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Application Development Using PHP


Advance PHP
Unit -1
Object Oriented Concept in PHP
Unit -2
File management and Exception Handling

Unit -3
Database Connectivity in PHP
Dr P.K.Behera (Chairman)
Reader in Computer Science
Utkal University
Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Dr. J.R.Mohanty (Member)

Professor and HOD
KIIT University
Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Sh Pabitrananda Pattnaik (Member)

Scientist –E,NIC
Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Sh Malaya Kumar Das (Member)

Scientist –E,NIC
Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Dr. Bhagirathi Nayak (Member)

Professor and Head(IT & System)
Sri Sri University
Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Dr. Manoranjan Pradhan (Member)

Professor and Head(IT & System)
Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Sri V.S.Sandilya (Convener)

Academic Consultant (I.T),
Odisha State Open University,
Sambalpur, Odisha


Course Writer Course Editor

Mr. Aseem Kumar Patel Mr. Satya Sobhan Panigrahi
Academic Consultant Asst. Prof, SIT, BBSR
Odisha State Open University, Sambalpur, Odisha
Object Oriented Concept in PHP


1.1 Introduction 01
1.2 Basics of OOP in PHP 01
1.2.1 Pillars of OOPS 01
1.3 Advantage of Object Oriented Programming 03
1.4 Understanding classes and objects 03
1.4.1 Class in PHP 04
1.4.2 Object in PHP 05
1.5 PHP Class Properties and Methods 07
1.5.1 Access Modifiers 07
1.5.2 PHP class Methods 07
1.5.3 PHP Static Class Properties and Methods 08
1.5.4 PHP Class Constants 09
1.6 Constructor and Destructor in PHP 10
1.6.1 Constructor in PHP 10
1.6.2 Destructor in PHP 12
1.7 Magic Methods in PHP 13
1.8 Inheritance in PHP 15
1.8.1 Multilevel and Multiple inheritance in PHP 17
1.9 Interface 19
1.10 Abstract class 21
1.11 Differences between abstract class and interface in PHP 22
1.12 Final class and method in PHP 23
1.13 Polymorphism 24
1.13.1 Method Overriding 24
1.14 Let us sum up 26
1.15 References 26
1.16 Model Questions 26
Object Oriented Concept in PHP

1.1 Introduction
Object-oriented programming (OOP) was first introduced in php4. Area for
OOP in PHP version 4 was not very vast. There were only few features available
in php4. The major concept of the object oriented programming in PHP is
introduced from version 5(we commonly known as php5). Also, PHP
community has the plan to modify its object model structure in a better manner
in php6 (not released yet). But still, in the php5 object model is designed nicely.
If you have the good understanding of OOP then you can create a very good
architecture of your PHP application. You only need to know some of the basic
principles of object-oriented programming and how to implement that concept
of OOP in PHP. In whole series I will use abbreviation OOP for Object Oriented
The object-oriented programming style in PHP is a great way to build modular,
reusable code, letting you create large applications that are relatively easy to

1.2 Basics of OOP in PHP

Object oriented programming is a design concept. OOP is nothing but a
technique to design your application i.e. web based or windows based
In object oriented programming, everything will be around the objects and
class. By using OOP in php we can create modular web application and perform
any activity in the object model structure.

1.2.1 Pillars of OOPs

There are six Pillars of Object Oriented Programming:
1. Object
2. Class
3. Abstraction
4. Encapsulation
5. Inheritance
6. Polymorphism
Let’s understand each of pillars

1. Object
Anything is the world is an object. Look around and you can find lots of object.
Your laptop, pc, car everything is an object. In this world every object has two

thing properties and behaviors. Your car has property (color, brand name) and
behavior (activity).
If you have an object for interest calculator then it has property interest rate
and capital and behavior simple interest calculation and compound interest
PHP object an individual instance of the data structure defined by a class.
Objects are also knows as instance.

2. Class
The class is something which defines your object. For example, your class is
Car. And your Honda car is object of car class.
Blueprint of the object is class. The class represents all properties and behaviors
of the object. For example, your car class will define that car should have color,
the number of doors and your car which is an object will have color green and
2 doors. Your car is an object of a class car. Or in terms of programming, we
can say your car object is an instance of the car class. So structural
representation (blueprint) of your object is class.

3. Abstraction
Abstraction means displaying only essential information and hiding the details.
Data abstraction refers to providing only essential information about the data to
the outside world, hiding the background details or implementation.
Consider a real life example of a man driving a car. The man only knows that
pressing the accelerators will increase the speed of car or applying brakes will
stop the car but he does not know about how on pressing accelerator the speed
is actually increasing, he does not know about the inner mechanism of the car
or the implementation of accelerator, brakes etc in the car. This is what
abstraction is.

4. Encapsulation
Encapsulation means putting together all the variables (instance variables) and
the methods into a single unit called Class. It also means hiding data and
methods within an Object. Encapsulation provides the security that keeps data
and methods safe from inadvertent changes.

5. Inheritance
Inheritance is the ability to create classes that share the attributes and methods
of existing classes, but with more specific features. Inheritance is mainly used
for code reusability.
When one class is derived from another class this is called an inheritance. The
new class (also called subclass, derived class, child class) can inherit members

from the old class (also called superclass, parent class). The new class can also
add additional properties and methods.

6. Polymorphism
Polymorphism definition is that Poly means many and morphos means forms.
It describes the feature of languages that allows the same word or symbol to be
interpreted correctly in different situations based on the context. Object-
oriented programs are written so that the methods having the same name works
differently in different context.

1.3 Advantage of Object Oriented Programming

There are various advantage of using OOP over the procedural or parallel
programming. Following are some of the basic advantages of using OOPS
Re-Usability of your code: If you will use OOP technique for creating your
application then it will gives you a greater re-usability. For example, if you have
created calculator class at one place then you can use the same calculator class
in your application.
Easy to Maintain: Application develop using OOPS technique are easier to
maintain than normal programming. Again let us take an example of your
interest calculator class. Suppose your business need to change the calculation
logic. They want to add some charges if your capital is less than 200 USD. Just
think about your application is big and developed using normal programming
techniques. So first you have to analyze that at how many places we have
calculated interest, and then you will change. But just think of OOPS technique.
You just need to change in your method of interest calculation at one place.
Good Level of Abstraction: Abstraction means making something hidden. By
using OOPS technique you are abstracting your business logic from
implementation. It will provide you greater ease. Again let us take an example
of interest calculator. If you have created class for interest calculation and your
team is going to use that class. Now you are only concern about how interest
calculation will be performed because you have created that. Your team
member is always have understood that if they will set rate and capital property
and apply interest calculation method then it will return interest.
Molecularity: If are creating a separate class for your every problem then you
are making it modular. So if someone needs to change in the business logic part
then he will always go to your business logic code part.

1.4 Understanding Classes and Objects

Classes, objects, properties, and methods are the basic building blocks that you
can use to create object-oriented applications in PHP.

A PHP class is a unit of code that describes the characteristics and behaviors of
something, or of a group of things.
Class is like your house blueprint. Before your house is constructed, there is a
house blueprint. It is not an actual house, but a plan how this house will look
like, how many rooms it will have and so on. Then the house will be constructed
by following the blueprint exactly. In this analogy, the house blueprint is a class
and your actual house is an object. We can have unlimited objects of a class,
just like we can build unlimited exact houses by following the same house

1.4.1 Class in PHP

Concept of class introduced from php4. But complete coverage of class like
access modifier or interface is introduced from php5. Creating class is very easy
in PHP. You can create class with help of using class keyword in PHP.
The keyword class is used to define a user defined (abstract) data type. It is then
followed by the user defined class name (/identifier) and a pair of curly braces
e.g. class className { }
class className
//variables of the class
var $var1;
var $var2;
//Function of class
function addVar ()
return $this->var1 . $this->var2;

Points to be Remember:
1. Class className is created by using keyword “class”. Your name of the
class will be general string without space.
2. Complete block of the class in enclosed within { }.
3. All variables of this class is defined in the beginning of the class.
Variables are starting with “var” keyword which is followed by a
conventional $ variable name.
4. The variable $this is a special variable and it refers to the same object
i.e. itself.

