MACARAAN, PrincessAbegail Activity2 Lesson2 FS
MACARAAN, PrincessAbegail Activity2 Lesson2 FS
MACARAAN, PrincessAbegail Activity2 Lesson2 FS
III. Application
Activity1. Follow the following steps:
1. Prepare a letter of request.
- Ma’am/sir
Greetings of Peace!
We are BSEd III Social Studies majors from College of Sciences, Technology
and Communications, Inc. Sariaya, Quezon, and our professor has asked to do a
task and conduct an interview in order to fulfil the requirements for Field Study 2
subject under the supervision of Mrs. Rosalina Remolona.
In line with this, they would like to further seek your support and guidance in this
worthy endeavor on the part of the students. Rest assured that all gathered data
will be treated with utmost confidentiality.
The provided names below are the students who are going to conduct the
Bello, Dezarie P.
Deleon, Dax Davon
Macaraan, Princess Abegail
Respectfully yours
3. Interview a parent and ask her/ his viewpoints on traditional and progressive
- Ayumi M. Wakui
In my opinion, progressive education can help students in wider aspects
than in traditional education. Though we are more used in traditional ways,
I believe progressive education gives students more freedom to express
and it prepares them more in the real world after school. Critical thinking
and creative thinking will help them compete in the path that they will
choose in the future. As we are used in ways that teachers giving
everything a student needs, it is about time to let children make an effort
and make them use their creativity and be more independent in learning.
4. Research the differences between the traditional and progressive curriculum.
Accomplish the H Chart.
5. Personal Insight
IV. Assessment
1. Enumerate and explain the 7 domains of PPST.
- We know if the students have an interest the content of the topic is they can
participate a lively and they do some taking notes for them to retain all what they
hear in class to their minds. Also if they kids care about and they enjoy the class
towards differentiating of their interests. Also if they engaging through discussion
because it is an important to have an interaction through students and teacher. In
that way they having an interest about the content. We need to put the student in
command of his or her own education. Create a rich learning atmosphere and a
willingness to learn, and the students will perform all of the learning work, with
the teacher only facilitating. So that we can easily determine if learner’s have
interested or not about the content.
3. When do you know that the content is within the time, the resources and
expertise of teachers, and the experiences of the learners?
- The content is within the time when if it is designed and arranged to promote
learning activities, abilities, processes, and attitudes, it has importance. It also
focuses on the three domains of learning, namely cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor abilities, as well as the cultural characteristics of the students. It is
become essential even or especially in the digital era, but the function of content
is gradually shifting in the digital age, in some ways becoming a means to other
purposes, such as skills development, rather than an end in itself. Because of the
fast development of knowledge in virtually all subject areas, it's more vital than
ever to be clear about the role and purpose of material in a course, and to
communicate that to students effectively. It will needed are what information
should be included in the curriculum, what topics should be addressed in a
course or program, and what content sources, such as textbooks, students
should have access to. In that way it is become of time with the use of some
resource by using the teacher, so it helps to students learn and take an
experience all of that.
V. Reflection
> Answer the following questions:
1. As a teacher what are the things you are going to consider if you are to
prepare your simple curriculum? Why?
- For me as a teacher these are that we need to consider when we prepare a
curriculum, we must know of the objective and what are we focuses for the
student sake. Also we must know what the resources that we want to use while
teaching in order to make it easy to understand the content that we will give by
the learner’s. To make it easy to the student to cope up it will be good if they
experiencing all or related to them in order to retain in their minds. So that we
create the student experience and develop the plans, methods and process to
make it easy to teach to those learner’s. we also consider the materials and what
specific task that we use, so that it will be align and fit to the students when we