Estimation of Ethanol Content and Control of Air-to-Fuel Ratio in Flex Fuel Vehicles
Estimation of Ethanol Content and Control of Air-to-Fuel Ratio in Flex Fuel Vehicles
Estimation of Ethanol Content and Control of Air-to-Fuel Ratio in Flex Fuel Vehicles
Kyung Ho Ahn
Doctoral Committee:
During my graduate study at the University of Michigan, I have been helped and encour-
aged by many people in many different ways. Without the support, patience and guidance
of the following people, this study would not have been completed. I owe my deepest
gratitude to them.
• Professor Anna Stefanopoulou, my advisor, whose encouragement, supervision and
support in every aspect enabled me to complete the graduate study
• Mrdjan Jankovic and Hakan Yilmaz, who provided valuable supports, comments and
suggestions from industry
• Prof. Sun, Prof. Filipi, Prof. Violi and Prof. Sick, my other committee members,
who contributed insightful comments and suggestions on this thesis
• Li, Alan, Julien and Donghoon, who have always heartily shared discussions with
me and kindly helped me to do simulations and experiments.
• Kwanjeong Educational Foundation, who fully supported me financially during the
early period of my graduate study.
Table of Contents
Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
List of Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Chapter 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.4 Droplet Evaporation Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.5 Single Puddle Vaporization Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.6 Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
6.6.1 Experimental Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
6.6.2 Test Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
6.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
List of Tables
List of Figures
3.1 Air-to-fuel ratio comparison between the experimental data and the identi-
fied model output for E0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.2 Identified fuel puddle model parameters for E0, E22 and E85 . . . . . . . . 31
3.3 Schematic of fuel puddle dynamic model for gasoline-ethanol E0-E85 blend 33
3.4 Wall-impacting factor of gasoline fuel component (Xi (0, ECT, pm )
and Xi (0.43, ECT, pm ) i = 1, · · · , 4) and ethanol (X5 (1, ECT, pm ) and
X5 (0.43, ECT, pm )) at pm = 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.5 Effective ethanol fraction êi in linear interpolation of Xi for each fuel com-
ponent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.6 Fuel injected and other measurements from [10] used for the model inputs
(E0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.7 Simulated puddle mass and ethanol mass fraction in puddle for each fuel . . 45
3.8 Simulated and experimental λ response for E0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.9 Simulated and experimental λ response for E22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.10 Simulated and experimental λ response for E85 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.1 Simulation of the transient fuel compensation for E22 . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.2 System configuration of AFR control and ethanol content estimation with-
out transient fuel compensator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.3 System configuration of AFR control and ethanol content estimation with
transient fuel compensator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.4 Simulation input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.5 Manifold absolute pressure and air flow rate into the cylinder induced by
throttle input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.6 Simulated ethanol content estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.7 Simulated λ with TFC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
6.1 The steady state ethanol content estimate êss,LHV vs. the actual ethanol
content. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
6.2 Block diagram of the integrated estimation algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
6.3 The conditional probability l p vs. the residual threshold ethld . . . . . . . . . 89
6.4 Simulated throttle and speed inputs and induced load. . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
6.5 Simulated ethanol content and fuel injector drift estimations. . . . . . . . . 92
6.6 Simulated ethanol estimation error and fault detection residual. . . . . . . . 92
6.7 Simulated system flags. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
6.8 Simulated detection feature and RAFR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
6.9 Experimental setup at the engine dynamometer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
6.10 Proposed rapid prototyping scheme with ES1000 VME [22]. . . . . . . . . 96
6.11 Experimental results of the ethanol content estimation and RAFR control. . 97
6.12 System flags during the experiment of the integrated algorithm. . . . . . . . 98
A.1 Cylinder pressure and residue evolutions during the compression stroke. (2
consecutive engine cycles regarded as 1 synchronized cycle) . . . . . . . . 104
A.2 Experimental data obtained at the engine speed of 2500 RPM. . . . . . . . 105
List of Appendices
Currently available flexible fuel vehicles (FFVs) can operate on a blend of gasoline and
ethanol in any concentration of up to 85% ethanol (93% in Brazil). Accurate estimation
of ethanol content is important to cope with potential problems caused by fuel variability.
This thesis provides the first-ever comprehensive collection of models, model-based anal-
ysis and control design for ethanol estimation in FFVs. The common practice in ethanol
content estimation exploits the differences in stoichiometric air-to-fuel ratios (SAFR) be-
tween gasoline and ethanol. In this approach, the online identification of SAFR depends on
air and fuel metering during the closed-loop regulation of air-to-fuel ratio (AFR) to the sto-
ichiometric value via the feedback of the exhaust gas oxygen sensor (EGO) measurement.
In this thesis, first, we develop a simple phenomenological model of the AFR control pro-
cess and a simple ethanol estimation law which represents the currently practiced system in
FFVs. We then show that the SAFR-based ethanol estimation is sensitive to mass air flow
(MAF) sensor drifts and/or fuel injector drifts. A physics-based control-oriented model
for fuel puddle dynamics in port fuel injection (PFI) FFVs is then proposed. The transient
fuel compensation (TFC) derived from this model allows faster ethanol estimation and im-
proved AFR control. Since the conventional SAFR-based ethanol content estimation is
sensitive to MAF sensor error, a method to correct MAF sensor error is next proposed. The
correction is realized by using additional measurements of the intake manifold pressure to
prevent mis-estimation of ethanol content during MAF sensor drifts. Finally, an integrated
estimation scheme in direct injection (DI) FFVs is formulated. This process is able to esti-
mate not only ethanol content but also fuel injector drift. Further, it exploits the difference
in latent heat of vaporization (LHV) between gasoline and ethanol by using in-cylinder
pressure measurements in addition to conventional SAFR-based estimation. The proposed
algorithm and the associated parameter tuning method take the data-driven model errors
into account. Feasibility of the integrated estimation scheme is validated by simulations
and engine dynamometer tests.
Chapter 1
1.1 Background
Petroleum-based fossil fuels are the dominant energy source for transportation. Recently,
however, ethanol is being increasingly used as a fuel additive and is emerging as an alterna-
tive to carbon-neutral transportation. The advantage of ethanol, among others, is that it is
a renewable fuel produced from biomass such as barley, corn, wheat, sugar cane, trees and
grasses. As mandated by the US government Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPACT2005),
7.5 billion gallons of bio-fuel will be produced in 2012 to reduce dependence on fossil fu-
els. Ethanol can be blended with conventional gasolines in varying percentages. The blend
is denoted by the EXX nomenclature, where XX represents the volumetric percentage of
ethanol in the blend. In the United States, E85 is commonly used as an alternative to nor-
mal gasoline fuel.1 Vehicles that can operate on any blend of ethanol are called flex fuel
vehicles (FFVs). These vehicles are designed to run on gasoline or a blend up to E85 in the
U.S. and are currently being offered by many manufacturers.
The characteristics of ethanol differ from those of gasoline, as shown in Table. 1.1. re-
sults Various effects of ethanol fuel on a spark ignition engine, which are induced by the
different properties from those of gasoline, are well reported in [42]. Engine modification,
performance and emissions associated with ethanol fuel are also reported in [1, 15, 33].
Often ethanol fuel is associated with driveability and startability problems in cold and hot
weather [17,56] and at high altitude [45]. Existing FFVs achieve lower range (miles driven
per tank) when operating on higher ethanol content fuel due to its lower combustion heat-
ing value as compared to gasoline. However, as shown in Table. 1.1, ethanol has a higher
octane ratio and therefore, a higher compression ratio and higher combustion efficiency
can be obtained without knocking problems. Another advantage is that, the high vapor-
ization heat can be used for charge cooling [16], which can further improve the knock
1 InBrazil, however, a fuel blend called E100 is a blend of 93% ethanol and 7% of water [21]. Water-
ethanol fuel blends are not considered in this research.
Table 1.1 Properties of ethanol compared with gasoline
resistance and potentially fuel economy. Given the effect of fuel variation, FFVs embed
engine calibration maps in their controllers and management systems to account for this
variation. Calibration in an optimized flex-fuel strategy involves reliably estimating the
ethanol percentage. Although this estimation is possible with the addition of a di-electric
or electrochemical sensor in the fueling system, the reliability of these sensors has not yet
been proven and the cost might be preventing their use. The principle of capacitance-based
ethanol content sensing using the drastic difference in the dielectric constant between gaso-
line and ethanol in Table. 1.1 is found in [48,62]. Further, apart from the cost and reliability
issues associated with such sensors, on-board diagnostic (OBD) requirements would re-
quire a redundant method for assessing the ethanol percent in order to diagnose the ethanol
content sensor faults or degradation. Ethanol estimation should thus be established based
on existing conventional sensors.
A potential method for ethanol content estimation involves measuring the air-to-fuel
ratio (AFR) through an exhaust gas oxygen (EGO) sensor immediately after refueling is
detected. This refueling event trigger is used to avoid misclassifying ethanol content vari-
ations as other faults such as actuator drifts or component aging. The ethanol detection
period after the refueling event also needs to be as short as possible to reduce the proba-
bility of another (EGO or mass air flow (MAF) sensor, and/or injector) fault. Finally it is
necessary to thoroughly understand and develop models to address how uncertainty, sensor
and actuator drifts propagate through the detection process and affect the ethanol content
estimation. Basic discussion regarding the robustness of the estimation using the exhaust
oxygen sensor feedback is provided in [59].
Air-to-fuel ratio control around the stoichiometric ratio of a fuel blend is important as
well to meet stringent emission requirements for spark ignition (SI) engines. For a given
air charge, the stoichiometric fuel is typically achieved by a combination of feedforward
and feedback control on the fuel injection. Due to the long delays in the feedback loop,
most engine controllers employ a feedforward fuel command which is primarily derived
from the estimated cylinder air charge divided by the assumed stoichiometric ratio of the
assumed fuel blend. The feedforward is usually designed to eliminate the transient effects
of fuel puddle dynamics in port fuel injected (PFI) engines. Since the puddle dynamics and
hence the fuel entering the cylinder depends on the ethanol content, transient fuel compen-
sation (TFC) should be based on the gasoline-ethanol content and should retain the ability
to be used in wide range of operating conditions. To this end, it is desirable to design a
low-order model with a few tunable physical parameters.
A model for transient fuel compensation of gasoline in the form of a simple linear time
invariant model for the fuel puddle dynamics was first introduced by Aquino in the early
1980s [8]. The four puddle model (FPM) was developed by Curtis et al. [19]. In this
model, fuel films are distributed in four different locations in a PFI engine and the physics
of fuel vaporization is well-exploited with use of multi-component fuel model. Locatelli
et al. in [38] introduced a simple control-oriented wall-wetting model based on physical
principles, where the port injected fuel dynamics is modeled as uniform droplet vaporiza-
tion and exponential decay of the number of airborne droplets. An extended Kalman filter
is used then to identify the physical parameters of the puddle dynamics for a gasoline fuel
in [39]. In 2005, Batteh and Curtis introduced a fuel puddle dynamic model with alterna-
tive fuels [10]. They used the four puddle model, but unfortunately the fuel was modeled
as a different combination of several fuel components for each fuel blend, i.e. indolene,
E22 and E85 which does not allow a continuous variation within the E0-E85 range.
In many applications, controllers with fixed parameters may not maintain optimal per-
formance over the life of products. Therefore, in the presence of system aging and faults,
fault detection, isolation, and estimation (FDIE) plays a critical role in adaptive control
algorithms [30, 31]. Specifically, FDIE during the mass air flow sensor bias/drift in con-
ventional internal combustion engines can be performed as in [23, 36]. However, in FFVs,
additional adaptation is required due to fuel blend changes between E0 and E85. Thus,
conventional schemes cannot be directly applied. One way to cope with this increased
dimension of unknown parameters is to use additional sensors suitable in various aspects
such as cost, sensitivity, multi-purpose functionality and so on.
While the differences in stoichiometric air-to-fuel ratio (SAFR) and dielectric constant
in Table. 1.1 are utilized in conventional ethanol content estimation and in capacitance-
based ethanol concentration sensing, respectively, the drastic difference in latent heat of
vaporization (LHV) between gasoline and ethanol is a potential feature to realize ethanol
content estimation independently of conventional methods. In direct injection engines,
more cylinder charge cooling effects could be induced by ethanol fuel injection due to the
higher latent heat of vaporization [16]. The charge cooling effects could be quantified if
in-cylinder pressure measurement is available and could be correlated with the fuel ethanol
content. The different charge cooling effects are characterized by vaporization process of
different fuel blends. The heat exchange process associated with the charge cooling was
modeled by Oliviero et al. in [44] using first principles for ethanol detection purpose.
However, the model and the associated parameter tuning were not fully validated with a
sufficient number of different operating conditions and it is doubtful if the model could
actually alleviate calibration efforts with so many tuning parameters. The in-cylinder pres-
sure drop induced by the charge cooling effects is a relatively tiny phenomenon compared
with the in-cylinder pressure evolutions induced by engine cyclic strokes and other heat
exchange processes. Therefore, it is difficult to model the process with first principles and
to identify how different engine control variables may affect the charge cooling effects
quantified by in-cylinder pressure measurements. There are few other modeling efforts as-
sociated with fuel vaporization [9, 60], but they do not fit to the charge cooling process for
ethanol detection. It is desirable for the charge cooling effect or the in-cylinder pressure
drop to be monotonically correlated with the ethanol content at certain operating condi-
tions for ethanol detection purpose. However, it is known that mixing a small amount of a
gasoline-ethanol blend with a large amount of gasoline can produce a mixture with a higher
vapor pressure than either the gasoline or the blend alone [24, 25, 35]. This nonlinear va-
porization characteristic could possibly result in undesired nonlinear correlations at certain
conditions. This in turn can lead to potential difficulties in accurate estimation of ethanol
content using the LHV-derived charge cooling feature.
1.2 Overview
In chapter 2, a simple ethanol estimation algorithm using an exhaust gas oxygen sensor is
proposed, analyzed and discussed in light of AFR control. This law yields the estimated
ethanol percentage in the fuel. Characteristics of the algorithm including sensitivity are
quantified analytically and demonstrated via simulations [2]. Two main issues regarding
the ethanol content estimation are then elucidated:
1. Transient AFR response constrains the ethanol content estimation gain, resulting in
slow adaptation.
2. Mass air flow sensor error and/or fuel injection error propagate and influence the
accuracy of the steady state ethanol estimation.
content estimation. Chapter 5 is based on our paper [4].
In chapter 6, an ethanol estimation scheme which is robust to fuel injector drifts in
direct injection (DI) engines is presented. Since the AFR-based ethanol content estima-
tion is sensitive to fuel injector error, an independent ethanol estimation scheme, which
is insensitive to the fuel injector error, is proposed here. It is shown that under specially
designed fuel injection sequences, the in-cylinder pressure measurements during the com-
pression stroke capture the cylinder charge cooling effects of fuel with varying ethanol
content. Specifically, the proposed methodology is based on the variations in the latent
heats of vaporization (LHV) of different fuel types of varying ethanol content. The LHV-
based detection feature is quantified experimentally by in-cylinder pressure measurements
and is shown to be well-correlated with the ethanol content. The data driven model of
the LHV-based detection feature is parameterized only by engine speed and load and the
ethanol content but not parameterized by the fuel injection amount. Due to the closed-
loop configuration of the AFR control around stoichiometry, the fuel injection amount is
solely determined by the load (air amount) and the ethanol content even if there is fuel
injection error. Hence, the LHV-based ethanol content estimation is insensitive to fuel in-
jector drifts. However, the correlation between the LHV-based detection feature and the
fuel ethanol content cannot be perfectly modeled, leading to various errors at various oper-
ating conditions. Therefore, the methodology employing the LHV-based detection feature
is used to correct the AFR-based ethanol content estimation of chapter 2 in operating re-
gions where certain confidence levels and accuracies are satisfied. This ethanol estimate
correction enables more accurate fuel injector drift estimation after all in the switching con-
figuration of ethanol content estimation and fuel injector drift estimation depending on the
common EGO sensor measurement, when the ethanol content estimation is off and the fuel
injector drift estimation is activated. The integrated AFR-based and LHV-based estimation
algorithm is experimentally validated by an engine dynamometer test with the proposed al-
gorithm implemented in the engine control unit (ECU) and the rapid prototyping. Chapter
6 is based on our papers [7], [6].
Fig. 1.1 summarizes the overview of this thesis.
1.3 Contributions
The work in this dissertation is summarized as follows.
• We analyzed the dynamic response of the ethanol content estimation using the stoi-
chiometric air-to-fuel ratio (SAFR) features of different fuel types in the closed-loop
Figure 1.1 Overview of the thesis.
AFR control configuration with exhaust gas oxygen (EGO) sensor measurement in
FFVs. We presented controller and estimator tuning with a phenomenological model
and sensitivity analysis to various sensor, actuator, and model parameter errors.
• We developed and validated a physics-based control-oriented model of fuel puddle
in port fuel injection (PFI) FFVs and designed a transient fuel compensation (TFC)
algorithm using the model. The algorithm enables both better AFR control and faster
estimation of ethanol content.
• We proposed a MAF sensor drift compensation algorithm using the MAP mea-
surement for cylinder air charge estimation. The algorithm prevents severe mis-
estimation of ethanol content in FFVs and obviates the need for other switching
algorithms that depend on the detection of the fuel tank refueling event.
