Mandeep Singh CFD Report
Mandeep Singh CFD Report
Mandeep Singh CFD Report
Lid Driven
Cavity] [542]
[Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics]
[ 3rd April
By Mandeep Singh
Person # 3721 2672
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Streamfunction ...................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Vorticity .................................................................................................................................. 3
2 Problem definition / Problem statement ...................................................................................... 3
3 Method of Solution : ...................................................................................................................... 5
4 Discussion of results ....................................................................................................................... 7
4.1 Plots for vorticity and convergence of the solution for various mesh sizes .......................... 7
4.2 Plots for the Iteration for PSOR iteration as a function of time for various relaxation factor
4.3 Contour plots for the Stream function and Vector plots for the velocities for different
Reynolds number ............................................................................................................................. 14
5 Summary and Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 21
6 Appendix ...................................................................................................................................... 22
6.1 Matlab Codes written for solving the iterations .................................................................. 22
6.2 Boundary Condition Calculations for vorticity ..................................................................... 27
6.2.1 Boundary 1 (Left Hand Side) ........................................................................................ 27
6.2.2 Boundary 2 (Right Hand Side) ...................................................................................... 28
6.2.3 Boundary 4 (Top edge) ................................................................................................. 28
6.2.4 Boundary 3 (Bottom edge) ........................................................................................... 29
7 References ................................................................................................................................... 30
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1 Introduction
This project deals with the solution of vorticity, stream function and velocity fields in
a laminar incompressible flow. Navier Stokes equations are used to calculate the
solution of equations. First we will understand the terms vorticity , stream function.
1.1 Streamfunction
The streamfunction represents the two dimensional position representation flow which can
be utilized to calculate the stream lines or the trajectories of the steady state flow. The first
derivative of the stream function give the fluild parcels’s velocity and second derivative
gives the accelerations. A continuous interconnected stream function gives the
stereamlines for a given snapshot in time. Understanding the location of streamlines is
critical in studying the flow pattern for engineering application. The streamfunction for a
given domain can be solved by the streamfunction equation for one instance in time if the
initial position and magnitude of vorticity is known.
1.2 Vorticity
Vorticity is a physical quantity in fluid dynamics in general for a fluid parcel gives a measure
of its localized rotation. Numerically vorticity is defined as the divergence of the velocity
field × . If the vorticity is known everywhere in the flow the stream function(and hence
the velocity components) is determined by solving a Poisson equation.
In this project we are given a lid driven square cavity in which the fluid flows over the top
edge with a velocity (u = 1) in x‐direction. On rest of the boundaries u = 0. The lid driven
cavity has the non‐dimensional length of 1 x 1. Also given that the velocity component v = 0 ,
stream function 0 on all boundaries. The scheme of the project is shown in fig. 1.
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Figure 1 (Lid Driven Cavity)
We need to solve the given system for the vorticity, stream function and velocity fields. The
convergence criteria for the stream function for all the cases is given by ε = 1 x 10‐10. The
following cases needs to be analyzed for this project
Table 1(Cases to be evaluated)
1 Plot ω a function of time at X = 0.5 and Y = 0 for grid Relaxation Factor = 1
size 5 x 5, 9 x 9, 17 x 17 for all cases. Re =10
2 Plot number of PSOR iteration as a function of time for Varying Relaxation
grid size 5 x 5, 9 x 9, 17 x 17, Determining Optimum Factor = 1.0 to 1.5 for
Relaxation Factor for the grid refinement and estimating all cases.Re=10
the relaxation factor for 35 x 35
3 Contour Plot of stream function and vector plot of Cases for Re=100 ,
velocities at t = 2 for grid size 17x17 1000 , 10000 , 50000
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3 Method of Solution :
The driven cavity problem is a classical problem that has wall boundaries surrounding the
entire computational region.
In this problem we will utilize the Neumann and Dirichlet’s boundary conditions to start our
iteration. Whole system is divided into grid of different sizes as required. The problem
assume incompressible viscous flow in the cavity is driven by the uniform translation of the
moving upper lid. We utilized the vorticity‐stream function method to solve the driven
cavity problem.
