Task Area Concepts
Task Area Concepts
Task Area Concepts
New task-area
related lighting con-
cepts in accordance
with EN 12464 for
higher quality, greater
flexibility and impro-
ved efficiency.
L I G H T F O C U S E D O N V I S U A L TA S K S 3
Office work is uncommonly detail and brightness distribution given within the latest lighting planned in a holistic way and
varied. Communicating with play just as important a role as design recommendations in planning to requirements is
your team, advising customers, fostering a lively atmosphere such a way that vertically illumi- carried out in detail, there is
reading documents, writing and cutting operating and main- nated planes are considered in every likelihood that this will
bids on your PC or by hand on tenance costs. A wide variety addition to traditionally used result in lighting installations
paper – each of these activities of needs can be encountered in horizontal ones, while also inclu- related to task areas and their
places different requirements a single building or even on a ding aspects of dynamism, utili- associated visual tasks, also
on room lighting. Trend-setting single storey. Concepts that are sing intelligent lighting controls. taking factors such as con-
lighting solutions focus on the geared towards needs focus light According to Zumtobel Staff’s venience, flexibility, economic
diversity of activities and the on individual areas and, hence, TASK AREA concept, the room, efficiency and creative design
corresponding specific visual particular visual tasks. The TASK luminaire and lighting manage- into account.
tasks. Criteria such as reducing AREA concept goes one step ment system are seen as an
glare and reflections, shadow, further. It exploits the freedom integrated whole. If buildings are
Setting goals,
meeting requirements
Designing a lighting system The more precisely a TASK can be adjusted. This also
according to the areas in which AREA can be defined, the provides greater flexibility for
visual tasks are performed more accurately the amount implementing outstanding
opens up additional flexibility. and quality of the lighting lighting solutions.
TASK AREA concepts are more Modular axial flexibility office premises in recent years.
than just a response to current The wish to provide a property Demand for modularity in spe-
trends. They provide evidence with fittings suitable for both culative properties is even more
of these trends and offer inno- current and future requirements striking. Developers must expect
vative ways of implementation. has resulted in the trend towards tenants to change continuously
axis-based room design. Accor- and must rely on variable room
ding to a Gallup poll, 75 % of fittings and layouts. Modern
businesses have responded to systems enable and increase
changes in work processes by axial flexibility.
reorganising the layout of their
All-round glare control for these special requirements. Cutting operating costs
sloping TFT display screens In particular, the arrangement Over a building’s entire lifecycle,
New developments in telecom- of luminaires directly above the operating costs to the ten-
munications call for progressive workstations, dependent on nant are anything up to three
lighting concepts. Increasing room axis orientation, makes it times the original amount in-
numbers of laptops and orga- necessary to reduce luminance vested. This, in itself, is suffi-
nisers with steeply inclined dis- levels at steep angles in order cient reason to make sure, from
plays are now in use and a to minimise annoying reflections the outset, that operating costs
larger number of workstations on the screen. are given due consideration.
than ever must be ready to meet According to analyses carried
out by the Hypo Vereinsbank in
Austria, 15 to 20 % of the total
costs of a tennant are spent on
facility management. These
costs include the operation and
maintenance of lighting systems.
In addition, there will be increa-
sing pressure to categorize buil-
dings according to their energy
use. By making it possible to
concentrate on actual visual
tasks and by providing mainte-
nance-friendly luminaire systems,
TASK AREA concepts make it
possible to keep these costs
low. Efficiency can be further
boosted by the use of intelligent
lighting controls.
