McConnell 2015
McConnell 2015
McConnell 2015
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1 author:
Allan Mcconnell
The University of Sydney
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Allan McConnell
University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia;
Visiting Professor, School of Government and Public Policy,
University of Strathclyde
The discipline of public policy has struggled to come to terms with how we may
conceive of ‘policy failure’. It tends to assume either that failure is self-evident or
that it can be assessed by means of examining the gap between government goals
and outcomes. Often, there are multiple caveats that seem too difficult to address –
particularly the role of perceptions, which in turn are often dependent on whether or
not the policy is supported. This ground-breaking article builds on and refines existing
literature. It turns on its head the multiple methodological challenges surrounding what
constitutes policy failure (such as competing goals and variance over time) and suggests
that such seemingly impenetrable challenges actually help illuminate our understanding.
In doing so, it argues that once we conceive of studying policy failure as ‘art and craft’,
we are better placed to navigate the messy realpolitik of types and degrees of failure, as
well as ambiguities and tensions between them. The groundwork for doing so is based
on a working definition of failure, namely that a policy fails, even if it is successful in
some minimal respects, if it does not fundamentally achieve the goals that proponents
set out to achieve, and opposition is great and/or support is virtually non-existent.
Policy failure, policy disasters, policy fiascos, policy evaluation
Policy failures seem pervasive, with no policy sector or country appearing immune
to the operational challenges and political pitfalls of failure. A simple internet
search for news stories at the time of writing produced headings such as
‘Obama’s Foreign-Policy Failures Go Far Beyond Iraq’, ‘Homelessness Crisis
Corresponding author:
Allan McConnell, University of Sydney, Merewether Building H04, Darlington Campus, Sydney, New South
Wales 2006, Australia.
Show “Social Policy Failure”’ and ‘Prisons Face Overcrowding Due to Policy
Failure’. We can also add to this list, other prominent attributions of policy failure,
such as the Poll Tax and Child Support Agency (UK), home insulation program
(Australia), response to the global financial crisis (Iceland), ‘No Child Left Behind’
(USA) and Guantanamo Bay detention camp (USA). Yet despite the apparent
confidence and conviction of many that certain policy outcomes constitute ‘failure’,
the more that researchers delve into the topic and seek to define failure, the more
they seem trapped in a maze of methodological difficulties, such as multiple goals,
failure for whom, and not least varying perceptions. Disputes over whether a policy
has actually ‘failed’ are commonplace. Allegations of policy failure from oppos-
ition parties, the media and others, typically produce counter discourses from
supporters attempting to shore up support for policies by claiming that the alleged
failure is in fact a success.
The lack of a means of navigating the issue of what constitutes policy failure is a
significant one. It is a barrier to comparing individual case studies, undertaking
comparative research and indeed to understanding the causes of failure, which
often gets mired in post-failure blame games. Unless we can find a way of navigat-
ing the maze of what constitutes policy failure, we risk repeating the mistakes of the
past, both in terms of producing policy failures and learning from failure (Howlett,
2012). In this context, this article provides an original primer to assist analysts in
navigating the maze of issues surrounding what constitutes policy failure. First, it
examines the paucity of public policy writings on policy failure – from those
touching on the subject tangentially, to those tackling it directly. Second, it iden-
tifies a number of key methodological difficulties involved in any attempt to
comprehend the nature of policy failure, including perceptions, grey areas, ambi-
guities and variations over time. Third and finally, it argues that once we accept the
messy realpolitik of failure, we are better primed to approach the subject, armed
with awareness of the ‘art and craft’ of understanding failure, types of failure,
degrees of failure and tensions between failure and success.
While some of us might consider failure to be a simple phenomenon that ‘just is’
because it breaches a sense of common morality, I refer to the realpolitik of policy
failure for an important reason. It indicates that to engage in a more meaningful way
with the real world complexities of policy failure, we need to accept that failure is
bound up with issues of politics and power, including contested views about its
existence, and the power to produce an authoritative and accepted failure narrative.