• We developed an ethanol content estimation scheme for direct injection (DI) FFVs
based on the charge cooling features presented in [43] using the in-cylinder pressure
measurements. The different charge cooling effects are associated with the different
latent heats of vaporization (LHV) for different fuel types. An integrated algorithm
combining the LHV-based ethanol estimation scheme with the conventional SAFR-
based estimation scheme was also developed. The fusion of the two estimation
schemes addresses practical feasibility issues associated with LHV-based modeling
error and the sensitivity of the SAFR-based estimation to fuel injector drifts. Experi-
ments show that this integrated algorithm is indeed able to estimate fuel injector drift
and accordingly detect a fuel injector fault.
Chapter 2
Estimation of Ethanol Content
2.1 Introduction
The characteristics of ethanol differ from those of gasoline, as shown in Table. 1.1. The
Various effects of ethanol fuel on a spark ignition engine are well reported in [42]. Engine
modification, performance and emissions associated with ethanol fuel are also reported
in [1]. Often ethanol fuel is associated with driveability and startability problems in cold
and hot weather [17,56] and at high altitude [45]. When operating on higher ethanol content
fuel, current FFVs achieve lower range (miles driven per tank) due to the lower combus-
tion heating value as compared to gasoline. However, as shown in Table. 1.1, ethanol has a
higher octane ratio and therefore, a higher compression ratio, which lead to the advantage
of higher combustion efficiency without knocking problems. Another advantage is that, the
high vaporization heat can be used for charge cooling [16], thus further improving knock
resistance and potentially fuel economy.
Given the effects of fuel variation, FFVs should embed engine calibration maps in their
controllers and management systems to account for the variations. To accomplish this, the
first task in a flex-fuel strategy is to estimate reliably the ethanol percentage. Although this
estimation is possible with the addition of a di-electric or electrochemical sensor in the fuel-
ing system, the reliability and the cost of these sensors likely prevent their use. Apart from
the cost and reliability issues associated with such sensors, on-board diagnostic (OBD) re-
quirements would require a redundant method independent of the fuel sensor to assess the
ethanol percent in order to diagnose the ethanol content sensor faults or degradation.
Ethanol estimation should thus be established based on existing conventional sensors
if possible. Currently the ethanol content estimation depends on the AFR measurement
through an exhaust gas oxygen (EGO) sensor immediately after refueling is detected. This
refueling event trigger is used to avoid misclassifying ethanol content variations as other
faults such as actuator drifts or component aging. The ethanol detection period also needs
to be as short as possible to reduce the probability of the car stopping and cooling down
without a correct ethanol estimation having been established . This possibility is undesir-
able since a cold start depends heavily on correct ethanol estimation. Finally it is necessary
to thoroughly understand and develop models to address how uncertainty, sensor and actua-
tor drifts propagate through the detection process and affect the ethanol content estimation.
Basic discussion regarding the robustness of the estimation using the exhaust oxygen sen-
sor feedback is provided in [59].
In this chapter, a simple stoichiometric AFR estimation law using the exhaust gas oxy-
gen sensor is proposed, analyzed and discussed in light of AFR control. This law yields
the estimated ethanol percentage in the fuel. Characteristics of the algorithm including
sensitivity are quantified via simulations. Two main issues regarding the ethanol content
estimation are then elucidated:
1. Transient AFR response restricts increasing ethanol content estimation gain, hence
resulting in slow adaptation.
2. Mass air flow sensor error and/or fuel injection error result in steady state ethanol
content estimation error with high sensitivity.
W a,cyl λ =1
Breathing Cylinder Exhaust
Port λ
Dynamics W inj EGO sensor Σ
MAF sensor AFR s
Tm measurement
Σ -Cfb(s)
Estimation Compensation
Conversion to e
Ethanol Content
α e switching between 0 and 1
0 using the tank refill trigger
Online Sensor
When the assumed stoichiometric ratio is correct, and there are neither errors in the air
charge and fuel puddle dynamics estimation, nor drifts or faults in the injector, the feedfor-
ward fuel command is then perfect and the feedback fuel compensation should be zero. An
estimation algorithm can utilize a nonzero feedback fuel command to adapt and improve
the feedforward fuel compensator so that the feedback converges back to its nominal zero
value. Ideally, the adaptation will address the core problem in the feedforward path. In
the case of an FFV, the adaptation of the assumed stoichiometric ratio or the adaptation
for a miscalibrated air charge estimation cannot coexist. Namely, the engine management
system will have to assume that the error arises from changes in the fuel blend or from
component (sensor, actuator) aging.
Fig. 2.1 shows the block diagram of AFR control with flex fuel, where the diagram
specifically corresponds to the configuration that the feedback control signal is used for the
air path adaptation (online mass air flow (MAF) sensor calibration) against the MAF sen-
sor drifts when the stoichiometric air-to-fuel ratio (SAFR) estimation, i.e., ethanol content
estimation is deactivated. Let e denote the volume fraction of ethanol in gasoline-ethanol
blend. And let em denote the mass fraction of ethanol. Then, em is expressed as:
eρeth e e
em = = = , (2.1)
eρeth + (1 − e)ρgsl e + (1 − e)ρgsl /ρeth e + (1 − e)/1.056
where ρeth and ρgsl denote the density of ethanol and the density of gasoline respectively.
Now, the stoichiometric air-to-fuel ratio for flex fuel is expressed as:
Hence, if we want to calculate the volume fraction of ethanol, e, from an estimated stoi-
d s , the following equations are utilized:
chiometric AFR, AFR
14.6 − AFR
ebm = , (2.3)
eb = . (2.4)
1.056 − 0.056 × ebm
A simple adaptation law of ethanol content estimation can be expressed by the following
update law of the estimated stoichiometric AFR, AFR d s , using the feedback fuel correction
signal, W f b . The adaptation law is triggered after a tank refill event is detected and the flag
αe is set to 1, otherwise (αe = 0) another adaptation loop is typically activated that corrects
the engine maps, such as volumetric efficiency used for the air charge estimation, or drifts
in sensors and actuators:
ḋ s = γe (0 −W f b )αe .
AFR (2.5)
Assuming that there is a pre-defined logic associated with the activation/deactivation of the
ethanol content estimation, i.e., setting αe using the tank refill trigger, the feedforward fuel
command is then determined as:
Wf f 1 = W d s,
ba,cyl /AFR (2.6)
W a,cyl Transport and IP EGO Sensor
Delay Lag
G d (s) G sl (s) λ
Fuel Puddle
W inj G fd (s)
(1 − X)τ s + 1
G f d (s) = , (2.7)
τs + 1
where X and τ denote the wall-impacting portion of the injected fuel and the vaporization
time constant of the fuel puddle, respectively [8]. The cylinder input λ is by definition:
( )
λ, /AFRs , (2.8)
where Wa,cyl denotes the air flow rate into the cylinder, W f the fuel flow rate into the cylin-
der and AFRs the stoichiometric air-to-fuel ratio. The quantity W f is the fuel flow rate that
effectively enters the cylinder related with the fuel injection rate, Win j , by the fuel dynamics
such that
W f = G f d (s)Win j . (2.9)
Let the Padé approximation of the transport and induction-to-power (IP) delay from the
cylinder input λ to the exhaust λ be:
1 − τ2d s
Gd (s) = , (2.10)
1 + τ2d s
where τd is the delay time which depends on engine speed. And let us express the λ sensor
lag as:
Gsl (s) = , (2.11)
1 + τs s
where τs is the time constant which lumps the chemical, the electrical and the communica-
tion delays of the EGO sensor dynamics. The measured λ is then expressed as:
Win j = W f f +W f b , (2.13)
Wf f = W d s,
ba,cyl /AFR (2.14)
W f b = −C f b (s)(1 − λ̄ ), (2.15)
τPI s + 1
C f b (s) = kPI . (2.16)
When the ethanol content estimation is activated, i.e., αe = 1, the SAFR estimation law in
(2.5) is expressed as:
ḋ s = −γeW f b .
AFR (2.17)
If the assumed SAFR is larger than the actual, i.e., smaller ethanol content is assumed, the
feedforward signal W f f in (2.14) will be less than the desired. The feedback W f b will then
compensate for the shortage as the measurement λ̄ should detect the lean condition (λ̄ > 1)
in (2.15). The estimated SAFR, AFR d s , will then decrease by integrating the positive feed-
back signal W f b in (2.17), hence increasing the ethanol content estimate. By this way, the
estimated ethanol content will eventually converge to the actual value in steady state.
(2.16). The closed-loop system is expressed by the set of equations of (2.8), (2.9), (2.12)
and (2.13)-(2.17). We use the superscript 0 to express a nominal value at equilibrium and
use δ to express the deviation from the equilibrium. Equation (2.8) is then linearized into:
1 1 1
δλ = 0
δ Wa,cyl −
δWf − δ AFRs
Wa,cyl Wf AFR0s
1 1 1
= 0 δ Wa,cyl − 0 G f d (s)δ Win j − δ AFRs . (2.18)
Wa,cyl Wf AFR0s
δ Win j = δ W f f + δ W f b , (2.19)
1 W f0
δWf f = δ Wa,cyl − d s,
δ AFR (2.20)
δWf b = C f b (s)δ λ̄ , (2.21)
ds γe
δ AFR = − δ W f b. (2.22)
1 W f0 1
δWf f = δ Wa,cyl + γe · ·C f b (s)Gsl (s)Gd (s)δ λ . (2.23)
AFR0s AFR0s s
Equation (2.24) is substituted into the equation (2.18) to obtain the closed loop transfer
1 ( ) 1
R(s)δ λ = 0 1 − G f d (s) δ Wa,cyl − δ AFRs ,
Wa,cyl AFR0s
with G(s) , G f d (s)Gd (s)Gsl (s). The linearized disturbance input–output relation is ex-
pressed as the following closed-loop system:
where the closed-loop transfer functions, T1 (s) and T2 (s), are defined as:
1 1 − G f d (s)
T1 (s) , 0
· , (2.27)
Wa,cyl R(s)
1 1
T2 (s) , − 0
· . (2.28)
AFRs R(s)
1 X τ s3 (1 + τs s)(1 + τ2d s)
T1 (s) = 0
· , (2.29)
Wa,cyl D(s)
1 s2 (1 + τs s)(τ s + 1)(1 + 2 s)
T2 (s) = − · , (2.30)
AFR0s D(s)
D(s) , s2 (1 + s)(1 + τs s)(τ s + 1)R(s)
( 2 )
= s 1 + s (1 + τs s)(τ s + 1)
( 2 )
γe 1 ( τd )
+ kPI · + · s ((1 − X)τ s + 1) 1 − s (τPI s + 1). (2.31)
AFR0s W f0 2
disturbance input–estimation error relation:
where the closed-loop transfer functions, T3 (s) and T4 (s), are expressed as:
It is easy to check that the DC gains of the closed-loop transfer functions, T1 (s), T2 (s), T3 (s)
and T4 (s) are all zero with positive gains, which implies the disturbance rejection charac-
teristic for the output AFR regulation (δ λ ) and for the estimation error δ εAFRs . Therefore,
the λ output is asymptotically regulated to unity, ensuring stoichiometric operation, and
the estimation of stoichiometric AFR asymptotically converges to the actual stoichiometric
AFR if positive gains can be found that guarantee stability and good performance for all
the four transfer functions in (2.35).
δ AFRs ≡ 0 in the closed-loop dynamics equation (2.26). The closed-loop dynamic behav-
ior is then expressed as:
1 1 − G f d (s)
δλ = 0
· δ Wa,cyl . (2.36)
Wa,cyl 1 + W10 G(s)C f b (s)
The variable τPI in the PI feedback controller can be determined by placing the controller
zero to cancel the slowest stable pole of G(s). If the slowest pole is associated with the fuel
dynamics, we can set τPI = τ . The root locus with variation of kPI can then be utilized to
tune the gain, kPI .
sensor pole
puddle zero
10 PI integrator pole
Imag Axis
delay zero
Fig. 2.3 shows the root locus of the closed-loop transfer function with the variation of
kPI for a fixed τPI . To obtain the locus in Fig. 2.3, the engine parameters were chosen as:
2.6.2 Ethanol Estimator Gain Tuning
First, the root locus is applied for the D(s) in (2.31) for a set of fixed feedback gains, τPI
and kPI , determined by the method of the previous section.
CL poles after PI closes
5 integrator pole
from adaptation
Imag Axis
pole−zero cancellation
−15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20
Real Axis
Fig. 2.4 shows the root locus of the original closed-loop transfer functions with the vari-
ation of γe for a set of fixed feedback gains previously tuned. The estimator gain γe affects
the numerator of both transfer functions, T3 (s) and T4 (s), and hence tuning the gain is not
clearly explained only with the root locus. However, the estimator gain where the roots
cross the imaginary axis in the locus (Fig. 2.4) is γe = 1.7 × 105 , which determines the
range of γe for stability. The estimator gain was chosen after a few simulations as:
• γe = 5000,
which is much smaller than the stability bound. Smaller gains may result in slower ethanol
adaptations but reducing undesirable transient responses. Implication of different estimator
gains will be addressed in section 5.2.
Throttle (deg)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Ethanol content (%) Time (sec)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (sec)
MAP (bar)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (sec)
Cylinder air flow (kg/s)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (sec)
Figure 2.6 Manifold absolute pressure and air flow rate into the cylinder induced by throttle input
x 10
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
−4 Time (sec)
x 10
Feedforward fuel rate (kg/s)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (sec)
Figure 2.7 Simulated feedback fuel signal and feedforward fuel signal
no errors
5% air−charge error
5% MAF sensor error
5% manifold temp sens error
1.2 measured (no errors)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (sec)
1.5 1.3
1 1
1 2 3 4 5 44 45 46 47 48
Time (sec) Time (sec)
14.5 no errors
5% air−charge error
14 5% MAF sensor error
Estimated SAFR
5% manifold temp sens error
13.5 actual AFRs
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (sec)
Estimated ethanol (%)
no errors
20 5% air−charge error
5% MAF sensor error
5% manifold temp sens error
0 actual ethanol %
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (sec)
Estimated ethanol (%)
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
Time (sec)
stoichiometric AFR emulating a tank refill with unknown ethanol content fuel. Errors in
air-charge estimation, mass air flow (MAF) sensor and manifold temperature sensor were
also introduced with an error factor of 5% at a time to check the sensitivity of the ethanol
estimation. The engine model introduced by Crossley and Cook [18] was utilized while
maintaining the engine speed at 2000 RPM for throttle-to-cylinder air flow dynamics as-
suming that the rotational dynamics are much slower than the mass air flow and pressure
The PI control gains and the estimator gain were determined as previously discussed:
τPI = 0.3, kPI = 0.0015 and γe = 5000. The poles corresponding to the selected gains are
marked as points on the root loci of Fig. 2.3 and Fig. 2.4. Fig. 2.5 shows the simulation in-
put. Throttle angles were modulated with a sequence of step changes and also a step change
of actual ethanol content was applied. Initially the fuel used is E0 and then it is changed to
E35. Because of this fuel change, different fuel dynamics parameters were used during the
time span of E35 to account for the dynamic dependency on the fuel composition:
• XE35 = 0.361
• τE35 = 0.4287
Fig. 2.6 shows the change in the manifold absolute pressure and the air flow rate into
the cylinder induced by the throttle change.
Fig. 2.7-2.10 show the simulation results. The relative air-to-fuel ratio λ and the es-
timated ethanol content asymptotically track their desired values. The λ error is very
sensitive to an air-charge error. It is also moderately sensitive to manifold temperature
sensor error, whereas, it is insensitive to MAF sensor error. The estimated stoichiometric
AFR or the estimated ethanol content converges to the actual value except for the case of
MAF sensor error where the steady-state ethanol percent estimation shows a 30% sensi-
tivity. Hence, errors in the conventional sensors used in AFR control should be taken into
account and ideally corrected by other means. In some sense the “sensorless estimation
of ethanol content” typically for the AFR-based ethanol estimation is a misnomer and rig-
orous model-based engineering analysis should be pursued to minimize sensitivities using
the combination of many sensors.
Likewise, let fe f be the fuel injection error fraction so that the actual fuel flow into the
cylinder be expressed as
W f = (1 + fe f )Win j . (2.38)
Due to the λ PI-based feedback loop, λ is regulated at unity, and consequently, the actual
steady-state AFR is regulated at the stoichiometric value independently of the fuel, i.e.,
λ ≡ 1 or AFR ≡ AFRs in steady state. From (2.5), the feedback signal W f b should be zero
in steady state with αe ≡ 1. Hence, the fuel injection control signal (issued fuel flow) is
solely determined by the feedforward in steady state:
Win j = . (2.39)
= (1 + fea )(1 + fe f ). (2.40)
Equation (2.40) describes how the MAF sensor error and fuel injection error propagate to
error in estimation of SAFR. If the stoichiometric air-to-fuel ratio is expressed by the mass
fraction of ethanol as in (2.2), the following equation is obtained:
where em and êm are the actual mass fraction of ethanol and the estimated mass fraction
of ethanol, respectively. The estimated mass fraction of ethanol, êm , is then expressed as a
function of fea , fe f and em in steady state:
where the subscripts ss and SAFR are used to specify the ‘steady state’ and the ‘SAFR-
based’ estimation realized by (2.2), and fe is defined as:
The steady-state estimation error ẽm,ss,SAFR , em − êm,ss,SAFR is then expressed as:
The estimated volume fraction of ethanol, êss,SAFR can be then calculated by (2.4). The
high sensitivity problem in ethanol content estimation under MAF sensor error and/or fuel
injector error in steady state is obvious from (2.44). Either MAF sensor error fraction or
fuel injector error fraction is amplified to ethanol content estimation error by factor of about
2.6 for E0 and of about 1.8 for E85, respectively. Fig. 2.11 shows the volumetric ethanol
content estimation with 5% MAF sensor or fuel injector error ( fe = ±0.05).