If you want to declare $var1 to be accessible from anywhere then you can use
public $var1 instead of var $var1. If you will use var $var1 in php5, the variable
will be treated as public by default.
<? php
class Car{
public $weight = "100kg";
public $price = "$1000";

function show(){
echo "<br/>". $this->weight;
echo "<br/>". $this->price;
1.4.2 Object in PHP
Classes are useless without objects. Object is an instance of your class. If you
have class then you can create as many objects as you like of that class type.
You can create object of your class by using “new” keyword.
Syntax to create object using new operator
An object is created using the keyword new to assign the class to the user
defined object name.
e.g. $myObject = new className;
Now in above code we have created object named “myObject” of class
myClass. We can create multiple object of your same class. Every object is
different from other.
$objClass1 = new myClass();
$objClass2 = new myClass();

<? PHP
class Car{
public $weight = "100kg";
public $price = "$1000";
function show(){
echo "<br/>". $this->weight;
echo "<br/>". $this->price;

$object = new Car (); // create a class object
echo ( "<br/>".$object->price ); // access class public property
echo ( "<br/>".$object-> weight); // access class public property
$object->show (); ?>
The “->” symbol access operator is used to get or set an object’s attributes.

<? PHP
//Creating class interestCalculator
class interestCalculator
public $rate;
public $duration;
public $capital;
public function calculateInterest()
return ($this->rate*$this->duration*$this->capital)/100;

$calculator1 = new InterestCalculator();

$calculator2 = new InterestCalculator();
$calculator1->rate = 3;
$calculator1->duration =2;
$calculator1->capital = 300;

$calculator2->rate = 3.2;
$calculator2->duration =3;
$calculator2->capital = 400;

$interest1 = $calculator1->calculateInterest();
$interest2 = $calculator2->calculateInterest();

echo "Your interest for calculator1 object is…$interest1 <br/> ";

echo "Your interest for calculator2 object is…$interest2 <br/> ";

We have created two object of “interestCalculator” class in variable

$calculator1 and $calculator2.

Now property value of both objects are different. for example $calculator1
capital is 300 and $calculator2 capital is 400. Whenever we will call
“calculateInterest” function of the both object then they will calculate interest
on their own properties.

1.5 PHP Class Properties and Methods

1.5.1 Access modifiers:
Each method and property has its visibility. We can set the visibility of methods
and member fields.
PHP5 has three access modifiers. public, private, protected.
 The public members can be accessed everywhere, both within the class
and externally.
 The private members is accessible only from within the class that
defines it.
 The protected members can only be accessed within the class itself or
in descendant classes.
PHP Class Properties
Properties are used to add data to a class, it’s a class-specific variables.
public $color = "red";
private $price = "$2000"; // class properties
protected $power = "200hp";
$obj = new Car();
echo ( $obj->color ); // you can access only public properties
echo ( $obj->price ); /*this statement generate an error because
private properties can't access outside the class*/

1.5.2 PHP Class Methods

Methods are class-specific function. Method declare using the function keyword
precedes a method name, followed by an optional list of argument variables in
parentheses. The method body is enclosed by braces.
Points to be remember about the class methods:
 Methods must be declared in the body of class
 Methods can be declared public, protected, or private.

 If you omit the visibility keyword in your method declaration, the method
will be declared public implicitly.
Example: ex1.php //filename
class Audi{
public $colors ="red";
private $prices="$2000"; // class properties
protected $powers = "200hp";

public function show() { // access modifier must followed by function keyword

echo "audi colors = ". $this->colors;
echo "<br/> audi prices = ". $this->prices;
echo "<br/> audi powers = ". $this->powers;
$obj = new Audi();
$obj->show(); // calling instance show() method


1.5.3 PHP Static Class Properties and Methods

The static keyword is used to define static methods and properties.
 static methods are callable without an instance of the object.
 $this pseudo-variable is not available inside the method declared as static.
The static properties and methods accessed using the scope resolution operator (::).
classname :: method_name()
classname :: static_property_name

class Car{
static public $color ="red"; // static property
static private $price="$2000"; // static property
protected $power="200hp"; // instance property

static public function show(){

echo "car color = ". Car::$color;
echo "<br/> car price = ". Car::$price; echo "<br/>";
// you cannot use the instance property within static method
static private function msg(){
echo "this is private static function";
} } // end of class Car
$obj= new Car();
Car :: show(); // calling the static show() method
Car::msg(); // private static msg() method cannot accessed
outside the class

1.5.4 PHP Class Constants

Class constants define with the const keyword. A constant variable cannot start
with $ symbol.
const PRICE = "$40000"

Class constants variable access like static properties.


The value for constant variable must be a constant expression, not a variable, a
property, a result of a mathematical operation, or a function call.
Note: class constants cannot be made private or protected. They always
publicly visible. For good practice to use all-uppercase letters for class constant
names (e.g. PRICE, COUNTRY).

class Car{
const PRICE = "$40000";
const COUNTRY = "usa" ;
public $quantity = 300 ;

public function show(){

$this->quantity = 500;
echo "quantity = ".$this->quantity;
echo "<br/> constant price value = ".Car::PRICE;
echo "<br/> constant country value = ".Car::COUNTRY;
$obj = new Car();
echo "<br/>price value outside the class = ".Car::PRICE;

1.6 Constructor and Destructor in PHP

1.6.1 Constructor in PHP
A PHP constructor is a 'special' member function whose task is to initialize the
objects of its class.
Constructor is nothing but a function defined in your php class. Constructor
function automatically called when you will create object of the class.
In php4 we can create constructor by creating function with same name of your
class. But from php5 you can also create constructor by defining magic
function __construct.
public function __construct()
... code goes here... }

Constructor in PHP4 (will work in PHP5 too)
class interestCalculator
var $rate;
var $duration;
var $capital;
//Constructor of the class
function interestCalculator()
$this->rate = 3;
$this->duration = 4;

constructor in PHP5
class interestCalculator
public $rate;
public $duration;
public $capital;
//Constructor of the class
public function __construct() // __ is (double Underscore)
$this->rate = 3;
$this->duration = 4;
class interestCalculator
public $rate;
public $duration;
public $capital;
//Constructor of the class
public function __construct() // __ is (double Underscore)
$this->rate = 3;
$this->duration = 4;
echo "<br/> interestCalculator class object is created ";
$obj = new interestCalculator ();
interestCalculator class object is created

1.6.2 Destructor in PHP

The PHP destructor is used to destroy the objects. Like Java, PHP has automatic
garbage collection. A destructor function cleans up any resources allocated to
an object once the object is destroyed.
Unless otherwise explicitly carried out, objects are automatically destroyed at
the end of the script they were created in.
In some cases, it might sometimes be useful to specifically carry out a task when
an object is destroyed, say to close a database connection.
Accordingly, the destructor is a magic method that is automatically called when
an object is destroyed, e.g. at the end of the script.
public function __destruct()
… code written here…
class interestCalculator
public $rate;
public $duration;
public $capital;
//Constructor of the class
public function __construct() // __ is (double Underscore)
$this->rate = 3;
$this->duration = 4;
echo "<br/> interestCalculator class object is created ";
public function __destruct() { // destroy the safari object
echo "<br/> destroy the object";
$obj = new interestCalculator ();

interestCalculator class object is created
destroy the object
A destructor is called automatically when a scripts ends. However, to explicitly
trigger the destructor, you can destroy the object using the PHP unset()
function, as follow:
class interestCalculator
public $rate;
public $duration;
public $capital;
//Constructor of the class
public function __construct() // __ is (double Underscore)
$this->rate = 3;
$this->duration = 4;
echo "<br/> interestCalculator class object is created ";
public function __destruct() { // destroy the safari object
echo "<br/> destroy the object";
$obj = new interestCalculator ();
interestCalculator class object is created
destroy the object
To delete an object before the end of a script the keyword unset() is used with
the object's variable name within its parentheses

1.7 Magic Methods in PHP

Magic methods in php are some predefined function by php compiler which
executes on some event.