difficulty in using this definition for ‘policy failure’ is that it attributes causality
principally to government, rather than separating failure and causality, and seeing
them as related but independent. It is possible that a policy may fail because it is
knocked off course by unforeseeable circumstances but remains a failure neverthe-
less, e.g. public infrastructure projects cancelled because of the global financial
One final area of study to highlight is recent writings on policy success (Marsh
and McConnell, 2009; McConnell 2010a, 2010b, 2012). They examine failure inso-
far as it is the ‘mirror image of success’ (McConnell, 2010b: 356). McConnell
(2010b: 356–357) suggests that ‘A policy fails if it does not achieve the goals that
proponents set out to achieve, and opposition is great and/or support is virtually
non-existent’. These works confront many of the methodological difficulties in
comprehending issues such as varying perceptions, multiple benchmarks and the
issue of failure for whom. They also build on Bovens et al. (2001a) by recognising
different types of successes (process, programme and politics), reflecting the com-
plexity of policy outcomes and the realities that policies may succeed in some
respect but not others. However, in these works, policy failure is tackled tangen-
tially as something of a by-product to understanding policy success. Furthermore,
the discussion by McConnell of a spectrum of policy outcomes from success to
failure (five categories in all) lacks a degree of parsimony that might better serve the
study of this fledgling field of study.
In sum, literature on policy failure is remarkably thin on the ground and often
lacks explicit conceptualisation. Even many of the works focused explicitly on
failure, assume failure to be self-evident or struggle to provide a usable definition.
In order to develop our understanding much further, I now present in detail for the
first time, a series of methodological difficulties in comprehending what constitutes
policy failure. As will be argued, their very existence – often considered to be
crucial impediments to our understanding of policy failure – actually helps advance
our comprehension of this understudied phenomenon.
debates within the evaluation literature. The first, we can call the rational scientific
tradition, which in terms of ‘failure’ translates into the assumption that failure is an
objective fact (see e.g. Davidson, 2005 and Gupta, 2001 on evaluation). A counter-
tendency is the interpretivist, constructivist and discursive tradition, which views
the world very much as contingent on individual perceptions, which typically vary,
depending on who is ‘perceiving’ (see e.g. Edelman, 1988; Fischer, 2003; Stone,
2012). In any quest to understand policy failure, therefore, there is a real difficulty
in reconciling two competing phenomena with seemingly equal plausibility. It
would be difficult to dispute the fact that a government failing to implement a
controversial ‘rendering’ policy (terrorist suspects being sent overseas for interro-
gation) constitutes a failure when matched against originally government inten-
tions, but equally the outcome may be seen as a success for those arguing that
rendering poses high risks of human rights violations.
Differing benchmarks
The word ‘failure’ has negative connotations (even if we think some positive bene-
fits might ensue) and brings to the fore a relational issue, i.e. failure in relation to
what? Once we unpack this issue, relying on many of the struggles of the direct and
indirect attempts to write about policy failure, there are a host of different, non-
mutually exclusive possibilities. They include failure to:
investment in education has increased by 10% over the previous five years, could be
countered by critics who argue that funding is still lower than competitors and is
failing to translate into improved educational standards for students.
Grey areas
Differing perceptions aside, failure is rarely ‘all or nothing’. Typically there are
shades of grey, where judgement is needed in terms of the interpretation and
significance that should be given to shortfalls, lack of evidence and conflicts.
Ambiguity is not only part of the policy formation process (Zahariadis, 2003)
(indeed Stone, 2012, argues that ambiguous and ‘feelgood’ language is necessary
for the purpose of alliance building) but it is also a recurring theme in policy
implementation (Matland, 1995) as well as how we evaluate complex policy out-
comes. There is a certain logic, even without adopting a rational-scientific perspec-
tive, to the view that we should identify what goal or objective was set, and then
ascertain if it was in fact met. But what if targets constantly altered, such as the case
of shifting mandates for forestry policy in Canada (Rayner, 2012)? One can con-
ceive of original goals being met at the same as a failure to meet goals that have
been ‘added on’. Or what if a goal was only partially fulfilled? If for example a
government’s anti-drink driving campaign aims to reduce offences by 50% but the
reduction is only 40%, does this mean the policy has failed? Do the shortfalls
negate the success, or should we weigh up each. Of course, the issue then becomes
one of where we draw the line. There is no scientific formula for making such
We may also not have sufficient evidence to make a judgement on policy failure.
Appropriate information may simply not be available (on patient care or the extent
of child abuse) or may even be hidden from view in the sense that a policy may have
failed against a hidden agenda goal, but we will never know because that goal is not
in the public domain. A hidden goal of public policy, to some degree, may be to
manage a difficult issue down or off the policy agenda, through a ‘placebo’ policy
which may be more successful in terms of political agenda management because
there is the appearance that an issue is being addressed, but may do little to actually
address complex and ‘wicked’ causes and symptoms (Gustafsson, 1983;
McConnell, 2010a). Arguably, many social issues such as poverty, drug abuse
and homelessness are ‘wicked issues’ but even the creation of the US
Department of Homeland Security has been considered a move to present a unified
approach to public and political fear of terrorist threats, rather than a proportion-
ate response to actual threats (Friedman, 2011). Such issues will continue to be
debated but the key point of relevance here is that – albeit difficult to ascertain with
absolute certainty – policies may fail in some respects but succeed against latent
political goals.