Estimated ethanol content [%]
40 fe = 0.05
no error
20 fe = −0.05
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Actual ethanol content [%]
Figure 2.11 Ethanol content estimation in the steady state with 5% MAF sensor or fuel injector
2.9 Conclusion
In this chapter, ethanol content estimation in flex-fuel vehicles is demonstrated with a
model. Tuning and sensitivity are also studied. The linearized closed-loop dynamics are
derived to present the disturbance rejection characteristic for λ and the ethanol estimation
error. PI gain tuning for the fuel feedback control and the ethanol estimation gain tuning
are shown with root loci. Two main issues regarding the ethanol content estimation are
then elucidated by simulations and steady-state analysis:
1. Transient AFR response constrains the ethanol content estimation gain, resulting in
slow adaptation.
2. The AFR-based ethanol content estimation is very sensitive on mass air flow sensor
error and/or fuel injector error.
1. Fast feedforward compensation of fuel puddle dynamics in PFI engines with an in-
vertible puddle dynamics model for flex-fuel is necessary to minimize transient AFR
excursions caused by throttle modulation during load demands.
2. A robust cylinder air flow estimation under MAF sensor drifts for robust SAFR-based
ethanol content estimation is needed.
3. A robust fuel injector drift estimation for robust SAFR-based ethanol content esti-
mation or ethanol content estimation independent of SAFR-based method is needed.
Chapters 3 and 4 address need (1). Chapter 5 addresses need (2) and chapter 6 proposes
a methodology for addressing (3).
Chapter 3
Fuel Puddle Model
3.1 Introduction
To meet stringent emission requirements for spark ignition (SI) engines, air-to-fuel ratio
control around the stoichiometric ratio of a fuel blend is important . For a given air charge,
the stoichiometric fuel is typically achieved by a combination of feedforward and feedback
fuel injection control. The feedback controller is based on the measured ratio (λ ) of the
actual air-to-fuel ratio (AFR) to the stoichiometric ratio (AFRs ) through an exhaust gas
oxygen sensor. The λ ratio is compared to λ des = 1 and the error is used by a proportional-
integral (PI) controller to adjust the fuel command. Due to the long delays in the feedback
loop, most engine controllers employ a feedforward fuel command which is primarily de-
rived from the estimated cylinder air charge divided by the assumed stoichiometric ratio of
the assumed fuel blend. Furthermore, the feedforward is usually designed to eliminate the
transient effects of fuel puddle dynamics in port fuel injected (PFI) engines.
Since the puddle dynamics and hence the fuel entering the cylinder depend on the
ethanol content, transient fuel compensation (TFC) should be based on the gasoline-ethanol
content and should retain the ability to be used in wide range of operating conditions. To
this end, it is desirable to design a low-order model with a few tunable physical parameters.
A model for transient fuel compensation of gasoline in the form of a simple linear time
invariant model for the fuel puddle dynamics was first introduced by Aquino in the early
1980s [8]. The four puddle model (FPM) was developed by Curtis et al. in which fuel
films are distributed in four different locations in a PFI engine and the physics of fuel va-
porization is well-exploited with use of multi-component fuel model [19]. Locatelli et al.
in [38] introduced a simple control-oriented wall-wetting model based on physical prin-
ciples, where the port injected fuel dynamics is modeled as uniform droplet vaporization
and exponential decay of the number of airborne droplets. An extended Kalman filter is
used then to identify the physical parameters of the puddle dynamics for a gasoline fuel
in [39]. The proposed model in this chapter has the same basic structure as that of the
model by Locatelli et al. [38] but extended to account for the vaporization of the various
primitive chemical components that comprise gasoline-ethanol blends. Adapting [38] for
an aggregate gasoline-ethanol fuel blend by interpolation between the gasoline and ethanol
volatility curves was found inadequate for two reasons. First, the volatility curves obtained
at standard atmospheric pressure do not account for the strong vaporization dependency
on manifold pressure [42]. Second, the volatility curve of E85 is very steep at the boiling
temperature of ethanol. As a result, there should be then huge uncertainty in obtaining the
vaporized mass fraction in the model at liquid fuel temperature near the boiling temper-
ature. Almost no vaporization is obtained below the boiling temperature and almost all
vaporization is obtained above the boiling temperature. The second issue actually arises
from a misinterpretation in the fuel volatility experiments used primarily for the classifica-
tion of fuels [26]. Fuel volatility curves are obtained by a distillation process in which a
volume of liquid fuel, whose exposed surface area is relatively small, is boiled by applying
heat to the liquid. However, in the injected fuel spray and the fuel film on the intake wall,
both the total volume of liquid fuel and the ratio of volume to the exposed surface area are
small, thus causing a greater chance of evaporation before the liquid reaches the boiling
point. In addition, the volatility curve cannot be utilized to evaluate certain property instan-
taneously since the vaporized fraction obtained by the volatility curve is a cumulative sum
over a certain heating period.
Batteh and Curtis introduced a fuel puddle dynamic model with alternative fuels in
2005 [10]. They used the four puddle model but unfortunately the fuel was modeled as a
different combination of several fuel components for each fuel blend, i.e. indolene, E22 and
E85 not allowing a continuous variation within the E0-E85 range. Their model is actually
not an invertible model, which was not fundamentally developed for transient compensator
3.2 Study with a Simple Fuel Puddle Model for a Specific
Fuel Blend
In this section, we introduce a simple fuel puddle model for a specific fuel blend with a
fixed volume fraction of ethanol, e, in the fuel blend based on the puddle model intro-
duced in [32] which is adapted from Aquino’s X − τ model [8]. The purpose of this section
is to demonstrate the nonlinear variation of model parameters with change of the ethanol
content, which are identified from experimental data, and hence to justify the need for
the proposed model. The parameter calibration of X and τ is not a simple procedure in
general because these two parameters depend on many engine variables such as pressure,
flow and temperature [11,32,41]. Adding fuel composition variability increases further the
complexity of the parameterization. Moreover, we show below that parameterizing the
puddle dynamics using Aquino’s model structure for the two extreme ethanol concen-
trations, namely E0 and E85, does not allow interpolation for capturing the puddle
behavior for intermediate ethanol blends.
The mass of the fuel puddle at intake valve opening, mIVOp , is equal to the sum of the
previous-cycle fuel puddle mass, m p , and the fraction of the newly injected fuel min j that
hits the puddle. The mass of fuel at intake valve closing, m p , is reduced by the amount of
evaporated fuel during the intake stroke, mevap :
where m f ,cyl (k) is the fuel mass inducted into the cylinder at step k, X is a time-varying pa-
rameter which is the fraction of injected fuel that hits the puddle and mIVO p (k) is expressed
p (k) = m p (k − 1) + X(k)min j (k).
mIVO (3.3)
This model, (3.1) and (3.2), has exactly the same structure as introduced in [32]. To sim-
plify the evaporation model, we introduce another time-varying parameter a in place of τ
so that the evaporated mass at step k is expressed as mevap (k) = a(k)mIVO
p (k). The parame-
ter a is the evaporated mass fraction during the intake valve opening phase from the puddle
mass at intake valve opening. The fuel puddle model is then expressed as:
For the parameter identification using the experimental data for each fuel blend, we include
min j and m f ,cyl in our observations since min j can be obtained by the commanded injection
amount and m f ,cyl can be calculated by using the measured (and approximated) cylinder air
charge, measured universal exhaust gas oxygen (UEGO) data (λ ) and appropriate transport
delay and a time lag associated with the engine/sensor process. Let us define the following
two variables for convenience:
p (k) = (m f ,cyl (k) − X̄(k)min j (k)). (3.7)
By eliminating mIVO
p in (3.4) using (3.7), we obtain:
Assume that a is approximately the same between two consecutive cycles. By applying
a(k)/a(k − 1) = 1, the above equation is simplified to:
We used each experimental data set of E0, E22 and E85 as shown in Fig. 3.6 and Fig. 3.8
for E0 fuel case, for parameter identification of ā and b̄ and hence X and a for each fuel
blend. For the limited test data available, one engine speed and two manifold pressures and
associated air and fuel flows during the warm-up phase for three fuels were available. The
parameters X and a were, hence, only modeled as functions of engine coolant temperature.
Parameters ā and b̄ were actually regressed as second order polynomials of engine coolant
temperature, ECT , with coefficients identified by standard least squares technique. Data
from the very early phase of the engine start period were eliminated since engine RPM
steeply increases. Half of the remaining data was utilized for the least squares fit and the
other half was used for validation involving comparison of the experimental data and the
identified model output.
18 Data
Identified & validated
identification validation
Figure 3.1 Air-to-fuel ratio comparison between the experimental data and the identified model
output for E0
0.6 E22
290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360
290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360
Figure 3.2 Identified fuel puddle model parameters for E0, E22 and E85
Fig. 3.1 depicts the air-to-fuel ratio comparison between the data and the model output
for the data set of E0, showing good parameter fitting result. Fig. 3.2 shows the identified
fuel puddle model parameters for each fuel blend versus the engine coolant temperature.
It is observed that the parameters for E0, E22 and E85 are different and neither parameter
Table 3.1 Model fuel for gasoline
Mass fraction Formula Weight Point (K) 982519 [20] 982724 [26] 2005-01-1127 [10] Study
for E22 can be uniformly interpolated between the E0 and E85 parameters. Based on this
observation, it is not clear how many fuel blends one needs to test in order to identify and
adequately interpolate the puddle parameters in addition to the fuel specific parameteri-
zations for engine coolant temperature, manifold absolute pressure and engine RPM [32].
Note that on-line identification of the X and a parameters [54] is very challenging due to the
fast changes in the parameters space (RPM, MAP, ECT) during typical driving scenarios.
Therefore, even though fuel puddle dynamics seems to be a fairly simple dynamic process,
a certain level of complexity introduced by a physics-based model may be inevitable to
appropriately capture the different dynamic characteristics for different fuel blends.
f g,i (i = 1, ... , j -1) kGG Xi (e, ECT, pm) zGG¡G
(i = 1, ... , j)
f i (e) pG
GGGGGtTG (τ DA , d d0 , γ , ηd , ECT 0) (δth , σ , η p , ECT 0)
(i = 1, ... , j) GGG
Figure 3.3 Schematic of fuel puddle dynamic model for gasoline-ethanol E0-E85 blend
by reducing fuel components and adjusting mass fractions from the combination of mass
fractions of [20] until the error between the modeled and measured [10] λ converged to a
small value after the model tuning constants were fixed to match the experimental data for
the model fuel of [20]. The experimental data targeted to provide the model tuning are the
λ responses from the engine warm-up tests with several tip-ins and tip-outs as described
in [10] and shown in section 3.6 where simulations are discussed.
A gasoline-ethanol blend is then modeled as a combination of 5 chemical compounds
including ethanol. Let e and em denote the volume fraction and the mass fraction of ethanol
in a gasoline-ethanol blend, respectively. The mass fraction em is calculated by:
em = (3.10)
e + (1 − e)/1.056
from (2.1). Let fg,i denote the mass fraction of each component for the gasoline model fuel
where i = 1, · · · , 4 is the index representing each component, which is directly read from
the last column in Table 3.1. The mass fraction of each component in the fuel blend is then
expressed as:
fi = fg,i × (1 − em ), i = 1, · · · , 4,
f 5 = em .
mass m0d = π6 ρ 0 (dd0 )3 and initial mass of each component in a droplet m0d,i = fi · m0d , where
ρ 0 denotes the initial density of mixture. Each droplet is then reduced by the droplet evap-
oration. Assuming stagnant air surrounding a droplet2 and fuel vapors far from the droplet
surface being zero, the evolution of each droplet mass md and its individual component
masses md,i are dictated by the droplet evaporation rate ṁEV,d as in [50, 51, 63]:
md = −ṁEV,d , (3.11)
d 1 + Bd
md,i = −Ys,i · · ṁEV,d (3.12)
dt Bd
V Pi × fd,i
Ys,i = . (3.14)
∑i (V Pi × fd,i ) + PPair · Mair · ∑i fd,i /Mi
∑i V Pi × fd,i
Bd = , (3.15)
PPair × Mair × ∑i fd,i /Mi
∑i V Pi × fd,i /Mi
PPair = pm − , (3.16)
∑i fd,i /Mi
where summation ∑i is performed over all fuel components, V Pi denotes the normal vapor
pressure of the i-th fuel component, Mi is the molecular weight of the i-th fuel compo-
nent, Mair is the molecular weight of air (28.97 g/mol), pm denotes the manifold absolute
pressure (MAP) and fd,i is defined as the mass fraction of the i-th fuel component in the
2 Although restrictive, this assumption is reasonable because fuel is injected before the intake stroke,
hence, before any significant air flow surrounds the droplets.
md,i md,i
fd,i , = . (3.17)
∑i md,i md
The diffusion coefficient, D, and the normal vapor pressures, V Pi , should be evaluated
at the droplet surface temperature. However, it is hard to exactly predict the temperature.
Instead, we use an apparent temperature which is parameterized by the ethanol content, e,
and the engine coolant temperature, ECT :
where γ , ηd and ECT 0 are three tuning constants. There are publications of fuel puddle
dynamic models which include temperature dynamics of explicit states, i.e. differential
equations for some temperatures, e.g. valve, cylinder and port temperatures [10, 38]. The
purpose of a dynamic temperature model is to explicitly evaluate a physical property at the
temperature of a designated location. However, it is still difficult to establish a simple dy-
namic model to predict the droplet surface temperature and a dynamic temperature model
usually needs several tuning constants in the equations. A dynamic temperature model
may be introduced to our model in future study. Nevertheless, in this research, we regard a
temperature change approximately as a static process parameterized by the engine coolant
temperature, ECT , which is measured on-line. The apparent temperature does not play a
role of approximating a specific temperature at a designated location. It serves as a refer-
ence temperature which gives relative distance of thermophysical properties relevant to the
physical process. Using (3.14) and (3.15), (3.12) is expressed as:
d V Pi (Tapp,d ) × fd,i
md,i = − · ṁEV,d . (3.19)
dt ∑i V Pi (Tapp,d ) × fd,i
single puddle vaporization model which will be discussed in the following section. The
mass balance is then expressed as:
∫ tev
1 −τ t
fi − Xi = 0 ṁEV,d,i · e DA dt. (3.21)
md 0
where τDA is the time constant of the decay of the number of airborne droplets, tev is the
time for complete vaporization of single droplet, i.e. md |t=tev = 0. The time constant τDA
is a universal tuning constant over the whole range of ethanol content, which should be
significantly smaller than one engine cycle duration.
According to the model from (3.11)-(3.21), Xi is varying in accordance with the vari-
ation of engine coolant temperature, ECT , manifold absolute pressure, pm , and also with
the variation of the ethanol content, e, i.e., Xi = Xi (e, ECT, pm ). If we consider the effect
of flow of air, then Reynolds number and Schmidt number should be involved in the for-
mulation; in this case, Xi may be also dependent on the air charge mass, engine RPM, and
the port diameter as in [50] or [38]. Nevertheless, the stagnant air assumption may well
capture the whole process of droplet evaporation or the spray injection process in port fuel
injection (PFI) engines considering the usual timing of the fuel injection to the intake port
before the intake valves open.
Fig. 3.4 shows the wall-impacting fraction for the four gasoline components Xi , i =
1, · · · , 4 for E0 and E43, and ethanol X5 for E100 and E43 as an example of the wall im-
pacting fractions after the model calibration and the fuel simplification discussed in Section
3.6. The last subplot of Fig. 3.4 shows the wall-impacting fraction for ethanol. Fig. 3.4
depicts that lighter fuel components have relatively small Xi among gasoline components
since more droplet mass is evaporated before hitting the port wall, e.g., cyclo-hexane has
very small number of Xi even though its nominal mass fraction in gasoline is the highest,
i.e., 0.65 in Table 3.1.
The evolution of the droplet evaporation and the resulting wall impacting mass frac-
tions can be computed off-line and produce a five (5) three-dimensional (e, ECT , pm )
look-up table which can be used in the fuel puddle evaporation process. By observing the
trends of the computed Xi for the different blends (after the tuning and the fuel composition
reduction discussed later in Section 3.6) in Fig. 3.4, one can see that for example, cyclo-
hexane shows that at ECT = 290 K and pm = 0.8 bar the computed impact factor for E43
is 0.1897 = X1 (0.43, 290, 0.8) ≈ (1 − 0.43)X1 (0, 290, 0.8) = 0.1780. This motivated the
cyclo−hexane (C6H12) ethyl−benzene (C8H10)
0.4 0.2
0.3 0.15
0.2 0.1
0.1 0.05
0 0
290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370
0.15 0.03
0.1 0.02
0.05 0.01
0 0
290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370
X5(1, ECT, 0.2 bar)
ethanol (C H O) X (1, ECT, 0.5 bar)
2 6 5 For i=1,2,3,4,
X5(1, ECT, 0.8 bar) Xi(0, ECT, 0.2 bar)
X (0.43, ECT, 0.2 bar) X (0, ECT, 0.5 bar)
0.6 5 i
X5(0.43, ECT, 0.5 bar)
X (0, ECT, 0.8 bar)
Figure 3.4 Wall-impacting factor of gasoline fuel component (Xi (0, ECT, pm ) and
Xi (0.43, ECT, pm ) i = 1, · · · , 4) and ethanol (X5 (1, ECT, pm ) and X5 (0.43, ECT, pm )) at
pm = 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 bar
computation of
Xi (e, ECT, pm )
êi =1 − for i = 1, · · · , 4,
Xi (0, ECT, pm )
X5 (e, ECT, pm )
ê5 = .