First we calculated plugged the boundary conditions to our system.
For the Left , right , top and bottom boundary v = 0 , 0 . For top boundary u = 1 and for
u and v which yields the value of f (x) and f ( y ) which can
y x
only be satisfied for const c 0
Then we calculate the vorticity for the boundaries and for the inner nodes. For the
boundaries , vorticity ω can be defined as
For Left and right boundaries
x 2
For Top and bottom boundaries
y 2
We utilized the Taylors series formulation ( See Appendix for detail) to approximate the
vorticity on the boundaries.
For the inner nodes vorticity is given by relation
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uin1, j uin1, j uin, j 1 uin, j 1 t in1, j 2in, j in1, j in, j 1 2in, j in, j 1
in, j 1 ijn t
2x 2y Re x 2 y 2
For the Stream function the values are evaluated using Gauss‐ Seidel algorithm – Point
successive over relaxation (PSOR).
Gauss Seidel algorithm using PSOR method for the stream function is given as
Here the function (Stream function ) is calculated for the iteration K+1 and is computed
will we get the convergence, is the relaxation parameter which converges the solution at
a faster rate hence increasing the computation efficiency. We have used Gauss‐Seidel PSOR
method with five point grid. The grid used is shown in the figure 2 below
Figure 2(Grid Point arrangement for Gauss‐Seidel algorithm ‐ PSOR)
Also note that the grid arrangement shown above implies that the corner nodes are not
required in the boundary conditions to calculate the values of the inner nodes. In case we
want to consider to calculate the corner node values , we need to apply the ghost point
The overall solution procedure for the given system can be summarized as
1. Specify the geometry and the properties like Reynolds number, length, width , grid size
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2. Specify the initial conditions
3. Determine t (non – dimensional)
Now t is calculated using the stability conditions similar to what applies in the FTCS
method for the courant number c.
Now for the convection time step t
Re(u v )
2 2
Now for the diffusion time step t d Re
1 1
2 2 2
x y
in, j 1
4. Now we solve for the vorticity
5. Solve for stream function in, j 1
7. Repeat step 3 – 6 until desired time or steady state is achieved.
We can also calculate the pressure in the post processing using the Navier‐Stokes equation
for momentum .
4 Discussion of results
4.1 Plots for vorticity and convergence of the solution for various mesh
Here we plotted the vorticity ω as a function of time at X = 0.5 and Y = 0 for the maximum
non‐dimensional time of 2.0. Here we have used the Relaxation factor to be 1.0.
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Figure 3 (Plot for comparison of the Vorticity as a function of time t for various mesh sizes at location X = 0.5 and Y = 0)
We can observe form the plot that the value of vorticity ω has increases by refining the
mesh size. There is a significant improvement in the vorticity when we change the mesh size
from 5 x 5 to 9 x 9.
The value of final vorticity after time 2 is 0.62 compared to 0.68 when the grid is refined
from 5 x 5 to 9 x 9. Hence there is a change of approximately 32 % in the value of vorticity.
When we refine the mesh from 9 x 9 to 17 x 17, we observe a change in the value of 0.68 to
0.7 which is a change of 3.5% in the value of vorticity.
Since for these iterations, we used the relaxation factor to be 1.0, the grid refinement
increases the computational time of the solution.
Table 2(Table Showing the Computational Time for the various mesh sizes)
1 5 x 5 0.055439 seconds
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2 9 x 9 1.216796 seconds
3 17 x 17 66.039699 seconds
Here by estimating the time for the computation we can see that the convergence time for
the grid size 5 x 5 comes out the least i.e., 0.05 s and for 17 x 17, it comes out to be the
highest i.e., 1 min 6s which is almost . Though these values depend on the processor and
ram , but gives us the brief estimation of the performance of the convergence time for the
various mesh grid sizes.Hence we observed that the convergence occurs by refining the
mesh size but the time for the convergence increases since by increasing the mesh size , we
have to calculate the convergence at more nodes. Also the accuracy increases upto certain
level of mesh size.