Furthermore, policies often have multiple goals, and so a further and exception-
ally difficult issue is how we weigh up and prioritise failure in one goal, against
success in another. For example, New York’s Family Rewards Scheme which
provided financial incentives for the very poorest families subject to them under-
taking certain activities and attaining particular outcomes failed to make any
difference to school attendance or academic performance but was successful in
increasing families’ use of medical care and reducing hardship (Miller and
Riccio, 2011). Such grey areas pose serious difficulties for analysts in terms of
whether they can say with any degree of comprehensiveness that a policy has
seems an almost intractable issue, taking us even further away from the idea that
failure is defined by a clear and constant set of undesirable circumstances, ascer-
tained only at a fixed point in time.
Overall, therefore, understanding what constitutes policy failure is beset by a
series of methodological difficulties that seem to make the challenge insurmount-
able. However, I would argue that we can advance our understanding by embra-
cing its vagaries and recognising that ‘policy analysis in the real world’ (to
coin Hogwood and Gunn) does not need perfect answers to advance our under-
standing. Policy sciences, as a discipline, has always proceeded incrementally
(deLeon, 1988).
A policy fails, even if it is successful in some minimal respects, if it does not funda-
mentally achieve the goals that proponents set out to achieve, and opposition is great
and/or support is virtually non-existent.
There are several implications of this wording that require discussion, as well ana-
lytical issues that need built up from the definition. Doing so will also illustrate the
value in modifying McConnell’s work on success in order to help develop our
preparedness to enter the ‘maze’ of policy failure.
failure, depending on their core values and their view on the best means of achiev-
ing them through particular policy initiatives. Imagine a hypothetical example
where a government rescinds minimum statutory minimum wage levels, and puts
in place a new policy of non-intervention, leaving wage levels entirely to the laws of
supply and demand. The key goal is to ensure that wage levels are economically
sustainable for employers. One year later, against the wishes of employers, it back-
tracks are reintroduces statutory minimum wage requirements, albeit in a slightly
modified form. The reasons for the change are many, including the unpopularity of
the original policy and a looming national election. Did the government’s free
market policy fail? In all likelihood the government would have pragmatically
accept its policy as a failure, and the trade unions would also accept it as failure.
But it is likely that many employers would view outcomes as successful, because
they were able to pay to affordable ‘market’ rates. It is often the case that regardless
of the multiple facts and figures produced in relation to policy outcomes, differing
attributions of ‘failure’ (or success) will often depend on the extent to which a
policy is supported by an array of policy actors, which in turn depends on under-
lying values and what is considered to be the best means of achieving them. We
should not shy away from the realpolitik of differing views on policy outcomes but
the definition of failure given above can accommodate differing views. A policy
may abandoned and/or not achieve the goals that its proponents set out to achieve,
but we have the capacity analytically to separate outcomes from the extent or
support or otherwise for those outcomes.
Second, the definition goes beyond McConnell’s original definition by tempering
the implication that failure resides at the extreme end of a success–failure spectrum
where ‘failure’ is marked by an absolute non-achievement. In reality, even policies
that have become known as classic policy failures also produced small and even
quite modest successes. For example, the ill-fated Millennium Dome in London
attracted some six million visitors and an 84% satisfaction rating (King and Crewe,
2013: 123–124). By adding the words ‘even if it is successful in some minimal
respects’ we are able to grasp the reality that failure is rarely unequivocal and
absolute. Also, by introducing the words ‘does not fundamentally’ in relation to
the non-achievement of goals allows us to grasp that small pockets of success do
not detract from a policy failing to achieve goals. Of course commentators may
differ on what constitutes ‘fundamental’ but such differences are indicative of the
contested nature of failure and should be recognised rather than shunned as ‘unsci-
entific’. A similar issue arises with the matter of what constitutes circumstances
when ‘opposition is great and/or support is virtually non-existent’. There is no
scientific gauge that suddenly indicates ‘danger zones’ in terms of support and
indeed protagonists may still read the signs differently if there were. Rather, includ-
ing lack of support and opposition into a definition of policy failure allows us to
recognize that policy is not produced and implemented in a vacuum. Policies failing
fundamentally ‘on the ground’ may be kept alive by sufficiently strong coalitions of
support or terminated because of lack of support/opposition that makes continu-
ation politically unsustainable.