X5 (1, ECT, pm )
shown in bars in Fig. 3.5. Fig. 3.5 shows that the computed values of êi were approximately
equal to the fuel ethanol content, êi ≈ e for all i = 1, · · · , 5 leading to linear interpolation
with respect to ethanol concentration for the impacting factor of each fuel component with-
out loss of accuracy. The multi-component fuel wall impacting factors can then be stored
as five (5) two-dimensional (ECT , pm ) look-up tables:
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
290 330 370 290 330 370
8 10
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
290 330 370 290 330 370
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
290 330 370 290 330 370
naphthalene (C10H8)
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
290 330 370 290 330 370
1 1
ethanol (C2H6O)
0.5 0.5
0 0
290 330 370 290 330 370
Figure 3.5 Effective ethanol fraction êi in linear interpolation of Xi for each fuel component
Specifically, Fig. 3.5 shows the computed êi for different gasoline-ethanol mixtures
(22%, 45%, 64%, and 85%) in bars of blue, cyan, yellow, and red colors and at three
different coolant temperatures (ECT ) and two manifold pressures. Fig. 3.5 suggests that
the linear interpolation, (3.22) and (3.23), is especially a good approximation in low en-
gine coolant temperature range, where the wall-impacting mass fraction is relatively high
as shown in Fig. 3.4 and hence more accuracy is necessary. For better accuracy, the 5 wall
impacting factors Xi (e, ECT, pm ) could be stored as three dimensional maps as a function
of finer fuel volumetric ethanol content than the one suggested from (3.22)-(3.23) based on
the two end compositions, namely E0 and E100.
Note that the total wall-impacting mass fraction of the injected fuel is the sum of each
Xi over all fuel components, X = ∑i Xi . The total wall-impacting mass fraction, X, may
be compared with certain reference values, e.g., X obtained by the least squares fit from
section 3.2, for initial rough calibration. However, X alone cannot capture the vaporization
process of fuel puddle and both of the wall-impacting mass fraction of each fuel compo-
nent, Xi , and aggregate factor X are finally implemented in the single puddle vaporization
model which will be discussed in the next section.
where k denotes the event or cycle number, i is index for fuel component and j is the total
number of fuel components ( j = 5). It is assumed that the rest of injected fuel is evaporated
and enter the cylinder on the intake stroke. The puddle mass at intake valve closing (IVC),
m p , is derived from Locatelli’s model [38]. Assuming a cylindrical fuel puddle along the
port wall, let δth be the thickness of the puddle which is assumed constant along the height
of the fuel puddle. The height of the puddle is varying according to the mass variation of
the puddle. The vaporization rate is expressed as:
ρ · Ap
ṁEV,p = · D p · Sh p · ln(1 + B p ), (3.26)
m̆ p
= · D p · Sh p · ln(1 + B p ), (3.27)
din · δth
where ρ is the density of the fuel puddle, A p is the surface area of the puddle exposed to air
flow, din is the port diameter, D p is the diffusion coefficient, Sh p is the Sherwood number,
B p is the transfer number and m̆ p is the instantaneous puddle mass such that ṁEV,p = −m̆˙ p .
The fuel puddle mass at IVC, m p (k), is then obtained by integrating (3.27), for one cycle
m p (k) = mIVO
p (k)(1 + B p ) , (3.28)
120 D p · Sh p
α , C(e) · · . (3.29)
N din · δth
In the above equation, N denotes the engine RPM and a correction factor, C, parameterized
by the ethanol content, e, is introduced to correct the effect of variation of fuel film thick-
ness according to the ethanol content variation. The correction factor is modeled as a linear
variation with the change of the ethanol content:
C(e) = 1 − σ e, (3.30)
where the mass fraction of evaporation from the mass at IVO is defined as ᾱ , 1 − (1 +
B p )−α . Sherwood number is computed as follows [61]:
mair · N 4
uA∞ = · ,
120 ρA · π · din
uA∞ · din
Re p = ,
Sc p = ,
Sh p = 0.023 · Re0.83 0.44
p Sc p , (3.32)
where ρA denotes density of air, νA denotes kinematic viscosity of air, and mair denotes air
charge mass per cycle. Let us define the mass fraction of each component in the puddle at
p,i (k)
f p,i (k) , IVO . (3.33)
m p (k)
Let V Pi denote the normal vapor pressure of each fuel component as used in the droplet
evaporation model. The diffusion coefficient, D p , and the normal vapor pressures, V Pi are
evaluated at another apparent temperature for the fuel puddle vaporization:
where η p is another tuning constant and ECT 0 is the same tuning constant used in the
droplet evaporation model. Calculation of D p is similarly performed to the droplet evapo-
ration model (3.20) as D p ∼ Tapp,p /pm . The variable B p is computed similar to the droplet
evaporation model as follows:
∑i V Pi × f p,i (k)/Mi
PPair (k) = pm (k) − , (3.35)
∑i f p,i (k)/Mi
∑i V Pi × f p,i (k)
B p (k) = . (3.36)
PPair (k) × Mair × ∑i f p,i (k)/Mi
The computation at the step k is completed by updating the masses of each fuel component
at the end of the intake stroke accounting for the evaporated fuel:
{ }
V Pi (Tapp,p ) × mIVO
p,i (k)
p,i (k), mevap (k) ×
mevap,i (k) = min mIVO , (3.37)
∑i V Pi (Tapp,p ) × mIVO
p,i (k)
m f ,cyl (k) = (1 − X(e, ECT, pm )) × min j (k) + ∑ mevap,i (k). (3.39)
mair (k)
AFR(k) = , (3.40)
m f ,cyl (k)
λ (k) = , (3.41)
AFRs (k)
Fig. 3.3 depicts the model summary where inputs to each submodel and tuning constants
associated with each submodel are shown. In the droplet evaporation model, the parameter
dd0 indicates the initial droplet diameter right after injection. The droplet evaporation model
passes Xi over to the single-puddle vaporization model as inputs. Since Xi is an integration
result according to (3.21), the internal states during the droplet evaporation simulation for
implementation at every numerical computation time step do not have to be known. There-
fore, to avoid unnecessary increase of on-line computation time, which might be caused
by computing Xi at every engine cycle, the droplet evaporation model is simulated off-
line to generate Xi and the results are implemented as engine maps in the single-puddle
vaporization model which updates its states every engine cycle.
3.6 Simulation
The resulting model takes 6 inputs, e, ECT , pm , mair , min j , RPM, and uses 8 parameters,
τDA , dd0 , γ , ηd , ECT 0 , δth , σ , η p to produce the fuel amount inducted into the cylinder and
λ as shown in Fig. 3.3. The effect and topology of the 8 parameters in the model structure
is physically motivated. The droplet evaporation model depends on two parameters: the
droplet decay time constant τDA introduced in the model in [38] and the droplet diameter
dd0 which is physically necessary and is tuned according to the τDA setting. The puddle va-
porization model depends on two physically motivated parameters: the puddle thickness δth
and σ introduced to consider actual variation of δth on ethanol content. The vaporization
process depends on, and at the same time, influences temperature through 4 parameters, γ ,
ηd , η p and ECT 0 . These 4 parameters (two for the droplet and two for the film) are used to
account for the vaporization effect on surface temperature approximated as apparent tem-
perature. This number of parameters in the ethanol-temperature relationship is not actually
too high if one considers using an affine fit for each fuel blend we used for calibration.
For parameter tuning and the model validation, the three different experiments of [10] have
been obtained.
The experimental data show the λ traces measured by a universal exhaust gas oxygen
(UEGO) sensor for different fuel blends of E0, E22 and E85, respectively, while the 4.6L
2V engine operates from cold start till full warm-up for each blend and several steps of
tip-ins and tip-outs are applied.
As stated in section 3.3, the multi-component model fuel for gasoline was first taken
from the mass fractions in [20]. The 8 parameters associated with our model were then
tuned for that model fuel which uses 8 chemical compounds including ethanol. The tun-
ing of the model parameters is explained below. First, the initial droplet diameter, dd0 , was
chosen and the time constant, τDA , was tuned so that the whole droplet evaporation process
around the engine coolant temperature range (290-370 K) and the manifold absolute pres-
sure range (0.1-0.8 bar) yielded a reasonable range of the wall impacting factors, Xi . The
value for ECT 0 was determined to be close to ambient temperature. The product of γ and
ηd , γ · ηd was tuned to yield proper shapes of λ excursions for E0, and then each param-
eter was determined by matching the λ excursions for E85. Likewise, the film thickness,
δth , was tuned to match the film vaporization rate for E0; σ and η p were tuned to match
the data for E85. In this way, true validation is obtained through the comparison between
simulation and experiments for E22.
Table 3.2 summarizes the tuned parameters and their values. The port diameter, din
is 0.045 m. Using these parameters, the gasoline fuel components were then reduced to
yield similar model simulation results to those of the previously used gasoline fuel com-
ponents of [20]. Table 3.1 summarizes the optimized fuel fractions in the last column and
the following simulations used those fuel fractions associated with a 4-component gasoline
instead of the original 7 components in [20]. As previously discussed in section 3.4, Xi for
gasoline components (i = 1, · · · , 4) and X5 for ethanol are calibrated for E0 and E100 cases,
respectively, and all the intermediate Xi ’s for intermediate fuel blends are interpolated by
(3.22) and (3.23)3 . Further work is needed for establishing a further simplification and/or
automated parameter calibration technique. A detailed analysis of the model sensitivity on
small fuel variability, such as summer and winter grade gasoline, is also required in the
3 Calibrationfor X5 with respect to E85 data is first performed and X5 for E100 is then obtained using the
calibrated parameters.
Fig. 3.6 shows the inputs to the (puddle vaporization) model for E0, based on the warm-
up tests performed in [10]. Similar inputs obtained from the tests performed in [10] were
used for E22 and E85, although not shown here. The air charge associated with the six in-
puts was estimated using the methodology of [27] and [57] and Ford proprietary calibration
of the manifold filling dynamic model and the cylinder pumping.
MAP (bar)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (sec)
x 10
mair (kg/cycle)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (sec)
x 10
minj (kg/cycle)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (sec)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (sec)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (sec)
Figure 3.6 Fuel injected and other measurements from [10] used for the model inputs (E0)
Fig. 3.7 shows the simulated fuel puddle mass and ethanol mass fraction in the puddle
for each fuel case. The lighter fuel components would vaporize faster than the heavier,
so the puddle mass and composition would evolve in time. Fig. 3.7 shows that the model
predicts different fuel puddle composition from the injected fuel.
Fig. 3.8-Fig. 3.10 show the simulated λ responses using the proposed model for E0,
E22 and E85, respectively, compared with the experimental data measured by a UEGO
sensor. The agreement between the simulations and the experimental data is quite reason-
able. Model matching is especially very good for sufficiently warmed-up operations. The
x 10
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (sec)
Ethanol mass fraction in puddle (%)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (sec)
Figure 3.7 Simulated puddle mass and ethanol mass fraction in puddle for each fuel
model also predicts the overall decrease in magnitude of the λ excursions well. It also cap-
tures the asymmetric excursions due to tip-ins and tip-outs observed in the experimental
data. The verification needs to be confirmed at more operating points to evaluate the model
accuracy. However, the provided simulation and experimental results reasonably support
the validity of the proposed model for at least some operating conditions.
3.7 Conclusion
In this chapter, a physics-based fuel puddle model that can be applied to any ethanol-
gasoline mixture is developed. This model may be used for air-to-fuel ratio control in
FFVs with engines equipped with port fuel injection. First, a multi-component fuel com-
prised of five chemical compounds is parameterized by ethanol content and is utilized to
characterize gasoline-ethanol blends. The model consists of a droplet evaporation model
and a single-puddle vaporization model. The droplet evaporation model is pre-simulated
off-line to generate port wall-impacting factors of the injected multi-component fuel to be
used in single-puddle. A single-puddle vaporization model is then utilized as a cycle-based
model that may be simulated on-line to characterize the fuel puddle dynamics in port fuel
injected engines. To verify the validity of the model, simulation results are compared with
a limited number of experimental data.
1.5 UEGO (exp)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (sec)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (sec)
1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200
Time (sec)
1.5 UEGO (exp)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Time (sec)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (sec)
780 800 820 840 860 880 900
Time (sec)
1.5 UEGO (exp)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (sec)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (sec)
1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200
Time (sec)
Chapter 4
Transient Fuel Compensation
4.1 Introduction
The coupling between ethanol estimation and AFR regulation shown in chapter 2 demon-
strated that the need for fast transient AFR response constrains ethanol content estimation
gain, which then imposes slow ethanol adaptation. This creates a need for feedforward
compensation of fuel puddle dynamics with an invertible puddle dynamics model for flex-
fuel to minimize transient AFR excursions caused by throttle modulation. In chapter 3, we
have developed a fuel puddle model that may be utilized to design a transient fuel compen-
sator that improves transient performance of air-to-fuel ratio control around stoichiometry.
In this chapter, a transient fuel compensator based on the fuel puddle model developed in
chapter 3 is proposed. The compensator improves both performances of AFR regulation
and ethanol content estimation.
Transient fuel compensation is realized by inverting the dynamics of the fuel film and
injection. This means, for a linear fuel puddle model, cancellation of pole and zero in
fuel puddle dynamics with zero and pole in TFC transfer function [8, 40]. However, direct
inversion of pole-zero cancellation as in a linear model is not available for the nonlinear
model developed in chapter 3. The transient fuel compensator in this chapter, therefore,
utilizes a reasonable approximation to invert the model and consequently enable TFC. The
TFC approximation is demonstrated with a simulation.
This chapter also provides various simulation results of AFR control and ethanol con-
tent estimation equipped with the transient fuel compensator designed in this chapter and
the ethanol content estimator introduced in chapter 2. Simulation demonstrates that TFC
actually enables faster fuel adaptation. Simulations are also performed with modeling er-
rors in the fuel puddle model to show the robustness of AFR control and ethanol content
4.2 Transient Fuel Compensator
Transient fuel compensation is realized by inverting the dynamics of the fuel film and injec-
tion. This means, for a linear fuel puddle model, cancelation of pole and zero in fuel puddle
dynamics with zero and pole in TFC transfer function [8, 40]. However, direct inversion
of pole-zero cancelation as in a linear model is not possible for our fuel puddle model. To
design a transient fuel compensator, the current fuel injection, min j (k), should be expressed
as a function of previous states, current output and other current inputs since current states
are not available. To this end, (3.39) can be utilized. However, the term ∑i=1 mevap,i (k) is
expressed involving complicated nonlinearity in min j (k), hence causing difficulty in getting
the inverted expression of min j (k) given a desired fuel in the cylinder, mdes
f ,cyl (k). A reason-
able approximation can be utilized to remedy this problem. First, let us express mevap,i (k)
as follows using (3.37) and (3.31):
where { }
V Pi (k) × mIVO
p (k)
gi (k) , min 1, ᾱ (k) . (4.2)
∑i V Pi (k) × mIVO
p,i (k)
The normal vapor pressure of i-th component at the current step k, V Pi (k), can be calculated
using the current engine coolant temperature, ECT (k), and the current ethanol content,
e(k). Using (4.1) and (3.24), (3.39) is then expressed as:
m f ,cyl (k) = (1 − X(k)) · min j (k) + ∑ gi (k) · mIVO
p,i (k)
( )
= 1 − X(k) + ∑ gi (k) · Xi (k) · min j (k)
+ ∑ gi (k) · m p,i (k − 1), (4.3)
where the current total wall impacting fraction, X(k), and the current wall impacting factor
for each fuel component, Xi (k), are obtained using the current ethanol content, e(k), the
current engine coolant temperature, ECT (k), and the current manifold absolute pressure,
pm (k). To eliminate dependency of gi (k) on min j (k) in (4.3), we use a simplifying assump-
tion that the composition of the fuel puddle is not affected significantly by the difference
between the current injection, min j (k), and the previous injection, min j (k − 1). This as-
sumption is reasonable for a large puddle mass, when higher accuracy of a transient fuel
compensation is required. We can then approximate gi (k) in (4.2) as:
{ }
V Pi (k) × m̂IVO
p (k)
ĝi (k) = min 1, ᾱˆ (k) , (4.4)
∑i V Pi (k) × m̂IVO
p,i (k)
ᾱˆ (k) = 1 − (1 + B̂ p (k))−α (k) . (4.7)
In (4.7), α (k) can be calculated using the current inputs according to (3.29) and the ap-
proximation of the transfer number at the current step k, B̂ p (k), can be computed as:
p,i (k)
fˆp,i (k) = , (4.9)
p (k)
Using the approximation, (4.4), the transient fuel compensation is then calculated from
(4.3) as:
f ,cyl (k) − ∑i ĝi (k) · m p,i (k − 1)
j (k) = , (4.11)
1 − X(k) + ∑i ĝi (k) · Xi (k)
mair (k)
f ,cyl (k) ,
mdes . (4.12)
AFRs (k)
One easier way to approximate gi (k) is to use previously calculated gi in the puddle model
so that ĝi (k) = gi (k − 1) without recalculation of ĝi (k) as above. This simpler approxima-
tion, however, results in poorer TFC performance. Fig. 4.1 shows the TFC simulation result
to demonstrate the accuracy of our assumption and the approximation using (4.4)–(4.12).
