie- [10] A. Abbondanti, "Method of flux control in induction motors driven
ben," VDE-Fachberichte 1978. ("State of the art of controlled a.c. by variable frequency variable voltage supplies," presented at the
drives;" survey paper with references). IEEE/tAS Int. Semiconductor Power Converter Conf., Orlando,
[2] , "Dynamisches Verhalten stromrichtergespeister Asynchron- FL, 1977.
maschinen," ETG-Fachberichte Nr. 5 1979/80. ("Dynamic be- [11] A. C. Plunkett, J. D. D'Atre, and T. A. Lipo, "Synchronous
haviour of asynchronous machines fed by converters," survey control of a static a.c. induction motor drive," presented at the
paper with references). IEEE/1AS Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, 1977.
[3] K. Hasse, "Zur Dynamik drehzahlgeregelter Antriebe mit strom- [12] K. Moll, H. Schulze, and J. Stoschek, Umrichter mit Gleich-
richtergespeisten Asynchron-Kurzschlusslaufermaschinen." Diss. stromzwischenkreis fur Industrieantriebe. BBC-Nachrichten 1978.
Darmstadt 1969. ("Dynamics of speed controlled drives with in- [13] L. J. Garces, "Ein Verfahren zur Parameterkorrektur bei der
duction machines"); Abbr. version in Regelungstechnik, 1972. Drehzahlregelung der umrichtergespeisten Kafigliiufermaschine."
[4] B. Maag, "Characteristics and application of current source slip Diss. Darmstadt, 1979. Abbr. version: "Parameter adaption for the
regulated a.c. induction motor drives," presented at the IEEE-IGA speed controlled static a.c. drive with squirrel cage induction
Conf., Cleveland, OH, 1971. motor," presented at the IEEE-IAS Annu. Conf. Rec., 1979.
[5] R. Joetten, "Signalverarbeitung fir die Regelung umrichterge- [14] R. Gabriel, W. Leonhard, and C- Nordby, "Field oriented control
speister Drehfeldmaschinen," presented at the IFAC Symp. Con- of a standard a.c. motor using microprocessors," presented at the
trol in Power Electronics and Electrical Drives, Dusseldorf, 1974. IEEE-IAS Annu. Conf. Rec., 1979.
[15] J. Holtz, R. Venkataraman, and B. Ramaswami, "Electronic ana- has been a Full Professor at TH Darmstadt. His fields of interest include
log slip calculator for induction motor drives," IEEE Trans. Ind. power electronics, control of drives, and HVDC transmission, especially
Electron. Contr. Instrum., vol. IECI-27, 1980. its converter and system and control aspects.
[16] G. Mader, "Regelung einer Asynchronmaschine unter alleiniger
Verwendung an den Klemmen messbarer Grossen" ("Control of an
induction machine based on only such quantities which are meas-
urable at the terminals"), Diss. Darmstadt, 1981.
Abstract-Several sophisticated or "optimum" modulation strate- specific low-order harmonics are suppressed or total harmonic
gies have been suggested for voltage source pulsewidth modulated content is minimized [1] -[3]. These optimized PWM strate-
(PWM) inverters for ac motor control. These modulation strategies gies are extremely difficult to realize with conventional
may suppress specific low-order harmonics or minimize total har-
monic content and have been successfully implemented in practical analog circuitry, but they can be effectively implemented
drive systems. The effectiveness of these PWM techniques in mini- with modern microprocessor-based control techniques [4],
mizing harmonic losses and reducing torque pulsations is investigated [5]. Conventional modulation strategies which have been im-
analytically, and their performance is compared with that of the usual plemented by means of complex analog circuits may now be
sinusoidal or subharmonic PWM approach. The influence of skin more effectively realized using a look-up table accessed by a
effect on rotor 12R copper loss is taken into consideration, and har- microprocessor or digital hardware. In an ac motor drive, the
monic core losses are compared. Peak current is also an. important
factor in inverter design, and the various modulation strategies are modulation strategy which is most appropriate to a particular
again compared on this basis. Fourier analysis techniques are used in portion of the speed range is readily selected. It is, therefore,
order to allow skin effect phenomena to be taken into consideration, of interest to compare the different modulation techniques
and performance criteria are developed to allow comparisons of wave- available with regard to the additional harmonic losses in the
form quality in respect of harmonic copper and iron losses.
motor and the pulsating torques developed.
For the purposes of comparison, it is assumed that a
INTRODUCTION standard 50- or 60-Hz induction motor is fed from a standard
OLTAGE SOURCE pulsewidth modulated (PWM) inver- ac supply network by a frequency converter circuit as shown
Vters for ac motor control have conventionally employed in Fig. 1. The ac supply is rectified_ to a fixed dc voltage
square wave or sinusoidal PWM strategies. In recent years, by the diode bridge rectifier and converted to variable-fre-
more sophisticated techniques have been suggested in which quency ac by the PWM inverter, which also controls the ampli-
tude of the fundamental output voltage. If the inverter gen-
Paper IPCSD 83-5, approved by the Industrial Drives Committee of
erates an unmodulated six-step voltage waveform, motor
the IEEE Industry Applications Society for presentation at the 1982 operation at rated voltage and frequency is possible. Constant-
Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, torque operation is obtained below base frequency by modu-
October 4-8. Manuscript released for publication January 31, 1983. lating the output voltage waveform from the PWM inverter
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Uni-
versity College, eork, Ireland. so that the fundamental component of the output voltage is