Surrounding area
Not only the visual task but almost no limits on design free-
also requirements in terms of dom. Wallwashers, spots, light
convenience and spatial effect – walls, uplights and downlights
in accordance with people’s provide a wealth of options for
needs – determine the lighting individual lighting solutions for
technology deployed in the corridors and break-out areas.
surrounding area. There are
Tailor-made luminaire concepts
for task-area related lighting design
Cluster luminaires
• Maximum focus
• Fully flexible arrangement of
workstations thanks to micro-
pyramidal optic (MPO) with
all-round glare control
• Luminaires are closed and
therefore maintenance-friendly
• High light output, low energy
• Architecturally unobtrusive
Task-area related ID
pendant luminaires
Light sail
intervals thanks to
constant illuminance cuts higher illuminance
energy consumption levels
Maintenance intervals
Automatic illuminance control can be prolonged by
over-dimensioning the
is also an element within the system. Up until now,
task area concept. International increased energy con-
sumption made it un-
standards specify levels of illu- advisable to do this.
mination which must be maintai- LUXMATE Flexis with
Maintenance Control
ned. Since the light produced keeps the amount of
by a luminaire varies over time light constant at the
required level and sur-
(due to build up of dirt on reflec- plus capacity is auto-
Maintenance interval
tive surfaces and reduction of matically dimmed.
lamp output), higher light levels Illuminance in accordance with age and soiling of influence
need to be installed initially to factors (lamps, luminaires, room)
later on. However, it makes bad Energy savings by dimming surplus capacity
Individual TASK AREA with LIGHT FIELDS free-standing luminaire 3/80 W TC-L
• One of the favourite TASK AREA strip concepts
5 that are geared towards the axes of the building
• All-rounder with very high performance potential
Technology/ 3
Architecture 2
Flexibility when compared against all assessment criteria
1 • Very high potential benefit thanks to automatic
dimming of initially over-dimensioned systems
Strip TASK AREA with FREELINE ID louvre luminaires 2 x 2/24 W + 1/80 W T16
Room-related lighting concept with MIREL louvre luminaires FEC 2/35 W T16
Basis of calculation Comparison of dimmable concepts Summary for a 15-year analysis period
TASK AREA 500 lx • Photometric criteria: uniformity, • Operating and maintenance costs are a crucial
Surrounding area 300 lx control of direct glare and reflec- factor and, in most cases, actually exceed
tions, utilisation factors investment costs.
• Width, room axis 1.6 m • Flexibility: layout and alignment of • Every lighting concept has its own performance
• Total room width 12.8 m (8 room axes) workstations, axial flexibility profile that may result in preference being given
• Room depth 4.8 or 5.6 m • Visual comfort for employees: to it, depending on project-specific priorities.
• 6 workstations impression of space, balance, • Factors such as convenience, flexibility and
• System service life 15 years shadow detail innovation are difficult to quantify. These criteria
• Operating hours 2000/year • Cost-effectiveness: investment, are overlooked if a system is assessed exclusively
• Cost of contractor € 40/hr. energy consumption, maintenance in terms of investment costs.
• Cost of cleaning luminaire € 4 to 8 cycle
• Cost of cleaning room (painter) € 5/m2 • Technology/architecture: technolo-
• Cost of electricity € 0.0575/kWh, gical and design progress, building
standing charge tariff € 57/kW integration, functionality, ACTIVE
LIGHT capability
C O M PA R I S O N O F S C E N A R I O S 15
Em [lx]
Total maintenance
Em [lx]
Luminaire cleaning
Total maintenance
Luminaire cleaning
Total maintenance
Luminaire cleaning
Total maintenance
Luminaire cleaning
Em [lx]
Luminaire cleaning
Total maintenance
Luminaire cleaning
Em [lx]
Luminaire cleaning
Luminaire cleaning
Total maintenance
Luminaire cleaning
Luminaire cleaning
Total maintenance
Em [lx]
Luminaire cleaning
Luminaire cleaning
Total maintenance
Luminaire cleaning
Luminaire cleaning
Luminaire cleaning
Total maintenance: cleaning of luminaires and room surfaces, replacement of light Energy savings of up to 60 % for all luminaire types are one good reason to invest
sources (based on IEC Publication 97) in the LUXMATE lighting management system.