The simulation was done under the assumption that the plant follows the model perfectly
and the states are known. A simulation using the model for E22 with inputs pm , mair , ECT
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Time (sec)
x 10
mTFC (kg/cycle)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Time (sec)
and N as prescribed in the experimental data used in section 3.6, and min j as prescribed
from the proposed TFC in (4.4)–(4.12) tuned for E22 is shown in Fig. 4.1. The simulated
λ trace shows several spikes due to the errors caused by the approximation but their am-
plitudes are negligible. This AFR accuracy is of course achieved only with very well tuned
fuel puddle model parameters and known ethanol percentage.
4.3 Simulation
Simulations were performed to demonstrate performance enhancement of AFR control and
ethanol content estimation by transient fuel compensation. Robustness is also demonstrated
by introducing modeling errors in fuel puddle model used in TFC. Fig. 4.2 and Fig. 4.3
show two different system configurations used for simulations. Fig. 4.2 corresponds to the
system of AFR control and ethanol content estimation without transient fuel compensator
and Fig. 4.3 to the system with transient fuel compensator. Plant was simulated by the same
manifold dynamics introduced by Crossley and Cook [18], which was used in previous
simulation of chapter 2, together with fuel puddle model developed in chapter 3 with the
same tuning values listed in Table 3.2 and the same wall-impacting factors used in chapter
3. Among the six inputs to the fuel puddle model, actual ethanol content e will be shown
later, manifold absolute pressure pm and air charge mair are outputs of manifold dynamics
λdes = 1
θ Gt m
i m air mGwGk Σ wpGj
m air
m inj
m fb GGj G Wfb
m ff p
GjGG e
Figure 4.2 System configuration of AFR control and ethanol content estimation without transient
fuel compensator
λdes = 1
θ Gt m
i m air mGwGk Σ wpGj
m air mGwGv
m inj
m fb GGj G Wfb
wGj Σ
m ff
GjGG e
Figure 4.3 System configuration of AFR control and ethanol content estimation with transient
fuel compensator
whose input is throttle angle which will be also shown later, the fuel injection min j is the
controller output, and ECT and RPM are fixed to be:
For a set of simulation with model errors, 10% error in tuning parameters and wall-
impacting factors was simultaneously applied by multiplying 0.90 to ECT 0 , σ , η p , δth
and Xi for all fuel component i for the fuel puddle model used as an open-loop fuel puddle
observer in transient fuel compensator. For the λ feedback controller, a PI control with the
same control gains as in chapter 2 is used:
The ethanol content estimation gain is first chosen as the same value as used in chapter 2:
• γe = 5000.
If transient fuel compensator is used, the estimation gain can be increased because TFC
improves λ regulation. Therefore, to show the improvement in ethanol content estimation,
another ethanol content gain was also selected:
• γe = 40000.
In the following simulation result plots, the legend is marked with ‘w/ high gain’ if this
high gain is associated with the simulation to distinguish the corresponding result from the
result with the low gain. Simulations are done with no errors in air charge estimation and
manifold pressure estimation.
Fig. 4.4 shows the simulation input. Throttle angles were modulated with a sequence
of step changes and a ramp profile of real ethanol content change was applied. Initially
the fuel used is gasoline and then it is changed to E85. Fig. 4.5 shows the change in the
manifold absolute pressure and the air flow rate into the cylinder induced by the throttle
Fig. 4.6 and Fig. 4.7 show simulation results of ethanol content estimation and λ out-
put. In Fig. 4.6, the transient excursions of ethanol content estimation caused by throttle
modulation are observed when TFC is not activated (‘w/o TFC w/o model error’). These
excursions are eliminated when TFC is applied (‘w/ TFC w/o model error’). The slow fuel
adaptation changing from E0 to E85 is then overcome by increasing the estimator gain by
virtue of TFC. The estimation plot associated with the high gain shows faster fuel adapta-
tion. This case was also simulated with previously explained fuel puddle model error and
shows several excursions in estimation affected by tip-ins and tip-outs. The excursions are,
Throttle (deg)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (sec)
Ethanol content (%)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (sec)
MAP (bar)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (sec)
Cylinder air flow (kg/s)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (sec)
Figure 4.5 Manifold absolute pressure and air flow rate into the cylinder induced by throttle input
Ethanol content (%)
w/ TFC w/o model error
w/ TFC w/ model error w/ high gain
w/o TFC w/o model error
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (sec)
(a) Ethanol content estimation for the whole time span of the simulation
Ethanol content (%)
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Time (sec)
w/ TFC w/o model error
w/ TFC w/ model error w/ high gain
1.2 w/o TFC w/o model error
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (sec)
4.4 Conclusion
A transient fuel compensator using the fuel puddle model developed in chapter 3 is for-
mulated. Since direct pole-zero cancelation is not available for the nonlinear model, an
approximation is used to invert the model to design a TFC. The TFC approximation is
demonstrated with a simulation. The transient fuel compensator improves the performance
of both AFR control and ethanol content estimation. This performance enhancement is
demonstrated by simulations. Robustness in AFR control and ethanol content estimation is
also demonstrated by simulation with model error in the fuel puddle observer used in TFC.
Chapter 5
Ethanol Content Estimation during
MAF Sensor Drifts
5.1 Introduction
Typically ethanol content estimation is initiated after detection of refueling. This estima-
tion is achieved using an exhaust gas oxygen (EGO) sensor which calculates the air-to-fuel
ratio (AFR) under the assumption of stoichiometric conditions given the closed loop con-
trol of fuel injection with the feedback of λ measurements. For example, an increased fuel
ethanol content, hence decreased stoichiometric air-to-fuel ratio (SAFR) according to Ta-
ble 1.1 would cause lean (λ > 1) EGO sensor measurement. Due to the feedback control,
the fuel injection amount increases to reach again the stoichiometric condition (λ = 1).
Because of the increased fuel amount, the AFR is calculated so that it is decreased. This
decrease is recognized as decreased SAFR and hence interpreted as increased fuel ethanol
content. The refueling event trigger is used to avoid misclassifying ethanol content varia-
tions as actuator faults (drifts) or component aging. The ethanol detection period needs to
be as short as possible to reduce the probability of stopping the car and letting it cool down
without a correct ethanol estimation having been established. This possibility is undesirable
since the cold start depends heavily on correct ethanol estimation.
Since the ethanol content estimation relies on the AFR calculated using the cylinder air
charge estimation and issued fuel amount, the ethanol estimation will erroneously compen-
sate for the air charge estimation error and/or fuel injector error. Robust ethanol estimation
with estimation of fuel injection error is provided in [6, 7] for flex-fuel direct injection (DI)
engines equipped with in-cylinder pressure sensors. In this chapter, no fuel injector fault
is assumed. The air charge estimation, on the other hand, depends on the mass air flow
through the throttle body. Hence, a MAF sensor error results in steady-state ethanol con-
tent estimation error with high sensitivity. The high sensitivity problem has been discussed
in section 2.8.
If the ethanol content or the stoichiometric AFR is known, the EGO sensor reading may
be used in another adaptation against MAF sensor drift/bias in the same manner as used
in ethanol content estimation. In other words, the calculated AFR can be used to update
a parameter in the air charge estimation with respect to the fixed stoichiometric AFR. The
use of EGO-based fuel feedback compensation to adapt the feedforward fuel compensation
in response to errors in the inlet air sensing is now a common practice [14] referred as air
charge adaptation. It is necessary to switch between two adaptations namely, the ethanol
adaptation and the air charge adaptation, to avoid misclassifying ethanol content variations
as sensor drifts or component aging. An appropriate switching logic using the tank refill
trigger and relevant process characteristics should be devised for that purpose. However,
this scheme may cause unobservable biases in estimations because every estimation is de-
pendent on the true value of other estimations to guarantee convergence to its actual value.
Convergence of estimations to actual values is important even though there are no true or
reference values to which all estimations can be reset, once a vehicle leaves the factory or
undergoes a major maintenance event unless the vehicle operates with known fuel. The
estimation bias during regular field operation will be briefly discussed in section 5.2.
This chapter focuses on the cylinder air flow estimation under MAF sensor drift or bias
using an intake manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor in order to prevent severe mis-
estimation of ethanol content in flex fuel vehicles. The estimation scheme is independent
of the exhaust gas oxygen sensor measurement which is used for ethanol content update via
the closed loop regulation of stoichiometric condition. Therefore, the switching between
this compensation of MAF sensor drift and the ethanol content estimation is not necessary
and the associated estimation bias problem can be avoided. Simulations are performed to
demonstrate the air flow estimation with compensation of MAF sensor drift using a MAP
sensor realizing robust ethanol content estimation in flex fuel vehicles.
MAP (bar) Throttle (deg)
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
EtOH (%)
Estimated fast
Estimated slow
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (sec)
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Time (sec)
running after refueling, the slow ethanol estimation would have had stopped with an E50
instead of E85 value. An example of such a stop immediately after refueling is fueling
stations at a rest stop. Cold start with assumed E50 instead of the accurate E85 could have
been a problem.
Fig. 5.2 shows a simulated example of conventional switching estimations of ethanol
content and MAF sensor drift. In the simulation, the actual fuel changes between E20 and
E60 are exaggerated to show qualitatively what would happen after many refueling. We
also assume that the MAF sensor error fraction fea in section 2.8 drifts from 0 to -0.2.
The switching variable αe in Fig. 2.1 changed properly between 0 and 1, where αe = 1
selected the ethanol content estimation and αe = 0 the MAF sensor error fraction (or bias)
MAP (bar) Throttle (deg)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
EtOH (%)
0 Actual
0 200 400 600 800 Estimated
1000 fast 1200
MAF sensor bias
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (sec)
Figure 5.2 Simulated example of switching estimations of ethanol and MAF sensor drift with fast
and slow ethanol estimations
estimation, respectively. Again, fast and slow ethanol estimations were simulated with
the same operating scenarios. Let us first look at the estimation results in Fig. 5.2 asso-
ciated with slow ethanol estimation. The MAF sensor drift occurring during the ethanol
estimation periods is unobservable and it is incorrectly allocated in the ethanol estimation,
hence the accuracy of the ethanol estimation is reduced proportionally to the duration of
the estimation period.
As a solution, one would think that fast ethanol estimation is necessary to avoid the
above problems by shortening the period of ethanol content estimation. However, speeding
up the ethanol estimation introduces another problem from the strong interaction between
throttle-induced λ excursions and ethanol estimation. This interaction is clearly shown in
the ethanol estimation plot in Fig. 5.1 associated with fast ethanol estimation: the ethanol
estimation shows distinguishable transient responses caused by throttle changes (or λ ex-
cursions). In the second example in Fig. 5.2, the estimation results associated with fast
ethanol estimation is even poorer because the transient responses induced by the throttle
changes were not accounted for at the transition moments from ethanol content estimation
to MAF sensor drift estimation.
The solution to this problem would be a more comprehensive criterion for switching
ethanol estimation on and off. The new switching criterion would involve monitoring
throttle variability and switching between the two estimations only when steady-state driv-
ing has been achieved. This solution is practically equivalent with having a slow ethanol
estimation with a longer ethanol estimation period where the MAF sensor drifts are unob-
servable and mis-allocated in estimated ethanol.
We propose a cylinder air flow estimation scheme independent of the ethanol estimation
in the following sequel, where the MAF sensor drift is estimated using additional manifold
absolute pressure measurements.
In order to avoid problems in the switching adaptation discussed in section 5.2, the cylin-
der air flow should be estimated and account for the MAF sensor drift, independently of λ
measurement. For this purpose, an intake manifold pressure sensor may be utilized. Using
a manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor may be suitable in the sense that the associated
cost is low. A conventional method from which the cylinder air flow can be calculated
using MAP is the speed-density method:
ne pm
Wa,cyl = ηv Vd , (5.1)
2 RTm
where pm denotes the manifold absolute pressure, ηv is the volumetric efficiency, ne is the
engine speed (in rps) and Vd is the total displaced cylinder volume. Since ηv bears rela-
tively high uncertainty, estimating cylinder air flow only using the MAP measurement via
this equation is not a good idea. Therefore, we will still use the MAF sensor measurement
and the drift will be compensated by the MAP measurement via the speed density equation.
Note that any error fraction in MAP results in the same amount of error fraction in cylinder
air flow from the nominal speed-density equation:
δ Wa,cyl δ pm
= , (5.2)
Wa,cyl pm
where nominal speed-density equation assumes that the volumetric efficiency, ηv is inde-
pendent of MAP, pm , i.e., not a function of pm , which is not strictly true in some real
engines though. Therefore, the potential ethanol estimation error during MAP drift may
not be worse than the ethanol estimation error during MAF drift. Moreover, MAP sensor
accuracy is usually much better than MAF sensor accuracy [12, 13]. This fact justifies the
idea of using MAP sensor to correct MAF sensor drift.
ż = y + x, (5.3)
where the signals z and y are measured, but x is a unknown time-varying input which has to
be estimated on line. A high gain observer is defined in terms of auxiliary variables ε and
v such that the estimation of x is given by
x̂ = γ z − v, (5.4)
ε , x̂ − x = γ z − v − x (5.5)
and v satisfies
v̇ = −γ v + γ y + γ 2 z. (5.6)
Here γ is a positive observer gain. Evaluating the derivative of v along the solutions of
system equation (5.5) one obtains
Assume now that ẋ is bounded, i.e., that there exists a positive constant b1 such that
supt ∥ẋ(t)∥ ≤ b1 . Multiplying (5.7) by 2ε , and using an estimate ∥2ẋε ∥ ≤ ẋ2 /γ + γε 2 it
follows that d ε 2 /dt ≤ −γε 2 + b21 /γ and the following transient bound for the estimation
error is obtained, √
∥ε (t)∥ ≤ ε (0)2 e−γ t + 21 . (5.8)
Transient bound (5.8) implies that the upper bound on the estimation error for any t > 0 can
be made arbitrarily small by increasing the design parameter γ > 0. Note that if one defines
ẑ = v/γ , then (5.6) reduces to ẑ˙ = −γ (ẑ − z) + y. Thus ẑ can be viewed as an estimate of z,
provided γ > 0 is sufficiently large.
The same result can be obtained by filtering both sides of (5.3) with a low pass fil-
ter [57].
The MAF sensor dynamics can be described by a first order lag [27]:
W˙ θ = − (W θ −Wθ ), (5.9)
where τMAF is the MAF sensor time constant, Wθ is the actual flow through the throttle,
and W θ is the measured flow through the throttle by the MAF sensor.
The MAF sensor dynamics with drift can be modeled through a biased sensor gain:
Ẇθ ,n = − (Wθ ,n −Wθ ), (5.10)
W θ = (1 +C)Wθ ,n , (5.11)
where Wθ ,n is the mass air flow through the throttle body of the nominal system and C is a
parameter that affects the MAF sensor gain.
The MAF sensor dynamics is then expressed as:
1 ( )
W˙ θ = − W θ − (1 +C)Wθ . (5.12)
5.5.2 Throttle Flow Estimation
To estimate the input, Wθ , the high gain observer previously discussed is utilized. Equation
(5.12) is exactly (5.3) with z = W θ , y = −(1/τMAF )W θ and x = (1/τMAF )(1 +C)Wθ . Thus,
we apply the input observer, (5.6) and (5.4), to (5.12):
v̇ f = −γ f v f − W θ + γ 2f W θ , (5.13)
bC = τMAF (γ f W θ − v f ),
W (5.14)
where WC is defined as
WC , (1 +C)Wθ , (5.15)
WbC is the estimation of WC and γ f is an observer gain. If we know the sensor drift C, from
the adaptation in section 5.7, we can estimate Wθ :
W bC /(1 +C),
bθ = W (5.16)
bθ is the estimation of Wθ .
where W
be viewed as a sum of nominal cylinder flow and an uncertainty term:
with the nominal cylinder flow Wcyl,n expressed as a function of MAP, pm , engine speed,
ne , and possibly ethanol content in the fuel blend, e:
ṗm = (Wθ −Wcyl,n ) − ∆Wa,cyl . (5.20)
Vm Vm
Vm ∆Wa,cyl . By applying the high gain observer, (5.6) and (5.4), to (5.20), the following
− RT m
v̇ = −γ v + γ (Wθ −Wcyl,n ) + γ 2 pm , (5.21)
d a,cyl Vm
∆W = (v − γ pm ), (5.22)
d a,cyl is the estimation of ∆Wa,cyl and γ is an observer gain. The cylinder flow
where ∆W
estimation is then expressed as:
ba,cyl = Wcyl,n + (v − γ pm ) Vm ,
W (5.23)
RTm b
v̇ = −γ (Wa,cyl −Wθ ). (5.24)
The intake manifold absolute pressure sensor is fast but may give noisy signals. A low
pass filter can be utilized to filter out such noise. The isothermal intake manifold pressure
model, (5.17), is used to avoid an excessive phase lag. Based on (5.17), a low pass filter
can then be developed if Wθ and Wcyl are known:
p̂˙m = (Wθ −Wa,cyl ) + γ p ( p̄m − p̂m ), (5.25)
where p̂m is the estimated intake manifold absolute pressure and p̄m is the measured pres-
sure by the intake manifold absolute pressure sensor. Observers (5.24), (5.23) and (5.25)
are combined to yield one observer scheme. In (5.24) and (5.23), the manifold absolute
pressure, pm , is replaced by the filtered manifold absolute pressure, p̂m . In (5.25), the cylin-
ba,cyl . The combined observer
der flow, Wa,cyl , is replaced by the estimated cylinder flow, W
is then summarized as:
RTm b
v̇ = −γ (Wa,cyl −Wθ ). (5.26)
ba,cyl = Wcyl,n ( p̂m , ne , e) + (v − γ p̂m ) Vm ,
W (5.27)
RTm ba,cyl ) + γ p ( p̄m − p̂m ).
p̂˙m = (Wθ − W (5.28)
The drift parameter C needs to be known to obtain the estimation of the throttle flow, Wbθ ,
in (5.16). If we can estimate the cylinder flow, Wa,cyl , independently of the MAF mea-
surement, the throttle flow, Wθ , can be estimated using (5.17) with MAP measurement.