Magic methods starts with prefix __, for example __call, __get, __set. There
are verous magic methods in php.
Here we will discuss some of the most comman magic methods of php which
will be used in object oriented programming.
List of Magic methods in PHP
This magic methods is called when someone create object
__construct of your class. Usually this is used for creating constructor
in php5.
This magic method is called when object of your class is
unset. This is just opposite of __construct.
This method called when your object attempt to read
__get property or variable of the class which is inaccessible or
This method called when object of your class attempts to
__set set value of the property which is really inaccessible or
unavailable in your class.
This magic methods trigger when isset() function is
__isset applied on any property of the class which is inaccessible
or unavailable.
__unset is something opposite of is set method. This
__unset method triggers when unset() function called on
inaccessible or unavailable property of the class.
__call magic method trigger when you are attempting to
__call call method or function of the class which is either
inaccessible or unavailable.
__callstatic execute when inaccessible or unavailable
method is in static context.
__sleep methods trigger when you are going to serialize
your class object.
__wakeup executes when you are un serializing any class
__toString executes when you are using echo on your
__invoke called when you are using object of your class
as function

1.8 Inheritance in PHP
PHP inheritance is one of the fundamental mechanisms for code reuse in OOPs.
By implementing inheritance you can inherit (or get) all properties and methods
of one class to another class. The class who inherit feature of another class
known as child class. The class which is being inherited is known as parent
class. With the help of inheritance we can increase re-usability of code.
Real world example, child inherits characteristics of their parent. Same is here
in oop. One class is inheriting characteristics of another class.
When one class is derived from another class this is called an inheritance. The
new class (also called subclass, derived class, child class) can inherit members
from the old class (also called superclass, parent class). The new class can also
add additional properties and methods.
Classes can inherit the methods and properties of another class using the
extends keyword.
To implementing inheritance in php we need at least 2 classes. One will be
parent class and other will be child class. In child class you can inherit all
properties and methods (protected and public only) from parent class.
class Demo
$model = null ;
class Demo1 extends Demo{
$price = "$4000"; // $model property inherit from Cars class
class Super1 {
private $value;
function Super1(){
public function getvalue()
echo "I am in Super class with value..". $this -> value;

class Child extends Super1{
private $value1 = 200;
public function getChild()
$this -> getValue();
echo " <br> Inside Child class with value ". $this -> value1;
$obj = new Child();
$obj -> getChild();

class Person {
public $name ;
public function speak() {
echo "Hi, my name is $this->name, and I'm a Male";
class Teacher extends Person {
public $age ;
public function speak() {
echo "Hello, my name is $this->name, and <br>I'm a Teacher!";
echo "<br>My age is $this->age !!";
$obj = new Teacher;
$obj ->name = "aseem";
$obj -> age = "33";
$obj ->speak();
Hello, my name is aseem, and
I'm a Teacher!
My age is 33 !!

The new Teacher class has extended the Person class, and in this case has also
overridden the speak() method of the parent.

1.8.1 Multilevel and Multiple inheritance in PHP
In PHP multilevel inheritance is possible but multiple inheritance is not
possible. In simplified terms in PHP child class cannot inherit more than one
parent class. But hierarchical inheritance is possible in PHP.
Hierarchical means Parent inherit property of grandparent class. Grandchild
inherit property of parent class. So in multilevel inheritance child can get some
property of from grandparent class also. Multilevel inheritance
In multilevel, multiple classes are involved in inheritance, but one class extends
only one. The lowermost subclass can make use of all its super classes’
members. Multilevel inheritance is an indirect way of implementing multiple
class a
public function function_a(){
echo "class A<br>";

class b extends a
public function function_b(){
echo "class B<br>";

class c extends b
public function function_c(){
echo "class C<br>";
$c =new c();
$c->function_c(); ?>

OUTPUT: Multiple inheritance

When one child class acquires the property from one than one class is called
multiple inheritance. In simplified terms in PHP child class cannot inherit more
than one parent class.
class A
//Your class body
class B
//Your class body
class C extends A B
//your class body

Above program code will not work in php because php does not supports
multiple inheritance.
To allow this feature, we can use “interfaces” or use "Traits" in PHP. Traits in PHP (replacement of multiple Inheritance)
PHP 5.4.0 was coming with one amazing feature called trait. It provide a
mechanism which will allow us to implement multiple inheritance in PHP.
The Trait behaves like an abstract class. It cannot be instantiated on its own.
Traits can be initialized with the keyword trait.
trait traitName
public function functionName($args)
// statement Code

trait hello
function sayHello() { echo "Hello"; } // method1
trait world
function sayWorld() { echo "World!!!"; } // method2
class HelloWorld
// now using more than one trait
use hello, world;
$obj= new HelloWorld();
$obj->sayHello(); // Print : sayHello
$obj->sayWorld(); // Print : sayWorld
Hello World!!!

1.9 Interface
Interfaces provide a way of implementing multiple inheritance (not directly
available in PHP) through the use of the keywords interface and implements.
By implementing interface we are forcing any class to must declaring some
specific set of methods in oop.
We can create an interface in PHP using interface keyword. Rest of the things
are typically identical to classes. Following is a very small example of an
interface in PHP.
interface abc
public function xyz($b);
So in above code, we are creating an interface with name abc. Interface abc has
function xyz. Whenever we will implement the abc interface in our class then
we have to create a method with the name xyz. If we will not create function
xyz then it will throw an error.
You can implement your interface in your class using implements keyword. Let
us implement our interface abc in our class
class test implements abc
public function xyz($b)
{//your function body
} }
interface person {
function setName($myName);
function getName();
function setAge($myAge);
function getAge();
interface scientist{
function measure();
function writePaper();
class Geek implements person, scientist {
public $name;
public $age;
public function setName($myName){
$this->name = $myName;
public function getName(){
return $this->name ;
public function setAge($myAge){
$this->age = $myAge;
public function getAge(){
return $this->age ;
public function measure(){
echo "$this->name has just made a measurement!<br>";
public function writePaper(){
echo "$this->name has written a paper!<br>";
$steve = new Geek();
$steve->setName("Stephen Hawking");
echo "The guy who invented big bangs: ". $steve->getName() . " is now
" . $steve->getAge() . " years old!<br>";

1.10 Abstract class
Abstract classes are those classes which cannot be directly initialized. Or in
other word we can say that you cannot create object of abstract classes. Abstract
classes always created for inheritance purpose.
Usually, an abstract class is also known as base class. We call it base class
because the abstract class is not the class which is available directly for creating
an object. It can only act as the parent class of any normal class. You can use
an abstract class in the class hierarchy. Mean one abstract class can inherit
another abstract class also.
You can create abstract classes and methods in PHP using abstract keyword.
abstract class Cars{
public abstract function funName( $c );
Abstract method: - If a method has no definition then it is called abstract
Points to be Remember:
 We cannot create object of abstract class
 Abstract class and method cannot be final
 Abstract method cannot be private, because private method are never
 If a class extends an abstract class then it must define all the abstract
methods if any of the abstract method remain undefined in the subclass
then the subclass must we declared abstract otherwise throw an error.
 If the abstract method is declared as protected, the function
implementation must be defined as either protected or public, but not
private (always less or same restricted).
abstract class Cars{
public abstract function set_color( $c );
abstract function set_price( $p );
public abstract function show();
function display(){
echo "<br/>i am not a abstract method";

class Audi extends Cars{

private $color = null;
private $price = null;
public function set_color( $c )
$this->color = $c;
public function set_price( $p )
$this->price = $p;
public function show()
echo "<br/> car color = ".$this->color;
echo "<br/> car price = ".$this->price;

$audi = new Audi();

$audi->set_color( "Red" );
$audi->set_price( "$55999" );

1.11 Differences between abstract class and interface in PHP

Following are some main difference between abstract classes and interface in
1. In abstract classes, this is not necessary that every method should be
abstract. But in interface every method is abstract.
2. Multiple and multilevel both type of inheritance is possible in the
interface. But single and multilevel inheritance is possible in abstract
3. The method of PHP interface must be public only. A method in an
abstract class in PHP could be public or protected both.
4. In an abstract class, you can define as well as declare methods. But in
the interface, you can only define your methods.