The computational time is represented by the area of the plot in the following chart for
Figure 4 (Time estimation for the various grid sizes)
4.2 Plots for the Iteration for PSOR iteration as a function of time for
various relaxation factor
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In this case we changed the value of the relaxation factor for the various grid sizes i.e., 5x5,
9x9, 17x17. We are required to find the optimum value of the relaxation factor for the
various grids.
For 5x5 grid size , we obtain the following plot for PSOR iterations as a function of time
Figure 5 ( Figure showing the PSOR iterations for Stream function as a function of time for various relaxation factors for
Grid size 5x5)
For 5 x 5 grid size , we can see that the value of the relaxation factor comes out to be 1.2 .
We varied the value of relaxation factor from 1 to 1.5 .
Now for the grid size 9 x 9, we get the following fig 6.
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Figure 6(Figure showing the PSOR iterations for Stream function as a function of time for various relaxation factors for
Grid size 9x9)
Here we can see that in the beginning the relaxation factor for the grid size comes out to be
1.5 in the beginning but at the time approaches the value of 2 the optimum relaxation factor
comes out to be 1.4 becomes optimum in the end which gives us the minimum number of
iterations (18) compared to 22 iteration. Since if we consider the weighted average of the
values of iteration , we can see that the optimum value of the relaxation factor comes out to
be 1.5
Now for the grid size of 17 x 17 we evaluated the following plot
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Figure 7(Figure showing the PSOR iterations for Stream function as a function of time for various relaxation factors for
Grid size 17x17)
Hence for the grid size of 17 x 17, we can observe the value of relaxation factor comes out
to be 1.7
Hence we observed that the relaxation factor for the grid sizes 5x5, 9x9, 17x17 are 1.2 , 1.5,
1.7 respectively. We utilized extrapolation for the relaxation factor we obtained the value of
the relaxation factor for the grid size 35 x 35 to be 1.9
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Figure 8(Relaxation Factor Extrapolation for estimating at grid size 35x35)
As the grid size is refined, the trend shows that the optimum value of the relaxation factor
increases. The value of the relaxation factor for the grid size 35 x 35 comes out to be 1.9.
since the grid is refined , the number of computations per loop increases which results in
increase in the relaxation factor.
Hence since as the grid was refined we observed more time is required for the computation
hence by extrapolating we can approximate the relaxation factor the value for 35 x 35 grid,
which can really be helpful for any study to know the approximate value of the relaxation
factor before hand and hence reducing the computational time and cost.
Hence we observed that the optimum value of the relaxation factor increases as we refine
the grid. As far as the trend for the number of PSOR iterations /time step are concerned , we
see that for a given relaxation factor , at the time t approaches 2 , the number of iterations
required for the convergence decreases. Also as we increase the relaxation factor upto the
optimum value the iteration per unit time decreases and the iterations again increases
beyond the optimum relaxation factor. This increases the computational time and cost. As
the grid is refined we require more iterations for getting the convergence in more number
of nodes. Hence to converge the solution we have to increase the relaxation parameter.
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4.3 Contour plots for the Stream function and Vector plots for the
velocities for different Reynolds number
For the case 3 , we are required to plot the contour for the stream function and the vector
plot of velocities at t = 2.0 for different values of the Reynolds number i.e., 100, 1000,
10,000 and 50,000.
For higher Re values the primary vortex shifts more to the centre. For the grid size of 17 x
17, Re = 100 , 1000 , 10000, 50000, and Relaxation factor = 1.5, the computation time is = 14
seconds, 1.5 min , 13 min , 1 hr respectively which depend on the computer configuration
These values gives us approximation and tells the advantage PSOR which provide the
relaxation parameter
Figure 9 and 10 shows the contour and velocity plots for the Reynolds number 100. Here we
can see the primary vortex shifted towards right.The center of the vortex comes at around
0.65 in the X direction and 0.8 in the Y‐direction.
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Figure 9(Figure showing the stream function contour for the Grid size of 17x17 for the Reynolds number 100)
The velocity vector plots shows the vector component of the instantaneous velocities of the
resultant of u and v velocities. The vector plot shows the velocity direction and we can
clearly see the circulation area near the top of the plot. This area is more clearly visualized
using the stream function in the contour plot.
