Ab Team Charter Editied

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October 4, 2021

To: Dr. Bruce

CC: Kalvin Lam, Gerardo Avila, Carys Houck Teal, Michaelangelo Marcellana
From: Cade Klem
Subject: Annotated Bibliography Team Charter

The purpose of this charter is to create clarity within the group and clearly outline our goals and
priorities in successfully completing our Annotated Bibliography together. It will establish our
team norms, expectations of one another, and methods of conflict resolution.

Broad Team Goals

1. Following the format and guidelines for the assignment sheet precisely, and exceeding all
criteria of the rubric.
2. Effectively present the research and information we found in an easily navigable website.
3. Consistently and successfully meet APA annotated bibliography citation guidelines.
4. Aim to meet all deadlines by completing work on time and avoid cramming on the last

Measurable Team Goals

1. Meet all the deadlines for the annotated bibliography project
2. Have 20 sources (4 each) presented on the website with at least half of the sources being
3. Design a visually appealing Weebly website
4. Meet all 4 requirements for the team Weebly website

Personal Goals
● Cade: Improve technological skills (with Adobe Illustrator) and teamwork skills.
● Carys: Improve ethical research skills, APA citation skills, and become a great team
● Kalvin: Improve writing and graphic design skills, and having a productive and friendly
team experience.
● Gerardo: Improve writing skills and experiment with technology.
● Michaelangelo: Improve writing/technological skills and have good time management.
Individual Commitment
● Cade: I am willing to put in 100% effort and work extra when necessary.
● Carys: I am willing to work hard and work ahead to ensure all of my tasks are completed
ahead of schedule.
● Gerardo: I am willing to dedicate 100% effort and make sure that I meet the requirements
of the assignment and revise my work if needed.
● Michaelangelo: I am willing to put 100% effort to help ensure the requirements are met
and hopefully exceeded, while also voluntarily giving assistance to anyone if needed.
● Kalvin: I am willing to put in 100% effort and do extra work when it is needed.

Other Concerns
● The team will respect unprecedented events that prevent an individual from contributing
(ex: emergencies) and work around that.
● If there are issues with lack of communication and/or missed deadlines, we will attempt
to clarify issues together in person. A record of missed deadlines and/or transferred work
to another team member will be kept. If necessary, we will contact Dr. Bruce via a group
email clarifying our concerns and asking for aid in communicating with the group

Conflict Resolution
● Communication within the group first is needed when someone is unable to meet
● If a resolution cannot be reached within the group from consensus nor majority rule, a
third party is the last resort.

Missed Deadlines
● If a team member misses a deadline, the team will kindly remind the member of the
assignment and due date. If the member does not respond within 24 hours, the team will
make up the work and later have a meeting to discuss missing work with the member
who originally missed the deadline.

Unacceptable Work
● Within 24 hours of a deadline, if something needs work, the team will send a gentle
reminder via email with a list of concerns and a suggested deadline. If the team member
needs clarification or assistance with the revisions, other team members will help.

Timeline of Due Dates and Deadlines

(A) Actual Due Date (P) Padded Due Date
● (A) Oct. 4 by 11:55pm: Team Charter Due on Canvas: One person submits for the group
● (A) Oct. 4 by 11:55pm: Sign up for Conference time
● (P) Oct. 9 @10:00 am: Conference Prep Sheet Due on Canvas: One person submits for
the group
● (A) Oct. 10 @ 10:00am: Conference Prep Sheet Due on Canvas: One person submits for
the group
● (P) Nov. 7: Complete first Weebly draft for peer review
● (A) Nov. 9: Complete first Weebly draft for peer review
● (P) Nov. 13: Complete final Weebly draft for instructor
● (A) Nov. 15: Complete final Weebly draft for instructor

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