1.12 Final class and method in PHP
A php class can declared final to indicate that it cannot be extended; that is, one
cannot declare subclasses of a final class. A final class behavior cannot be
changed by extending the class. A final class must be complete.
The class properties cannot be declared final, only non-abstract classes and
methods may be declared as final.
final class className{ }
final public function fuctionName(){}
Important Point:
 used to declare that a method or class cannot be overridden by a subclass
 cannot be applied to properties
 If the class itself is being defined final then it cannot be extended
 Means of stopping other programmers using the code in unplanned ways
final class Person {
public $name;
public function speak() {
echo $this->name;
class Teacher extends Person {
public function speak() {
echo "$this->name is a Teacher who works with OSOU!!";
$geek = new Teacher;
$geek->name = "OSOU";
echo $geek->speak() ;?>

Fatal error: Class Teacher may not inherit from final class (Person)
in C:\AppServ\www\ex1.php on line 12

class Person {
public $name;
final public function speak() {
echo $this->name;
class Teacher extends Person {
public function speak() {
echo "$this->name is a Teacher who works with OSOU!!";
$geek = new Teacher;
$geek->name = "OSOU";
echo $geek->speak() ;
Fatal error: Cannot override final method Person::speak() in
C:\AppServ\www\ex1.php on line 12

1.13 Polymorphism
Polymorphism definition is that Poly means many and morphos means forms.
It describes the feature of languages that allows the same word or symbol to be
interpreted correctly in different situations based on the context. Object-
oriented programs are written so that the methods having the same name works
differently in different context.
Polymorphism can be achieved using method overloading and method
Overloading: Same method name with different signature, since PHP doesn’t
support method overloading concept
Overriding: When same methods defined in parents and child class with same
signature i.e. known as method overriding. A super class and sub class both
have methods with same name this is called method overriding.
1.13.1 Method Overriding
Overriding in php is very easy. As we know that overriding is process of
modifying the inherited method. So in case of inheritance you only need to
create method with same name in your child class which you want to override.
Following is example of overriding of method in php.
class ParentClass {
public function display() {
echo "Hello i am inside ParentClass display method...";
class ChildClass extends ParentClass {
public function display() {
echo "Display method of parentClass has been overridden<br/>";
echo "Hello i am inside ChildClass display method...";

$myChild = new ChildClass;

echo $myChild->display();
Display method of parentClass has been overridden
Hello i am inside ChildClass display method...

Another Example:
class testParent
public function f1()
echo “f1 method of testParent class: Odisha”;
public function f2()
echo “f2 method of testParent class: Sambalpur”;
class testChild extends testParent
function f2($a) //overriding function f2
echo "<br/>f2 method of testChild class: $a";
$a = new testChild();

f1 method of testParent class: Odisha
f2 method of testChild class: OSOU

In the above example we have overloaded the function f2() of class testParent
with the same function name in testChild class. So when we call f2() method
using object of textChild class it will execute the f2() method of testChild class,
whereas when we call f1() method using the same object it will execute f1()
method of testParent class.

1.14 Let us sum up
The object-oriented programming style in PHP is a great way to build modular,
reusable code, letting you create large applications that are relatively easy to
The major concept of the object oriented programming in PHP is introduced
from version 5.
In this unit we learnt about OOPS features,how to implements class and object
cconecpt in PHP programming, Access Modifiers, constructor, destructor and
many more.
We also learnt Magic Methods in PHP, inheritance, replacement of Multiple
Inheritance i.e. interface, Abstract class and how it is difference from
interface.we got idea about how to restrict classes from inheritance using fanal
keyword and polymorphism.
In whole series I will use abbreviation OOP for Object Oriented Programming.

1.15 References:

1.16 Model Questions

Q.No. 01: What is OOPS Concepts? what are the pillars of OOPS?
Q.No. 02: Write a program in PHP using class and object.
Q.No. 03: What are the advantages of OOPS Concept?
Q.No. 04: What is Access modifiers? What are its types?
Q.No. 05: What is constructor? Hopw to implement constructor in PHP
Q.No. 06: What is static keyword in PHP? How to access static class and
________member in PHP?
Q.No. 07: Differenciate between interface and Abstract class.
Q.No. 08: What is Traits in PHP?
Q.No. 09: What is multilevel inheritance? Write a PHP program to
_________impleaments multilevel inheritance.
Q.No. 10: What is Polymorphism? What is function overloading and
overriding in PHP?

File management and Exception handling


2.1Introduction 01
2.2 What is a file 01
2.3 File Formats support by PHP 01
2.4 File Operations 01
2.4.1 Opening a File 01
2.4.2 Closing a File 02
2.4.3 Read and Write Files 03 Reading a File Character by Character 04 Reading a File Line by Line 04 Writing a File 05 Append content to the file in PHP 06 Copy a file in PHP 08 Rename a file in PHP 08 Delete a file in PHP 09
2.5 Permission in PHP 10
2.5.1 Check File permission 10
2.5.2 Changing File permission 11
2.6 Error handling in PHP 12
2.7 Exception Handling 16
2.8 Let Us Sum Up 20
2.9 References 20
2.10 Model Questions 20
File management and Exception handling

2.1 introduction
Working with files is an important part of any programming language, and PHP
is no different. Whatever your reasons are for wanting to manipulate files, PHP
will happily accommodate them through the use of a handful of functions. We
will explore different ways of interacting with data files. You'll learn different
methods and use cases for reading and writing files in a directory.

2.2 What is a File?

A file is simply a resource for storing information on a computer. Files are
stored in directories on a hard drive, and because they retain their data after the
computer is shut down, they are a persistent storage mechanism, instead of
temporary storage such as RAM. A file can contain any kind of data.
Files are normally used to store data and information like;
 Configuration settings of a program
 Simple data such as contact names against the phone numbers.
 Images, Pictures, Photos, etc.

2.3 File Formats Support by PHP

PHP supports a variety of file formats that include;

text file (.txt file)

log file (.log)
custom_extension file (.abc file)
comma-separated values file (.csv file)
image files (.gif, .jpg, .bmp, .png, .swf, .tiff etc.)

2.4 File Operations

PHP handles file using a set of in-built functions. Some of the functions are,
fopen() and fclose(),feof(),fgetc and many more.
Some of the basic operations for file handling are given below.
 Opening file
 Working with file read, write and append
 Closing file

2.4.1 Opening a File

The fopen() function is used to opens a file and returns a file handle associated
with the file.

If the fopen() function is unable to open the specified file, it returns FALSE(0).
fopen( filename, mode )

filename: Specifies the name of the file you want to open.

mode: Specifies the mode, how the file is to be used.

<head> <title>opening files </title></head>
$open = fopen( "http://localhost:80/data.html", "r" );
$xx = fopen( "data.txt", "r" );
The file may be opened in one of the following modes:
Mode Description
Open for reading only. the file pointer at the beginning of the
r+ Read/Write. the file pointer at the beginning of the file
file Open for writing only. w mode use to creates a new file if it
doesn't exist
w+ Read/Write. w+ mode use to creates a new file if it doesn't exist
a Append. Opens and writes to the end of the file
Read/Append. Preserves file content by writing to the end of
the file
Write only. Creates a new file. Returns FALSE and an error if
file already exists
Write/Read. Creates a new file. Returns FALSE and an error if
file already exists

2.4.2 Closing a File

After performing all file operations of PHP, we need to close it by using the
fclose() function. The fclose() function return true on success or false on failure.

fclose( $filePointer);

$file = fopen( "fileName.txt", 'w+')
fclose( $file ); ?>
2.4.3 Read and Write Files
Once a file is opened using fopen() function it can be read using fread()
function. This function must have two arguments. They are file pointer and the
length of the file in bytes.
Steps to read a file with PHP.

 Open a file using fopen() function.

 Get the file's length using filesize() function.
 Read the file's content using fread() function.
 Close the file with fclose() function.

$char = fread( $filePointer, fileSize );

<head><title>File Reading using PHP</title> </head>

$file = fopen(“filename.txt”, "r" );

if( $file == false ) {

echo ( "Error in opening file" );

$filesize = filesize(“filename.txt”);
$filetext = fread( $file, $filesize );
fclose( $file );

echo ( "File size : $filesize bytes" );

echo ( "<pre>$filetext</pre>" );

Check End-of-file
The php feof() method checks if the 'end-of-file' (EOF) has been reached.
The feof() function return true when the file pointer has reached the end of the file and returns
false otherwise.
Note: feof() is useful with fread() or fgetc() in a while loop when you don't know how long the
file is: if( feof($file)) echo "pointer reach end of file";

3 Reading a File Character by Character
The php getc() function read a single character from a file. This method returns
just one character from the file it points to, it returns false when file pointer
reached the end of the file.
$char = fgetc( $file );
Note: fgetc() function is slow when working with large files.
Note: after a call to this method the file pointer moves to the next character.

<head><title>File Reading using PHP</title> </head>

$file = fopen("/data.html", "r");
while( !feof($file) )
$char = fgetc( $file );
echo "$char <br/>";
fclose( $file );
</html> Reading a File Line by Line
The php fgets() function read a single line from a file.
If there is no more data to read in the file pointer, then FALSE is returned.
$handle = fopen("data.text", "r");
while( ($buffer = fgets($handle, 4090)) !== false){
echo $buffer;
echo "error: unexpected fgets() fail \n";

4 Writing a File
The fwrite() function used to write binary data to a file.
This function returns the number of bytes written, or FALSE on failure.

fwrite( file, text, length)

file: Required. Specifies the open file to write to

text: Required. Specifies the string to write to the open file
length: Optional. Specifies the maximum number of bytes to write.