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Figure 10(Figure showing the vector plot for the Grid size of 17x17 for the Reynolds number 100)
For the Reynolds number of 1000 we can see that the primary vortex shifts to the right. Also the
center of the rotation has shifted by 0.1 up and is at 0.9 compared to 0.8 as in the previous case.
Figure 11(Figure showing the stream function contour for the Grid size of 17x17 for the Reynolds number 1000)
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Figure 12(Figure showing the vector plot for the Grid size of 17x17 for the Reynolds number 100)
Fig. 12 shows the velocity plot for the Reynolds number 1000 and we can see that the
velocity components vortex have shifted towards the right. At the top the velocity vector
component have only the u component since v = 0 at the top hence the velocity vector has
the dimensionless magnitude of 1. Also the center of rotation has shifted to the up
compared to the case where Reynolds number was 100.
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Figure 13(Figure showing the stream function contour for the Grid size of 17x17 for the Reynolds number 10,000)
Figure 14(Figure showing the vector plot for the Grid size of 17x17 for the Reynolds number 10,000)
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Figure 13 and 14 shows the variation in the streamfunction and the velocity vector at the
top. The center of the primary vortex has shifted to the center again. In this case we have
changed the Reynolds number to 10000. That means now it is a turbulence model and this is
what the change in the solution. The time step is reduced drastically for the high values of
the Reynolds number. May be because of the high speed due to the change in the speed of
the fluid , our method is unable to map the velocities properly for the given grid size. Hence
we may require to refine our mesh for the proper convergence of the solution.
Similarly we can observe that the primary vortex formed comes to the center of the cavity
and it seems like our scheme does not work for very high Reynolds number for the given
size of the grid. Fig 16 shows the velocity vector plot showing the vortex at the center. And
the values of the velocities are too less compared to 1 at the top hence the velocity vector
arrows appear very small.
Figure 15(Figure showing the stream function contour for the Grid size of 17x17 for the Reynolds number 50,000)
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Figure 16(Figure showing the vector plot for the Grid size of 17x17 for the Reynolds number 50,000)
So we have observed that the stream lines shiftes to the right and the center od the vorticity
liftes up when we changes the Reynolds number for 100 to 1000. This shift occurs since the
Re is proportional to the velocity but our velocity is constant at the top and u becomes more
prone than v. We have also assumed the flow to be incompressible hence there is no rate of
change in density. And we know that Re also depends on the viscosity and the dependency
of time step on Reynolds number is bringing this change in the solution. When we increases
the Re to 10000 or 50000, we can see the system becomes turbulent. Hence we may require
to use the turbulence model turbulence models are used to solve for the mean flow
behaviour and calculate the statistics of the fluctuations. Hence our Solution seems to be
unrealistic at and beyong 10000 Re
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5 Summary and Conclusion
In this project we studied lid driven cavity base model for the varying grid size , relaxation
factor and Reynolds number. Here we have observed that by varying the size of the grid the
computational time increases and out convergence time increases since we have to find the
convergence at more nodes. The results accuracy is enhanced by increasing the size of the
mesh but beyond cetain mesh size the variation in accuracy is not phenomenal and it just
adds computational time and cost to the solution convergence. The computational cost can
be reduced by using the optimal value of the relaxation parameter. Also we have seen that
the relaxation parameter increases by increasing the mesh size. This happens because we
have more nodes to solve but due to refining of the mesh size we are able to use increases
relaxation parameter. We estimated the value of the relaxation parameter for the 35 x 35
grid using the value of the previous mesh size which can reduce our computational time and
cost using such analogies. We also observed that by increasing the Reynolds number from
100 to 1000, the center of primary vortex shifts towards the right but at high Reynolds
number like 10000, our model no longer looks physically realistic. This may be because we
may need turbulent model scheme to solve such high Reynold number.