Equation (5.17) is exactly the same as (5.3) with z = pm , y = − RTm RTm
Vm Wa,cyl and x = Vm Wθ .
Thus, we may apply the input observer, (5.6) and (5.4), to (5.17). The nominal cylin-
der flow equation, (5.19), may approximate the original speed-density equation (5.1) very
well in a limited region of operating conditions. We then use the nominal cylinder flow in
applying the input observer:
v̇n = −γn vn − γn Wcyl,n + γn2 pm , (5.29)
bθ ,W Vm
W = (γn pm − vn ). (5.30)
Introducing a switching variable, αs , the following drift parameter adaptation can be uti-
Cḃ = γC (W bW
bC − (1 + C) bθ ,W )αs , (5.31)
where αs is 1 in a limited region of operating conditions where the nominal cylinder flow
equation is very good to approximate the original speed-density equation and is 0 else-
5.8 Combined Air Charge Adaptation Scheme
The observers discussed so far are combined to yield one observer scheme for cylinder
air flow estimation. The throttle flow observer, (5.13), (5.14) and (5.16), the cylinder flow
and manifold absolute pressure observer, (5.26), (5.27), (5.28) and the MAF sensor drift
parameter observer, (5.29), (5.30) and (5.31), are combined replacing actual variables by
estimated variables:
v̇ f = −γ f v f − W θ + γ 2f W θ , (5.32)
bC = τMAF (γ f W θ − v f ),
W (5.33)
bθ = W
W b
bC /(1 + C), (5.34)
RTm b bθ ),
v̇ = −γ (Wa,cyl − W (5.35)
ba,cyl = W
W bcyl,n + (v − γ p̂m ) Vm , (5.36)
RT m bθ − W ba,cyl ) + γ p ( p̄m − p̂m ),
p̂˙m = (W (5.37)
bcyl,n = Wcyl,n ( p̂m , ne , e),
W (5.38)
RTm b
v̇n = −γn vn − γn Wcyl,n + γn2 p̂m , (5.39)
bθ ,W = Vm (γn p̂m − vn ),
W (5.40)
Cḃ = γC (W bW
bC − (1 + C) bθ ,W )αs . (5.41)
set to zero if αs = 0. From all state equations other than (5.41), the steady-state results are
Wθ = Wa,cyl , (5.42)
bC = (1 +C)Wθ = (1 +C)Wa,cyl ,
Wθ = W (5.43)
p̂m = pm , (5.44)
ba,cyl = W
W bθ = W bC /(1 + C) b = 1 +C Wθ = 1 +C Wa,cyl ,
b = W θ /(1 + C) (5.45)
1 + Cb 1 + Cb
bθ ,W = W
W bcyl,n = Wcyl,n . (5.46)
b e
W eθ = C −C Wa,cyl = − C Wa,cyl ,
ea,cyl = W (5.47)
1 + Cb 1 + Cb
p̃m = 0, (5.48)
ea,cyl , Wa,cyl − W
where estimation errors are defined as: W ba,cyl , W bθ , Ce , C − Cb
eθ , Wθ − W
and p̃m , pm − p̂m . From (5.47), we can consider three different special cases.
1. If there is no steady-state error in drift parameter estimation (Ce = 0), there is no error
in cylinder air flow estimation in steady state:
ea,cyl e = 0.
W (5.49)
3. If there is no MAF sensor drift compensation (Cb = 0), there is the following cylinder
air flow estimation error in steady state:
ea,cyl b = −CWa,cyl .
W (5.51)
This case corresponds to use of a conventional cylinder flow estimation scheme with-
out any compensation of MAF sensor drift. The estimation error of (5.51) results
in amplified error in ethanol content estimation after all, hence motivating our drift
compensation scheme discussed so far.
The following steady-state estimation results are then immediately obtained from (5.45)
and (5.46):
W bθ = Wcyl,n , Cb = C + (1 +C) ∆Wa,cyl .
ba,cyl = W (5.53)
Steady-state estimation errors are then:
ea,cyl = W
W eθ = ∆Wa,cyl , Ce = −(1 +C) . (5.54)
If a cylinder flow equation perfectly fits to the actual cylinder air flow, i.e. ∆Wa,cyl = 0, there
will be no errors in cylinder air flow estimation and drift parameter estimation as shown in
ea,cyl = 0 and Ce = 0.
(5.54), i.e., W
5.10 Simulation
Simulation of cylinder air flow estimation under MAF sensor drift is performed in the con-
figuration of AFR control with ethanol content estimation as shown in Fig. 2.1, where the
air charge adaptation is now disconnected from the feedback signal W f b or the λ measure-
ment. Note that a measured intake pressure signal is additionally provided to the air charge
estimation block in Fig. 2.1 in this simulation. We use the same manifold breathing dy-
namics as provided in [18] and the cylinder block is simulated with a fuel puddle model
developed for a port fuel injected (PFI) flex-fuel engine [3]. The puddle compensation
block is realized by a transient fuel compensator using the fuel puddle model in [3]. In
(5.11), the drift parameter C may actually vary very slowly around zero:
W θ = (1 +C(t))Wθ ,n ,
In this simulation, the following first order drift model is utilized to give slow variation of
drift parameter, C(t):
Ẇz = − (Wz −Wθ ), C = C̄Wz ,
where the drift time constant τz = 60 sec and the drift gain C̄ = 5.0 sec/kg are used.
Cylinder flow (kg/s)
0.005 Actual
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
MAP (bar)
Fig. 5.3 shows the cylinder air flow versus manifold absolute pressure, pm , at a fixed en-
gine rotation speed used in the simulation. The solid line is for the actual flow, Wa,cyl , and
is used in the engine simulation, and the dashed line is the nominal flow, Wcyl,n , modeled
by the nominal speed-density equation and used in the observer. This deviation emulates
possible uncertainty in speed-density equation. Note that the nominal cylinder flow is close
to the actual around pm = 0.5 bar. Therefore, we assume that the known region of operation
conditions for good speed-density approximation is around pm = 0.5 bar for simulation.
Parameters and observer gains used in simulation are summarized in Table 5.1. These
gains were tuned by looking at eigenvalues of the linearized closed-loop observer system
Fig. 5.4 shows simulated inputs, the throttle angle and the ethanol content. Throttle
is modulated with a sequence of several step changes emulating tip-ins and tip-outs. The
ethanol content is changed from zero to 85 % with a ramp profile and then it is changed to
Table 5.1 Parameters and observer gains used in simulation
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Ethanol %
EtOH est. error (%)
55 % later again with a ramp profile. The second plot also depicts the estimated ethanol
content which is very sensitive to cylinder air flow estimation error. The third plot shows
the ethanol content estimation error. We can observe that the steady-state error is quite
allowable actually due to the improved estimation of cylinder air flow. The ethanol content
estimation error reduces as time goes by in the first several seconds and this is due to the
b converges closer to the actual as shown in Fig. 5.6.
fact that the estimated drift parameter, C,
Fig. 5.5 shows estimation results. MAP measurement is corrupted adding white noise to
the simulated actual manifold absolute pressure. We can observe reduced noise level in the
filtered pressure signal without much lag in Fig. 5.5(a). Performance of the throttle air flow
estimation and the cylinder flow estimation is quite good. Nominally estimated signals,
Wbθ ,W and W bcyl,n , show big errors in operating conditions where the nominal speed-density
equation suffers from large deviation from the actual.
Fig. 5.6 shows the drift parameter estimation and the switching variable αs which
changes according to operating conditions. Note that steady-state error in drift parame-
ter estimation remains even if αs is set to 1 because the (nominal) modeled cylinder flow
through the speed density equation differs from the actual cylinder air flow equation. The
switching for this simulation is designed at 2000 engine rpm as:
1 if 0.4 bar ≤ p̂m < 0.6 bar
ᾱs (t) = , (5.55)
0 otherwise
1 if ᾱs (τ ) = 1, ∀τ ∈ [t − 0.5,t]
αs (t) = , (5.56)
0 otherwise
to avoid chattering. Fig. 5.7(a) shows the λ output and Fig. 5.7(b) shows the controlled
fuel injection results. The air-to-fuel ratio is regulated around stoichiometry. And the
PI feedback signal enables the ethanol content estimation. We can observe that the to-
tal fuel injection and feedforward fuel injection increase in the interval of ethanol content
change. Again, the ethanol content estimation is always possible as long as the feedback
control is activated regardless of MAF sensor drift and uncertainty in speed-density equa-
tion. Nevertheless, the accuracy of the ethanol estimation is still degraded if an exact MAF
drift compensation is not possible due to significant error in the speed density model with
degradation of cylinder air flow estimation.
MAP (bar)
0.4 Actual
0.2 Measured
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 (Estimated)
Filtered 350 400
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time (sec)
(a) MAP
0.011 0.024
Throttle air flow (kg/s)
0.02 0.02
0.01 0.014
0 50 100 185 186
0.005 Measured
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Estimated 350 400
−3 Nominally estimated
x 10
W est. error (kg/s)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time (sec)
Cylinder air flow (kg/s)
0.015 0.01
0 50 100
185 186
0.005 Estimated
0 50 100 150 200 250 Nominally
300 estimated
350 400
x 10
Wa,cyl est. error (kg/s)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time (sec)
Drift parameter, C
0.02 Actual
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time (sec)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time (sec)
window of ethanol
0.9 content change
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time (sec)
(a) simulated λ
x 10
0 −3
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
x 10
W (kg/s)
0 −5
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
x 10
Wfb (kg/s)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time (sec)
5.11 Conclusion
In this chapter, a cylinder air flow estimation scheme that accounts for mass air flow sensor
drift or bias is developed in order to avoid severe mis-estimation of ethanol content in flex
fuel vehicles. The high sensitivity of the AFR-based ethanol content estimation to MAF
sensor error suggests the need for robust compensation of the error and hence accurate esti-
mation of cylinder air flow. First, we discuss the consequences, such as possible estimation
biases resulting from switching between ethanol and cylinder air flow estimations using an
EGO sensor. To obtain a more reliable cylinder air flow estimation by compensating for the
MAF sensor drift, the intake manifold pressure sensor signal is utilized together with the
speed density principle at selected operating regions. The proposed algorithm inevitably
involves switching on the correction of MAF sensor drift at operating regions where there
is high confidence that the speed density model has high accuracy. However, if an accurate
reference engine map is available, the estimation bias problem can be alleviated in contrast
to the switching adaptation case using the λ (EGO) sensor. Simulation is performed to
demonstrate the air flow estimation with the compensation of MAF sensor drift using an
intake manifold pressure sensor. In the simulation, the effect of the air flow estimation on
the ethanol content estimation in flex fuel vehicles is shown with a realistic assumption of
engine modeling accuracy.
Chapter 6
Fuel System Fault Tolerant Ethanol
Content Estimation in Direct Injection
6.1 Introduction
It is a common practice to estimate ethanol content based on the stoichiometric air-to-
fuel ratio (SAFR). This ratio is identified through the closed-loop air/fuel regulation that
is achieved by using the exhaust gas oxygen (EGO) sensor. SAFR-based ethanol estima-
tion, however, is sensitive to fuel injector drifts [59], which occur as a result of typical
deterioration over the life-time of the fuel system.
Due to the large ethanol estimation error associated with injector drift, the existing strat-
egy in FFVs compensates for the drift by switching between the ethanol estimation and the
fuel drift estimation. Specifically, the ethanol content estimation is generally triggered by
the detection of a refueling event. Once the ethanol estimation reaches a steady-state value
(does not change appreciably) or after a pre-determined period, the estimation for fuel in-
jector drifts starts. This switching strategy of estimating two unknown variables, ethanol
content and fuel injector drifts, uses information derived from the common exhaust gas
oxygen (EGO) sensor and is prone to unobservable estimation biases [4].
An independent ethanol content estimation of the SAFR-based estimation by using the
in-cylinder pressure measurements in direct injection (DI) engines was shown to be insen-
sitive to the fuel injector drifts [6]. The use of cylinder pressure sensors for closed-loop
combustion control might become more widespread in the future [37, 49, 66]. Therefore,
its application to ethanol estimation and fuel system on-board diagnosis could demonstrate
additional benefits of in-cylinder pressure sensing. This estimation scheme exploits the
principle of charge cooling when fuel is directly injected into the cylinder once the valves
are closed. As the ethanol content increases in the fuel, the charge cooling observed by
lower cylinder pressure should also increase because the latent heat of vaporization (LHV)
is higher in ethanol than in gasoline. More specifically, the LHV-based detection feature (r)
that quantifies the ethanol content in the fuel [43] is calculated from the in-cylinder pressure
measurements of two consecutive cycles with the following different fuel injection modes:
• Single injection (Si) mode: All the commanded fuel is injected during the intake
stroke; thus, even if the fuel is rich in ethanol, the charge cooling observed by cylin-
der pressure should be minimal.
• Split injection (Sp) mode: A fraction of the commanded fuel is injected during the
intake stroke, and the rest is injected during the compression stroke after intake valve
is closed. The fuel that is injected during the compression stroke contributes most
of the cylinder charge cooling that is proportional to the ethanol content, and an
associated pressure drop could be observed.
By comparing the cylinder pressure from the two modes, the charge cooling effect can
be differentiated from the other thermo-physical phenomena and their effects on cylinder
pressure evolution. The LHV detection feature is the quantity of this comparison.
The LHV-based detection feature provides an independent indication of the fuel ethanol
content in addition to the SAFR-based detection feature under fuel injector drifts, and thus
improves the robustness of SAFR-based ethanol detection strategy. However, as presented
in [6], the correlation between the LHV-based detection feature and the fuel ethanol content
cannot be perfectly modeled and it exhibits various errors at various operating conditions.
Therefore, the methodology proposed in this chapter employs the LHV-based detection
feature to correct the SAFR ethanol content estimation in the operation region where cer-
tain confidence levels and accuracies are satisfied. Due to the enhanced ethanol content
estimation, more reliable injector fault detection is realized since the estimation of injec-
tor drift relies on accurate estimation of the ethanol content of the fuel. We demonstrate
the applicability of the methodology via a simulation with slightly exaggerated injector
drift occurring immediately after a refueling event that changes the ethanol content of the
fuel. The simulation uses a realistic cycle-to-cycle variability and modeling error for the
LHV-estimation. Therefore, the simulation is a good demonstration of the feasibility and
potential benefits of the proposed algorithm. The integrated estimation algorithm is also
validated with an engine dynamometer test.
6.2 LHV-Based Ethanol Estimation
A fault-tolerant ethanol estimation needs to account for drifts in the mass air flow sensor
and the injectors. As the MAF sensor drifts can be corrected through [4], we only ad-
dress the estimation of ethanol content and fuel injector drifts. Therefore, we need an extra
equation which is independent from the λ regulation to account for both unknown ethanol
content e and fuel amount W f . The LHV-based ethanol detection feature in [43] calculated
by the in-cylinder pressure measurements is utilized to provide this additional information
in this chapter. The feature at the stoichiometric condition, rs , should be then monotonic at
a fixed known Wa,cyl with respect to the change of the ethanol content e to solve e by inver-
sion. The experimental data do not show the desirable monotonicity, introducing inevitable
ethanol calculation errors. The monotone detection feature model is obtained by mono-
tone regression of experimental data, where the ethanol content calculation error should be
Data have been collected from the experiments at near-stoichiometry on a 2.0L turbo-
charged spark ignition direct injection (SIDI) variable valve timing (VVT) engine equipped
with Kistler 6125B in-cylinder pressure sensors as in [6]. Table 6.1 summarizes the nominal
conditions for the experiments.
Description Value
Relative AFR (λ ) 1
Split injection ratio (Sp mode) 50/50 (%)
Start of 1st injection 105 CAdeg bBDC
End of 2nd injection (Sp mode) 40 CAdeg aBDC
Spark timing MBT map for E0
At each nominal set point with different engine speed, load and ethanol content, the
ethanol content and detection feature measurement data are averaged. The averaged data
are regarded as the steady state data, as we are only interested in the steady state ethanol
estimation error.