To perform the write operation, we have two choices to select the mode of the
file to be opened. These are,

Mode of
File Mode File Pointer Position
W write-only Start of the file content
W+ read-write Start of the file content

By using these modes, the entire file content will be cleared and the pointer will
focus the start position of the file content. This method is used to change the
existing file content, completely.
$filename = "newfile.txt";
$file = fopen( $filename, "w" );

if( $file == false ) {

echo ( "Error in opening new file" );
fwrite( $file, "This is a simple test\n" );
fclose( $file );
<head><title>Writing a file using PHP</title></head>
$filename = "newfile.txt";
$file = fopen( $filename, "r" );

if( $file == false ) {
echo ( "Error in opening file" );
$filesize = filesize( $filename );
$filetext = fread( $file, $filesize );
fclose( $file );

echo ( "File size : $filesize bytes<br/>" );

echo ( "$filetext <br/>" );
echo("file name: $filename <br/>");
File size: 23 bytes
This is a simple test
file name: newfile.txt Append content to the file in PHP

In append operation, the content of the existing file will not be erased. we can
add/append new content with the existing content of the file.
Here, file pointer will point end of the file. To append the content in a existing
file we need to change the mode to append i.e. a.

Mode of
File Mode File Pointer Position
a write-only End of the file content
A+ read-write End of the file content

$filePointer = fopen("hello.txt","a");

Note: In both, write and append mode file will open if exists. Otherwise, a
new file will be created for the execution of file write and append.

$filename = "newfile.txt";
$file = fopen( $filename, "a" );

if( $file == false ) {

echo ( "Error in opening new file" );
fwrite( $file, "This is a simple test\n" );
fclose( $file );
<head><title>Writing a file using PHP</title></head>
$filename = "newfile.txt";
$file = fopen( $filename, "r" );

if( $file == false ) {

echo ( "Error in opening file" );
$filesize = filesize( $filename );
$filetext = fread( $file, $filesize );
fclose( $file );

echo ( "File size : $filesize bytes<br/>" );

echo ( "$filetext <br/>" );
echo("file name: $filename <br/>");
File size: 51 bytes
This is a simple test
This is a simple test
file name: newfile.txt

7 Copy a file in PHP
To copy a file, we need to use copy() function. First, we need to make sure
which file to copy by passing as first parameter of the copy() function. Second,
you need to specify the file name to copy the file to.

The copy() function returns true if the file was copied successfully, otherwise
it returns false.

copy( source, dest);
Suppose we have to file. One text.html and second is demo.html which locates
in the same directory as the script.


$oldf = 'newfile.html';
$newf = 'demo.html';

echo 'The file was copied successfully';
echo 'An error occurred during copying the file';
?> Rename a file in PHP
To rename a file, we use the rename() function in PHP. The rename() function
renames a file or directory.

rename( oldname, newname)
$fname = 'osou.txt';
$newfname = 'osou1.bak';

echo sprintf("%s was renamed to %s",$fname,$newfname);
echo 'An error occurred during renaming the file';
} ?>

This function is also used to move a file to a different directory.
$fname = 'osou.txt';
$newfname = 'C:\Users\osou-18\Desktop\osou1.bak';

echo sprintf("%s was renamed to %s",$fname,$newfname);
echo 'An error occurred during renaming the file';
} ?> Delete a file in PHP

To delete a file, we can use unlink() function in PHP. The function returns true
on successful deletion of file or returns false on failure.
unlink( filename );


$fname = 'C:\Users\osou-18\Desktop\aseem.bak';
echo sprintf("The file %s deleted successfully",$fname);
echo sprintf("An error occurred deleting the file %s",$fname);
copy(), rename() and unlink() functions shows warning-level errors if the file
cannot be found therefore it is good practice to check the file exists using the
file_exists() function before copying, renaming or deleting it.

2.5 File Permission in PHP
File permissions indicate what we can do with a specific file in the computer
i.e., reading, writing or executing the file.
When admin upload files to the webserver by FTP, those files are saved on the
server with some specific access permissions. Typically, everyone will be able
to "read" the files and subdirectories, that is: view them through the webserver,
but only admin will be able to "write" and modify to these files/subdirectories.
This type of access control to a file is called File Permission.

2.5.1 Check File permission

PHP has pre-defined functions for checking and changing the file permissions.
i.e. is_readable(),is_writable() and is_executable().
 is_readable() returns true if programmer has the permission to read the
file, otherwise returns false.
 is_writable() returns true if programmer has the permission to write the
file, otherwise returns false.
 is_executable() returns true if programmer has the permission to
execute the file, otherwise returns false.
Example: (How to check Permission of a file)
$fname = 'newfile.html';
echo 'File is readable<br/>';
echo 'File is not readable<br/>';
echo 'File is writable<br/>';}
echo 'File is not writable<br/>';
echo 'File is executable<br/>';
echo 'File is not executable<br/>';
} ?>
File is readable
File is writable
File is not executable
2.5.2 Changing File permission
In PHP, file permissions, or mode can be changed by using chmod() function.

chmod($fname, mode);

1st, we need to pass the name of the file that we want to set permission. 2nd, we
pass the preferred permission.
The chmod() function returns true if the permission was successfully assigned
otherwise it returns false.
A file permission is represented by an octal number that contains three digits:
 The first digit specifies the owner file permission.
 The second digit specifies the owner group file permission.
 The third digit specifies for everyone’s file permission.

Value Permission
0 cannot read, write or execute
1 can only execute
2 can only write
3 can write and execute
4 can only read
5 can read and execute
6 can read and write
7 can read, write and execute


if(chmod("newfile.html", 0600))
echo "Read and write for owner, nothing for everybody else<br/>";
if(chmod("newfile.html", 0644))
echo "Read and write for owner, read for everybody else<br/>";
if(chmod("newfile.html", 0755))
echo "Everything for owner, read and execute for others<br/>";
if(chmod("newfile.html", 0750))
echo "Everything for owner, read and execute for others<br/>";
NOTE: 0 before mode value (664) to request PHP to interpret it as an octal number.

2.6 Error handling in PHP
Errors are the most common event a developer or programmer faces when
programming. Errors can be categorized as syntactical, run-time, or logical.
 syntax error: missing the semicolon at the end of a statement.
 run-time error: trying to connect to a database when the server is down
 logic error: providing incorrect data to a variable
Error handling in PHP is a mechanism to improve application's security,
appearance, and debugging capabilities.
Some error handling methods are:
 die() statement
 Custom error handler
 Error reporting

2.6.1 Error Handling Using the die() function

When we open a file using 'fopen' function to read and write operation, we use
the code:
<?php $rw = fopen("fileName.txt", "r+"); ?>
If the file does not exist 'fopen' function throw a run-time error look like:
Warning: fopen(fileName.txt) [function.fopen]:failed to open stream:
No such file or directory in C:\AppServ\www\data.php on line 1
So to solve this problem we can use die() method.
if( !file_exists("fileName.txt")){
die("User.Txt File Not Found );
$rw = fopen("fileName.txt", "r+");
If the file does not exist the die function display a simple message: "User.Txt
File Not Found"

2.6.2 Custom Error Handling

It is possible to override PHP's default mechanism for handling errors. This
option gives the programmer/ developer full control over what actions to take
when an error is raised.