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6 Appendix
6.1 Matlab Codes written for solving the iterations
% Name : Mandeep Singh %
% Project 5 (Lid Driven Cavity) %
% Assigned: 04/19/11 Due: 05/03/11 %
% MAE 542 Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics %
% The standard setup solves a lid driven cavity problem %
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
clear all
%% Given
% on the right, left and bottom of the lid driven cavity
% u = v = psi(stream function) = 0
% On the top this cavity u = 1 ; v = psi(stream function) = 0
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Re = 50000; % Reynolds Number
eps=10^-10; % Covergence criteria
om= 1.5; % Omega the Relaxation Factor
tot = 2 ; % Total Time
% dimension
Lx = 1; % Length in X-dir.
Ly = 1; % Length in Y-dir.
% Mesh Size
nx=17; %Space steps number in x-direction
ny=17; %Space steps number in y-direction
dx= Lx/(nx-1);
dy= Ly/(ny-1);
b=dx/dy; % Beta for PSOR
22 | P a g e
% Left Boundary
% Right Boundary
% Bottom Boundary
% Top Boundary
counter = 0;
factorial = 1;
for i=1:nx
for j=1:ny
23 | P a g e
elseif i==nx
% Bottom BC
o1=o ;
elseif i==1
% Top Boundary
for i=2:nx-1
for j=2:ny-1
for i= 1:y
for kl=1:100000
for i=2:nx-1
for j=2:ny-1
% IN THE ABOVE LINE o(i,j) is the source term
for i=2:nx-1
for j=2:ny-1
if(jp3 < 10^-10)
24 | P a g e
for i=2:nx-1
for j=2:ny-1
psifinter = flipud(psi);
psifinal = fliplr(psifinter);
U = fliplr(u);
you = flipud(U);
V = fliplr(v);
vee = flipud(V);
title({'Vector Plot for the Stream Function for Re = 10000, Grid Size 17 x
17, \Omega 1.5'});
figure (2)
title({'Contour Plot for the Stream Function for Re = 10000, Grid Size 17
x 17, \Omega 1.5'});
% figure (1)
% plot(p,JP,'-ro')
% hold on
% xlabel('time','fontWeight','bold','fontSize',10);
% ylabel('\omega - vorticity','fontWeight','bold','fontSize',10);
% title('\omega as a function of time for Re = 10',...
% 'fontWeight',...
% 'bold','fontsize',10);
% grid on
25 | P a g e
% figure (2)
% plot(p,JP2,'-b')
% hold on
% xlabel('time - t','fontWeight','bold','fontSize',10);
% ylabel('Iterations','fontWeight','bold','fontSize',10);
% title('\Omega - Number of iterations as a function of time for Re = 10 ,
Grid Size 17 x 17',...
% 'fontWeight',...
% 'bold','fontsize',10);
% grid on
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For the left hand side wall of the cavity,
Figure 17
For approximating the stream function on the second node in the x‐direction, we used taylor series
expansion which yield the expression
2 x 2
2, j 1, j x 2 (x 3 )
x i , j x i , j 2
But from definition and boundary condition we know that,
For the left boundary x i, j
i , j
Also x 2
i, j
Hence using these values in the taylor series expansion, we get
2( 1, j 2, j )
i , j
x 2
27 | P a g e
Figure 18
The stream function for the second last node on the right hand side can be written using the Taylor
series expansion
2 x 2
NX 1, j NX 1, j x 2 (x 3 )
x NX , j x NX , j 2
Now from definition and boundary conditions
v0 i , j
For the Right hand side boundary x i, j
, Also x 2
i, j
By using the above relation in the Taylor series expansion oof the stream function , we get the
following relation for vorticity
2( NX , j NX 1, j )
i , j
x 2
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Figure 19
Using the Taylor series expansion as done before, we get
2 y 2
i , NY 1 i , NY y 2 (y 3 )
y i , NY y i , NY
u 1 i , NY
For the Top boundary y , Also y 2
i, j i, j
Hence we obtain the relation given below for the vorticity to be
2( i , NY i , NY 1 ) u
i , j
y 2 y
Figure 20
Similarly for the bottom boundary conditions and Taylor series expansion we can obtain the vorticity
to be
2( i ,1 i , 2 )
i , j
y 2
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7 References
1. Lecture notes by Prof. Desjardin
2. Hoffman & Chian, Computational Fluid Dynamics Vol‐I
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