6.2.1 Affine Regression
At each engine speed and load, we want to build a suitable monotone regression model
which maps the ethanol content e to the detection feature rs and find the coefficients in the
regression model by using the averaged data. The affine regression is utilized in this chap-
ter. A higher order monotone function can be derived using [47] if more data with more set
points are available. The following regression model is considered here:
where N and Wa denote the engine speed and the load, respectively. At each speed and load
corresponding to an experimental set point, the coefficients a1 and a2 are resolved by the
least squares fit using the averaged ethanol content and detection feature data. Since mini-
mization of the ethanol calculation error is desirable, the standard least squares regression
is actually applied to the inverse regression model of (6.1):
where b1 , −a1 /a2 and b2 , 1/a2 . Once the coefficients a1 and a2 corresponding to sev-
eral experimental set points are identified, those coefficient values provide a lookup table
so that a1 and a2 at arbitrary speed and load can be determined by interpolation. On the
other hand, the averaged detection feature at arbitrary operating condition, i.e., arbitrary
speed, load and ethanol content can be calculated by multi-dimensional interpolation using
the experimental data. Let us denote this interpolated feature by rsint p (N,Wa , e). The steady
state ethanol content estimate êss,LHV is then calculated by inverting (6.1):
Therefore, the steady state ethanol content estimation error under the LHV-based estimation
ẽss,LHV , e − êss,LHV is expressed as:
Fig. 6.1 shows the steady state ethanol content estimation êss,LHV at several loads for
two different engine speeds. From the figure it is clear that the steady state LHV esti-
mation performance could provide satisfactory accuracy only at certain limited speed and
load conditions. At these operating points the LHV estimation could be used judiciously to
identity 80
40 40
MAF = 80kg/hr
MAF = 80kg/hr 20 MAF = 100kg/hr
MAF = 100kg/hr MAF = 130kg/hr
0 MAF = 150kg/hr MAF = 150kg/hr
MAF = 170kg/hr 0 MAF = 170kg/hr
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
EtOH (%) EtOH (%)
(a) engine speed of 2000 RPM (b) engine speed of 2500 RPM
Figure 6.1 The steady state ethanol content estimate êss,LHV vs. the actual ethanol content.
When the ethanol content estimation using the LHV-based detection feature is available,
the fuel amount can also be estimated due to the stoichiometry constraint even under in-
jector drifts. This simultaneous LHV-based estimation of both ethanol content and fuel
injector drifts then depends on reliability of LHV-based ethanol estimation. However, there
are certain operating conditions that such reliability is relatively degraded as shown in
Fig. 6.1 and more reliable estimation depends on longer duration of nearly fixed operating
conditions to avoid undesirable transient responses. It is also desirable that the period of
activated alternative injection modes (Si and Sp) to obtain the LHV-based detection feature
is minimized as the split injection mode sacrifices chance to enhance volumetric efficiency
by charge cooling while the valves are closed at the second injection, although the ac-
tivation/deactivation of the alternative injection mode is omitted in the following sequel.
Therefore, the simultaneous estimation of ethanol content and fuel injector drifts is not
achieved directly from the LHV-based estimation considering the occasional availability
of the LHV-based estimation. We show below a design of the integrated SAFR and LHV-
based estimations under fuel injector drifts that takes into account the LHV modeling error
identified in this section.
6.3 Integrated Estimation Algorithm
The integration of the LHV and SAFR estimations relies on the λ feedback control loop
regulating the fuel amount to match the stoichiometric level of the inducted cylinder air.
Hence both estimations and hence their integration depends and affects the λ controller
which is discussed below.
The relative air-to-fuel ratio (RAFR) controller is composed of feedforward and feedback:
Win j = W f f +W f b , (6.5)
where Win j is the injector command, i.e., issued fuel flow, W f f the feedforward command
and W f b the feedback command. The feedforward command is calculated to realize stoi-
chiometric condition based on the estimated cylinder air flow and the fuel type considering
the fuel injector shift as well:
W 1
Wf f = · , (6.6)
d s 1 + fˆe f
W f = (1 + fe f )Win j , (6.7)
where W f denotes the actually injected fuel flow. The feedback controller is a proportional
and integral (PI) controller:
W f b = W f b,P +W f b,I , (6.8)
where kP and kI are the proportional and integral control gains, respectively and, λ̄ is the
measured λ .
where Le and Lin j are ethanol content and fuel injector shift estimator gains, respectively.
Note that ê and fˆe f depends on each other. Therefore, as refueling events happen again and
again, there could be biases in ê and fˆe f with respect to their actual values by any transient
responses at switching, i.e., at the instant of changing αe , and by the fuel injector drifts [4].
In order to prevent from too much estimation errors, the estimation should be reset with
a more reliable value. In the following sections, the algorithms for the resetting will be
model (6.1) is sufficiently accurate in a region of operating conditions, a reliable estimation
of fuel ethanol content is possible in that limited operation region by the LHV-based esti-
mation. Therefore, the LHV-based ethanol content estimation could be used as a resetting
value of the SAFR-based ethanol content estimation. The LHV-based ethanol estimator is
given by:
ê˙LHV = LLHV (r̄ − r̂s ), (6.13)
where LLHV is the estimator gain, r̄ the measured feature calculated by the in-cylinder
pressure measurements, r̂s the estimated detection feature from the regression model (6.1):
ba,cyl , êLHV ),
r̂s = rsregr (N, W (6.14)
Since the steady state LHV-based ethanol content estimate êss,LHV is accurate in limited
operating conditions, the assessment of reliability on the LHV-based ethanol content esti-
mate êLHV should be performed by checking the history of operating conditions. First, let
αop (t) denote a flag indicating whether the operating conditions satisfy a certain level of
reliability of the steady state estimation êss,LHV or not. For example, αop can be designed
1 if N ∈ [1900, 2100] RPM and W ba,cyl ∈ [170, 190] kg/hr,
αop = or if N ∈ [2400, 2600] RPM and W ba,cyl ∈ [70, 140] kg/hr, (6.15)
0 otherwise,
based on the estimation accuracy established offline in section 6.4. Second, let us define
the following flag at time t, which tracks the recent history of αop :
1 if αop (τ ) = 1, ∀τ ∈ [t − tLHV ,t],
αop,hist (t) = (6.16)
0 otherwise,
where tLHV is a tuning parameter. Third, let αLHV (t) denote a flag indicating whether the
LHV-based ethanol content estimate êLHV at time t is reliable or not. Since the LHV-based
ethanol estimate êLHV exhibits a dynamic response as it is filtered by (6.13), the flag αLHV
depends on the history of αop and is designed as:
where αe (t) is the flag associated with the switching between the ethanol estimation (6.11)
and the fuel injector drift estimation (6.12) evaluated at time t and te is another tuning pa-
rameter. Larger value of tLHV sets longer time span to allow longer transient period in êLHV
before enabling αLHV , i.e., αLHV = 1. The parameter te is tuned so that the flag αLHV is dis-
abled (αLHV = 0) until the transient response of the LHV-based ethanol content estimation
induced by the actual ethanol content change but not by the operating condition changes is
where | · | denotes the absolute value, and αLHV is multiplied in order to take the transient
responses into account. If the residual se is greater than a certain threshold, a fault should
be triggered. Therefore, the fault trigger signal β f lt is designed as:
1 if s > e ,
e thld
β f lt = (6.20)
0 otherwise,
where ethld denotes a pre-determined threshold value. Once the fault trigger is enabled, the
ethanol estimate ê is gradually reset to êLHV , and then the fault trigger β f lt would eventu-
ally be set to zero again. This fault can be actually better understood and quantified as the
fault flag α f lt which explicitly inspects the estimated fuel injector drift:
0 if fˆ ∈ [ f , f ],
ef e f ,l e f ,h
α f lt = (6.21)
1 otherwise,
where [ fe f ,l , fe f ,h ] is the pre-determined range of allowable fuel injector drift. The fault flag
α f lt could be displayed as a warning signal on the driver’s front panel to inform that the
maintenance service is required. Note that α f lt could be enabled with the normal function
of the estimator (6.11) and (6.12) without ever triggering the resetting event.
6.3.6 Resetting
Immediately after the fault trigger β f lt is enabled, the LHV-based ethanol content estimate
êLHV is registered at a memory buffer and resetting of the ethanol content estimation ê
to êLHV in the buffer is executed. If the estimated ethanol content is instantly reset to a
new value calculated by the LHV-based estimation (6.13), the feedforward control signal
(6.6) is abruptly reset as well, hence causing discontinuous RAFR control signal and
undesirable transient response in λ . Therefore, the instant resetting of the ethanol content
estimate requires resetting of the RAFR controller state so that the discontinuity in control
signal is prevented. There could be still other control logic parts, however, which depend
on the ethanol content estimate and could possibly show undesirable responses by the
instant resetting. By this reason, we use gradual resetting of ê to êLHV in the buffer, which
takes some time period starting at the moment of rising edge of β f lt , allowing all the
control algorithms using the ethanol content estimate unchanged.
Fig. 6.2 shows the block diagram of the integrated algorithm proposed in this section.
where ẽss , e − êss denotes the ethanol content error in the steady state, with êss denoting
the estimate of the ethanol content e in the steady state.
Lemma 1 If the steady state fault detection residual se,ss is greater than 2|ẽ|max
ss,LHV , the
steady state ethanol estimation performance is worse than that of the LHV-based estima-
tion, i.e.,
ss,LHV ⇒ |ẽss | > |ẽss,LHV |.
se,ss > 2|ẽ|max (6.23)
Figure 6.2 Block diagram of the integrated estimation algorithm.
Proof: By the definition of the fault detection residual se in (6.19), the following inequality
holds in the steady state:
se,ss ≤| êss − êss,LHV | . (6.24)
According to Lemma 1, the fault detection residual threshold ethld should be speci-
fied within the upper bound 2|ẽ|max max
ss,LHV as reaching the condition such that se,ss > 2|ẽ|ss,LHV
always results in worse steady state estimation performance than resetting the ethanol esti-
mate by the LHV-based estimate.
If αLHV = 1 in the steady state, i.e., the LHV-based estimation is reliable in the steady
state, since | ẽss − ẽss,LHV |≤ ethld , the following inequality holds:
There are special considerations for choosing the fault detection residual threshold ethld .
On one hand a large value of fault detection residual threshold ethld may increase the steady
state estimation error |ẽss | by delaying resetting even if the LHV estimation is deemed accu-
rate enough and within reliable steady-state conditions when αLHV = 1 from (6.11)-(6.17).
On the other hand, a small value of ethld may frequently cause additional estimation
error by resetting. The additional error occurs due to the occasional large LHV estima-
tion error. Hence, we need to allow resetting only if the two ethanol estimates (the current
and the LHV) are alarmingly apart. As an extreme case, if ethld = 0, then we will get
ẽss = ẽss,LHV when αLHV = 1. In this case, if the estimation error without resetting was ac-
tually zero, there is loss of estimation accuracy as ẽss,LHV . By the inequality on the steady
state estimation error (6.27), the following bound regardless of the actual ethanol content e
holds if αLHV = 1:
|ẽss | ≤ |ẽ|max
ss,LHV (N,Wa ) + ethld (N,Wa ). (6.28)
Let us impose a universal bound on the inequality (6.28), as we want the steady state
estimation error to be within certain bound regardless of the operating conditions:
|ẽss | ≤ |ẽ|max
ss,LHV (N,Wa ) + ethld (N,Wa ) ≤ |ẽ|ss ,
| êss,SAFR − êss,LHV | is bounded by the residual threshold ethld , a better steady state esti-
mation is obtained by the SAFR-based estimation than by the LHV-based estimation more
often. In other words, we want to find ethld bounded by (6.30) such that the following
conditional probability is maximized at each load and speed:
( )
P (|ẽss,SAFR | ≤ |ẽss,LHV |) (| êss,SAFR − êss,LHV |≤ ethld )
( )
P |ẽss,SAFR | ≤ |ẽss,LHV |, | êss,SAFR − êss,LHV |≤ ethld
= . (6.31)
P(| êss,SAFR − êss,LHV |≤ ethld )
It is difficult to perform the double integration over the domain {(e, ẽss,SAFR ) : e ∈
[0, 0.85], ẽss,SAFR ∈ (−∞, ∞)} which is required to evaluate the conditional probability
(6.31). Instead, a geometric approximation is applied to evaluate (6.31) using discrete
data points utilized in the detection feature regression. Although the details of approxima-
tion are not shown here, the approximated conditional probability is finally expressed as a
function of the residual threshold ethld at each speed and load, denoted as l p (N,Wa ; ethld ).
By maximizing l p at the given speed and load, within the threshold bound (6.30), the
optimal threshold ethld ∗ is then obtained. The optimal threshold is actually solely deter-
mined by ethld = min(|ẽ|bnd ss − |ẽ|ss,LHV , 2|ẽ|ss,LHV ) since l p monotonically increases up to
max max
ethld = 2|ẽ|max ss,LHV as shown in Fig. 6.3. However, the conditional probability evaluated at
∗ ∗
ethld , l p , is utilized in designing the LHV-based estimation reliability examiner, as larger
value of l ∗p is required for more confidence on the LHV-based estimation reliability. Given
a specific operating condition, the flag αop should satisfy:
1 if l ∗ ≥ l
p p,thld ,
αop = (6.32)
0 otherwise,
where the probability threshold l p,thld is a tuning parameter defining the confidence level
necessary for designing (6.15).
Fig. 6.3 shows the conditional probability l p versus the residual threshold ethld at two
different operating conditions. With the universal bound |ẽ|bnd
ss = 0.20, the vertical dash dot
line corresponds to ethld = |ẽ|ss − |ẽ|ss,LHV derived from the universal bound |ẽ|bnd
bnd max
ss and the
vertical dash line corresponds to ethld = 2|ẽ|max
ss,LHV derived from Lemma 1.
Table 6.2 summarizes the computed residual threshold ethld∗ , the conditional probability
l ∗p and the reliability flag αop at different operating conditions corresponding to averaged
data points collected from the experiment, with the tuning parameters |ẽ|bnd ss = 0.20 and
l p,thld = 0.70. The discriminator αop in (6.15) could be designed using Table 6.2. In the
particular engine, it is possible to bound the ethanol estimation error by 20% and be 70%
110 110
100 100
90 90 lp∗
Cond probability (%)
(a) engine speed 2000 RPM and MAF 176.2 kg/hr (b) engine speed 2500 RPM and MAF 127.1 kg/hr
Figure 6.3 The conditional probability l p vs. the residual threshold ethld .
confident that the standard SAFR estimation will improve using the developed integrated
LHV estimation. The resetting event allows us simultaneously to check the expected injec-
tor shift and issue an injector maintenance alert if the drift exceeds some specified limits.
6.5 Simulation
Simulation of the proposed algorithm was performed with the turbo-charged SIDI VVT
engine model in [34]. Since the fuel injector drifts and the estimation biases are the phe-
nomena of very large time scale, an exaggerated engine operating scenario was simulated
with fast ethanol changes and injector drifts within a compressed time window.
Step changes in the throttle input and the engine speed input were simulated as in
Fig. 6.4(a) to create a dynamic environment emulating real engine operation. Fig. 6.4(b)
shows the simulated load change induced by the throttle and speed inputs. A 5% bias in
the mass air flow (MAF) sensor was actually introduced and the compensation algorithm
in [4] was utilized for accurate cylinder air flow estimation so that we can concentrate on
the ethanol estimation under the challenging scenario of injector drifts.
Fig. 6.5 shows the simulated estimation results. The actual ethanol content was simu-
lated to change from 0 to 0.5 and the actual injector drift was simulated to change from
0 to 0.2 while large amount of drift is introduced during the ethanol estimation period
when the drift estimation is off (αe = 1) in order to cause good amount of estimation errors
Table 6.2 Residual threshold and LHV-based estimation reliability tuning matrix with |ẽ|bnd
ss =
0.20 and l p,thld = 0.70.
in short time. After the ethanol estimate is reset as the LHV-based estimation is deter-
mined to be reliable, the injector drift estimation converges close to the actual value as the
ethanol estimate is more accurate than before by resetting. For the gradual resetting of the
ethanol content estimate, a quintic polynomial profile in time was utilized with 15 seconds
of resetting period.
Fig. 6.6 shows the simulated absolute ethanol content estimation error and the simu-
lated fault detection residual. Resetting occurs as the fault detection residual se in (6.19)
becomes greater than the pre-determined threshold when the estimation difference is suffi-
ciently large with αLHV = 1.
Fig. 6.7 shows the system flags. First the refueling flag αe = 1 initiates the SAFR
ethanol estimation algorithm (6.5)-(6.11) which stops at the 160th second. Due to the large
injector shift (introduced unrealistically fast here for demonstration purposes) the differ-
ence between the estimated ethanol and the LHV-prediction |ê − êLHV | grows beyond the
Throttle (%)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Actual cylinder flow
Estimated cylinder flow
Load (kg/hr)
120 Measured
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (sec)
Figure 6.4 Simulated throttle and speed inputs and induced load.
ethanol fault detection threshold ethld = 20% as early as the 142nd second, but the resetting
flag β f lt is triggered much later. The resetting flag β f lt turns on at the 175th second when,
in addition to the large difference between the two ethanol estimations ê and the êLHV , the
engine operates under conditions with high confidence levels for the accuracy of the LHV
estimation êLHV . Indeed at the 170th second the engine speed is raised to 2500 rpm and
the concurrent load satisfies the reliability examiner flag αop in (6.15) as calculated by Ta-
ble 6.2. After 5 seconds any possible transient effects can be neglected and the reliability
history is long enough to trigger the ethanol detection fault flag β f lt .