In this process we create a special function that can be called when an error
occurs in PHP.
This function must be able to handle a minimum of two parameters (error_level,
error_message) but can accept up to five parameters.
error_function(error_level, error_message, error_file, error_line, error_context)

Parameter Description
Required. Specifies the error reporting level for the
error. Must be a value number.
error_message Required. Specifies the error message.
Optional. Specifies the name of the file in which the
error occurred.
Optional. Specifies the line number at which the error
Optional. Specifies an array containing every variable,
their values, in use when the error occurred

function error_Handler( $error_level, $error_message, $error_line)
echo "Error : [" . $error_level . "] Error Message :". $error_message;
echo "<br/> Line Number At Which Error Occured :". $error_line;
function error_Handler( $error_level, $error_message, $error_line)
echo "<br/><b>Error :</b> ". $error_level.
"<br/><b>Error Message :</b>". $error_message.
"<br/><b>Error line:</b>".$error_line;
$data= 30/0; // at this point run-time error will trigger
echo( $data );

Error : 2
Error Message :Division by zero
Error line:C:\AppServ\www\ex1.php

2.6.3 Trigger Errors

Programmer can trigger an error of a specific level using trigger_error()
trigger_error( error_msg, error_level)

error_msg: The designated error message. It's limited to 1024bytes in length.

error_type: Possible error types:-
E_USER_ERROR - Fatal user-generated run-time error. Execution of the
script is halted. Value is 256
E_USER_WARNING - Non-fatal user-generated run time error. Script is not
halted. Value is 512
E_USER_NOTICE - Default. User-generated run time notice. Value is 1024
This function is useful when you need to generate a particular response to an
exception at runtime.
function error_Handler( $error_level, $error_message, $error_line)
echo "<br/>Error : [". $error_level ."] Error Message:". $error_message;
$test = 2;
if( $test>1 ){
trigger_error("value must be less than one", E_USER_ERROR);

OUTPUT: Error: [256] Error Message: value must be less than one

If we replace the above highlighted line with below line
trigger_error("value must be less than one", E_USER_WARNING);
Then Output will be: Error: [512] Error Message: value must be less than one

Similarly If we replace the above highlighted line with below line
trigger_error("value must be less than one", E_USER_NOTICE);
Then Output will be
Error: [1024] Error Message: value must be less than one

2.6.4 Error Logging

The error_log() function sends an error to a specified file or a remote
By default, PHP sends an error log to the server logging system or a file,
depending on how the error_log configuration is set in the php.ini file.
error_log( msg, type, destination, headers);
function error_Handler( $error_level, $error_message, $error_line)
echo "<br/>Error: [". $error_level ."] Error Message:".$error_message;
error_log("Error :[$error_level] Error Message :
{$error_message}",1,"demo@osou.ac.in", "From:
$test = 2;
if( $test>1 ){
trigger_error("value must be less than one", E_USER_WARNING);

The output of the code above should be like this:
Error: [256] Error Message: value must be less than one

The mail received from the code above looks like:

Error: [256] Error Message: value must be less than one

2.7 Exception Handling
Exception handling mechanism can change the normal flow of the code
execution, if the specified error occurs.
PHP exception handling mechanism to improve your application's security,
appearance, debugging capabilities, and make more robust.

2.7.1 Exception Class in PHP

Exception is the base class for all exceptions.
The exception class offers six different methods to access information about
what caused the problem look methods:

Method Description

getMessage() Returns the exception message

getCode() Returns the exception error code
getLine() Returns the line number in which the exception occurred
getFile() Returns the file in which the exception occurred
getTrace() Gets the stack trace
getTraceAsString() Gets the stack trace as a string

2.7.2 Try . . . Catch and throw

Exception handling is carried out by the use of the keywords throw, try, catch.
Try: - The code that may throw an exception is placed within the try block.
Each try must have at least one corresponding catch or finally block (or one of
Catch: - The code to handle the exception is placed within the catch block.
Multiple catch blocks can be used to catch different classes of exceptions.
Throw: - Trigger an exception. Thrown object must be an instance of the
Exception class or a subclass of Exception.
There are three forms of the 'try' statement
try{ try try
//throw__ statement { {
} //throw__ statement //try __ statements
catch(Exception e){ } }
// catch___statement catch(Exception e){ finally {
} // catch___statement //finally___statement
catch{ } } }

Note: - If an exception is not caught, a PHP Fatal Error will be issued
with an "Uncaught Exception" message. The finally block only work in
PHP 5.5 and later versions.

function exc($value){
throw new Exception("the value is less than zero");
echo "statement execute only when the exc method not throw the exception";
catch( Exception $e){
echo "exception handler correct exception";
echo "<br/>error message:- ". $e->getMessage();
exception handler correct exception
error message :- the value is less than zero
The exc() method is called in a 'try' block, first the exc() method check the
value, if value is less than zero then exception is thrown. The catch block
retrieves the exception and creates an object ($e) containing the exception
information. The error message access from the exception object by calling $e-

2.7.3 Top Level Exception Handler

The set_exception_handler() function is used to sets the default exception
handler if an exception is not caught within a try/catch block.
set_exception_handler( "handler" )
handler is the name of the function to called when an uncaught exception

Note: This function must be defined before calling set_exception_handler().
function handler( $exception ){
echo "i am exception handler";
echo "<br/>error message :- ". $exception->getMessage();
set_exception_handler( 'handler' );
throw new Exception("FileNotFoundException");
i am exception handler
error message :- FileNotFoundException

2.7.4 User Defined Exception Handler

User or programmer can create their own custom exceptions. This allows
programmer to add their own methods and properties to the exception objects,
which can help to make error reporting even more rich and useful to users and
class DivisionByZero extends Exception{
public function displayMessage(){
$value ="error message:- " . $this->getMessage();
return $value;
public function file(){
$v="file path:- " . $this->getFile();
return $v;
$var = -2 ;
$msg = "division by zero exception";

try{ Catch (DivisionByZero $e)

if($var<0){ {
throw new DivisionByZero($msg);
} echo $e->displayMessage();
} echo "<br/>". $e->file();
error message:- division by zero exception
file path:- C:\AppServ\www\ex1.php

//create function with an exception
function checkNum($number) {
if($number>1) {
throw new Exception("Value must be 1 or below");
return true;

//trigger exception in a "try" block

try {
//If the exception is thrown, this text will not be shown
echo 'If you see this, the number is 1 or below';

//catch exception
catch(Exception $e){
echo 'Message: ' .$e->getMessage();
Message: Value must be 1 or below

2.8 Let Us Sum Up
Files are stored in directories on a hard drive, and because they retain their data
after the computer is shut down, they are a persistent storage mechanism,
instead of temporary storage such as RAM. A file can contain any kind of data.
In this unit we learnt about file, its need in storing data and different operation
that can possible with File. This unit also gives idea about the process of read a
file character by character and line by line, it also explain about file [permission
and checking of file permission.
Also we learnt about error handling and exception handling concept in PHP.

2.9 References:

2.10 Model Questions

Q. No. 01. What is File? What are the File Formats Support by PHP?
Q. No. 02. What are the different operation that can be possible in File?
Q. No. 03. Write a program to read a file line by line.
Q. No. 04. What is file permission in PHP? How to Check File permission?
Q. No. 05. What is error handling in PHP? What are the methods to handle error
in PHP?
Q. No. 06. What is Exception Handling in PHP? How to handle Exception using
try, catch block?
Q. No. 07. How to create user defined exception? Explain with an example.

Database connectivity in PHP


3.1 Introduction 01

3.2 Introduction to MySQL 01

3.2.1 What Can MySQL Do? 02

3.2.2 Why MySQL use with PHP 02

3.2.3 Features of MySQL 02

3.3 Communication between PHP and MySql server 03

3.3.1 Create a connect to the MySql server 03 Using mysql extension 04 Using mysqli extension (MySQL improved) 07 Using PDO extension (PHP Data Object) 07

3.3.2 Create Database and Tables in MySql 08 Create Table, Primary Keys and Auto Increment Fields 09

3.3.3 Insert Data into MySql Server 10

3.3.4 Mysql SELECT Statement 11

3.3.5 Update MySql Records 13

3.3.6 Delete MySql Records 14

3.4 Example database access from Webpage 15

3.5 Let us Sum Up 17

3.6 References 17

3.7 Model Questions 17

Database connectivity in PHP
Learning Objective
By the end of this unit we will learn how to:
• Get a connection to a MySQL database from within PHP.
• Use a particular database.
• Send a query to the database.
• Parse the query results.
• Check for data errors.
• Build HTML output from data results.

3.1 Introduction
One of the most common applications of PHP is to provide a Web interface for
accessing a database. The database may hold information about user postings
for a forum, account and order information for a vendor, or raw data for a
statistics site.
Because databases are so common, there are a special category of programs
written specifically for managing databases, called database management
systems. Some of the more popular commercial DBMS packages are Oracle
and Microsoft SQL Server, but there are also two prominent open-source
DBMS packages, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
PHP is well known for its smooth database integration, especially with MySQL.
It’s actually quite easy to connect to a MySQL database from within PHP. Once
you’ve established the connection, you can send SQL commands to the
database and receive the results as data you can use in your PHP program. So,
we’ll use MySQL here, since it is easily available and used quite frequently for
Web pages in conjunction with PHP.

