VWT Water Recycle and Reuse Brochure
VWT Water Recycle and Reuse Brochure
VWT Water Recycle and Reuse Brochure
Industrial wastewater,
a valuable resource
In most industries, such as Microelectronics, Pulp & Paper, Power, Food & Beverage and Oil
& Gas, the high volumes of water used during the overall manufacturing process represent
a significant expense. Drawing upon its worldwide experience in industrial water cycle
management, Veolia has developed standard solu�ons for water recycling and reuse.
demand for
Costs water reuse Regula�ons
1. Water consump�on costs 1. Limita�on of water intake
2. Discharge costs 2. Discharge limits
3. Increase of produc�on 3. Zero Liquid Discharge(ZLD)
Client benefits
environmental Ensured
Compliance image of constant
with local company water quality Sustainable water
regula�ons Evalua�on treatment solu�ons
& supply
of carbon & op�mized
footprint opera�onal costs
O&M &
Technologies Chemicals
On-site rain
Closed loop recycling
Process treatment plant
line 1 Cascading recycling
Surface water
line 2
line 3
Separate treatment of waste
Cooling tower streams to facilitate treatment
To process water
Use of external sources: or cooling
treated municipal tower make-up
Boiler blowdown
recycling To process water or boiler feed water
- Process water: General use, CTMU, pre-treatment for boiler feed, etc.
- Wastewater: TSS, P, heavy metals, O&G, leachates and reuse ® Turbo process
ening processes
High rise rate: up to 120 m/h
Clari d
Enhanced chemical precipita on with Turbomix™ rea on tank water
OPUS® mul�ple treatment processes, involving chemical so�ening, media filtra�on, ion
exchange so�ening and reverse osmosis technologies
01 02 03
Reducing opera�on costs Offering of technology
Minimizing environmental
through reuse and recycling knowhow and exper�se to
impact for sustainability
water treatment technologie enhance the value of resources
Automo�ve General Motors Cactus Plant in San Luis Potosi, General Motors Pon�ac, Michigan, USA
Mexico - Opera�on and maintenance of the new wastewater treatment
- Zero Liquid Discharge process design, basic engineering plant since 2001(DBOOM)
and equipment supply - Environmental regula�on compliance
- High quality water for reuse
- High recovery rate with low waste volume (convert 90%
of the ter�ary wastewater into reusable water)
Pharmaceu�cal L’Oreal BeautyCos produc�on factory, Pfizer Nutri�on, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu,
based in Suzhou, China China
- Reduc�on of greenhouse gas emissions, water consump�on - Full scope of performance guarantees
and discharged transportable waste by 50% by 2015 and exper�se in O&M of the
- Energy and chemical consump�on are reduced. wastewater treatment plant
- Sludge produc�on is significantly decreased. - Innova�ve solu�on based on sludge
compos�ng and recycling for land
- Stabiliza�on of the effluent quality and op�miza�on
allowing ter�ary treatment and reuse
- Secure a constant quality of treated
- The water impact index is reduced by 35%.
effluent to allow reuse as cooling
- By implemen�ng a reuse system, the overall water tower make-up
consump�on of the factory could be further reduced by 32%
- Wastewater: 2,400㎥/day
Mining CONSOL Energy Inc., mine water treatment facility, Mannington, West Virginia
- Zero liquid waste discharge acid mine drainage water treatment facility in Northern West Virginia
- 10 year opera�ons period, with 5 year renewal op�ons of DBO project
- Chemical precipita�on, reverse osmosis and thermal technologies
- Applying the water impact index to the mine water treatment facility to maximize the recovery
of clean water
Power E.D.F, Civeaux Nuclear Power Plant, France Macquarie Genera�on, Bayswater Water Treatment
- Partnership with Électricité de France (EDF), the one of the Plants, New South Wales, Austrailia
largest electricity producers in the world - The more efficient water reuse is guaranteed by the improved
- 2 genera�ng units, Produc�on: 7 billion kWh/year water quality and the increased recycled water volume
- Temporary solu�ons for the upgrading of feeding - Design, Construct, Opera�ons & Maintenance
demineraliza�on units (secondary loop) - Op�mize & improve the reliability
- Rental of mobile units, staff for the opera�ons and and availability of exis�ng water
maintenance, guarantee of the produc�on levels treatment plants
- Increased the salt removal capacity
APS(Arizona Public Service) Redhawk Power and reduced the salinity of Lake Liddell
Sta�on, Arlington, Arizona, U.S.A - Capacity 2,640 MW (power sta�on),
120 ML/day (WTPs)
- Providing natural-gas, coal and nuclear generated electrical
power to the region
- Designed to remove water contaminants and recycle
high-quality water back into the process
- Effec�vely recycling the waste created by cooling tower
blow-down and producing high quality water while
adhering to the Zero Liquid Discharge mandate
Pulp & Paper Smurfit-Stone Container Oil and Gas, Pulp and Paper SAPREF refinery,
Corpora�on, Hopewell, USA Mondi paper mill Durban, South Africa
- Design and build of the new - Municipal wastewater reuse for process and
evaporator system cooling water produc�on
- Produc�on: 300,000 tons/year
Micro- SK hynix, Icheon - Cheongju - Gumi, South Korea Showa Denko HD Singapore
electronics - Ultra-pure water, potable water, - Water management capabili�es:
wastewater treatment services ultrapure water, reclaim water,
- Reducing costs and protec�ng the wastewater, u�li�es
environment: An average of 40% - Guarantee the consistent, high-quality
and up to 60% of the process and sufficient water supply
water is recycled - A special facility was constructed for recycling reclaim water,
- Opera�ng state-of-the-art and within two years of opera�ons, the plant now uses 50%
wastewater treatment facili�es to of reclaim water.
meet legal standards on the quality
of treated wastewater Microelectronics Industrial area, Kranji, Singapore
- Supply of high quality water (40,000 ㎥/d) from municipal
wastewater treatment (Cost effec�ve solu�on compared to
seawater desalina�on and transporta�on)
The Number of projects:
The Number of projects:
93 The Number of projects:
Middle East
The Number of projects:
The Number of projects:
Africa The Number of projects:
The Number of projects: 29