Third, the definition does not specifically mention the crucial issue of ‘time’, but
its ability to accommodate differing perspectives also allows it to cope with tem-
poral aspects of failure. The policy cycle/stages approach to understanding policy
has its weaknesses, but it nevertheless has value in helping us understand that
policy processes involve different activities such as problem definition, options
appraisal, decision making, implementation and evaluation. Assessments of poli-
cies may occur at any of these stages. Policy can fail ex ante in the process of policy
formation, for example by being withdrawn because of an assessment that it would
be too risky (Spain’s withdrawal of a bill that would have imposed stricter limits on
abortion), or defeated during legislative passage (Obama’s gun control legislation).
Or policy may fail at the crucial decision stage (Scottish First Minister Alex
Salmond’s failure to secure a ‘Yes’ vote in the referendum on independence). Or
policy may fail in an ex-post evaluation of implementation outcomes (Royal
Commission into the home insulation scheme in Australia). Failure may manifest
differently at multiple stages throughout the policy cycle but the common denomin-
ator – returning to the definition – is that government is unable to do what it set out
to do (e.g. failure to produce legislation, failure to obtain approval for a decision,
failure to achieve outcomes) and fails to garner the requisite support. Policy pro-
cesses are in perpetual states of evaluation, not only often informal but also formal
through means such as risks assessments, cost–benefit analysis, scenario plans and
post-hoc evaluation exercises. The ‘failure’ of policy is highly temporal in the sense
that there are variations in terms of when the assessment is conducted in the policy
cycle and the time period (past, present and future) that is being evaluated.
Policy as process
1. Preserving goals and Policy goals and instruments Preferred goals and instruments Government unable to produce
policy instruments preserved, despite minor proving controversial and difficult its desired policy goals and
failure to achieve goals. to preserve. Some revisions instruments.
2. Securing legitimacy Some challenges to legitimacy Difficult and contested issues sur- Policy process illegitimate.
but of little or no lasting rounding policy legitimacy, with
significance. some potential to taint the policy
in the long-term.
3. Building sustainable Coalition intact, despite some Coalition intact, although strong No building of a sustainable
coalition signs of disagreement. signs of disagreement and some coalition.
potential for fragmentation.
4. Attracting support for Opposition to process is low Opposition to process and support Opposition to process is virtually
process level and outweighed by are equally balanced. universal and/or support is
support. virtually non-existent
Policy as programme
5. Implementation in line Implementation objectives Mixed results, with some successes, Despite minor progress towards
with objectives broadly achieved, despite but accompanied by unexpected implementation as intended,
minor failures and and controversial failings. programme is beset by
Table 1. Continued
7. Benefitting target A few shortfalls and possibly Partial benefits realised, but not as Small benefits are accompanied
group(s) some anomalous cases, but widespread or deep as intended and overshadowed by damage
intended target group because of substantial failings. to the very group that was
broadly benefits. meant to benefit. Also likely
to generate high profile stor-
ies of unfairness and suffering.
8. Satisfying criteria highly Not quite the outcome Partial achievement of goals, but A few minor successes, but pla-
valued in policy domain desired, but despite flaws, accompanied by failures to gued by unwanted media
close enough to lay strong achieve, with possibility of high attention.
claim to fulfilling the profile examples.
9. Attracting support for Opposition to program aims, Opposition to program aims, values Opposition to program aims,
programme values and means of and means of achieving them is values and means of achieving
achieving them is stronger equally balanced with support for them outweighs small levels of
than anticipated, but easily same. support.
outweighed by support.
Policy as politics
10. Enhancing electoral Favourable to electoral pro- Policy obtains strong support and Despite small signs of benefit,
prospects/reputation spects and reputation opposition, working both for policy proves an overall
enhancement, despite against electoral prospects and electoral and reputational
Table 1. Continued
12. Promotion of govern- Some refinements needed Direction of government very Entire trajectory of government
ment’s desired but broad trajectory broadly in line with goals, but in danger of being
trajectory unimpeded. clear signs that the policy has compromised.
promoted some rethinking,
especially behind the scenes.