3.2 Introduction to MySQL

MySQL is the most popular database system used with PHP. The kinds of
database that can be accessed using PHP are known as relational databases. In
a relational database information is stored in a number of two-dimensional
structures called tables.
MySQL is a freely available open source Relational Database Management
System (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL).
A database is a collection of tables (made up of columns and rows) that stores
information. Most databases are created, updated, and read using SQL
(Structured Query Language). There are few commands in SQL, which are used
to perform above operation.

SQL was designed to be written a lot like the English language, which makes it
very user friendly. But SQL is still extremely capable, even if it takes some
thought to create more elaborate SQL statements with only the handful of
available terms.
Command Purpose
ALTER Modifies an existing table
CREATE Creates a database or table
DELETE Deletes records from a table
DROP Deletes a database or table
INSERT Adds records to a table
SELECT Retrieves records from a table
UPDATE Updates records in a table

3.2.1 What Can MySQL Do?

• MySQL can create new databases
• MySQL can create new tables in a database
• MySQL can create stored procedures in a database
• MySQL can retrieve data from a database
• MySQL can insert records in a database
• MySQL can update records in a database
• MySQL can delete records from a database
• MySQL can execute queries against a database
• MySQL can set permissions on tables, procedures, and views.

3.2.2 Why MySQL use with PHP

• MySQL is an open source database system that runs on a server.
• MySQL is very fast performance, reliable, and easy to use
• MySQL supports Structured Query Language (SQL)
• MySQL manage easily
• MySQL compiles on a number of platforms.
• MySQL database can able store any kind of data types (text, images,
media, audio files).

3.2.3 Features of MySQL

MySQL is a freely available open source Relational Database Management
System (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL).
• Uses a very fast thread-based memory allocation system.
• Supports server secure layer (SSL)
• Cross-Platform support
• Full-Text indexing and searching using MyISAM engine
• Embedded database library

• Privilege and password system that is very flexible and secure and
that enables host-based verification.

Scalability and Limits

• MySQL support for large database that contain 50 million records.

3.3 Communication between PHP and MySql server

When we worked with text files in previous unit, “File Management,” we saw
that some functions, such as fwrite() and fgets(), require that we first create a
file pointer using fopen(). This pointer then acts as a reference to that open file.
We use a similar process when working with databases.
Basically there are three steps for communication with database server from
1. Create a connect to the MySql server
2. Perform the operation (select, insert, update, modify, delete etc.)
3. Close the database connection

3.3.1 Create a connect to the MySql server

PHP provides us with three main ways to connect to MySQL databases:

• mysql
• mysqli (MySQL improved)
• pdo (PHP Data Object)
mysql: The mysql extension for PHP is incredibly old. Not only did
development stop long ago on mysql, but it was deprecated as of PHP 5.5.0,
and has been officially removed in PHP 7.0.
mysqli (MySQL improved): is a relational database driver used in the PHP to
provide an interface with MySQL databases. MySQLi is an improved version
of the older PHP MySQL driver, offering various benefits. It features both
procedural (function-oriented) and object-oriented interfaces. However, if you
know you're only ever going to work with MySQL, and you want to squeeze
the most out of MySQL's power from your PHP scripts, then mysqli is a good
PDO (PHP Data Object): This is an object-oriented extension that sits
between the MySQL server and the PHP engine. We can use the same extension
to talk to lots of other database systems like (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle).
Here in this unit we will mainly emphasis on mysqli (MySQL improved).
3 Using mysql extension
First, we have to establish a connection to the MySQL database server. This
connection is then used as the access point for any future commands.
The syntax for connecting to a database is
$dbc = mysql_connect (hostname, username, password, dbname, port,
This method returns an object which represents the connection to a MySQL
The database connection is established using at least three arguments:
The hostname, which is almost always “localhost”. The username; and the
password for that username. If you’re using a database through a hosting
company, the company will most likely provide you with the host name,
username, and password to use.

Parameter Description
hostname Specifies a host name or an IP address.
username Specifies the MySQL user name.
password Specifies the MySQL password.
Specifies the default MySQL database name to be
used. It is optional. (Optional)

Closing a Database Connection

Once we are done working with a database, we can close the connection, just
the same way as we close an open file:
This method return true on success or false on failure
The PHP script will automatically close the database connection when the script
terminates, but it’s considered good form to formally close the connection once
it’s no longer needed.
Open a new PHP document in your text editor (Notepad++) or IDE, to be named

<title>Connect to MySQL DB for First Time</title>
<h1>Odisha State Open University<h1>

Start the section of PHP code

Initialize the parameters i.e. hostname, username, password, dbname.
$host = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "osou123";
$dbname = "dbName";

Connect to MySQL, and report on the results:

$dbc = mysql_connect($host, $username, $password, $dbname);

print '<p>Successfully connected to MySQL!</p>';
else {
print '<p style="color: red;">Could not connect to MySQL.</p>';

By placing the connection attempt as the condition in an if-else statement, you

make it easy to report on whether the connection worked.
If a connection was established, a positive message is printed and then the
connection is closed. Otherwise, a message stating the opposite is printed, and
there is no need to close the database connection (because it wasn’t opened).
Complete the PHP code and the HTML page:

Save the file as “mysql_connect.php”, place it in the proper directory of your
PHP-enabled computer, and test it in your Web browser.
If PHP has support for MySQL and the username/password/host combination
you used was correct, you should see this simple message:
“Successfully connected to MySQL!”
If you see results, like below:

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for

user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in
C:\AppServ\www\ex1.php on line 7
unable to connect to database what error: Access denied for user
'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Double check the username and password values. They should match up with
those provided to you by your Web host or those you used to create the user.
If you see call to undefined function mysql_connect…, your version of PHP
doesn’t support MySQL.
<title>Connect to MySQL DB for First Time</title>
<h1>Odisha State Open University<h1>

$host = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "osou123";
$dbname = "dbName";

$dbc = mysql_connect($host, $username, $password, $dbname);

print '<p>Successfully connected to MySQL!</p>';
else {

print '<p style="color: red;">Could not connect to MySQL.</p>';
</html> Using mysqli extension (MySQL improved)
The PHP mysqli_connect() function is used to open a new connection to MySQL
This method returns an object which represents the connection to a MySQL
mysqli_connect(host, username, password, databasename, port, socket);

The mysqli_close() function can be used to close a connection to a database.

This method return true on success or false on failure.
mysqli_close( $object );


$host = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "osou123";
$dbname = "dbName";

$object = mysqli_connect( $host, $username, $password, $dbname);

if( $object ){
echo "able to connect to database";
mysqli_close( $object );

else {
echo "unable to connect to database what error: ". mysqli_connect_error();
?> Using PDO extension (PHP Data Object)

PDO is a database connection abstraction library which is built into PHP since
5.1.0, which provides a common interface to talk with many different databases.

For example, you can use basically identical code to interface with MySQL or
To establish a connection to a database program, create a new PDO object. You
pass the PDO constructor a string that describes the database you are connecting
to, and it returns an object that you use in the rest of your program to exchange
information with the database program.
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=example.com;dbname=database', 'user', 'password');
The string passed as the first argument to the PDO constructor is called a data
source name (DSN). It begins with a prefix indicating what kind of database
program to connect to, then has a :, then some semicolon-separated key=value
pairs providing information about how to connect.
$pdo=new PDO('mysql:host = example.com;dbname=database', 'user', 'password');
print '<p>Successfully connected to MySQL!</p>';
else {
print '<p style="color: red;">Could not connect to MySQL.</p>';
Here in this unit we will mainly emphasis on mysqli (MySQL improved).

3.3.2 Create Database and Tables in MySql

The PHP mysqli_query() function with the CREATE DATABASE query is
used to create a new database in MySQL. This method return true on success
false on failure.
mysqli_query( connection, query);
connection: Required. Specifies the MySQL connection to use.
query: Required. Specifies the query string.
In the example below, create a database named "dbName":


$_host = "localhost";
$_username = "root";
$_password = "osou123";

$object = mysqli_connect( $_host, $user_name, $pass_word);

if( $object){
echo "connect to database success";
else {
echo "connection to database error -- : ". mysqli_connect_error();

//create a database
$query = "CREATE DATABASE dbName";

if ( mysqli_query( $object, $query) ){

echo " the dbName database created successfully";
echo "Error :- ". mysqli_error($object);
?> Create Table, Primary Keys and Auto Increment Fields
The PHP mysqli_query() function with the CREATE TABLE mysql query is
used to create a new table in MySQL.
This method return true on success false on failure.

