Seaa2112 Course Inform4ttation

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School/ Civil Engineering / Engineering Page: 1 of 5

Programme Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) Academic Session/Semester: 201819/1

Course Code: SKAB2112 Pre/co requisite (course name N.A.

Course Name: Civil Engineering Materials and code, if applicable):

Credit hours: 2

Course synopsis This course is designed for students to understand the different types of construction
materials used in civil engineering. It will emphasize on types, properties, and function
of cement, aggregates, water, admixtures in concrete; properties of fresh and hardened
concrete, concrete mix design method, manufacturing concrete on site; test of hardened
concrete; timber - properties, characteristics, manufacturing, and applications, masonry
- types and characteristics of brick and block, mortar in masonry work, ferrous and non-
ferrous metal, and other latest materials in construction industry. At the end of the
course students should be able to describe, identify and discuss the properties and
behaviour of different types of civil engineering materials together with the selection of
the right materials for applications in practice.

Course coordinator (if Dr. Mohd Azreen Mohd Ariffin


Course lecturer(s) Name Office Contact no. E-mail

A.P. Dr. Abdul Rahman Mohd M46-353 Ext 31601
Dr. Abdullah Zawawi Awang M50-02- Ext 31589
Dr. Mohd Azreen Mohd Ariffin M46-229 Ext 31596
Dr. Nor Hasanah Abdul Shukor C09-218 Ext 31638

Prepared by: Certified by:

Name: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ismail, A.P. Name: Dr. Abdullah Zawawi Awang
Dr. Abdul Rahman Mohd Sam, Dr.
Mohd Azreen Mohd Ariffin, Dr Nor Signature:
Hasanah Abdul Shukor Lim Date:

School/ Civil Engineering / Engineering Page: 2 of 5
Programme Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) Academic Session/Semester: 201819/1

Course Code: SKAB2112 Pre/co requisite (course name N.A.

Course Name: Civil Engineering Materials and code, if applicable):

Credit hours: 2

Mapping of the Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to the Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO), Teaching & Learning (T&L)
methods and Assessment methods:

*Taxonomies WP, EA T&L ***Assessment

PLO Weight
No. CLO and & WK methods methods
(CODE) (%)
**generic skills
Discuss the basic properties Lecture,
of materials in civil active
CLO1 engineering and explain C2 learning T,F
various types of materials
Analyze and differentiate WP1, Lecture,
various types of materials, PLO1 90 EA1, active
testing and problems in (KW) WK3 learning
Choose and justify the right Lecture,
type of materials to be used PLO1 active
for different application in (KW) learning
construction practice
Acquire information to Self
develop understanding directed
related to current learning
CLO4 construction materials 10 C5, P5, LL1, LL2 - A
development and technology
by integrating sustainable
Refer *Taxonomies of Learning and **UTM’s Graduate Attributes, where applicable for measurement of outcomes
***T – Test; Q – Quiz; HW – Homework; PR – Project; Pr – Presentation; F – Final Exam etc.

Details on Innovative T&L practices:

No. Type Implementation
1. Active learning Conducted through in-class activities
2. Self-directed learning Non-face-to-face learning or student-centered learning (SCL) such as manual,
assignment, module, e-Learning, etc., revision and assessment preparations
School/ Civil Engineering / Engineering Page: 3 of 5
Programme Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) Academic Session/Semester: 201819/1

Course Code: SKAB2112 Pre/co requisite (course name N.A.