13. Providing political Opposition to political bene- Opposition to political benefits for Opposition to political benefits
benefits for fits for government is government is equally balanced for government outweighs
government stronger than anticipated, with support for same. small levels of support.
but outweighed by
Note: Original table, substantially adapted from McConnell (2010a) Tables 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3; McConnell (2010b): Tables 1, 2 and McConnell (2012).
and with ambitions for a ‘better society’, have been preoccupied with policy
making processes, focusing on factors ranging from problem definition and con-
sultation, to options appraisal and policy design (see e.g. Lasswell, 1956, 1971;
Lerner and Lasswell, 1951) as well as deeper political issues on the issue of who
holds power in policy formation processes (Bachrach and Baratz, 1970; Cobb and
Ross, 1997). During the policy making process, therefore, governments may fail to
achieve their intended goal of gaining authoritative approval for a particular policy
initiative. Process failure can be dissected further in order to help us grasp key
aspects of such failures, as well as providing us with standard criteria for assess-
ment. Therefore, policy making process failure can comprise of policymakers to
varying degrees being unable to fashion the type of policy they had hoped for,
being considered illegitimate in terms of the processes used, being unable to build a
sustainable coalition of support and attracting widespread criticism (and little or
no support) for the process itself.
Second, governments produce policies (here I call them programmes, simply to
avoid clashing with the broader phenomenon of policy failure). Such programmes,
designed to address goals and underpinned by assumptions about appropriate
levels of government intervention in society, may range from persuasive policy
instruments such as public information campaigns, to financial subsidies, incentives
and penalties, as well as the regulation of behaviour (Hood and Margetts, 2007;
Howlett, 2010). Programme failure can be characterised by varying degrees of
failure to be implemented as intended, achieve desired outcomes, benefit target
groups, meet criteria which are highly valued in that policy domain (e.g. efficiency
in public budgeting) and attract opposition to, and attract little or no support, for
either the policy goals and/or the means of achieving them.
Third, governments ‘do’ politics, because amid the multiple conflicts in society
over the making, shaping and enacting of public policies, they play powerful roles
in inter alia shaping debates, managing conflicts, attending to the business of gov-
erning and establishing visions. Public policies can shape and be shaped by politics,
from the careerism of public officials to the pursuit of ideologies. Governments,
therefore, can fail to achieve their intended political outcomes, with impacts includ-
ing reputational damage, out of control agendas, damage to core governance
values and opposition to any small political benefits that may remain.
Although the process, programmatic and political aspects of policies are inex-
tricably linked, it is useful to separate them analytically because doing so helps
develope our understanding of some of the internal tensions of policy failure, with
governments failing in some respects but not others. To explore this issue further,
we need to explore the relationship between success and failure.
Degrees of failure
We know already that success is not ‘all or nothing’. Failure can occur in some of
the three realms mentioned above but not others and/or can be a matter of degree,
as well as being interspersed with success(es). We cannot capture such complex and
Tolerable Failure (¼Resilient Success): Failure is tolerable when it does not funda-
mentally impede the attainment of goals that proponents set out to achieve, and
opposition is small and/or criticism is virtually non-existent. In essence, tolerable
failures are marginal features – a politically realistic ‘second best’ – of dominant
and resilient successful outcomes.
Conflicted Failure (¼Conflicted Success): Failures to achieve goals are fairly evenly
matched with attainment of goals, with strong criticism and strong defence in roughly
equal measure. In essence, conflicted failures are dogged by periodic controversy that
is never quite enough to act as a fatal blow to the policy, but insufficient to seriously
damage its defenders.
As indicated by the ‘art and craft’ argument, placing aspect of failure in these
categories should be considered something of an intellectual mapping exercise
involving judgement in order to get a sense of the forms, strengths and intercon-
nections of failure. Very few policies will fit neatly into the same category but the
weighing up what factors are/are not important, is part of the ‘art and craft’ of
present and retrospective) and at times preparing to ‘risk’ or tolerate one form of
failure (or its possibility) in pursuit of ‘success’ in another realm of policy (Althaus,
Political success vs. programme failure. Colloquially, this would refer to ‘good politics
but bad policy’. For example, government may succeed in perpetuating its govern-
ance ideas by initiating policy with a high placebo content, demonstrating that a
policy is in place to tackle a particular ‘wicked problem’, but which fails to actually
deliver on programme goals because of the complexity and intractability of prob-
lems with multiple individual, institutional and societal causes. Sharman (2011) in
his study of AML policies demonstrates precisely this issue, arguing that a diffusion
of westernised norms and policies in AML have spread rapidly, not because they
solve the problems of criminals abusing financial systems, but because weaker,
developing nations must appear modern and progressive in the face of inter-
national donor communities, the World Bank and the IMF. The small island of
Naura (pop. 11,000) has adopted state-of-the-art AML policies, despite having no
financial sector and no banks!
Despite the standard assumptions of media headlines and much academic analysis,
policy failures do not come neatly packaged with clear definitions. Policy failures
are intensely political because of conflict over whether a particular set of policy
outcomes constitutes failure, and what (if anything) caused failure in the first place.
The very messiness and ambiguities of policy failure create space for the
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