$host = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "osou123";
$dbname = "dbName";

$object = mysqli_connect( $host, $username, $password, $dbname);

if( $object ){
echo "able to connect to database";

else {
echo "unable to connect to database what error: ". mysqli_connect_error();

//create a table

$query = "CREATE TABLE Users(

FirstName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
LastName VARCHAR(255),
Salary FLOAT,

if ( mysqli_query( $object, $query) ){

echo " Create users table Successfully done…";
mysqli_close( $object );
echo "Error :- ". mysqli_error($object);

3.3.3 Insert Data into MySql Server

The MySQL INSERT INTO statement is used to insert new record in a table.
The PHP use mysqli_query() function to execute the INSERT INTO statement
and send query to a MySQL server.

$host = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "osou123";
$dbname = "dbName";

$object = mysqli_connect( $host, $username, $password, $dbname);

if( $object ){
echo "able to connect to database";
else {
echo "unable to connect to database what error: ". mysqli_connect_error();
//Inserting data into a table
$query = "INSERT INTO Users (FirstName, LastName, Salary) VALUES
('aseem', 'patel', 50000)");
$query1 = "INSERT INTO Users (FirstName,LastName)

if ( mysqli_query( $object, $query) ){

echo " Data Inserted into users table Successfully done…";
mysqli_close( $object );
echo "Error :- ". mysqli_error($object);

3.3.4 Mysql SELECT Statement

The MySQL SELECT statement allows you to retrieve zero or more rows from
tables or views.
The SELECT statement returns a result that is a combination of columns and
rows, which is also known as a result-set.
The data can be fetched from Users tables by executing SELECT statement
through PHP function mysqli_query().
The mysqli_fetch_array() function fetches a result row as an associative array.
Note: Field names returned by this function are case-sensitive.
The mysqli_fetch_array() returns an array of strings that corresponds to the
fetched row or NULL.

$host = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "osou123";
$dbname = "dbName";

$object = mysqli_connect( $host, $username, $password, $dbname);

if( $object ){
echo "able to connect to database";
else {
echo "unable to connect to database what error: ". mysqli_connect_error();
//Select data from the users Table
$query = "SELECT * FROM Users";

$array = mysqli_query( $object, $query);

if( ! $array ){
echo "Could not get data from Table : ".mysqli_error( $object);
while( $rows = mysql_fetch_array( $array )){
echo ($rows['FirstName']);
echo "\br". $rows['LastName'];
echo "\br". $rows['Salary];
mysqli_close( $object );
?> Mysql SELECT Statement using Where Clause
The MySQL WHERE clause is used to filter records
The WHERE clause allows you to specify exact rows to select based on given
In the example below, selects all rows from the "Users" table where "LastName
='patel' ":
$host = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "osou123";
$dbname = "dbName";
$object = mysqli_connect( $host, $username, $password, $dbname);

if( $object ){
echo "able to connect to database";
else {
echo "unable to connect to database what error: ". mysqli_connect_error();
//Select data from the users Table using Where Clause
$query = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE LastName='patel'";
$array = mysqli_query( $object, $query);
if( ! $array ){
echo "Could not get data from Table : ".mysqli_error( $object);
while( $rows = mysql_fetch_array( $array )){
echo ($rows['FirstName']);
echo "\br". $rows['LastName'];
echo "\br". $rows['Salary];
mysqli_close( $object );
3.3.5 Update MySql Records
The MySQL UPDATE statement is used to update existing data in tables. It can
be used to change column values of a single row, group of rows or all rows in
a tables.
UPDATE table_name1, table_name2, ...
SET column_name1 = expression_value,
column_name2 = expression_value, ...
WHERE condition ;
Note: The PHP use mysqli_query() function to execute the UPDATE statement
and send query to a MySQL server.
The following example update data in 'Users' table that we have created earlier:

$host = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "osou123";
$dbname = "dbName";
$object = mysqli_connect( $host, $username, $password, $dbname);

if( $object ){
echo "able to connect to database";
else {
echo "unable to connect to database what error: ". mysqli_connect_error();

//Update existing data from the users Table using Where Clause

$query = "UPDATE Users SET FirstName='Sibananda' Salary=70000

WHERE Salary =50000";
$array = mysqli_query( $object, $query);

if( ! $array ){
echo "Could not get Updated data in Table : ".mysqli_error( $object);
echo "Data Successfully Updated in Users table…”;
mysqli_close( $object );

3.3.6 Delete MySql Records
The MySQL DELETE statement allows you to remove records from not only
one table but also multiple tables using a single DELETE statement.
DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;
Note: The mysql WHERE keyword specifies which record should be deleted.
If you omit the WHERE statement, in this situation all table records will be
The following example Delete data in 'Users' table that we have created earlier:

$host = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "osou123";
$dbname = "dbName";
$object = mysqli_connect( $host, $username, $password, $dbname);

if( $object ){
echo "able to connect to database";
else {
echo "unable to connect to database what error: ". mysqli_connect_error();

//Update existing data from the users Table using Where Clause

$query = "DELETE From Users WHERE Salary =70000";

$array = mysqli_query( $object, $query);

if( ! $array ){
echo "Could not get Deleted data in Table : ".mysqli_error( $object);
echo "Data Successfully Deleted from Users table…”;
mysqli_close( $object );

3.4 Example database access from Webpage
Suppose we want to write a script that allows a user of our Web site to view the
information about a particular participant. The Web site user would see a form
such as the following.

This form can be generated by the following HTML code.

File: index.html
<title>Connect to MySQL DB for First Time</title>
<h1> Odisha State Open University</h1>
<body bgcolor="#88FFAA">
<form method="post" action="user.php">
<p><b>User ID:</b> <input type="text" name="userid" /></p>
<p><input type="submit" value="Search" /></p>

The file user.php would be the following

File: user.php

$host = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "osou123";
$dbname = "dbName";
$object = mysqli_connect( $host, $username, $password, $dbname);

if( $object ){
echo "able to connect to database";

else {
echo "unable to connect to database what error: ". mysqli_connect_error();

$query = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE userid = '$form_userid' ";

$rows = mysqli_query( $object, $query);

if( !$rows){
echo "Could not get data from Table : ".mysqli_error( $object);
elseif (mysql_num_rows($rows) == 0) {
$error = "No such user name found";
$error = FALSE;
$First_name = mysql_result($rows, 0, 1);
$Last_name = mysql_result($rows, 0, 2);
$Salary = mysql_result($rows, 0, 3);
<head><title>User information</title>
if($error) {
echo "<h1>Error accessing user information</h1>\n";
echo "<p>$error</p>\n";
echo "<h1>Information about $form_userid</h1>\n";
echo "<p>User ID: <tt>$form_userid</tt></p>\n";
echo "<p>First_name: $First_name</p>\n";
echo "<p>Last_name: $First_name</p>\n";
echo "<p>Salary: <tt>$Salary</tt></p>\n";

3.5 Let us Sum Up
PHP is well known for its smooth database integration, especially with MySQL.
It’s actually quite easy to connect to a MySQL database from within PHP. Once
you’ve established the connection, you can send SQL commands to the
database and receive the results as data you can use in your PHP program. So,
we’ll use MySQL here, since it is easily available and used quite frequently for
Web pages in conjunction with PHP.

In this Unit we learnt about the MySql database if features and why we need to
use MySQL in PHp. Also understand how data is organized in a database,
Establish a database connection, creating a table, insert data, select data, update
and delete data in the database

3.6 References:
1. http://www.toves.org/books/php/ch07-db/index.html
2. https://www.phptherightway.com/#databases
3. http://www.w3webtutorial.com/php/php-mysql-connection.php
4. http://www.allitebooks.com/?s=php

3.7 Model Questions

Q.N. 01: Why MySQL use in PHP? What are the features MySQL?
Q.N. 02: What are the different way to connect MySQL Database?
Q.N. 03: Write a program to connect MySQL Database in PHP.
Q.N. 04: Write a PHP program to create a table “users” using MySQL.
Q.N. 05: Write a PHP program to insert data in table “users” using MySQL.
Q.N. 06: Write a PHP program to select data from a table “users” using MySQL.
Q.N. 07: Write a PHP program to update data in a table “users” using MySQL.
Q.N. 08: Write a PHP program to delete a table “users” using MySQL.
Q.N. 09: Write a PHP program to access database from Webpage.
Q.N. 10: Write a PHP program to search details of an employee using it’s a
employee code in MySQL.


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