The injector fault is reported (α f lt = 1) at around 188 sec as the estimated injector drift
ˆfe f from (6.5)-(6.12) using the reset value of the ethanol content estimate grows out of the
allowable range, [−0.15, 0.15] in this simulation. Note that the actual injector fault has
occurred much earlier as the actual drift is out of the allowable range as early as the 155th
second also shown in Fig. 6.5. Were it not for resetting based on the proposed algorithm,
even this late report and possible maintenance alert would not be possible as large ethanol
estimation errors would continue to accumulate causing potentially annoying startability
60 Estimated
LHV−based est
EtOH (%)
EtOH estimate reset
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Fuel inj shift (%)
20 Estimated
Fuel injector drift estimation off
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (sec)
Figure 6.5 Simulated ethanol content and fuel injector drift estimations.
Abs est error
Abs LHV−based est error |ê − êLHV |
Estimation difference
EtOH error (%)
|ẽLHV | |ẽ|
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (sec) αLHV = 1
Figure 6.6 Simulated ethanol estimation error and fault detection residual.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
αLHV 0.5
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (sec)
0.03 Estimated
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (sec)
ethanol content estimate in Fig. 6.5 as the dynamic or filtered inversion is used as in (6.13).
Overall, the RAFR, λ , is well-regulated at unity, i.e., the stoichiometric condition even
during the switching periods of the ethanol estimators at the 175th second, followed by the
switching to the fuel injector estimation and simultaneous throttle transients. We do not
attempt to paint a rosy picture in this simulation by highlighting the fact that there is a re-
maining 7% ethanol error and an associated error in the fuel injector drift estimation at the
end of the simulated scenario. As it has been highlighted before, the error arises from the
mismatch between the model and the observed LHV based ethanol estimation indicated in
(6.4) and shown in Fig. 6.1. Note again that the remaining 7% error in the proposed ethanol
estimation scheme should be compared to the 28% error observed without the proposed
integrated method.
Description Value
Engine displacement 2.0 L
Compression Ratio 10.7:1
Fuel pump HDP5 – 4-lobe cam driven, 1.1 cc/rev
Fuel rail 66 cc, 200 bar
Intake CAM open duration 264 CAdeg
The experimental setup at the engine dynamometer, as illustrated in Fig. 6.9, consists
of the latest Bosch MED17.3.2 ECU for engine controls, ETAS ES1000 VME for rapid
prototyping, and A&D Redline CAS II System for real-time combustion analysis. The
ETAS ES1000 VME rapid prototyping system communicates with the ECU and computer
PS-C: Kistler 6125B in-cylinder
pressure sensor
Computer MATLAB
CAN Rapid
Figure 6.10 Proposed rapid prototyping scheme with ES1000 VME [22].
In the integrated algorithm test, the RAFR controller (6.5)-(6.10) and the ethanol con-
tent and injector shift estimator, (6.11) and (6.12), were implemented in the ECU as they
are conventional algorithms in FFVs, while the other parts were implemented through the
rapid prototyping. The measured LHV detection feature r̄ was calculated in the ECU us-
ing the in-cylinder pressure measurements and provided to the rapid prototyping for the
LHV-based ethanol content estimation (6.13).
6.6.2 Test Results
The actual fuel of E55 was used and the ethanol content estimation based on SAFR was
set to E43; the LHV-based estimation was set to E0 at the beginning of the test to show
the performance of convergence of each estimation and to emulate the refueling event as
shown in the first plot of Fig. 6.11. A 10% fuel injector error was fictitiously introduced at
the very beginning of the test to emulate the fuel injector drifts, which would happen with
very long time period in real operation. The test was performed at the fixed speed and load,
1500 RPM and 57 kg/hr mass air flow, and no mass air flow sensor error was considered.
EtOH (%)
20 Estimated
LHV estimated
0 50 100 150 200 250
Detection feature
0 50 100 150 200 250
Measured λ
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (sec)
Figure 6.11 Experimental results of the ethanol content estimation and RAFR control.
Fig. 6.11 shows the ethanol content estimation, the measured LHV-based detection fea-
ture and the measured λ , and Fig. 6.12 shows the system flags during the test. During the
period of the ethanol content estimation (αe = 1), the ethanol estimate deviates from the
actual value, 55%, due to the injector error, and it remains fixed before the ethanol esti-
mate reset at around 120th second while the ethanol content estimation is off (αe = 0).
The reliability flag αLHV is switched on at around 120th second as ᾱe is switched off at
the moment and αop is always on. The flag ᾱe was tuned to switch off with te = 100 sec
as the LHV-based estimation was much slower than the SAFR-based estimation to filter
out the cycle-to-cycle variability in the measured detection feature in the second plot of
0 50 100 150 200 250
0 50 100 150 200 250
Figure 6.12 System flags during the experiment of the integrated algorithm.
Fig. 6.11. The fault trigger β f lt is triggered at around the 120th sec as αLHV is switched on
and the difference between the ethanol content estimate and the LHV-based ethanol content
estimate is quite large at that moment. The resetting of the ethanol estimate is performed
during 120-130 seconds starting with the trigger of β f lt with the quintic polynomial profile
in time. The measured λ in the third plot of Fig. 6.11 is well-regulated at the stoichiometric
condition as the feedforward control is smooth with the smooth transition of the ethanol
content prediction.
6.7 Conclusion
In this chapter, a robust methodology for estimating fuel ethanol content in a flex-fuel SIDI
engine under fuel injector drifts is proposed. The LHV-based ethanol detection feature,
indicating the charge cooling effects of the fuel injected during the compression stroke, is
calculated using the differences in cylinder pressure measurements under single and split
injection modes. The proposed approach enables the use of the LHV-based detection fea-
ture in an appropriate confined operation regime where strict monotonicity with the ethanol
content is observed. A large difference between the ethanol estimation and the LHV-based
ethanol estimation is monitored. This difference is used to correct estimation errors and to
trigger an injector fault detection flag. Criteria for setting the residual threshold and assess-
ing the reliability of the LHV-based estimation to trigger the resetting event are developed
as well. Verification of the algorithm and the fault detection performance are demonstrated
both by simulation with a validated engine model under a simplified operating scenario
with fuel injector drifts and by a dynamometer test in which the algorithm is implemented
in the engine control unit (ECU) and the rapid prototyping.
Chapter 7
Conclusions and Future Work
7.1 Conclusions
This section summarizes the work completed in this research.
Chapter 2 presented a simple AFR-based ethanol estimation law using the exhaust gas
oxygen sensor and the closed-loop AFR regulation of SI engines. The characteristics of
the algorithm including sensitivity were quantified via simulations. Two main issues in the
ethanol content estimation were then elucidated:
1. Transient AFR response constrains the ethanol content estimation gain, resulting in
slow adaptation.
2. The AFR-based ethanol content estimation is very sensitive to mass air flow sensor
error and/or fuel injection error.
In chapter 3, we introduced a fuel puddle model of a gasoline-ethanol blended fuel for
PFI engines in FFVs. The model is utilized to design a transient fuel compensator which
eliminates transient AFR excursions caused by throttle modulation and in turn enables fast
fuel adaptation. The model is divided into two parts: a droplet evaporation model to gener-
ate the wall-impacting portion of the injected fuel and a single puddle vaporization model.
To capture the characteristics of the physical vaporization process, a multi-component fuel
model parameterized by the ethanol content is utilized. To verify the validity of the model,
model simulation results were compared with the experimental data provided in [10] for
E0, E22 and E85.
In chapter 4, a transient fuel compensator using the proposed fuel puddle model was for-
mulated. An appropriate approximation was used to invert the nonlinear model and design
a TFC accordingly. The approximation was demonstrated with a TFC simulation. The tran-
sient fuel compensator realizes better AFR control since faster control action is obtained by
the feedforward command which cancels the fuel puddle dynamics. Consequently, faster
ethanol content estimation is also realized since ethanol estimator gain could be increased.
The increase is possible because the TFC reduces transient λ responses caused by throt-
tle change. This performance enhancement in AFR control and ethanol estimation was
demonstrated by simulations. Robustness in AFR control and ethanol content estimation
was also demonstrated by simulation with the model error in the fuel puddle observer used
in TFC.
In chapter 5, we formulated a cylinder air flow estimation scheme which is redun-
dant to MAF-based estimation. The scheme is able to compensate for the MAF sensor
drifts through the use of manifold absolute pressure (MAP) measurements. More reliable
ethanol content estimation is realized because cylinder air flow estimation is enhanced via
the MAF-MAP fused cylinder air flow estimation.
In chapter 6, we presented an ethanol estimation scheme which is robust to fuel in-
jector drifts in direct injection engines and is based on the cylinder charge cooling during
high ethanol contents. To achieve robust ethanol content estimation, the LHV-based detec-
tion feature quantified by in-cylinder pressure measurements under specially designed fuel
injection sequences was used together with the conventional SAFR-based method. The
integrated estimation algorithm is validated both by simulation and an engine dynamome-
ter test with the algorithm implemented in the engine control unit (ECU) and the rapid
responding to charge cooling is a relatively tiny phenomenon compared with in-cylinder
pressure changes caused by engine strokes and heat exchange processes through walls.
Therefore, experiments are needed to quantify certain states associated with fuel spray va-
porization and potential wall wetting and puddle vaporization during the charge cooling.
Such experiments would allow investigation of the cylinder charge cooling processes in
detail and consequently lead to the development of a physics-based model.
Even though ethanol has generally received the most attention among biofuels in the
United States, there are other renewable alternative fuels under consideration: bioalco-
hols such as methanol and butanol, hydrogen and (non-fossil) natural gas. Developing a
fuel adaptation methodology that can account for various impacts of the fuel properties of
other non-fossil fuels and consequently obtain the optimal vehicle performance should be
a valuable work.
There are research efforts in identifying fuel compositions in biodiesel applications to
realize clean and efficient utilization of fuels [52, 53]. Thus, potential future work could be
to extend the methodology developed in our research to the biodiesel applications. Since
lean combustion takes place in normal operating conditions of diesel-biodiesel engines,
EGO measurements should be utilized in a manner different from our method as in [52,53]
and the charge cooling features should account for different operating conditions and fuel
Finally, another potential research area is control of a dual fuel engine. Dual fuel injec-
tion (DI and PFI) SI engines were introduced to improve engine performance at high load
and speed. Combustion characteristics of a dual fuel injection SI engine under different
combinations of DI and PFI with gasoline and ethanol are presented in [65]. The concept
of a dual fuel highly efficient internal combustion engine is presented in [46]. In the dual
fuel mixed ignition engine, the spark ignition mode is used at lower loads with ethanol in-
jection, while the compression ignition mode is used at higher and full loads with injection
of diesel and ethanol. This strategy offers an opportunity to improve the thermal efficiency
of an engine for lower loads and to more effectively control engine combustion better than
is possible for dual fueling of a compression ignition engine. The dual fuel mixed ignition
engine could also be used at very low temperatures due to its easy start in the SI mode.
To practically realize this idea, many control problems should be resolved such as control
of injection timing and pressure, operation of the turbocharger, EGR valve, and ignition
timing for the SI mode.
Appendix A
LHV-Based Ethanol Detection Feature
This appendix provides supplementary information on calculation of the LHV-based
ethanol detection feature, r, introduced in section 6.1, and experimental data used in section
5 1.15
Cyl. Pressure [bar]
Averaing Window
35 40 45 50
20 40 60 80 100 120
20 40 60 80 100 120
Total fuel [mgr]
20 40 60 80 100 120
Crank Angle [Deg]
Figure A.1 Cylinder pressure and residue evolutions during the compression stroke. (2 consecu-
tive engine cycles regarded as 1 synchronized cycle)
Fig. A.1 shows the cylinder pressure evolutions during the compression stroke under
Si and Sp injection modes. The third plot in Fig. A.1 shows the total amount of injected
fuel, where it increases at around 40 CADeg under the Sp mode as half of the stoichio-
metric amount is injected after all the valves are closed. By the charge cooling effect, the
cylinder pressures under the Sp mode are lower than those under the Si mode for the same
engine operating conditions. This pressure drop is quantified by the following residue at an
Rsd(k) = ln(pSi 0 (k)/p0 (k)), (A.1)
where pSi0 , p0 are corrected cylinder pressures [43] under Si and Sp injection modes, and
k denotes a step in time or crank angle. Even though the cylinder pressures under differ-
ent modes are obtained in different cycles, we regard them as synchronized quantities in
time. The second plot in Fig. A.1 shows the evolution of the residue, Rsd, which quanti-
fies the pressure gap under different injection modes appeared in the first plot. Finally, the
LHV-based detection feature, r, is obtained by averaging Rsd over the interval of several
steps near the end of compression where the instantaneous residue is usually maximized
corresponding to the rectangle in the second plot in Fig. A.1:
∑k=k 1
r= . (A.2)
k2 − k1 + 1
0.045 0.035
0.035 Detection feature
Detection feature
0.03 0.025
0.02 MAF = 82.3 kg/hr
MAF = 106.2 kg/hr
0.015 MAF = 127.1 kg/hr
MAF = 150.2 kg/hr
MAF = 167.8 kg/hr
0.005 0.01
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
EtOH (%) EtOH (%)
(a) raw data for averaged MAF 127.1 kg/hr (b) averaged data
Figure A.2 Experimental data obtained at the engine speed of 2500 RPM.
Fig. A.2 shows the LHV-based detection feature data at the engine speed of 2500 RPM
from the experiments described in section 6.2. The detection features in Fig. A.2(a) ob-
tained at mass air flow of 127.1 kg/hr are raw data corresponding to the calculation (A.2)
which shows high cycle-to-cycle variability, while those in Fig. A.2(b) are averaged data
which are regarded as steady-state values and used for the regression (6.1). The high
cycle-to-cycle variability in Fig. A.2(a) is filtered online via the estimator (6.13) and delays
reaching the steady state in Fig. A.2(b). Indeed, the operating condition history examiner
(6.16) takes account for the delay from the filtering and the tuning of tLHV in (6.16) relies
on the estimator gain tuning of LLHV in (6.13).
Appendix B
Variables and Parameters
Some variables in Table B.1 have multiple definitions throughout this dissertation. Each
definition is clarified in each corresponding section for such variables.
Parameter Definition Value (if constant)
τ vaporization time constant of fuel puddle, sec 0.3
τd transport and induction-to-power delay, sec 0.2
τDA time constant of airborne droplet number decay, sec 8.0 × 10−5
τMAF MAF sensor time constant, sec
τPI PI control gain, sec
τs time constant of the exhaust gas oxygen sensor lag, sec 0.07
AFR air-to-fuel ratio
AFRs stoichiometric air-to-fuel ratio
Bd transfer number in droplet evaporation model
Bp transfer number in single puddle vaporization model
C correction factor in single puddle vaporization model
D diffusion coefficient, m2 /s
dd droplet diameter, m
dd0 initial droplet diameter, m 6.0 × 10−5
din port diameter, m 0.045
Dp diffusion coefficient in single puddle vaporization model, m2 /s
e ethanol volume fraction in gasoline-ethanol fuel blend
ECT engine coolant temperature, K
ECT 0 tuning constant for apparent temperature, K 290
em ethanol mass fraction in gasoline-ethanol fuel blend
ethld ethanol content estimation residual threshold
fd,i mass fraction of a fuel component in a droplet
fea MAF sensor error fraction
fe f fuel injection error fraction
fg,i mass fraction of a fuel component in gasoline
fi mass fraction of a fuel component in gasoline-ethanol fuel blend
f p,i mass fraction of a fuel component in fuel puddle at IVO
kPI PI control gain, kg/s2
Le ethanol content estimator gain, kg−1
Lin j fuel injector shift estimator gain, kg−1
lp approximated conditional probability
MAF mass air flow, kg/s,
Mair molecular weight of air, g/mol 28.97
Parameter Definition Value (if constant)
mair cylinder air charge, kg
mfb feedback fuel injection, kg
m f ,cyl cylinder fuel charge, kg
mf f feedforward fuel injection, kg
Mi molecular weight of a fuel component, g/mol
min j fuel injection, kg
N engine rotation speed, RPM
pm intake manifold absolute pressure, bar
PPair partial pressure of air, bar
r LHV-based ethanol detection feature
R gas constant, kJ/kg K
rs LHV-based ethanol detection feature at stoichiometry
Re Reynolds number
Rsd instantaneous LHV-based ethanol detection residue
Sc Schmidt number
Sh Sherwood number
Tapp apparent temperature, K
Tm manifold temperature, K
Vd total displace cylinder volume, m3
Vm intake manifold volume, m3
V Pi normal vapor pressure of a fuel component, bar
Wθ air flow rate through the throttle, kg/s
Wa air flow rate or load, kg/hr
Wa,cyl cylinder air flow, kg/s
Wf cylinder fuel flow, kg/s
Wf b feedback fuel injection rate, kg/s
Wf f feedforward fuel injection rate, kg/s
Wf f 1 uncompensated feedforward fuel injection rate, kg/s
Win j fuel injection rate, kg/s
X wall impacting factor of injected fuel
Xi wall impacting factor of a fuel component from injected fuel
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