1byone Products Inc. 2313 E, Philadelphia Street, Unit M, Ontario, CA 91761
1byone Products Inc. 2313 E, Philadelphia Street, Unit M, Ontario, CA 91761
1byone Products Inc. 2313 E, Philadelphia Street, Unit M, Ontario, CA 91761
2. Parts Name: 8
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Parameters: a) Insert a screwdriver into the small access port
at the bottom of the push button and
Voltage of receiver DC 3V (2 x AA batteries)
remove the push button’s back cover.
Voltage of push button DC 3V (CR2032 battery)
b) Insert the 3V battery (type CR2032) into the
Frequency 433.92MHz+100KHz battery compartment, making sure the
Operating range 100m/300ft (without obstacles) battery surface marked with a “+” is facing
Power consumption: Receiver: <0.3W upwards.
Push button: <10mA c) Reinsert the back cover, making sure it is
Receiver’s ring volume Over 85dB within 0.5m/1.64ft securely closed to ensure IP protection.
Working temperature -20℃~50℃
3. Power Supply: If the performance of the push button deteriorates
Receiver: The receiver is powered by 2 x AA or completely stops, the battery might be
batteries. Please insert the batteries using the exhausted. Please replace with another 3V type
following procedure: CR2032 battery.
a) Press the buckle on the battery compartment
cover and remove the battery compartment Weak batteries can greatly reduce the ringtone
cover at the back of the receiver. volume of the receiver, please change the
b) Insert the 2 x AA batteries using the correct batteries very 8-10 months.
polarity to eliminate the danger of fire.
c) Reattach the battery compartment cover. 4. Operation:
A. Selecting the notification mode:
Push button: The push button is powered by a 3V The doorbell receiver can notify after the push
battery (Type: CR2032). Please insert the battery button has been pressed by playing a ringing
using the following procedure: sound, flashing an LED, or ringing and flashing
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an LED at the same time. These are referred to as Up to 5 push buttons can be paired with one
Sound, Flash, and Sound+ Flash mode. receiver. You can also extend the wireless
To select the notification mode, switch the doorbell system with any number of receivers.
sound and flash switch to the one of the This is only possible if the push button and
following positions: receiver are working on the same frequency.
Pair additional push buttons/receivers using the
Sound only mode Flash only mode same pairing process as described below:
Sound +Flash mode The following pairing instructions are relevant
to receiver (SKU: O00QH-0504) and push button
B. Selecting the ringtone: (SKU: O00QH-0503).
There are 36 programmable ringtones for
selection. Press the Pairing button on the back of the
Press the Ringtone selector button to receiver. Next press the push button. If pairing is
change the ringtone. successful, the receiver should ring. It normally
Stop pressing this button when you have takes about 10 seconds for the push button and
reached the desired ringtone. receiver to pair. If there is no pairing within 10
seconds, the receiver will exit the pairing mode.
C. Adjusting ringtone volume: Please try pairing again.
Press the Volume button 1/2/3 until the desired E. Re-pairing function:
volume is set. There are 3 volume levels for If a receiver starts ringing even when the push
selection. button hasn’t been pressed, or a push button
interferes with other receivers, it may be
D. Pairing additional push buttons/receivers to the necessary to wipe the current pairings and pair
doorbell system: again.
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To reset the push buttons, you need to cut off usually close to your outside door.
the power supply for the receiver and push Stick the push button to the wall using the
button. included double-sided adhesive.
Remove the batteries from the push button and b. By screws:
receiver. Then re-insert the batteries after 30 ・Select a suitable location for the doorbell,
seconds. You can now pair the wanted push usually close to your outside door.
buttons. ・Pierce the two pre-stamped holes (A) on the
inner side of the back cover with a pointed
5. Installation: object. Drill holes on the wall. Next push the
Receiver: The receiver can be mounted on a wall wall plugs into the drilled holes and screw the
or just put in a flat place. back cover onto the wall with screws.
・Push the front cover onto the back cover and
To be mounted on a wall: making sure it is securely closed to ensure IP
Select a suitable location for the doorbell, usually protection.
close to your outside door.
Drill holes on the wall. Next push the wall plugs
into the drilled holes and then insert the screws
into the wall plugs. Finally, mount the receivers
with screw. A
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Notes: c. Install the name plate:
・The push button and receiver can connect with Remove the transparent cover from the push
a range up to 100m/300ft without any button.
obstacles. Then write your name or room number on a
・The push button’s transmitting frequency is small paper (size: 2.3cm/0.9in x 2.0cm/0.8in).
433MHz and its range can be affected by metal Next, put the small paper into the transparent
,walls, concretes, and interfering signals from cover and then put back the transparent cover
other electronic appliances with the same on the push button.
frequency including televisions, radios, and
cookers. Note:
・Please do not install the push button and If you make the name plate by hand, be sure to
receiver near to the above mentioned use a waterproof pen.
electronic appliances.
・Please test the operating range of the receiver 6. Trouble Shooting:
and push button in your home before a. The receiver rings without the push button
installation. being pressed.
・Do not install the push button and receiver near The receiver may be matched on the same
any source of naked flames such as lighted frequency with nearby push buttons. You should
candles. wipe the pairing and re-pair your push button(s).
・Do not expose the push button and receiver to
direct sunlight or high temperatures, otherwise b. There is no ring/LED flash when the push button
overheating may cause them irreparably is pressed.
damaged. ・Check whether the battery (CR2032) is
inserted into the push button.
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・Check whether the batteries (2 x AA) are ・Remove the batteries from the receiver and
inserted into the receiver. push button if the doorbell system is not to
・Pair the receiver and push button again. be used for an extended period of time.
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Disposal of batteries
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