Pas4: Human Behaviour in Organization Assignment No.1

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Assignment no.1

Write your learning expectations from the subject, PAS4:HBO

My expectation in this subject is that we will be learning a lot about the different
behaviour inside the organization. My learning expectation is that I expect to learn how to deal
such behaviour inside the organization and what behaviour should I adopt when I am in
Module activity no.1 case analysis

1. Identify several concepts an characteristics from the field of organizational behaviour

that this case illustrates
2. What advice can you give Tony? How would this advice be supported or tempered by
behavioural concepts and process?
3. Is it possible to find an “ideal” place to work? Explain.



Importance of organizational behaviour

Organizational behaviour is a study of how does human behaviour affects the

organization. Human behaviour is how the members inside the other organization do their
work, how they communicate to other members, how they treat other members and how they
cope up in every situation inside the organization. These behaviours may affects the
organization that’s why organizational behaviour is important for it aims to learn how
organization does operates through its member’s behaviour which it takes more psychological
approach than taking a strict numerical approach.

Organizational behaviour is intended to explain behaviour through organizations; it also

helps to understand the behaviours of the members which also help to understand how an
organization works. Organization behaviour helps us to study how an organization affects the
behaviour of its number.



What is work diversity? Work diversity is a workplace composed of employees with

varying characteristics, with different sex, gender race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. It means
hiring in a company diverse individual. What is diversity? Diversity also applies to gender, race
ethnicity, age, sexuality, language educational background.

Now a day’s company hired their employees based on their diversity and also based on
their skills. Workplace diversity was done by the hiring employees or the human resource
management. The HR is the one who identify the candidate’s diversity before they hired them
as well as their skills. Workplace diversity has many advantages over those companies that
don’t have diversified employees. It improves your company’s reputation and has many
tangible benefits.

According to my research there is common diversity of workplace that benefits the

company because having a truly diverse workplace indicates no barriers for any individual with
different background to enter the company. Through this it helps to increase the company’s
profit, increased creativity in an organization, improved employee engagement and increased
problem solving.

For me this work diversity is great now days because we all know that having an
inequality in a workplace is what we always encounter sometimes even if you are more skilled
qualified but when they know your religion they will not hire you because they believe that it
will affect your work in the organization as well as may affect your socialization and
communication with other member in the organization, Also the gender, background and
anything else that didn’t match to their standard.

What I learn in this topic is that having a diverse workplace is a must inside an
organization for it success, not just success but also the member of it. That’s why when I will be
handling an organization someday I would apply this because I understand that everyone must
be treated according to who they are, what they can do but fairly enough that others will not
be left out or fell insecurities because each individuals has different skills, and everyone is
special just depends on how the society judge them.
BMEC 1: Module Activity 1a

1. Explain the role of operations management in government service delivery.

2. Compare operations management in the private and government sectors by using a
real-life example.
3. Explain the connection between operations and customers satisfaction. Use your
experience in transacting with a government office as your example.
4. Explain why government agencies should operate like private companies.

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