Course Name: Civil Engineering Materials and code, if applicable):

Credit hours: 2

Weekly Schedule:
Week 1 Introduction, cement manufacturing process
Types of cement, chemical composition

Week 2 Hydration of cement, testing of cement

Types of aggregates, physical and mechanical characteristics of aggregates

Week 3 Size distribution and testing of aggregates

Water in concrete, Types of chemical admixtures

Week 4 Types of pozzolanic admixtures

Water-cement ratio and its effect in concrete

Week 5 Workability, test of fresh concrete

Segregation and bleeding in concrete

Week 6 Concrete on site- methods of production

Concrete strength and grade

Week 7 Concrete proportions-standard, nominal, mix design (DoE method)

Hardened concrete tests- destructive and nondestructive


Week 9 Timber- classification, its structure and moisture content
Types of strength, factors affecting the strength of timber

Week 10 Defects in timber and its causes, seasoning and wood preservative,
Timber products and their use
Types of bricks, blocks and their use

Week 11 Manufacturing and types of clay bricks

Characteristics and testing of bricks

Week 12 Mortar for brickwork

Ferrous metal – iron and steel

Week 13 Types and application of steel in construction


Week 14 Non-ferrous metal- types, characteristics

Use of non-ferrous metal in construction
School/ Civil Engineering / Engineering Page: 4 of 5
Programme Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) Academic Session/Semester: 201819/1

Course Code: SKAB2112 Pre/co requisite (course name N.A.

Course Name: Civil Engineering Materials and code, if applicable):

Credit hours: 2

Week 15 Latest construction materials- polymer, glass composite material, cement based products

Transferable skills (generic skills learned in course of study which can be useful and utilised in other settings):
Team working
Written communication

Student learning time (SLT) details:

Distribution Teaching and Learning Activities
of student TOTAL
Learning SLT
Time (SLT) Guided Learning Guided Learning Independent Learning
Course (Face to Face) Non-Face to Face Non-Face to face

CLO 2 28h 10h
CLO 4 8h
Total SLT 28 18h 30h 76h
Student learning time (SLT) details:
L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, O: Others

Continuous Assessment PLO Percentage Total SLT

1 Test 1 KW 15 1h
2 Test 2 KW 15 1h
3 Assignment 1 CS 10 as in CLO4
4 Assignment 2 CS 10 as in CLO4
Final Assessment Percentage Total SLT
1 Final Examination KW 50 2h
Grand Total 100 80h
L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, O: Others

Special requirement to deliver the course (e.g: software, nursery, computer lab, simulation room):
School/ Civil Engineering / Engineering Page: 5 of 5
Programme Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) Academic Session/Semester: 201819/1

Course Code: SKAB2112 Pre/co requisite (course name N.A.

Course Name: Civil Engineering Materials and code, if applicable):

Credit hours: 2

Learning resources:
Main references
1. Abdul Rahman Mohd.Sam, KONKRIT, UTMPress, 2017
2. Neville A. M., and Brooks J. J., Concrete Technology, Longman, 1990
3. Somayaji, S., Civil Engineering Materials, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 2001
4. Herubbin C. A., and Marotta T. W., Basic Construction Materials, Prentice Hall, 1987
5. Derucher, K. N.; Korfiatis, G. P.; and Ezeldin, A. S., Materials for Civil & Highway Engineers, Fourth Edition,
Prentice Hall, 1998

Academic honesty and plagiarism: (Below is just a sample)

Assignments are individual tasks and group activities. Copying of work (texts, simulation results etc.) from other
students/groups or from other sources is not allowed. Brief quotations are allowed and then only if indicated as such.
Existing texts should be reformulated with your own words used to explain what you have read. It is not acceptable
to retype existing texts and just acknowledge the source as a reference. Be warned: students who submit copied
work will obtain a mark of zero for the assignment and disciplinary steps may be taken by the Faculty. It is also
unacceptable to do somebody else’s work, to lend your work to them or to make your work available to them to

Other additional information (Course policy, any specific instruction etc.):

1. Student must attend the class not less than 80% of lecture hours as required for the subject.
2. The student will be prohibited from attending any lecture and assessment activities upon failure to comply
with the above requirement. Zero mark will be given to the subject.

All teaching and learning materials associated with this course are for personal use only. The materials are intended
for educational purposes only. Reproduction of the materials in any form for any purposes other than what it is
intended for is prohibited.
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information supplied herein, Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.

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