Standards and quality criteria
lighting design fundamentals
The EN 12464 standard is The following maintenance illuminances (excerpt from EN 12464-1 “Light Additional quality criteria:
and lighting. Lighting of work places Part 1: Indoor work places”) apply for
changing old design habits. It essential office visual tasks: • Well-balanced luminance
allows designers greater freedom distribution in the visual field
and, above all, dictates that Nature of room, visual task or activity Ē m UGR L Ra ensures visual performance
lighting must be delivered in the Filing, copying, circulation areas etc. 300 19 80 and visual comfort. This
location where people have to Writing, reading, data processing 500 19 80 means that great importance
Technical drawing 750 16 80
perform their visual tasks. At CAD workstations 500 19 80 is attached to visible vertical
the same time, it specifies com- Conference and discussion rooms 500 19 80 surfaces and how they are lit.
Reception area 300 22 80
prehensive quality criteria for Archives 200 25 80 • Glare control at workstations
a good lighting solution. must never exceed the UGR
Ē m = Maintenance illuminance
UGR L = Unified glare rating limit of 19 in order to prevent
EN 12464 introduces the con- Ra = Lower limit for colour rendition index annoyance due to direct glare
cept of the “visual task area” caused by luminaires.
where photometric quality • At visual display terminals,
criteria must be met. This area This means that the new stand- the adjacent circulation area. luminance levels on surfaces
is any surface on which visual ard differs from the old approach Zumtobel Staff recommends that could be reflected on the
tasks are performed and can be in which the design objective compliance with quality criteria screen must not be too high.
horizontal, vertical or inclined. was to achieve average illumi- within this task area (see also For luminaires, a mean lumi-
A maintenance illuminance of nance throughout the room. In BGI 856 “Office Lighting”, an nance of 1000 cd/m 2 must not
0.7 and uniformity (the mini- the surrounding area where visual informative brochure published be exceeded above 65° to the
mum-to-mean illuminance ratio tasks are performed less often, by organisations in charge of downward vertical.
in the area of the visual task) illuminance can drop down to accident insurance and lighting
must be adhered to. 300 lux. In offices, areas where companies in Germany, Austria
visual tasks are performed and Switzerland).
essentially include the desk and
Luminaire & room cleaning
Luminaire cleaning
Individual visual
display terminals
Screen-based work 500 g 1=0,6
Room-related lighting
A N D C U LT U R E CARE Corporate goal: We want to use light
to create worlds of experience, make
work easier and improve communica-
tions and safety while remaining fully
aware of our responsibility to the envi-
United Kingdom Sweden
Zumtobel Staff Lighting Ltd. Zumtobel Staff AB
Unit 4 - The Argent Centre, Norr Mälarstrand 8
Track and spots
Pump Lane 11220 Stockholm
Hayes/Middlesex UB3 3BL Tel: +46/(0)8/6511480
Tel. +44/(0)20 8589 1800 Fax: +46/(0)8/265605
Surface-mounted and pendant luminaires www.zumtobelstaff.ca Zumtobel Staff GmbH & Co. KG
Grevenmarschstr. 74-78
Australia and New Zealand D-32657 Lemgo, GERMANY
Zumtobel Staff (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Tel. +49/(0)5261/2 12-0
Wallwashers 2 Wella Way Fax +49/(0)5261/2 12-7777
Somersby, NSW 2250 www.zumtobelstaff.de
Tel. +61/(2)4340 3200
Fax +61/(2)4340 2108 www.zumtobelstaff.com
LED, task, wall and uplights
Email: info@zumtobelstaff.com.au
Lighting Controls
Emergency lighting
Art.-No. 04 797 516-UK 10/04 © Zumtobel Staff
Technical data was correct at time of going to press.
We reserve the right to make technical changes without notice.
Please contact your local sales office for further information.
Medical supply systems Printed on environmentally-friendly chlorine-free paper. Printed on Consort Royal.
New task-area
related lighting con-
cepts in accordance
with EN 12464 for
higher quality, greater
flexibility and impro-
ved efficiency.